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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1910)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1910 EVENING EDITION. ' ) ' -. ' fcUf a f ' kMhiWl mmmsm$$mmmm$$$$$mm$$mm$$mm$$mmton ' v - wjMwjwuiwMwwiim1 m lft FAST fiAGING . ! B A f ' BE SHIPPE DSE8UR ww .i 1 ; k if, . . M ....ini.lIT CM HIT uw- in G1 . OF. UN FELLl www "m m it giav av )i I y m .y nw tT- l Denuty Game Warden Wright Calls Attention to the Special Law. Deputy Game Warden Cal Wright Jias notified persons concerned re garding the cntchlng of crabs In Coos Bay. It was understood by tho depu ty that It was tho Intention (n catch rnbs for shlpmont from this place, no ho Immediately put a chock on it, as It is unlawful. Tho parties who wcro understood to hnvo made plana for shipping tho crnbs wcro notified that It was unlawful and tho Urenkwatcr officials wcro also ne lied that It was unlawful to receive crabs for transportation from here. Thoro Is n special law protecting tho crabs In Coos Day and Mr: ' "Wright calls nttcntlon to this. '1 law Is nB follows: "It shall ho unlawful for any parson within tho county of Coos, ntnto of Oregon, or within or upon tho watorB thereof, Including all bays, liarbors and Inlets of said county, to 1c 111 tnko, capturo or destroy any renter number than fifty salt water crabs In ono day; and It shnll bo in lawful for any person or persons, firm or corporation within said county or upon tho waters thereof, to sell or offer for salo, exchni or transport outsldo of said county, or hnvo In his possession, for tho purposo of nuch salo or exchango or transportation from snld county, an? of tho aforesaid salt water crabs; nnd It shnll bo unlawful for nny Btcambont or express company or n other common earner or corporation or tho officers or agents thereof, m nny other porson to transport or carry out of said county, or to re colvo or liavo In possession for tho purposo of such transportation ther" from, nny snlt wator crabs, except lor tho purposo of exhibition or p1 pngatlon; provided that this act slmP apply to tho canning product of snlt water crabs within tho said county nnd tho exportation of tho same therefrom." Tho law means thnt crabs cannot Tjo shipped from here. They cnu bo rnnnol but tho canned product can not bo shipped out. i F. P. Norton With Marin Wins Storm Was 'Quite Severe One Race Second Place in Another Race. V. P. Norton with his string of horBes made n couplo and made n couplo of winnings last week nt tho second southern Oregon district fnlr at Itoseburg. Tho Itoseburg Itevlcw gives tho following account of Thursday's race: "Marin, driven by his owner, P. P. Norton, of Mnrshflold, won tho 2:20 paco nnd trot In thrco straight heats. Tlmo, 2:20, 2:22 nnd 2:22 &. Sec ond money went to Sally Younger (I'ctor Cook) nnd third t Lord Lovclaco (S. Pendleton). Kit Crnv ford, who easily won tho 2:2G pace on Wcdnesdny. performed badly STRICKEN IN M HOI E John Grills, Known on Coos Bay, Passes Away at Daughter's Home. John Grills, whoso family resided in Mnrshflold for n number of years, died nt tho homo of his son-lu-lnw, Geo. N. Pntterson, In Snlcm, last Thursday. Word of his death has Just been received hero. Most of his fam ily hnvo moved nwny. Mrs. Murphy. Ills widow, loft hero some montliH ngo with her daughters, Mrs. Wm. Wndo and Miss Mnry Grills, for Port land, whero they now reside. Con cerning his dentil, tho Salom Journal nays; "In tho passing of John Grills, an other of tho many thousands who, horn In n foreign lnnd, sought better conditions hero, nnd who, ndnptlng it nB their country, upheld Its flng nnd honor nmld tho surglngs of doubtful and