ttEEfRoBATuS EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES Entered at tno postofllco at Marsh field, . Oregon, for triinsmlMlon ifcrouga tho mails na second class nail uiatter. Address nil communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES, Murahllcld :: :: :: :: Oregon M. O. MALONKY Kdltor nnd I'uli. WAN K. MALONKV News Editor An Indupeident Republican' uewe per published every eronlng oiccpt Sunday, nud Weekly by Tho Co oh Hay Time Publishing Co. Dedicated to the service of tho people, that no good cause shall lack champion, nnd that evil shall not thrive unopposed Tho Coos Bny Times represents a jonsolldatlon of the Dally Coast Mall And The Coos Hay Advertiser. Tho Coast Mall wns tho tlrst dally estab lished on Coo Day and The Coos Day Times Is Us Immediate suc cessor. n m , HUHSCIUPTION KATES. DAIIiV. Ono year . '. IG.00 Tor month 50 When paid strictly In ndvnnco tho subscription price of tho Coos Day Times Is $5.00 por yenr or $2. GO for six months, WKBICLY". On. year SI. GO Official Taper of Coo County. OFFICIAL l'AIMilt OF THK CITY OF MAIIHIIFIKM). THK AMKHH'A.V WOMAN AT TACK HI). PUOMPTKD either by Ignoranco of truth or by a desire to wrlto n novel so HoiiHatlonnt that It would soil "llko hot cultos," an Amor, lean wrltor linn put out n now book In which ho bitterly assails the American wniimu as a wife. "Tho American woman In hope less," ho wrlleH. "Her vanity Is trlple-plntod, coppur-rlveted. She's hopulesH so long an tho American man will give her tho money .to buy flAttory at homo nud abroad. And tho American man will give her tho lnouoy uu long as ho can, because It nuyti him pcaco and freedom. Ho doesn't want o bo bothered with tho Amorlcan woman," All of which Is rnnkost uoaornBO nnd wrltton purely for tho sako of tho sensation It will creato. The wrltor nssortH too much. 1 1 It criti cs m mny fit n few, but never the mazy. Ho Is UIcowIho seeking to say thlngn HonHntlouully when ho wrlton: "Wily uru tho Havings bank accounts of our working rlaHses a mero frac tion of those of tho working clnsscs of other countries? Tho American woman. Why do more than 00 per cent of our Hinall American hmdnm men full? Again tho American womnn." Tho HoitRntlonallHt qulto evidently neglected opportunities to study tho great majority of Amorlcan wives who aro tho Inspiration of tho homes over which thoy preside nnd truo helpmeetti to their husbands. Quito ovldontly ho dovotod hlniholf to tho Inferior few whom he probably truth, fully designates as "Idle, ovor-enting, lazy women, who will not work, will not wnlk," In othor words "lndloa" who "sit Htlll, playing with a lapful of artificial flowers of fake culture, llko n doodlowtt." , Hut becati80 this man proferred association with tho fow Instead of tho mnny nnd felt himself tho losor, ho should not nook to stlgmntlzo tho many with tho follies of tho few. Novelist or no novelist, the avorago Amorlcan womnn la securo in her high place In tho oatoom of tho Amer. lean man nnd his happiness wouldn't bc-comploto without her. E30DEL VILLAGE MOST HEALTHFUL Mew French Companies Build Homes For Workmen, GARDEN SPOTS DESCRIBED, Roads, Houses and Parking Strips, Are Doscribed as Being Most Satisfac tory to Tenants as Well as Men Who Had Them Built. There Is perhaps no other country that enn be called the Inud of homes (,o Justly ns Franco, suys (J corses He-nolt-I.evy In the American City. It h ps Hum ted that thetc tire -J.n0O.O00 land owners In n population of 40.000.000. "In recent years." snys the writer, "certain manufacturers have built gnr den villages." One of those be de scribes ns follows: "It wns nbout four years ngo that I wns called In tho capacity of social engineer to the mining company of Dourgcs. In the name of the Associa tion des Cltes-.Inrdlus do France 1 