THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1910 EVENING EDITION. "" 'ggigWif T0fttf3tftiAtf,, Crave&ette Hats i fit mmnfi " '1 t .- . i 1? !? ra' Best of All IMlM COOS BAY TIDES. SEPTEMBER Date. h.m. ft. IP M. I it: 3)0 0 j Friday... 30 ll;Qg; 7.S10:44j S. Tfi WOOLEN MILL STORE Mill-to-Man Clothiers Marshfield . Oregon l&&0wgwj&wrwtoux; SEPTEMBER Low w.nter A. M. P. M. pate. h.m. ft. ;ii.m. Thursday 20 Friday... 30 a: -121 4:31 0.1! o.oj 4:07 4:56 2.S 2.1 TIIK WEATHER. This Drwg Store of Ours r H BUSY CORNER It will pay you to know about It. Wo carry complete nsBort mentH. For Instance who always Iihh tho most complcto line or rubber Roods, water bottles, syringes, etc., combs und brushes, sick room supples? Who always lias the newest and finest per fumes, soaps, fnco creams mid toilet Roods? Our customeis know. And wo'ro proud of our prescription business because wo get the finest prescription medicines nnd chemicals that money can buy nnd compound thorn skillfully. Wo nro always Rind to have you como In. Prices nlwnya reasonable. O TIIK Hl'SV CORNER. 1MIO.NK 2I)H. Lockhart - Parsons Drug Co. "The Busy Corner" i Marshfield, Oregon navigation. Tho difficulty 0f court Is to keep like obstructions from getting into the river again. Tin dredger will work on down tho rlvei and may go up again nnd cover the ground over which it has worked. YOUNG OLD FOLKS. mjj::s::::m:m::::mm::::;m:::::j:r Personal Notes 8 ... 1 t..:m:::::::::mmmm::::m:::t:mm:::m C. 11. PECK was in Coquille todny on business. Men hi:- w ----------a ------------- T Have The Pioneer Hardware Co. Connect up your Sewer, and do your PLUMBING LOCAL TEMPERATURE PORT. For twenty-four hours ending nt 4:43 P. M Sept. 30, by Mrs. MltlgUS. Slicclal izo'Lrninnti nm. teorologlcal observer: Maximum 04 Minimum , , 47 Ah 4.43 I. M C2 Wind, northwest; clear. (Ily Associated Press.) Oregon Fair south show- ers north. Sunday fair oxcept showers northeast. Tho Change Thai Hn Como In and Women In a Century. There Is no fact tniri striking thnii the way modern Jlfe It pushing back the period nf tU1 urc. Less than 11 eentury ago' a man wat old at forty. You have only to ph-k up. Jane Austen's novels to find gentlemen of thirty-live described as middle aged. At Misty they were gabbling In their dotage And there Is Mr. Plckwleti-tliat dear, delightful, benevolent old gentleman of forty-live. Fifty years ago when a man reached the age of forty-live he grew a beard under hit chin, bought himself a pair of drab gaiters and a while neckcloth and spoke with mixlout concern of the rltlug generation, whoso manners were so different from tluwo ho had known as a "young man." In ourgen oration thirty-two It outwardly hulls tlngulshable from llfty-two. save In that the former hat a slightly more youthful tint In Its cheek a::d I's wnlstcont.. As for the fair sex. the r'tius old lady Is all but extinct. The pretty vivacious matron you admire at r garden party may have seen twenty live or seventy summers. As Ojtccn Alexandra not long since said to Mine. Adellnn Pattl. "We two are two of the youngest women In England." The Illustrious royal exnmple has been so sedulously followed that the ladles always young, always active, always In the height of fashion may be said to laugh In the very face of Father Time. Loudon Strand Magazine. F. E. Hague, Prcs. M. D. Sumner, Vice Pres. 330 Front Street ?---------- -- --- " The First Skn of a Cold I Should remind you that tho bo3t tlmo to commouco taklu ; something Is at tho beginning. It should remind you that tho beat remedy to head oft a spoil of sneezing, cdlighlng and g era) unpleasantness Is A. D. S. COLD ane GRIP REMEDY It stimulates tho dopress d nerves, allays fovor and starts tho vital machlnory to running with Its accustomed smoothness. BROWN DRUG CO. MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS. "THE QUALITY STORE." JBdBilS K 8.U4E A check forr 8107, on Piano at filler's piano house. Will be sola nt good discount. Ad dress 1. O. Uox 042. t SALE. Household furniture nt 3?1 Hnadway. M. E. McQulro. 