T f- - THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1910 EVENING EDITION. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. J. W. INGRAM, Physician nnd Surgeon! Offlce 208-200 Coos Rullddax Phones Office CZ1; Residence 1622 TALK TO THE PEOPLE When Their Minds Are Receptive Talk to them In tho evening after they hnvo cast asldo tho car of tho day. For this purposo .Electric Advertising Is Irresistible Measured by results Electric Advertising Is tho cheapest of t forms of advertising. Our Electric Advertising propositions aro attractive to tho morchnnt whobolonga with tho llvo ones. J W. DENNETT, Lawyer. , COUNT1! SEAT NEWS. Notes of Coqiiillc CHy Published In the Herald. ' BANDOX NEWS. MYRTLE POINT NOTES. omco over Flanagan & Bennett Bank Marshneld, Orogon. Happening nt City ly the Sen Reported In tho Recorder. News of tho District ns Reported , in tho Enterprise. TYM. S. TURPEN, VV Architect. fis t Mr. and Mrs. John McVay returned from thblr trip to California last -week. Oaptnln M. P. Pondergraas of Marshflqld spent several days In Co qulllo last week. Mrs. E. M. Hermann and daugh tcr, Mrs. Gus Dclt2, of Myrtlo Point, -returned from a trip to tho bay. Miss Laura Dlmmlck of Coqullle was an ovor 8unday visitor In this City. Dr. Endlcott, tho dentist, started yesterday for a trip to San Francisco to bo nbscnt for a week or ten days. Mr. and Mrs. J. It. McGco of Rlv orton woro Coqulllo visitors Thurs day. J. C. Varnoy wont to Illvcrton Frl Wny to sco his daughter, Mrs. J. Xlwood. , 8. P. 8wcnrlngcn of Ilandon, who had recently returned from n trip 1o California, won n Coqulllo visitor on Saturday. Mrs. W. 8. Jess was taken to tho Tiny by her husband for treatment, having been taken 111 a few days ago Joseph Dobbins, who Is nt prosonl snaking his homo with M. M, Dob 1)1 ns of Lnmpn, returned tho last of tho week from a trln through California. R. 0. Dement of Myrtle Point turned tho last of tho week front his COO-acro tract near Portland. Mrs. J. 11. Pointer nnd Mrs. Howo of this city wont to Ilandon Tiiosdn and had n day on tho beach. A flno baby daughter wan born to Mr. and Mrs. Warren Llttloflcld Sun day. Miss Ray Collier of Coqulllo was a Bandon visitor tho first of tho week. John Strong of Myrtlo Point, dep uty master of tho Grange, wbb In Dandon Saturday and visited tho lo cal Grange. Peto Mlrrasoul of Marshflcld was over to Dandon this wcok calling on friends. Miss Delia King has purchased tho Gibson restaurant, opposlto tho post- offlco nnd has taken possession of tho samo. Fishermen report that tho fish nro not coming In ns fast as they should slnco tho rain, owing to tho very heavy sea outside Miss Roo Carey returned on tho Fiflcld from Eureka, Cal., whoro she hnd been visiting her sister for somo tlmo. Sam Hlncs. who wns formerly n Dandon business man nnd booster, has returned to this city and Is now putting up n building for n restau rant on First street. A. Knopp nnd son, J. Warren Knopp, nnd Willis Coy, roturnod Sat urday evening from an extended hunting trip In Curry county. They woro down In tho Iron Mountain district. Mr. Knopp reports that they got five bears nnd plonty of dcor. J. D. Mills, tho gcnlnl mnnngcr of tho Hotel Gnlllcr, wont OTer to Mnrshflcld Inst week to moot Mrs. Mills, who nrrlved from 8t. Paul, Minn., by wny of Drain. Mr. and Mrs.sMllls roturnod to Dnndon Fri day, whoro tlioy expect to mnko their A numbor of the local musicians have plans under wny for forming a band hero. Mrs. 8. D. Pulford returned last Saturday from a ten days' visit with relatives and friends at and near Roseburg. C. E. Droadbcnt has returned from a business trip to Portland, Seattle, Tacoma and other points north. Henry Knight, who has been work ing at tho Pructt logging camp dur ing tho summer, hnn moved his fam ily