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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1910)
"iiiiiinmwnuiiupjw r-rvwVf -V-r & f ADS. .lwr, ! CT illtf All rfllE.V IllSI1''33 ' ", ill IHITISK. THAT li livxa i uvi- V Oil VliOol' Ull liuai s iiorsKS everywhere 01(100 feait &&&' jl &f 4- l vor- X.XXMI. Established In 1H78 ns The Coast Mnll. MEMBER OP ASSOOIATEI) PRESS NEWS MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBEM," 1910-EVENING EDITION. CRT IT WHIMS IT IS NEW BY P.EADIXG Til 13 COOS MAY TIMES. ALL THE .NEWS ALu THE TIMK TERSELY 1 OLD n :: :: :: n IB IN FREIGHT RES IB PACIFIC ARE SUSPENDED iiTS LEAVES TODAY iGRO BURN ED AT TRE STAKE iterstate Commerce Commis: sion Takes Action and Will Hold Inquiry. EVERAL HUNDRED CARRIERS AFFECTED leWiarins were 10 nave oe come Effective During This Month. Goes to Roseburg to Hold Term of Court Was Given Big Vote in Primaries. Judgo John S. Coko loft today for Lr Associated Press to Cooa liny jnoscbhrg, whero lio will hold court , . ... ..., I - ... ...x.u nwtivo iui uutl WASHINGTON', D. C, Oct. 4. Hamilton. This is In return for lie idranccs of transcontinental' Judgo Hamilton hnlitim- M.Pt i,M i.j.l .VtrtriTra vnrvlnrf frnm flirn r .. .1 i.. " -i . icijuivMM.ov- ,... -.- .,, i urry couuiy 10 ulnposo or 1 . . ..... ,,ul,r m-'cmiBo o in neon ntcrest- uitponts, wero BUBpoiulcil today ,, , ... , ... , ' ' , , . , , , , , ' cd In thein whllo ho was practicing Interstate commcrco commie- nn nn nMirn,. ,, 'r ";"""' teutll February C, ipn, pontl-, vltIon ,n , , " " u "" be is Inquiry by the commission I ...,. .... b their reasonableness. Tho or-' T'"? l T . C"M."r court ! of intension nffects Foveral ".,"""',' , UOK0 . "0t ,, :udrcd Intestate carriers east of ,, '" , , ". " """""''B r URorkrSIoiintnlns. Tariffs filed h, c,oni "K cct "' 'ovcr, Ills . th Mmml..lnn WMn In !,,,. mcnuB " "0l U0II0V K Will bo 110 :ome effective October 10. ;plr to nil community and Offender in Alabama Taken From Officer and Put to Death. (By Associated Props to Cooa Day Times.) MONTGOMERY, Ala., Oct. 4. Six hours after ho had nttacked Mrs. III- rnm Stuckey, n young woman of Covington county, a negro "trusty" of the Henderson convict camp, was taken from tho warden Inst night wane enrouto to prison nt Andalula, tied to a stako and burned by a mob of -100 men. BACKERS ARE IMSESSni A Consolidation of Time?, Const Mull niul Coos liny Advertiser. No. 68, IS OPERATED "OX. (i)y They C08,,nry for ,,,m to l0 B0- ln tho re- . "-'"i Illumines .MIIIKO COKO WttB KIV 'flsM on the westbound shipments . tho ,nrB"t vo, ,n CoOB count' of I Ibe rnclffc const, Incliidltitr lum hr isd furniture. Scnntor La Follette Mutimlu .. i... Surgeoii'H ICnlfe. AsKodnted Press to Cooa Bar Times.) ItOCHESTEH, Minn., Oct. I. Scn ntor Lnl'ollotto wns oncrntcd unon for gall stones this morning. Eldit stones wero removed. Prospects of recovery aro good. Tho oporntion lasted 20 minutes. Meet at Los Angeles and Dis cuss Financial Laws and 0 Legislation. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) LOS ANGELES! Oct. 4 Ilnnldnif lnws nnd needed legislation for pro tecting the banking institutions wero tho most Importnnt Items brought up when tho convention of tho American Bankers Association mxt hero today. Tho convention wns called to order by President Lowls E. Plorson. President Irvlno of tho Nntlonnl Erchnngo Bnnlc of Now York gnve nn nddrcss. SA FRANCISCO POLICE ARE " WORKING ON DYNAMITE CLUE DREDGE WILL I COM E TD BAY MOTHER AXI) IXl-UXT DIE. WILL BUILD V fUinRIIIH I hi him ESS OPENS THIS YEAR frominent Men Are Gathering u opoxanc to discuss Agriculture. B; Aiioclated Press to Coos Bny Times.) SPOKANE. Wnsh.. Oct. 4.nrin, VUlt lateness of ProBiitant w v Mn of tho Dry Fnrmlng Con- '. ne gnvel will be wielded by Atkinson, chnlrmnn nt Mi.. Ifl Of governors, llnrlllir Dm nn. l-fefour days' session. Anionc those wtloned ns nvnllnblo for h nrn.i. fttfJ of tho congress for tho com- rrare E. A. Ilrvnn. mvoMmif InilblnCtOn Rintn Pnlln. 