'T f'ti.vnr "'" ( THE COOS BAY TIM ES. MARSHFIELD. OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1 910 EVENING EDITION. t'lfMWUMWIWtll Ifl i4T IUI TErafcjj57jn Woolen Mill Store "MILL-TO MAN Marshfield, Nominated By of Coos Bay xyais peroxide face cream. A superior, non-greasy nourishing skin touo, soon absorbed and leaves no shlno. Applied boforo lining powder It keeps tho skin clear and free from promnturo wrinkles, PRICE, l!.fc. a foiisam: at the husy corner. lockhart - Parsons Drug Co. "The Busy Comer" Marshfteld, Oregon hi THE FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo (equipped with wireless) will makk hegulalt trips carrying passengers and freight hetwei x coos iiav axd sax phaxcis- (O. ALL RESERVATIONS I 'OU PASSENGERS MARE AT ALLIANCE DOCK, MAHSHFIHLR AXD 1.t1:R.OCEAX 'lltAXSI. CO, FIFE HLRG., SAX FltAXCISCO. FOH 1NFOR. SIATIOX PHONE tl.J o 2 .1, SAILS FOU SAX FUAXCISCO, SEP! . 2H, AT 3..J0 1. M. INTEH-OChAN pisd-.fiHeijinsaSBii v STEAMER BREAKWATER Sail Ji-oii, Aluswo'rth Hock, Portland, ut H P. M e'tery Tuesday. Sails from Coos Duy every Saturday ut service of time. Reservations' Ul not bo held later than Friday noon, utiles? tickets are purchased. j W. . Miilerj Agt,. .-in . Hdffie AiSftion' i r. NOW ON tHE MARKET Th addltlon ' Bituated immediately East of now Eastsldo Mll. t ' lots aro 100x211 and'larger, about eight ordinary lots; and I prlces are $150.00 up for these Jargo tracts. t t ls plat wa8 filed Wodnesday last, and wo have only fifteen f ots "malnlng unsold. This Indicates that the property Is Jnterest- - u purcnasers, and anyone wishing to secure a 101 Biioum vi Promptly. Terms ond-haif cash, balanco equal paymonts, 3, C, Ji -ond-haif cash, anl 12 months. Por particulars, seo l v.. J itle Guarantee and Abstract Co. i, ""-rai Agents.IJASTSIDE . -- , TTV. - ,,JKS FHOM THE WIUE1 A book of Sermons by 4 WAX SnAXXOX. 4' i! ' tmy Cent8 Addr - uress visalla. Calif. M - -w a a. a- r k1. M. . . lU Young Men and Young Old Men This offering leprownts some ctrn pnltis on our imrt to supply Dutchort Trouitrs In n stylo that pleases th young man ami the older ninn who keep young In up pcnraneo. It's the Dutchess "Pcgtop," wlilch nrny bo worn with nny sack or ctttnway coat. Wo show nn In iltilto variety of pattoms, colors ami wonvos In all slzos, and the prices rnngo from as low as $2, to $6, tho highest. Wo linvo 'never seen bctt6r trous ers values than these. High School and Collogo Mon and drossy young lluslness Men nro especially Invited to look at tho DutchcsB "l'egtop." CLOTHIERS" Oregon ft) The People JAR. phone !JH. - i .THAXSPOHTATIOX CO. 2skdsissszsii5isisis?sisi ftbne Mn3'5-L To' hdM balanco equal pay rieury Sengstacken, Manager. MUS. FAHUIXOEU, Teacher of Piano. Homo Studio, South Droadway. Phono 270-J. North Bend News I E. Kluiu'j has returned homo from I a Mslt to Sa.om. Goorgo Smith of Daniels Creek vis ited In North Bond Sunday. Mrs. James l'arkor canie In from Allennny with hor baby. Tho child U 111 and will receive medical treatment at North Dond. William S. Denning, kecpor of the Arngo llghthous'o, and his wlfo nnd dnughtor, Miss Alice Donning, visited In North Ucnd. The Esther lluhno Is a$ North Bond with a cargo of lumber from tho Co qulllo Itlver. Tho lumber is for the sash and door factory. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. Tho second Instnllnient of taxes for tho year of 1009 Is duo and payable on or before October 3d, 1010, and If such InR'n'tmen l not n.