despornto battle, finds resting plnco In tho good mother Earth, which opens her brand bosom itnd receives him nnd gives him place beside his old comrades. "Ho wis born at Hnmme, Belgium, September 27, 1841, but In early llfo took to tho BciiH and finally camo to America, marrying In Now York. Ho served with honor In tho navy throughout the Civil War and camo to Oregon soon after Its closo, locat ing at Gardiner. Ho wns employed in brldgo building for the Southern Tnclflo for 10 years, living In Roso Imrg, but for the past nlno yonrs has tnndo his homo with his daughter nnd her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Patter eon. "Of bis nlno chlldron, four preced ed htm on tho last Joumoy, and ftvo daughters survive. Thoso woro nt his bedsldo when ho passed away: Mrs. Patterson, Mrs. Arthur Hull of Goldendnlo, Wash., Mrs. William Wndo of Mnrshflold, Mrs. C. C. Settle tueler of Salom and Miss Mary Grills of Portland. "At his request his body will bo placed by tho sldo of his old com rades in tho Soldiers' Circle In, City "View cemetery. Tho G. A. R. con ducted tho services thoro." nil threo heats, breaking ropcntcdly nnd finishing a bnd fourth In tho first two heats. In tho third ho showed n flash of real form nnd got Bocond plnco." Concerning Friday's race, tho Itoso burg Nowb says: "Tho rnco of tho afternoon was probably tho mllo trot, 2:15 class, thrco In five, for a purso of $"0(i Thoro wcro two starters, Lady Sun rlso (by llogaboom) nnd IlcJlo N. (by F. P. Norton). Iloth horses np pcarcd to hnvo their ndmlrcra nnd It would hnvo been difficult pre oiib to tho raco to pick tho winner. Asldo from the liberal purso posted by tho fnlr association It Is estimated thnt fully $1,000 wns wagered on tho result of tho event by outsldo pcoplo, ninny of whom had never b foro seen cither horso. "Tho first heat waB extremely protty, nnd notwithstanding thnt Hello N. hroko on tho first quarter she closed tho gnp and camo under tho wlro a closo second. It wns n neck to neck finish nnd excitement pre vailed. Time, 2:184. "In tho second heat Sunrlso lend from tho start, nnd to tho disap pointment of tho crowd Hello N. broke upon two occasions. It wn plain to bo seen, howovor, thnt V. Norton, owner nnd driver of tho los ing horse, was not discouraged, for onco on Its feet, ho encouraged the little nnlmnl nnd sho enmo under tho wlro In the second bent but n length behind. Time, 2:18. "Tho third hent wns without nn Incident, snvo fast trotting. The horses got off together nnd nt tho first qunrtor Stiurleu wns n trlflo In ho lend. This position sho held un II tho flnlHh.juid won tho heat and now by n smnll mnrgln. Tlmo, 2:1(1. "Ah Stnrter McCarthy nnnounced tho tlmo In tho Inst and dccldlns br (2:10) nnd enmmouted thnt such tlmo broke tho record of nil bnlf-mtlo tracks In Oregon, thoro was wild .onfiislon. Kveryono wns satisfied with tho raco nnd tho wngered mor changed hands without n murmur of protest. In tho three-eights mllo dash thoro wero six starters, Flnvorn (by J. L. Knight), Foxy (by J. W. Whit sott), Toddy (by Jnck Ilerron) Mnud Mc. O, (by G. Rnbor), Agnes (by G. W. E. Smith) and Lotltla (by E. G. Allen). "Considerable difficulty wns ex perienced In getting tho racers under wny, but tho crowd was patient, nnd tho rnco was much enjoyed. The horses woro ovenly mntchod In tho lnngungo of the horAcmnn, nnd wero bunched n sthey camo under the wlro. gnes won tho raco, followed closoly by Teddy. Flnvorn took third nnd Foxy fourth money. I.etltln camo undor the wlro In fifth plnco and Maud Mc. G. n closo blxth, Time, 3 1-5." Snturlny's Knees. The results of Saturday's races aro given by tlio Itosoburg Rovlew as fol lows: