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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1910)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1910 EVENING EDITION nnii:ij$mm::::j::::n:ttjj:i WILL START ACTUAL IRK ST Library Tables FOR TRE SOUTH!! GRIMES HAS A GOME BACK Ill Replies to J. W. Bennett's Statement Relative to the Port Commission. Win, Grimes this morning hnnded tho following self-explanatory letter -to tho Times for publication: Hon. J. W. Bonnett, Mnrshflold, Ore. My Dear Friend Joe I was sur prised last evening In readltig tlio Timed to sec that you had ngaln chased Mickey to tho newspaper of flco to put another ploco In tho pa per. Now Joo, you were not men tioned this time; why should you as en nio that you aro tho ono who Is responsible for tho holdup policy? Tho nown I gave was to tho effect that ono of tho representatives of nyllcsby & Co.'s Interests, who Imvo largo hold ings on tho Day, nnil naturally np prohonslvo ns to Its future develop mont, waB tho party that wns innk lng thp Inquiry. They were of tho opinion, however, thnt It was outside Interests nnd of considerable Import mice, so this could not lmvo been you, Joo. Now, Joo, I have boon waiting an opportunity for hoiiic tlmo to explain to you how you came not to bo on thnt port commission. You lmvo nuked tho question outright, whether tho deal had tho "earmarks of Okla homa or wns It a native-born Ore gonlnn?" Now, Joo, without any hes itation or equivocation, I am going to glvo full credit to tho Oregonlan. I flupposo I am tho former Okln honinn you refer to thnt was on tho executive commlttco of tho Chamber of Commorco when It was called to gether to mako rccommcridntlons for Biiltablo porsoriB (o go on tho port commission. Dr. McCormnc, tho chairman, was tho ono that called that commlttco. I bollevo ho Is an old-timer of 3d years standing. When wo mot I think nenrly nil tho cotn mllteo was present with n standing ears of hnbltatlon from six to Lane County Asset Company Prepares to Build Out of ugene. l Tho Lano County Asset company, which was organized to build from Kugono to Coos Day, appears to bo going ahead with actual work out! of Eugene. The Register of that city says: Thd full b6ntd of directors of tho Lano County Asset company met nnd went over much of tho buslnesd transacted at tho meeting laBt week nnd nff'lrmcd' tho decision to bo tho final setting of stakes for tho grading" fibril Eugono to Elmlra right away. Engineer Fornorl nnd crew arrived from tho coast ns expected and will bo ready within n day or two to go out again. Tho company hns decided to follow tho' section lino from tho end of West, Fifth street, west for n dlatanco of bIx miles to tho Chrtstuer placo, nnd then beg' cutting ncroHH to Elmlra. Tho rn la mndo on tho Bcctlon lino so as to avoid cutting any moro farms than necessary. The company hna decided to nbnndon far tho present tho pro posed lino of Fifteenth street, but will tnko advantago of their track age right with tho Oregon Electric on West Fifth atroot. Kan OREGON'S CHOP DIG. In forty, with tho exception of mysolf. It wnB agreed by tho commlttoo thnt Marshflcld should only recommend throo porBQiiB, two going to North lJenq . J3?. MlnguB nnd Captain Hnrrln woro agreed to unanimously Tho division of tho commlttco enmo when your namo was presented nnd that of vour old-tlmo friend nnd compan ion, Henry Songstncken. engstnek m won. Dr. McCormae,' who had voted for you, had norvo enough to glvo tho rosultB nnd tho recommendn. tlon of tho commlttco, without any Buggcstloii whatever from tho "Ok- lahotnan." Tho committee wns not satisfied thnt their recommendation alono Bhould sufflco, so suggested to Mr. SengstHckon, wlio yob being protest !! against ly yourself and others, that ho should socuro n majority of mombora of tho Chamber of Com morco This ho did, with an addi tional U100 nnmes or moro from tho prominent business interests and far mers of tho bay. So, Joo, If you will exnmlno thnt petition you will find It signed by representatives of threo of tho larg est Interests on tho