4 !.! r1"00' dfan of tho Collego of Ag- pJltOre Of the Mnntnnn Rno, nni- t.-., " iu vwr rj" W(nr M. E. liny of Wnsh W nd Frank w. Mondoll of "iwioing. Lw.1' WlHuro in tho nubile "" ono feature of today's ""ca of the roncrrR ti. a .. lril.. . -r..-. , IIV I1UI1IU1IU rujromnteii in. .i -..j -. D u . ' "u u"rvB oi ur. lci. i """'iii. oi mo wortn ""Agricultural college, and bo- e congress adjourns a dofl- ".;p"u ' wmnnlcn mnv in B 11 mmitteP nnnn.... :. .. the work. any candidnto In tho flold with thu exception of County Clork "Wntson nnd ono or two others who did not hnvcf nny oppoBltlon, Ho nlso re ceived a big voto in Curry county. In Mnrshflold, Judgo Cokonenrly led tho field. I It Is nlso understood that n Inrgo numbor of Domocrnts throughout tho 1 district, Including tho othor counties i besides Coos, wroto in his nntno on .Minln l.nllni. . . I. . I. ...II. t H-.W,. .M...U.O OU W.Ul Ull Will HIIVO , . ., ,,. .... tho Domncrntle. nnmlnnllnn n. wnll I """""'" 1'iuj.umu o.ccinc lino ns tho Republican for that position.!,0 ,. rT f??Unty A88ot c?1n,,,l,ny "Cutting T.iL n., ,B t0 b0Kln thlB yar according to Mrs. Anltn Snttl. wlfo of A. Snttl. died ycaterdny at tho family homo in uenver Hill. Her Infant child also died tho samo day. Mrs. SattI wns 35 yenrs old nnd wns n nntlvo of Ccntrnl Amorlcn. Tho body wns broucht to Mnmli. field nnd tho burlnl wns held hero this forenoon. Oregon to Leave Grays Harbor for Coos Bay October 10. Col. Grimes Returns. "Tho dredgo Oregon will leavo Grays Harbor October 10 for Coos Bny according to Information given nt tho engineer's offlco hi TorT- Innd," romnrked Colonel William Find Launch Which Had Car ried Largo Amount of Explosives. WAS BOUGHT AT GIANT POWDER WORKS Lane County Asset Company Announces Intention of Beginning Work. Grimes, who returned from Portlnnd, wlioro ho has been n couplo of weeks on business nnd pleasure. Mrs. Grimes, Mrs. Housoworth nnd Mrs. Dorscy Krcltzcr nlRo roturne.-! wl:h him, they coming by way of Drain this morning. I "It scomn thnt th.v hnvo decided .thnt they can ovor'zntii the Oregon nnd put hor In teuworth condition nt OrnyB Harbor," continued Mr. 'Grlmos, "and this will savo conslil iorablo tlmo. They aro anxious to 'get her hero to begin work nnd also to avoid tho stormy fall weather. "All tho leading Republicans nro now for hnrmony nnd for tho vic tory of tho wholo tickot thlB (nil. Tlinv linvn thrniliml nnf linl .1 1 r Steamer M. F. Plant Ships Very iroroncos ln th0 Prn,nry n nn ,. .... Jthoy nro out for victory In tho olec- HAS TROUBLE ON THE BAR Heavy Sea While Cross ing Today. "Cutting out politics, Judgo Coko should bo givun n voto by every Cqob nnd Curry county mnn this fn snld a iwoll-known Mnrshflold attor ney todny. "I Bny Cooa nnd Curry county bpenuso thin Is really his district but for thnt matter ho is entitled to similar support from tho report given out at Eugeno. Tho Register of thnt city prints tho fo. lowing: Immedlnto construction of tho Eu- gono-Elmlrn section of tho Eugono & Western railroad, to bo constructed by tho Lnno County Assot eomnnny, wns oreiorea oy tho bonrd of direct Douglas, Linn nnd Lnno counties. Holors. nrmr.llnp in Mm ,!.),) a hns proven n vory offlclent