Tffl """w '7pminfmi'iwn'H"- - Tfn'1 - WW- imwW - im'" lTfHF,'T"",',5Pff'''p' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1910 EVENING EDITION. -j-jLlL' mt'llilll Wl W M WP I ; 'ffl-HFi'T,- XLCTHGRAFT m in a sunlit factory. You have the f satisfaction of knowing that your clothes were mads in the lightest, brightest, most sanitary shops that modern science c?.n build if they bear the Clothcraft label. The buildings in which this famous line is produced ars models for the whole world. They arc the ideal place for the scientific tailor ing that makes possible a guaranteed All-Wool 'Clothcraft suit at $10 to $25. All this is the result of sixty years of continuous (1CVC1U1.M. -... " ".-....v . .j juaio jrwuiifc. Ill I the right inside coat pocket of your Glotlicrnk suit 'i you will find the Clothcraft guaranty of absolutely pure wool cloth the non-breakable coat front the best trimmings and workimir hip quality that gives the longest wear. ' , The makers sign this guaranty, and we also give it to you on our own responsibility. Come in and sec the new styles and shades correctly expressed in Clothcraft. Then consider whac thi3 guaranty means to you. Why waste time over ordinary clothes wher suvh an offering as this awaits you at thece Woolen Mill Store "MILL-TO MAN Marshficld, tt ft N rfTT ft Vf JM . i ML vt VkyJIL ILxfe JSL All-Wool Clcrf-lwa J 4 V V I'SM .. Ik. ron.JU RrnrM?;iSi rJEBL I i Mm Wmm t nth'. Coveh,:- fafra-hd- you wcuM Cirtw to (ioaw & frome and not on&t tfovsfceh" ut tteome a &owe?oil&. dont think that it imM take a mountain ,oi ?oCd to $Ani&h a noMc. iff' that U the onfy thwf wot btandb in wok waxu uou and Mat fo$ gptg Xu&l yet toftthfr and fffihe oat -what uoa need, 75. 00 itiCt lit out h oow&andttah'tifou in. md Cet m &au tOv U u4u &k jptptwnt then a GOING & HARVEY Complete House Furnishers Clothes are made CLOTHIERS" Oregon aft YkrtfO . ,. ll ?XKFEH2ZH?XC&ffii 'hAmht-mwA I Jmi AliS-hmh, jav iM JvlX I n t that he mCe fat A freh, m the Uutei littCe each month. voA4- &e. Wc nfcr our JHtImI iHlnrt tlonnrJ for nin rnv .t,i niniili linn inimui In- cureu bj Hull' I rtimrh I tin T. J. i IIKN KY .V. CO,, Toledo, 0. Wr. flip Ii lrnfirn I' J. nil... J iipv for ihl lnt IS mtf, nnd licllcu liliu jut- ivri xmiioriiuic in mi ikihIiipm lrntirtt'llmi mill fliintit lallv nblf to mm mil hiis obllgn Itmif inii'li' by hl firm. iiiinii. Kits is Minus. WhuliMk' l)runitll.Tnl1o, O- IIMl'v Cnlnrrh I'ure l iiihcn liilprnnll), net ltitc-11it-'tviioii the IiIihiiI mill mill our mr ol the .jjtpiii. T-.-tliiinnlHl! Mil frre. 1'rlw Wi'i lil ixT IhiUIp. silil b.i Mil ilrtlKiifftf Title. llll rmnllyPllloforiMi'llimtloii. BREAKWATER HOTEL, I 1'ront St., Murshllclri, Ore, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. i Has boon thoroughly renovated ,niul newly furnished. Rooms reason able, by tiny, week or month. Mrs. J. II. O'DONNELL, Prop. FOR CAREFUL CLEANING Ladles should bring their Drosses, Wraps or Gloves to us. Satisfac tion gunrnntced. COOS HAY TAII.OltlXO CO., T, w Josephson, Mgr. South iiro.uiuny, Mnrshiieid. rjQHiTwVl "VP-F! 3 G. W. Dungan Undertaker Murtdillcld, Oregon. Parlors, JKI) South !W St., Telephone, Day or Night, 1IKW. HKi"3 Fire Insurance I