1 l'.l. (Jlil f,,i. iriMini-iil house. wrk. Apply Mrs. W. U. Douglas l-lNTEi). vitivss. Inquire nt handler Hotel. XTRO. Experienced Coal miners and tlmberruen. Apply Deaver Hill uai to u n EXT. -filv.wuin. On lilllllV furnished, bath and modern con dolences. Finest location In Marshflold. den, Sr. Apply to Robert Mars- FOK REXT, Residence on North Broadway, olght rooms furnished. For further information call at the office of J. M. Upton. FOR SALE. A good paying cifllce business nt a sacrifice. Address Timed office. HOMESTEAD LOCATION. 100 acres good ranch land, two spring creoks, near Ten Mile; can be homostended; location feo, 5150 Phono 318. North Bend. FOR SALE Automobile, -I -cylinder, 40-horso power, 5-passenger, fully equipped with ncotvlene headlights, gabrlol horn, top, otc Cost now $3000. Will sell for cash or ex change for real estato at a bargalr FOR REXT. The F. A. Rood dairy farm on South Coos River; posses sion must bo taken soon. Inquire on premises or phono 202X. Goes to Yniiihlll Rev. W. R. F. Brown, formerly of .Marshflold, bar been transferred by tho Method!!' conference from Drain to Ytuuh.l "China's First Guillotine. China has Just received from France Its first guillotine. It will be set up Inside the new prison, as. according to recent regulations, executions will no longer be public. The penalty of death as laid down In the old code had six degrees-death by torture. Immediate decapitation und exhibition of the head. Immediate decapitation without exhi bition of the head, decapitation after some mouths. Immediate hanging nnd hanging after some months. Accord ing to the new code the death penalty Is In four degrees Immediate decapita tion, deferred decapitation, Immediate hanging and deferred hanging. K. C. the CHASE went to Portland Breakwater .od.iv WONDERFUL ALASKA. on JOHN 1). GOSS loTt today for Port land to attend the federal court. E. L. C. FA11RIN arrived homo today from tho county sent. C F. McKXIOHT was today on buslnoss. In Coquille .IOIIN KENDALL was In Coquille to day nnd returned at noon. F. A. SACCUI hns boon laid up tho 'past three or four dnys. for J. M. UPTON attendod the Bar as sociation meeting nt Coquille. R. O. GRAVES wns In Coqulllo today to nttend tho Bar nsosclntlon moot. Int. A. O. K.1ELLAND, of North Bond, was n Marshfield business visitor today. JENS HANSEN, who has boon con fined to his homo by illness, Is able to bo out. J. W. UMSTATTD Is recovering from . a severe case of poisoning con ' traded from poison oak. H. P. CAMPBELL, who spent tho nummcr on no my. if oxpec'i'il in from siinttlo on butduess. today Bar Afc-oelaton i Meets Tho mem bers of tho Coos County Bar nssocla. tlon hold a meeting today In Coqulllo. Routine buslno8swaj transacted at the session. Bled nt Coquille Pauline, the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Martin D. Shcr- rard, died nt Coqulllo, September 29, aged 4 yenrs and C days. The funornl was hold this afternoon. Died ut Tompleton. Wllllnm D. Walker, aged 81 'years,.' died last Monday at tho homo of his son, 0. M. Wnlker. at Tompleton. He wns a native of Maine, It nil lived most of his life In California and during tho past few years had mndo his homo wl his son. , Returns From Sliudinv. Dr. W. Hnyden has returned homo from the Slii8lnw country, whoro ho has boon, on n visit. The report that ho might remain at Floronco was Incorrect. Ho expects to stay In Marshfield, but was highly ploasod with tho Sluslaw country. Brother Dead. Word has beon re ceived hero of tjio death of Wiley Olbbs, a brothor of Mrs. John Prouss, which occurred at Bay City, Michigan, Septombor 24. Ho was unmarried and wis living with his mothor. Ho had boon ill a couple of