-Md lv tha' time, peni'ltv n'td in'ofnat will be added from April 4th. l'MO. W. W. GAGE. Sheriff and Tax Collector. roit tiii: queen of tiii: hay. ski: eastsihe. WANTED Plumber; Mondy work. Pioneer Uarwaro Co. FOR SALE. A check for $108 on piano at Ellor piano house at big discount; owner luia piano. Phono 120-L, or call 240 Second street, North. FOU REXT. Six-room lint, partlj furnished, bath and niodorn con veniences. Finest location In Mnrshllcld. Apply to Robert Mnn den, Sr, I'OrXD. Drifting on Com Hay, one row boat. Finder may Bocuro' same by communicating with tho Cherry Grove Dairy, North llend. FOU SALE. 7-room Iiouho uiid lot, bSS 11th st. South. $0.00; tmup. FOU SALE. Small white pony and Baddlo. Inquire of Mrs. II. Soul' Btnukon. s FOU SALE. Fine 817.5 imrlor organ, $40 cash. O. P. Noah, box 075, Marshflold. FOU REXT. Furnhdtetl liousi'Lcen lug aoms, $10 per month' Wood furnished. Phono 1C5, North llend. FOU SAI.i:. Cheap, 8 h.p. gasoline onglno In good condition. F. II. Virtue, Owl Furnlturo Store. WAXTHD. Housekeeping rooms or small furnished cottage. Times offlco. VAXTi:i. Hoys to learn to dellter Tho Times after school, MiiBt bo at least In Fourth grado at school. Apply Tlmos olllco. FOU ltKXT. ViiMiiii cottMKe, Went Marshfield, $10 por month; also 2 rooms In dwelling, close In, $8 per month. Apply Hall & Hall. FOH SALE. All my lioiWlioId fur- nlturo and ' fixtures; Including piano, aftor Oct. 1st. Inqulro Mrs. W. M. Lawlor, 371 First at., North. YGM SALE. O lots wad lCroum house; $5,000. Apply Hall & Hall. I)n SALE. XoV flUA4JbBlm'6rJi bungalow and lot OxlOO jn SoutW Marshfield, near' In. bargain. Call at 4S1 Golden ire,, br phone 147U. FOlf SALE. A good paylug ofllce business at a sacrifice. Address Times office. WANTED. IJoy aged 14 to 18, go ing to sctiool, to work' In Times or flce beforo nrd after school. Ap ply at onco. FOH KENT. Fnrn!slKHllglit-rooin modern houso jn Sputh Mnrshflel'J Ajipl C, Times office, ' WANTED. Experienced coal iiiinrrs ' and tlmbermen, Apply Beaver Hill Coal Co. nend tbo Times Want Ads. run LI flYn MorthaW poputir Fmib int. tLUlU not, j. All turnlturo rcw, niWlean. Velvet anJ AxmtnlHer carpeli In rer room Four utorlet of o!M comfort Ratef reJuced to day. MV, 75o ami tlOO, week ?nito5 00, Uo a few bomkeeplnn arrt Trittwlt' gnirani!. 12 0O ir month Kr'e: taihi. TaUbtitdtjot. Mr. Urlife. Piop' COOS BAY TIDES. septhmheh High water i M. P.M. rft.h.in.ft. CO 0:04 7.8 G.3 7:29 7.7 0.9 8:45 7.S 7.4 9:50 8.0 7.8 10:41 82 Pat e' j h.ui." Monday.. Tuosday. Wed'd'y. Thursday Friday... 2G 7:15 27 SMI 281 9:35 20 10:27 30 11:02 . SEPTEAIMKU Low water A. M. P."m! Date. h.m. ft. h.m. ) f Monday.. 20 0:13 0.3 12:12 4.3 Tuesday. 27 1:34 0.3 1:52 4.1 Wed'd'y. 28 2:44 0.2 3:09 3.C Thursday 29 3:42 0.1 4:07 2.8 Friday... 30 4:31 0.0 4:50 2.1 THE WEATHER. (Uy Associated Press.) OREGON Fair to-night and Tuesday. LOCAL TEMPERATURE HE- POUT. t For twenty-four hours ending at 4.43 P. M., Sopt. 25, by Mrs. 4 Mlngus, special government me- 4 V teorologlcnl obsorver: t Maximum CG 4 Minimum 37 At 4.43 P. M 54 Precipitation Nono Wind, Northwest; Cloudy. '" ' ' I f - X'eup'oil lit. Tho Nowporl Iibb nf llved from Portland nnd Is unloading a cargo at hor wharf. Arm Ik Hotter. Dr. Dlx has boon suffering with blood poisoning In his right arm. Ho has beou having II treated and it is now much bettor and ho thinks tl'ioro is no dangor. Will Enter Horse. Tom Smith loft yestorduy for Hosohurg