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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1910)
frr-V" r -v", wMf ' t ,-b Twijjy w -a- r- towv ' (y-Wf"Tk1lft((ff"WdBlW.fW ADS. aroitwi NEWS a1,rV HfSlXKSS 13 SLOW, Al StTlSK. THAT IX PAYS IS BVI- GET IT WHILE IT IS NBW OT READING THE COOS MAY TIMES. ALL THE NEWS AIu TUB TIME TERSELY TOLD v: :: :: :t ti Khousks KVEimvHBnia MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS Established lu 1878 as Tlio Count Mali. I VOI XXXIII. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1910 EVENING EDITION A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall and Coos Hny Advertiser. 71. PHI I') WHPJipHIWWW Okwfi wag DRTUGAL IS NOW A REPUBLIC, THEOPHILE BAH, PRESIDENT PROMINENT Wl S 0yal Family Has Fled and Revolution Seems to Be Accomplished. LlOLENCE BELIEVED. TO BE AT AN END adicals Parade Streets In .a Demonstration But Are Dispersed. , HAIKU PRESIDENT. 4 (By Associnieu rress.; V Berlin, Oct. C Tho foreign cldce loilny rccclvoil a telegram timed "Thcoiihllo Ilnrgn, provl- ilonal president of Portugal," announcing tho formation of n proTlilonal government, tho proclamation of n republic nnd raarantcelng public security. Identical notes linvo beon sent brBarsa to ull the powers. CHANCE TO BE FOREST RANGER (By Associated PresB to Coos Bay Times.) MADRID, Thursany, Oct. C Tho iliotgle between tlio rovolutlonlsts ltd the loyalists nt Lisbon continues todir. Advices from tho Portuguese urlttl, the nuthentlclty of which can be lately ntsured, aro mcagro. Dls Iitcbes convey tho Imp'rcsslon that the revolutionists nro lu complcto control snd thnt tho populaco hna tcctpted tho republic as accom pSiced. It must bo bnm In mind, lowerer, that tho revolutionists nro la completo control of tho telegraph ud cable offices and aro nblo to delate what they -wish of tho present iltutlon shall bo lenown In tho out- i!de world. One report from Vigo declared thnt lie troops who wero faithful to tho lfs itlll hold tho Important polnto i:d that contlnucil fighting during lie night is expectuB. It was admitted, howovor, thnt tho Rfalllcans. hnd got tho upper hand "tr thirty hours of fighting. A fopatch said a moflornto CBtlmnto of t&elouon both sides wns 200 dend Jd ISO wounded. Tho city is but tyatb damaged by tho bombnrd at, Tho republic was nroclalmcd a-M frantic enthuslrtsm, iti:roitTi:i) ouiet. YcrdtoThat Effect In Sent to Consul nt Lli'eriwwtl. B Aasoclated Press to Coos Bay Times.) LIVERPOOL. fW Tim Unr. 'rOfta consul .nul,..i ..i.i...... ...... ivwivvu i niuiUKium "4 at Lisbon and timed noon, "S that nil wns quiet at tho Cap- mi, KIXO l iiinixn "" Hl From hoCnpltul to tho uMlo nt Clbtrn. Bj Awoclated Press to Coos Bay Times.) LOS'nnv n. ...... .,, v.n. u. a news agency '"Patch fl-nm Oil .. . ,.... uiurunar says a wiro JJ om a nrltlsh warship off Lis- " JYIIiir lioniinl I A. -llkMn JJttwn miles from Lisbon, and r Queen Mother, Amelia, Is the royal yacht. fighting over. Wfl That Revolution Has Been Lnvnftv;"'",n,,,sno1- vS;uJ;,:.6-8lr.p-.H-vlh o, "evhe forelgn o(f,ce todfty that' "Publican revolution had appar Ictre nccomn3hed and that ii," emed no reason for further ""ence, W WAY TO ENGLAND. Mother Said to Ho Seeking in. . Ilo'ugo There. associated Press to Coos Bay Listm Times.) hj R 0ct 6 U is reported to- inli rynl f0m,,y fIcd fr0,n htM., a' at the outbrcnk of tho Krlaj "n and 'a on board tho Im- th6 Queen Amo"n. which is way 'o tho English coast. w7 bands 0fvSP"anIsri' radicals , the streets today until the Opened them. Government Will Hold Exam inations For Those Want ing to Enter Service. Tho civil Eorvlco commission will 'hold an examination for assistant forest rangor on October 2i and 25. Tho U. S. department of ngrlculturo