rf wwv,n 'T THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1910 - EVENING EDITION COOS BAY TIMfcS Entcrod at tho postofflce nt Mnrsh fiold, Oregon, or transmission through tho malls as second clam ninll mnttor. Ad dross nil communications to COOS DAY DAILY TIMES, Mnisliflcld :: :: :: :: Oregon SI. ('. MALONEV Klitor mid Pub. DAN U. MAI.ONEY Now Editor An Independent Iloptibllcnn .nowa pnpor luibllBhed uvcry evening except Sunday, nnd Weekly by The Coom liny Times Publishing Co. tho season without having on nn wear to speak of, either over' or u dor them. , Dedicated to the service of the people, that no good cntiso shnll lack n champion, and Unit evil shall not thrive unopposed. Tho Coos Day Times represents it consolidation of the Dally Coast Mall and The Coos Hay Advertiser. The Coast Mali was tho first daily estab lished on Coos Day nnd Tho Coos 'Day Times is its immediate successor. Hl'HSCItl ITION HATES. DAILY. Ono year JG.00 I'cr month GO When pnld strictly In ndvnnco the subscription price of the Coos Day Times Is $5.00 por year or $2. GO for six months. weekly. Ono yenr $1.50 Official Paper of Coos County. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY OF MAHSIIFIELD. FOR OCTOHER. (Copyright by C. H. Rlcth.) O, T. Itoosovolt has come back to tho west I Of all the Hough Riders his luck was tho best. Ho rodo from Dakota to San Juan IIII1, And Jie found him the Spaniards he Wanted to kill, Shouting, "Into 'em, Teddy, An Into 'om deep!" Aim! the men of Ornnnda Went down In n heap. Ho rested h's broncho nnd fed him his fill, nnd then he rode .roll ing up Capitol Hill. Ho wasn't ex pecting or asking a thing, but he landod right In tho political rim?, touting, "Into 'om, Teddy, nnd Into 'om plump!" and tho poor polltlc!nn3 went down in a lump. Ho watered his pinto nnd fed hi" some oats, And then he remounted nnd hunted for goats. Ho found him some people who didn't ngreo With all of his notions, and gave a whoop-pee, Yelling, "Into 'cm, Teddy, An' Into 'om hot!" And ho knocked them hll into tho plttomlcss bot. Ho hobbled his charnor nnd cave wiikx Miiira KHAiii.i M,iiijKii.(hm BO,no grass, nnd then ho weri A LAST poor echo of tho clipper nftor someone In his clnss. Ho put sailing days camo to Now York l i Hon with blood in Its oyo, nnd when tho bark Ilonnnza, 13G lie clapped on tho spurs with n toi Uays from Pednng to Sumntrn, slg- rlblo cry, faying, "Into Mm, Teddy. jinled for n tug and tho cnptnln n "" mi nnrui" ana tne non nsked If tho Gau Pan had arrived. passed on to his finnl reward. A bit of fall Is as nice a thing As I know anything nbout When tho pumpkin pie Is ripening, " And tho time Is opportuno for krnut. Wlion the hunter gets his trappings out, Awakened by the time of year, And the fnrmor, furious without, And hot within, begins to shout, "Get ou-u-u-u-u-t of hero!" "Get ou-u-u-u-u-t of here dndhlamo your skill!" Ah, thnt'B tho proper time to sigh When tho squirrel gets his goodies in Against tho winter by-and-by. When tho bending roaches of the sky Are very soft and very near, And the farmer, with a watchful eye,. Doglns to hop nround and cry, "Get ou-u-u-u-u-t of hero!" "Get ou-u-u-u-u-t of hero you blnnky-blanki; Ah, that's the season of them all When winter hangs upon the flunk Of tho wild goose passing In the fall. When tho plaintive quail begins to call Across tho golden fields and sore nd tho fnrmor, bursting from the tnll With lenps nnd bounds, begins (o bnwl: "Get ou-u-u-u-u-t of hero!" PROFESSIONAL CAHDS. D It. J. W. INGRAM, Pbysirlau mill Surgeon. Olllce 