with- Qoorgo Herron's horso Teddy and will outer tho runner In tho Itosoburg races. Smith led tho horso ovor tho wagon rond to Uoseburg, Miwiiiger Now. Jay ,Smlth, who formerly represented tho Marshall- Wells Hnrdworo Company In this sec tion, Is now manager of tho local branch dopnrtmont of tho concern In. Portland. Has Gone Home. Carl Gloss, who has boon at tho Morcy Hospital, re- t'irnod Saturday to his homo in Gar dlnor. Ho Is nn elderly man and sev eral weeks ago had his right log am putated. Ho has recovorod sufficient ly to go back home. Went For Deer. Frank Denning and IInk Wells wore out, over Sun day huntlngTleer, Thoy wont to Five MIIo dowh the coast toward nandon Thoy did n6f MlVany but Wells got sovcral shots at a door. Woh fy.hlijjfiro. Will DuraiiloJ tljfs cJtWho tfas beeHfIn jtfaho- for Model A67 is a .new one. REPRESENTED EXCLUSIVELY II Y US tMagnes&Matsonx iX.i-.i.'t.'iy,iti' II W' '"'" " Btjino tlmo pnst, writes to friends in this city that ho cuteicd tho force ol guternmont lire fighters during tin leceut forest tiros. He says ho m with a gang of tw out) -eight men, eighteen of whom were burned ti death. Weio nt Coos Head. Frank Lalso, A. Mntson ami Anson and Frank Rogers were at Coos Head Sunday. Ialo says they shot ISO shags. Chamber fo Commerce. Tho moot ing of tho contributors to tho Cham ber of Commcrco will bo held to-night when plans Tor tho noxt year will bo discussed. Many From Coin River. A largo number Of Coos River people Were In nttcndniico nt tho rovlvnf in tlu Tnbcrnaclo yesterday. Among the wore J. W. Russell and wife, E. R Hodson nnd wlfo, M. D. Cutllp, S. 11 Cutltp, J. J. Clltikeubeard and J. E. Fitzgerald. Hold First Pindlco. Somo of tho players who will bo members of tin Ihdepundont football team HiIb sea son mot yesterday afternoon nt the baseball park nnd did sonic practic ing. They nre gotllng ready for the organization of n tenm. Coqulllo has a team ready nnd gavo a football danco Saturday night nnd netted $55. Myrtle Point la nlso forming n team for this season. Trouble With Auto. .ludgo Coko hnd trouble yoatordny with his auto mobile whllo C. 11. Solby was out rid ing with him. While going to Empire a norso was met. Tito liorso shied and tho auto wont over the grndo. Thcro was somo difficulty In getting tho machine bnck In tho rond nnd thon the party started toward Co qulllo. A tiro was puncture nnd the pnrty was lato In getting In. Invest h Here. It Is understood that Hoij. Dennis Flynn of Oklahoma, who left Ipr his homo Saturday after n fow weeks' Btay hero, bought n half Interest In Win. Grlmea' Central nvc nuo holdings, one being tho corner di rectly west of the Chnndlor Hotel nnd the other a qunrtor block nt Sixth an" Contrnl. Thoy will erect n flno brick building opposlto tho Chnndlor noxt Fprlng unless Romethliig uncxpectod lutorotdres with their p'resont plans. For Naval RetuMTOH, Capt. Parsons of tho Htoamor Nowport roporta Hint tho bend of tho Oregon Naval Ro- Rorves Is nnxloitB that n company br formed on Coos Ray Ho Bitggoslod It to thorn nt Portlnnd tho other dny, nnd thoy urged him to tnko stops to pcciiro It. Capt. Parsons has present ed It to tho Mnrshflold Chnmbor of Commorco, who has requested R. O. Graves to tako tho matter up. It would tako fifty or sixty men for tho company hero. Resides tho equipment for tho reculnr drill, the govornmont would send n gunbont In hero onco a yenr to tako tho company on n weok'B cruise. Definite stops to bo- cure