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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1910)
wnm "-"''" ,rnwW iTTjfpr" npiPMHIffPP in.) J 'IVy'U " -w ijuIWIIII1 fl ' J I " ADS. NEWS ,V,EX nt'SlSKSS IS SLOW, Al JJnTlSK. THAT IT PAYS IS EVI- OUT IT WHILE IT IS NEW HI HEADING THE COOS MAY TIMES. ALL TI1I3 NEWS ALi T1113 TIMK TERSELY 1 0LD t: :: :: t tt S itol'SHS EVERYWHERE :t MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS Established In JH7H as Tho Coast Mail. MArtSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1910 EVENING EDITION. CIPHT PAPFQ A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mall fclun I rrtUCO. (1 Co()9 ,laj. Advertiser. NO. 66, VOUX1"' PPPPl tms - 5 AKBELES TIES PLANT WRECKED ID TWENTY KILLED plosion and Fire Causes me Complete Destruction oi Handsome Building. LOSS WILL REACH HALF A MILLION Management of Paper Lays Blame of Disaster on Labor Union. (By Associated Press.) L03 ANGELES, Cul., Oct. The building nud )lnnt or tho 1. Los AbkIcs Times, ono of tbo best known . il.H nnitMiumal i( tcMpapors m i t..v nn.rni Harrison dray Otis lUIWU uv..w... a editor nnd principal owner, was i iViiur, hub i I completely destroyed by an , rmlu .Momlay ln rotOHt B(llnBt tho ind lira shortly after 1 o'clock to- ,...,.' ' . ,od,r resulting In tho death of up- antl-pickctlng ordinances nnl other iitdt of 20 employes. Tho flnan- Illegal null-union labor comlltlmiH ox tlil low Is nearly ho,' a million dol- jstlng in'lho city- it wns .agreed that Urs. Tho management of tho paper guch nn nBHOn,nuiBo In tho midst ot !,r, the blamo of tho explosion w Wor unions with which organizations the paper has long been ngagcu in bitter warfare. It li charged that unknown parties let oil a heavy charge of dynamite In a blind alley which ran into t!- tenter of the building, completely tnterof the, con ci recking tho interior and so ting It . Mpa frnm mnt in hnHcinenl. Tho . A9 llro from roof to basement. Tho force of tho explosion wns terrific. It was heard for miles nnd nil wln- It was heard for miles ami an win- clmn,,lor llllcrnrctB thlfl BCCond nt doi In tho vicinity of tho Times , p fnrther proof of a mntm hlldlDB at First nnd nroadway -were ...,. offor. mn,n lMt -,..0 oc thatlered. Ilctween r0 and 715 om plojsfjsvro In tho balldlng ht tho time of tho exphmlon nnd until tho tholo list of miployo8 of tho paper tan bo checked over It will .not be Isowb how many IWes are lost. T1 rwponslblo hcadH of tho paper, 1n e'Ddlng Anslstant General .Mnnngcr Harry Chandler, nnrrowly escaped feith, many of thorn having loft tli" bnlldlng a nhort tlmo boforo tho ex ploilon. Tho flro spread throughout the building with amazing rnpldlty, and la tho courso of but Iow b ' cndi tho flames burned evory win dow nnd door In tho building, shoot las high above tho roof. The building wns equipped with r fittings nnd tho forco of tho ox- ' plosion tearing these pipes Into bits released tho gas, which was Instnntly lagnlted In 'every part of the build-! Ing, No other cnuso but dynamito is j advanced by tho witnesses oxcopt in ' the case of Western Union Telegraph ' An Aba t lt'lltl. . 1 . u. ...1. a ntntnil I ufviaiur iiiiiuii ririuiu, wnu ouii that bo llptected tho odor of gns -Ibroughont the building earlier In tho tight ami hnd called -attention to it. A few mlnncs after tin explosion tho Police arrested n mnn-nnmod Harry Zlil" T TMVSt i Zr'doad "ml m,88,"S C01U ,,r,"C,1'7?' lSh,,fC.nr0",1Wfty ;tU,nn,M0"! Jrom th0 ouuOBlton room which nke, who was mnklit his way Hocks distant. Ho waslocked up on wpiclon. nnther man named WU- nam Irwin wnb arrested Inter and taVen to tho station. The iiollco nro 'unout clues, howover, aUt tho sup- .