"-rfff- iw"?" "J9f HMHW.'l""'" . 2 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSrlFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1 910 EVENING EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES elutered at the poRtofllco at Marsh feld, Oregon, for transmission ttroufca the inalU as secoud data 9ia.ll matter, lug hugely, nil In vain. A man who biiids a sheaf of barley docs moro to a) the human rnce than any loud and tireless Charlie, who does his tolling with his face. Walt Mason, In Eugene Guard. I! ! III T111 wwT rrNrj MARSHFMD SCHOOL NEWS W(W jppapnl ii ii ' rTOM )' " )fjlf 91 ilii SilnlSli F HI ''Warn n Plffl IB IBI Addrens all communications to COOS 11AV DAILY TIMES, tforahOcld :: :: :: :: Oregon J. W. BENNETT EXPLAINS ABOUT PORT CASE. C. O. MALONEY Ktlltor nnd Pub. WAN K. AXALONKV News Editor ATXORNEV FOR DENNETT TRUST COMPANY AX1) SOUTHERN Oil- EGON COMPANY MAKES STATi:. MENT AHOUT SUPREME COIR I RULING. J. W. Donnett to-day mado tho fol lowing 8atumont concerning tho nc- tlon of ho th-agon Supremo Court. In An Independent Heuuollcau news yAper published every ernning except Sunday, and W'eokly by llvi Coos liny TlmrH PubHs'ilnR Co. Dedicated to tho service of the iiAAnln Mini tin ifnnil umiDd al.nll tntlr ' vwiJMjt ..v ..w ewuu vuuau nuaii iuvn champion, and that ovli shall not thrive unopposed. ho Coos Day Times represents a jonHollilatlou of the Dally Coast Mall And Tho Coos Day Advertiser. The Coast Mall was tho first dally estab lished on Coos Day and The Coos Day Timed Is Its Immediate sue cessor. r ?? irI"1' FTTI?i'jl Twcnty-tw.o pupils elected begin ning Latin. Miss Kaufman has a fine class of twenty-two girls in eighth grade cookery. M advancing tho honrihg of the caso' 6! tho Southern Oregon Company und Dennett Trust Company attacking tho l'ort of Coos Day: Tho leasou th0 plaintiffs In tht l'ort case objected to its being ad vanced on tho docket was that tho l'ort Commission wanted tho enso ad vanced to got a ruling before tho November election, undor tho happy imlluclnatlon thnt if It Is favoiablo they can sell tho $500,000 bond Issuo before Donnott's nmondmont can bo voted on by tho people, which nmond- Tho work in public, school music stnrjs off auspicluosly under tho di rection of Miss George. New equipment for chemistry niid physics arrived tills weok. Tho labor atories are being put In flno shape. suhschiption hates. DAILY. Ono year $6.00 I'or month CO Whnn i.nl.1 alflntlo 1..' .!..,.. , 1, ........ ,,...u . ...... ... ..u,.wivu niu voiuu on oy mo people, which ninond- subscrlptlon prlco of tho Coos Uny I mont limits tho Indebtedness to ?50, Timos Is S5.00 per yonr or $2.50 forjooo, without a voto of tho people ' six months. ! , ll0t Bettllg tho ro.hoarIng . WEEKLY. J til nftor tho Court returned In Xo- On year I1.G0 vombor from tho ' EnHtorn Oregon s term, It Is evident thnt tho Court In Doth school buildings nro now con nected with tho telephone exchnngo. High School building, 225-X; Central building, 1G5-J. Tho enrollment of high school pu pils Is increasing grnd'unlly. It should contlnuo to do so tinltl its present number s doubled. The boys of the eighth grade, Miss Malonoy teacher, hnvo planned a courso of work lu manual training. Tho class meets twlco each weok. Is the thought uppermost with every shopkeeper. One of the ra.ost econom ical and simple ways of doing this is by lighting your store with ffiPFLl' o lUil ! ELp n LAMPS Your Store will then Attract tht New Trade You Are After. Official Taper of Coos