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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1910)
v iiwiipyiwawrei "ntimpw-."; IW"U " f THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1910 -EVENING EDITION. Jl BH HBH COOS BAY TIMt Entorcd at ttie postortlce at Marsn ftald, Oregon, for transmission lrouu the uiallB as second data nail uiattui. Addrens all communications to roo.S IJAV DAILY TIWIW. HHliileia :: :: :: :: Oregon K. O. IUALONKY Kdltor nnd Pub. AJi K. AIALONKV New Editor im' end nubile alike arc sntlsflol .i.i their administration of law an j tlce. Two nro Republicans nn ono n Democrat, making It a strict 1 non-partisan bpnch, apportioned I fairly and In ""accordance with the i votes cast by the two leading polit ical parties. There are innnj i excellent leasons why existing con ditions should not be disturbed nnl thov will not be If tlie votors thor oughly understand the situation. I Judge Coke has made n splendid record during the two onrs lie ha presided over the court, and Is os- peciall satisfactory to the people of Coos and Curry counties, which 1 his particular portion of the district. !n'o candidate from these counties op- HIS WILL OPPOSE "BUYS" AD Itldepflllelll KttpUUllC&U DBWB fraper published ever; eranlng except uudny. und Weekly by li, Co lla Tlni.-H I'uIiIMiIiir Co. d lm ,n th0 prinar,CB nml , . 1 T- will appear In tho general election Dedicated to the service of the, nw hIm gtl f JonM o people, that no good cause snail iacK.it0gt,burg, nlthough . a Republican cunmplon, and that evil shall not thrlvo unopposed The Coos Hay Times represents a jousolldatlon of the Dally Coast Mall And The Coos Uay Advertiser. Tho Coast Mall was tho urst dally estab lished ou Cpoi Day aud Tho Coos Bay TluieB Is Its immediate sue-enssor. HUUSCKII'TION HATES. DAILY. Ono yenr $G.OO Per month GO When paid strictly In ndvanco tho subscription prlco of the Coos Bay Times Is $S.OO por car or ?2.50 for six months, WEEKLY. On year H-c0 Ofllclnl I'nper of ISoo County. OFFICIAL 1'AI'KH OK THE CITY (IF MARSHFIELD. TIME TO CLEAN IIOISE-OUUHLY. -THOU- THE INTERPRETER," writing in the Octobor American Magazine, says: 'Tho mon who get what thoy do not earn from those who earn what they do not get nro for the first time hIiico the fall of alnvory In this coun try facing n great moral protest. 'A now fight for freedom Is upon us. Tho predatory Interests nro ac tive In tho Republican party be eniiHu that party happens to doml nnto. Hut the Democratic party has only toNhow signs of life to find tho forceH of evil working In it. "Thoro is no hope in either party. Tho real hopo of tho people Is to eloan out both parties, nnd mnko thorn sorvo this country. "It will do no good to clinngo parties. So long as people can bo fooled by merely changing parties, tho powers, that prey will keep that gamo up. nnd fatten on it. Hut and on the same ticket, uhoitld re coil e the larger number of votes, lie will take Judge Coke's plaeo ou the bench. Judge James V. Hamilton, tho Democratic cnndldato for re-olectlon, needs no introduction to the people of the Second 'Judicial district. He Is one of Its natlvo sons, aud the entire spnn of his active life Is part of Its Judicial history. For several terms prosecuting attorney, later ou for n number of years tho lendlnn member of the Hoaeburg bar, and tovl'i years Judge of tho court, his name Is a household word, and 'stands for legal ability, uprightness nnd probity of character. No court In Oregon