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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1910)
Wwll SvSrj.' SSEP' ADS. NEWS ...EV ntSlXESS 18 SLOW, AD Jbiiisl'. tiiat it pays is evi- PVCI'D V SUCCESSFUL HUSl 3 HOL'SKS EVERYWHERE ;; GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW BY RHADIXG THE COOS MAY TIMES. ALL Till: NEWS AIi.j THE TIMirf TERSELY 'lOLli xi :: :: j: t: MEMBER OP ASSOCIATE!) PRESS Established In 1878 nH 'J'lic Coast Mull. tOfc-ttX'"- MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1910 EVENING EDITION.' EIGHT PAGES. A Co,0,,,nt'" ' "" Coa a, No. 67. ..i i and Coos Ray AdvcrtNer. TRIP IS !SCHDDNER"ECHD GOES ON THE " IE oy SOTO SAND FLATS IN L pw EASTERN OREGON LAND FRAUD BBEAKS INTO HARD 51 1 1 ti HI I IP I biljlli'irat II I WORN 10 OWE BAY ...11 J On..mnlln U fHenry nowui aim oujmuui u. Bell and Associates Are Defendants. , OVER 30,000 ACRES ARE INVOLVED UN IT ell Declares They Are -".Innocent Purchasers" and Not Criminally Charged. NORTH BEND SPENT $40,000 Has Been' Dolna Street Work andJVIaking Many Pub lic Improvements. Tho city of North Bond has ox ponded nearly $40,000 this year In Stranger Attacks Man Who Is In Charge and Then' Escapes. Leo Watson, who works In tho Holsner livery barn, off Front Btreot, was attacked by an unknown man early Sunday morning. About 2 n. m. Watson heard somo ono open tho ond door of tho barn. Tho door ononB on nn alloy and admits to tho part of tho barn whoro tho horses nro kept. Watson thought ho would ,catch tho mnn nnd Btnrtcd back nftcr: ihlm and In his linsto noclnctcd to public Improvement. It was nil of turn Mm ninofrin nwitoU. Tin PORTLAND, Or., Oct. 3. Tho i . lolin McCourt United' .-.. ., .... .. lurn U10 0Icclr0 Bwitcn. tiio jMrcnsa). i . nturo whch grcnUy mprovcs tho 'stranger saw ho was going to bo .. ..I. .ttnrfinl flinil fill It 111 tllG ' . I on. filed suit In tho1 MUICI nuuiuw, CltV. Shorillini livoniln wnn Prnilml nn.l bdml court to recover tho govern- ,,,.,.. '. .... wnM --j- , ,t, title to nearly 3,000 acres of Krcat & nimble mlnernl and timucr niuua iBtrccti t , lnnnod to ,)lnnt trco8 la Biker county. Thcao lands, it along tlio sidewalk and mako tho ...Mrwwi.wpro secured ! mu h.- tmirougliraro qulto nttractlve. Vlr Land company of Taconin through glnln nvcuuo was also graded and IllfinlfOfl nnil Pnllfnpnln .,.ni .ilnnlswl tie ue of dummy entries, and by MnrvInn . B(rn. wn. . . . ' !rd and conspiracy botween mem- . . emMn ni. Un ol the (Irm, tho United States MBBlnloner at Sumpter, Charles II. T)(J cty w,)nrf WM Innl(0(1 mI Clnce, and tho 17 dummy entry- th(J WOfk ,mB bco1 ordorC(1 for tho . blllldlnir of thn ulank rnnilwnv on Tie defendants, tho Howltt Land Tr()inont Btrcct, Thl te tho rond. wny which Is to connect Marshfleld and North Bond along tho wntor front nnd tho city of North Bend ,hns ordered Its part dono. which fills Un lummoned to appear In tho nn tho last link. rilled States court Novombor 7. Tho street work which has been Hill U one of tho last of tho "old ,iono nnd tho cost is ns follows: It" land fraud cases. Tho crlm- Grading VJrglnln Avo $ 4,035 I iMturo of conspiracy to dofrnud PJnnklng City Wharf 28 toapany, consisting of Henry Howlt, resident, and J. J. Howltt, secre tin-, J. I). Stoddnrd, Seymour II. Ml and William II. Hewitt, has li! (orcrnmont lms been outlawed, Planking 'California and Vlr- (inee the entries wcro niado In Iu unit to recover title would hnvo i Imnostlblo had tho government M another day to fllo Its case, 'Grading Dolawaro i the civil side of It would hnvo outlawed by that time. Tho ItoTframent at Washington had to I! teVgrapbcd to, to obtain nuthor l? for beginning the suit. DEXIKS ANY FRAUD. nnnur'H. Bell Declnivs They Aro the "Inmxrut Purchaser." mour II. Doll, who Is spondlng hr days on tho liny, when ho ' the announcement that tho gov- had begun suit nuolnst thorn that he and his associates wor ""went purchasers." Ho declared tot the Journal's statement about tunnies," fraud, etc., was all "rot" Jl that the suit wns merely an en Tor b7 tho gorcrnmont to .Oi'iro million of tho 'nnds on the !" that they were Illegally on- , "Pon. Jir. Boll claims that ha rcwaaiiy noW8 mnnv of ,hA nnfpv. I6"1 ld that thov nr nn) "Hum. BC1 Hri tnn. .1.n. f i . . .... 