r"V t"Hv, THE COOS BAY TIM ES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1910 EVENING EDITION. will meet nt 10 o'clock tomorrow morning nt Coqulllo. Tho officers will bo elected niul an organization of tho new committee perfected. n:mmmmm::m:::::::m;mmm::mt Personal Hole rz I j M::j::::::::::::::::::s::::::::::::n:tt: M i WJ iim n iteka. ar rwn W I CLOTHC RAFT I '''Wry BM all-wool Clothes .v m I M When it coines to your Fall Clothes -Here's the place to consider Did you read our guarantee m Wednesday's paper? If you didn't, just, come into our store and we'll tell you what, it is. It, positively insures you against disappointment, and guarantees clothes that you can be proud to wear clothes that will keep you well dressed always without paying big prices. There is no other line in America with a guarantee like ours at $10.00 to $25.00 Woolen Mill Store Mill to Man Clothiers Marshfield, - - Oregon WW thinners' Union Meets. The mom bora of tlie Farmers' Union will hold a picnic nt Coqulllo today. Cooton Servleex. -Mr. Walker will hold services nt Cooston at 3 o'clock Sundny afternoon. A bottt carrying people from Mnrshfleld will leave Commercial nvenue dock at 2 o'clock. Wi 7 Sutherland Sisters THK REMEDY THAT NEVER FAILS TO ' RESTORE THK YOUTHFUL COLON OF THK HAIR, ITCHING OF T1IH HEAD. IP YOUR HAIR IS THIN AND SICKLY, BRASH AND DRY, IF YOUR SCALP HUMORS, USE 1 SUT'HERLAXD SISTERS 1 AIR REMEDY. PRICE .10 CENTS PER IU TLE. FOll SALE AT THE BUSY CORNER. PHONE U0H. Lockhart - Parsons Drug Co'. "The Busy Comer" Marshfield, Oregon THE ROYAL TONIGHT "JEPTHA'S DAUGHTER" (A Biblical story.) "THE SCHOOLMASTER OF MARIPOSA" " (A Comody.)- "IN. THE PICTURESQUE -PYRANEES" (A Travelogue. ; Bni- Wni Rough. Tho Coos Bay bar was still quite rough this morn ing. Tho Nnnn Smith did not attempt to go out this forenoon. Tho Pint left North Bend nt 11:30 n. m. and was duo to leave If tho bar would permit. Mny Locate Hon. L. Darling ar rived here from Portland yesterday and mny locate In this city. Ho Is a clarionet player nnd the members of tho Coos liny band nro endeav oring to induce him to stay and tnke a place In tho band. Filling Street. Tho dredge nt the foot of Market nvonuo is at work mnklng tho fill. Tho heavy mud from tho bottom of tho bay Is being taken up by tho big shovel and dumped Into tho street mm" It will tnko'lAit n short time to mnko tho fill. Repairing Wires. Manager Schet tor of tho Western Union litis men out nt work on tho telogrnph wlro from this city to RoBcburg nnd will have tho wire In better shape soon, but of course tho repairs cannot prevent the breaks that occur In tho winter time duo to tho falling of trees. Engineer on GKiuiiTi Rnplncor Hanson, formerly of tho tug Colum bia, and who for somo time linn been on tho tug nt Bandon, Is In tho city. Ho has accepted n position ns chief engineer on tho tug Olenncr of the Uumpqun rlvor. Ho Is well known nt Gardiner ns well ns on Coos Bay, NV Change. There linn been a re- port lii circulation on the ntreots that E. F. Morrlssey hnd purchased M. E. Whlttomoro's Intorcst In tho Coos liny Construction company. This la nuthorltntlvely denied and thcro Is no change In tho ownership of tho company. Admission, Adults 10c, Children 5c f -JZT Snv-tSr-r r& jpiP-SVSZSZS-dS. TdJcS2S25ESH5??SSSSSHSa!raSiS?tSZSBSBSZ5ZSaS?.52San STEAMER BREAKWATER Sails from Alnsivorth Doctt, Portland, ut 8 P. M., every Tuesday. "lUifroni Coos Bay every Saturday ut service of tlnio. Reservations W wt bo held later than Friday noon, unless tickets are purcliased. W. F. Miller, Agt, Phone Main 35-L Ktf52SE5Z5?.TCS?5HS2Si?5H5 THE FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo (EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS) "ILL .MAKE REGULAR TRIPS CARRYING PASSENGERS VXU FREIGHT BETWEEN COOS BAY AND SAN FRANCIS CO. ALL RESERVATIONS FOR 'PASSENGERS MADE AT ALLIANCE DOCK, MARSHFIELD AND 1NTEH-OCEAN TIIAXSI. CO. PIPE BLDO., SAN FRANCISCO. FOR 1NFOR NATION PHONE 4-W o 285. SULS FROM SAN FRANCISCO, FOR COOS BAY, OCT. 5. mm. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. Coos BayR.oseburg Stage Line Bun I1'11 ",1,10 tetwwni Roseburg nnd Mnrslilleld. Stage leaves dally and rJ A' M Knrol $0'00' Wnuiyp AV., Mnrshfleld. MIOVTC 1 1 LOST Masonic cluirni. Reward returned to X, Times office. FOR SALE Nenily nwv cheap. Apply II, Times. If FOR SALE JU'st paying rooming house on Com Bay. A snap. Half cash takoa, IU P, O. Box 4.30. -! i bicycle, l IfilN coos "baT'tides; OCTOBER . ..s. A. M. 1- M. h.m, It. h.m. It. D.11 " n r. o.n? "" o i 3:10 0.0 232 7.9 3;57 5,0 3:04 7.7 4WV,4II .. I. ,.. 1 A M l VI TVMIV, 1 4 i" "" it. p.m.) . :&9 3.1 snu o.y 8t 8:10 3.0 9:20 1.1 9 S:39 4.0 10:09 1.3 VNIIh III Roseburg. Mm. S. A. Yokum of Mnrshfleld, who hn been spondlng tho pnht two weokH visiting at tho homo of her uhcle. George Nonh, In this city, deft for Portland this morning. Mrs. Yokum wns un til recently deputy dairy Inspector In Cnos county and Is well known throughout that septlon of Oregon. Rosobtirg News. II. C. DIERS was hero from North. Bond today. FriiALL'relurned at JUDGE JOHN noon today from Coqulllo. It. E. JOHNSON of Coqulllo camo o Mnrshfleld on business today. SWAN PETERSON of Hnyncs' Inlet wns a Marshfield visitor today. JAMES WASSEN camo back today from n trip to tho Coqulllo valley. MAYOR L. J. StMPSON of North Bend was In the city today on business. MR. AND MRS. W. S. CHANDLER, who have been In tho city, went up Coos river to tholr bungalow yesterday afternoon. MRS. L. M. NOBLE roturjiod yestor dny from Portland whore sho wont n few weeks ago to ontor her nelco, Miss Maude Bowron, nt St. Helen's Hall, nnd to visit frlonds. G. A, BQNEDRAKE will lenvo to morrow for Hlllsboro,Oro.f'U). visit a 'month with hls'fnthor, J. W. B6nebrnko. .Mr. Bonebfnko Is go ing on business ns' well' ns on a plensuro trip. I (fails MRS. D. A. JONES nnddn.iKhtors, Mnxlno nnd "lHck.le,M returned yes terday from nn extended visit with relatives nnd frlonds In Dakota. Tlwy wrre ghul to got bngKt '' for n ronl ence of tilmlpcsn eo Dttvo'n Btulle. . Farming u Bmncli. Frank Rlobo returned today from Coqulllo, whero he Ih organizing a branch of the Peo ple's Co-Opcrntlvo company. A room for tho atorc hns been secured In tho business district nnd o far nbout fifty of the farmers have- signified their Intention of tnklnu utook In tho enlorprlBo. Mr. Itlebe says Hint Ihcro will bo no trouble nbout securing; enough stock subscriptions to organ. Izo n largo branch nnd conduct a fine store In Coqulllo. K Got your Wllil HVClt MEDlClNiJ nt, MILNER'S. High water Date. FrldHy 7 Saturday.. 8 SUNDAY.. iSSfS LOW DJte. h.m Friday 7 7 Saturday.. SUNDAY.. THE WEATHER. (By Assoalutvd Press.) Orogon Fair tonight ' nnd Saturday. Coolor, RE- WANTED. Experienced coal miners;' At 4:43 p. in and tlmbermen. Coal Co. Apply Beaver Hill WANTED Hoard nnd room In cood Christian family for boy attending school. X, care Timos. LOST. Meerschaum pipe, with rod leather case, "between Highland avenue nnd the Williams building. Reward at Times office. LOCAL TEMPERATURE PORT. For twenty-four hours ending nt 4:43 p, m., OcU 0, by Mrs. Miugus, speclnl goveriiiueut inn toQrologlcal(observor: Maxfn,um . . . ,'jf . 4'jx P y ' "? mum uo ....r:... 