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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1910)
t4n T I si-isitf .t. V 1 orai k u f , '' jr 9 i ADS. tttt0 NEWS u cilEK HUSIJH8 I8 -8LOW A1 ' GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW BX READING THE COOS MAY TIMES. ALL THE NEWS AL THE TIMK TERSELY! OLD w :: it t: it nKVCBtt ,IV SUCCESSFUL IIUBI a iioUSGS .UVERYWIIERE t: MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS Established In 1878 its Tho Const MniJ. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1910 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mull mid Coox liny Advertiser. 72. it : . X V .J. - fflflflfi V0fcXW. Sbi-" T - ICY DF THE Y ' ' Hfruster of Fow'ffl Mfeiir.s of PAM9alSendllesajjj!lto Associated Press". . . SPEAKS AT REQUEST I OF THE PRESJDEfilT f Outlines Aims and Purposes of Provincial Government Now in Control. (Br Associated rroBB to Coos Bar Times.) NEW YORK, Oct. 7. Tho Asso ciated Press this morning received direct from Lisbon a dispatch from Senor Dcrnnrdo Machndo, tlio minis ter of foreign nffnlrs of tho newly ronttltuted provincial government of Portugal, In which tho republican leader sets forth tho purposes and ilmi of the present administration. Machado, who spenks nt tho ro qccit of nt-1 for Thcophilo Drngn, tho provisional president of tho now rd pnbllc, cabled ns follows: "Tho republic of Portugal hus boon proclaimed by tho array and tho nary and tho people Th'o maintenance of order Is completely assured. Thoro Ii general ndhcslon to tho govern sent and tho enthusiasm jof tho re public Is unparalleled. " "Tho provisional government has before it a grcnt duty. It hns in effect a country to m'nko over. Wo lll endeavor to put into operation the progress of n republican party. This Includes a policy ofdccontrallzu tlon both In local administration and la the government of tho colonies. "Tho financial budget is to bo eqoallied and will ho mado up hon fitly and with fairness. Tho national wealth will bo developed. All tho national alliances now extending will h rcpected and frlondly relations lth all other nntlons Ib desired. Freedom of tho press will bo assured. Btar chamber methods will bo nbol lihed. "Public Instruction will be com pletely secularized nnd romovod from religious control. Tho plan Is for a broad system of public Instruction, Ma primary and advanced, under rovernment endowment. Reorgani sation of the army and navy, whoso Patriotic forces hnvo been beyond nil PraUe, will bo proceeded with." I'ROTECTEIJ 1JV ENOIiiNI). Will Find Permanent Ilefiico ou Uritlsh SoIL (By Associated Press lo Coos Bay Times.) LONDON, Oct. 7 -King Manuel of Portugal is under tho protection of lle British government. Tho general wpectatlon Is thnt tho Portuguese King and Queen Mother Amelia will find a permanent rofugo-ln England. TURKU THOUSAXD DEAD. F,ShtIng in Portugal Cnuseil That Many Casualties. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) LISBON, Oct. 7. Tho casualty in we recent fighting tf-pfaced at 3000.' There are rumors of fighting between 'he loyalists nnd revolutionists at "tubal and some anxiety la -felt lest, civil war will develop In north prtugal where tho mqnarcby .baa a Wronger hold on tho people. ACCEPTED AT OPORTO. Populace Receive ProclanuitJon Mado "With Enthusiasm. By Associated Press to -Coos Bay Times.) OPORTO, Oct. 7. Tho republican government was definitely estab- i!! hr0 "wUh0t a struggle. Tho Populace with unanimity received tho proclamation enthusiastically. The seneral commanding the local dlvl 'on of troops obey tho Instructions 01 tho provisional