THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1910 EVENING EDITION. pfiD, HUNT and Co. LjtnACIOKS AND BUILDERS. .til llndsof rcimlinnnd fchop work rroni"'J' attended to nml neatly dime. phono 16 IX. ! 1 r 1 ' w3 A Oil SUPPLIES Tht COOS Day rH "" oiUMJ 4 j- il,n mnnritrnmnnt ol jTSnagau will contlnub to hnn J, the Union Oil Company's gnso .,. .u.tlllatc, benzine nnd coal oi lr oil house ncroMtto Day U lL ni.ico they have unqved theli , ;flce. rnono 302 LADIES iit us clean, dyo or press Hint ! jrior garment nnd mnko It ns good new. experienced men do tlic ' icrk for us. wo guarumuu uur um !, be satisfactory. Consult ns nnd u will gin'")" tdl '" wlmt cnn b0 ... . .. It nli.n .is n j0Se ami tac cuai m u. - tiUl order. I'liono us nnd wo will .j for and deliver your suit promptly. Mens suits aiso cicniicu, pnuseii Hd repaired. Hates reasonnblo. MinlifleM Ck-niiliip mid Dyo Work, pione 2"0X. ISC So. Broadway. MAGUIHE'S TRANSFER. Hauling of every description. Stand it "Day Corner." Phono SOS. Office pbone, 201. Dealor In wood and coal. MBMOB . I NOTHING LIKE Self Satisfaction i B i rneofl d m$ SUITS Always Produce the DESIRED EFFECT FR.OM $12.00 to $25.00 TEeFIXUP M"H444-M"I"H"H"HH Imarshfield I school news:; ' v5HTJ4"JW4"Ht4.4HhMIH 1 . THE SCIIOOLMAHM. ! The teacher In the country school, expounding lessons, sum and rule, (nnd teaching children how to rlso to , heights where lasting honor lies, do 1 serves n fnt nnd handsome wage, for I she's a triumph of this age. No bet-' ter work than her's Is done beneath the good old shining sun; sho builds the future of the state, sho guides the youths who will bo great; sho gives the childish Bplrlt wings, nnd points the way to noble- things. And we, who do all things so well, and of our "Instttooshuns" yell, reward tho teacher with a roll thnt brings a shudder to her soul. Wo hnvo our coin done up In crates, nnd gladly hand It to the skates who fuss around In politics nnd fool ub with their time-worn tricks. In congress one cheap common Jny will loaf a week and draw moro pay than some tired teacher, tolling near, will ever see In half a year. If I was run North Front Street M SAVE MONEY ON YOUR READING For tho bencllt of subscribers who are taking or desire to tako othor publications, The Times has made u.rangements whereby It can Bupply other papers to Its patrons at considerably less than they can othcrv.lsu be obtained. This arrangement was perfected by what Is known as a club bing system. Tho only condition attached Is that subscriptions must ba puld strictly In advance for Tho Times and for the other pnper or papers desired. If you nro tnklng an outside paper and your subscription Is about to expire you can have It renewed at the reduced rato by paying for It nnd The Times In advance. If you are already paid a year In advance for Tho Times you cnn secure tho other publication through this office for consid erably less than It would otherwise cost you. It makes no difference whether you are a mall or carrier subscriber of Tho Times, or whether a subscriber to the Dally or Weekly Times, this offer Is good. Tho Times will be sent to you by either mail or carrier If you live In Marshflcld nnd tho other publication by mall. If you nro In arrears for" Tho Times, you cnn tako ndvantngo of this clubbing or money saving offer by paying-up your back subscription nnd paying a year In advance. The Times has endeavored to secure n list of what I. bolloves to bo tho most desirable, publications for It subscribers nnd prints It herowlth, but It you dcslro nny other publication, The Times will endeavor to get It for you at clubbing rates. If you can't cnll at Tho Times office, mall ub your ordor for publica tions desired and check or postofflce order for amount specified. As tho now postofflco regulations practically placo all mail subscrip tions on n cnsh-In-ndvnnce basis, this Club offer should bo taken advan tage of by at lenst all who tako their paper through tho mall. It will bo good for n few months only: With the Orogonlun. nlng this old land, I'd hnvo n lotl Tho Weekly Times nnd the Dnlly and Sunday Oregonlnn, ono year. .