back to Myrtlo Point for tho win-tor. N. 0. W. Perkins has bought from A. E. Dodgo tho house nnd lot thnt stands In front of tho purchaser's ncrongo property on Fourth street. Stnto Deputy J. W. Simmons of tho Modern Woodmen of America Is expected hero from Portland to meet with tho local lodge of thnt order. Noah Donewltz, who has been camping during tho summer nt Dan don, whero ho hns been employed In tho logging business, hns brought his wlfo nnd children to Myrtlo Point for tho winter nnd will return hero himself in n fow webks. Over Chamber of Commerce LADIES Let ub clean, dyo or press that dress or garment and make it as good as now. Experienced men do tho work for us. Wo guarantee our work to bo satisfactory. Consult us and wo will glacUy toll you what can be dono nnd tho cost of It. Give us a trial order. Phono us nnd wo will send for and deliver your suit promptly. Men's suits also cleaned, pressed nd repaired. Rates reasonable. Mnrehflchl Cleaning nnd Dyo Works, A now Business Department Representative will call at a hint ' thnt you want him. Ho wlU tell .you all about tho latest and cleverest Electric .Advertising and how Uttlo it costs. ' l i THE COOS BAY"" GAS AND . ELECTRIC CO; TELEPHONE 17U. ' hono 270X. 18G So. Brondwny. THP 1 1 OYn MsMhndtl'n popular Family inn mum noll A mrnltllte rcir ndclcnn. Velvet and AxmlnMcr rarpou In very room. Four plorlc of toilet comfort Unlet reduced to: dr,Mc,7.V and 11.00; week, 3 Ou to JVOO. Alio 11 few tinuf(krcilnft opart nentiulth can raiiKCt, 112.00 per month Free Ml hi. Take tmit at depot, Mil. Ilrlilgri. Plop Frank Oullllnms, who formerly conducted n shootlnir cnllerv In this f 11 turn immo city, wns over from Sumner Frldnyl Miss Wlnnlfred McNnlr has been after tho gallery fixtures. employed by tho Dandon school board to teach tho overflow of tho Glonn Collier and family, who hnvo, first nnd second grades, nnd begun lived In tho town for sovornl mouths, her work Wednesday. This mak past, moved to tho H, J. Colllor twelve regulnr teachers In tho Ban tam four mles down tho rlvpr this don schools, nnd tho regWtratlon has Another Improvement going for ward in tho southeastern pnrt of town Is tho now homo of Win, Chandler, which Is now woll undor wny. It occupies a prominent sltont tho bend In tho stngo road and will bo nn Im provement to bo noticed by travelers. Den McMulIcn's houso Is well undor wny and thnt of L. B. Fotter Is bo Ing finished. u-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a---- a week. Mrs. Wilbur Hnytor, who Is up Jrom California on n visit with rela tives nnd friends, spent n tiny or no with Mrs. R. 8. Knowlton In t elty Inst wcok. Mr. ond Mrs. E. A. Wllllnms Catching Slough enmo over last week nnd nttendod tho funeral of R. J. Dcnn, which look plnco nt Norway on Friday. Mr. Denn nnd Mr. Wllllnms were cousins. Mrs, Levi Snider of Portland nr rlved hero this week to see her mother, Mrs. J. F. Schroedor, who nuffored n stroko of parallels a week ago, nnd who is still vory ill. Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Hathaway and their son, Georgo, and his wlfo nn her slstor moved In from Garfield Wash., Saturday, coming by wngon Jind teams nnd bringing tholr cow's. They proceeded to Mr. Ilnthnwny'H Tlaco down tho rlvor threa miles, known ns tho Strang place, GOLD REACH NOTE.1?. Increased until now It Is ZiO-irly four hundred. MIbb Mntllo A. Gllmoro of Port lnnd, nccompnulcd by hor daughter, Miss Agues Tuppor of t'o.'iullle, ws n Dandon visitor Siuid;i- between boats. Mr. and Mr Kcunuth P01 klni drovo In from Two-Mile to meet her. Mrs. Gllmore Mar-.l Monday for her homo In Pot).:iJ. Pupils of Myrtlo Point high school nro congratulating themselves on tho ,fnct thnt n movement Is undor wny to purchase 11 flno piano for uso In thnt room. A fund that