rnypf:jfW xiirpjrsr-' -CTO'WWrw' lfl 'liJ.Wflf'vimnflnnfw I I; ii n. m THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 191 0 EVENING EDITION. . if .1 1 Hi HWHV1 JW1SjVl"Jr'' -'I " TTHHI fW" i "n .y i " 7 -H MJK'.'V 'f .1 ,. , t yaiww iRfc;gaBafc. wsfrs-ai i To bo socially correct nil note paper must bo stamped at tlio top either with nddrcsq nml monogram or only with one. In these days of frequent change of residence a woman does not always have an address die: yet, though It Ih an expense. It Is n finish to her stationery which Is most deslr nblo and thereforo to bo tried for. If only one thing Is to be put on paper the addross Is preferred to the mono gram on the theory that the former must bo made to order, while the lat ter may bo hod ready mode. For the street and number plain block letters are tho bout, and unless one lives In a Jarge city whoso street names arc so 'well known ns Immediately to bo Iden tified with the plnco the game of the town must also be stamped. In the placing of this adornment fashion has recently mado a change, and ono Is moro apt on the new sta tionery to seo It between the middle yind the left corner than directly In tho middle, as was recently the case. AVIicn the monogram h used with It tho latter Is put It tho left corner, the address going In the right. When the mime of the town Ih added to tho street the former Ih now In dented. Quito lately the town name went directly under the street, "cen tered." bringing It In the middle of the llno'above. Now It has the same rela tion to tho top line that tho address lias on nn envelope, and this placing marks nil the now dies. If only a monogram alone or'ono ini tial Is to bo stamped It goes In tho up per left corner, and tho die may bo ns fancy as ono chooses. AAAAWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAV (Continued from pago 2.) Hub Hrown and his niece, Atlas slonnry. Sir. McPherson will dovoto his tlmo to strengthening and extend ing tho work of Enworth Church. On next Suudny Hov. Sir. .McPherson will Violet Henderson, have moved lnt0 I t Sunday Hov. .Mr. McPherson will tho Hutcheson residence on 1lno 1 1'roach his first sermon after tho con- foronco Mtrnnf. Mm Hilt nliuunn linu ninvnit i street. Mrs. Ilutclicson has moved Into tho lcsldcnco lately vacated by Dr. E. Mngucs. Mrs. William Lawlcr will leave shortly for California, whero alio will spend tho greater part of tho winter. Mrs. 13. Mlngus gavo a smnll party at her homo Tuesday nftcrnoon. TIiobo In nttendnnco were Miss Jessie Chase, Miss Elizabeth Kaufman, Miss Gonevlovo Scngstnckon, Miss Mamlo Mahoney, Mrs. Hubert K. Dolth and Mrs. J. T. McCormnc. Th Qlri Who It Easy. A girl who looks on while her friend who Is known as "easy" Is apparently having a glorious tlmo wonders wheth er good breeding Is not old fashioned. Hut it Is not tho girl who cares little Low alio talks, whero she goes unchnp croned or how freo and easy sho per mils her mnn friends to be who wins out in tho end. JIow often doos tho quiet limp mouse of a girl, whom (ho oilier girls caTT n prudo or sflck, tako tho catch of tho season and get Ipvltatlons that her easier friends want. -Jt Is Jinrd In this ago to hare too high a stnncMrd-ofaolfjTjjiect. Per mitted liberties aro so much greater than a generation ago that one needs watchfulness not to overstep tho line Into llborty. A girl need not bo a prudo because Mrs. T. 8. Mlnot, who has boon vis iting In tho city, returned this week to her home In San Francisco. ' Tho members of tho A. X. W. Club met Thursday at tho homo of Mrs. S. Lnndo. Hesldes tho members pres ent thero wurutwo