208.201) Coos Hulldla.T. Phones Offlco 1621; Hcsldonco 102: J- W. DENNETT, Lawyer. umco over Flanagan & Dennett Bank Marshflold, Oregon. W 31. S. TUHPEN, Aicliltoct. Over Chnmbet of Commerce. NOTICE TO TUB i'URLlC. I havo pli:ed la public service t bus to meet h trains nad vrill inakt calls on phone order r hone number 138-J; livery transient teai barn 120-Jj residence, 40-L; v:aln office 13S-J. I do all kinds of drayt:$ a no hauling hntrl anything that 13 loc at both ends. I also handle a good grade of coal Why pay $3.00 or $0.00 per ton for coal when I will bring It to your plnce 'most anywhere for $1.50 per ton: Look nt these figure and see which looks the best In hard times Lump i $4.50; nut, $2.50; screenings, $1.00 L. II. HEISNEH. Llinry mitl Sale Stables. 0PLF TALK TO THE PE When Their Minds Are Receptive Talk to them In tho evening nfter they have cast aside th """ of tho day. For this purpose Electric Advertising s Irroslstlb Measured by results Electric Advertising 8 tho cheapest i rorms of ndvertlslng. Our Kloctrlc AdvcitlsluK proposition attractive to tho merchant who belongs with the Iho ones are A new Du8lne93 Department Rop'rosontntlve will call nt a that you want him. He will toll you nil nbout the latest cleverest Electric Advoi Using nnd how Httlo It costs. bint am THE COOS BAY GAS AND ELECTRIC CO. TELEPHONE 178. Tho melancholy days will come, and tho pheasant will Intone Ills drum upon the sad nnd drowsy wind In tho solemn mnnner of his l;l" Tho booming frog will sniff the breozo nnd fnll to digging on ' knees, nnd tho buckwhent enke ' tnko n crack nt this fool thing of coming back. And when he was told thnt hIio had not ho Hhouted "Aha then we win o hreathed his good mustang nnd tho rncol" looked him nround, However aatlsfactory the outcome !t further nibvonturo wns not to of tho contest to the Hklppor of the1 '" round. Donnnza it was ono which would not,So ll0 I"1"01' "P "l trousorR nnd havo boon mentioned when sail renl-j pulled down his vest, ly was carried. It Is a matter of A'l "inwiy roue iiacu to ins ouieu to om, time wost, Shouting. ''Dnck Toddy, An' back In 'em proud!" And they gathered about him And solemnly bowed. record thnt tho Halubow mndo the trip from Now York to Canton, China, nnd return In 107 days, her actual time nt sen being hut 170 days. Tho Uowgua, built hy rivals of tho own era of tho Itnlnhow, wont out to Shnnghnl In 87 dnyH. Tho packer linos, predecessors of tho clippers, i " roAi' In his snddlo, nnd rodo on mndo speed thnt many steamship ",s l0",, "nil he put nil tho tondor compnnlcs of today would not com- fot ,1,,r tno ,lt1'- " dashed to plain of. Tho Hod Jnckot ran frdm tho "Bt' """" ho UnBhctl to the weit, v.... 't. t i...., i to .,.. anil ho hnllod boforn thoni. cxnnnd- nnd 111 hours, a record thnt Htood ' I'1" cl.oBt. saying, "Threo cheers tW roar, nnd bnwl fo- victory and for ninny yonrs. Then camo n gonorn- for Teddy, the prldo of tho west!" Hon of navigators who had tho cour- "'"' ,no' ,00,c Rront Ilea'ro In do- nge if heroes and norvos thnt wore l"K tno rc' fiteol. It Is told of one thnt on ptil-l ting out of Iloston hnrhor ho placed i October Is for tho Latin octo, menn- padlocks upon the halliard blocks lK lKt. nnd It wnH formerly Mr nnd no ono could trim n will until . lKlth month of tho yenr. This It may be Jeffries and his strain aro novec quite themselves again, b tho pickled pig's foot and the rest aro nlwnys equnl to tho test. They novcr dlsslpnto n hit, but s'lond (' summer prime nnd fit, nnd let the frost succeed tho dow, nnd they're