THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1910-EVENING EDITION. MMIIU fliwrwwiw-iiiirim FrsuiB misiliLii.mi iupp . - -.- ... -wwsmrfttiBMs j - - - . .. . -Ail - t,Sy WilW i i i i. i i "" CONTRIBUTIONS concerning social happenings, Intended "for publication In the society depart ment of Tlio Times, must be sub mlttcd to tlic editor not later than G o'clock p. m. Friday of ench week. Exceptions will be allowed only In cases whero ovonts occur later than the tlrno mentioned.) A HUnniCANE OF PLENTY. FT13U nil the trouble the past time niacin us know Coines h hurricane uf plenty. Let It blow an' blow! A Let It blow nn' blow O'er tlio country high nn' lowl It'll a hurrlcuno of plenty. Lot It blow un' blow! ' On tho hills tlmt nro tlio hlKheat we'll bo tukln' of our stnntl In tho liurrlcano of plenty that Is lit. torln' the laml. Let It blow nn' blow O'or tho country high nn' lowl It'll n hurricane of plenty. bot it blow an' blow Frank L. Stanton. PARTING. rV7HY. love, don't wop! ' ' Our Joy was lonu Bwcct twenty years Of smllo and souk, 1 shall but wait Asleep, nnleep, For you to oonio. Why, love, don't wcopl YAJNIY, love, don't wccpl ' The end Is this: Thoru comes a bound To speech and kiss. For Joy llko ours Tho prlco Is olienp Biveut twenty yours! Why. lovo, don't weep! Norman (Jnla. so might the agony bo dny after tlnj prolonged ad growing nil tho tin more harrowing, to tho very end o. the week. "Such Is tho modern method t drenmlng on wedding cuke, as in; bisters have so. klndlly explained It to me. 1 bollevo 'there Is a reserva tion, If you don't like the way one week's dreaming comes out you enn dream nun In on another piece tat you gut nt the next wedding you hap pen to attend." One of the most elaborate enter tuluuicnts of the week was tho open ing meeting of tho season of tho FIvo Hundred Bridge club. The club was cntortalnod by Mrs. Ward M. Dlnko and nil of tlio members wero pres ent. Mrs. P. A. Warner, daughter of C. A. Smith, who Is In the cu. on n visit, was a guest of the club i this occuhIou. The house wits deco- vntod In pink sweet pens and rosos and the color schemo of pink was carried out. Luncheon wits served o. the card tablos and was followed b. tho bridge gume. The first prize w won by Mrs. John La fan and tho sec oud prize by Mrs. E. IC. Jobes. The Prosbylorlnn Christian En PERSONAL notices of visitors In tho city, or of Coos Bay people who visit In'othercltlcs, together with notices of inclul affairs, lire gladly received In the social de partment Telophono 13:11. No tices of club meetings will bo pub lished nnd secretaries are kindly , requested to furnish suno. Looks like "it's gona ff ram. YOU'LL GET SOAKED IP YOU DON'T GET XX "UMDEUSHOOT." If you get It of us you'll not got ns badly soaked as If you get it cIbo whorc. u' Men's CiiiIii'oIIIuho. i.. $l?n "l1 Ladies' Umbrella. "P Children's Uiiibitgliis; ."0 tip We have a brellas. tjljis! I . vda-Tnel: fewdia-tueiil family inn. will Join her pnrentB In that city. Tin entertainment was qtiito nn enjoyable affair. Tho house was decorated with .Tapaneso lantorns and during tlio evening refreshments wore served. Those present wero as follows: Misses Cnthorlne Mciulq, Ethel Reynolds, Marlon Hevoner, Ornco Murr, Naomi Smith, Prcda Hazor, Amy Reynolds, Ellon Anderson, Ilolon Monde, Esther Imhoff, Plorcnco Pctcrsou, Alice Carlson, Mis? Cllukonbunrd, Ethel Alger, Mrs. Ed. Langcnhcrg, Mrs. L. A. Wldnor, .Mrs. A. II. Imhoff, Mr.' Douglas Putnam, Mrs M. 0. Coleman ard Messrs. A. W. Myers, A. G. Cole