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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1910)
nWHJfVUT VTfw rvfii THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6 1910 EVENING EDITION. .(Mai! I nation Bafe. Seo L. J. SlmpsonT North Bend, Ore. Crcivenette Hats Best of All r?f7fwAi1ZvCTl WANTED Itwiiitl mul room In good Christian family for boy attending school. X, caro Times. $3.50 TiTe WOOLEN MILL STORE Mill-to-Man Clothiers Marshfield . Oregon For Your Own Sake USE ZYMOLK TOOTH PASTE. THE PERFECT ANTISEPTIC DENTIFRICE THAT HARDENS THE GUMS, SWEETENS THE DUEATH AND PHESEIIVES 'AND WHITENS THE TEETH. Price, 25 Cents FOI! SU.K AT THE HUSV CORNER. PIIOXK SOU. I Lockhart - Parsons Drug Co. "The Busy Corner" Marshfield, israoM Oregon LOST. Meerschaum pipe, with red leather case, between Highland avenue and the Williams building. Howard tit Times office. WAXTKI) I,mly or gentleman to solicit something now; cxpcrleneo unnecessary; good salary and com mission to right party; must 1 willing to travel. Address 1. Times office. raUTCMi flail COOS BAY TIDES. OCTOBER High water J A. M. FOR REXT. Slwuoiu lint, mull; furnished, bath aud modern con veniences, finest location In Marshfield. Apply to Robort Mnrs den, Sr. " FOR SALE. A goix! paying olllco business at n sacrifice. Address Times offlce. HOMESTEAD LOCATION'. 100 acres good ranch land, two spring creeks, near Ten Mile; can bo homestended; location fee, $1G0. Phone 3 IS. North Bend. Date. Thursday.. 0 Friday 7 Saturday.. 8 SUNDAY.. !) h. in. "l:C7 2:31 3:10 3:G7 OCTOBER P. M. . it. I h. m. I rt. "7.0 1:40 8.2 Co 2:07 8.1 CO 2:32 7.9 CO 3:04 7V7 closed and those who have not been registered cannot vote nt the elec tion without being sworn In. New Engine. A new road engine for the Smith-Powers Logging com pany arrived today on the Breakwater. Hedondo Duo Soon. The steamer Rodondo was expected to sail today from San Francisco and Is duo In Mnrshfield Saturday. She will leavo hero for San Francisco next Monday. Low water Date. ThiirsdnyTTTJ Friday 7 Saturday.. 8 SUNDAY.. 9 A. M. h. 111. 7:43 7:09 8:1(1 8:39 2.7 3.1 3.0 4.0 P. M. h.m. "STT7 8:49 9:20 10:09 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.2 Newport SulK Tho Btcnmer Newport Balled today from Portlnnd and Is duo hero Saturday. FOB SALE Automobile, -Ncyllndcr, 40-horso power, G-pnssenger, fully caulpped with ncotvleno hendllghts, i gabrlol horn, top, etc. Cost new $3000. Wllr sell for cash or ex change for real estato at a bargain Apply to Dr. .1. T. McCormac. W. C. T. U. Meet. Tho regular meeting 6t tho W. C. T. U. will be hold Friday aftornoonrat 2:30 o'clock at the Methodist church. Meet Every Weok. Marshfield lodgo of Elks, No. 1100, last evening decided to meet every Wednesday night henceforth. During tho sum mer months the meetings have been less frequent. Recelwd Democratic Votes. Tho official roturna of Lano county on tho democratic vote show that for circuit Judge, J. W. Hamilton re ceived 33G votes. John S. Coko, re publican candidate, received 38 dem ocratic votes and Benjamin F. Jones, republican candidate, received one vote. ! Seml-Weekly Now. Tho Ban- don Hecordor, which line been pub lishing onco n week, has changed to a semi-weekly and will hereafter bo published every Tuesday nnd Friday. Say! Brings Cannery Supplies. Tho Breakwater today brought somo nets, cans and other supplies for tho can nery nt Empire. Tho vessel stopped thoro to unload th6 freight. 