represent tho best companies nnd give the louost rates. It will pay you to sec mo beforo you renew that policy. AUGUST FRIZEEX, CS Central Ave. Mnrshfleld, Ore. Steamer Newport i Mill will Saturday, Oet. 1, from Port- mill for Coo liny. Order your freight hhlppeil on her. C. I McGEOHGE, Agent. ' jTmrkish Baths I 210-213 Coos Building PHONE 214-J IIOTlCIi GAItUIXKH, at Gnrdlner, Oregon, lias been rc" modelled and Improved nnd Is under new management. Special n.ccommo dntlous for stage pnsaeugcrs and for people desiring u rost nt tho seashore, "You'll Like tho l'lnce." J. E. SCHILLING, Proprietor. i r - --" t-- . i'lasiiiis ritoM Tin: wihei A book of Sormons by 1)AX SHANNON. Price, Fifty Cents. Address Vlsalla, Calif. ! ujjtJJttJ:t:JtJt:tJtttm::J:tt Great Furnitiire Values FOK Coos Bay Homes MAY UK FOUND IIEUE AT ALL TIMES. SATISFACTION IX 1MUCES AND GOODS, C. A. Johnson Oldest Establlnhed Furniture Store Oil Coos Day. MttmumnuttMmttW8mmmt:mn ------K--K-K-n"- You Can Lower the V High Cost of Living by Duymg Your Meats 1 n n 1 t AT THE ENTERPRISE MEAT MARKET l Kl a GOOD MEATS AT Reasonable Prices PHONE B2-J Geo. W. King FROPRIKTOn GOW WHY IIUILDING,. MARSHFIELD n--K- -tt-K------H- jsyrrajs yy u CHURCH (Ministers and othors nro request' H to hand the Sunday church no ices not Inter than Friday evening to nsure Insertion Saturday.) H Till: Ll'TIIEItAN ClfL'UCH. a Itev. J. Hlchard Olson, Pastor. 1 0.15 A. M., Suntlny School. 11 A. M., morning service conduct ed In the? Swedish language. Special music by the choir. At North nond 2 P. M., Sunday School. music nt tho evening ssrvice a't 7:30 o'clock', 4 FIItST IJAPTIST CllUItCII. llev G. Lolloy Hall, f Ilesldencc SD2 Sixth street Phones: 4 n.esldonce, 25C-J. Study, 2S9-L. At 11 n. in. communion Bervl and hand of fellowship to new mem bers. ' Sunday school, 10 a. m. Young People's meeting, 0:30 p. in. It Is probable that in tho evening the congregation will attend an Il lustrated meeting nt tho Tabernacle. This will be nnnounced nt the church nt the morning service. H METHODIST EPISCOPAL H X nov. II. I. Itutlodgo, Pastor. Suntlny school, 10 a. m. Morning service, 11 n. m. Epworth League, C:30 p. in. In tho evening the congregation will attend the lecture nt tho tnber nnclo. IS6WV5VWS.V0'V0VV0CV NOItWKGLVX LUTHEHAN. t A L. 11ASMUSSEX, Pastor. A English services nt S- p. m. N. services In North Uond. ciimsTiA.v ciiritcii. f A. O. Wnlkor, Minister. 4 4444444444444444 4 lllblo school, 10 a. in. Preaching service, 1 1 a. in. Christian Endeavor, 0:30 p. m. Preaching, 7:30 p. in. Tho sermon In tho evening will bo of special Interest to young people. Coino and bring your friends. ;v;o$.iWJO'SKX PltESltYTKIHAN CHimCH Rev. FRANK R. ZUOG, Mlnlstor M Sunday school, 10 a. in. sharp. Subject, "Tho Wlso nnd Foolish Virgins." Preaching service, 11 n. m. Tho Sucrnment of tho Lord's Sup per will bo administered and now members recolvod 'Lot us havo a full attendance nnd n happy reunion nfter tho special meetings. In tho evening nt 0:30 tho Y. P. S. C, K. will meot. At 7:30 tho congro. gatlon will unlto with tho othor DON'T TURN MGl f "? si.: ' HMm&& KffllESi i&n it.i- " But step In, Madam, and see our BIG VALUES fIn Coffee, Sugar, Spices, Canned Goods, Soap, Candies, Fruits and HIGH GRADE GROCERIES Once a customer, ALWAYS a customer Anona Cash Grocery, HROADWAY, MARSHFIELD. Read the Times Want Ads. N lM nm Mg k pH UUUNM UUUIII PROCEEDINGS (Continued From Pago Six) Elmer Uoll, lubor Levi Nichols, labor Roy Itotlflold, 'labor..'