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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1910)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREG.ON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1910 EVENIHG EDITION- COOS BAY TIMES was I. Entered nt tho postofflce at Marsh Hold, Oregon, for transmission through tho mails ns second clns3 mall matter. Address all communications to COOH RAY DAILY TIMES, Multifield :: :: :: :: Oregon M. C. MA LONE V DAN K. MALONEV Editor mill Pull. News Ktlltor An Independent Republican nows paper published every evening except Sunday, and Wcokly by The Coos Hay Times l'tibllxlilng Co. Dedicated to tho service of tho pcoplo, that no good cause shall lack a champion, and that evil shrill not thrlvo unopposed. tlf nl In Its simplicity, formed by Rev. H. .oJge of tho Marshfleld Methodist church. Tho attendants wero Miss Edna Mcintosh and William Mcin tosh. After the ceremony a wedding brenkfast was served. Tho bride is a well known young Indy of Enstsldfc. Tho groom's homo Is on Coos river but tho couple will mnko their home In Marshflold, where the groom has accepted a po sition ns engineer on tho tow-boat Powers. He and his bride went to Coqullle for a visit and will return home Saturday. per- skin, and absolutely reliable A 2C Rut- cent bottle will give ynit positive proof of tho wonderful effectiveness of this groat remedy. For sale at Red Cross Drug Store. NEW AHIIOTT BLESSED. Tho Coos Day Times represents it consolidation of the Daily Coast Mall and Tho Coos Day Advertiser. The Coast Mall was tho first dally estab lished on Coos Day nnd Tho Coos Ray Times Is 11b immcdlato successor. SUBSCKIITION RATES. DAILY. Ono year JC.OO I'or month.. 50 Wlion paid strictly in advance- tho subscription price of tho Coos Hny Times Is $5.00 per yonr or 2.50 for six months. WEEKLY. Ono yonr $1.50 Official Paper of Coos Comity. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CIT1 OF MAR.SHPIELH. THE CHEMISTS' FUTURE CITY. "Coal heats our homes and offices, drives our machines nnd also covers tho city with tho foulest soot and grime. Hut In thu future city, and tho beautiful suburbs all around, tho rumbling, clattering coal truck will bo replaced by a modeiit uuobtrttslvo wire running underground. Through this wire will pass from some huge central dynamo plant, tin electric cur rout power. This power will heat our homes, light- our homes, clean our homos, conk our food, black our hoots, carrying ur upsturs, Hlavo for uh In n hundred ways. Every ma chine In tho city will be run by tho Hiinio tamed giant. In this city to day there Is n law that no man may keep hogs In his backyard or In his house. In tho yearn before us, tho name law will apply to coal, which lu worse than forty hogs. And tho titles of the future will have not ho much ns a wreath of umoko between them and tho heavens. "I spoko of cooking food. What of tho food itself? Meat wo linvu al- leady recovered. Hut what of fruits una toKuiuuiujf i agree,' you mu say, 'to uitlticiitl mime. Tuu Idea Ol (tttrlllg ilOK lit pieCOS, u.iwl' uii, ua t line, tint pe.icaos and leitue iiiauo by mncihuo are somowuut more limn l can bear.' Very good, iiuvo 'urn inailo uy iiuu mud, li tliu(. pioi'bs booms more dainty, luo point 1 want to, is tnat you can mnko 'em uheap, "Thu bcleuco of market gardening has only Just begun, but, even in those first lew years, tho chemists in this lino have shown us hints of as tounding possibilities. And In tlw tamous gurdeiid that circle the city uf Paris, the amount of fruits uud vegetables, greeu vegetables, pro