'v o i imi. iiiaieim oi '!' acre holm, in.-nu.o.i .1.-. i,i ''.00O acres worn invniv.i Ufn. Dell and Hnwitt fnrmorU- I'M the Coos Bay Gas nnd EJec company hero and besides a con "J115 Interest In thn nni, , n tnn iti . iiv j UK" C, , "We th0r exten8vo Inter 7 ' this section. Consenuentlv ."" 'V BfOUSpg miieli lnti.n.t .- Wt'' i. tiilA . . . .".' WATOIS, 10 POUNDS. UDlrtod Karme,. Ibises Mont(cn It ti. '" 0,u' "" mu. n far,nor living six i?8t f Da'ton- cl,ms UtoM i th proauct'n ot po- Efoa,.' ' u,nort exhibits T,LP-,at0CE of tho Gold Coin 2sedrl8,,tohlchisl0 4 1 1) . " The largest measures 'nitt,. 3 ln c,wmferenpe nnd . J ,,nearly threo pounds. rtiZ ,uucnotJ.Bulllngton, K;61' tomato Krapes have FS,uTrsfuiiy Brw th,a hit,L nese fmntoes rosomblo "Vni. PTAn.l ... trptii.. ""n'"K in clusters on glnln 1,050 Grading and Planking Sher- man 12,(114 540 Improving Washington St,.. 1,547 Plnuklng Trcmont 12,000 rir n and Produclnu profuse- ordinar!yarIetyalirdlerthan (i7.tmatees.It8cia,med. "444 VIATOR DEAD. ET?o8SOcIate(1 P'-ess.) Mtnu. 7T,' J Aviator IlaaB was dltance fd,rhUo t,y,nK part of "o Kt, m "e race from Troves Total Street Work $35,411 In all nhout 17 blocks of streets wero Improved In somo mnnnor. Thoro hns also been n largo nmount of sldowalks laid, which wns paid for by tho property owners. Near ly 8,000 feet of walks wero laid a total cost of about $2,000. Tho city hns spent sovornl hundred dol lars In laying wntor pipes and has also mado a number of other I provements. CURRY COUNTY VOTE. Through nn error a portion of tho bfflclal vote In Curry county wns omitted nnd Is given bolow. The voto on tho Democratic ticket fol lows: For Govornor Jof forson flyers 9 Oswald West . 4" For Stnto Printer ' James P. Godfroy 02 J. Scott Taylor t "28 For Railroad Commissioner Hugh McLaln 75 Chnrlos P. Strain 18 For Joint Representative- R. A. Copplo 3 W. A. Wood REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET, j Tho RepubHcnn county ucKei ion lows: ...f!r";v:' '"' For Sheriff W. A. Blshel H7 W. J. Walker 68 E. L. White 73 For County Clerk Goorge SmithNo opposition. For Treasurer James Caughel! 22S O, B.' Miller B1 For Surveyor O.S.Wilson 200 For Commissioner ' C. t. ChenowHh 225 caught and mado a vicious blow at Watson with a pitchfork handle. Watson was struck on tho forehend. 'Ho was not seriously hurt but tho blow was hard enough to mnko him unconscious nnd It was half nn hour beforo ho was straightened out ngnln. Tho other man In tho bnrn heard tho commotion nnd went to Watson's asslstanco, nrmed with a neckyoko but tho stranger, whoever ho wns, had gotton nway, Earlier In tho evening tho young men In tho barn had noticed a mnn who sat outsldo tho barn for qulto n whllo and they think that per haps ho was tho ono who brokft Into tho plnco. Tho man evidently was not thoro with any good Intont nnd thu boys think ho was planning to rob tho offlco ns they had on hand consldernblo cash which had been taken In during tho day. It was reported to tho pollco that n logger was hold up Saturday night. Tt seonis that tho nlleged holdup took plnco In tho stairway of tho Red Front rooming houso. It wns claimed that tho logger was at tacked by somo other mnn nnd robbed of $25. Tho matter wns not reported to tho pollco at tho tlmo so they