$8.00 MILS. .FAHRINGER, 4 Toucher of Piano. Home Studio, South Hroiuhvin. Phono 270-.T,' 4 ti-a-tt-H-a-H-a -a-a-a-a-an- a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a- a-a-a- n Pacific Monumental and Building Works i a i a i a n t a a i a i a a j-n-n-a-a-e-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-ra-arH-a-a-a-a-a-K-a-n-a-rt- II. II. WILSON. Proprlotor MARSHFIELD, ORE. All kinds of monumental work promptly nnd artistically exe cuted. Call at our works on Smith llrondwny. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior, United States Lund Ofufflco, Roscburg, Ore., August 30, 1010. A sulllclent eouteHt nlllduvlt having been filed in this office by Idu 11. Mitchell, contestant, ngainnt Homo stead Entry No. 14.G-IS mid 04,780, Serial No. 02,500 and 04,785, mado October 25. 1907, and March 20, 1900, for NH. SEU of Soc. 10, nnd NWU, SEU and Lot 0, Section 18, Township U S., Rungo 11 W., Wil lamotto Meridian, by Charles E. Uut-U-rflcld, ContCHtce, in which it js al leged that said Charles E. Duttorflold has for moro thn six months Imme diately preceding the filing of said contest, abaudonod. said tracts of lund, nnd has failed to rosldo upon, cultivate or occupy said land during all of trnld tlmo; that said ontryman has over failed and still falls to es tablish his rosldonca, upon said tracts of lund, or either of snme, said par ties aro hereby notified to appear, re spond and offer ovldonco touching The past has proven thnt investments in small ncro tracts near growing Ruld allegation nt 10 o'clock A. M. on titles aro tho most profitable. Tho C. IJ. K. S. bus such to offer. Chas. J. 'octobor 10th, 1910, before Charles II. BruKhke, Mnrshflold, Oro. iSelby, l. S. Commissioner, nt his of- s " !tlco in Mnrshflold, Oregon, nnd that f88-a-n-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-tt-a-B-a-a-a-na-a-a-a-a-a- a i m fi C06S BA s vj y r nOFGFNTFh N BY y.tmazBaof. mimi ppi-i.t rnnc DiV DFAITV SYNDICATE. DEALERS J&AGCNTS COAL . C01MIZATON. MM. rwm. rnuir. HIMMl w 773 LAKHS. .. i OrsaniziM or industrial COflPAtillS A ZPSCMTVsd TJIK WHEAT MAltKl-71'. CHICAGO, Sept. 29. Wheat September closed at 031&C, Denember ut OGMcand May tit $1.02. I'OltTIiANl), Sept. 211. Wheat un. 'hnnged. TACOMA, Sept. 29. vVhia? -Uluestem 89c, Club 82c, lied 80c. of statesmen canned; ;nnd congress men, and folks like those, would have to work for board and clothes; I'd put tho lid on scores of simps, and pour into tho teachers' laps tho wealth that now awny Is sinned, for words and wlgglejnws and wind. WALT MASON. ?Home Addition To Eastside NOW ON THE MARKET c i B I a i ? This ndditlon is situated immediately East of now Eastsldo Mill. I The lots aro 100x211 and larger, nbout eight ordinary lots; and f prices nro 1150.00 up for thes 'lnrgo tracts. J This plat was fllod Wodnesday last, nnd wo have only fifteen I lots remaining unsold.. This indicates that tho property is Intereat- ? I"S to purchasers, and anyone wishing to securo a lot should act $ Promptly. Terms one-half ensh, balnnco equal payments, 3, C, 9 and 12 months. For particulars, seo n Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. Henry Songstacken, Manager. h General Agents EASTSIDE . final hearing will bo hold nt 10 o'clock A. M on Octobor 2-ith, 1910, bofore tho Itoglstcr and Receiver nt the United SUites Land Ofllco In Hose burg, Oregim. Tho said contostnnt havlug, in n propor nllldavlt, filed August 29th, 1910, sot forth facts which show that aftor duo dlllgonco p'orsonnl sorvlco of this notice cannot bo mado, It is here by ordered and directed that suon notlco bo given by duo and proper publication. Record address of cntrymnn, Alle gany, Oregon, and 320 Logan Ave., Delvedero, Illinois, GEO. W. RIDDLE, Receiver. MAItSUI'IKLI) SCHOOL NEWS. Two hundred nnd sixty-one pupils of tho Central school vacated the building in 70 seconds at fire drill on Wednesday. Tho pupils uhowod ii very commendnble discipline both in leaving the building and In re turning to It. The special courou in plain, fancy, und invalid cookery offered by .Mini Kaufmanu, teacher of domestic sci ence, has been olected by the girls of the senior class. There aro -if) sixth and seventh grade