duced on a small three-aero lot out doors straight through the wluter mouths (150,000 hernia of lettuce, for example, on one three-auro plot trotu Christmas to the first of June) gives you some little hint of what the fu ture luiH In storw. "Crude us yet, and tho produce at fancy prices still, because transpor tation is slow, the gardens must keep close to Paris, and there the rents are high. Hut, give by the means I have mentioned, swift uud cheap communi cation between a city and the country for hundreds of miles around, and' give tho horticultural chemists fifty years more to find what can really bo done with artificial earth, earth made by luuchluory and there Is left not the shadow of a doubt that the future people of cities, whether they live In town or in some bountiful su burb a hundred miles away, will have fruits and fresh green vegetables at puces next to nothing, winter and uiimmor alike. "So much for my dream," courlud. tul the chemist. Everybody's Maga-zlno. Imposing Religious Ceremony nt .Mount Angel, Oregon. (Special to tho Times. PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. C -A notn- blo gathering of church dignitaries nnd bonds of orders of tho church throughout tho northwest was that at Mount Angel, Ore, when occurred tho ceremony of tho blosslng of tho now nbbott of St. Benedict's Abbey yesterday, tho Rt,. Rev. Placid us Fttorst, O. S. H. nishops nnd mem bers of tho Cnthollc-clorgy from nil over tlm west nttended nnd partici pated In tho Imposing ceremonies. Tho new nbbott was chosen by canonical election on August 30 to fill tho vacancy ctiusod by tho res ignation of Rt. Rev. Abbott Thomas, O. S. H. Tho ceremony of tho bless ing was iorformotl by Ills Grace, Archbishop Christie, and Bishop Mc Donald, of Vancouver, II. C, ono of the most learned of tho Canadian uolrnrcny, will preach tho sermon. At night, tho huge electric cross sur mounting tho monastery, which In lighted only on rnro occasions such as this, was ablaze, illuminating tho surrounding country for miles. FERRO marine engines. The Otiti For tho East side. Queen of tho Hay, see Phone I. S Kaurmnn & Co. your 2onl Order. PER TON. ROSE WILL BEGIN CAMPAIGN. Prohibition Losing Ground, Snys Mil- wnulcrc ov-Mnyor. David S. Roso, ox-mnyor of Mll watikeo, arrived In Portland yester day morning to begin his compalgn of speaking In tho stnto on hohnlf of the Orenter Orcgonlau Homo-Rule association, Bays' tho Portland Ore gonlnn. For nearly two years Mr. Roso has been delivering lectures nnd addresses on tempernuco ns against nrohlbltinn. He has snolton In all Marts of tho United States whero the Manor question wns nn Issuo nnd will lollver 25 addresses in Oregon. "I hnvo spoken In HO communi ties whero tho liquor question wns beforo tho pcoplo," said Mr. Roso "and only four out of that numbor voted dry. .They woro South Fnrm Ington nnd Plymouth, Mass., Daven port, Wash., and Lincoln, Neb. That alone speaks for tho sentiment of tho public against prohibition. "Prohibition became offectlvo In Alnbnmn January 1, 1009, nnd on November 29 of tho snmo year con stitutional nrohlbltinn was defeated by an overwhelming majority of 27.000, votes. Besides that, Emtnett O'Nolll, who led tho fight, was nomi nated for Governor. "Georgia has tried prohibition threo years, and Hoko Smith, nomi nated for governor, who signed the hill, nnnnuuees that It has Iiomi such a failure that ho will gladly sanction Its repeal, which has been nsaured by 115 nut of 1S5 members of the house, and 32 out of 44 members of the itnto senate. "Wo won back Worcester, Mass., whlrh had been pointed to with pride by tho prohibitionists ns a modol pro hibition city, nnd nlso New Bedford, another sunnosed stronghold of the nrohlbltloulsts. Ami so the cnmpnlgn has gone on In all norts of tho coun try. The tldo is flowing buck, expe rience has been a good teacher, nnd It w'll not bo Ions: until this agita tion will ho replaced with a cam paign of education on temperance." (Tald advertisement by Oregon Homo Rulo Association.