had no opportunity to look Into tho case. It was thought that nosslhly tho man who broko Into tho Uvory stablo wns tho man who 1icld up tho logger. r C. Moullen, of Eugene, and Party Make Record Run Drain to Allegany. ' After having drivon tho first auto Into Allegany that had over been seen in tho Coos county town and also having tho honor of making tho first trip ln an auto over tho now road leading from Scottsburg to Allegany, P. C. Moullen, of Eugono, an auto Balesmnn, enmo to Mnrshtlold yes terday .onthuslnstlc over tho trip. Dosplto tho fact that tho road, which wns finished n fow weeks ago, waB In rather bad shapo duo to th ro- ccnt rain, they mado tho trip through In, record tlmo nnd without mlshnp. It wns a trail trip for n 30-horso-powor Whlto gasoline mnchlno nnd tho only stop they hnd to mnko I tho 70 miles between Drain and Alle gany was to put onnn extra sot of mud chnlnB. With Mr. Moullen wcro A. N. Don ny, of Drain, who has been running IS PULLED OFF BY TUG COLUMBIA COUNTY TOTAL . IS $1,514,919 nn auto between Drain nnd Scotts burg this summer, nnd Mrs. Perkins 1 278i08 mnulC8 or 4 n0r8 ic mln- uutcs nnd 28 seconds, nn nvcrngo of 05 V4 'miles nn hour, a now American record. Tho rnco wns marked with fatalities second only to tho Paris Mnlrld race. Harold Stono of Lob Angolos, driver of n Columbia, was probably fntally hurt soon nfcor tho rnco stnrtod. Mntthow R. Bacon, Stono's mech anician, wns instantly killed. Henry Bagger, n cleric employed by a local auto firm, who was watching tho raco, wns killed by Joo Dnwson'B car. Charles Mlllor of Marquette, In a Bulck drivon by Louis Shovrolet, was killed In n collision with n touring car on tho rond. Fordanded D. Zu bla, Now York mannger of tho Popo Hortford company, wns klllod In a sinnnh-iip with ono of tho rncors. Tho numbor of accidents short of fntnlltlos ran into tho scores. From n sporting point of vlow tho raco was a thriller and will go down Into tho nnnnls of racing ns tlo most success ful rnco over held. Judging It by tho loll In killed nnd mnlmcd, how ovor, tho rnco. was a revolting spec tnelo nnd tho mnnngors wero roverely arraigned for tho manner In which It wns conducted. Drags Anchors During Storm, But Is Probably Not ' ' Damaned Anv. 1 KILL MANY Sporting Events Brings Death ' and Injury to Those Taking Part. (By ABSoclntcd PrcBB.) LONG ISLAND MOTOR PARK WAY, Oct. 3. Dend and Injured marked nonrly every mllo of tho courso of tho sixth Vundcrbllt cup rnco won Saturday by Hnrry Gran'., driving tho 120-horso-powcr nuto Alco. Joo Dawson driving n Mnr mon finished 25 seconds nfter Grant nnd 1 in 1 1111 tu to ahead of John Alt- kpilHOIl In n Kntlnnnl. flrnnf run. turcd tho rnco last year in a car of lllt'e. u,'t l,1 tB nlo Kot lnto troublo tho samo mako. Tho winner's tlmo nnd l0llny tho tug was on tho sn- Both Get Aground Again and Wait for the High Tide. Tho barkeutlno Echo, which has been loading In tho lowor bay with lumber for South America, had trouble yesterday iflid went on tho sand. Tho wind wns ho high that tho vessel dragged her ujichors and went up on tho Hand near Empire She Is heavily lndon with lumbor nnd alio laid over on 0110 sldo. Tho tug Columbln pulled hor off In high Summary of Assessment Roll Shows Property and Val uations in Coos. Tho Bummnry of tho assessment wm onnbIo nn nuto to mniQ (ho of tho Hotol Perkins nt Drain nnd Miss Grnco Moon. Tho drlvo waB mndo as a demonstration trip to do- tcrmlno whether or not tho Whlto nuto would bo n success on tho hnrd drlvo. Tho mnchlno really proved Itself n "wonder," snld Mr. Denny yestor- day. 