-u iwiKtnioM.. niinni Vienenii .Mnnncer unnnu- lr narrowl escnpfeil with hH. life. ' His ffi "fc"'1 " " " but tho entire force or tuo leiognum and Lu , onyBrun? """'editor and telegraph operators wero Sfii ;i7,ah,Utfi S i lt work with tho exception of ono "Plosion. e Is accustomed to ro-. . ft ih bulI(Ung. mng in fho.offico until later In , 'uorning Viiit Inst night his wtro tame for him wid ho went home eur Ikr than usual. His secretary, l. Wwtjr Reaves, remained 1n tho office "3 Is among th missing. Speaking of the explosion, Mr. Chandler Mid: "Vou may say for e that aero Is no doubt that this terrible onttngo can be laid nt tho doors of the htbor unions. They havo Proved the building of this plant ad have killed a number of our men e do not know how many but ey cannot kill tho Times. "There is no doubt but that tho Plosion was caused by a charge of namite. n0 other ngency could ave caused it. There was no oil In "le building; we. had no boilers to "Plode; there was no gasoline in the face, ("trout!.,,. ..,ii n. irn . -- "ti' u Diuaii tan ui w..w .n he imposing room. It is true tho "I'uaillt, IUU1U, 11 IB H UO l" lu"dlns was equipped with gas, but Plotlon of gas could have caused It. "It was evidently aimed to destroy e Plant nnd kill as many as possl- 6 of the employes. For years we hve been receiving threatening let- I Urs from people who said that tbo E IS CALLED OFF City Officials Decide It ,1s Not Advisable to Hold Dem onstration. (By Associated Press.) LOS ANGELES, Oct JL Mayor Alexander, the city council; chief of 1 ttrlli ntt.1 iiMiiIh principal officers J1ct t0) wUh rc,)rcM,utnUvc8 ot lll0 labor unions and It was resolved to rail nfr Inn iirnnoMiwl Inlmr iinlnn nn. l)o nt cxcJtcmont wn8 unwIl0 . AXOTHER ATTEMPT. Assistant Mnungcr Chandler lo au thority for tho fitatcintnt that -a iHiul lar nttemnt wis mado 10 .blow up -tho ux Qm dlcr,j mcn mw two mcn . . ........ Inj; to climb totho row una nreti two shots nt them. Tlie men fled. stroy both tho Times' nuiln nnd branch offices. NEW WOULD IlKCOIUI. MOUHMELON, Franco, Oct. 1. Wyumalen, tho nrlntor. es- tnbllshed n now world's record for nUltudo of 9121 feet. Tho previous best mark wns 8409 the late Ccorso - Employes Of the Composing Room Suffered More Than Other Departments. (By Associated Press.) LOS iVNGELES. Oct. 1. The wng ,rectUy nbovo tho spot whero (ho oxpi0slon ococurred. A number i.0j 1)rin(or8 ftno- iinotypo operators missing. It Is bolloved thoy nro bur,C(1 ,n tll0 Btm burning ruins and l0brl8, All but thrco or four of tho editorial staff hnd gono homo, , ...v, - - - tnndo tno!r LABOR PARAD ARE MISSING way to tho windows wherever pos-'has Blblo and somo jumped ie itho roofs nt ndlolninir buildings. Mn Jumped to tho street, but sotno who hnd climbed into tho, windows xeu back into tho flames. nuimr to the wrecked condition of tho building many, it h bollwd, were unable to reach the viudnwj- or other exit? , Tho pressmen In tho basement an escaped. It Is estimated that 115 men wero ln tho building at the time of the explosion. The Times omploved two night watchmen but they saw no ono enter tho building to nrouso their suspicions. Ono of tnu watchmen. V. B. Glazier, was not found and Is believed to have perished. . paper ought to be blown up. I have not received any such-letters lately. ,L t. t vw hnd Reveral telephone calls within the pastfow weeKs threatening destruction. " . Save money by patronizing The Times advertisers. IfflNAL "111 DISCOVERED HAD REEX IIACED UXDER RESI JHiNCii Oi-1 .MERCHANTS AND MANUFACTURERS TION ECItiCA1lY. ASSOCIA- (Dy Associated Press.) L03 ANGEUEB, Cal., Oct. 1. Ad ditional excitement waB croalud iky tho discovery' of nn 'Infernal machine under tho residence of :Secrofcnry I. .3. 2cehanQelanr of the Merchnnts.-and Manufactured!' Afwoulntlon, WJio litis TOM OASTLE Word Received That Death Followed Operation for Appendicitis. Word hns boon .received horo thnt Tom Cnstlc, formerly of Marshfleld, ... i. auiU xccenii) .in j'orunuu. umm .. .. .. . v. .. 1 , 1 Agors nt Coqu lo received tho news .,...,.,. ' ,.ii. Agors at Coquille received tho news UUlt JIIB I II HIIO UIIU IU ii.j.i..... cltlh. llo was .operated .on 'but the .. .. i.