government. CRUISER TO LISBON'. rldent Onlers tho Dcs Moines to JY Associated pr to Coo Bay HfiALic AniUjnf h B aEPUBLIC 10 IE WORLD t m - BIX ESCAPE LU , ,. a ' ' buorjfissiur ua&n .r-or Liberty. (By Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) OSBJNJNG,. N. Y., Oct. 7. Six convicts mado n sensational escipo from Sing Slug prison early today. After beating ono keeper until ho was uncoiiBclous nnd binding und gagging nuother, they removed nn iron Imr from a window nnd lowered tlium- soIvcb to tho ground with blankets cut Into strips, Ono of tho convicts, a West Indln negro, returned to tho prison after an hour's liberty and gave tho alarm. WOULD START; CANNERY. New Industry For Unndon Discussed by Commercial Club, i (Spcclnl to tho Times.) DANDON, Ore, Oct. fl. Tho plan of starting a fruit cannery for r don wns discussed at a meeting ol tlio Dandon Commercial Club. The Iden wns presented by M. Q. Pohl, who thought that tho business of raising fruit, vegetables and berries , would bo grently advanced by tho starting of tho cannery. Ills Idea .was to start on. a small scnlo t enlnrgo. Tho club' wfll look Into tho V.. -j ' c ' "MluV i k 'JETTY BUOY iS Henry Sengstacken Wires Commander Elliott, Who Will Replace It. Tho buoy at tho end of tho Jetty outsldo tho Coos Bay bnr has been washed away. Henry Songstncken, secrotnry of the port commission, has eent a telegram to Commander J. M. Elllcott, tho Inspector of lighthouses nnd aids to navigation, nt Portland, asking him to have It replaced. It has been recommended to tho government by tho Inspector thnt a now boll buoy bo, placed at Baltimore Rock on the south side of tho bar entrance nnd on n lino with tho lighthouse. Hnd Kino Hunting. Dr. Hayes has returned from tho Ten-Mile country. Ho visited William Holland nnd Frank Lowe, who nro camping on Eel Inko. Dr. Hayes says that there .! nil kinds of fresh ment'and thnt thero wero three deer and ?no bear hanging up in camp ai wiu mmm n Ho killed a deor within seventy-five yards of tho camp. T.tBhnn hv tho United States today Thle .action was' taken upon the telo graphic direction of President Ta' , FIRE ROYAL SALL'TE. Jlfitish and American Ships Show Honors to King. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) GIBRALTAR, Oct. 7. Tho Ameri can cruiser Des Moines and tho B Ish fleet, with ships dressed and fly ing tho Portuguese flag at the main mast, Hred tho royal saluto this morning In honor of tho members of tho royal family who hnvo found refugo hero. ' Tho royal saluto was also fired by tho Rock batteries. Last night's report that King Man uel and tho Queen Mother came i .i nnt tn ihn summer real- , , . vmor. wero Incor- rect. The Amelia with the King, the FROM' PiJISi WASHED AWAY IN ACCIDENT Coos Bay Man ' Fortunate in, Not Being Hurt at Los Angeles. . ', Mrs, C. A. Woodward, 'formerly of this city and whoso husband was omnloved as n llnotvim oncrntor in tho'Los Angeles Times building when III. nuo uuuiuiinuvu uj iitu vaiiuoiuia ftnd flr. hnB wr,tlct lo 'r,cndB ,n J this city telling of tho narrow es- lit a.f ! n t1 lat. ! lu ik fMtnlnBlAfl fi-apc of her husband. Woodward working in tho building at tbo tluio of tho accident. Ho hnd been operating a llnotypo all night nnd had been sent out of tho composing room, nnd flvo minutes lator tho t'xnloiiion occurred. Ho and four j . . other mon mndo a dash for tho back door hut found tho stons gone. They put a board across to tho adjoining building and crawled jover tho board and mado their escape In thnt way. LOSS '$1,500 Pig Freighter on Coquille River Swamps and Freight Is Lost. Ono of tho big, scows