"WW" I'M V, . ' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1910 EVENING EDITION. , i i ', 'VWfiWfi T.w "- yy ;.- J m h.; a ;!'li'';: ( kfl,Un" i ,r i Hi ,' Wki r m PROCEEDINGS , , ( 1.G0 6.70 1.95 No, 5, 1.G0 G.1G 2.00 G.GO 1.20 1 7.40 1.50 1.70 1.70 Oft 6.G5 1.70 1.70 1.70 12.50 4.40 4.40 4.40 4.40 ft.90 5.90 5.90 5.90 5.50 SYNOPSIS OK THE CO INT r COURT PROCEEDINGS, SKI'- TH.MBER (11)10) TKItM. In Itu Vacation Expenses for July mid August, 1010. Officers' Balnrlcs $1,573.34 Indigents 299.00 County Scalp Bounty 180.00 Janitor's salary r, ... 80.00 Indigent soldiers 114.00 Stnto Scalp Bounty 129.50 In He Justice Court Expenses. Stato vs. Mntthows. A. E. Shunter, J. P. fees. . . 1.G0 Stato vs. Davis. A E. Sinister, J. I fees. . . Stato vs. FIngg. A. E. ShiiBtor, J. P. fees. . . II. N. Emery, Const, fees. . . District No. 1!. "W. Condron, ns Supsr. It. D vs. C. II. King. C. L. Pcnnock, J. 1. fees, $1.75, not allowed. w. B. Cox, Const. feos..v .Stnto vs. Towers. C. L. Pcnnock, J. P. fees, . S. W. Noah, serving warrants Stnto vs. KnliliiHon. C. L. Pennock, J. I fees. ; "W. B. Cox, CoriHt. fees.... District No. 51. Stnto vs. Arncson. 33. 0. D. Iloldon, J. P. foes John Hickman, making ar rest It. O. Hoborg, witness John Illr.kmuii, witness. . ., Htuto vs. Whltnoy. 33. O. D. Iloldon, J. P. fooH Stnto vs. McCny. H. O. I). Iloldon, J. P. fees "VJnln McCoy, witness liny McCoy, witness W. W. Gage, arrest and court offlcor Stnto vs. Manning. E. G. D. Iloldon, J. P. fees Snm Llljoroth, wknscsa... A. McAdams ' John Llljoroth Davo Llljoroth Ambroso LnRoucho Robert M. Sartor . , "W. M. Cox J. 11 Maury w.W . Ongo, court offlcor, etc , Stato vh. Hnnyn'n. E. n, I). Iloldon, j. p. fC0S Cnlvln Iluokln, witness. '; Bert Clayton Asa Harrington Harry O, Hnrrlngton v. a. ungo, court offlcor. 1.35 50.00 108.33 32.00 99.S0 19.25 G9.40 t i , 2.30 etc., Stnto vs. Dodson. E. A. Dodge, J. P. foes.... J C. Brown, Constnblo. . . . Chnrloy Smith, witness... Edgar Dodson, witness.... Win. A. Dodson, wltnoHs... Dick Mcllco, witness.... v Htnto vs. Sydnniu. Goo. P. Topping, J. I'. f0H 13. M. Blnckorby, Coustnblu fees , 13. II. I'lah, wltiuirts. .!!!! L. L. Itosa, witness "Win. Wlmer. wltnoss ' It II Itosa J. L, Krononborg, witness l J. MoKonnn, witness... 11. It, Taylor, witness ! .. r . - . .. ' v""iii-r lOlirt i:HMIS0S. n. r. Anderson, Juror V. W. Woods, Juror Win Vnughnn, Juror Irn H. llnrtlo, Exam. Phys. II V, McCulloiigh, Juror. . J A. Alton, Juror Ira A. WoUol, juror A. E. Sinister. Act. Coroner It. E. Golden, autopsy on body of Mirs biniu, $25.00, not nllowod. John I.ongstaff, digging up body of Law Stain, $25.00, not allowed. In Re Circuit Court Hxpoine. D. II. Johnson, witness Stato vs. I too vim 2 00 In Re Indigent ami Insane. A, Elllngson, burinl of Mc- , Vixuy AMIbon Undertaking Par lors, burial of O'Ncll... J. B. Pointer, hnulJng pa tlents to county hospital Jeff D. Wilson, rnro of hos pital patients , , Helsner & Miller, hauling body f o'Noll to Marsh-field 3.45 1.50 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 ft. If. 11.90 2.50 1.90 4.30 1.90 2.90 1.70 3.00 i 1.00 1.00 1.00 10.