there, you bot, ns good ns new. The doughty oyster on his shell, tho chltlln looking strong nnd well, and clen'r nnd resolute of eye, the hnrdy brands of winter pie. The npplo butter,- Julco nnd flnko, the sniiie thnt mother used to mnke, nnd tho crackling of our youthful lot the cock nnd cnptnln of tho pot. HIP 1 1 OYn ViirMiflVM' ponii(ir Fmlly 1U& LtUlU ol , v) rir,ro ,,C(r nil cIoAii, Velvet nml Axinlnliler I'lirpcln la vcr rixrm. Four fturlon of ndlil comfort Itn'otreiliuel t ) il)',rA' TV nml 11.00; week, '.'MHnlVOO, Alo n fen i ui keeping npitrl. uenttult nun runue. HI il or iiionlh Free bittlit. Tukebuki ii Mr irlilKvt. 1'iop KTATKMBXT OF CONDITION OF TDK First Trust and Savings Band OF COOS DAY, MAHSHFELD, ORE., SEPT. 1, 1910. RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. Loans and discount . . . .$12C,G1C.0S Capital stock paid la. . . HOO.000.fi u-n-H-a-tt-tt -::---- --- Tho football season will rowrt, nnd tho ccntor rush will paw the dirt. Ho'll wnko tho nntlvm with tie had pcrsnmi'ly i-eniovd his locks. , wrought the football seasou nrni" l tho 'r.n the Anir-lrnn clippers nt n tlmo whon hero wns grave dnn ero "earning tho broom".upon ev-Kr of being suffocated lieforo tho ery sen. It wns In that deende that ball ws oven put Into plav, and there the Dreadnought lowered tho Rnln bow's record by 34 hours. In IS"1 wan n great deal of dlsftntlsfaetlon nt the old Greek and Roman unlversl- she renehed QueeiiHtown 0 daji nu ' tlw. A change was frequently talke I 17 hours from Sandv Hook. It Is plain thnt the Uonanzn 1 no clipper. TWO yi'OTATIONS. AYS Thoodoro Itoosovolt: of, but It remained for Xiuiin Pmupi l. who wna one of the early friends of education, to do niivthlng about It. In 713 D. C. he moved October aloug to Its tirofont place In the oal andar, nnd now the qunrtorback on 1 bellovo In doing nil wo can ' fwtball tam always wiys boforo to Inorouse tho ennoo of the MjiplnK the ball, Nunin, Nunin, D. C. nrorngo man. to give him a falrw opportunity for nn oven start In tho rnco of llfo. I believe la wnrrliiK jiiorcllessly against apodal Interests, because I think that we can be true to our Ideals only If, together with exceptional rownvrda for tho ex ceptional mnn, we do our host to get fair conditions for tho nverago man. I think we can do a good deal by law to remedy the mora salient nddoncoa of Injustice nround us. lint tho chief factor In a uiau'K ultimate Biiccess must bo tho sum of tho man' own qualltlos, Says Ilarpor'a WeoUly, tho Involved flnancoa of whloh koro relieved by J. Plerpont Morgan; Think of taking such enormous pnliiR to supproeia the poor old fight pictures, ami then lotting tho wild riul whirling Colonel exhibit hl In toxicating vocabulary from owl to end of the ln.nd without eo much ns n license. Tho declaration of principle ex plains tho sneer. , Come sovan, Ono, three! After whloh tho rooters, who reached n very high stnto of profi ciency In tho latter days of Numn, reolto, Numn, Numn, Doomaloomn, Comb seven, One, three,, D. C, Whoopee! SI wash! or whatovor tho namo of tho soheo' Is, ns you tuny hear thorn doing any tlmo this month by following the r!ot wngon whon It passes, Until tho 23rd of the month, Octo ber will bo under the Influoueo r' Libra, tho Dalanco. whloh Is the f nnth sign of the zodiac. This w IomIiIo ovorybody running for o'" l to koep on the fenco pretty well ns gore. Tho plloil-up dying .nd the dead will mass ngnlnst his butting head, nnd he'll Rpln the planet In his rage Just llko n squirrel In his cage. Alas for tltoso who calmly sit de