operated by C. W. Ashton on tho Coqulllo river sunk near Lnmpa creok yestorday morning and about 11500 worth of freight was lost. Tho loss was cov ered by probably J1200 Insurance. It will, bo difficult to cstlmato tho loss exactly until all of tho claims nro In. ' C. W. Ashton oporatcs a lino of scows which carry freight botweon Bnndon and Coquille. Ho has his own boata to do tho towing. This ecow was coming from Bnndon to Coqulllo In some wuy water got Into the scow nnd sho swampod nn turned .turtle and tho cargo wns lost In thorlvor. F. S. Dow of this city was the heavlqst shippor. His freight on tlu scow lamounieu to a vaunuum i about1 $7i00 and this Is covered nl most entirely by insurance. Thorf wero many othor smaller shlppors and tho oxnet loss cannot bo ascer tained until tho claims aro all In, but It Is bolioved that 11500 wll cover tho loss. Tho freight war some of thnt which had como In o tho steamer. Ellznboth and was be ing taken from Bnndon to Coqulllo. C, W. HAMLIN DEAD. Had LIu'd lu tlio State of Oregon Slnco 1803. Charles W. Hamlin, aged G7 years, died at Rlverton Oct. 1. Tho de ceased wns born at Peorin, HI., and camo to Oregon In 18G5, being but a boy. Ho leaves a son, Elmer Ham lin, who resides at present In Port land, Ore., a slstor, Mrs. William Rohm, of Rlvorton, and a half brother and sister, Georgo T. Moul ton and Mrs. S. M. Nosier, of this city. Tho funeral was conducted at tho Methodist church In Rlvorton on Monday, October 3, and the inter ment took placo in tho Masonic cem etery at Coquille. DRIVES TO COQUILLE. Methodist Minister From Medfortl Comes to Coos County. Tho Medford Sun krays: ' Rev. W. F. Goulder, for four years pastor ot the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Jn Medford, left yes terday morning, traveling overland and taking tho family household goods, bound for Coqulllo, Oregon, tho minister's new chnrgo. Mr. Goulder was accompanied by his son, WIUIo. The pastor wll mako a drive of about 170 miles. Tho other members of tho family will remain lu Medford until tho minister arrives at tho now homo. Roy J. H. Hlpps takes Mr, Gould er's chnrgo here. STILETTO Pockot KNIVES will hold an edge at MILNER'S. SCOW SINKS: MED OF HIB. MONEY Thief Takes Seventeen Dollars . -0 vl i I J'' From Charles Ellerback's .' House on Broadway. Charles Ellorback, ono of tho trainmen on tho local railway, wub robbed of about $17 at his houso on Broadway night beforo last. Mr. Ellorhnck hnd tho money in his trousers pockot, When ho retired ho put his trousers on a chair near an open window. At a Into hour Mr. Ellcrback and his wifo both heard a nolso but tlioy thought it wnB some ono outsldo passing nnd thought nothing of it at tho tlmo until later it was discovered that somebody had climbed into' tho window and taken tho money from tho pockets of Uio clothing. VV AT THE SJUSLAW North Bend Man Tells of Worft of Southern Pacific and 1 Asset Company. Frtd ttolllBtt'r ot North Bond, Tvho bus JubI W turned from tho Sluslaw toils of tho activities ot tho railroad companies In thnt locality. Ho says that two surveying parties, ono out for tho Southern Pacific and the oth. or for tho Lnno County Asset com pany, aro working on tho Sluslaw. Real cstato Is moving nnd a big saw mill for tho, locality is In prospect. The gtcrrott nnd Hovoy company of Michigan, hnvlng largo timber hold ings on tho Siuslnw, Is to build a big mill which will bo second to nono on tho coast excepting tho C. A. Smith mill In this city. Tho work which Is being dono on tho Jetty, Mr. Holllstor, snyo, Is also helping the plnco. Regarding tho railroad work