0 NOTHING LIKE Self Satisfaction Friend Bros' SUITS Always Produce the DESIRED EFFECT FR.OM $12.00 to $25.00 TR FIXUP I 1 1 Did you know thnt wo novo ono jof the best lines of grnnltowaro to; Bnr Smoother. Tho bar Is much bo found nnywhoro nnd the prices nro smoother today than It has been nnd I most reasonnblo? They nro tho thoro Is no heavy wind outBldo. i cheapest In tho long run nnd always Thoro Is n fog, however, In tho lower mnko tho kitchen nnd pnntry look bay and tho fog horn wnB going all nicer with hnlf of tho work. Just night. rend theso prices nnd let us know mujuuMiu. 0rruk.,, n,.,v. Tho launch Her-' ,,' '""H-1 Joe up cuIcg wns nt Ul0 Mnr8i,fold dock Inst i offw,0,H ",1c " night. Tho Hercules 1b still engaged ' W,,,M"" -,1c "I In towing logs from Daniels crook ,,a,r Van ,0c "l to tho Simpson mill nt North Bend ''""" ,, " l and keeps busy with thnt work. leaiieiuex two up Itlce Boiler-) 7l)c up Busting Spoons i 10c Dippers !I5e Luncli Palls tfl.uii up Will Play Coqiilllc Tho Inde- pondont footbnll team which lias been organized, will play n gntno with Coqulllo In this city on Oct. 23. Tho gamo hnB been positively ar ranged nnd tho locnl tenm Is prac ticing for tho occasion. Tho Coqullle boys nro nld to havo n strong tenn this year so tho local players nr making nn especial effort In their preparations for tho coming gamo. Covered Pulls ilOc u Roasters , '- 00 Coffee UlggltiH One up COOS BAY CASH STORE fli:0, X. BOLT, . - Manager. I'ront Street, Marsltlleld. Finishing River Woik. Tho river dredger will soon complete tho work of clearing tho channel of Coos river. Tho dredger Is going back up the south fork to take out any snngs that wore overlooked the first trip. Quito a largo nmount of snags havo been pulled out of tho rlvor nnd placed on tho rlvor bnnk. Carl Walker Homo. Carl Wnlkor returned homo todny on tho Break water after having hnd n long aolgo of Illness. "Ho was Injured whllo working for tho Southorn Pacific nt Drnln nnd hnd n nnrrow escapo from bolng killed. Whllo In tho hospital at Iloscburg recovering from tho nc cldent Injuries, typhoid fever sot In nnd n long Illness followed. Ho went from Ilosoburg to Portland nnd rest ed In tho hospital thoro for ten days boforo nttemptlng tho sen trip to Marshriold. Ho will visit his slstor nt Coqulllo nnd romhln hero until entirely woll, .when ho expects to go back to Ilosoburg to work for tho railroad. Southern California and may later go cast. CAPTAIN DONALDS J.N. luu been visiting In tho uuy, loit fo San Francisco today on tho Plant. G. A. KACOU1LLAT of tho North Bond box factory, left today for San Francisco on business. JACK FLANAOAN and Watt Short havo returned home from a hunt ing trip In Curry county. JAMES BA1NES, who has been In tho city for several months, left todny on the M. F. Plant for San Fran cisco. EUGENE DOLAN and Lon Noah, both formerly of tills city, nro now employed as firemen on tho North Bank railroad. JOHN W. PROCTOIt, who has been in the city visiting his sister, Mrs. J. II. Flanagan, loft today for his homo In San Francisco. BOSS FOBSYTH, who hns bocu In tho city for tho past week, wont to Baudon and from there will ttiko tho FIflold to San Francisco. MBS. It. W. GETTY, who has been hero visiting her brother, Otto Schetten, and othor rolntlvcs, left today for her homo In San Fran cisco. She was accompanied by Miss Julia Getty. VICTOIt DIMMICK, who has boon nt Crescent City nnd San Fran cisco for somo time past, Is In tho city on n visit to IiIb parents. Ho may remain In this city all winter. PASTOIt (JIVKX FAREWELL. m::n:rm:m::::nm::mmm::immr Personal Notes f u:Hm:i:mmmmmm::m:mm::jmjmi F. S. DOW went to San Frr.nclBco todny on business. Noith Front Street masrseusMEf. 