or, It might bo said, in nny state, is more respected by the people who hnvo business beforo it, or more satisfactory to tho nttorney who has practice at jts bar. There can bo no question of Judge Hamilton's re-election, but The Guard would like to seo no change In the personnel of the court, and hopes that tho voters of r parties in marking their ballots will seo that the names of both Ham ilton nnd Coke nro properly destg nated. Tho Second Judicial district wants no chango In Its Judges Ham ilton, Harris and Coke. Eugene Ounrd. COUNTY HEAT NEWS Happenings nt Coqtillle im I'nbllhlu'il In the Sentinel. Oono Wlckhr.m the first of the week received his now Maxwell car via steamer from San Francisco. Mr. nnd Mrs. G. A. Robinson re turned Mondny from n two-montliB' trip through California. The now minister of tho M. E. church who was expected this, week I will not nrrlvo until next week, honce tho pulpit was occupied by Rev. C. H. Cleaves, Mrs. Maud R. Watklns of Mnrsh fleld, county Htiporliitcndent medal Kitiilnut u'fti-k nf tint W C. T It. rnniit tho question before tho people now n ()n the ,, traln. sho ,101,ea Is to cloanso tho party In power. . ,.,.. ,,. i,ltnrc,a,,i i jng uy men iiko iirwiuR i i-, II10loll. of this work. That may bo dono only by stnnd- In- dlana, LnFollotto in Wisconsin, Clnpp In Minnesota, StubbB and Mur dock In KnnsnHj nnd tho insurgent temperance, to present plans nnd Hero of Naval Battles Says Prohibition Would Ruin This State. The Portland Oregonlan recently published the following Interview with Rear Admlial Evans of the United States navy: When Rear Admiral Evans was told that a vote was soW to be taken In Oregon on the question of prohibition, ho threw up his hands and exclaimed: ' What do they want to do? Ruin iho state?" Admlrnl Evans believes In temper ance In all things, but draws tho line 3hnrply nt prohibition. His personal experience In Maine, when he was commander of the North Atlantic fleet, caused him to tnko a firm stand against such radical restrictive laws, nnd resulted In his forbidding ships under his command to visit the harbor of Portlnnd, Mo. . "Conditions' were so bad In Port lnnd," snld Admlrnl Evans, "that 1 refused to allow, any of our ships to visit that port. When the men went ashore they were met on the dock by a lot of parasites who steered them Into Homo low dives. Thinking that would bo tho only opportunity to get n drink they gorged themselves on vile, wood nlcohoj poison, which mndo them so drunk that thoy could not'oven rccognlzo tholr officer-. The actions of tho police townrd our men wns so repugnant that It was not right to nliow th'em to go ashore. It was the worst spot I ever saw In my life. "We never had such trouble in n city where thoro were open Baloona. In cities where there nro open saloons tho men knew what thoy wore drink ing and coujd drink temperately. In tiilne It was the thought of tho last chance to get a drink when they wore shown ono of theso dives, nnd the vile, adulterated stuff that was sold thorn, that caused them to become in toxicated nnd go beyond the bound! of discipline. "Tho prohibitionists forced the ennteon out of the army nud navy. I think It was tho worst lnw that was qvor pnssod. You say they are going to vote to mnko Oregon dry? too thoy wont to ruin tho stnt" While In the city Admiral Evans commended the Oregon Naval Ro servo. He said It wns necessary to have a trained resorvo forco In readi ness at nil times to reinforce dopleted crows nnd take chargo of warships. Ho said thnt when n war vessoll putR Into Astoria or runs up tho Columbia river to Portland nnd tho crews are given leaves of absence, tho Naval Resorvo would have an opportunity to tnko tho vessel out to sen for training. Tho admiral nIo recom- Talk to People When Thar M inds Are Receptive T Died. At the family homo In this "1,niJot uont cln n8 Bod training ritv v.,ii,p.inv snntomiiitr as. mm. for reserve nnd said It Is -.,- .. ...... , Ht..