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 G.95 2,700.00 2,200.00 10.40 2,500.00 2.50 27.50 1G.50 1,414.99 57.G9 9.50 2.00 30.45 300.00 8.00 2S.30 350.00 1,500.00 G7.50 90.50 502.25 Insane, It. E. Golden, transportation ami oaro of Itoovos. , . . Rnrtlo & llolllstor. examin ation of Klunoy & Jacob- son Walter Culln, oxnmlu'nYlon of Estos ,i Klunoy . II. Cox. wire of Roov " J. Jones, Beeves, etc. , 31. F Sllsby, arrest and transportation of Estos.. I oiiniy Infirmary. THIl ll.l .. . "uv, miibu 100.75 vos arrostlng V. E Laud & Lyons, Mdso 39i'15 v,u.iuiiio vouoy pack Co., I meat 20.15 Skcels & Sou, Mdso 40.50 Geo. A. Itoblnson, Mdso... 21.70 Coqulllo Hnrdwaro Co., Hdw 1.50 J. A. Lamb & Co., hardwnro 32.20 W. Culln, .Med. attendance 8.00 R. S. Knowltou, drugs.... 14.05 N. Loroifz, Mdso 10.S5 Evclnnd & McAdams, smith- . Ing Wlnnlfred Brown, Inbor. . . Allan McLcod, mo. salary, Sujit V In Ite Slat loiiery and Printing. C. O. Dryden, printing blanks, otc J. C. Savage, printing not ices, blanks, etc Coqulllo Herald, Pub. Co. Ct. Proceedings Coos Bay Times, Pub. Co. Ct. Proceedings, Notices Recorder Pub. Co., Pub. Notices, Teachers Exams. 1.10 Fuhrinnns'inrinacy, pens, Ink, supplies G4.45 It. S. Knowlton, receipt .-hooks, etc 1G.00 The Irwin Hodson Company, Add. Mch. paper, carbons, etc 15.G3 Glass & Priidhomino Co., Tp. Pints, Clrct. llog., otc. . . 53.22 In Ite Bonds, Bridges .M Ferries. Joseph Larson, lnbor bills It. D. No. ti 503.12 Special Improvements. Joseph Lnrson, labor bills In It. I). No. 0, special.. 131.72 Bonds, Bridges, Kerrles. j inpccini imn.j ;A. N. Gould, surveying pro files, etc., It. I). No. 11 . . 19.40 Warren Blob, assisting, No. 11 t 2.00 J. M. Bnrkur, contract work, sO, 1 ........ 13. N. llnrry, contract work, NO, i c ...... ........ A. N. Gould, surveying nnd ml., No. 12 Drnno & Hartley, contract work.'No. 10 w. T. Wilson, contract work, No. 17 776.00 J. O. 8tommlnr, drawing contracts, No. 17 J. T. Wcokly, sorvlcos spo- clnl rd. mnster, No. 17,. A. N. Gould, surveying and ml., No. 18 E. 13. Weekly, contract work, No. 1 8 Anson Bros., lumber. No. 25 A. N. Gould, surveying, otc, No. 25 .Icsso D. Clinton, assisting, No. 25 John Miimfonl. nimiiiinu t'ln ! P'Tchnsod, No. 25 30 Albort Barklow, spcclnl con- o'JJ j trnct' 2ft -",0 A. N. Gould. Hiirvovlnir. nte.. No. 20 A. N. Gould. Riirvnvlin- 1.70 vn. an . 51. J. Krnntz, contract work, Js,'' :I" Miller, Mast & Ingram, con tract work, No. 30 John Miimfonl, services special rd master, No. 35 Albert Barklow, contract work, It. I). No. 25 .1 M. Barker, special con tract, No. II A. 13. Bettys, contract work, No- U 421.9S J M. Barker, eontract wm-u ldnnklng, No. 1G 552.00 Loonnrd Hartley, 'contrnct work, No. 20 3,287.42 Mrs. Mary C. Wise, refund ed 1908 tax, No. 22G. .. . 9.30 Heads, Bridges, Kerrles. . (General.) It. W. Billiard, oporatlng nulnrd's Kerry, 2 mo... Irn A. Albee, 2 mo. salary, South Slough ferryman.. Pioneer Hardware Co., oil can, oil, etc., South Slough Kerry Coqulllo Kerry. J. N. MoNuIr, 2 mo. salary, supplies , , , Coqulllo Concrete Works, ' supplies furnished Nelson Iron Works, gnng rollers, etc. ...,...,.,, S. II. McAdams, smithing. . 