estimates that -100 ollglblcs will bo needed during tho field reason of 1011. AsglBtnnt forest rangers nro pnid nn entrance salary of $1100 per annum. Forest rnngorB must bo, when practicable, citizens of tho state or territory In which tho nntlonal for est on which they nTo to bo appoint ed In situated. In tho states In which no examinations nro to bo hold there in still a sufficient list of cllgl hloB to make tho holding of nnothw examination unnecessary. Tho requirements and duties of forest rangers nro thus described In "Tho Uso Bonk," which contains tho regulations and Instructions for the uso of tho national forests: I "A rangor of nny grade must bo thoroughly sound and able-bodied, capable of end tiring hardships and performing sovorolnbor undor trying conditions. Ho must bo ablo to tako enro of hlmsolf anil his horses In re gions Tomoto from sottlomcnt nnd supplies. Ho mum bo ablo to build ! trails and cabins, rldo, pack, nnd dcnl tactfully with all classes of 'people. Ho must know somethlnc of land surveying, estimating nnd 'scaling timber, logging, land Inws, mining nnd tlio livestock business. On snmo forcstB the ranger must b a specialist in ono or moro of Uieso lino? of work. "Tho examination of applicants is nlnng tho practical lines indicated above, and nctnnl demonstration, by performance. Is required. Invalids Mrs. Swan Samson, Well Known at Tacoma, Acci dentally Killed While on a Deer Hunt With Her Husband. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) TACOMA, Wash., Oct. C Mrs. Swan Samson, ono of tho best known women hunters In this part of the country, wns accidentally and fatnlly shot yesterday while hunting deer nt Silver lake, twenty-five miles south of Tncoma. Sho was hunting with her husband nnd Peter Peterson. Mrs. Samson was in a bont on the lake whllo her husbnnd nnd Peter Bon were on shore starting n buck. Suddenly n shot rang out and the hUBband saw ills wife fall backwardB into the bont. The husband swam to tho bont and brought It ashore. Mrs. Samson wns removed to a houso nnd physlclnns wore summoned from Tn. coma, but they could do nothing to save her life. The bullet hnd hit n hard substance and been deflected, striking Mrs. Snmson. Tho Intestines wcro cut in soven places. DIFFERENCE AS TD WHO IS IN CHARGE OF THE INVESTIGATION INSSVNSSSSWWNirfNiiSW FOR BUSINESS HAS SUED FOR BIG DAMAGES T. C. Foster Starts Action Against Local Gas and Electric Company. T. C. Foster hnB started suit in tho federal court nt Portland for $15,000 Jnmages ngnlnBt tho Coos Bay Gas & Electric company for personal In juries. In regard to tho suit the Oregonlan says: Chnrglng thnt tho Coos Bny Gas & Electric company was negligent in not supplying him with tho proper tools for tho performance of the work of erecting telcphono poles, and thnt W. S. Harrington wns nn inex perienced nnd Incompetent foreman, T. C. Foster yesterday begun a sul' In tho United Stntes court for dam ages. Foster was Injured whllo nld Ing in mining n, polo July 13, 1D08. Ho asks for damages In tho Bnm of $15,000. BREAKWATER HAS- ARRIVED WAUHE.V PAIUCKK WEDS. .seeking light out-of-door emplov jment need 'not npply. Exporlonco. I not book education, Is sought, al though nblllty to mako simple maps I nnd write Intelligent reports upon forest business Is essential, "Rangers execute Mio work of tho Inntlonnl forests under tho direction of supervisors. Their duties Include patrol to prevent fire and trespass; estimating, surveying, nnr marking timber, tho supervision of outings, and similar work. They Issuo minor permits, build cabins nnd trails, ovorseo grazing business, Investigate claims, report on applications, and rojiort upon and arrest for vlolntlon of forest laws and regulations." Tho examination will consist of questions regarding tho uso of tho forest, supplemented hy a field test to show tho applicant's fitness to do tho actual work of a ranger." Totalis regarding tho examination, including tho names of the places ' which it will bo hold, will bo sent to anyone npplylng to tho United States Civil Servico Commission, Washington, D. C. -.. r . '4 THE WKATHKR. " (By Associated Press.) Oregon Fair tonight and 4 Friday; cooler tonight. LOCAL TEMPEIUTUHE RE- l ronf. . 