-.-.-.. , ----. unrighteous dividends upon stock watered by tho capitalization of in TO .MAKE NATURAL PARK. Republican congressmen whorover jnu,8 Iit santson. nKOlj 70 years r n valunblo drill for handling small they nro nnined. These mon ropio- ,, ',, 5 ,a)8t TIl0 tvmvml aft- sont tho free eloment In the Ropl)-' ,,. b , ,(, , , .. eitrlstltiM llcan party. They aro captains l:i Luurcu and tho romnlns will bo In tho new brittle for freedom In Amor- ,orr0(J nt tno Masonic cemetery, lea. They stand for the free nine who demands his onrnlugs In this The Tuttle hotol wns reopened this civilization of ours. If his earnings ( wonk um,0. 10 nmnngQmont of A. wor picked from his pockets to pay 1 iMOi f0rmery t onstern Ore gon, The hotiHe has been thorough ly renovated and put In good sunpn alk to them in the EVENING after they have cast aside the cares of the day. For this purpose ELECTRIC AD VERTISING is irresistible. Measured by results ELECTRIC ADVERTIS ing is the CHEAPEST of all forms of advertising. Our ELECTRIC ADVERTISING propositions are attractive to the merchant who belongs with the live ones. , A New Business Department Representative will call at a hint that you want him. He will tell you all about the latest and cleverest ELECTRIC ADVERTISING and how little it costs. . The Coos Bay Gas & Electric Co. TELEPHONE 178 STATKMKNX OK u.MMilUA Ul lllh First Trust and Savings Bank OF COOS UAY. MAKSHFELD, ORE., SEPT. 1, 1910. RESOURCES, Loans and discount .... $12G,51G.9S Overdrafts 254. SO Uonds and securities .. . . 20.990.10 Uankltig house, furalturo nnd fliiures 5C.SL0.50 Cash on hand and duo from bnnki 82,906.51 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In. . .$100,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits 3,995.01 Deposlti 1S9.5GG.40 Mf PHOI-'ICSSIO.VAL C.lll)3, MM rU. J. V. IXOHAM, L 1'liyslclnii nud Siu-jcon. Olllee SOH.SOO CM)i llulldln. Phones Office 1021; Heildnci 1(11 Total 5293,051.01 condition of this bank ns r:ui m3,tm.oi We Invite your attention to the rtrong shown by the sworn snttoment, to-wlt: Cieli recc- 2 per coct o: deposits. Resorvo reaiurod by lnw 15 pff: cest of deposit. Reserve In excess of leudl requirements... ,2S per of !op3ilti. OFKICKHS AMI DIRECTORS JOHN S. COKE, President. JOHN F. HALL, HENRY SENGSTACICEN. STEPHEN C. ROOERS, DORSEY KREITZER, Cashier. S. CHANDLER, WILLIAM GRIMES. DR. (J. W. TOWER. M C. IIORTON. Vlco President nnd MnnaRer. IIOKS A GKXKIl.IL )A.KING AN l TIU'HT HLSINK88. vorn HfsiNKss solicitki). THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK . STRICTLY A COMMKRCIAL HANK. Well Knruo NevBdn Nnllouml Hank, 8nn Francisco, Cal. Ilraws lT,,e Vnltci 8,A,ea National Hank, Portland, Or. n ,t )T,ie National Park Hank, New York, N. Y. UIUIO 1 Till' Cnrn V.iUn.l 11..1. iki. ... The Bank of Bcoiland, London, EnBland. I lie (.redlt Lyonunls, Paris, France. In nddltl-jn we draw draft on all principal banking eentr In Europo. Asia. Africa. Auitrall.. rhin !' w--i.,n".n '. J5 Couth America. ' "K'",, """"' v",ul"1 "UQ I Personal and commercial accounts kept subject to check. j, Certificates of Deposits Issued. Safe Deposit noxes for rent. on s J. V. HKXNETT, Lawyer. Ofllco over Flanncnn & Dennett Bui Afnrshfleld, 0:im W M. S. TUHPK.V, Architect. Over Chamber of Commerce. NOTICE TO THE PL11UC. I havo pli:ed la public rtl t bus to meet nil trains and will silt calls 011 phone orders fhoninwtw 13S-J; livery traulent (Ml Un, 120-J; residence, 49-L; usls ctlii, 13S-J. I do nil kinds of &xtj:n'.l hauling haul anything thatUlXH nt both ends. I also handle n good graded toil. Why pay ?3.00 or 10.00 per ton lor coal when I will bring It to your p!i 'most anywhere for L50 per toil Look at theso figures and see WA looks the best In hard tlmeJ-Ua?. yj?4.50; nut, J2.50; screonlngi, 1.M. ? Just lnwg, the nvoniKo man would amJ ,MUstH win receive tho very heat hnvo more Bavins, more leisure, of trentmont from tho now proprlo more time to think and Krnw nud tor enjoy anil improve tlie world niinut him. It k Ms freedom that the average mnn needs his freedom to domlnnto his own pnrt. to make his own laws, to run his own government, to live n broader, hotter life than ho nuir .... " ... . . .. .....' i uvo unuur mo ruie 01 me sreat in- remnrked jesterdny that ho fully ox toreata thnt control the government pooled to return alone. Iiy rumpnlgii rontiibutlous to what tver party may be In power. Thnt Is wluit the fiicht In Indiana nnum -vhet It meaiis all over America ' It is the titht of free men tne n fu party, that through t thoy mnv f r a free eonutr " Tho ouraUment of pupils at the the movement of el renin Mug neMt'on Klahtran iehool this fnll Is 30. "'l " urging- nlong the ostnbM.h The work of throhlng mid liny iment of th now reservation. HAMILTON AN1 ;)KK SIIOVI.D HK CIIOSHN, TUli uouiliiatlou of Judge John Democrats of thl Judlolal dtx- S. CokH. Uuubllean, h th ballltt I Mill In progms in tliU(ry Radnlwimh at Norway. They ex nut. wu emiuuntiy proper. Ther: viciuity. . h three Judaea In till district, ono Plan to IV Mnmi Hool for That Purpose. PORTLAND, Or., Oct. 3.- Mount Hood will bo mado n nations! p.irlc If a movement now uiidor wnv la biie-1 I cesstui. unuer mo lenuersuin oi K. Henry Wemme, petitions aro bolus; preonred for clrculntlon nil over :he state of Qregon. Those petitions :ulc tho federal government to wphli-pw D". C. W. Hndlqott expacts to, that part or Mount Hood now tn tne leave foe n 10 days' trip through Cal- forest reserve nnd other portions In Ifornln Tuesday. Ills trip will bo n eluded In United States properties, comprehensive one and ho will visit making of the whole a great park all the principal cities of tho'flmtlnr to the Yollowstono nnd Crater sister state boforo ho returns. Ho Lako. Mr. Wemme Intends to n"k everv commercial organization In th stnte i to lend a hnnd to secure for Oregon Mf"ii attraction that' will draw many NEWS Or AHAGO. thousands of tourists to the new 4 4 4 4 park. It U thought by Portland neo. J nle that tho nroject Is nn entirely Will Aloe has openod his shingle 'e"Uln one nnd thnt tho government mill and Is oporotlnfe It. I win Rive It official Bnnctlon The (Portland Automobile club will nld FLAN AGAN &. BENNETT BANK MAR3HF1ELD, OREGON. Oldest Hunk In Coo Count)-, KMnblUlii'd In 1880. Pnld up Cnplliil mill Siinln. RHO.tioo.oo, rtSHPis uu-r nuir .Million Dollars. Does a general banklsg business and draws drafts on the Rank of California, San Francisco, Cal.; Hanover National Dank N Y First N-tlonalUank. Porthnd. Ore : First Nntlona Rank. Rose! burg. Ore.; The London Join stock Rank, Ltd., London. England. Also Mils exchange ou a 1 of the principal cities of Eurooe Individual and corporation account kept subject to check Safe deposit lock .boxes for rent. ool . OFFICERS: J I ' r,Et??3?7i. p't- ,J- V' WILLIAMS, Cashier. . it. H...UAN, V.