THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1 010 EVENING EDITION. IN A RAGE toil! Irani BUILDING 15 I pONEY TALKS" "MQNEY TALKS" "MONEY t: MEN Striking a Post Suffers Frac ture of the Skull. Robert DeaT) of Norway Was nBahmt n ,,ost- Hc lruck on th0 8l(, of his head and tho skull was frac- Thrown From a Horse andtmed. Dr. Stommler bi ought tho Injured man to Mnrshlleld on tho noon train and took hliu to tho Homo Hospital. Tho accident happened at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon and Dean never re gained consciousness. An operation will bo performed and an attempt mado to raise tho broken skull. Mr. Robert Dean of Norway was seri ously and probably fatally hurt Sun day by Doing thrown from a horse. Ho was riding n horse and was rac ing with somo others and attempted to make n turn. Tho horso turned IBmnfflUSBMBM Ml MillMIIJ vRi uaj ;g Won Portland .... 92 Oakland ....100 San Francisco. 93 Dean la 27 years old and has a wlfoj Vernon 87 now Tirnv stand. Lost. P. C. and two children at Norway. 0 MANNING mz GALLED Defendant From Beaver Hill But Name Same As Two uiner men. Not John Manning, "king of Dredger Island" and well known hero, and not John Manning, former dis trict attorney of Multnomah county, but John Manning tho Third, of Denv er Hill fame, Is tho man whoso trial for larceny was taken up In tho Cir cuit Court this morning. Ills nnmo Is tho samo as tho other John Man nings mentioned. It Is alleged that tho defendant M I ARE TO MEET Large Amount of Business to Be Brought Before the Session. (By Associated Press.) LOS ANGELES, Cal., Sept. 2C Tho thirteenth annual convention of tho American Mining Congress mot hero to-day. More than three hun dred delegates liavo arrived and more nro coming on every train. Clifford Plnchot, who doubtless will bo the contro of tho ocnsorvntlon swirl In tho convention, appeared to-day. Del egations wero present from all over tho Pacific Coast States. Tho rcsolu- stolo somo Jewelry and valuables from tlon will do tho most Important work n houso nt Heaver Hill boiiio tmo; of tho convention. It will consist' of intirt ilntnirnfn frntu nnnli Rtntn rmirn ago. Tho caso camo up this morning i ..... . . . nunicu in mo congress. Los Angeles. . SS Sacramonto . . 65 . 71 SO SI 90 92 107 .505 .557 .52S .491 .488 .378 Ci id before Judge Coke. After tho Man ulng case, will bo takon up tho' trial of A. II. Poworn charged with killing fish. Mr. Powers used dynnmlto for blowing up a piling and It Is alleged that ho killed fish and should not havo used tho dynamite without a liormlt from tho county court, while Mr. Powers claims that ho has n federal permit which Is sufficient. Cordes Not Guilty. It. C. Conies has been advised that Judgo Coko has dismissed th0 truo mil returned against him by tho Grand Jury on tho chargo of unlaw fully having ducks In IjIb possession whon Jay Tower was lined n fow months ago for killing duckB out of season nt tho Sand Hills. Judgo Coko liold that Mr. Cordes merely had tho lucks In his "custody" Instead of In Jils "possession," and that tho Grand Jury hod been erroneously advised concerning tho Interpretation of the law, nccordlng to tho ndvlces received irom iroqiiuio by Mr. Cordes. Tho ar rests of Messrs. Tower nml Corde wero mado by Deputy Onmo Warden Noah, and Mr. Tower pleaded guilt lioforo Justice Ponnock while Mr. Cordes' caso was carried before tho Grand Jury. HTH. ALERT will mako last KX CUHHIOX to tho LIFE SAVIXG STA TIOX noxt TUESDAY', SKPT.U7tli. Peoplo should tako advantage of this splondld opportunity to visit tho beach. Ilrlng along your lunch bask et. FARE only .10c. round trip. Leave Allcgnny (1 A. M., Marshflold 0, North Ilond D.20, nnd return nt 3 P. M. (Dy Associated Press.) PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 2 C Port land still IcadB but Oakland Is almost even with Portland. Each won nnd lost a game Sunday. Tho scores of Saturday nnd Sunday follow: Sntnrduy's Game. AT PORTLAND R. Portlnnd 3 Vernon . . G AT SAN FRANCISCO R. Snn Franclsc6 ; . . .. 1 Oakland S AT LOS ANGELAS 'It. Lob Angeles 1 Sacramento 0 Hunduy'M Game. AT SAN FRANCISCO R. MORNING; GAME. Sau Frnaclsco 7 Onkland 2 AFTERNOON GAME. San Francisco 0 Onkland G AT LOS ANGELES It. MORNING GAME. Los Angeles .'.. 