The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, October 05, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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TERSELY 1 OLD .: :: : m :
Established In 1878
as Tlio Coast Mall.
,0I). XXXHI.
A Consolidation of Times, Coast .Mail q, 70,
and Coos Hay Advertiser.
Flees From Capital and
Mil J "
Takes Refuge on Foreign
War vessel.
whole of Europe Is Alarmed
and Great Britain May
1 Intervene.
. . . .t . .. .A. .A. -A. .4.
M v T
U iii:rnii.ic declared.
t LOM;u.i uci. a, o;-- ji, m.
t -The foreign offlco lins
mItcJ a telegram from the Drlt-
li minister nt Lisbon declaring
t that a republic has "noon pro-
i tlalmod.
,B? Aiioclaled Press to Coob Dny
He latest cable ndvlcos to thv. As.
wlatcd Press officially confirm tlio
report that Portugal 1b swept by ti
revolution far-rcncning In extent and
lirratonlng tlio safety of tlio roynl
timlly and the oxlstonco of tlio mon
archy Tne Royal 1'alnco at Lisbon liaH
tea under bombardment from tlio
nriblps which lmvo made common
Mjjewlt'' the revolutionists.
Tbe extent of tlio destruction and
loci of life Is not yet known, owing
to the rigorous censorship and tlio
litcrruptlon of telegraphic commun
King Manuel apparently has fled
Iron tbo capital and sought refuge
ca a warship, either Brazilian or
BrltUh, French advices say ho Is
oa i British vessel.
Detailed reports from Paris, com-
Icj through round-about clinuuols
awrt that there was desperate- fight.
H( In the streets of Lisbon mid that
tie royal ataiulnrd was to'rn down and
lie flag of the republic raised over
He Royal Palace. Censorship tils
latches jhat reached tlio Spanish
frontier this afternoon ludlcato that
Urge part of tlio garrison nt Lisbon
ha jone over to the rovolutlonlBts
ud that a battlo Is now In progress.
The British government Is snld to
I le considering Intervention in bo
I la'-l of the safety of tho members
' the royal family, and It Is known
" at least two Drltlsh warships
eon the way to Lisbon. A report
Flia, Italy, Is thnt tho troops who
w loyal to the king wero still suc-
'olljr defenillng tho Royal Palace
"Joclock this morning.
ttKVOLl'Tinv vinr.wT
! - .. .....-
8' Associated Press to C003 Day
PARIS, Oct 5. Portuenl ulnco
Werday has been icolntert and elr-
ttitOUa report rinxlnrn thnt , .mm.
"In tho throes .of n violent rev-
uon. AH the Portuguese nnvy
M Part nt th r. . j
- - . mv HUH' IB lUllUllUU IU
"'e deserted tho monarchy nnd linvo
r-lue,r mt with tho revolutionists,
Ortllgueie wnrel.lnu t,ii.i , Tn..
1 Palace whiu , 1....1
" iterate fighting In the south
eq aown tho roynl standard and
flsed tho 1 -. . ....
- .-v uuir ui lne repuoiict
C Manuel 1s stated In one report
. Prisoner- In , nofl. , 1,11a
"rtker rinnr j., '. ,' .
-,-. .0 uutiuro innx no hub
ufa refill .. t,..... ....
"another Is that ho sought safety
-"raiMan warship.
ml ,. EcnernHy believed thnt the
Mediate m0 . .u. ,....-
tlt the aMfloi...4.- ... ... . .....
(jp """'iiimuun in tne capuni
itm T nombardn. a republican
T. which wns reported1 yester-
Uagn WaS h,ef of th0 L,beral
the561180 wns th0 deling against
th;el mciuent, compar-
tolt'V'vlal In Itself, was sufficient
lotln 1 0,llbrealc- Portugal, fol.
Wa Lk exan,Pl f Spain, has
roneln d, ,n recent 5'eara lth a
'OTtrnm rIcal Be"Hra3nt and tho
... nmeatal nrotrrnm 1n1,lar1 n
""ion of n,: ";
rdm tne Btatutes of religious
(B' Associated Press to Coos Day
N 0ct' 5 At 8 o'clock this
Repairs to Vessel Will Be Made
on Her Arrival at San
' Francisco.