In the ono nnd onc-olghth mllo der by, purso $300, Weathorford (C. II. nrown), with Hnrvoy Copelnnd up, finished In first plnco, followed by Hector (Galbrulth) second, Greenlaw (Yonkuin) third, Agnes (Smith) fourth. Tlmo, 1:58. A largo sum In sldo bets changed bunds on this raco, tho talent choosing Hector to win ngnliiBt tho field. Special paco, 2 best In 3, purso $200 Marvin (Norton- won In two straight heats; Kit Crawford (Wood cock) second, Sally Younger (Cook) nnd Duron Lovolnco (Pondleton) third and fourth nltornntely In the two bents. Time, 2:23 3-1, 2:23 1-4. Special mntcli rnco, one-bnlf mile, Mack first, Dan second, Tlmo, 0:55. Consolation for non-winners of first money, 9-1G of n mllo. $150 St. Salvonla (W. W. rorclval) first, King Kohr (W. W. Cardwcll) seoond, 'Ted dy (John Ilerron) third, Maud McG., Induno nnd I.etltln S. also ran, Tlmo 0;5S. This was tho last raco of the fair. Caused Wire Troubles Generally. Thu first real good rain of tho sea son enmo last night. ' All day It was stormy mid tho wind nnd rain kept up a good deal of tho night. It was real winter weather and tho pros pects this afternoon wcro for rnoro rain. According to Mrs. Mlngus, tho wenther obBorvor, tho total rainfall since 4.43 o'clock Sundny until noon today was 1.65 inches. That JJjA. heavy rainfall. Tho wind Interfered with w(rcs. Tho Western. Ujijon wires aro' down, probably because of trees falling In tho mountains, und thin morning tho olectrlc power wns cut off In Mnrsh ftcld bccniiBO of thrco trees which foil between hero nnd North Bend on tho electric wire. A trco at Klttyvlllo has fnllon the county road nnd obstructs traffic. Tho rain has mndo tho roads rnther heavy njitl does away with any moro nuto travel probably for thi season as from now on tho ronds w' bo rough. Tho Myrtlo Point road to Itoseburg which hnB been used by tho nutOB, hns boon torn up for i building nnd Is muddy In places. The tolophono company's long dis tance lines wcro down but nt noon repnlrs had been mado nnd com munication established. . zt Have you put in Your Winter Supply of Wood yet ? Do not overtook this fine weather to get it under cover. $2.00 for H 12-inch stove wood, and $2.50 for timber H ends per dump load. K 2-FOOT WOOD i; We have just, arranged to accommodate fire-place I users with 2-foot wood, so place your : order early and avoid the rush.' MANY HOOFS LEAKED. Henvy for Ilnlns Canned Trouble IliisLticsH Men. Many of tho roofs of tho business houses lenked this morning after tho heavy rnln. Tho dry spoil has lnstod so long that tho roofs havo warped In mnny cases nnd when tho first rain camo tho wnter flooded. Mnny of tho stores on Front street wcro troubled with leaks. is . . : ji j We are now equipped to make All Deliveries Promptly C. A. SMITH Lumber & Manufacturing Co. H Retail Yard 182 S. Broadway. Phone 190-J b:::tt::::!::n::t::::::n:::t:::::::::::::!!ittn::n::?t:n::n:::!::::nm (ny Associated Press.) PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 3,-r-Tho scores of Saturday's games folow: At Portland n. II. At Portland Portland 2, Onk Innd 3, . At Los Angeles Los Angolcs 3, Vernon 5. No lilts. At San Frnnclfcco It. II. Snn Francisco 2 10 Sacramento 3 9 HOME LAND Co. Soo us for investments on Coos Bay. Wo guarmitee owner's price to bo our piico. Phono 741. 