guests, .Mrs. Ora McCarty and Mrs. William Kord. Tho next meeting of tho club will bo hold Thursday at tho homo of .Mrs. J. T. McCormac. f The Evergreen Club was ontor- j tallied this afternoon by Mrs. G. A. liomictt at her home. It Is tho first meeting of the year and tho ladles played bridge. Mr. and .Mrs. A. C. Abbott, who hnvo been visiting In tho city, left today on tho Ilrcnkwator. Mr. Ab bott Is a representative of tho Amer ican Hndlator Company and was ro conUy married and was hero with his brldo on their honeymoon. Thoy will reside- hi Portland. It. M. Jennings, manager of tho Coos liny Gas and Electric Coninnny. Who has bCOIl enst. rotlirnml Immn thlH week, nccomimulcd bv his wlfo. They aro now nt tho Chnndlor hotol hut lutor oxpect to go to housekeep ing. .Mrs, M, C, Malonoy has Issued In ..i she does not bellevo In familiarities of ! ,r1' il' c' Mft,ony nns "aued In speech or touch. When onco sho has , V0"B 'or recoptlon to bo given made her Ksltlou and Btaudards clear i "oxt Tuesday afternoon. sue can navo just as good a tlmo and far moro respect than her friend who is "cany." Mr. and Mrs. II. 8. Tower and daughter, Miss Nora Towor, have ro- - ... 0"-v., .... ..v.... .uiiU! iiecauro a gin is particular it noes ture,i ,0,no rr0,n tho cast. Thoy not follow she must bo slow. Given a visited m rimrii. nn- ini, .iinn nemo of fun. readiness to be amused "" "t ;" Cit, Iov,a,hcro bv ovorvthlmr ).,. on,.B in,. .i .. Mr- "lower's mother resides. xuiigiie wmi uoesn t imcKime. ami a 111... fvlrl ,nu..1 .I....1.H lrtl. . ........ I I. . ...v (,,,, mvil IIVI II linn IIUI'IHIUI! 111" I ---,.-...... ....... -. ... .... cause she does not believe In iiIwiivh Ld' tho Episcopal Chiiiuh met i.. i.... i.. , . :, ?.... . . ....... ... niiiuiK in vomers niiu irowus upou-uu bloun Jokes. "' I CoIIoqo Etlquotto. A collego girl must, of course, llrst of all develop her mind iih far as possible, but tit In doe not ineun that she iiiut or may forget the rules of etiquette laid dowu for nil well bred girls, whether at home, at college. In busi ness or In the social world. She must talk In low tones. She must be coiirteotm to all around her, respect- nil to tuoie who are older mid conoid jcsldlfd -J. J. J. Tho, members of tho Ladles' Guild tho Episcopal Chinch met this week mid elected tho following offic ers: President, Mrs. .1. W. Honnott; vlco president, Mrs. William llors fall; secretary, .Mrs. J. S, Coke; treas urer, Mrs. J. T. McCormac. Tho guild will hold a meeting nt the homo of Mrs. Wllllnm Horsfall next Tues day. H. E. Shlno and family, formerly of Empire, aro now at Pacific Grove, Cnl., where they will spend tho win- On their return to Coos county orate of thoe who are beneath her so- . l?r- u,lu,lr "' " Cot18 county chilly. She must learn to comers in thoy W,M tuUo " ,holr rosldenco at .... i. ...... .-. i., ...i.i Conilllli). Mr. Rhino Ix Intm-nulix! In tho First National flank of that city. 4- -I- 4- Tho members of tho choir of tho an Interesting maiiuer without nsxert ing her own opinions or trying In any way to show a siiHrlor knowledge, even upon subjects which she has made Iter special study. She must learn to act tho part of the graceful, courteous and Interesting hostess ami also the charming and well rend guest. At all times shu must bo the well bred, dignltled, courteous as well ns Interesting and clover col lege girl. In the social world there Is a tacit understanding that we shall all bo ngreeable to one another, alwaj's put ting the attractive things of life on the outside ami kecptug our private woes to oursolves. This Is a rule that none can afford to