man, A. B. Beaumont, Rnlph Coke, Douglas Putnam, Will Emery, Clyde Tompkins, Roy Fulton, Clnrcncv Covey, Arclilo Tnylor, Jeff Gray. "Buy Hero "fidS.ayoMoiy ' " COOS BAY' CASH STORE GEO. X. HOLT, - - Miiiiiikoi'. Front Street, Muidi(lold. HOME LAN Co. Seo us for Investment? on Coot Day. Wo guarintco owner's price to bo our price. Phono 74L. 04 Front Si. ninnti flrnnt Plriln Smith rilllmi-t doavor society of North Dund met ntlStansoss, w! P. Evnns, Will Wood and Marian II. Reynolds. u. Y SISTERS," snld Brother Jack, J'aro now busily dreaming on wedding cake. "Sonio time ago wo nil wdnt to n woddlng nnd of course each of in got a nlco Iltllu box of wedding enlu, und every night since then sister havo boon putting theso boxes und their pillows nights and dreaming on them to bco who they nio going to marry. tho home of Mrs. William Murr Men day evening. Tho evening was spent In a business and social way, and it pleasant ovonlng was passed by pronont. .Those present: Miss Ornco Murr, Mlssi, Marlon Hovener, Miss Josephine Griffin, Miss Nnomn Smith,' Miss Esther Imhoff, Miss sElleu An derson, Mian Hilda Lludstrom, Mls3 Helen Monde and Miss Edith Allgof, Miss Grace Pulton, Miss Cntherlno Monde, Miss Alice Carlton, Miss M Sweurlngan, Miss Amy Reynolds, Messsrs. Win. Murr, Clarence Murr, Marlon Reynolds, CJnrenco Covey, Duncan Hendry, Ralph Coke, Clydo Smith, Oscar Carlson, Jay Grey. h Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Myers gnvo.n (Continued on Pngo S.) "Thoro Is mi old saying, you know. thnt mnrrlugo Is it lottery, nnd froii.-slx course dlnnor to their employes wnni my HiBterrs toll mo about tlio Thursday evening nt tholr homo modern way of dreaming on wed- Sherman avenue. Mr. nnd Mrs. ding cako I should wiy that marrlago ' Myers gave a talk on conducting u is now it greater lottery than ever. successful business. EnrI Michael It seeniH that the custom once was and sevornl others responded. Thr to put tho cako under your pillow ' present wero: Mrs. Tumor, Mrs. Bar threo nights In succession, and thon'rott Mr. and Mrs. V. T. Smith, Miss NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS." Subscribers to The Times nro requested to notify the offlco In cnie of non-dollvory. This Is tho only menus The Times has of golnlng knowledge of Irregulnr lty In the delivery of tho paper anil word of It will bo welcomed, ospeclally during tho next few weeks, during which the deliv ery routes nro being checked up. Tolephono The Times, No. 13.1, If you havo nny complaint. Winter is Coming FORT ST. JAMES, ON LAKE STL. ART, BRITISH COLUMBIA. This Is destined to be tho Portland s of British Columbia, on a navigable rlvor and deep water lake, with two trains running In next fall. Letters pour into our olllco nil da with applications for lots. To those who cannot come In wo would do our utmost to make n good selection. Price, $100 mid $200 each. Cash $25, balance $10 a month. A few 10-acro farms, Joining Port St. James towuslto and Lake Stuart, $50 cash and $10 a month. ' You need not bo a Canadian citizen to hold this. You need net Improve It, nor you need not resldo on It. Alt this land Is on or near tho railroads Grand Trunk Pacific, Alaska Yukon, and Cnnadinn Northern .nllronds. Rich farm lands, $S.C0 per acre, $3 ensh and balance $1 per acre per year until paid. Apply Canadian Northern Land Company, 30 i, 305 nnd 30G Lowli Building, Portlnnd, Oregon. k : 1 E Miss Everything Else, but don't! miss seeing HAINES for Flour and Feed. Men's SHOES THi: PAST AND COMMODIOUS teamer Monde (EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS) WILL MAKE REGULAR TRIPS CARRYING PASSEXfUIItS AND PHEIGHT HETWEI N COOS BAY AND SAN PRANTIS CO. ALL RKSERVATIOAS POR PASSENGERS MAHK AT ALLIANCE DOCK, MARSHPIELD AND LVTER-OCILW TRANSP. CO. PIPE BLIXi., SAN PRANCISCO. POR INFOIC .MATION PHONE I I-.J 2.1. SX1I.S PROM SAN PRVNVISCO, POR COOS BAY, OCT..!. IVTER-ncEAN TRANSPORTATION' CO. iwh a wfi'i imiii i ' Majunxs&ztat CTKA afflEI JlLAIVELn REAKWA1H ICIttrlng. The afternoon whb spont In sowing nnd lu a soclnl way, after which light refreshments were sorved. Those present wero: Mrs. Georso Wlttle, Mrs. Robert McCnnn, Mrs. Richard Coke, Mri. A. W. Myers, Mrs. A. Holmes, Mrs. Monde, Mrs. W. II. Rlchard3, Mrs. Wllllnm Murr, Mrs. Wagner, Mrs. E. J. Klttrlng. Tho members of tho MIzpah Bible class gavo a farowell party Prldny night at tho homo of M, G. Colemnu In honor of four of the members, who nro leaving the city. Those who nrf going away and for whom tho enter tainment was glvon are Miss Anna Watson, Miss May Peterson, Duncan Hendry and W. P. Evans. The ' tor Mil Join his wife In Portlnnd. Mr. Hendry expects to go to Seattle, Miss Peterson will attend business college in Portland and Miss Watson tho man you dreamod of two out of tho three nlghtH was to ho your fu ture husband. Thai was the old, the Biniplo way, heforo things had takou on their modern present day oluuo rate complications. In these days dreaming on wedding cake appeart to ho canltnl on like this: "You (alto seven little slips of paper and on each of lx of thet you write thrf name of a suitor, lea Ing the seventh blank. So here you havo bIx ullps with uamos on and one blank slip, and now without looking ut them you mix these slips all up to gether so that you won't know which Is which, ami then you put nil seven Mllps togother lu an envelope, "By this modern method if dream ing on wedding enke, with the en volopo system, yuu dream on the cako seven nlghU lu Hiicottssloii, nnd In the morning of each following day you draw a slip from the en velope, and the last slip left lu tho envelope after the seventh night, d roam n g indicates your fate; if lt'i got u name on, why, that's tho man you are going to marry; it It's th blank slip, why, thou you are go ing to be an old maid, "You seo that by this method thoro is Introduced a vastly greater amount of doubt and uncertainty, J (jQQfJ qj QlIT PiitrOflS aim ino puriuu in u.iciiuimuu, bus natiBfl nnd Interest is very greatly prolonged; but while tho old ami slut plo wny was certainly tamor, the modern way, though far more excit ing and Interesting, may not bo with tint Ita disappointment lu the end. Just seo how It may work out: "Among tho tnon whoso nunios yo put on the six written slips thi Is pretty sure to be one whom you pnrer to all the rest; hut his may bo tho first tinmo you draw out of tho envelope aftor the tlrst night's dreaming, thus, alas! putting him out of tho question. On tho other i hand It might bo that tho first si' you draw out would bo the blank, tho old maid slip, and In this vti would find perhaps reason tor oiati n and solf-congrntulatlon. "Again, tho first slip drawn might bo nolthor tho blank nor tho slip hearing tho namo of him you pre ferred, but a slip witn tho namo ot TWO tlTORKS a man for whom you cared less; aim 230 Prout St HO Central Are ON, WHEN YOU WILL NEED MORE LIGHT. OUR PIXTURES ARE OO INO PAST ATI PROM TEN TO Catherine .Monde, Oscar Carlton, TWENTY PER CENT LOWER THAN Mnrlon Reynolds, Earl Michael and MANUPACTURI.VO PRICES. THIS