Judgo nn 1 P. Cnmpboll, attorney for tho corn- la entitled to tho plnco, hnvlng given up n vory lucrntlvo prnctlco in order thnt Coos and Curry counties m securo a Judgo which tho IltlgntP hero needed badly.' IS MARRIED AT ST. L on; nsnTniifF . n Lflnuinii i William Candlin, of Coquille, Weds Miss Ruth Dee of England. Cnrds hnvo been received lioro an nouncing tho marriago of William Candlin of Coquillo to Miss Ruth Elizabeth Deo. Tho wedding took plnco nt St. Louis Sept. 2S. Mr. Cand lin is widely known in this county. .Ho is tho representative of tho Pa pnny. Nenr nppronch of winter mnkeo It Inndvlsnblo for tho compnny to nt- tempt n survoy from Floronco. or rather from tholn port, Glonadn, to Coos bny, nnd consequently their chief engineer, II. D. Fornorl, with his crew of surveyors hns been re called from Glonndn, nnd will bo put to work nt onco sotting tho crude stnkes for tho lino from Euceno to Elmlrn, and construction will follow immediately. Engineer Fornorl nnd mpn nre ex tlon in Novombor. Governor Bower, mnn will como flnt-footed on tho proiiosltlon that ho will voto any nt- Thn ol.nniAH if T-. m . . itnninl hv Mln 1nnla1nf tin. .Ii.ln il. -......w. .... r. iiimi in cross-. w "- " i lug In today Bhlnncd n honw m nn ' ierm of offlco to chango or niter ln iho bar. Tho after linitiin'wni m.'nny wny tho prlman law or any sldorablv dntnnfoi imf rr, i. other law ndonted bv thn nonnlA ' " "" w UU WHO - I hurt and tho dnmngo to tho boat will "wllno',t ""' Bubmlttlng such chango not bo grent. or nmondmont to n'voto of tho pco- The vessel had been outside slnpo n,' onrly yesterday morning waiting for ; "A,,i"nnt General Flnror of tho a chanco to como In. Tho bnr has 0reco' National Gunrd told mo tho hpnn ilnnnilnll.. wa..1. ... .... . . fltntn XL'ntt U'llllnn. nnil nnvln.M l . ".w., iwii(,u nun iU0 DOni " ""' "aiuiio IU had to nwalt an opportunity. When ,n,0 up tho orBnnlzatlon of n nntlonnl Cnntnln TlnrMa on.i i.. ti. . .... minrd enmnnnv hnrn Tim .ini. ...m - " U.I..H.-U in mo uur nan -- "... .. nppnrcntly quieted down but boforo olt,lcr Pny ?C00 per yonr rent for nn tho vessel got In n henvy sea enmo. ,nory or will pay one-lia" of Mm Tho Plant enmo nn to North rtetui ,totnl cost of a lot nnd hi'''-" r for nbout noon. Sho expects to unll for nrmory purposes. Mr. Flnzer will 8nn Francisco Wednesdny but ns bIio como noro porslnnlly nnd tnko fn wna Into In gottlng in tho sailing tlmo; matlor un nB B0n " tero is n Is not certnln. Ishow to accomplish It. Clnrko In MAKES XEAV MARICET. biiow 10 accomplish it. I kr Frances II. for Launches Will Be Built I at Foot of Market Aveniio i 1e (v. ,. f vt,rk ,mPvoment at tho foot '21 bj . S"nue s completed thoro H'boa. lv. r t" U6o oi tho : IH m T d thoro' Th0 the ! tho 'nPWvoment 1;lr87f,r0ntan'1 thoprop v r8 are doin. . ,. rwt n .v .." w'u "ur on i . .: lue wock ,. 4a and :.: tho A slip will nnd ninkes his home In Coquillo, wlioro ho owns property and has a residence. Ho has many friends throughout the county. Tho bride is an English woman and Is an old ac quaintance of Mr. Cnndlln. He is a natlvo of England and Know th" brldo In former years In the old country. clflc Paper cpmpany In this locality J we8t of Elmrn whoro R ,argo Portland nnd ho was optimistic con COrnlnc Mm C.noa Tlnv nnd Tlnla. .,.11 SEATTLE. Wash.. Oct. A A now ,nd projoct. Ho oxnects to return market for tho lumber nnd tho Bnl-,''01"0 nnxt w"ok "nd begin' nn nctlvo mon of Wnshlngton nnd Oregon, tho , cnmpnlgn t? secure tho bnlnnco leading products of tho Northwestorni tho r,Kt of way, etc. States, will bo created In tho cltlos of "I !ard