-Pres, QVO V Wivrii."CTiM . - . INTEREST PAH. ON TIME llEi'uK.T''14'1 AU C"8,U Coos Bay--R.oseburg Staff e Liiie Daily Mage betnen Hoscburg nU MaiSflohl. Li , . L. II. Iir.lSXEIt, Livery luitl Sales Stablei. .Sunday nt (I A. M. Fare, 0.0(). OTTO S'MILTTKR, Agent, I'M MARKET AV., Marshlkld. PHONE II nd Maishfleld. Stage leave., dally nud TUT linVH MurthflrU-ipopsiMfiaHl inli LLVIIll Uo, , AlI (uruiiort l( n.liK'niu Velvet miM .xmlnltircrjuli vec room. Four tiitlc of wld tealM a e.ntliiied to lU.fcV -VtnJIIW sou lu 15 00. aImi m fe liowilwpisi'i; ruiiu'i' ii.'Wixrmoyw in; nenuvklt u' mill. ThLv buM C. P. RARNAHi), Agent, KOSEltrUG, ORIS. .aSHKtTOSMHas STEAMER M. F. PLANT Sails for San Francisco every eight days. I TICKETS RESERVED UP TO THE AltRIVti' nr m.. S HUSERVATIONS WLL HE CANCEL ED AT ZxT "inir r? B LESS TICKET IS ROUGHT. " 1IME VS' fO a 'ISO. idue. L .T. Hani (Rep.) ialde The Ladle' Aid soeluty met at the 1 1 Lauo comity, and hold over for hotiw of Mr. Marlon Clinton lns.t two )ear yet; Judge Ilawlltou eek, iivru.l llvei In Dougas county audi - l- n candidate for re-fleet Ion. wht'e' J. II. Hadabaush and family, who iutg Coke, (Rep.) U i rildent ufere eauipltti at Unmion, have rt i .... rnontv. and U hIhq a candi- turned. u.te for re-electlou. Tu throe! Judge now presiding, over our clr-j Soine of tha farmers of tho vl cult are geoKraphlenlly dlstrlbuteil.clttlty are ougaged In digging thulr Just as they should be; they are ml- winter potatQQs.. mlttedly able and Just: the courts, . over which the preside nro un-' Mr. and Mrs peot to start for Ohio soon. The member of tho United Dreth i en church held a prayer meeting Thursday night at the church. Miss pelln Clinton, of Norway, 1 teaching the Arago school, which be gan September 2G, with au enroll ment of 20 pupils. More pnplU oe o.peeted to sart later. (Spealtil to The Times.) ARAGO. Ore., Oct. 3.Alberf Fish, of Fishtrap, Is entertaining hU Chnrlos Radabaugli father, who Is hoio from Dandon on qnestlonnbl) fair and Impartial, and havo been visiting Andrew and Hen- a visit. f r.b. Uow, Agent. Marshfield Ore S BSiSlvvsiSUiBttsissM wsa, -"""""-"ueattfciudsasaHiKaaspiHzjfflBsaaasa EAMffi BREAKWATER 157 SS?.1 Good Evening! HAVE YOU ANY LAUXDlU'T If so, do not forget that this " THE laundry whore you get tbewt work, and prices are In every one roach. Call up and one of the n ors will call and explain all detain you. All telephone calls are i attended to, because we are runaui two wagons. I OUR, GUARANTEE IS YOUR S- TSWACTIOX. MAIUMFIKLI) HAND A.VU STF-" LAUNDRY. Vnurov ltns.. Prop Phone S39 tt-n-H-tj-tt-tt-K-a-n-n-B-a-P: . a For Strictly Fresh Butter Sterilized Cream Sterilized Milk Butter Milk Bean-Pot Cheese and Ice Sail fioui Alusuoi-th Dorl.-. ?.i..mi...i .. o .. .. ,l m every Tuesday. Sails from CooS Hay every Saturday nt senlce of n,e. Reservations IH not be held later than Friday uoon, ullloss UcUcU 0 a a o 8 W, F. Miller, Agt,. 3 Phone Main 35-L ! i 9 I 8 I I ,8 i 8 I 8 I 8 i 8 i 8 i 8 f Coos t5ay ice t ; & Cold Storage ; FREE DELIVERIES 8 A. 31. and 2 V, St Dl.nnA 7 3 -J 14 f iS2S2SES25HSH5ZS2S25E52SZSBnSESSSaSZSc 5aS252SE52SH2S LJ f - j j v-jfcii if