strongly advised the company to build a model village, for which I hnil the pleasure of furnishing the first sugges tions. Tho architect of the company wns sent 'with tno to see what bad been done In Hnglnud, nud tho work was undertaken. "It Is well to note here that a garden village, a garden city, differs from a manufacturing settlement not only In that Its inhabitants have cheaper nnd more unnltiiry houses, but that their dwellings nre nlso more beautiful, more artistically arranged and nre charmingly scattered among Unworn and greenery. "It li an enemble of elegant nnd harmonious curves, of 'streets planted Rebuked, Illgglns How Is It you are always idling ubout? I nover w you when you have anything to do. Wiggins The fact is It takes so much of my time looking after other folks' business I have none left for looking after my own Don't you Oud something llko the same trouble yeutselfV IUmioii Transcript. Tho Nearest He Ever Came to It. "Colonel," alio nsked, "have you ever been up In a balloon V" "No," ho answered, "but I got to talking art to u llostoii lady once, tuut sho had mo uwny up In the air Inside of two minutes." HNehange. Persevering mediocrity Is much more respectable and unspeakably tuoro useful than talented lueonstuuey -Hamilton. WOTS1 CO RETURNS IN Official Vote of the Recent Pri maries Has Been ' " Turned In. Tho officlnl returns from Curry hnvo been received. The following nro tho totals, on each of tho repub lican candidates for tho entire coun ty: For Congress W. C. Hnwloy 92 D. F. Mulkoy 132 For Governor Albert Abraham GS Jny Dowcrman 39 Grant D. Dlmlck 110 K. Hofor .39 For Secrotnry of State F. W. UoiiBon 1G7 G. Wingnto 9G For Stnto Treasurer Hnlph W. Hoyt C3 Thomas D. Kny So For Justice of Supremo Coi'irf (four years) Henry J. Dean 174 Thomas A, McDrldo Gl Wallace McCarmnnt 1-1 For Justice of Supremo Court (six years) George H. Durnctt 77 Frnnk A. Moore .156 For Attorney General A. M. Crnwford. . . , 20C J. N. Hnrt 39 For Superintendent Instruction L. Uj Alderman 1G0 For Stnto Printer William J. Clark G4 Willis S. Dunlwny i ST For Labor Commissioner O. P. Hoff 100 Havo your calling oardj printed : Tho Times office. is ru.vNci: ro tiik instil, vu.l.mik O' Lh, OI.dM. I From the Aim-Hcun City, N- VorK.) with treen nud bordered with tut t. ot uittages ot vurloiw hues, jyhHi i u'lvj i. n liui-rcFlni! of 1 1 esmii) of "Wiflilt mil gn.vety In Hie iirrnugviiieiit or tin xlllnue tin' points of compiix lum leeu luUen Into ticcouut. so Unit cael tottnue bus us mucli sunlight n po Hide. "Let us look at one of the village ireel. Here Is it loud II w tuelers wide ultlt two sidewalks, each U-5 mcterx In wlih li, of wlilelt A meters tire tune itdaiti mid lv iiietiTH lurr. The bound nry line between ihe sidewalk and the I rout gulden Ik tint tuarUid by fences or railings, tint by hinders of ttowers. The trout guldens are ubout four me ters In depth This iiuiUes. therefore. nil avenue nlmiil twenty meters wide between the In, uses, planted through tail Us length with trees, acacias, piano trees and sycamores From point to point at Ihe cionsiuuds the eye Is charmed by groups of usli trees, ever greens or rosebushes. In tho rear or each cottage Is a garden covering ubout a tenth of nu acre. "The tost of the charming cottages varies from $SI0 to $000. The wtills are built of couutry inudo bricks, Join ed by white cement. They nro thirty live ceutltuelers thick. Tho corners uro or artltlclul stone made of the same clay. We see that simply by Joining thu bricks with this white mortar and decoruilug them lu different colors a varied effect U obtalued with little change of plan, lu tho interior tho walls. Instead of being papered In bad taste, aro tinted In gay tones at very little expeuse nud havo au attractively decor&tcd frieze