overlook old or young, society girl, college girl or business girl. Episcopal Church mot at tho homo of William Horsfall Thursday night for rehearsal. Now that services will bo hold at tho church every Sunday tho choir will require more prnctlco than boforo nnd rehenrsals will bo held every weok. Soino espeelnlly flno music Is being arranged for tho church services. Tho members of tho choir uro now ns follows: Mrs. J. S. Coke, Miss Mamjp Palntor, Mrs. Henry Songstncken, Mrs. William Horsfall, Mrs. Arthur MeKeown, Mrs. J. T. Hull, Mrs. E. G. Flnnngnn, Mrs. Floyd, and Miss Mny Stnuff, nnd Messrs. Ilnlllnger. Homer. F. A. Snc- chl. Will Hutchison, A. H. Prentiss Takln Pt1nn - - -...,-... t III, II III llllll UltHMl, , The little difference between lifting nml Charles Merchant. u uimi iiiki hiiuviiik ii aiong mnKes the big difference between n sloven Last Sunday a party consisting of and tho punctilious observer of good I um iiniliy iwrty consisting of iimmipra nt iin miiin nmi ima n, nir.f Mr. and Mrs. Charles Williams. Mr. aim .Mrs. joim Wallace, Catherine nnd 4 y lr. nnd Mrs. Reynolds of Okla homa, who have been visiting In the city for a tlmo, loft for their homo this weok, but they expressed tho In tention of coming bnck to Coos Dny to live. Thoy met qulto n number of tho Mnrahtlcld pcoplo nnd wore charmed with this country. Mrs. Reynolds Is n musician of much abil ity nnd is nlso an artist. Sho spent some tlmo In Colorado painting tho Econcry of thnt stnte, nnd sho wns pnrtlculnrly nttracted by the mntcrlnl for the artist In this locality. 4- h Mrs. T. It. Sheridan and daughters. who have been visiting In the Cms .Hay cities, left this week for thoir homo In Hoscb'urg. 1'h..) were here to attend tho Moffnt-Flanugnn wed ding nnd to visit friends. ? Mr. nnd Mrs. C. It. Wade of Han don, who wero married In Mnrshfleld this week, hnvo gono to Pcitlinton whero they will visit Mr. Wndo'H rel atives. On their return to Coos Hay they will go to Handon to make their home, Mr. Wado being established In n law practlco In thnt city. Mrs. Wado was formerly Miss Mnrgarct Murphy and wns n tencher nt Dan don. Thoy wore mnrrlcd Wcdnosdny evening at tho homo of tho bride's slater, Mrs. Jnmos Cownn, in this city, Nov. Fn ther Springer offlclnt lug. Only n few relntlvos nnd Intl- mnto friends wero present. After tho roromony n suppor wns served by Mrs. Cowan. 4- Miss Lewis of Portland Is In tho city visiting nt tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Mlllls. 4. 4. Miss Mamlo Mnhoney will leave this week for Portland to spend a vacation of severnl weeks. 4- ! 4- Mrs.B John Pruss Is spcnllng n few weeks .with relatives nt Rosoburg. 4- Tho Norwegian Luthornn Young Hcoplo'B Society met Inst night nt their hall. Tho attendance was ns iisunl. Tho sum of $00 wns dnnnted to tho congregation for tho purpose of paying for wiring nnd hentlng stoves. During tho pnst yenr tho young pcoplo contributed $200 to wards tho current expenses of tho church, besides hnvlng spent many onjoynblo evenings together socially as well as edifying nnd ediicntlonnl. The not meeting will he held nt tho Grnndnhl resldenco In Hunker Hill, October 14. 