Duncan Hendry. IS A SNAP POR SOMEONE THAT HAS THE MONEY. Tho Lados" Aid of the North Bond i Proshytorlnn church mot Woduo' i nftomoon nt tho homo of Mrs. E. J. Coos Bay Wiring Co. EXPERT ELECTRICIANS. Respectfully ask your patronage. PHONE 237-J. We havo Just received tho first shipment ot our fall and winter shoes. Thoy nro tho best wo havo been nble to secure in years and If you are looking for something good, bo sure and drop In and look them over. They come In various shapes n styles nnd wo can suit nlmost any tnsto. They aro In blncks and tans. Our best shoes sell for $4.00 nnd $5.00. Sails f i oin AliiMwirtli Duck, I'nrtlmul, at H P. M ovory Tucsdiy. Sails from Coos Buy ou'i-y Salimliiy ut service of linn. Reservation! will n Jt ho held Inter than Prldny noon, iiiiK'm. tle.u'ts are pnrcli.wd. W. F. Miller, Agti. ' Thcr.c Main 35-L ra!5?.s? wsLQc?5?.??saCT'5?5?:HSHfssw?'r,P'; pnsutfi . WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. THE BAZAR House of Quality Phone 32 The Best Is None too When wo started tho confectionery business, we did so with the determi nation ot supplying only the best und wo havo adhered to It over since, as any of our customors can tell you! Others tlnd more profit In the cheap er stuff, hut we started In to estab lish a lusting business and to do It on the "square doal" policy to give ev ery one their money's worth in quan tity as well as quality. Whothor you buy live cents' worth or a dollnrs worth, you can resta s- sured that you are gettlns quality and purity as well as quantity whon you buy at Announcement To The Public: We have secured tho exclusive agoncy on Coos Bay for tho Ladles Homo Journal and The Satur day Evening Post. All agonts or dealers will henceforth secure theso publications from us. Under our now arrangoment, we will bo able to afford the readers of these publications the host service they havo ever enjoyed. If you are a regular reador of either or both of them. It will pay you to let us send In your yearly subscription. Tho Saturday Evening Post Is $1.50 per year and the now twlce-a-month edi tion ot mo wuiios Homo Journal is $1.50 nnnum. per (rondA Or we will deliver them to your residence for five cents per copy. THE NORTON & HANSEN Stationery Company OLDEST AND LARGEST STATIONERY COM PANY IN COOS COUNTY. FRONT STREET. MARSHPIELD, OREGQN. BARGAIN In Small Farm Tract DESCJtllTION. 7 ACRES, :t MILES PRO.M MARSHPIELD. ABOl T ONIMIALF BOTTOM LAND. GOOD, NEW l-ROOM HOUSE. GOOD WATER. BENCH LAND. LEVEL. SPLENDID GARDEN AND PltUIT LAND. IDEAL CHICKEN FARM. OX COUNTY ROAD. Price, Only $1800 THESE SMALL TR CTS ARE VERY SCAHOE AND H.AI1DT0 GET. WE RECOMMEND THIS ONE AS A FIHST-CLAS!, IN VESTMENT. I. S. KAUFMAN CO. HIGH GRADE WOOD WORK of every description at . THE SHOP OF QUALITY E. B. GE1IRKI 710-720 SOUTH BROAUW.U. I When You go hunting you want arms and ammunition that won't fall at the critical moment. Poor arms and ammunition not oniv i wie pleasure but sometimes en danger the hunter. Our arms nnd ammunition, and, In ...w, ,c,,uunS we sen can always bo depended upon. The Gunnery "SPORTSMEN'S HEADQUARTERS." Read TheTlmes Want Ad s. NEW LIVERY Fancy new rigs, good horses " careful drivers are now at tbe dis posal of the Coos Bay public at REASONABLE RVTIS. Rigs or rigs with drivers rwdr' nny trip anywhere any time- Ilor boarded and rigs cared for. New hearse and special accomo dattons provided for funeral P"" w. I.. CONDRON'S Livery & Feed Stables South Broadway, Mm iifld-1' A Want Ad Will sell it for you i .rAispr .-.