2(11 Front St. Turkish Baths 210-213 Coos Building PHONE 2 14-J nasiiKs rium thk wntui A book of Sermons by 1.. SIIAXXOX. Price, Fifty Conts. Address Vlsalln, Calif. NEW LIVER.Y Fancy new rigs, Kood horses nnd careful drivers aro now nt tho dis posal of the Coos liny public at ItKASO.VAULK ItATKS. Rigs or rigs with drivers ready for any trip nnywhero any tlmo. Horses boarded nnd rigs cared for. Now hearso and special accommo dations provided for funernl parties. W. L. CONDRON'S Livery & Feed Stables South llroadwny, Mnrliflcld. tt---n-n---a-a-u--a--tt-a-x:-a-n-a-na-a--n-a-na Home Addition To Eastside NOW ON THE MARKET This addition Is situated Immediately East of now Enstslde Mill. Tho lota nro 100x211 and larger, nbout eight ordinary lots; anil prices nro J150.00 up for thes largo tracts. This plat was filed Wednesday Inst, nnd wo liavo only fifteen lots remaining unsold. This Indlcntos that tho proporty Is Interest Ing to purchasers, and nnyono wishing to securo n lot should act promptly. Terms one-half cash, bnlanco equal payments, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. For particulars, soo Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. General Agents UASTSIDK . Henry Sengstacken, Manager. i a i c i 8 I n i a i a i a a i a i s i 8 I I i R I B I 8 I - i ... ltltKAKWATKIl HOTEL, Front St., Held, Ore., UNDEH NEW MANAGEMENT. Has been thoroughly renovated nnd nowly furnished. Rooms reason able, by day, week or month. Mrs. J. H. O'DONNELI. Prop. Looks like "it's gonaj 9t rain. YOU'LL GET- SOAKED IF YOU DON'T GET AN "UMUERSHOOT." If you get It of us you'll not get ns badly soaked as If you get it elso- whoro. Mea'n Uinbrclllus $1.00 up Ladies' Umbrellas 7."i up Children's Umbrellas, , . . , .SO up Wo liavo a few 3 2-lnch 'family urn. brellns. "Huy Hero tuid Snvo Mow v." COOS BAY CASH STORE GEO. X. HOLT, - - Manager. Front Street, Marshfleld. LADIES Let us clean, dye or press that' dress or garment and mako it as good as now. Experienced men do tho work for us. We guarauteo our work to bo satisfactory. Consult us nnd wo will gladly tell you what can be dono nnd tho cost of It. Give us a trial order. Phono us nnd wo will sond for and deliver your suit promptly. Men's suits also cleaned, pressed and repaired. Rates reasonable. Mnnibtlclil Clemiing nml Dyo Works, rhono270X. 1S6 So. Broadwav. Gi W. Dungan Undertaker Mnrtriiflclri, Oregon. Parlors, 180 South 3d St., Telephone, Day or Night, 103-J. THE l'AST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo (EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS) WILL MAKE REGULAR TRIPS CARRYING 1MSSEXGKH3 AND l'ltKIGHT BETVEi:x COOS-IUY A'IVSAX FUANCIS CO. ALL RESICRVATIOXS FOR PASSEXaEKS MADE AT ALLIANCE DOCK, MARSHFIELD AXD IXTER-OCEAX TRAXSP. CO. FIFE BLDO., SAX FltAXClSCO. FOR INFOR MATION PHONE H-J o 285. SA1KS FROM SAN FRANCISCO, FOR COOS HAY, OCT. . IXTER.OOEAN THAXSPORTATIOX CO. -tt-a-a-a-aa-n-a-a-n-a-a- n-a-a-a-o -a-a-a-a-a-n-o' Beaver Hill Coal JlODXT DLUfLO AND JOS80N QE.MENT 5he bo DomwtUi aad Imported brands, Flaater, Lime, Brick, and all kinds of builders- material. ( Steamer Newport will swiil Saturday, Oct. 1, from l'oit nnd for Coos liny. Order vour fivtalit. icd om her. C. F. McGEORGE, Agent. hlllppi 44 MISS EDNA LARSON Piano Instruction 4 Tel. 234-R. 4 O 44 4 HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR rffl 80UTH BROADWAV nrrnwrfl aol - a .- -.-- ro- HOTICL GARDINER, nt Gardiner. Orecon na .. modelled and Improved and Is undor no management. Special accommo- datlons for stago passengers and for people desiring n rest at tho seashore "You'R Llko tho Place." J. E. SCHILLING, Proprietor. Try The Times' Want Ads. MAGUIRE'S TRANSFER. Hauling of every description. Stand at "Busy Corner." Phono 298. Office phono, 201. Dealer in wood anu t. 4444 MRS. FARRIXGER, Teacher of Piano. Homo Studio, South Broadway. A T)l.nno 9 70..T. 4 tlaV .,Ua. v ' iVaWMaiBEi; i-i .- , -i.--.j'- iMiBtlfMlJMiiSV.'.'f-1 -6-- g4-t"--f rti'rr-iirViti vt , , jMi'iiiMiiii -.... . t. J'-' v itMaWaaWaaaaaBaaBaaLWaiaWBaiaaMaWa