of washablo palut "Kuterlng ono of tho cottages, we And below us n paved cellar for wlno nud provisions, on tho ground floor a porch, n vestibule, a living room (1.3 by 4.5 metersi nnd u bedroom for tho boys. On the floor nbove Is a bedroom for tho parents (1.5 by 3.0 meters! as well ns ono for the daughters of the family (three meters sQuaroi, Under the roof, so that not a bit of space Is wasted, Wtfiflud n garret for drying clothes. "It Is worth noting that every room In the house Is paved with tiles, so tluit the floors can be polished. All the walls have rounded comers In order t tint no dust may gather there. "To secure constant light and venti lation the windows take up one-sixth yi the surface of each room. They open outside so aslto keep out the rnln nud to take up less room There was ono problem to solve how to arrange the linndry, the. coal shed. etc.. without destroying thir general harmonious look of the cottages. This has been accomplished by connecting the laun dry (which serves also for a bathroom for Ihe miner when he comes houiel ami tho coal shed, ns well as the toilet, with a porch. This porch makes n sort of outdoor summer dining room. The sewngo from the toilets Is con ducted Into .goptle tanks, where it is chemically treated. There Is one tank for eugh house." . G. N. Orton For Hallway Commissioner Frnnk J. Miller For Stnto Knglnoer John H. Lewis For Wnter Commissioner . Jnmos T. Chlnnnck Fred K. Gettlns For Circuit Judge .John S. Coke 1J. F. Jones For Joint Representative Gcorgo X. Fnrrlu Herbert Hume ;..... S. P. Police . (County Ticket. Tho domocrntlc county ticket follows :. .... , ' , . .. For Sheriff C. H. Hnlloy Dradford W. Dean S. H. Manners For County Treasurer William S. WInsor For County Surveyor-1- D. Cunnlff. 'Jr. For County Commissioner QhnrlesW. Zumwnlt 133 123 187 ICO 43 1GI 104 20 81 128 Is as . 49 . 12 . GS . 77 . 9G .100 MIIItARV XOTF.S. Library statement for tho monUi ending September 30: Chlldron's fiction Issued 2GT Children's non-flctlon 411 Adults' fiction 37 Adults' itnu-flctlon 123 Total S03 Kstlmated uttondnnco 990 Totol registration 347 Tho circulation shows an Increase of nenrly 20 per cent over lust month's. The proportion of fiction taken Is still very largo. It Is hoped that this will change. Vo Jiuoto from a library bulletin: "Novels nro sweets. Wo recommend with theso sonio moro solid rending, such 'ns history, biography, art or nature study, of which this library has a good supply." Tho librarian gnve a short talk on tho uso of tho library at tho high school Wednesday morning nnd hopes to mnko tho library of tho greatest possible uso to tho schools during tho year. s OXK HKX LAYS SUVKX KOSr,M).Y Claim of a Scnmtoii (Pa.) Man, Who Declares It Is True. SCRANTOX, Pa., Oct. I That ho owns a mongrel lion whoso dally out put Is seven eggs Is tho rather start ling statement of David Lewis of this placo. There can bo no doubt of tho fowl' wonderful- lnylng propensities, says LowU, because sho Is tho only hen ho owns. A Scandal Spoiled. "Of course tin and his wlfo seem de voted to each other uow," said the Jealous Miss Gausslp, "but do you think she will alwuys be so truo aud all tbatr "Well." replied Miss Kidder, "I have reason to know that only last night bo had occaslou to set a trap for her." "Ah! Do you know, 1 suspected something" "They more thau suspected. They kuew there were mice lupine house." I'hlhidelphhi Press. i CANNING SEASON HINTS, i How the Vegetables and Cans Should Be Prepared. , Ai..niia uMiiltni-v cleanliness nud , the best materials procurable nre tho . ,..,. i. iiu r,ir Hiii'Lcss lu canning. The vegetables should be ns fresh from the garden as pussiuie. j-j better picked In the early morning with tho dew still on them. As a gen erul rule, young vegetables nre