Tho stonnier M. P. Plant will sail
from North llontl for San Francisco
at noon tomorrow. No Attempt will
bo mado horo to repair tho nftcr
houso of tho ship, which was dam
aged when tho vossol shipped a sea
In crossing In over tho bar yostor
dny. The ropnlrs will bo nimlo nt
San Krnnclsco and tho Plant will be
ready to sail from that point next
Monday. On this trip Mr. McGuIre,
who hns charge, of tlio company's
docks nt San Francisco, acted as
pursor In plnco of tho regular purser,
Jninos Ilryco, who laid off this trip
on account of tho Illness of IiIh wife.
Thoso who nrrlvod on tho Plant
yosterdny wore as follows:
Miss Ilulllngton, Miss Tlbbttts,
Mrs. II. J. Thompson, Mrs. Guy
Warner, 11. Willlnms, J. M. Dlnko, 0.
Dliulnlch, V. A. Dlmlnlch, C. Van
Horgor, A. Rountreo, I. Johnson, P,
Temmlng, Mrs. Hnpgood, Miss Han
good, Miss Dogg, W, Sanborn, E.
Mi-o'-M. J, A. Downoy, Miss P. Aiken,
II. Sohultz, Mrs. Tlnlnes, Mrs. Plnnn
can, Mfss Melntyro, Miss Potorson,
MIsh K Oregon.
Seairli of Ruins of Iis Angeles Tlmen
Offlco Continues,
(Ily Associated Press to Coos Day
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 4. Five
bodies wore recoverod from tho ruins
of tho Times offlco today, making n
total of 11 slnco tho search of the
ruins began.
morning tho troops, faithful to the
government, who hnd assembled at
tho Placo don Pedro, mndo common
cnuso with tho revolutionists nnd re
turned to j.helr barracks. Tho mul
titude nt tho streets applauded tho
desertion, crying, "Long llvo tho re
public." I'HOHAHLY 1WLLEX.
(Dy Associated Press to Coos Day
PISA, Italy, Oct. 5. Tho Portu
guese legation announced thnt It wns
practically certain that Lisbon and
Orporto wero In tho hands of tho
revolutionists, but adds that It should
not bo' concluded that tho entire
realm has fallen,
(Dy Associated Press to Coos Day
GIBRALTAR. Oct. 5. The British
cruisers Newcastle nnd Minerva sailed
nt full speed today for Lisbon.
(Dy Associated Press to Coos Day
ROME, Oct. 5. Gravo apprehen
sion Is felt horo at tho news from
Portugal. Prlvato reports are that
tho royal family Is imprisoned and
a republic has been proclaimed. The
Interest hero is Intense. Tho Vati
can is especially anxious over tho ro.
llglous situation.
(Dy Associated Press to Coos Day
MAnmn not. 5. Advices re
ceived tonight from Lisbon state:
"Tho combat continues in the streets.
Tho Queen Mother, Amelia, has fled
to tho royal palace at Cintrn, tho
summer residence of the Queen Dow-
-iwin Pint, seventeen miles
UJJVl Ilk ........ . .--. --.--
from Lisbon. King Manuel has found
refuge on a warship.
Don't forget the meeting tonight.
Do on hand with your smile.
By order of
Will Make Slope Three Thous
and Feet and Spend Quar
ter of a Million Reaching
Extensive Coal Fields.
Tho Southern Pnclflc hns started
tlio development of a new mlno at
Denver Hill which "will bo tho larg
est mine development that has over
been attempted In Coos 'county. It
will be known as Denver 11111 mlno
No. .1.
A stopo hns been started which
will extend down 3000 feet. Tho
deepest mlno thero now la No. 2,
which Is down 1600 feet, so tho new
slope will bo nearly twice as far
Trust Company Men Disouss
That Feature of the '
(Dy Associated Press to Coos Day
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 5. The trust
company section of tho American
Hankers' Association mot In business
session nt tho auditorium today and
took up the coiiBldorutlonot this Im
portant font tiro of modern banking.
In the nbsonce of President Mcin
tosh, Vice President Oliver C. Puller
called the mooting to order and read
the address of tho president.
City Council of Lou Angeles Takes
Active Step.