-.i i.nn m,..nnn,l t- t' uirvMUiuu unit uvvu j.vm!...'... long and death followed. CastU 10 lived hero for several years. Ho wi especially known as nn aniomou ... .r . 1. 1 DEO RECENTLY SAILS TODAY man. For a long tlmo ho opornted ' a mnclilno In this city and font tlmoott, John Lockhard, Mrs, J. Lock hafl the only mnclilno for hire 'In tho hard, Helen A. Clnrko, C. 0. Nolson, cly. Ho leaves a wlfo nnd nlBO n.C. G. Smith, Margaret Wobster, Bon fathor, -and step-mother residing n ton Turner, Mrs. J. D. Estudollo, F. Pendleton nnd n brothor. Cnstloivas H. tttller, Jirs. F. R. Miller, J. U. about 2C years old. . Goss, C. H. Jackson, TJ. A. Ely, C. E. Rlgglms, ChnrleB SlmjiHon, ,A. C. Ab- nm.-vt.TT A-VKinnts. bott. Mrs. A. C. Abbott, F. J. Hnnor, fltcpllcN to Comments of Port Cn- mission irfirfycr. noiuroon, j-.. o. oiiiidv.-, ,. . .,.-., J. "W. nennett, When shown tfo -,5bort Tucker, Albert Georgo, Itoy comments of tho port nttornoy on tho O'Hair, S. Jumper, Annn Cole, Vf. V. ITnlo case, said: Fournlcr, lillllnn Roan, J. V. Mul- Drothcr Peck was Inspired by the il0y, P. F. McCrenUy, IlldmrC Do Amstordnm Dutch, without tho Am- noor, J. S. Colo, G. A. Taylor F. ster, of tho Port Commission, who nl- untrd, Mrs. A. A. llnlrd, V. r ways took mo for tho Almighty since Toney, Mrs. Toney, Gencvn Tonoy, E. I took n "pot sliot" nt htm when wo A -Vllls, q.l, Holden, 11 a Wright, lived together In Empire "When thoy gt vnn Dovoe, Karl nrc.vnrd. Jnko wuA tho Halo enso was commenced IW thought of tho old Irish woman ... i.M ...nMn.rtit 4tnln i1,n nlin iii uiu cuuiiiutMivi. ." " - ii,i l. Illtlr. linv in " BO ns llflll llVi lllliw "' " .,.-.. to look smnll nnd travel free. A pns eenger told hor tho only way sho could get him through frco was to hide him under tho soaji and cover him with her pettlconts, nnd sho an swered: "O, sir, I have threo moro under tho seat, and thoy nro nil big ger than him.' "Anl that Is thoh wny tho nttornoy nnd his inspiration of tho Port Com mission feel about tho U. S. court In Junction which Is of tho snmo chnrac- ter ns tho ono Issued by Judge John F. Hall In tho stnto court case. But ! . .,.. a nolf Inm If Hiav jnnultm1 - ''. w1lon ' llftniled tho dlstrlc nnd mortgnged our homes of f theylm(1 nny p8, t'i expend It after they got It. Did thi'V ever take tho dear people Int.-' their confidences until after BemuM's nmendmont but tho fear of God In their appetites?" MEETS IX OCTOBER. Hwml of Equalisation AVfll Consider tho Awsessinent. Tho county board of equalization published a notice that there will bo a meeting at the office of tho county clerk at Coqulllo, October 17. The board will examine the assess ment roll and correct all errors In vauatlons and descriptions. Tho board will also hear any complnii of taxpayers who think that they a'- unJustlyl assessed. Any petitions or applications to tho board muBt bo mnde In writing and sworn to umier oath by the applicant or his attor ney and must bo filed with the board during tho first week of ItB session. Otherwise tho petitions will not b considered. Tho board of equalization is com posed of tho county Judge, tho county commissioners, the assessor and tho county clerk. Reliable photo' supplies, kodak fin ishing and enlarging at Walker Studio Reliable photo supplies, kodak fin ishlng and enlarging at Walker Studio, been active ln conjunction -with tho Lob Angeles Tdmos ln opposing tho labor unions. Tho machine was dis covered by Special Officer llcndrcck son who, under Instructions Irom tho which Is of .a clock-work pattern, In an Isolated place No arrests havo been mndo. A deadly 'charged bomb Is tho character of tho machine as established .by tho pollco .and .detec tives. It consisted of fifteen sticks of aiynnmlto attached to a luso with (ilock-wuck attachment. leaves This Morning for Port- land With Passengers ,and. .Freight. Xho Uronkwntor sailed this morn- ,j,,K nt, n o'clock for Portland with nnssengurs and freight. Tho .follow ,.,.. , ing is tho list oXj?issengcrB, who loft', tho ivenol: 1 1.. W. I'rogtlnr. Mm. A. Crawford, m --,----.., ... --. .