13nst Marshfleld Korry. Mnrshflold Hardware Com-, pnny, spikes, ropes, eto. . Pioneer Hardwnro Co., sup Plies . . . . , Coos Bay Oil & Supply Co., oil Nelson Iron Works, lnbor Geo. H. Nay, labor on Pon-t00 4.00 Alex Hall, salary as enntnln Krank Poterson, engineer. , James T. Hall, engineer. . . Goo. Ithoda, dookhnnd .... W. C. Andrews, engineer. . Heads ami Bridges. 13. G. Porhnm, partial pay ment. South Kork bridge 1,1 11. GO Henry Songstncken, towing scow to South Slouch. July G, 1907 s.00 Goorgo Elliott, trip to South Slough, launch 6.00 L. H. Holsner, trlji to South Slough coo Tho Enterprise, Pub. notices to contractors ' k.20 Huling, Lundy & Sons, pow dcr by contrnct 165.10 W. H, Noble Kstntc, money advanced by W. II. Noble ns Supsr. R. D. No. I. . . 12S.',J K. D. No. S, North Slough-Shutter ltoad. P. E. Lungren, teaming. . . S4.00 Chns. Liggett, labor 30.00 W. C. Lungren, lnbor 40.00 A. Lncksonon. lnbor 10.00 Gush Wlclc, Lnbor 9.00 Stove Lapp, Jr 14.00 Chns. Gustafson, labor, j.. 9.00 John Shutter, lnbor S.00 Pioneer Hnrdwaro Compa ny, powder 21.75 Wnlter Condron, hauling powder 2,50 Wlllnrd & Kellar, gravel for It. D. No. 10 1.038.75 A. Arncson &. Sons, 'lumber for Coper bridge 23.03 Jerry Huntley, labor G2.50 Jake Ames, lnbor 25.65 John Pnrrlsh, labor 53.75 John Lusk, labor 13. G w. T. Wilson, timber 1.90 Ed Huntley, lnbor 50.00 Alva Huntley, labor 67.85 MIko Huntley 38.75 Win. Hughes, timber 22.55 Dick Buoll, tenm 2.50 It. D. No. 19, Lnbor and Mntcrlnl. C. D. Stlllwell, labor 1S.00 Gcorgo Moore Lumber Com pany, lumber 198.00 Oust Nelson, lnbor ....... 12.50 otto rtowninn, Inbbr 12.50 W. D. Chadwlck, hauling lumber 10.00 A. McNalr, nails 0,30 It. D. No. 20, Lnbor nnd Material. Delmore Ponieroy, labor.. 50.00 Mat Lnws, labor 20.00 F. E. Drnno, scowlng lumber 2-1.30 5.50 To Increase BkP ff0fc br wkji 35.88 7.80 28.00 306.05 27.96 21.54 60.72 85.00 20.00 20.00 3.00 515.20 3 1.55 10.00 10.00 0.30 12.10 44.50 120.00 100.00 4.25 123.85 1.37 12.55 13.40 3.13 23.60 39.45 6.00 12.25 130.00 112.00 7.00 S0.00 20.9S Shlolds & Kennedy, bolts. . Randolph Lumber Co., lum ber K. 13. Drnno. dnllvorlni: lumbar nugh Lenevo, lnbor Randolph Lumlior Co. . . .,. A. McNnlr, hnrdwaro .... F. Klnm, lumber Coqulllo Mill & Tug Co., lumber Albort Barklow, stumping and stripping grndo, R. D. No. 25 A. N. Gould, surveying, mileage, profiles, otc, va rious roads 1 23.20 John Yoakum, vlowjng nnd mllenge, Wlllnncho-Kon- - tuck rond . . . ; Lloyd Spires, vlowlng nnd mileage, Wlllnncho-Kon- tuck rond Ben Tyrer, chnliimnn, W1I- lanche-Kontuck rond . . W. K. Ray, chalnmnn, Wll- Inncho-Kontuck rond . . . Oscar Stauff, axman, Wll- lnnchc-Kontuck rond . . . Harry Schrock, nxmnn, Wll- lancho-Kcntuck rond . . . W. L. Wnlker, nxman, W1I- lnncho-Kcnttick rond . . . R. A. Nass, nxmnn, Wll- lauche-Kcntuck road . . . A. N. Gould, surveying, mileage, Kour-Mllo road John Voakum, vlowlng, mllengo, Kour-Mllo rond Lloyd Spires, viewing, mlle ngo, Kour-Mllo rond.... R. R. Davis, chalnmnn, mileage, Kour-Mllo road Earl Komlck, clinlnmnn, ' mllenge, Kour-Mllo rond John Butler, nxmnn, sur veying nnd mllenge, Kour Mllo rond L K. Gnrdner, nxmnn, mlte- nge, Kour-Mllo rond. ... A. W. Gardnor, axman, mileage, Kour-Mllo rond Alonzo Davis, rodiunn, mllenge, Kour-Mllo road Lloyd Spires, vlowor, mak ing out reports A. N, Gould, surveyor, mnk- Ing out reports Susan O. Ensign, damages, Rnad fuse No. 193 E. M. Prossoy, damages, Run (I Cnso No. 493 Bertha fiJllwoll, dnmages, Rend Cnso No. 49.:. .. II P Clausen, apn-njes, Road Cace No 4. 