(Dy Associated Press to Coos Day
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 4. .(Delayed
in transmission) Tho city council
has authorized tho nppointmont of
0 additional pollcomon. 10 sergeants
nnd ono lloutcnnnt to nugmout tho
I present pollco forco engaged in hunt
ling tho perpetrators of tho allogod
dynamiting of Tho Times plant nnd
jnsslst In guarding tho persons nnd
property bolleved in danger of further
Tho council also discussed tho pro
posal to rnlso tho city rownrd for de
tection of tho bomb conspirators
from $10,000 to $25,000. It wns do.
tormlned to make tho reward $10,000
for enoh conspirator. The city's re
ward was nugmentod today by nn
offer from tho county board of
supervisors of a reward of $5,000
oach for tho enpturo of tho men.
Two bodies lmvo been identified
ns J. Wesley Reaves, prlvato secre
tary to Assistant Gonornl Manager
Harry Chandlor of tho Times, nnd
Elmer Prink, ono of tho linotype op
erators. Soventeon mon nro now In
the city Jail hooked as suspects.
However, tho best cluo so far ob
tained enmo from tho offices of tho
Giant Powder company nt San Fran
cisco, where It Is enld two men
named Doylston and Morris and a
third mnn purchased 500 pounds of
explosives similar in power and kind
to that found In tho Infernal mnchlno
discovered at tho homo of P. J. Zoe
hnndolnar, secretnry of tho Mer
chants & Manufacturers' Association.
Soldiers Aro Killed In tin Effort to
Capture Him.
(By Associated Press to Coos Day
VLADIKAVKAZ, Clrcuassla, Oct.
4. Troops In pursuit of tho noto
rious brigand, Zolim Khan, were am
bushed and sixteen soldiers were
killed and many Injured. Reinforce
ments have been sent against tho
(Dy Associated Press to Coos Day
PORTLAND, Oct. 5, Wheat was
unchanged today.
CHICAGO, Oct, 5. Wheat closed
as follows: December, 98 3-4c; May,
$1.04 3-1; July, $1.00 1-4.
TACOMA. Oct, 5. Milling: Dluc
stero, 90 l-2cj Red Russian, 82c.
Export: Dluestem, 89c; Club, 83c;
Red Russian, 81c; Fortfold, 85c to
I down. It will put tho operators In
touch with nbout ono million tons of
coal, or more.
The expense of sinking the slopo
will probnbly bo in tho neighborhood
of n quarter of a million dollars. Tho
coal fields thus being opened Is not
experimental but tho field has been
proven nnd the Improvement will per
mit the company to opernto tho mines
on n big scnlc. It will be a straight
slopo down for tho dlstnnco of 3000
feet. The beginning of tho slope Is
near to mlno No. 2, so tho cqulpmont
which Is there now will bo nvallablo
for tho now mine. It will bo likely
two years beforo tho slopo 1b fin
ished. Extra forces of men aro bolng
employed and tho dcvplopmont work
will bo cnrrlcd along with tho regular
mining work,
Selected to Serve as President
of the Dry Farming
1 Congress.
(Dy Associated. Press to Coos Day
SPOKANE, Wnsh., Oct. n.Dr. J.
II. Worst, president of tho North
Dakota Agricultural College, la to
lead tho InternntlonnI Dry Farming
Congress tho coming year. Tho nom
inating commlttco announced Its se
lection of Worst for president of the
congress nnd It Is expected tho cholco
will bo ratified without contest.
Tho $250 cup for the host collec
tion mid exhibition of nay state out
side of Washington hns been nwnrdod
to Alberta Province Canada.
A. M. Axolson of Paxtop, Colo., has
won the sweepstakes in class two.
Lino Reported to He Coming Across
Idaho to Oregon.
Tho Oregonlnn prints tho follow
ing spcclnl dispatch from Dolso:
In Its determination to secure n
terminal on tho Pacific Const and
build from Lander, Wyo to Pugot
j Sound, it la rollnbly roportcd horo
that tho Chicago & iNormwesiorn
will cut southwest from Lander to
Pocntello In southeastern Idaho, and
Join tho Oregon Short Lino, thereby
securing pnssago ncroBs tho southbrn
part of this stnto nnd through to
tldo water without tho oxpenso of
constructing Its own lino.