'It waB really ono of tho hnrd cst tests nn nuto could bo given but wo didn't linve n single breakdown. It wns n Tomnrkablo enduranco slu ing besides mnklng wondorful speod oTcr mich heavy grades nnd a rond In such awful condition." Mr. Moullen started with tho nuto nt Rosohurg and mndo tho drlvo 0' 40 miles to Drain In thrco hours. From Drain to Elkton, It took nn hour nnd n quarter and from Elk- Uon to Scottsburg it took another hour and forly-flvo minutes. Scotts burg Is 35 miles from Drain. From Scottsburg to Allogany, 35 miles, took six hours. "Tho first threo miles out of Scottsburg Is nt lenst n 30 to 35 per cent grade," said Mr. Mnullon. "Somo plncos whoro tho road was soft nnd shaded, tho wheels would slip around nnd It was hnrd on tho onglno, but It stood It without tho least hitch. ' In tho 70-mllo run, wo only used nbout nlno gallons of gasoline" Mr. Denny Is planning to got 0110 of tho machines ns quickly ns pos sible to nfford now servlco Into Coos Bay from tho railroad. Wlion tho proposed now rond from Loon Lnko to Elkton Is complotod, tho honvy grades near Scottsburg will bo elim inated and tho dlstanco from Drain to Allegany reduced to 45 miles. This flats and tho Echo wns nlao stuck on tho other sldo of tho bny. Tho Echo was this morning not In as bad n position ns yesterday, ns she wns standing on her kcol. She mny flont without aBslstanco at high tldo. Tho tug will probably also bo nblo to got off tho sand flats without nsatBtanco, Appnrontly tho Echo has not boon dnmnged. Sho has boon at anchor in tho lowor bay for over n wcok and has boon loaded with lumber which will bo takon to Chill. Tho vosaol Is owned by ,tho Simpson Lumbor compnny, METIIUHRLAH ONLY 78. I L PASSES 1 roll of Coos county for 1910 has been completed by Assessor T, J. Thrift. Tho sumary shows tho total of Vft rlous kinds of property in tho conn' ty, Tho figures as published in tho Coqulllo Sentinel are -as f of Iowa: Value. Acres .of tillable- land, -' - 19,294 '.$1,000,734.00 Acres of non-tlllablo ' COOS RIVER ROOM. Mr. Ren Smith desires to correct tho Impression conveyed by tho re port ns to what ho stated to tno Port commission relative to tho Smith-Powers boom. Mr, Smith says ho did not say that the recommend ation of tho commission would bo satisfactory to tho Coos river peo ple, but that ho did say that ho be lieved that tho recommendation of tho commission, If carried out, would give tho Coos river people sufficient water In which 'to navigate the boats owned by them at present. land, 771,015 ...... 8,008,150.00 'Improvements of deed ed lands 604,104.00 Town nnd city lots. . . . 2,972,321.00 Improvements on town ' lots , . 1,083,345.00 Improvements on lands not deeded 23,525.00 Miles of railroad bed, logging road, 23.... 20,350.00 Rolling stock 6,450 Steamboats and ma chinery '420,655.00 Merchandise and stock 'in trado 326,192.00 Farming Implements, wagons, carriages, etc. 55,095,00 Monoy l&.sau.ou Notes nnd accountB. . . . 223,601.00 Shares of stock, 1150.. 171,711.00 Furniture, Jewelry, etc. 166,103.00 Horses and mules, 2330 111,875.00 Cattle, 12,814 208,178.00 Sheep and goats, 5944 14,862.00 Swine, 2019 5,441.00 Dogs, 465 4,450.00 Total $15,514,912.00 Railroads, rolling stock, telegraph and telephone lines not Included In the above list. FOR SALE Smnll fireproof combl- nation safo. See L. J. Simpson, North Bend, Ore. round trip botween tho two points It u dny enslly. Captain Edwards of .tllfgnny Is planning to put on n iwo-hour boat sorvlco botween Marsh field and Allegany so that tho trip from Coos Bay to Drain can bo mado In about olght hours. Mr. Moullen, who conducts the Mozach garage at Eugono, left Al legany this morning with his party pn tho return trip, SURVEYING ON SIUSLAW. Railroad Investigating T.'ui' Route to the Occaii. The Lnso Ooenty Aiwt company has made public D, Mor frra Its chlof engineer showing that the routi (or tho piwcsed eieclrlo line from Eugon) 10 Hit. SI iviav 1b the