. ... Peter Ealnrdoau, lnbor. . . . 10.00 27.00 12.00 23.00 23.00 1700 luck Cnssldy, labor Matt NIcIioIb, labor Victor Anderson, bnlnnco due on South Slough Rrldgc contract !,iriO.I2 COO. 00 3G.00 .TulluB Larson, Kontuck Slough drodglng contrnct II. P. Clausen, damages. Unndou-Lnnglnls road . . In Re Tnatlou. Dennla McCnrthy, cruising 10,71)0.57 ncros of timber Inud .1S7.I0. 1 In Rt Mlit'cIlnmMMtH Hill m. I. It. Nosier, hnullng wood 1.R0 8.25 14.50 2.00 1.15 0.00 21.20 21.50 12.00 IO'S.72 1S.50 S.51 40.25 15S.00 32.10 1S5.4R S.ilt Coaulllo Electric Supply Co., similes, switches, etc. Penrt Ilros. & Co., conl. . . . Road District No. 10, 1 cord of wood Geo. A. Robinson, sundries. court houAc Gcorgo Stough, cleaning flues Coaulllo Stcnm Laundry, laundry '. J. 11. Pointer, conl It. 13. Ulgolow, conveying prisoner to Myrtlo Pt... Wllley & Schroodor, bnlanco duo on heating nnd plumbing contrnct FuhrmniiH Phnrmacy wood filler, etc., court house. . C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co., lumber, court houso Gcorgo Goodmnn, pnlntlng court house J. F. Stnuff, enrpenter work on court houso Coiiullle Hardware Co., hardwnro for court houso W. W. Gage, bonrd of pris oners ; Land & Lyons, Mil ho. for prisoners . , . t a churchos In tho lllustrnted Y, M. C. ,. lecture nt tho Tabernacle. 44444444444444 4 EPISCOPAL. 4 444444444444444 Sunday school, 10 a. in. Holy communion and sormon, 11 n. in. Evening service, 7:30 o'clock , . 4444444444444444 4 MARSHFIELD CATHOLIC 4 4 ciintcu. 4 4 Rov. Fnthor Morau. Rector. 4 44444444444444444 Mass will bo culobrnted nt S n. in. nnd 10:30 n, in. by Rev. Father .Mo run, who has just roturued I101111 from his vacation. Evening service will bo held at 7:30 p. 111. 4 4444444444444444 4 NORTH HEX!) CATHOLIC 4 4 CHURCH. 4 4 Rov. Father Springer, Rector. 4 4 4444444444444444 4 Mass will bo colebrated nt 8 a. m. nnd 10:30 a. m. by Rov. Father Springer. 4 4444444444444444 4 4 SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS 4 4 F. G. BUNCH, Minister. 4 4 4444444444444444 4 Seventh Day AdveutlBt service tire conducted every Saturday at tho Lutheran hall as follows: Sabbath school at 10 a. in. preach- tig servlco 10:45 a. m. You are .ordlally Invited to attend. 4 4444444 44 4444444 4 4 UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH 4 4 OF NORTH BEND. 4 4 444444444444444 4 Sunday School at 10 A. M, Christian Endeavor nt 7 P. M. Preaching servlco at 11 A, M. and 5 P. M., by tho former pastor, Rov. R, G. Stimmorlln. 4 444444444444444 4 4 NORTH BEND PHESBY. 4 4 TERIAN CHURCH. 4 4444444444444444 At 1 1 a. m. W. P, Evans wllll read a sermon. In the evening nov. R. G. Summorllu will conduct a unlo servlco at 8 o'clock. 4 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. fc Services will be held In tho Qhrls tlan Science hall, 327 Third sfreo., north, Sunday at 11 a. in. Subject, "Unreality." Geo, A. Robinson, Mdso. for prisoners , . 