Mr. Holllstor says: 'Tho Asset company has started Its survey from.Eugono nnd hns prac tically loss than n ono per cent grndo from there to Sprlngflold. From the latter city tho survey runs to Maplo ton, which Is at the head of deep water on tho Sluslaw, nnd extends down the south side of tho river to Glendale, which Is opposlto Florence near tho- mouth of tho river. This survey makes tho dlstnnco from Eu-gi-nt to Mnpleton 41 miles, 'Tho Southern Pacific is survey ing from Junction City, 15 jnlles north of Eugene, to MnpfetoiC and fFpm thnt point practically parallels tho AtfMt company survey to Glen-t dale Tbo Southern Pacific has com pTeUd Its preliminary survey and J going back to make tho permanent! Hurvey It to understood thnt from dlcndale tho' survey will 'cqrao 'down tho vonut to tho Umpqua, extending through the lake country. Tho ac tjyltles of tbi rallrcad lit giving tho Siubluw qulto.a start right now." 5 '- Li-i- p v WILL IMPROVE INLET. Captain Harris Ib Having a. Siiuill, PlliHlrlvur llullt for Purpose. Captain Harris of Sumner Is mak ing preparations to do some exten sivo improvement work on Cntchlnp Inlet, tho strenm -which extends from Coos Bay to Sumner. Ho Ib hav built In Marshfiold a gasoline pile driver to be used In driving smal piling. Tho purpose is to use ti plledriver on Catching Inlet. Tho stream has boon dredged and dykes thrown up, but it is feared that theso will wash away, bo Captain Hnrrls plans to drlvo small piling nlong the banks and fill Jn behind tho piling with brush and thus keep tho bank from washing away. " " , HUNTING COATS, Vesta 'Shell Bags and Duck Carriers at MIL NER'S. PaH?r applo wrappers for sale by II. W. Painter. s MASSACHUSETTS DEMOCRATS . Nl 1 0 16 c t I f ' , riAUh npp. riFn " nn OTiuninnn un oiflnunnuQ Agreement Made as to Safety Appliances on Cars and Locomotives. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay TlmcB.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 7. J Doflnlto standards of safety appli ances to bo attached to railway cars and locomotives hnvo been agreed up. on after nearly n third of a century of effort. It Is cstlmntcd thnt tho proposed changes In tho equipment will cost tho railroads about flvo mil-' 'Ion dollars. Tho agreement wns renched by a commlttco of experts appointed last week by tho intcrstnto commerce commission. Tho agreement was unnnlmous as to nil equipment to bo constructed tn tho future, except tho plnclng of four sill BtcpB on tho non-projecting end of box cars'. Thnt matter will have (9 ho determined by tho com mlBslon, -"-t,i . -, I4 WOMAN GOOD' SHOT. ' Mrs, Jay Pcnrt, ot tho north side of town, proved her skill with a rlflo one day last wook whon sho shot n hawk at a ran go of somo 150 yards with a 22 special. Tho hawk had boon faking her chickens as woll as thosQ f her JWlghlios, and sbo do larod war.-rCoQi-Ro Ilernld. Dry Farming Advocates Work in Harmony While in Annual Session. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) SPOKANE, Wash., Oct. 0. What Is rated by President J. H. Worst as the "most successful international dry farming congrcsaWer held" will closo tonight with a.b'anquct for tho offlcors, members of ho executlvo commlttco nnd 'distinguished dele gates. Througho'nt'iho sessions tho twolvo hundred eioatc1 haVo worked in, oloso harmony; I "V , WHEAT 'MARKET. ' t (By Associated Press to Coos Bay ' 'r Tim.) CHICAGO, Oct. 7. Wheat closed as foHaws:v Dccdmbor, 98 He; May, 11.07 V6 ; Jufy; 09 c. ' !. i PORTLANDjOre., Oct. 7 Wheat sed unchanged tdday. ' r closed "JLi TACOMA. Octi 7. Milling: Bluo- sjem, 90c; Clob, 83o; export;' Blue- . rT i w . Ta.. "n-. ......I. on. siein, 'jug; rofiyiuiu, ojc, uiuu, ouu, Fife, 80c; Red'RussIan, 78c. PORTLAND, Oct. C Wheat Track prices: Club, 83c to 84c; Blue, stem, 88c to 89c; Red Russian, 80c to 81c; Valley, 88c; Turkey Red, 82c to 8Cc; Forty fold, 85c to" 8Cc. TACOMA, Wash., Oct.' 6. Milling Bluestem, 90c to 91c; Club, 83c; export Blucstem,' 89c; ' Club, 83c; Red Russian, '81c; Fortyfold, 85c to 86c. '. 