girls In Miss Kaufmunu's grade sewing clusses. A practical talk on "Usu of thu Library" was glvon by MIhh Jameson to the studeuts of the High school Wednesday morning. General direc tions were given for getting fncts and accumulating material on nny topic. Some especially useful sources of in formation were mentioned specifical ly. Students wore urged to train themselves to rend during thn school year nt least bouio books that wore not of tho nature of fic tion, bbut rather books that woro In formational In chnractor. Miss Jam eson is planning to rench every room In tho building hoforo tho year pusses and It need hnrdly bo said that sho will ho a most wolcomo visitor. Superintendents nnd principals nt Coos county will meet nt Coqulllo Saturday to discuss mattors pertain ing to donates, nthlotlcs, oratorical contests; etc. Suporlntondont Tlod gon nnd Miss Montgomery, principal of tho High school, will nttond. Plans aro under way for organiz ing n high school orchestra nnd a chorus. Miss Oeorgo, Instructor In music, Is vory much Interested in both organizations. Comparison of tho presont enroll ment with thb consus list of Inst spring shows that there aro 102 pu pils In tho schools that were not In tho city n,t tho tlmo tho census wns taken. Tho Weekly Times nnd the Dally Or gonlan, ono year $C.G0 Tho Weekly Times nnd Semi-Weekly Oregonlnn, ono year ?2,2" Tho Dally Times and Dally and Siim'ny Oregonlan, ono yenr $11. CO Tho Dnlly Times nnd tho Dally Oreponlan, ono yenr $10.0n Thto Dnlly Times and tho Soml-Woelly Oregonlnn, ono yenr $G.7fi With Port land Journal. Tho Weekly Times nnd Dally nnd S ndny Journal, ono year $7.00 Tho Weekly Times nnd Dnlly Portlnnd Journal, ono year $5.50 Tho Weekly Times nnd Semi-Weekly Portland Journal, one year. . k2.2C Tho Dally Times and Dally and Sundry Portland Journal, ono year. .$10.50 Tho Dally Times nnd Dnlly Portlnnd Journal, ono year '. .. .$0.00 Tho Dally Times nnd Semi-Weekly Portlnnd Journal, ono year $5.70 With San I'ihiicIhco Chronicle. Tho Weekly Timed and tho San Frun lsco Weekly Chronicle, ono year.$2.C0 Tho Dally Times nnd tho San FrancUco Weekly Chronicle, ono yenr.. $0.00 With Han Francisco Call. Thu Weekly Times and the Daily and Sunday San Francloco Call, ono year $8.00 The Weekly Times and tho Week!) fan Francisco Cnll, ono year. . . .$2.25 The Dally Times nnd tho flatly and Sunday Ban Francisco Call, ono year $11.50 The Dally Times and tho Weekly San Francisco Cnll, ono year $5.75 With Han Fnuirtaco llullctlii. Tho Weekly Times and the Dally San Francisco llullotln, ono year.. $3.00 The Dally Times and the Dally San Francisco Rulletln, ono year. . . .$G.G Willi Now York Papers. Weekly Times nnd Thrlce-n-Weok World, one year $2.56 Dally TIiiiob and Thrlco-u-Week World, ono year $C.7fi Tho rogulnr prlco of Tho Weekly Times Is $1.50 per yonr tho Thrlcc-a-Weck World is $1.00 nnd Tbo Dallji Times, whim not paid In ad vnnco, $0.00. " With Mliinosota Papers. I Weekly Times nnd St. Paul Weekly Dispatch, ono )car I1T6 . Dally Times nnd St. Paul Weekly Dispatch, one year 9C.26 If either tho Dnlly or Dnlly and Sunday St. Paul Dispatch Is desired, Tho Times cnn order them for you. With Fruit Pniters. Tho Weekly Times nnd "Roller Fruit," ono yenr $2.00 Tho Dally Times nnd "ncttor Fruit,' ono year $C,C0 With Farm Papers. Tho Wcokly Tlnjes nnd Tho Pacific Homestead, ono year $2.15 Tho Dally Times nnd Tho Pacific Homestead, ono year $C.7E With Poultry Papers. Tho Weekly Times nnd Northwest Poultry Journal, ono year $1.90 Tho Dnlly Times and Northwo't Poultry Journal, ono yenr $5.40 With The American Weekly. Tho Weekly Times and Tho American Wookly of 8nu Francisco, ono yenr - $2.25 The Dally Times nnd Tho American Weekly of San Francisco, ono year $5.75 With Tho Toledo lllade. Tho Weokly Times nnd Tho Weekly Tolodo Dlado, ono yenr $2.00 Tho Dnlly Times nnd Tho Weokly To'edo Rlndo, ono year $5.50 REPUBLICANS !?" t,t....-'' ..-;- Take your SUNDAY DINNER at Tho CHANDLER. Special menu nnd ORCHESTRA. ItESERVE tables for PARTIES by PHONE. BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF RELIABLE BUSINESS HOUSES . TnETOIXOWIXISAUSTOFJEI.UI.M BOSIOTB BOOfflffl AM. "9 " MAIBHFIEID WHO HAXKIK GOODS THAT CAN BE OOAMOTEEn ATI PAIR SIEV imm ,., nv nnpKXllBD UrOS. IT WILL FA1 VOU TO PATRONIZE TIILM --- wt V4 ?. ..