has been accum ulating for somo yenra from school entcrtnlnmonts will form tho bnsls of tho purchaso prlco nnd Is to bo sup plemented by receipts from future. entertainments. Mr. J. l.nndls, who has u..cn In tho employ of tho gov-nmout kvp dotlo survey department for tho past twelve yenra, Is nt pr-mutt In this city, having como from Smith river, whoro ho has been for th'i p.ts. two years. Ho leaves shor'ly fir FloiJuii, returning next Mny $100 Reward, $100 Tho rf nilr r 1 1 tht !'' llll pleated to learn that llirreWnt lean one dreaded dlicare thai K'ltmc'ha. Uen ahlotoruro In all II nce,and that la Calami. Haifa Catarrh Cure l thi' only Mmecnre now known to the tneillenl (puerility Calami helm a con ntltutlonnl rilM'Atc. rcintreii a conatltiitlonal ireatmeiil 1111, Catanh litre la taken Inter nal y, aetlni! illrnt ly tun thn Mood and inn coiu nirlacK n( tint tem. 1 hereby ilolroyliiR the foundation of the dictate, and uhliiKlhe pa lent ktrravlh fn ImlldliiK up the Miiintltu tlon and anlellnR nature In doing It work. Hie proprletou hav 10 much faith In fit eur. atlo lameri that they i ffer One Hundred Dol lr fur any ran. that It fall to cure. Pen4 for lit of tetllraimla a K J I'BENUY ACO Toledo, 0. Kold hy all l)nKBlt. 7V. Take Halla' rumlly PlllHorconilfpatlon Old papers for salo nt Tho Times office. TS't'HB of Curry County ns Reiwrtttl In the Globe. D. M. Mooro moved his family Into his now residence InBt week. Mr Koler, son-in-law of H. C. Har rison, is now camped at Hunter's creek, engaged with his tenm hauling gravel on tho road. Ed I.nwronce of Pistol river and his family nro camped nt Rlloy creok whllo ho will haul gravel on thnt road. It Is reported that Mr. and Mrs. J. G Walker will glvo up tho Bay View hotol nt Wedderburn, nnd tho management will ho turnod over to Mrs. Alice Zumwalt. The Osprey, with Captain Caugholl In couimnnd, made it trip to Coos Day Inst week, bringing a load of salt nnd merchandise for tho Hume store nt Wedderburn. J M. Woodworth hns laid tho keel for a now gnsollno launch. Tho boat will bo built on about tho samo model I ns tho Grayling nnd will bo used : on tho upper rlvor. M R. Smith, R. Pnsklns nnd E. L. Thomas aro rushing work on Smith's now building, finishing up tho upper floor. convortliiE it into a. school Toom for tho higher' branches of tho j xrlnter school. la NOTHING LIKE Self Satisfaction Friend Bros' SUITS Always Produce the DESIRED EFFECT FR.OM $12.00 to $25.00 The FIXUP For Strictly Fresh Butter Sterilized Cream Sterilized Milk Butter Milk Bean-Pot Cheese and Ice Coos Bay Ice & Cold Storage FREE DELIVERIES 8 A. M. nnd 2 P. Phono 7.1-J. M. t a t n a i a. a i t a i i a i a i a a i a i t n i STATEMENT OP CONDITION OP TIIJJ First Trust and Savings Bank OP COOS BAY, MARSHPELD, ORE., SEPT-! 1, lOio. RESOURCE8. LIABILITIES. Loans and discounts . . . .?izb,tit.ut 'i mug plu in. . .f 100,000.01 Overdrafts 254.86 Bonds and securities .... 20.990. 16 Banking house, furntturo nnd fixtures 5C,Si0.50 Cash on hand and duo from banks 82.86S.C1 surplus and undivided Prom 8.99ML DPa,t .... 186.6t5.lo ToUl ..1293,651.01 ToUl :..?.... 1293,661.01 Wo Invito your nttcntlon to tho rtrong condition of this bank at shown by tho sworn sattoment, to-wlt: Cash Reserve Rcscrvo required by law.