vising to douature It, nnd nil tho col. lego renogndes who think to temper It for maids! Tho students nnd tho teachers howl, nnd tho rootors nnd tho bleachers yowl, and damned bo he who iIooh not rise nnd kill some boity twico his size. Tho noroplanes will crulso the n!r abovo tho old-tlmo county fair, nnd tho lucky wlnnor will bo ho who wins tho bot two falls In threo. Tho fnronir In his llouslno will fool nround upon the gioon, nnd thelilred mnn will seize the ohnnfe to wear his other pair of pants. For Strictly Fresh Butter Sterilized Cream Sterilized Milk Butter Milk Bean-Pot Cheese and Ice Coos Bay Ice & Cold Storage fiiki: Di:uvi:iur.s 8 A. SI. and 2 P. M. Phono 7l-J, Overdrafts 254. SO Donds nnd securities .. . . S0.990.1G Danklng house, turnlturo nnd fixtures 50, Slit). GO Cash on hand and duo from bankt 82,208.51 Surplus and profits Deposit! undivided .. .......... . ........... 1,5(5.(1 181,(11.11 a it u t a i xt i u , ii t! i U Total $293,601.01 Total 293,!5I.I1 We Invito your attention to tho f trong condition of this bank u shown by tho sworn snttement, to-wlt: Cash reserve 43 per cent of depoilu Reserve required by law 15 per cent of depoila. Reserve In excess of lognl requirements 2S per cent ofMfpotlii OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS JOHN S. COKE, Presldont. JOHN F. HALL, HENRY SENGSTACKEN. STEPHEN C. ROaERS, DORSEY KREITZER, Cashier. tV. 8. CHANDLER, ' WILLIAM GRIMES, DR. (J. W. TOWER. M C. HORTO.V, Vlco Presldont nnd Mnnnger. DOi: A (lEXERAL HANKING AN D THIW lirSLVKSS. VOl'lt lll'HINESS HOLICITKD. a V? V? V? -M-n--::-a-ti-K-Jt-tt--p-u v THE FJR.ST NATIONALBANK OF COOS BAY STRICTLY A COMMERCIAL HANK. Wells Fnrgo Nevada National Hank, San Franclico, CiL nrnw. I The I'nlteil States National Rank, Portland, Ore. Drafts on Fire Insurance !' I represent tho bet companies nnd Slvo the lowest rates. It will pay you to see mo beforo you renew that policy. AUGUST FR1ZEEX, CS Control Ave. Marshflold, Ore. Tho softer wonthor will dofy The blandishments of June, And tho month will give us by nnd by The office-hunter's moon. A chop will coat 'four bits n pound, And beef n buck n bite. And the wolf will wear a groove ' nround Tho cabin overy night. FOR CAREFUL CLEANING Ladlos should bring their Dressos, Wraps or Gloves to us. Satisfac tion gunrauteed. COOS HAY TAILORING CO., J. W. Josephson, Mgr. Jtll) Smith llrti.ulway, Mni'hflcld. The National Park Hank, New York, N. Y. The Corn Exchange National Dank, Chicago, 111. The Hank of Scotland, London, England. The Credit Lyonunls, Paris, France. In addition we draw drafts on all principal banking eentiri Ii Europo, Asia, Africa, Australia, Ohlnn, Japan, North, Contrsl uA Couth America. Personal and commercial accounts kept subject to check. Cortlflcntes of Deposits Issued. Safo Deposit Doxes for rent.- j FLAN AGAN & BENNETT BANK MAR3HF1ELD, OREOON. Oldest Hunk In Coos County, KNtnliUi)hl In 1HH0. Paid up Capital and Surplus. 880,(10(1.00. Ael Over Half Million Dollars. Does a general banking business nnd draws drafts on the nuk of California, San Francisco, Cal.: Hanover National Dank, N. V.!' First Notional Dank, Porthnd, Ore : First Nntlonal Rank, Row burg, Ore.: The London Joint Stock Dank, Ltd., London, Enlni Also Bflls exchange ou all of the principal cities Of Europe. Individual and corporation accounts kept subject to check. Safe deposit lock boxes for rent, OFFICERS: J. W. DENNETT. President, II. F. WILLIAMS, Cashier. ' ,x.,),NA(I VX V.