1.45 111 Re Officers 11 ml Deputies. Clerk's Office. X. Osmuudson, lnbor 1 15.30 lues F. Hunch, lnbor lO.VOO Jotty L. Watson, labor. . . . 100.00 Assessor's Office. Geo. O. Leach, labor 7.50 Hollo Thrift, lnbor 15.00 Health Oftlco. Wnltcr Culln, 2 mo. salary, Investigating nnd qunr- nuMnlng 01.73 Sheriff's Offlco. W. W. Gngs, nrrost nnd re turn of Manning 50.30 Thos. Goodalo, nitto hlro, searching for body of Perkins 20.00 W. W. Gage, lunches nnd livery, searching for bod$" ' of Perkins '.VV'" 0A5 W. W. Ongo, nrre,st df Gh'-'' ' rlson v . , ..tV' lff 8.20 I. It. Towor, auto lJro . ., Bonrohlng for body of Per-. - , kins . . (. 1 - 10.00 J. S. Lyons, nuto hire, con- ' veylng Whitney from Myrtle Point C.dO L. W. Oddy, labor In sher iff's offleo 130.00 County School Supt. Office. W. II. Hunch, 2 mo, salary 11ml expenses 252.83 . G. Rnnb, conducting Ex tuna, unit exam, MSS. . . 37.50 Minute Ucrmnun, conduct ing Exums. nnd Exam1. MSS 37.50 G. F. Grubbs, conducting Exums. nnd Exam. MSS. 37.50 John F. Hall, cash advanced for Summer Training School 80.00 District lloiiitl Convention. C. E. Sehroodur Ella J, Morse. , v , . . John F. Hall A. Gunnoll A. O. Haul) Louis Dufuult . . . . I' Jt i 1H11 ita SwanTe Peterson ' K. Hansen F, M. Snudorson Mack Hayes II. Morgan .Mrs. G.'A. Houlo HenJ. Roberts Fred Van Lllenthnl ,1. I). Clinton Mrs. M. D. Price J. L. Crosby Lniitf Morley Axol Ruth .) J. W. Mast J. 11. R. Sheltou iMex Mntson A. Smnlley F. W. Hnrker Lnfo Cornwall Alex Simpson A. Storn A. Anderson , Mrs. W. F. Squlro P. M, Hnll-Lowls, salary and oxpouses as fruit in spector, 2 mo County Court. E. A. Anderson, Co. Com,, Exam. Rds attending court, nnd mllongo W. T. Dement, Co. Com., Exam. Rds., attending court nnd mileage ..... John F. Hall, 2 mo, salary 11s County Judgo, cash ad vanced for livery nnd boat hlro, Exam. Roads 131,00 120.40 119.00 217.01 W. T. Demont, llvory hire In examining roads by county court . , , . J. S. Lyons, nutd hire by county court, Exam. Rds. 35. GO- 10.00 In Re Bills Continued. E. G. Porham, plans nnd specifica tions for court houso, $U0, con tinued. T. A. Walker, promlum on Insurance Policy No. 1010, 75, continued. Stnto of Oregon County of Coos. I, James Wutsou, county clork for Coos county, Stato of Oregon, ox offlclo clork of tho countyt court for said county and state, custodian of tho records, archives and flies of sn)A county, do horoby cortlfy that tho foregoing Is a truo and correct statement of the amount of Bills of Expqnso, in whose favor drawn or nl lowod, continued or not allowed, on tho various funds of tho county as audited by tho county court of said county and stnto, at tho regular Sop tombor, 1910, term thoroof, tis tho sumo appears In the Journals of said court now in my qffico and custody. WITNESS my hand nnd tho seal of the county court affixed this 14th day of Soptembor, A. D. 1910. JAMES WATSON, (Seal) County Cleih Ilnvo your calling cards printed at Tho Times office. Have That Roof Fixed Now See CORTHELL READ THE TIMES WANT ADS. 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.0O 2,00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2,00 2.00" 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 ! .vjnu.