uvl available 0110 for tho rot.l and that tho cost of construction will not be great! A Eugene newspaper states that there are now four surveys fiom Eugene down the Sluslaw river and another is being made by the South ern Pacific from Junction City to Florence. INCREASE SUSPENDED. (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 3. Interstate Commerce commission or- dorcd tho proposed Increase In the freight rates on lumber and forest products generally faom tho Pacific Northwest to pplnts of eastern desti nation suspended until February 1, 1911. Have your calling cards printed at The Times office,. Nearly Ninety Years of Agd .., and Was Native of 7 Canada. ' Died, at tho homo of his daugh ter, Mrs. E. E. Bodlno, in South Mnrshtlold, Saturday evening at 0 o'clock, Jnmos L. Dies, nged 89 years, 1 months and 8 days. Mr, Dies was born ln Canada Fobruary 23, 1821. He moved to tho United States when a young mnn and has lived in various sections of the coun try, Including Missouri, Nebraska and Southern California, and has re- Bided In Marshfleld for.the past eight years. Besides a brother, Allen Dies, of St. Paul, Minn., ho Is survived by six children, Mrs. E. E. Bodlno and Mrs. M. R. Brown of this city, Mrs. C. B. Coffin of Rifle, Colo., A, L. Dies of Des Moines, Iowa, Carl M. Dies of Seattle, Wash., and Edward Dies of Now York, and many grandchil dren, soveral of whom reside In this locality. Ho leaves five great-grand children, threo of whom resldo In Marshfleld. Mr. Dies lived a faithful Chris tian life since early manhood, hav ing been a member of tho Methodist Church for 68 years. Ho wub also n member of tho I. O. O. P. Funeral sorvlccs woro conducted from tho M. E. Church this after noon, Rov. II. I, Rutledgo officiat ing, and tho Interment was In tho Marshfleld cemetery. Phone I. S. Kaufman & Co, your :oal Order. W.HO TER TON. For the Queen of the Bay, see East. side. JcwJhIi World Hays PfrJott of Mooit Cycle Wmk Called Year. LONDON, Oct. 3. MothiiBOlah los os his famous record, for his 963 re puted years nro whittled down to 79. Thus says tho Jowlsh World In a discussion of Jowlsh chnractorlsttcs. It Is Biirtnleed, tho Jowlsli World says, that In tho earliest tlmcBtlio month, tho porlod of n moon cyclo, wnB called n yoar. Thus Adam's 930 years of llfo, calculating n yoar at 29,& days, work out to 75 and ono fourth years. After tho month year thoro camo n five-month yenr, tho limit of flvo being derived from the fingers on ono hand, It boIiiK romombered that prlmltlvo peoplo nlwnys usod tho fingers for counting purposes. Then camo tho twolvo-montlf yenr. Excuso for this renrrnngomont Is found In tho PaulmlHt'a limit 'of llfo to threo scoro nnd ton years. On tho five-month yenr basis Abraham's 175 years' work ended nt 72, nnd Isnnc's 10 nt 74 yoars. Perhaps, too, thero Intorvoned a six-month year discovered by Jacob whllo watching Laban's flocks, Thus Jacob's 147 years' work run out at about 73, WESTERN UNION WIRES DOWN Storm in Night Causes Trouble and Communication Is Cut Off. The telegraph wires are down to day. Thero was troublo with tho wlros Saturday evening, but for a time Sunday somo messages could bo received. Today tho wires aro entirely out of business and thoro Is no telegraphic connection. Mnn agor Schetter was trying to locato tho trouble today. It Is thought that tho storm In tho night blew down tho wires or caused trees to fall upon the wires in tho mountains. ENGINE BLOWS UP. (By Asspclntod Prosg.) LEADVILLE, Colo., Oct. 3. Tho onglno on a soutlfbouud passongor train on tho Denver & Rio Orando railway blow up whllo tho train was climbing a steep grade In Tennessee Pass. The engineer and fireman were killed. Th cause has not been ascertained. Read The Times' Want Ads. , wnJi ' .&lAn Nt -