Tho Short Lino has already cap
italized to build n parallel lino across
this stato through tho construction
of a cut-off nt Owlnzn, Just west of
Pocatello, through Central Idaho to
Dolso and on Into Oregon. This lino
will glvo it two mnln trunks running
across tho state.
Thousands of tics nnd tons of track
matorlal nro bolng plied up along tho
Lander lino. It Is belloved probnblo
,thnt that road will build west from
the Landor terminal Into tho Snnko
River valley, probably down the
south fork of that river and then
south in thovalley to Pocatello.
Lnrge Amount of Money Stolen Prom
(Dy Associated Press to Coos Day
SEATTLE, Wash., Oct., 4. (De
layed In Transmission,) Tho mnil
pouches of tho steamship City of
Seattlo, from Skagway, wero robbed
of an unknown .amount of gold last
night, all tho bags being split opon.
When tho steamship reached tho
wharf today tho passengors wero al
lowed to leave ono at n tlmo nftor
being searched. Two men wore nr-
rested. Tho search Ib still In prog
ress. Tho loot consisted of gold bul
lion nnd Canadian and United States
bank notes. Tho amount Is not yet
known but it Is believed to aggre
gate many thousands of dollars.
T. D. Buckly, a sailor's moss boy,
on whom eight gold bricks nnd a
largo number of notes wore found,
was nrre8tcd nnd lodged In tho coun
ty Jail. 'The bank notes were
wrnppod around tho boy's legs.
The robbery was discovered by
William Dreader ns tho steamship
was nearlnjg Seattlo. Dreader raised
an alaim 1 nd a search for the miss
ing treasu 'e was begun.
Anderson Avenue Ordered
Paved Other Proceedings
of City Council.
Tho finnl step to eecuro tho Im
provement of Anderson nvonuo from
Drondway to Third street was taken
last evening when nn ordlnnnco pro
viding for It wns ndoptod by tho cl
council. Tho street is to bo pnved
wltl) blttfmlnoiiB rock nnd It possi
ble will bo put In this fall.
Tho question of doing something
with North Front Btrcct was also
brought up but no further action
was taken. Somo hnvo boon com
plaining nbout tho Btrcot being
closed but somo of tho property
owners nro still objecting to Improv
ing It, nnd ns much of tho Btrcot Is
unsafe, It Is feared that if It Is
oponed without being Improved, boiuo
nccldent will result and tho city will
jbo hold llnblo.
P. S. Dow, ngont for the steamer
Plant, n fow dnys. ngo Jokingly told
iCouncllmnn Nclpon thnt the fltroet
1 was closed bo that freight would bs
I kept away from tho Btonmer M. P
( Plant, nnd would consequently lmvo
to go to tho Rodnndo or Nnnn Smith,
(tho competing vessols In tho Snu
Francisco trade, which aro owned bv
tho C. A. Smith company. Ho also
Intimated thnt A. II. Powora had
Bomothlng to do with turning -
trick. Lest somo ono nhould tnko
Dow's Joko sorlously, Mr. Powers last
evening called nttontlon to tho fact
that tho remainder of tlio city co
ell, acting on tho ndvlco of tho city
.attorney, had ordorod' tho Btreo
j Thoro wns a long dlRCUBBl Inst
night nbout streot lniprov"ucnts.
Councilman Albrecht brought "
ty calling nttontlon to tho eon.i'Mon
of Mnrkot nvonuo west of " niiw
and cross streets.. Ho sn'd It wai
.strnngo thnt certain streots should
,bo forced through by tho council nnd
jnot othors. Ho snld that Market nv
onuo proporty owners woro better
nblo to pny for Improving tho streot
than many others. Ho Intlmntod
I that South Fourth street had not
(beon put through becnuso Council
I mnn Coko didn't wnnt to stnnd his
'shnro of tho oxponso. Mr. Coko do
nied this and called attention to tho
I fact that ho had tried threo years ago
,to got tills opened. Mr. Albrecht
also criticised Councilman Powers
for forcing through somo streots nnd
not others. Mr. Powers snld ho was
willing to try nnd push through nny
street whoro at least ono moro than
half of tho proporty owners wanted
it done, but thnt ho didn't proposo to
try and forco through a street where
tho proporty owners aro unanimous
against It.
Other Business,
Noble Brothors woro awarded the
contract for putting In trtio now Mar
ket avonno wharf for $314.