4' For twenty-four hoUra ending at 4:43 p. m. Oct. 5, by Mrs. Mingus, special government me- teorologlcal observer: Maximum 5? Minimum B3 4 At 4:43 p. m 02 Precipitation 0.12 Wind Northwest; clear. 4 " LAliOR TROUBLE SETTLED. Well Known I.iunlH'nnnn Mnrrled to Miss Syphc'ni. fSpeclnl to tho Times.) BATfDON', Oro., Oct. C. Warren Parker of Pnrkorsburg, nnd well known 'in tho lumber business of tho Coqulllo valley, and Mlsa Nottlo Syphers of Lnnglols, wero married nt Bamlon, Archdeacon Horsfall of- jflclntlng. Mr. Parker is proprietor of the shlnglemlll nt Pnrkorsburg 'and has othor holdings in tho ' qulllo valley and has a largo circle of business nnd personal friends in tho connty. Tho brldo Is n Curry county girl and highly esteemed In tho locality whero sho resides, (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) MANCHESTER, England, Oct. C. Trouble between tho federation of the master cotton spinners, which re sulted in a lockout of 130,000 oporar "tives, was settled today and tho mills will be reopened Monday. DUCK calls, shell bags, shell belts, shell vests, gun cases. The Gunnery. NEW DECISION ON DIVORCES Comes From Portland Today With Big Passenger List and Freight. Tho Brenkwatcrr arrived in Coos Bny this morning with nlnoty-clght passengers nnd n good cargo of freight. Sho Tcnchod North Bond nt 10 o'clock. Tho vcbsoI will snll ;for Portlnnd Saturday. Tho follow ing wero tho passongors who ar rived todny: Mrs. J. McDonald, Mrs. "Williams, Mrs. Reynolds, J. LnwBon, Edw. Pratt, Mrs. Pratt, D. Pratt, J. Hott, Mrs. Wnrron, Mrs. Noble, W. 6. Lnr scn, P. E. Larson, II. B. Larson, W. PondCTB'ont, Chns. Fltzhugh, C. n. McLeod, W, Garrett, O. IJ, Abbott, W. Sailing, Mrs. Sailing, Mra. Em rlck, Mrs. Robeson, W. A. Sailing, MIbs Dollar, R. Wngnor, Chns. Fol lows, F. Ilnlloy, J. W. Fltz, D. Co logne "W. O'Nell, J, Ynltlor, R. MH lor, O. Lambert, Miss C. Dyo, W. I Rogers, Mrs. Rogers, J. II. Lutes, (Mrs. SoWl, F. Horton, A. Hlsoy, "W. Hlscy, Mrs. Hlsoy, C. II. Manesso, Mrs. Mnncssn, Mrs. Pitts, Miss Pitts, Chns. Marsh, Mrs. Marsh, J. L. Hayes, Mrs. Hayes, C. L. Crouch, Mrs. Clinton, Ed Livingston, Chns. Prngcr, J. L. Colo, Mrs. Ansollne, Mrs. GUIIngs, F. Schaffer, Mrs. Schaffer, Mrs. Jones, Miss Jones, F. (Tnlloy, M. Petersen, W. Yorlnn, C. IM. Eborhnrt, Jno. Lundquhtt, J. J. Klndall, Mrs. Kindall, E. 'Churchill, I Guy Churchill, Otto Edlund, W. D. ; Points, J. Murray, G. W. Lawronco, J. II. Thomas,, R. N. nnttlo, L. Dar ling, II. Wntor, A. Murdock, Miss B. Seamon nnd 18 steerage. TALKlSTAl New York Supreme Court Says Nevada Separations Are ' Not Good. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) NEW YORK, Oct. (S.In an Im portant state supreme court decision just announced hero it is ruled that a woman who goes to Nevada for the purpose of obtaining a dlvorco and then returns to New Yoj'k stato Is still a wife. It is declared that tho New York courts may arrive at this conclusion from any evidence which shows that the divorce proceedings were instituted ns soon as she had re mained in Nevada long enough, to sat isfy the authorities thero that sho had obtained residence. The Reno divorce court rule is void fflr want of jurisdiction. K SPECIAL NOTICE.' It Is reported that Mr. A. E. Schultz of North Bend is traveling throughout Coos county in the inter ests of the Oregon Home Rulo amend ments and tho liquor traffic, and that in his solicitations he Is presenting himself as a member of the First Presbyterian church of North Bpnd, It Is also reported that ha Is using such church membership in an at tempt to show those whom ho inter views -that the church peoplo favor Committee of Bankers' Society Tells of Legislative Work Done. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) LOS ANGELES, Oct. C The members of tho Savings Bank section of the American Bankers listened to day to tho report of their committee appointed at Chicago last year to en compass the defeat of the postal sav ings bank legislation. The commit tee admitted that while its efforts were not entirely successful, it hnd a "great deal to do with bringing about favorable conditions In the ex isting laws." BOULEVARD Project to Wake Bennett Av enue Commercial High way Across City. N At a llttlo dinner party given in tho grill room of tho Chnndlcr hotel Inst ovonlng a project wns launched for n btiBlncBB boulevnrd In Mnrsh flold thnt might bo termed n twin project of Mayor Strnw'B park boule vard plan. Tho plan as outnnuu u the , Is to mnko Bennett avenue tho bn&la of n business street 100 feet wldo, thnt will extend from Broadway to tho city limits. To per fect such a commercial hlghwny It Ih proposed to ndd forty foot addi tional to Bennett nvonuo whero it runB from Fourth street to Seventh Htrect, which will bo tnken from tho abutting property, nnd rontlnuo it ne'ross Mill Slough to Brondwny. Much of tho property that vlll bo necessary to tho consummation of tho ilan Is now owned by Mr. C. A. Smith, who wns present, nnd without committing hlmBClf definitely to tho project expressed npprovnl of tho general plan, Tho mnttor will bo tiiken up with him nnd othor prop erty owners by n committee appoint ed by Mnyor Straw and headed by J. II. Flanagan. Tho plan as presented wbb olab orntoly worked out with maps nnd diagrams showing tho ndvnntngcB thr.t would nccrue to tho entire busi ness district by tho establishment of a main nrtory of traffic, modeled nf tfr tho iden of Market Btreot in Snn Francisco, and which would establish n menus of ensy ncccsii to whnt must eventually bo tho lnrgo residential section of tho city that Ib to be, Tho idea ndvnncod wns that such a street -Would provo bonoflclnl to established streets in being n feeder for them from tho prlnclpnl reoldenco section of tho city. Tho plnn wan cordially endorsed by Mayor 8traw and n num. her of other business men present. Tho mnttor Is to bo thoroughly In V08tlgntcd by tho committee appoint, ed by Mayor Straw nnd lator a report submitted. Those present Inst ovonlng wero: A. Moreen, E. E. Straw, P. A. Sand borg, G. W. Kaufman, Clnudo Nas burg, J. II. Flanagan, O, A. Smith, I. 8. Knufmnn, A. II. Powers, M. C. Mnloney, R. O. Graves nnd J. M. Blake. "WETS"" WIN Detective Earl Rogers Says Burns Is Not in Full Control. NO INFORMATION IS GIVEN OUT IN ROSEBURG i it Elect Five Out of the Six Coun- oilmen to Be Chosen There. the proposed constitutional amend ments of tho Oregon Home Rulo as sociation. As a matter of fact and Informa tion, nnd to correct nny erroneons Imprei'&Ion, Mr. Schultz was dis missed ns a member of our congrega tion, in meeting of our session, duly assembled, on March 14, 1909, slnco which datu he har not in any way been connected by membership, or otherwise, v with tho First Prosbyto-. rian church of North Bond. By order of tho cession, October 5, 1910. A. W. MYERS, Clerk of Session, FJrst Presbyterian Church of North Bend. (Paid advertisement, by Firet Pres byterian Chvrch of North Bend.) 2 years' experience Works the change. Regarding the Eight Men Sus pected in Los Angeles Dynamite Plot. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) LOS ANGELES, Oct. C Whllo tho searching for tho Times building dynnmlto conspirators Is unhnmporcd today by any uiiduo publlctly, thero is a division of opinion between Wil liam J. Burns, detective, and Earl Rogers, nttornoy. In a stntcmont yesterday Burns snld ho was in charge and todny Enrl Rogers do- clnres Hums Is not- lu chargo of tho conspiracy Investigation. Burna re plies thnt ho declines to onto a con troversy with Rogers ns to who 1b In charge, stating merely that ho ropro Bonts tho city, which Is moro Im portant than representing somo other Incorporated body which includes only n portion of tho people. Following Mayor Alcxnnder's stato. ment thnt tho reward offered for tho npprchenston of tho plotters wns too lnrgo, tho Merchants & Miufnctur ora' association today reduced Its re ward from 150,000 to $15,000. From information today drawn from tho pollco with grent difficulty it wbb learned thnt nt leaBt eight mon aro suspected of bolng involved nnd tho rownnL for their enpturo amounts in nit to $J 46,000. Absolutely nothing concerning tho presont status of tho man hunt wns gained today. Captain Flnmmer, chlof of tho Los Angeles detective bureau, this after noon denied that thoro wns any ovl donco so far totaling to faston guilt upon ono or moro of tho suspectb who nro under nrrest "on general princi ples." mnungor of n local drugstore and a stnunch supporter of tho "wot" prin ciples, defeated Clark L. Bnrgar by n majority or over uu votes, .Mr. uar gar's support was largoly contributed by tho "dry" votors, notwithstanding thnt ho Is supposed to bo affiliated with tho "wot" forces. Krohn wns stronunusly opposed by a handful of tho "drys" who con tended thnt his business rotation wero such as to render h!m unfit for tho offlco of councilman. Tho "wet" element nccopted this Inforonco as a peisonal slap and combined their forces In support of tho offended can didate. lutho sixth ward, North RoMiurg, John Million, th6 "dry" candidate, defeated his "wot" opponont, H. Guest a locnl bakor, by 10 votes. Mullen has BOrved as councilman during tho past 12 months, and re sides in a decidedly "dry" territory. In tho socond, third and fifth wards the so-called "wot" candidates wero electod almost without opposi tion. They wore: Dr. Goorgo E, Houck, Fred Chapman, druggist, and John Nnchtor. Out of tho 12 councllmon nt pres ent representing tho city, 10 aro said to be closely affiliated with the "wet" olement. Drys Are Routed as Result of a Change in Public Sentiment. ROSEBURG, Oro., Oct., C Tho "wot" element of Rosoburg Is jubi lant over tho result of tho city olec tlon hold hero today, when flvo of tho six "wet" candldntoa wero elected mombors of tho city council over t,b so-called "dry" champions by m- joritles ranglug from 15 to 50 vote- Tho strife of tho election centored in tho fourth ward, whero Walter Hamilton, a local druggist, who was supported almost to a man by tho "dry" voters, was defeated by Dr, A F, Sether by a majority of 16 votes. In tho first ward, S. E. Krohn, SECOND MATE HURT. E. Eckliiiid of Nairn Smith Meets With Accident. C. Eckland, second mate on tho steam schooner Nnnn Smith, was qulto badly hurt whllo lumbor was being loaded on tho vessel. Lumbor foil on him and bruised him qulto badly. The mate was taken to Mercy hospital to recover from his Injuries. HAR TOO ROUGH. The Nnnn Smith did not cross out this afternoon ns tho bar was too rough, Paper applo wrappers for sale by IL W. 1'iilnter, BPOTZOFJ? Motal""r6llh. Tho Gunnery. It. VT. Painter" wHfliahdle your npples for you. Phone 241, Mj... fVftw 4i ii i f'rfntaiT-jjj- XJ..t..l- .- -j.... ukl. tf-14 .k.