ono othor llttlo plec" of Kngineor Kornorl nnd mpn nre cx-l "c nenoonrn ny tno estnli-, rt".' y nuironu nowa wiiiiq nwnv. pected to nrrlvo In Eugono tomorrow 1,f,"niont of a lino of steamships bo- It ws thnt tho Southorn Pprlfl' hml night from tho const, nnd will bi I ,xvpon Senttlo nnd Snn Francisco on ,BOnt n corPB of englnoo-a to Drain ready to start on tho othor world' " Pnculc, nnd Now Orlenns nnd,'0 Ko over tho old Drain-Coo'j n.iy ew York on tho Atlantic, transfer-1 rou, "R"'" ncl they had worked two Hnent Panama on tho railroad across i Jfty on nnd mado arrangamenlH to Iho Isthmus. When 'tho now lino Jcomploto It when they wore sudden stnrts oporntlng, Its first ship sailing yV changed to Junction City to sur from Seattle Oct. 10. It will bo ns.vey hero by way of Florence tho- I " , cheap to send salmon from Seattlo to Xew York ns It now In by rail from Snn Francisco to New Orlenns. Tho onerntlonB of tho California nnd At lantic Steamship eomnnny nro expect ed to provo n vnlunblo nRset to tho Northwest In the mnrkctlng of Ita extensive resources on tho othor side of tho continent. Believed Jrhat It Was Used to Blow Up Times Office. (By Associated PrefB to Coos Bay Times.) SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 4. Tho senrch for a launch which took 500 pounds of oxploslvo from tho Glnnt Powder Works Bejit. 23, and which linn been partially Identified ns making several trljis nbout tho bay about that dato, Is progressing. Tho pollco bollovo thnt tho nnmo of tho lnun'ch Is tho "Peerless," nnd thnt sho wns mnde for the occnslon. They hnvo found where- aluminum letters spelling "Peerless" wero purchnsod nnd witnesses hnvo been found who sighted tho Inunch when sho was painted yellow and a fow days later when Bho was painted wltlto. Tho pollco bellevo tho Inunch w-ent from Snusnllto to San Pablo Bay, ono of tho arms of Snn Francisco Bay. thnnco toward AIvIro, wlioro Its oc cupnnts took nn nutomobllo. This report Is strengthened bv ono todny from Snn .Toso to Mio effect that an nbnndoned launch linn boon found on tho Alvlso slough. Dotecttvos hnvo gono to tho mnrahes to lnvea tlgnte. The crew of a munlclnnl flrnhoBt- reporloJ todny that n Inunch unawor ing the descrljitlbn of tho Peorlona, uui vuiobo nnmo wns Pnatlmo, put inlu t'"o HnrrUon street dock foi gnBi:ne two weeks ngo. 'Tho cap tnln of thn bont had n Hear ovor tho vnht eyo nnd answorod tho descrip tion of ono of tho three mon who bought tho COO poundn of Mnlnnlw. from the Olnnt Powdor company. Ho gavo tho nnmo of nryson to tho om ployes of tho powder compnny. l-'IXD THE IiAUXCII, .Monflny morning. Right-of-way f tho 12 miles to Elmlrn, all except -email tract, hnvo been In possession of tho Asset company for aomo time, and thoro Is nothing to prevont 1io early completion of tho grading for tho first section of tho road, n ob the country Is practically lovol, tho work will progress rapidly. ' As much of this grading win be done as enn bo boforo tho rains set In nnd then tho crows will bo Bent nmount of trcstllng will bo put ln. work on which enn progress during tho wet weather. SWALLOWED SPOOXS. of Queer Woman in Asylum Dies Complaint. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay TimeB.) CONCORD X H.. Oct. 4. An , .. , autopsy upon tho body of Miss Cath erine Mojer, an Inmato of tho stnte Insano hospital here, showed nlno spoons in her stomach. An at OFFICIAL IS T SHO DOWN Pah linlf - .... S null . -"U. h'l.. . I M.i l"Ul BirOAf !.. .I...I - and this win ho .tendant saw her swallow a siioon oint u-n- .. -""cu uul.She died shortly afterwards. Udm.. tno strcet back of V? Polnt where h- '7 .Ut,she died shortly afterwards '"'"en hu ' uckihb. w4j tl S ,s at th0 wharf Slh T, nt,Etreet to the water fc.4 0e plaaked arter STILETTO Pocket KXIVES hold an edge at MILNER'S. will Republican Deputy at Lisbon Is Killed by Lieutenant ' in the Army. (By Associated Press to Cooa Bay Tlmea.) LISBON, Oct. 4. Professor Bom- barda, a republican deputy and an antl-clericnl, who was shot down In this city bv nn nrmv ltaiitnnnnt illnil , , ., ....... .. .., . ,.uvu today. Tho affair caused Intenso ex- are confident the hunt In San Fran- POLICE SEARCH ENTIRE STATE Are Trying to Locate Men Who Blew Up Times Building. (By Associated Press to Cooa Bay Times.) LOS ANGELES, Oct. 4. Tho search for tho dynamiters who de stroyed tho Times building Saturday, today ombraces all the country be tween San Francisco and San Diego, and from tho ocean to tho desert east of San Joaquin. Whllo the search hero shows no cessation, the pollco Jrouto that Mr. Mlllla nnd othera hnvo been looking up. "Tho people of Portland who nro Intorestod In tho dovolopmcnt of Cooa Bay aro unqualified in tholr statements deploring tho latest suit In the federal court to hpld up t Port of Coob Bay commission's ef forts to Improve and dovolop t harbor. The suit Is being thorough ly Investigated to ascertain who Is inspiring tho 'hold-up policy." (By Associated Press to Cooa Day Times.) OAKLAND. Oct. 4 Annwnpl... perfectly tho description of tho launch Peerless, which Is mipposed lo hnvo cnrrled tho dynnmlto uw.1 ot blow up tho Los Angeles Tlmts building, Uio launch PnsMmn wna discovered In Oakland harbor to.lnv. Tho launch was hired by horns mon Uopt. 20. Thoy returned tho hoat Sopt. 20. Thoy puld a doposlt of 1500 nnd on roturnlmr tho bont. nain a liberal rental. Thoy cavo thn names of J. D. Bryco and Perry. Thoy answer perfectly tho description of Bryson nnd his companion, tho men who purchased tho explosive at tho Giant Powdor Works. Tho boat shows mnrka of taeka. as If n sign or metal lettora had been tacked over the namo "Pastime," which lads tho pollco to bollovo tho nomo "Peorless" wns usod to dis guise tho boat. KILLED HY EXPLOSION. WHEAT MARKET. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) PORTLAND, Oct, 4. Wheat un- changed. TACOMA, Oct. 4. Milling nine- stem, 90c to 91c; Club, 83c; export Bluestem, 89c; Club. 83c: Red Rus- alan, 81c; Fortyfold, 85c to 8Cc. Ono I)les ami Threq Hurt in Wnsh- Ington Navy Yard. (By Associated Proas to Cooa Bay Times.) WASHINGTON. D. C. Oct. 4 Ono man waa killed and threo In jured In an explosion this afternoon In tho fuse and prlmor shop of tho Washington nnvy yard. Two explo sions took place ln tho shop ln whlcU tho men wero working. ituuu;. iuu uitau muotu luicuttl UA-IUID vfiuiucill. ilia 11 11 II l iu DUU rrUU . . clteraent in this city, at Oporto andiclsco will eventually produce import at MILNER'S. elsewhere. ant results. HELTA HILL! Don't forget tho meeting tomor row night. Bo on hnnd with your smllo. Dy order of GEp. GOODRUM, Sec'y. HUNTING COATS. Vests Sholl Baga and Duck Carriers at MILNER'S. Wedded in 'Frisco. J. Macbado. tho well-known Myrtlo Point mori chant, and Mra. Myrtlo Morris, also of Myrtlo Point, wero given a mar riago llcenso in San Francisco a fow days ago. The nowa of tho couple's nuptials wll come ns a surprlso to their many frlenls In this section, Trolling SPOONS at MILNER'S. For the Queen of the liar, Bee East. side. HELLO, HI Mi! Don't forget tho mooting tomor row night. Bo on hand with "your smile. By order of GEO. GOODRUM, Sec'y. Prlsco LAXTKKNS at MILNER'S. imfl ir p fcf-""' . f j ,Wi -