- Say, Boys! When you arc preparing for tho rnlny season by buying Rubber Coats nnd wet weather goods, why don't you buy goods that will keep you dry? My guaranteed Rubber Coats will bo here November 1. If ono of them proves to bo defective, bring It back nnd It won't cost you n cent. Just tho same about shoes. The rnln has shown you that your sum mer shoes nro worn so thin that your feet aro wot. Why not save a doc tor's bill by buying n good pnlr that will keep your feet dry? I gunran teo my shoes to hnve waterproof soles. Or If you havo an old pair with good uppera nnd tho solos are worn through, bring them around and I'll put water-proof soles on them. You want to remember Hint I do tho host ronalrlng nt tho most reasonable prices on Coos Bny. Just drop In nnd seo tho kind of leather I uso In making new shoes or hoots nnd ropnlr work. I hnvo Just received n shipment of the fnmous Nnpn Tan Gauntlet Gloves for nutolsts. They aro a little bit tho finest thing over shown on tho bny. Come nroiind nnd get acquainted, anyway. ! PROFKSSIUAAIJ I'.uuw. 4444444444444444 It. J. W. INGRAM, Physician nnd Snrgeon. D Olllce 208.200 Coos Hulldlttl. Phones Office 1021: Residence 1625 J- W. BENNETT, Lawyer. Office over Flanagan & Bennett Bank Marshfleld, Oregon. W M. S. TURPEN, Architect. Over Chamber of Commerce. TALK TO THE PEOPLE When Their Minds Are Receptive Talk to them In the evening nftor they hnvo cast nstilo th "" of the day. For this purpceo Electric Advertising 3 rr Measured by results Electric Advertising is tho cheapest forms of advertising. Our Electric Advertising proposltlo attractive to tho merchant who belongs with the live ones NOlICE TO THE PUBLIC. I havo pl:ed In public service r bus to meet Ml trains nad will make calls on phone orders p hone number 13S-J; livery trnr-ilent feel barn, 120-J; residence, 49-L; ualn office, 13S-J I do nil kinds of draytes and hauling haul anything that 13 loose at both ends. I also handle a gcod grade of coal Why pay $5.00 or fti.00 per ton for coal when I will brlug it to your place 'most anywhere for $4.50 per ton? Look at theso figures and seo which looks tho best In hard times Lump, j $4.50; nut, $2.50: screenings, $1.00 L. II. H EISNER, Livery mid Sales Stables. A new Business Department Representative will call at that you want him. Ho will tell you all nbout the latest cleverest Electric Advertising nnd how llttlo It costs. blot m THE COOS BAY GAS AND ELECTRIC CO. TELEPHONE 178. rtip I y nvn M"tiflM' popuiM fmnlty inc. Luuiu l)t, A (rlltro ron. ml rlcdti. Velvet nnd AxmtnUtcr mpcM la ver room. Four Morton ( ioIM comfort Itn t riMiit'O'l to: tlnjr,A.', ..Vntiill.W)! wtck, 5tOo to luM. AId few lmukrpliiK npnrt udiuwlt Ki riiiK.'. Mi'Mpor mnnlli Krre li In, Taki- liu t "U'n, . Jlr. HrMitvi. 