-..- -w- Then, fli J! , , .., , aii- Tlieo. Crawford, GanavInoJlacd, Alleo Jlccd, Louis Chalnett, Mrs. J.oul nhnlnnl, ..... nhnlnfil, ..,. Chol. Miss I Hayes, Mrs. J. A. llnyes, Itoy Mlkollch, II. nisbee, E. W'lglno, Wm. nontl,t x Pt Carlson, A. Hill, ... . i fn. VaAa TT ivnw ii., . ......., - , NOT PUT OUT 'BREAKWATER ! OF BUSINESS. PrintPrI nn Auxiliary The Times rTinieU On Auxiliary Plant in Spite of 1 Accident. (By Associated Press.) LOS ANGELES, Oct. years ago In anticipation 1 tw0 ' . , oi just such a thing ns occurred thlB morn- ing tho Times established nn auxll - such a thing as occurred thlB morn lary plant equipped with linotype ,nnd presses. The Times was Issued today from tho plant of tho Morn ing Herald and tho Times auxiliary plant General Otis wab absent from tho city whon the newspaper offlco was destroyed this morning. He, is on his way back to Los An geles from tho City of Mexico, where he went somo weeks ago as a representative of tho United 8tatcs govornment by appointment of Pres ident Taft to the celebration of tho Mexican Centennial. Goneral Otis Is duo to arrive In Los Angeles late this afternoon. Tho building in which tho Times was housed 1b stone and brick. Part is four stories high nnd of stone and was built in 1887 Six stories of brick was added later TRAIX IS WRECKED. Accident In 'cw York But No One Injured. (By Associated Press.) CORNING, N. Y Oct. 1. A spe cial train from Rochester to New York was wrecked near Coopors, six miles west ot Corning. Tho train ran off tho track and six of tho eight cars turned over. It Is said no ono was Injured. Havo your Job printing done at Tho Times office, TWO VESSELS RUN AGROUND; BELIEVED NO START WORK y. 1 C. A. State Official Here and Com mittee Is Appointed To Take Charge. Thnt tho Young Men's Chrlstlnn Association, which wns agitated somo tlmo ago ln Marshfleld Is now nssured Is tho belief of mnny lending busl ness"men ot this city. Ono promi nent business man has offered a splendid building slto frco for a Y. M. C. A. building. Last evening n meeting wbb hold In tho Marshfleld Chnmbor of Commorco rooms nnd tho Wholo subject was gono over. Assist ant Stnto Secretary P. E. A. Smith of Portland wns present nnd outlined '''"'" ' plans which wcrondoptcd. . - .... III An cducatonnl campaign will at "nco oo Binnuii. iiiu i.ini,.ih lUnilB will oo sinrieu liner. wi iiv.n nt nM wofk wJ bo concontrutct, t0 funds will bo started Inter. At pros- wnrd tho information ot tho public concornlng tho work of tho Y. M. C. A. In tho world. Tho fathers nnd mothers of Marshfiold nro being urged to becomo intorcstcd in this work. LnBt evening n permanent commlt teo of fifteen, composed of lending business nnd professional men. was appointed nnd will havo full chnrgo of tho cntlro ontorprlHO. Thoy will di rect both tho educational and tho flnnnclnl campaigns Tho eninpnlgn for funds will hgln April 10 nnd ox- tend tin Apr!' 20, ten days. During thlr rn'nmiiRn tho committee of flf- ,. H.lll l.nv.A M I1.A.M 1... Utvi4h , l !" W I,, IIUVU III IIPniDb tlltTIII IIIV i 1'iorkors who, with tholr export knowledge, will nssuro success. Tomorrow night Mr. Smith will glvo nn IlliiBtrnted lecturo nt tho tnb- crnnclo. It Is expected that tho churchoBwlll-alleloso their services Inn.i other nttrnctloh.wlll bo asked i . ... -J1 ... to do tho snmo so tnnt air. Htniuicnn I.. . . .r7f .i ll UII IIIU BillllU Dll llink .'II. uiiih-hiiii jliavo an largo a hearing ns po'sslblo. I Ho will show nt least 100 Pictures II- jlustratlng tho work of tho Y. M, C. A. j throughout tho world. Tho lecturo will bo frco. An offering will bo tnk- en to dofrny locnl oxpenscs. MYRTLE POINT NOTES. h tif Thnt Locality Printed In the