-.- Mother's Restaurant I' better prepared to servo you than ever befcre. Commercial Ave., bet, ,Front and llroadway, Marshflcld. Go To WILLEY & SCHR0EDER for Plumbina and Heatina Jni-shflftld. Ore., ri'nn 773 CET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES OFFICE. Letter Heads, Rill Heads, Enve- lones. Colling Cards, etc. Butter Wrappers ' Printed at The Times' Office STADDEN All kinds of photograph trork, bromide enlarging nnd kodak fin ishing. J. J.. KOONTZ Machine nnd Repair Shops GENERAL MACHINIST Steam and Gas Engine Work At HolIatd'B boat shop, Front street, Marshfleld, Ore, LEAGUE MEET ACTIVITIES AT STATE CONVEN TION ARE TRANSFERRED TO NEW YORK WHERE POLITI CIANS GATHER.. (By Associated Press.) I NEW YORK, Sept. 29. Republl. can activity shifted today to Now York City, where occurred tho, Re publican National League convention, of tho Nntlonnl Republican League Tho leading feature of today's ses sion was tho address by Col. Roose velt on "Young Voters." John Hays Hammond wns another speaker. Tho meejrtfes will conclude tomorrow. foro than 1500 delegates were present. President Hnmmond Is a speech eulogized President Taft and urged that a republican house bo elected this fall. EVANS WILL OPPOSE "DRYS" Wo will dovolop all films sold by us for ten cents per roll of six. Prints up to 4x55 cents each. A. M. PUKNTJSS s JU. Try Tho Times Want. Ads. Hero of Naval Battles Says Prohibition Would Ruin This State. The Portlnnd Oregonlan recently published tho following Interview with Rear Admiral Evans of tho United States navy: When Rear Admiral Evans was told that a voto wus soon to bo (alien In Oregon on the question of prohibition, ho throw up his hands and exclaimed: "What do they want to do? Ruin tho state?" Admiral Evans believes In temper ance in all things, but draws tho lino sharply at prohibition, His persounl oxperlenco In Maine, when ho was commander of tho North" Atlantic fleet, caused him to tako a firm stand against such radical restrictive laws, and resulted In his forbidding ships under his command to visit tho harbor of Portland, Mo. "Conditions woro so bad In Port land," said Admiral Evans, "that 1 rofused to allow any of our ships to visit that port. Whon tho men wont ashoro thoy woro met on tho dock by a lot of parasites who steered thorn Into somo low dives. Thinking that would bo tho only opportunity to got a drink thoy gorged themselves on vile, wood alcohol poison, which, made thorn so drunk that thoy could not even rocognlze tholrofficer3, Tho notions of tho police toward our jnon was so repugnant that it was not right to allow them to go nshore. It was tho worst spot I over saw In my life, "Wo never had anch troublo In a city where there wero open saloons. In cities where (hero aro opou saloons the men know what they woro drink ing and could drink temperately. la Maine it was the thought of tho last chance to got a drink when thoy woro shown ono of these, dives, and the vile, adulterated stuff that was sold them, that caused them to bocomo In toxicated and go beyond tho bounds of discipline. "Tho prohibitionists forced tho canteen out of tho army aud navy. I think it was tho worst law that was ovor passed. You say thoy ara going to voto to mnko Oregon dry? Do they want to ruin tho statoY While In tho city Admiral Evans commended tho Oregon Naval Re serve. Ho eald it was necessary to havo a trained resorvo forco in readi ness at till tlmcti to reinforce depleted crews and take churgo of warships. Ho said that whon a war vossoll puts into Astoria or runs up tho Columbia river to Portland nnd tho crows aro glvon loavea of absence, tho Naval Resorvo would havo an opportunity to tako tho vessol out to sea for training. Tho ndmlrnl also recom mended boat racing as good training for tho naval resorvo and said it is a valuable drill for handling small craft. Tako your SUNDAY DINNER at Tho CHANDLER. Special menu and ORCHESTRA, RESERVE tables for PARTIES by PHONE. Save money by patronlzlug Tho Times advertisers. ' A