4. .. Tho mombers of tho Chnmlnndo club held a meeting this weok the homo of Mrs. J. T. Hnll. They re hearsed music during the ovenlng". No definite plans hnvo yet been mndo hilt after n uminrnl rnhnnvenl ill.. ........1 ...mi 1. . - B 111-111 Hi-la nun iH-Kin nrenaring ror 1 1 ftlllllft ftlinnlnl lllllialnnl ni'nnt ...I.IaI. ...Ill I ! --,-.... ..v. uiui.t "iiiiii niui 1 he arranged. Tho next meeting wlll bo held Wednesday evening nt tho home of Mrs. Wllllnm Horsfall, at1? which tlmo papers will bo read by V Mrs. Horsfall, Mrs. J. S. Coko nndi? Mrs. J. T Hnll. 4- 4- 4- n John Proctor, of Snn Francisco, it n brother of Mm J. II. Flanagan, Is visiting in tno city. .Mr. Proctor has 1 many friends In Mnrshfleld who are ontortnlnlng him whllo ho is in t city. 4- 4 wont in a launch to Coostou. Tac ground there arc supplied with tables nnd benches nnd n stove so It Is nn Ideal plnco for a picnic. A flue lunch nnd hot coffeo were served nnd tho Indies enjoyed an especially pleas ant afternoon, Tho guests Included tho following: Meadames T. H. Sher idan, C. F. McCulloin, T. H. Hnrrj, E G. FlniHignn, .1. II. Flnnngnn, J. T. McCormac, Hose Arlington, Colb Perry. M. C. Ilorton. I. S. Knufn.nn, Robert Urownlng. Wnrd .M. Hlnke, E. .Mlngus, It. W. Getty of California, R. F. Williams, I. Lnndo, A. II. Powers, J. W Honnott, A. E. Pollcx fen, H. II. McPherson nnd W. 'I .Merchant nnd Miss Nellie Montgom ery. ! Mrs. Jnmeson, of Hlllsboro, Oroi,' Is In tho city visiting her daughter.' Miss 'Jameson, tho librarian at tho public library. 4. 4. 4. The members of the Progress Club opened the season Inst Monday with n 1 o'clock luncheon nt tho Chandler hotel. Tho Indies were served In tho grill room and enjoyed n delicious flve-courBo luncheon, nt the conclu-' slon of which the Indies responded to severnl toasts. Mrs. Henry Song stncken offered n toast to the absent president, Mrs. II. S. Tower, who wns nut of the city nt tho time. Mrs. C. j W. Tower offered n tonst to tho coin-1 niltteo hnvlng In chargo tho arrange ments for tho banquet. Tho commit tee wns composed of Mrs. M. C. Ilor ton, chairman, Mrs. J. M. Upton nnd I .Mrs. Ward M. Hlake. Tho banquet wns strictly n soclnl nffnlr given for tho members of tho club exclusively to celebrnto tho opening of tho sea son. Tho first regulnr meeting will bo ' nchi a week from Monday nt tho Iidmo of .Mrs. I. S. Knufmnn, when tho club program work will bo tnken up. TIiobo who wero In nttendnnco nt tho luncheon were Mesdnmcs Wnrd M. Hlake, E. G. Flanagan, M. C. Ilor ton, O. W. Kaufman, I. Lando, Henry Scngstnckon, I. S. Kaufman, C. W. Tower, J. M. Upton nnd F. It. Zugg. Thero nro several other members of the club but they wero not nblo to bo In nttendnnco. 4- 4- Mrs. C. E. Nicholson Is In CoqulIIo visiting friends thlsweck. Mrs. C. A. Perkins of Gnnllnor in In tho city visiting her sister, Mrs. Jnmes Cqwan. kJHl MYERS coos BUILDING WAISTS' WAISTS WAISTS All New Styles Are Found Here PLAIN TAILORED AND FANCY SILK WAISTS n Taf feta, Mesaline, Peau tfe Cygne, etc, in the richest Per sian effects, from : $3.50 to $10,00 PURE IRISH LINEN HAND EMBROIDERED LINgIrif WAISTS Beautiful patterns and a large assortment from $1.50 to $5.00 PLAIN TAILORED IMPORTED MADRAS ANDlT LINEN WAISTS, In white and colored effects, at from $2.00 to $4.00 NET AND LACE WAISTS, new fall styles, at from $4.00 to $8.00 A BIG ASSORTMENT of white lingerie and colore waists, in tho best styles, values $1,65 and $2,00 speciall, at $1.19 and $1.47 IN FACT, wo carry a good assortment of tho best styles and most perfect fitting . waists, both plain tailored and fancy, for any and every occasion, Our prices are right, and evory waist is guaranteed as represented, NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS, YOUR INSPEC TION CORDIALLY INVITED, i&enmor AI.1IEHT will run a RPE CIAL ILXCl'llSIO.V TO Al.i.rfiivv .. -"- f su.NDAY. OCT. a. Lcnvca Marsh Hold at 8 A. si. and return about C P. M. Drlng your lunch nlong. Prob ably Inst excursion nt m.,n ItOU.VI) TItIP, 7.1c. Hnvo your cnlllnir huh. ,.ri.....t .. Tho Times