0 Sacramento 1 AFTERNOON GAME. Los Angeles . , 1 Sacrnmonto 2 (Fifteen Innings.) AT PORTLAND R. MORNING GAME. Portland 1 Vernon . , ; 3 AFTERNOON GAME. Portland 2 Vernon l City Officials Find Gow Why Rooming House a Filthy Place. ,Tho city officials made an Inspec tion of the upper stories of tho Gow Why building to look into the. Bnnl tary conditions of tho place. Tho com mlttco was composed of Mayor Straw , Councilman Coko nnd Dr. E. Mlngus, tho city health ofllcer. In tho upper s CO stories of tho building nt tho cona of Broadway and Commercial avenue there nro living rooms which nro rented out by Gow Why for lodging. Tho Vents nro very cheap and tho In tcrlor of tho building wns found t bo In bnd shape. Dr. Mlngus says that tho rooms are poorly ventilated nnd that tho build is Ing Is dirty nnd filthy and that It I J not lit for human hahltntlon. Tho Lj plumbing Is In bad shape and tho II" J ordinance Is violated by tho nmnncrl. ''In which stovo pipes nro connected uj and extended through partitions. Dr. I 2 '' .Mlngus snys that tho wholo building ' 2 (should bo condemned as a placo of J1, abode, hut there Is no ordlnnnco now 'which will permit of Hie building bo Ing condemned as a whole. Tho doc tor says there should ho an ordinance j which will permit tho city to cntiRo YOUNG and OLD Should Know Our Suits Mora If you're framing up your clothes plans for fun, ,t ... You will wo here every kind of a milt (hat a man win, - sound taste would want to went' the cream of tho market. ' You'll p;ot first-hand information on what correct styles f fall really nrc. You'll sec new nnd rattling smart fabrics. At nil thc w wiy from $10 to $!12, you'll seo gnnnwits of u superior alj completely Kiinrnntced. ' Cash Only, saves you 'money Don't help to pay for your i ciglibor's suit. Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. Marshfield Bandon "MONEY TALKS" "MONEY TALKS" "MONEY TALKS" 1 such a rooming place to ho vacated, A STORY OF BLUCHER. Tho Old General Gave His Son a Let ion In Gamlna. Speaking of military men who wero ramblers, Ralph Nevlll In "Light Come, Light Go." after noting that Napoleon only played In an amateur way and never seriously and that the Duke of Wellington, while a member of Crock ford's famous gambling club, was not particularly fond of play, goes on to relate tho following about Illucher: Another grent soldier, on the other band, repeatedly lost large sums nt piny. TIiIh was lilucher, who was ln ordlnntely fond of gambling. Much to his disgust, this pnoxlon was Inherited nt urn nun, wiio uau otien to no re buked by his father for his visits to tho gaming table and was given many a wholesome lecture upon his youth nnd Inexperience and the consequent certainty of loss by coming In coutnet with older and more practiced gam blers. Ono morning, however, young Itlu chor presented himself before his fa ther nnd exelnlmed. with an air of Joy, "Sir. you said I knew nothing of play, but here Is proof that you have undervalued my talents." pulling out at the same time a bag of rubles which no tiad won the preceding night "And 1 said the truth." wns tho re ply. "Sit down hero and I'll convince you." Tho dice were called for, and In a iew minutes old Illucher won all his eon's money, whereupon, after Docket. Jng the cash, he rose from tho table, unserving, "sow you seo that I ll rlAa-s I rtlr jswrilr. nAnAl i ci i fine i rtif mi mini npMiri ' . r . . few A' i'-LjM & . iiUNsar -? . .. MmM&?fMSftm?l1U& -WM '-VTA iiHiMf.w rsff'aiikjMii ii amtmimmum and It Is n menaco to health and ab solutely unsanitary for thoso who llvo In tho placo. About thirty peoplo llvp In tho plncc. I Whllo tho committee wna going through tho building tho officials ran Into ono room which turned out to h? n Chinese church. Gow Why and his family attended services thcro twlco every day. Tho church Is provided with all of tho necessary Chlneso Idols, decorations nnd Incense. Tho city council will rpobnbly tako somo steps toward changing tho con 8 dltlons In tho bulldnlg. fii 1 LADIES' EPISCOPAL GUILD. II 10 7 is II. 4 10 Are You Ready for that trip? Have you n suit caw, steamer trunk or hand bag? Ucttcr tnko an Inventory now nnd seo. When you nro going away you very seldom have sufficient tlmo to look after tho tunny little details ol preparing for It nnd If you hnvon' tlio proper trnvollng cases, you Buff mnny Inconvonlonces. Wo hnvo Just received a largo con slgnmcnt of SUIT CABKS, HTKAMKII TRUNKS, HAND HAGS, etc., whlc' will supply your needs for a long time -. .. to come. Ladles of tho Episcopal Guild arol Tho prices nro reasonable, tho mil' requested to meet at tho Church to- cnfiCR holng from to $M each. NOTICE To The Public Tho 1JLANCO DINING 1100)1 ui grill wns ro-oponcd