-Pres. (Ji:0. U. WINCHESTER. Awt. IMI.HIWT PH. OX TIME DEPOSITS. Cub. Phono i, S. Kaurnun : Co, your .'oal Order. ..0 PER TON. Hnvo your calling cards printed nt Tho Times office. Good Evening! . HAVE YOU ANY LAUNDRY? I If so, do not forget that this U The 41Sth anniversary of the dls-1TIIE laundry whore you get the best covory of America by Christopher Co lumbus will ,be celebrated on the iS752Sarei-Hrl5aS3SHS2feHraJHS5V 1 STEAMER M. F. PLANT Sails for San Francisco every eight days, TICKETS RESERVED UP TO TIIK aiiiiivat. OP THE SHIP, RESERVATIONS WILL HE CANCELLED AT THAT TIME U V LESS TICKET IS HOUGHT. Q F. S. Dow, Agent. Marshfield Ore I work, nnd prices are In every ono'.' rn.inh. Pnll mi nml n.i., f .1. .,.. ers will call and explain nil details to -l!'""0"""0 w?CTt.?qpr?'.?T? mcxWwZ you. All telephone calls are quick! v night of the-11th by the seven Gug- conlinfiu lirntlini-a Mr. Roose'volt will be stnge mnn- '""ended to. because wo aro running )--n-n-tt-n-a-tt-a-t,a.n. n--nn-a ---M-n-H'8?' nger again this month. The villain itwo wn8n8 -. 1 i will be the Demon Rum. Mr4D will be the father of the steh.ld.r" GVAJ VOTO SAT T nnd Mr. Cannon, who made the-pass. I 1S1-ACTION. i ....... i ...... . . .. ... 'uinciimvin ii i vi ..... . um iivii iai nionin, wjii cUnngcr It f ,,a' '"" ' ..n tkaji i iDy to tho real Issues of the campaign. DROKim INDICTED. jbut when the sun passes out of that Associated Proes to Coos Hay wmtelntlou ou the following day Tluitta.) ,,,ey w"l begin dropptug ou one aldv WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. L ,or tu othar. and It will be oaelev (lK'lned ) Grlffen HaUtead. sou to wake out who the true friends or i r n l.ue Mura Halatead, the fam-ihe people ar. After the 83rd we woll known will be Influenced by Scorpio, the v is Journalist, whoa i ikeiage firm failed last, was liullotod hy tho federal grnrd Jurj today on the ohurgoa of embpzzlemout, JnUo pretensoa nnd larceny. January l7Seonlou, which Is almost meantus- less now. but In oarly times t.vplflel tho mannor in whloh tho north -vyln ' bhnif. 4Vl r.1.1 n.AAlfa .ltA ...v.n I.. I ...,., , ,,L- v,,M unvM, mi ni'iv in tho habit of going until very Into 1 to read Hell-p! And thon November will roturn With cold nnd chilly draft. And tho wild goose going down the line With wlnfor biting aft. LAUNDRY". ItJauzey Hitx,., Projv Pliouo 220..I. LadlesWo havo an unusually attractive- chance for a bright, ener getic wo.njnu. woll and fnvorpblv Miown in tuts comiuunlty. For de tails address, enclosing gtampel a?lfls llo. 750. St. LouU, Mo. Winter is Coming ON, WHEN YOU WILL NEED MORE LIGHT, OUR FIXTURES ARE GO 1NG FAST AT FROM TEN TO I WEXTY PER CENT LOWER THAN MANUFACTURING PRICKS. THIS Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIAHLO AND JOSSON CEMENT. The best Domestic aud Imported brands. Plaster, Lime, Brick and all kinds of builders material HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTH linn.imiMv nnnvn S01. ..v..., ,, j., .v. A -- HOTEL GARDINER, S A SNAP FOR SOMEONE THAT nt Gardinar n ,.-- . addressed envelope to Manager. Loo': "AS THE MONEY. modelled and inmro.. -J .., .! . . -, ,VK, u 10 w .MISS EDNA LARSON . Piano Instruction Tel. 23 ML 4 Coos Bay Wiring Co. SSTCfiTTJli ro- nnitor new managomeut. Special accommo datlons for stago passengers nnd for seashore Respectfully ask your patronage, PHONE 237-J. MAGUIRE'S THANSFEH. i.-rlnOn &'"" iinuungoieverj ""- m .n,?.. Pernor Phono 29S u'v. nt "nusv Corner." Phono phone, 201. Dealer In wood a nd coil- . a A MRS. PAniUNGnil, Teacher of Pl0 t Home Studio. South Broadwar. Phone 270-J I Try The Times' Want Ads. S - i ...-)