nay, who employ over 2000 men. a former Oklnhomnn who scnrcoly od by tho showing mndo nnd not by a former Oklnhomnn who sgenrcoly know him. Tho governor has known you for onrs nnd many of tho peti tioners for Songstncken havo known you from 25 to 40 years. They nil know you and know you woll, 80 don't Blnglo out ono poor, former Oklalinmnn nnd jump onto him about your defeat; bo merciful. Now, I will toll you what wo will do with this Oklahoma crowd that you hnvo often lightly referred to: wo will encourage moro of thorn to como here, ns thoy aro all pretty good Indians, nnd Increnso tho pop ulation; wo will soil them property ns wo lmvo In tho past, at from four to flvo times what wo paid for It, "nnd that ought to holp samo." So, bo n gnmo losor, .Too, and eomo on for progress, and don't bo wanting "to bo tho bridegroom at every wed ding or tho corpse at every funornl." Your friend, WILLIAM GRIMES. FIRE IX RUINS. A iv (y nay lllao In Place AVIuw 1 todies Hcllctl to He. Associated Press to Coos Times.) LOS ANOELES, Oct. C Flro broko out afresh In tho Times ruins today In n section whoro It is oxpect d a number of bodies will bo found, The fire department subduod tho .flames. Total Agricultural Products of State Aggregate $11(1,000,000. (ny Associated PrcsB to Coos Day Times.) PORTLAND, Oro., Oct. C Oregon Is engaged In harvesting n $115,000, 000 crop of agricultural products. Tho completo list, from whent to livestock nnd apples to hops, shows n splendid profit fo tho grower nnd tho total means that Oregon Is con stantly gaining In tho vnluo of Us agricultural products, with tho stead ily Increasing population. Oregon's total Is about ono-nlno-tloth of tho agricultural product of tho country for tho current year. It Is far behind Iown, with its moro than $000,000,000, nnd also Kansas with over $225,000,000. This wealth, distributed nmong tho peoplo of tho stnto glvcB $144 to each. Kansas has a per capita agri cultural production of $148 and Iowa $1G3. Tho above estlmato Is mndo by Dr. James Wlthycombo, director .of tho Clovernmcnt Experiment Station nt Corvallls, and ho divides tho total nn follows: Livestock, $25,000,000; dairy prodnctn, $14,000,000; wheat, $13,750,000; hay, $10,000,000; onts, $0,000,000; potatoes, $5,000,000; fruit, $0,000,000; poultry products, $5,000,000; wool, $4,000,000; hops, $3,000,000; miscellaneous, $24,250,. 000. M. F. Plant Leaves For Francisco at Noon With Many Passengers. I)ll Xor LEAVE. The Plant did not leave this afternoon becnuso of a rough 4 bar. 8ho will snll from North Bend at 11; 30 tomorrow. 4l ! Tho steamer M. Ft Plant sailed nt noon today tat San Frnnclsco. On arriving there repairs will bo made on tho nftcr-houso, which was crushed- when tho vescol shipped a Boa coming In over tho bar. Tho fal lowing were the pnsscngcrs who went out on thd Plant today: P. Kennedy, John PowcrB, J. O. Johnson, Jns. Raines, Miss J. Smith, Mrs. O. Tlmmermuri, F. S. Dow, J. M. Gnlor, M. Hula, N. J. 81attery, L. M. Wllks, Mrs. Wllks, Mrs. R. W. Gotty, Julia Getty, L. E. Eddy, LouIb We have an unequalled selection of Libra-1 ry Tables, all finishes and styles. LIBRARY TABLES For $4.00 dnd $5.00 and $6.00 and $7.00 EACH and for $8.75 and $12.50 and $15.00 lip to $35.00 . ROCKERS ARM CHAIRS to match tables for $3.00 to $30.00 'lu Vnn Dalsen, Geo. E. Uoardmnn, Mrs. ' Roardmnu, Captain Donaldson, J Proctor, Fred Stoll, Mrs. Stoll, Au gust Elckworth, Joo Williams, O. A. Ilaconillat, J. A. Dayes, Joe Wilson, Chns. H. Smith, Carl Smith, C. M. McCarthy, T. Smith, A. Noble, Joo Frank, O. Moron, A. Franco, C. D. Grimes, L. M. Clark, John Huff, A. W. Maxwell, Geo. Coarltto. IS. J Perry, Montgomery & Co. LOW PRICES EASY PAYMENTS wttJttttJ;ttt WFWJW!r?T$ IMJULLHJUJUa m rrtgy-' , ;, ,,,-'- sr 1 i M I . -r , - , z rrwrn. r. i w immmmimmmt: n:i::t::ntm:nj:tttt t 8 73 505 83 552 00 514 91 497 97 483 109 389 Coos Day C. Port- Does your roof leak'.' Havo It ilono right. Phono Corllicll, 3131. DOl.LMt watches ht'The GunNery. imi i r ii imwr NEW LIVERY Fancy new rigs, good horses nnd enrefuh drivers nro now nt tho dis