'K FISHING IS FINE. Reports from North Coos river say that tho fishing is flno. A number are planning for a trip SiiHdaj. Tg accommodate thorn tho steamer Alert will mako a upeclal trip Sunday, leaving at 8 o'clock. Bring your skiffs and tackle and take a day off, Faro, 75 cents round trip. CONGRESS IS BIG SUCCESS Was Onjy, Temporary .as Com promise After Long dnd ' Stormy, Session. WILL WITHDRAW FROM THE TICKET Committee Appointed to Name r Someone Else to Run 1 For Governor. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) BOSTON, Oct. 7. Although tho democrats of Massachusetts nfjor a stormy thlrtcen-hour convention ear ly today nominated Frederick W. Mansfield of Boston for govornor, tho party will probably have another can didate to opposo Govornor Draper In tho coming campaign. Mnnstlold'n selection wns temporary nnd was ox pectod to bo mado.when n decision on tho two candidates beforo tho con vention became impoHslblo nnd was Intended to fulfill tho legal require ment that a nominee must ho filed with the secrotnry ot stato by 5 ps itf. today. It Is gonornlly understood that Mnnsfloldwlll withdraw to mako way for a cnndldntu to bo chosen by a commlttco appointed for tho purpose. Tho committee Will nlso name a liou. tenant governor. NEGRO HAGKMAN DEAD. Had Ik-en Shot Wlillo on Box of CurrluKi'. (By Associated Press.) MONTGOMERY, Aln., Oct. 7. Sit- ting upright In his hack dead, wltk a bullet In his heart, John Doll, a negro hnckman, was discovered early this morning. It Is bolioved ho met denth at tho hands ot n mob ot white mon Inst night, who nttompted to storm tho Jail and lynch John Adams,, a negro, JAMES SAMPSON DEAD. Wns a Nuthe of New York and Past Sewiity. James Lovl Sampson passed away at his homo in Coqulllo Wednesday, Soptembor 28, nt the ago of 70 years, 5 months nnd 25 duyB, leaving his wlfo. three sons nnd threo daughters, nil grown. Tho decensed wns born lu Jefferson county, New York, but has lived In different states as he camo westward, arriving lu Coos county In 1900, whe'ro ho has slnco resided'. v ' F. F. EDDY HONORED. Appointed by Governor to National Farm Coin cut Ion. F, F. Eddy has received nn ap pointment from Acting Govornor Bowormnn ns ono ot tho Oregon dele gates to tho National Farm Conven tion at Omaha, which moots Octo ber 13. Tho appointment camo en tirely unsolicited and is thus a great honor to Mr. Eddy, who Is ono ot tho boat known ranchers and dairymen of tho Coqulllo valley. Bandon Re corder. REOPEN 'THE MASONIC. Coos Bay Hand Will Have Clinrgo of tho Theater. Tbo Masonic opera houso In this city is to be rooponed as a high class moving picture theater and tho first performance will be given Sat urday evening. Tho placo Is to bo under tho management of tho Coos Bay Band. Thoro will bo given 3000 feet of films ovory night, bosides il lustrated songs and an orchosti" The band will give n free concert, at tho opera houso Sunday after aoen. ' ; A TRIP TO ITALY. At their Qn suggestion, tho older children1 will occupy their story hour tomorrow morning at tho public li brary In a trip to Italy, landing at Naples, and seeing tho sights thora nnd in Rome und Venice. Boiao have uroffltipu to ijJm .vifwi &bd copiot,