office. SPECIAL Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday To introduce more thoroughly to the women of Coos Bay tho merits of the celebrated Geisha Waists, which are made under the strictest sanitary conditions, by trained workers only, wo will cive ONE-FOURTH OFF from tho reg- lli.ir snllinn- nrlr.ru: nn nnr Inrrro ctnnl nf Ro elm Waists just received, for three days only, This win uemonsiraio 10 you our statement wo givo better value and greater, A Want Ad will sell it for you -8-it-i-J' M ' I When You Buy Jewelry n 1 n 1 1 n aniBK J 1n marring the hiirmouy of the table, -whereby In coiigeulnlness mid table en. joyment all are best conserved. bucking the lingers or teeth, picking Mnrjorlo Swenringin of North Pond, nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Mooro nnd little dnughter and son, Ollvo and Kr the teeth nt the tnble before nil are w, of Kastslde, went to tho sand' "!i "1V:! ' WH- to Knther hueUleberr.es. The " F t.''.ir. MtlVH UIV Villi. on two legs, taking any of the desert. n milt, nuts or swoetuieats, awaj from the table. Is the worst possible form. A Msn'a Arm. Nowadays It Is not the custom for a omnti to lean upon the arm of the mnn who Is walking betddv her during the daytime, and she seldom accepts ihlH support after nightfall unlen she Is Intlrm or elderly or the man Is her ftuuee or husband. little boats, Wynenia nnd Pikor. enr rled the crowd and the trip proved very enjoyable. f f Tho Orogonlnn prints tho following regarding Row Charles U McPherson who was soino years ago n pastor hero and Is well known In tho city: "Itov. Clins. T. SlcPherson wns slg nnlly honored nt tho recent confer ence at Hlllsboro, Besides being re appointed to Enworth Church for tho fourth year, ho was mndo city mis- Mrs. J V, nennct gnvo an onter- luiuiiiuiii ii u ii liujy inunus r noay n aftornoon nt her homo. It was sewing party to meet Mrs. Robortj nrownlng, tho wlfo of tho now rec-1? tor of tho Episcopal church. The f la'lles brought their sowing and nfter 9 spending nn Informal afternoon sn a per was served on smnll tables. Tho a decorations wero In red and green aim mo cotor scnemo was carried out i In the refreshments. Among thoo ' I who woro In nttendnnco were Mes- ? dames O. A. Ponnett, Herbert Lock- hnrt, J. H. Fanngan, R. R. Montgom-jB cry of Decatur, III, Colby Perry, I. S. ' rj Kaufman, Henry Scngstnckon, J, SI. 'a Upton, J. T. SIcCormnc, C. SI. BylorJa V. T. Slerchnut and SIlss Agn3i, Hutohlnson. I I i Tho picnic given at Cooston last Sat-! V urday by Sirs. Henn- Soncstncken ? In honor of Sirs. T. R. Sheridan of Rosoburg was ono of tho most 'a pleasant of tho out-of-door ' social m events of the season. Tho guests In-'j eluded almost onttroly the old ' menus ot wrs. saenaan. The party Ydu want to be sure that it is Good THE AVERAGE PERSON HASN'T THE EXPERI ENCE NECESSARY TO TELL BY THE APPEAR; ANCE OF A JEWEL OR A PIECE- OF JEWELRY & WHETHER IT'S THE fiEAL THING OR JUST A CLEVER IMITATION, IN CONSEQUENCE MANY ARE IMPOSED ON BY UNRELIABLE DEALERS. WHEN YOU BUY OF US YOU CAN REST ASSURED THAT YOU ARE GET TING JUST WHAT YOU WANT AND WHAT YOU PAY FOR, EVERY JEWEL, roAITPIECE F JEWELRY R SILVWARE WE SELL IS GUARANTEED BY US AND THE GUARANTEE IS BACKED BY YEARS OF SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS, WE HAVE AN ESPECIALLY FINE LINE OF DIAMONDS IN STOCK NOW AND ALSO OF HOWARD1 WATCHES, 8 8 I 8- I 8 I 8 I 8 I ? 8 I 8 I 8 I f WE CARRY r0jS3i3ldW00IS0W3H ' OF JEWELRY IN C00S COUNTY AND OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT, ? r i r f r f 8. D I THE RED CROSS JEWELRY DEPARTMENT ( li By '- JfclWiji,