posal of tho Coos liny public nt reasonarle u.vriis. Rigs or rigs with drivers ready for any trip nny whoro anytime. Horses boarded aud rigs cared for. Now hearso and special accommo dations provided for funeral pnrtleB W.L.'CONDRON'S Livery & Feed Stables South 11 roadway. Mnrshflclil HOW THEY STAND. Won. Lost. Pet. Portlnnd 95 Oakland 102 Snn Francisco 95 Vernon 92 Los Angeles S9 Sacramento 72 (Dy Associated Press to Times.) PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. land won a gnmo from Sacramento yostorday. It wns tho first of tho series as tho gnmo tho day boforo, which should havo been tho first, wns postponed on account of rain. Tho Bcores yesterday woro ns fol lows: At Portland Portland 2, Sacra mento 1. At 8an Frnnclsco R. H San Frnnclsco 5 11 Los Angola 0 7 At Vernon R. h. Vernon l c Oakland C 13 1 Order Your Two-Foot Wood Now ! While it lasts, orders will be filled promptly We are equipped to deliver your other wood promptly. Give us your order now. $2.00 for 12-inch stove wood, and $2.50 for tSfr ber ends per dump load. PHON IN YOUR. ORDER NOW C. A. SMITH I Lumber & Manufacturing Co. H Retail Yard 182 S. Broadway. Phone f90-J n:ttt::t::t:tnttt::tjtt::jj:tt::fimnft Steamer Newport vIU Hiill Saturday, Oct. 1, from Tort- and for Coos Hay. Order jour freight hhlpiH'd on her. O. F, McGEORGE, Agent. Have That Roof Fixed Now Sec CORTHELL G. W. Dungan Undertaker Mnrhllcld, Oregon. Parlors, 180 South ad St.. r Telephone, Day or Night, 103-J. HOME LAND Co. Soo ub for Investments on Cooa Day. We guarantee owner's price to be our price. Phone 74L. 86 Froat St, , USE Sunset Vanilla It's THE BEST BROWN DRUG CO. MANUFACTURERS. a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-'a-a-a-a-a-a-tia-a-n-a-twMJ a i u I Home Addition To Eastside I B-n-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-att-a-a-n-aa-a-a-a-a-a-a-a- It Isn't Possible T T a I a tt a a a a t ? a i V a a t a a a i a i i ,WW'M'-i a-ttttn-n-a-n--n-n8-tt ' to make fine and dandy bread, biscuit and pastry all tho tlmo unless you use a flour that is tho same in every sack. If you uso Olympic Flour week In and week out, you know that nli 'your bakings will prove sat isfactory. Often tho stove Is blamed when the flour is at'fault. It the flour is tho same in every sack your baking will always bo the samo. That's tho beauty of using Olympic Flour. You know It will nlvas mako tho samo good, tasty bread, biscuit and pastry, because" 01 tuple Flour never varies. It Is made of selected, Northwestern grown, nine Stem wheat. ai a a i ai a' ai a' ' a a a i ? i a t a i a i a NOW ON THE MARKET This addition Is situated Immediately East of now EaBtslde Mill. Tho lots aro 100x211 and larger, nbout eight ordinary lots; and prices aro $150.00 up for thcB largo tracts. This plat was filed recently, nnd wo havo only a few lots remaining unsold. This indicates that tho property is Interest Ing to purchasers, and nnyono wishing to secure a lot should act promptly. Terms one-half cash, balance equal payments, 3, 6, 9 and2 months. For particulars, sco Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. General Agents EASTSIDK . Jlenry Sengstacken, Manage1 ' --; 8 I a i f it i tt t IT I ft I tt I ft I ft I ------ ' ' - - i immmmmmmmmmmammmmmm' m THC FAST AXI) COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo (EQUIPPED WfTH WIRELESS) WILL MAKE REGULAR TRIPS CARRYING PASSEXGEHS AND FREIGHT HETWEEN COOS RAY AND SAN FRANCIS. CO. ALL RESERVATIONS FOR PASSENGERS MADE AT ALLIANCE DOCIC, MARSHFIELD AND INTER-OCEAN THANSP. CO. FIFE RLDG.. SAN FRANCISCO. FOR INHU MATION PHONE U.J o 285. SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO , FOR COOS RAY, OCT. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. H. W. PAINTER Marshfield - Oregon A Want Ad will sell it for you ? tF5255 ii STEAMER BREAKWATER Sails from Alumorth Dock. Porilnmi. t a n M.. every Tuesday, g. Sails from Coos Ray cAery Saturday at service of time. Reservation lll not bo held later than FriiUy noon, unless ticket are purchased. Ja W. F. Milkr, Agt,. pkoae Ma 35-l ScSiLsaszEiisaszszs