3 Marshfleld Hnrdwaro Co., hardwaro for R. D. No. S Simpson Lumber Company, lumber, No. 8 L. Nenl, hn tiling powder R. D. No. 20. Labor nnd Mm rial. Coqulllo Hnrdwaro Co., pow- ,,or. pc 16Si75 20.50 Is the thought uppermost with every shopkeeper. One of the most econom ical and simple ways of doing this is by lighting your store with TUNGSTEN LAMPS Your Store will then Attract tht New Trade You Are After. The Coos Bay Gas & Electric Co. TELEPHONE 178 STATKMTJNT OK CONDITION OK THK First Trust and Savings Bank 16.60 19.60 2.00 4.00 2.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 19.70 11.20 13.20 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 5.00 91.40 C.10 G.10 3.40 1S.90 OK COOS BAY RESOURCES. Loans nnd discounts . . . . $120,516.98 Ovordrnfts 254.86 Bonds and securities .. . . 26.990. 16 Banking houso, furnlturo nud fixtures 5G.S10.50 Cash on band and duo from tank 82,868.51 MARSIIKELD, ORE., 8EPT. 1, 1910. LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in. . .$100,000.00 Surplus and - undivided Profits ' 3,995.61 Dopoelti 186,Gr6.40 Tctal of .$293,651.01 this bank as ToU $293,661. CI Wo Invito your ntlontlon to tho ftrong condition shown by tho sworn sattenient, to-wlt: Caeh rcrnrre 3 per cor.t of dopoiits. Reserve required by law 15 pc: ceat of dopoilu. Resorve In excess of lcual requirements. . . .28 per cqni a! depsalti. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS JOHN 3. COKE, Presldont. JOHN K. HALL, HENRY 8ENGSTACKEN. STEPHEN O. ROOER8 DOR8EY KREITZER, Cnabler. 8. CHANDLER. WILLIAM GRIMES, DR. C. W. TOWER, M. C. IIORTON. Vice Presldont and Manager. !)OKS A GENERAL BANKING AN I) TRCHT BUSINESS. I YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED. 4404i4a4 PROKKSSIOXAL CAItflS. . jQB. .7. W. INGRAM, LJ I'liyslclnn nnd Surgeon. Onico 20H-200 Ckw BulltMax. PhonosOfllco 1621 Rcldcnc 1611 J W. BENNETT, lawyer. Offlco over Klnnngan &. Ilonnett Dnk Marsh Hold, Oregon TYTM. H. TUHPEN, Architect. Over Chnmbor of Commerce. NOTKJK TO THE PUBUa V If I K 8 t U I tx a 1 H I tt I t: 1 tt 1 u THE FIRST NATIONALBANK" OF COOS BAY STRICTLY A COMMERCIAL BANK. Wells Knrgo Novadi Nnilonttl lUnk. tiun Krnnclsco, CL The United States National Bank, Portland, Or. The National Park Bniik, New York, N, Y. The Corn Exchange National llanlf, Uhlcngo. HI. The Bank of Scotland, London, England. The Credit Lyonunls, Pnrls. France. In addition wo draw drafts on all principal banklnK centar. in SPOAmorlc,a.Afr,Ca AU"trtt,Ut !"nn' JnV "Tlo"ZVna Personal and commercial accounts kept aubjiwi to check. Cortincntes of Deposits Issued. Snfo Deposit Boms fnr'rom Draws Drafts oa ' n 1 u I havo pla:ed In .public tmln 1 bus to meet all trains and will niki cnlls on phono orders t hone numbtr 138-J; Hvory traiulcnt foJ bin, 120-J; rosidonco, 49L; tnlo cIBM 138-J. I do nil kinds of draylss lid hauling haul anything that Is 1k at both ends. I also hnndlo a good grade of coiL Why pny $5.00 or 0.00 per ton lor coal whon I will bring It to your ;lxe most anywhoro for $4.50 per ton? Look nt theso figures and tco which looks tho best in hard times Lump, I $4.50; nut, $2.50; screenings, $1.00, Jj. II. HEISXER, Livery and Sales Stables. 