Enterprise. Mr, nnd Mrs; Goorgo Stownrt hnvo ! returned from nn extended visit nt ' iQmQ Qf thcIp Bon ftt anr(llner I A. J. Hndnbnugh of Norway hns J boon appointed rond vlowor In place j of John Yoakum, who resigned that position. ! A TO Tn.lrr. tin. liAAn nt fnmtl11n " " " " "" - " - ! Bovornl days assisting In tho official . gonfl n(jrt n)i(I 'GeorB0. o. R. Endicott, Louis Folsom , nnd AJvn rIorco ,oft on tho ,af)t F,. field for San Francisco and other noints in California Born To Mr. nnd Mrs. Ogdon En- dlcott, Sept. 24, a son. C. L. Bender returnel Inst Satur day from Marshfleld, whero he has had phargd of tho Tower Jowolry storo during tno nusenco oi mo pro prietor. At tho homo of Rev. and Mrs. Tay lor about fifty Endeavorers nnd frlendB met to bid Arthur and Fred JoneB good byo, thoy leaving for Al bany college last Friday morning, Owing to tho non-arrival of their largo shipment of Gago hnta, tho flVhlto Houso millinery opening Is do layed until September 28th nt Co qulllo, and at Myrtlo Point until Oc tober lBt. Miss Mabel Adams has secured the position of teacher at tho Rlverton school for tho school year that began Monday. Mrs. Adams drovo down to Coqulfjo with her Sunday on her way to her school. George Mullen Is laid up with n broken log. Ho wns riding on the reach of his wagon Saturday with his foot hanging down, whon his right foot was caught between tho brake beam and a stump, snapping one ot tho bones. Ho was brought to town by his young son in a wagon and tho fracture was reduced. Ho has been getting along nicely slnco. FOR LIVES AREILOST Steamer Kulshan From Seattle to Bellingham With Pas sengers Total Loss. PASSENGERS ARE PROBABLY UNINJURED Steamer Princess Beatrice of Canadian Pacific Line Has Gone Ashore. (Dy Associated Press.) SEATTLE, Wiuh., Oct. 1. Tho now steel Kulsnhn, owned by tho Sound Nnvlgntlon Company, wont .aground this morning nt Deception Tho KulBhnn wnB built at Scattlo last summer for tho Uolllnghnm run. She Is about 125 feet long nnd Is val ued at 1150,000. Tho placo of tho mishap Is far trom tolographlo com munication nnd tho vessel Is not equipped wltl wireless. It Is bcllovdd nono of tho pnssengorB woro Injurod. Tho Kulshnn wns bound from Scattlo to Ilelllnghnm with pnasongors. AXOTIIEU VEHHEL ASHOHE. (By Associated Press.) VANCOUVEH, II. C, Oct. 1. Tho Canadian Pacific steamer Princess ncntrlco went nshoro tills morning In n fog nt Vancouver Narrows-. It Is not believed she Is In a dnnsorous posi tion. COASniBlDT BALL SCORES ! Portland Wins and Gets Hai ther Ahead of Oakland Than Day Before. 4 HOW THEY-STAND. Won. Lost. P. C. Portland .... 95 Oakland ....101 San Francisco. 9;l ornon 90 72 ' 83 87 90 95 108 .670 .549 .519 .500 .480 .384 Lob AngolcB. . 88 Sacramento . . C8 tity Associated' rross.) ' PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 1. Port land Is ho'dlng her position In first plnco, defeating Oakland yesterday and putting Oakland farther bohlnd ln tho standing. Tho scores ot yes- torloy's games follow: At Portland B. Portland 2 Onklnnd 1 At San Francisco- R. San Francisco 0 Sacramento ; .... 4 At Lob Angeles R. Los Angeles , 0 Vernon , 1 SHIPMENT OF LEATHER. O. O. Lund has Just received a big shipment of leather from the east. It Is a special oak tan from tho best hides obtainable Ho has had a standing order for nenrly two years for somo of it and mnny who saw It today marveled at tho quality ot It and tho size of tho pieces. A STAR ATTRACTION. Wo offer n splendid corner, 50x140 nt Contrnl and 9th. Property on Central Is In particular demnnd and nowhere can bo found a safer Invest ment or a moro desirable spot for a homo than tho lot nbovo described. ). S. Kaufman & Co. nro tho agonts. The prlco Is twenty-one hundred dollars. For tho Queen of tho Hay, soo East-bide. Get what you want when you want it through The Times Want Ada, H. 4 3 H. 3 9 H. 3 4 i ,JBm jaJj lUJtoi i nmmfcui'tTiTiiJiA. &