Councilman Nelson wanted to
know If tho council shouldn't do
something about Councilman Honnes.
soy's resignation, as he wnsn't show
ing up. Tho othor councllmen
thought best to leavo it on tho table
for awhllo as somo ono said Mr.
Honncssoy would show up In n week
or so.
Tho proposed nmondmont to tho
building ordinance to ollmlnate,
charges for permits to ralso or lower
buildings to conform with street
grndo changes was tnblod. Inspector
Trlbbey was Instructed not to charg
for such permits.
Tho Coos Day Paving nnd Con
struction compnny was ordered paid
54 on Its Thin! street
Tho Coos Day Paving nnd Con
struction compnny wns told not to
put in nny moro of tho catch basins
It was determined whon tho str"p
could bo improved.
Marshal Carter was Instructed io
notify tho street cleaners thnt thn
refiiso must bo hauled away instead
or manholes on Market avenue, until
Says Nothing Will Be Given
Out Until Criminals Are
Comes From San Francisco
and Announces Certainty
of Capturing Wreckers.
(Dy Associated Press to Coos Day
J. Burns, tho detective, nnd two as
sistants from the San Francisco po
lice department, Kynn nnd Dunnor,
arrived hero today from tho north
to tnko up tho search for tho Times
dynamite conspirators. Durns went
Immediately into consultation with
tho mayor, and the San Francisco'
.sleuths reported to Captain Paul
Flammor, head of tho Los Augolon
detective bureau. Great secrecy Is
maintained but It Is ovldont that
Durns brought with him information
which has aroused the cntlio depart
ment to the greatest efforts.
Ono more body wns found An tho
ruins todny. It wns Identified ns
that of Grant Moore, '11 composing
room machinist.
"Tho crlmlnnls who blew up tho
Tlmos plnnt nnd Ph mon Inst Sattir
dny left tracks that aro both wldo
and deep, nnd It Is certain thnt wo
will got them." This statement wnB
hiado by William I. Hiirni, following
hs nrrlvnl In thin city from San
Francisco. Durns announced thnt ho
now Is In full chnrgo -of tho Investi
gation nnd that nothing furthor will
be given oit until tho men who dy
namlted tho Times nnd nttompted to
destroy tho homes of Otis nnd Zeo
handolarr aro In tho hands ot tils'
Search Continues for Bodies of Miss.
lug Sailor.
(Dy Associated Press to Coos Dny
NEW YORK, Oct. 4. Search Is
continued for tho bodies of tho
United Stntes sailors drowned Satur
day ovonlng when n cutter In which
they woro roturnlng to tho Now
HnmpBhlro overturned, Yesterday
not ono of 29 reported drowned had
been picked up. Sixteen othor Bail
ors nro missing from tho battloshlp,
but It Is bolloved that they ovcr
stayod shore lenvo.
of being dumped in low places nlong
tho streets.
Councilmnn Nelson protested
against wood being left In tho streots
and said boiuo sidewalks woro nearly
mado Impassable. Marshal Carter
was Instructed to seo that tho wood
Is removed moro promptly. Council
man Coke objected to n lot of rigs
and 8crnpors that have been allowed
to stnnd In tho streot on South
On motion of Councilman Albrecht
tho city attorney was instrutced to
draft an nmendmont to U10 salary
ordlnnnco which will Increaso tho saK
ary of City Treasurer Williams from
100 to $150 per year. Mr. Albrecht
wanted to IncronBo It to $200,
Councilmnn Nelson objeotod. T
change won't bo offectivo until next
Tho city's general fund Is practi
cally depleted and thero will not
enough, unless somo unexpected rov
onuo comes in, to pay all of the bills
presented last night, Thero Is still
nonrly three months of tho year to
pay oxponses for nnd tho council hns
a problem to wrestle with to raise
money for It. Councilman Albrecht;
said ho thought this was partly bo
cauBo tho city had paid for bo many
minor street Improvements out of thn
gonoral fund Instead of making tho
property owners do It. Streot In
spector Lnwhorno has been mnklnq;
gome of tho nbuttlntr property own
ers pay for this work, and ho wns
Instructed, to boo thnt all of rhom do.
Get what von want whon you want
it through The Times Want Ads,