years. News of his domlse was re ceived horo with great rogrot as dur ing his connection with tho Red Cross Drug storo up to a fow years ago, ho won many friends here. Many Snngs. The government dredger which hns beon working In tho north fork of Coos river Is now down below tho forks. The dredger has been taking out many snags. In 20 duys something like 32C snags of various sizes were pulled up an removed from tho North Fork. This will, of courso, greatly assist HAVE THAT REPAIRING DONE NOW I am able to repair your harness, hnltors and horso supplies promptly, well and nt reasonable prlcos. That's what you want, Isn'J; It? And remember, I have a fine lint of harness, robes, blankets and, I fnct, everything for 'the horse. E. L. HOPSQN COR. FRONT AND CENTRAL AVE .MISS EDNA LARSON Piano Instruction '1V1.U.1I-1I. v MAYOR L. J. SIMPSON nnd wlfo ro turned homo'ffom Ten Mllo, whoro ' they hnvo been spending the pnst week. J. W. BENNETT nnd, Tom wore In Coqulllo todny on ness nnd to attend elation meeting. tho Bennett bust- Bar nsso Looking For a Placo to Fix Her 8tar In tho Flog. Nothing lest than the dissolution of the nation will prevent the org.uil'i tlon of the state of Alaska. In 1" 1. when California wnsudwlttcd Into tin Union, she had no lines of railwry. telegraph, trades or business connect lug her with the other states and was thought to be only valuable for pluecr gold. Her agriculture nnd trad. her rillroads and present grandeur h.-no grown since her admission. Alaska Is 11 greater country und richer In all Its natural resources than California was in 1850. Alaska has more gold than California and Colorado, more copper than Moulnua nnd Arizona, moro coal than Pennsylvania. West Virginia nnd Ohio und more ilsh than all other American wafers combined. Her out put of gold and Ilsh for last year amounted to nearly $:12.000,000 und lind Increased from $15,000,000 In 1000 Her total cash trade with tho rest of the United States for 1009 amounted to more lliiiu if52.000.000. while that be tween China and the United Stntes amounted to only 18.000.000. 8ho Is n better customer to the merchants of the United States than Hawaii, Porto Rico or the Philippines. Tho trade val ue of every whlto man. woman nnd child In Alaska with tho United Stale for 1001) amounted to $1,302.75, while that of every Inhnbltnnt In Hawaii amounted to only $277.05, Porto Rico to $18.51 nnd the Philippines to $3.30. , Alaskn has a bettor climate nnd greater agricultural capacity than Nor way. Sweden und Flnlnnd combined. Her rich nnd fertile valleys are ca llable of supporting n much Lirger pop ulation than that of the three coun tries named, without mentioning tho population which will bo supported by her mines und other natural resources. .Tamca Wlckorsham In Collier's. MRS. W. B. PIPER.wlIl lonvo on tho stngo this evening for Roseberg. Sho will visit "her sister, Mrs. Woodruff, und expects to be gone for n fow weeks. Tnko your SUNDAY DINNER nt Tho CHANDLER. Special menu and ORCHESTRA. RESERVE tables for PARTIES by PHONE. Phone 1. S. Kuurtnun & Co. :on Order. Sl.ftt) PER TON. your Made To Order SHOES While we carry the best factory shoes that money can buy, peculiari ties In the shape of certain muu nnd woiiieu'd teet, require a certain shape that can only bo secured by having the ahoes made to order. Our export shoemakers cau fit any foot so tha. comfort utid wear nro secured. An other thins; Is that most of tho fuo- tory-mado shoes require now soles uftor being worn a short tlmo. Lund's Inde-to.Order Shoos havi boon known to wear more than a year without resolelng. This Is bo causo ho uses only the best leather. In vlow of these facts why not holp yourself and your city by par troutzlng homo Industry? It will bo worth your whllo to como In and Inspoct tho stock I have Just recelvod from Prlster & Vogels tannery at Milwaukee. It will en