- 43 por cent of deposits,' IB por cent of deposits. Rcscrvo la oxcess of legal requirement. j....;,28 per cont of deposit). OFFICER) AM) DIRECTORS OHN 8. COKE, President, JOllN F.HAL, HENRY 8ENG8TACKEN. STEPHEN C. ROGERS, DOKSEY- KREITZEn, Cashier. W. 8. CHANDLER, WILLIAM GRIMES, DR. O. W. TOWER, M. C. HORTON, Vlco Presldont and Manager. DOES A GENERAL RANKING AN l TRUST BUSINESS. YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED. - 4 --a-8-8-B-tt-a-x-tt-a-8--a ! Fire Insurance I ropresont tho beat companies and glvo tho lowest rates. It will pay you to see mo beforo you renew thnt policy. AUGUST FRIZEE.V, CS Central Ave. Mnrshflold, Oro. FOR CAREFUL CLEANING Ladles should bring their Dresses, Wrnps or Gloves to us. Satisfac tion guaranteed. COOS RAY TAILORING CO., J. W. Josophson, Mgr. 180 South Rroaduny, Mnndiflcld. a i a i a i ? " THE FIRST NATIONALBANK OF COOS BAY STRICTLY A COMMERCIAL RANK. Wells Fargo Nevada National Raok, Baa Francisco, Cat The United Slates National Bank, Portland, Or. Tho National Park Bank, Now -York, X. T. The Corn Exchange National Bank, Chicago, 111. The Bank of Scotland, London, England. The Credit Lyonnals, Paris, Prance. In addition wo draw drafts on all principal banking eentsrs In Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, China, Japan, North, Central and South America. Personal and commercial accounU kepraubject to cheek. Certificates of Deposits Issued. Safe Doposlt'Boxcs for rent. Draws Drafts . oa ir ID IR Irf ii hi in :i. ii n ii n BREAKWATER HOTEL, Front St., Mnrshflcld, Ore., UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Has been thoroughly renovated and newly furnished. Rooms reason able, by day, week or month, Mrs. J. H. O'DONNELL, Prop. 1 FLANAGAN &. BENNETT BANK .MAU3HF1ELD, OREGON. Oldet Rank In Coos County, Established In 1880. Pnld up Cnpltnl nnd Surplus. R0,000.00. Assets Over Half Million Dollars. Does a general banking business and draws drafts on the Bank of California, 8an Francisco, Cal.; Hanover National Bank, N. Y.i First National Bank, Portland, Ore.; First National Bank, Rose burg, Ore.; Tho London Joint stock Bank, Ltd., London, England. Also sells exchange ou all of the nrlnclnal cities of Europe. Individual and corporation accounts kept subject to check, Ba( L, ueposu iock uoxea tor rem. , . . OFFICERS: t ' "ENN'KTT. President. R. V. WILLIAMS, Cashier. kS' V-Pwn. CEO. E. WINCHESTER. A-eC Cash, INTEREST PAIIi ON TIME DEPOSITS. ' North Front Street Good Evening! RAVE YOU ANY LAUNDRY? If so, do not forgot that this Is THE laundry whero you got tho best work, and prices nro In overy onoV reach. Call up and ono of tho driv ers l Qall and explain all details to you. ' All telephone calls aro quickly attended to, because wo aro running two wagons. OUR GUARANTEE IS YOUR SAT- 1SFACTION. MARSnFIELR HAND AND STEAM LAUNDRY. rOnuzcy Rnw., Prop. Phone 220-J. !p5ss5ss55szss25s5Hs!rd! STEAMER M. F. PLANT Sails. for San Francisco every eight days. I nJ IS TICKETS RESERVED UP TO TnE ARRIVAL OF THE RESERVATIONS WILL RE CANCELLED AT THAT TIJ LESS TICKET IS BOUGHT. SHIP, CANCELLED AT THAT TIME U F. S. Dow, Agent. Marshfield Ore gSaSE.TOSH5ZS7J?JZgab?'P'?g?tr3ipipq B5BSZ'&S?5&?SiS?.?W&S&&iSSiSi i-tj-a-att-tt--a-n-tt.a-n.tt. u-a-H-ai-a -aa-a--a-Ma-a? f "wr m Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIABLO AND JOSSON CEMENT. Tho best Domestic and Imported brands. Plaster, Llmo, BrUk and all kinds of builders material. Winter is Coming! OX, WHEN YOU WILL NEED MORE LIGHT. OUR FIXTURES ARE GO. 1XG FAST AT FROM TEX Tn WEXTY PEIt CENT LOWER TIIAX MAXUFACTUR1XG PRICES. THIS IS A SXAP FOR SOMEONE THAT HAS THE MOXEY. HUGH McLAIN . GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTH BROADWAY. PHONE 201. . . i I , WMWBaAft A "" wr i - """ -4 Coos Bay Wiring .Co. EXPERT ELECTRICIANS. Respectfully ask your patronage. PHONE S87.J. HOTEL GARDIXER, nt Gardiner, Oregon, has been re modelled andjnlproved and Is undor now management. Special accommo dations for stage pnssengers and for people desiring a rest at the seashore. "You'll Like tho Place." J. E. SCHILLING, Proprietor. Try The Times' Want Ads. MAGUIRE'S TRAXSFEH. Hauling of every description. StJ nt "Busy Corner." Phono 298. Offlc Phono, 201. Deader in wood and coau MRS. FARRINGER, Teacher of Piano, Homo Studio, South Broadway. P 1. 1 ii