1'iop u-a-a-a-a-a-a-::-t:-a-a-a-a- O. O. LUND, "The man who does thing right."' n'o. 21." South Broadway, Mnrclilleld Scotch Kisses Tho very latest and daintiest confection. Sweet and pure nnd pleasant ns tho lips of a High land lasslo on her nntlvo heather. They're Good Our word for it, you will llko thorn. Drop In nnd try a sample Always Something New at TWO STOREH Uitrt Front St HO Ontrnl Avr MARRIED AT KAKTS1DE. James N. Mclntih and ,MIs Nellie Major Are Wedded. James N. Mcintosh of Coos river and Miss Nollle N. Major woro mar ried at noon Wednesday at (he home of tho bride's father, D. 13. Major, In Eastsldo. Only the relatives nnd a few Intlmato frleuds were present, few Intlmato friends were presont at the residence Tho ceremony, beau- ALL MY PIMPLES GONE Girl TelN How u Blotchy Skin Wns Olenii'.ed by a Simple Wash. "I wns ashamed of my fnco;" writes Miss Minnie Plckard of Alta- mahnw, N. C. "It was all full of nlmnles and scars, hut after using D. D. D. Prescription I can pay that now there is no sign of that Ecemo, and that we three years ago " D. D. D. has become so famous as a cure and Instant relief in Eczema and all other serious nkln diseases, that Its vn'ue Is nometlmes overlooked In cloarlng up rash, pimp les, blackhead. at..l all other niinei forms of skin lmpur'M.$ Tho fact H, thnt whlhi D. D. D ! so penetrating that It strikes to the vorv root of Eczomn or any other serious troublo, tho soothing Oil of Wlntorgreen, Thymol and other In gredients are so carefully compound ed thero Is no was.i for the skin mado that can compare with this groat household remedy for evory kind of skin troublo. D. D. D. Is pleasant to use, per fectly harmless to the most delicate AT THE People's Meat Market you will find n nice, clean and sani tary lino of Meats, cut to your order nnd delivered promptly at any time. Ono trlnl ordor will make you a steady customer. Give us that first trial order, The People's Market For Strictly Fresh Butter Sterilized Cream Sterilized Milk Butter Milk Bean-Pot Cheese and Ice Coos Bay Ice & Cold Storage TREE DELIVERIES 8 A. M. nnd 2 P..M. Phono 7U-J, O i a i a t a i a i XI I I ' t I ?l U I! a i i :: i it i it i n i .STATEMENT OP CONDITION OK TMK First Trust and Savings Band OV COOS BAY, MARSIIPELD, ORE., SEPT. 1, 1910. RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. Lonns.nnd discounts . . . .J12G.51G.9S Cnpltnl stock paid In. . .loo,0( Overdraft 254.SC surplus and uudlTldcd Bonds and securities .... 20.090.1C pronu . . Banking house, furalturo Doposlti . . , nnd flxiures 5C.SiO.GO' Cash on hand and duo from banki 82,908. 51 UISII U,!ISll Total .im,!! ToUl 9293,651.01 Wo Invito your attention to tho ftrong condition of this bnk ii shown bytho sworn snttcment, to-wlt: Qash reserve. 43 per cent ot depciiu, Reservo required by law 15 per cent of depoihi Keservo In oxceas of legnl requirements ,2S per cent of dejoila OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS JOHN S. COKE, President. JOHN P. HALL, HENRY SENGSTACKEN. STEPHEN C. ROOEI18, DOnSEY KREITZER, Cashier. W. S. CHANDLER, WJLLIAM GRIMES. DR. C. W. TOWER. M C. HORTON, Vlco Prosldont nnd Manager. DOES A GENERAL 1JANKINO AN D TRUST BUSINESS. YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED. . i ? u I n i Draws Drafts 0B Fire Insurance I represent th0 best companies and give tho lowest rates. It will pay you to seo mo beforo,! you renew that policy. i T AUGUST FRIZKEN, IT IS Central Ave. Marshfleld, Oro. FOR CAREFUL CLEANING Ladles should bring their Dresses, Wraps or Gloves to us. Satisfac tion guaranteed. COOS ll.VV TAILORING CO., J. W. Josephson, Mgr. 180 South Broadway, Marshlleld. 