lighten you on leather and will on- able you to realize what makes tho big difference In shoes or hnrnoss. And remomber tho chanco Is still good for you to make a quarter on repairing shoes. Ask mo how. O. OJLUND, "The nfii "ho does things right.'1 Xo. til5 South Broadway, Murbhlleld Repairing a Specialty Read the' Times Wunt Ads. THE ROYAL TONIGHT 11 "A SUMMER IDYL." ' "THE'DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S TRIUMPH." DUCK FARMING." (Educational) And othors totaling 3000 feet of the nowest and best films 4. Admission, Adults 10c, Children 5c MRS. C. II. WORRELL, of North Bend, and Mrs. Stolln Gabbnil, or Portland, hnvo been vlslfug nt the homo of Mm. E W. Fnhy at Bullnrds. Dramatists and Children. According to an observer, writers of plays nro generally childless. He says, "It scorns that the successful dramatist Is nt the end of a scries and never lenves n successor." LoMt down the list of them, from Gilbert to Shaw, and you will Und never a child. Fur ther search brings up Thomas Hnrdy, Bnrrle. Mnetorlluck, Plnero. Cecil Ral eigh, Mnughnm, Locke, Granville Bar ker. Frederick Fcnn, Louis Nnpolcoh Parker, nnd only Henry Arthur Jones nnd Hnll Calue are dramatists with children. AUGUST EICICWOP.TH who ' for some tlmo pnst has been llnotypo oporntor nt tho TRch office, will lenve In n fow dnyj for Snn Fran cisco und from thore will go to Los Ango'es, JOHN LOCKHARD, of Grants Pass, who 'hns beon In tho city with his wlfo, looking .over th6 country, loft today on tho Brenkwator for Portland. Mr. Lockhar'd was for merly n United Stntos marshal In Alaska. E. MARSH returned j'n the Break wator from Illlno'j nnd other eastern points whoro he spout the summer. Ho says that while ev erything looks i;nl back thero nnd is prospermia. '.'ir.) Is ue pi ico like Coos liny. Lightning Vlollmi. Lightning sometimes merely stuns nnd apparently kills without actually destroying life. In addition to the use of itrilllcliil respiration. It Is necessary to provide for the restoration of tho nnturnl How of the electric currents, which Is doue by placing the patient In n good conductor. A warm Imtb may answer the pursmu. Witness My Hand. In the early days only a few schol ars know how to write. It was then customary to sign a document by smearing the hand with Ink nnd Im pressing' It upon tho paper, nccompa i.Ied by the wordn, "Witness my hand." Afterward tho seal was Intro duced ns a substitute for the hnnd mark mid wns used with tho words above quoted, tho two forming tho sig nature. This Is tho origin of tho ex pression ns used In modern documents. . G. STADDEN nnd family of Wll llnmsport, Pn., arrived In, .tha city todny. Mr. Staddon Is a brother of J. II. Stndden, tho photogra pher. Ho has been In tho dairy business In tho east nnd may en gage In that or somo othor busi ness horo. Tnko your SUNDAY DINNER at Tho CHANDLER. Special menu and ORCHESTRA RESERVE tnbles for PARTIES by PRONE. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notice Is-hereby given thatoalod bids will bo rocblved by tho Common Council of tho City of Marshfield, Coos County, Oregon, until 7:30 o'clock p. m, Tuosdny, tho 4th day of Octobor, 1010, for tho construction of n wharf from n point 102 feet oast of tho east line of Front streot North to a point 127 foot enst of tho east lino of Front streot North In tho City of Marshflold, Coos County, Oregon, according to tho plans and specifica tions on file In tho offlco of tho ro cordor njid open to tho Inspection of till porsoiiB Interested thoroln, A certified check of flvo per cent of the amount of tho bid must ac company the bid, Tho Common Council resorveB tho right to reject any nn( nil bids. Dated this 1st day of Octobor, 1910. JOHN W. BUTLER, Recorder --sV--o-u-- -n-n-tt-tv-o-tj -h-"::!!'-!!-' We Have Reduced Sperry's Best Family Flour Now Retails $ 1 .65 Sack Sperry Flour Co. By F. S. DOW