stipe .., i.. n..r. .mil iiivture to the mure mature ones. Corn and beans should be cnuned as soon ns possible after gathering, ns sweetness and flavor uro absorbed by their pods and husks. II for nuy reason the canning oi spiiuicu ..ri.i.iis. strlm: beans, aspara gus or okru cannot be attended to at once, put In cold water or u cold, dump place until ready to attend to them. All root vegetables nnd greens must be thoroughly washed. Have the kitch en well swept "t clean before be ginning canning and the toweis ami u nt ti workers beyond suspl- clou. Cven If the cans to be used were clean when put uway sterilize mem afresh, together with all the other utensils used In the work. The best way to do this Is to put cans uiui cov ers, together with any other glass thai Is to bo used. Into u kettle of cold wa ter npd bring gradunlly to the boiling point. Then boll fifteen minutes. Leave the cans In this hot bath until ready to use. then lake out one at a Hum nnd fill. Do sure tops and cuns nre a perfect lit and that the can rub- bers nre new. IJIuck rutioer are more durable than the white. Glass Is the most satisfactory Jar to use lu cunning. Not only will u good glass can last Indellnllel.v with Intelli gent care, but tin Is more or less solu ble lu the acids or Juices of fruits and vegetables. While there are mnuy kinds ofiigliiss Jars, the one with it glass iof and spring clamp proves most satisfactory. In selecting a Jar give the preference to those- with the wide tuutitlirt. Di'H ni'ii tor For August, Haw to Avoid Sagging Skirts. Dven when properi.t ,ai.e a skirt of fnw lri's will suit In the wearing, be cause the cloth Is heavy or Is twisted lu rhe laundering. There nre-too many bins lines to them. To avoid this chouse whenever possible n pattern of uiiiiiv cores. The seams give-strength. and the lower edges nre not wide i enough or bias enough to do much If any drooping. , , How to Tie Dress Shields. , Instead of sewing or pinning shields In a waist, sew it thin ribbon at each ( end of the shield and sew similar pieces at ihe proper distance apart In the nrrnhulos of all waists. The shields are quickly tied In place, they are eas ily changed In wash waists, aud there , nre no plus to tun or prick. NICE CRISP GOODS l-IIK KIND THAT TU'KLKS YOUH, PAIUTK. Hl'Y YOl'It SIPPLlKS OF PASTHV AND IIUKAI) FltOM The COOS BAY BAKERY pnovr; i ii.i,. "THK roi'SK OF GOOD THINGS." HOT STUifr Hot Chocolate. Hot Hoot Tea. Hot Malted Clam. Hot Mnltcd MUk, Hot Ta .naics CChlcken) . ; . "" "o Cream 8odu' fN'o Josh) Wo nro also lining ouorM1 up to the highest point of perfectfon. Pure Ice Cream . -Golo LEWS nncu'SE, ' MMMSMt -s seiM mmiiwmmmAM IS "T " T a r- REMINGTON aid STEVENS PUMP GUNS OF COURSE WE CARRY THEM, IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING IN MIND BESIDES THE USUAL MODELS, WE CAN GET THEM FIR YOU, AND SPEAKING OF GUNS, WE WANT TO REMIND YOU THAT WE CARRY EVERYTHING FOR THE SPORTSMEN THE BEST ON THE MARKET AND THE KIND THAT WON'T FAIL IN THE HOUR OF NEED, BESIDES THE FIREARMS, WE CARRY A FINE SE LECTION OF DECOYS, U. M, C REMINGTON AND PETERS SHELLS AND METALLIC AMMUNITION, DROP IN AND LET US SHOW YOU, ti.Ifd&0 m ( ly&ybs iLL -vjt- m figgPVAKEj t 8 xx .)'" o XX o o 4 - XX Wood! Wood! n l l ) a: :t n Have you put in Your Winter Supply of? j Wood yet? Do not overlook this fine weather to get it under cover. $2.00 fear 12-inch -stove wood, and $1.50' 'for timber ends per dump load. jj xt 2-FOOT WOOD H it I it :: We have just arranged to accommodate fire-place g tx users with 2-foot wood, so place vour order fiarlv and nvrurf Ko mtcK j . . va M,V V.W,..., tx We are now equipped to make All Deliveries Promptly C. A. SMITH s I I limhpr & 1 nut ini it r'tiM C ( 1 H mWvt uiuuuiauiiuuig vu. j g Retail Yard 182 S. Broadway. Phone 190-J 8