1UH Front St. Phone 17H. J. OIL SUPPLIES The Coos Bay Oil and SuuuV Company under the .management o J J. W, Fjanaan. wllcoutlnm tp har dlo the Union. Oil Company's gasc line, distillate, benzine and. coal oi at their oil house across the Bay ti which place they have moved' thelt office. Phnn 802'. BREAKWATER HOTEL, Front St., Murshlleld, Ore., UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Has been thoroughly renovated and newly furnished. Rooms reason able, by day, week or month. Mrs. J. H. O'DONNELL. Prop. Good Evening! HAVE YOU ANY LAUNDRY? If so, do not forget that this U THE laundry whero you get the best work, and prices aro In every one' reach. Call up and one of tho drlv THE FRST NATIONALBANK OF COOS BAY STRICTLY A COMMERCIAL BANK. Wells Furgo Nevada National Bank. San Francisco, Ctl The United States National Bank, Portland, Or. Tho National Park Banlc, New York, N. Y. Tho Corn Exchange National Bank, Chicago, III. The Bank of Scotland, London, England. Tho Credit Lyannals, Paris, Franco. In addition we draw drafts on all principal banking eentirt U Europo, Asia, Africa, Australia, China, Japan, North, Cntril i4 South America. Personal and commercial accounts kont aubtocc to check. j ? Cortmcates of Deposits Issued. Safe Deposit Boxes for rent j N AGAN &. BENNETT BANK MAR3HPIELD, OREGON. Oldest Bunk In Com CouBty, KstuMlHlied In 18HD. Paid up Cnpltnl uud Surplus, .fiHO.OOO.OO. Acst'tti Over Half Million IhOLini. Does a general banking business and draws drafts on the But t or California, San Francisco, Cal.; Hanovor National Bank, N. Y.i 1 First Nntlonal Bank, Portland, Ore.: First National Dank, Bom-1 burg, Ore.: Tho London Joint Stock Bank, Ltd., London, Emlitl T Also sells exchnngo on all of tho principal cities ot Europe. f Individual and corporation accounts kept subject to check. 6'' deposit lock boxes for ront. . ... OFFICERS: . UENNETT. P.l.i.., 1! I. U'IM.IAMS. Ciisll or. J Ii,.?M?Aux V..Iivh," JEO. K. WINCHESTER, Ant, CsA 1 iiMthhT PAID OV TIME DEPOSITS s?525E52SBS5Wasa525H5iure5aSHSH c c D C C 3 STEAMER M. R PLANT Sails for San Francisco every eight days, TICKETS RESERVED UP TO THE ARRIVAL OP THE SHIP, S R1ISERVATION8 WILL RE CANCELLED AT THAT TIME V' V, mujs TICKET IS BOUGHT. F. S. Dow, Agent. Marshfield Ore era will call and explain all details to ' fisPTainiiTPWtrpir-o PS7qP53WWiraSH5? P'P.i- you. AH telephone calls are quickly """ MISS EDNA LARSON 4 Piano Instruction 4 Tel.SSI.R. O 4 Turkish Baths 210-213 Coos Building PHONE 2 14-J " """ " """' i FLASHES FROM THE WIREl A book of Sermons by 4 DAN SHANNON. 4 4 Price, Fifty Cents. 4 4 Address Vlsalta, Calif. 4 4444444444444 attended to. because wo aro running -n---n-t:--n---tt-a-- H-tt-n-8-a -a-a-a-a-a-S"! Iwo wagons. I i Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIABLO AND JOSSON CEMENT. Tho best Domestic nnd Imported brands. Plaster, Limo, Brick nnd all kinds of builders material HUGH McLAIN OUR GUARANTEE IS YOUR SAT j 1SFACTION. j MARSHFIELD HAND AND STEAM LAUNDRY. I Wnuzey Bnxi., Prop. Phono SS0-J, j Winter is Coming OFFICE, SOUTH BROADWAY. k- - - !tm A ON, WHEN YOU WILL NUED MORI LIGHT. OUR FIXTURES ARE GO- ING FST AT ritOM TEN TO WKNTY PER CENT LOWER TH N .MANUFACTURING PRICES. THIS IS A SNAP FOR SOMEONE THAT, at Gardiner, Oregon has beon , HAS THE MONEY. modelled and imf " ', ?, ?e f0" GENERAL CONTRACTOR PHONE 201. --- ..... - HOTEL GARDINER, Coos Bay Wiring Co. EXPERT ELECTRICIANS. Reepectfully ask your pwronage. PHONK 2S7-J. modelled and improved and Is under now management. Special accommo dations for stago passengers and for nine uesiring a rest at the seashore, "You'll Like the Place." J. E. SCHILLING, Proprietor. Trr The Tlmea' Want Ads, MAGUIRE'S TRANSFEn. Hauling of every descripti J-J at "Busy Comer." Phone 298. u .-. i in xeaoa " XJCUIU4 M ' phono, 201. : AAAAe 4 MRS. FARRIN0ER 4 Teacher of r'"10' 4 Teacher of I,lU10 Home Studio, South Broad. Phone 3 A A -