1 FLANAGAN &. BENNETT BANK n, . ., , . JIAK3iIEIELD, OREGON. OldeM llaiik In Coos CoiiBly, IMahUhlicd in 1880. Paid up Capital nnd Surplus. $80,000.00 Assets Over Half Million Dors. Does a general banking business nnd draws drafts on tho Bank of California. San Francisco, Cal.; Hanover National Bank NY . First Ndtlonal Bank, Porthud. Ore.; First National !? n ' burg. Ore; The London Joint stock Bank. Ltd LondEugtnT Also sells exchange on a 1 of tho principal cities of Europe Individual and corporation accounts kept subject to chert Safe deposit lock boxes for rent. CBW"' Bare , , .. OFFICERS: 5 II ' F$E1 pMne. K. F. WILLIAMS, Cashier. THF I'l nVTl MiirihneWn po"'ir fB"J i lie lluiu JloU A fllrnlmt rcf nJ clean. Velvet uml AxmlnliterfMr"'11 xorf room. Four ftorlot of miHJ wmlort ltle mliu-od to: !-, x?. 73n ai.il li; et 'l.ou to 5.oo. Alio it tew )niikccptojprt nenu u Iti i?n ruiiKva, ll.'.tw ir monih M Mttlii. 'lull- Mix depot, J'f UrUsfi. nop 76.5G 2.50 30. 00 261,40 353.75 75.60 10.S0 39. 10 R. O. Hobere. labor. . C. A. Everndon, tools, etc. . Skeols & Son, supplies. . . . Mrs. R. O. Hoberg, meals.. Bert Andorson, labor..,.. T. V. Roblson. hny CoQiillIe River Transporta tion Co., freight. ...... W. T. Lohnhorr, labor, solf t0"i , Pony Pnrrlsh, labor, solf and team A. R. Wallace, lnbor 112.00 J. C. Fryo, labor, self and lUi," 225.00 Amity Parrlsh, labor, self ' team 1S4i00 J. C. Miller, labor - ..,-.,,, , ,vu (Continued on Pago 7.) Good Evening!. HAVE YOU ANY LAUNDRY? If so, do not forgot that this U THE laundry whore you got the best work, and prices are In every ones ronch. Call ud and ono of the om 4 'ors will call and oxplnln all details to i .. ...i.ii you. All tolopnono cans are hu-' attended to, because wo aro runnlnj Stngo leaves "dally and ,wo wnsons. , OUR GUARANTEE IS YOUR ' I ISFAOTION. I MATtsTTwrrcTn uAvn AND STE.W awasB3SiaBsns&jas laundry. Sh AML J tyf - y tuirv" - - kj x ATLIVJIJLilX iVl. fin. 9SLy:7?seb.StS5e70Se - o- .. ..wovuurj; u lid .llillhllllo auiiiiay at. u .. m. Faro, $0.00. OTTO SCHETTER, Agont, 120 MARIvET AV., Mnrshtleld. PHONE 11 C. P. BARNARD, Ag'iil, ROSEBURG, OR. Bi F. PLANT Sails for San Francisco every eight days. TICKETS RESERVED UP TO THE AnmiMi t, m RESERVATIONS WILL BE OAVOPlfJi J?P T"E 8IIIP. LESS TICKCT IS BOUGHT. AT V,lAT TIME Phone 2W. 176.00 !! tl araHS"issasasens7 a-a-n-a-a-a-a-a-a F. S. Dow, Agent. Marshfield Ore ranSSSWSHi-HSESESRSHCa ESZS2SirajH5Era -a-a-a-a-a- Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIABLO AND JOSSON CEMENT She best Domsstlc and Imported brands ' faster. Lime, Brick, and all kinds of builders material . HUGH McLAIN (SRAL CONTRACTOR .. wxa uuuAJJWAY nnxv Si'Si4.a. .aA a . .! ui VX For Strictly Fresh Butter Sterilized Cream Sterilized Milk Butter Milk Bean-Pot Cheese and Ice Coos Bay Ice & Cold Storage J FREE DELIVERIES 8 A. SI. nnd 3 F. M I'houo 73-J. J ClNW I .iaw8-a-R-s--K---B-K",, , yv iin -' (SJssMMiiBMaiMMBKaMjM-jL . j - A M1BBHMMMSjBSjjMpjSM --.-fii(MitetiltoteiajMl-.lri liiiahiftiinii pr 1SSHPHSJSJfJijJWUMa2Zr