tho organization will bo taken at open. YOUNG GIRL MURDERED. Hotly, Found Concealed In Cellar House, fly Associated Proas.) DETROIT, Mich., Sopt. 20. A spe cial from Hoodrlch, Ont., says that Elizabeth Audoron, nged sixteen yours, was found murdered yoster day in n desortod houso In tho out skirts of tho town, Sho disappeared yeatorday morning shortly aftor be ing seen In conversation with r stranger, Tho body was found In r dark corner of a collar burled iindor a pile or clothing. Tho girl's throat was cut from ear to ear and tho body was much mutilated. J??i4 TJTl-H-A8' j,itijiH2.ikih-n-v-a W Have Reduced sitefry Family Flour Now Retails $ 1 .65 Sack Sprlry Flour Co. By F. --d-ii-tt-k-k;'fcM-.$4j-8-8- m:::::mmm:::mmtt::ammwttt j: n Personal Notes ::mm:$:t:t::tt:::::::;::::mms:m:::mu J. M. UPTON ls In Coqitllle to-dn on business. J. W. DENNETT U attending jotirt nt Coqulllo. E. L. C. FARUIN wn3 In Conullle to day ou business. . P. KR1CIC of Ton Mlio Is a Marsh field business visitor, ' ' W. U. DOUGLAS made a business trip to Coqulllo to-day. C. F. McKNIOIlT wont ttr.CbqulUo to-dny to attend cottrt. 'rT 4 V f roy aiihott and Tom Juza woro ' outhuntlng duckB Suiidny. A I.EE EDWARDS loft yesterday for Salem, where ho expects to spend tho winter. WILL 'CHANDUER visited nt tho Chnndlcr bungalow on Coos Rlvor yesterday. JOHN 1IERRON, who has been con fined to his room following n sur gical operation', Is nblo to bo out. MR. nnd MRS. J. R. TOZER of Ash land nre lu the city visiting Mr, nnd Mis. Thomas Harvest Mrs. Torer is an mint f Mrs. Harvey. MR. and MRS. MORGAN of Daniel Creek, drove to Rosoburg accom panied by their daughters, Lucia nnd Lucille, who will attend school at Phtiomnth, Oro. PERRY MAUZEY loft yestordny for Rosoburg, where ho will tako In' tho Dlsttlct Fair and visit his father and mother, who enmo down from Snlom for n tfhort atay In Rosoburg. J. J. CLINKENDEARD, who was ono of tlio election Judges on Coos - Rlvor, Btoiiped In the city last night on his wny to Coqulllo to turn ovor the election papers to tho County Clerk. CAPT. DONALDSON, of norkoloy, Cnl., owner of tho qunrtor block nt tho corner of Hrondwny and Com mercial, arrived hero to-day to visit frlonda nnd look nftor hit property. Ho Is now In commnnd of tho Btcamor Homc which re cently roturnod to Snn Frnnclsc" with a $500,000 cargo of seal skins. CELL IRELAND hns returned from a flvo weoka' vacation spent nt hla old home nt Ollnlln and nlso nt Grants Pass, Ashlnnd, Modford, San Francisco, Oakland, Sncrnmon 'to and other California cities. Ho aava flint tho rumor that ho Jolnod tho bonedlctB whllo away la abso lutely without foundation nnd ho declares tliPt It was ono of "Den nlng'a bum Jokos," REARING UP WEL1J. Condition of John H. Walhli Said to Be Good. (Ry ABHUdnted Press.) LEAVENWORTH, Knn., Sopt. 20. "John R. Wn)8h Is In bottcy condi tion, physically, than when ho was received at tho prison, and he Is boar lug up woll for n man of his ago," said tho physician of tho prison hero to-dny. Tho formor banket was 111 Saturday but reported at his desk to day. Tho officials say tho troublo was mental, caused by tho condition of his buslnoss affairs as roportod to him by his wlfo and son Saturday, Havo ybiir LETTER HEARS and HltA lkbA'DS printed, nt Ttfb TlfeA' one. ..u UtltliJ ..i- in iviT -tiii-lttni-it-tVb-Sa-ili , t. .. it. S. DOW B--tJ-tt--B--- i i a i I M s it , T u a i :t i a i n n i n a i V t, n IMi'' 3 '' v- WkWm.' :Ki.4ik i t I tJU