under nejr tut ngoment morrow nftornoon nt 2 o'clock to ef fect n reorganization nnd other Im portant business. KISTKUS OI." IIKTIIANY. Tho Sisters of Ilothany nro re- quested to meet at tho Episcopal t'liurcii to-morrow nftornoon nt 2 o'clock. Important business. Look them over. THE BAZAR House of Quality Phone 32 September 21st First-class mcnls at all hours Irra 25 CENTS UP Winter is Coming ON, WIIKX VOL' WILL XKKll SIOIII-: LIGHT. Ollt KIXTl'HKS AHE GO ING PAST AT KHO.M TUN TO TWK.NTY I'KU CKXT IflWKU THAN .MAxriwrrrniNt! imiicks. this is a snap vm so.mi:oni: that has thi: MOXKY. Coos Bay Wiring Co. nXPKKT ELECTRICIANS. Respectfully ask your patronage. PHONE 237-J. Have that Roof Fixed Now SceCORTHELL PifONK tnn-u Wo aro cntorors to tho tnda tti only employ White Help Turkish Baths 2 10-2 13 Coos Building PHONE 2 14 J Steamer Newport will (.all Saturday, Oct. 1, from Port- J and for Coos Hay. Order your freight tdilppcd on her. C. P. .McGEOItGE. Aci.ii. HEAL ESTATE; I havo somo of the bost buys on tho Day. Can arrnnro easy terms. Houses and buildings for rent. AUGUST PHIZEEN, 68 Central Ave. MnrshHeld, Oro. G. W. Dungan Undertaker Marhhtleld, Oregon. Parlors, 181) South d St., Telephone, Day or Night, llhVJ. OLD SUITS MADE NEW. Savo tho price of tho now ono by lotting us do your cleaning and press lug. Phono IS1-L and wo will cal. for the suit nnd deliver It. COOS HAY TAIIXHUXO CO., J. W. Josephson, Mgr. ISO South llroadway, .Marslitteld. LADIES Lot us clean, dyo or prcs IW dress or' gnrmont nnd mako It si toed n8 now. Experienced men do t work for us. Wo gunrantce our to bo satisfactory. Consult u li wo will gladly toll you what cia U done nnd tho cost of It. Give ui trial ordor. Phono us and e M sond for and deliver jour nit promptly. Mon'a suits nlso cleaned, prentf and ropalred. Itntea reasonsble. Mai-jilitlelil Cleaning and Dye WorV, Phono 270X. 1SG So. I!roadf IS Our Work Our advertisement OUR GUARANTEE IS VOUR SAT ISFACTION. MARSHFIELD HAND AXI STEA?' LAUNDRV. . aaaJ. Vauzcr Rriw.. Prop. rnone y never win." Cutting. Young Wife How fortunnto I ura In possessing a husband who always atnys nt homo In the evenlngl Bosom Friend Yes; your husband never wns much addicted to pleasure. Probably no summer resort In Ore gon furnishes, more pleasant recrea tion or good fishing than tho Ten Mile lakes of Coos county. Tho placo is was. attracting much attention throughout right when I told you that you would tho State nnd many who visited Coos Hny mado sldo trips to tho famous fishing grounds. When this locality has n railroad to connect with tho uutsldo Ton Mllo is suro to bo ono of the popular resort places of tho Pa cific Const. Tho lakes havo afforded much plonsuro for tho Coos Hay pooplo and during this summer scores hnvo gono there for tholr summer vacation. Many hnvo summer homes on the lakes and thoro nro hotels and finp camping places and boats and every Not lmprtid. Bobble-Pa snys you're a self mndo man. Visitor tprondly) Yes, my boy, J am, Robbie Ain't you sorry now 70U didn't let somebody else help you? Boston Transcript. thing 0I80 that goes to make up an lakes next year. onjoyable stay In tho woods and onj tho water. 1 Tho trout nshlug In tho lakes la un- j surpassed anywhere In Oregon. There Is practically an inexhaustablo supply of flno trout and sportsmen who havo ' fished nil over tho country say that I tho lakes cannot bo beaten. There is ! also duck shooting there In tho sea-i son and tho woods back of tho lakes' afford deer, bear and panther hunt ing. Each year tho lakes become more popular as a resort placo and this summer more peoplo visited there than ovor before Several now sum-1 mor cottages wero built this year and many more will be erected at tho BUSINESS DIRECTORY 0E RELIABLE BUSINESS HOUSES TllW cni.rnimvi o -.,-. MARSireiEID wan nX WA"LE nUS,VE8S HOUSES AND BUSINESS MEN IK ii wilili 1'AIT YOU TO PATHONI.K -" RE DEPENDED UPON. Mo Ih c i 1 you i ) 1 1 : m u is better prepared to servo than ever befcre. Coiniuercinl Ae., bet. Front nnd nroadwny, Marshfield. Go To WILLEY $ SCHR0EDER for Plumbing and Heating Mnrshflald. Ore., phone 773 GET YOUR JOR PRINTING DONE AT THE TISIES QFFICE U-tter Heads, RIU Heads, Enve- lopes, cnlllne Cnrds, etc. STADDEN All kinds of photograph work, broinldo enlargiuR d kodak On-IshinR. Butter Wrappers Printed at The Times' Office J. JL KOONTZ Mnchino nnd Repair Shops GENERAL MACHINIST Steam and Gas Engine Work At Holland's boat shop, Ft0"1 street, Marshfield, Ore. & ..uHU -.-