4 I 9 &-8:i-u-n-Hn-n-a-8-H-B-n-n-n-n-H--n-n-H-n-n-H--a- v M r ram r Mnniimwi h y t a i Pacific Monumental and Building Works H. H. WILSON, Proprietor MARSHFIELP, ORE. All klnria nt mnn..mAni.i ..m.u .nmnfr1v n ml nrtlatlcallv GXO m f uted. Call at our works on South Broadway. L a n-a-o-n-a-n-a-R-a-a--a-r-a-a-a-K-----"-w- 'ZJjU R SALE Flfteen-foot Launch, "uilt of teak ana muliogauy, 2 H. fngin,,. Best boat of sIzo on "e bay, Address Cal Wright, P. " Bx 32, arshflold. Oregon. JIasnic cuarni, Howard If "ua to X, Times office. cheap, Apply B, Times. FOH SALK Kindergarten supplies, chairs, tables, sand bins and toys. Mrs. Bradflold. Phone 3J. FOR SALE Best paying rooinliif house on Coos Bay. A snap. Half cash takes It. P. O. Box 433. LOST Buncli or keys. Reward for return to S," Times office. nation safe. See L. J. Simpson, North Bend. Ore. WANTED. Experienced coal miners and tlmbermen. Apply Beaver Hill Coal Co. LADIES Let us clean, dye or press that dress or garment and make It as good as now. Experienced men do tho work for us. Wo gunrnntoo our work to be satisfactory. Consult us and wo will gladly toll you what can be done ami tho cost of It. Give us a trial order. Phone us nnd wo will send for and dollvor your suit promptly. Men's suits also cleaned, pressod nd repaired. Rates reasonable. Miirslillt'ld Cleaning and Dye Works, Phone 270X. ISC So. Broadway. 17H Broadway, North. MRS. M. R. SMI TH agent for CHARLES A. STEVENS CLOAK AXI) SUIT HOUSE, of Chicago. Will Olve Concert. Tho Coos Bay hand will glvo n freo concert Sunday afternoon nt tho Masonic opera house. Tho concort will bogln nt 2:30 o'clock. Tho band has routed tho opera houso for n time nnd will vory likely open Saturday ovonlng with n moving plcturo show. Registration Slow. Tho registra tion for tho coming olcctlon Is slow. Thoso who formerly made tho regis trations have their bookB bpon ngnln but tho votcra nro not coming In vory lively. Thoy havo until Oct. 1C to register. On that date tho books nro $100 Reward, $100 The r itertt l lit. phut tP l lili-iuol to lfurn tlmt tlicro lntU'iif nnodri'ailiM rtliri' tti Mi' net' li lfi'ii nMu tciiro In nil lla .1 l-i. mul lirtt l CulKTil. Unit' Cutiirrli Cure U tin' nivpoUlw cure now known t inu iiiisiicui irait'rmiy riunrrii umiih hcom .tltulloiml illnni', rcMiifrt'. h iiiihIIiiiIIoikI tri'lm-ni IUII nCutirih mro I. tskn Inter nut y, xrtliii: illrc'ilyimm the IiIinxI hii1 inn i tu iiirlAi'i' i( tlnl ytrm. tliereliv ilrttrnylnir the foiinilslliiii o( thrill, me, him) iiltlnirtue vn'K-iit trriiKtli (n tuillillnv ii Hie nn.tltu tlon Hint atilftlDir Mature In ilolnif It. work. the protirletori Iihvh much falih In (Hour ttlre wer llmt Ihev rrer Ono lliwulrtil Pot lur. for nuy euro llmt It fulU to i lire Pend (or list 01 tetlmnnK u. Y. J. CHUNKY A CO., Joledo, O. Hold lie ll DruKgl.tu.7V. Take Hl' Kaiiuiy 1111. torcoiulfftloii E. L. C. FARR1N went to North Bend today on business. MRS. CHRISTIAN HERMAN of Coos rlvor Is In tho city today. H. C. DIERS of North Bond wns In tho city today. C. F. McOEORQE was In Coqulllo today on business, HENRY SENGSTACICEN wns In Co qullle today on