03 Precipitation Traco Wind Southwost; cloijdy. , ,,..:. i '.W Mlnti GetM ItcHiiltH. "Tho Tlmos wnnt ads siiro boat anything I evor run ncross for getting results," remnrkod J. Simpson on tho phono yestor- day nftor ho hnd ordered out want ad offering n safo for salo nnd which got him a buyor. "I hnvo had occn- slon to test thorn out sovornl times tho Inst few months nnd every time they hnvo brought mo grent rosults." This is but anothnr Illustration of what s being tlono ovory day. FLASHES FROM THE WIRE! A book of Sermons by 4 . DA.V SHANNON. Prlco, Fifty Cents. 4 Address Visnlln, Calif. BOOK BARGAINS -I For n limited tlmo only wo decided to havo nnothor salt on I1.C0 Copyright Tlnnlrn 9rw lJtMfm 1U Tho following nro a low of COO titles: have 50c tho "King Spruce" 'Cull of the Blood" "The Girl Question" "Undo William" "Best Man" "IYInoihtj or Cluinco" "Younger Set" "The Cluipenm" '"(let Rich Quick Wnlllngrord" "Juno Cnblo" "Weavers" Gets New Pump. A now electric "Tlie Awnkeiilng of Helen Richie" turblno contrlfiiKnl niinin nrrivod on i"Anclent m" "The Barrier" tho Brenkiyater yostorday for tho "Belli Xorvell" "Into the Prlmltlvo" Coos Bay Water Company. It has ."Emmy Lou" "The Circle" a capacity of 1000 gallons per. mlq-4 uto nnd It Is bolloved will furnish tho company moro thnn sufflclont i. (I'mithenrt" "Loaded Dice" "Tho Time, Place mid the Girl" "IJUiufoid of Jl.Bari" "Bar SO" COOB Committee ito Meet Tho county republican contral committee ?F FOR RENT. Six-room flat, parti)' furnished, bath and modern con venlences. Finest location In Marshfield. Apply to Robert Mars den, Sr, Special Bargains Agent, P. BARNARD. ROSEBURG. ORE. As a' special inducement to our old customers and, to n"ow pnes, we have cut the' prlco q somo overydayliouBS hold necessities. Compare those prices jvlth. what you have been pay ing I WhltotHouso Coffoe, 1 lb. cans, wnsjUso, now. .,.1-"5c Whlto'-Houso Coffee, 2 lb. enns, was Stic, now 70c Runkol'a Ground Chocolate, reg- I ularly 3c per lb., now 2.5c LOCATION. Nio'nunkel's Cocoa, regularly" 35c per. 10.. now ,-i- FOR SALE. Avgood paying ofllce business at a sacrlflco. Address Tlmos office. HOMESTEAD ..,..0 mn,l rnnnh Intlil twn Blirlll'T ,u, """ ;;;;;. near Ten Ml le: can be RunkT. Premium Chocolate, rog homestended; location fee, ?150. Phone 318, North Bond. 4444AAAAAA WWW EDNA liARSON , lano Instruction ' iLiToI'SM:n- MAGUIRE'S TRANSFER. Wo Jiaul every old thing. Stand at "Busj:'iCorner.""phone298" Office phone 201, Dealer Id wood and coal. FOR SALE Automobile, l-pylliider, 40-horse power, 5-passenger, fully equipped with acotvleno headlights, gahrlel horO, top, etc Coat qqw, J3000. VHl Bell for, cash or ex change for real estate at a Jwrgal 'Apply to Dr. J.'t. McCormac. ularly C0cnow lOc or, two for' 7.V Every ?2 you spend at our ?lre entitles you to a handsome picture free. Seo them In the window. THE BAZAR .'SE OF QUALITY. r TTione !W, CHOI' i"3f wntor for all purposes nnd ollmlnnto ("CIlp of the Flying W" "Orphan" "Tin Wolf" "Old Wives for New" "I'jild In Full" "Black Bag" "Rich Men'8 Children" "Spoilers" "The Poit Girl" "Silver Butterfly" jk "Sliepheinl of the HUN" 4. any danger of a shortago n tho sup ply. It will bo Installed at tho pump ing station as quickly as possible and will roplaca tho old steam pumps. Now Homo SEWING MACHINES nnd Needles for all machines nt MILNER'S, IT. W. Painter will handle npples for you. Phone 341. your -tt--tt---n--xi-tJ-a-a-a-xi -?----ti T 50c WATCH OUR WINDOWS, Crosby & Homer, I n-tt-n-tt-B-l t a t a i n i B I tt I 3 I a i ? tt ALFALFA HAY Best Second Cutting Special Prices In 5-Tcm Lots at Ocean dock f. s. DOW i n i n i tx B I ? tt t f ? XX I tt tt tt ": t n t8rii.vw.nr,Hr-y-Kxriini tir ' '''''a Mk ., .vWf. . jjiAiJitfA