business. M. D. POVNTZ nrrlved homo today from Portland on tho Brenkwator. ---- Have The Pioneer Hardware Co, Connect up your Sewer, and do your PLUMBING .j F. D. Hague, Pres. M. D. Sumner, Vice Pres. 330 Front Street ----- - -- Coos Bay Roseburg Stage Line Doily stage between Roseburg nnd Mathhllfld. Stage leaves dally and Sunday 'at O A. M. Fure, $0.OO. OTTO SniETTER, Agent, O. P. BARNARD, 120 MARKET AV Mnrshfield. Agent, ROSEBURO, ORJC IMIOXK it ' ' " r J. D. HAMLIN of Beaver Hill was a Marshfield business visitor yester day. j I. O. IRBY, proprietor or tho Baxter hotel nt Coqullle, Ib In Marshfield to. day on business, , O. B. HINSDALE of Gnrdlnor, who has boon In tho city on business, left for his homo today, MRS. F. E. ALLEN leaves Saturday for Albany nnd othor northorn points on n visit. AUGUST EICKWORTH, who has for somo time past been linotype operator on tho Times, loft today for San Francisco. Ho will go to Ministers of the City Honor Rev. V. It. Kugg. Tho pastors of tho local churches In Mnrshfield decided thnt the num ber of Coos Bay fowl which "enter tho ministry" hns been too small of Into am! consequently mot InBt ovon lng In nn Informnl reception In honor of Rev. nnd Mrs. F, R. Zugg nnd dis cussed delicious fried chicken pro vided by one of tho local pastors. Tho gathering was hold at tho res. Idonco of Row A. O. Wnlkor on South Fifth Btreot. Good fellowship pre vailed nnd n splendid tlmo was en joyed. Evangolisni nnd various top ics concerning tho pnstor nnd his prolilcmu wore considered. Rev. Ktigg hns proven hlmsolf a man much liked by nil nnd especially by other pastors, Each ono ex pressed his personal rcgrot nt tho necessnry change,. During tho yonr that has Just closed Mr. Kugg has been very efficient In city ovnngollsm, ho bolng the president of tho Tabor naclo association which hnB In chnrgo the evangelistic work In tho city nnd has worked very unselfishly for this cause. Ho remarked last ovonlng thnt ho nlso regrottcd moro than all tho fact that ho would not havo a clinnco to voto In tho "Orogon Dry" cnmpnlgn, but thnt ho folt from In dications that his voto would not bo needed. Thoso presejit wero; Mr, nnd Mrs. F. R. Zugg, Rov. II. I. Rutlodgo, Mr, and Mrs, G, L. Hall, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. O. Walker, Miss Bnkor, elstor of Mrs. Kugg, and Mrs. Btirnlo, inothor of Mrs. Wnlker, Tho following resolutions wero drafted by tho pastors and presontod to Mr. Kugg as a token of their es teem: "Whorons, tho Rov. F. R. Zugg has resigned from tho pastornto of tho Presbyterian church nnd Is soon to leavo Marshfield, bo It Resolved, That wo express our ro. gret nnd tho keen sense of loss wo feel In IiIb departure "Resolved further, That wo express our high appreciation of his chnrnc tor, Ills brotherly spirit, his courngo, Bis zeal, his fidelity to duty nnd his unselfish devotion to evprv Intorcst of tho cnuso of righteousness. "Resolved further. Thnt wo ex press our nppreclntlon of his work In tho county nnd his Influence which abides. "II. I. RUTLEDOE, "O. L. HALL. "A. O. WALKER." -a-a--a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a- --a--a- a-a-n-t?--3 a i a i a t a a a i B a i a a i a i a a t ? a ALFALFA HAY Best Second Cutting Special Prices In 5 -Ton Lots at Ocean dock f. s. DOW ? K I ? a i ? a a i ? a i a t a t a a i-K-ii-w-a-a-B-ii-B-a-a--- HH-K-U-M-' It SALE Neady Mew Talcydc, TOU SATiK 8mll Itreproof conib4- VE ILdrF-