County, sotting tho time had roferonco to tho objections of tho plaintiffs, nnd there OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE ClTYtforo tno objection Rained tho object OF MARSHFIELD. AN ADVERTISING Til A LEADING Chicago trade Jour nal, naming articles and giv ing llgures, declares that retail grocers should advertise In order to meet tho competition of mail ordo houses, nnd If they do thlj thoy a-, certain to get a mall order buslnoBr for thomsohos, and lncronso their homo trado. It Is conclusively shown In tho nr" do thnt It Is tho advertised good; tliat-8oll best. Tho homo doalor who mlvortlses In his homo nowBpnper roaches Ills customer moro readllr than does tho mall ordor ndvcrtlsor. It is pointed out by the trndo Journnl that tho biicccsh of a mail order house Is dito to tho fact thnt it sends l(T advertising Into their homo towns,' for which It was intended, nnd tlm Supremo Court would not allow tho ""so n bo rushed through tho court i, on an advanced ordor, until tho, peo ple hnvo an opportunity to bo hoard from. In this, tho objection to tho advancement was successful, notwith standing tho ndvortlsomont of tho Port Commlslon to tho contrary. "Tho allegation that tho Port ofdl nnnco authorizing tho snlo of a $500.- 000 bond Issuo hnd boon repealed did not havo Its effect, ns tho Supremo Court well knows that another ono Just like It couliVho enacted In two minutes." Tho number of pupils In the second nnd third grndo room nt tho high school building is so Inrgo as to test thn cnpnrlty of tho room. Some transferring' will bo necessary. Marshilcld teachors havo orgnnlzod n mngnzlno club. Poroldlcnls of spe cial Interost to tenchors will bo se lected and n teachers' rcadlim room will be equipped In both buildings. CHARGES WILFUL MURDER. Coroner' Jury Actn In the Dr. Crip. HII Case. (Dy Associated Press.) LONDON. Sollt. 2fi Tin. nnrnnnr'a bringing Its wnres to tho attention of Jur' returned n vordlct of wilful mur- iha hnnin I rird I ....l.l.. l.l-.dllr lCdlnitt Hr Prlnnnn 1in A ...n.l. ..... ....... u uujvin uuu hUll',S II HIS I " ""I'l'""! "" """"' Bhnro of trndo that ahotild go to re- cnn ''ontlst, in connection with thb .nil ...... Ifliwlllin. I.. 11. C-l...... I .. T... Tho enrollment lu commorclnl work Is Hiunller than usual this year owing to tho fact .that pupils were given no oncourngomont to tnko up this work until thoy hnd pursued nt lenst two years of high school work. Marshilcld has ns splendid nu equipment for domostlc sclonco as chn bo found anywhere, In nny city. Tho kitchen seems complete In overy ilay. It Is cortalnly nn Inspiration to seo that largo clnss of olghth grade girls at work In It. The Coos Bay Gas & Electric Co, TELEPHONE 178 STATEMENT U CONDITION OF l'HJi first Trust and Savings Bank OF COOS DAY, MARSHPELD, ORE., SEPT. 1, 1010. PROFESSIONAL C.VIIbS I ; RESOURCES. Loans and discounts . . . . $12G,516.DS Overdrafts 254.86 Uonds and securities .... 2d.090.lG Unnklng houso, furalturo nnd fixtures GC.SiU.CO Cash on hand and duo from brtnki S2.9G6.51 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In. . .$100,000.00 Surplus and undivided v prottto 3,995.01 JJoposIti 1S9.G55.40 ryi. J. W. IXGRAM, - PJiynlcInti urn Total $293,051.01 condition of this bank ns tnll grocors. Tho nrtlolo Is founded upon pro tests ngnliiKt the mall order business, nnd tilt uonuiulon U made that It I folly to enter such n protest, for n larger part of tho prosont numerou mall ordor buslnesH of tho coin could and tdiould bo shnrod by " homo niorohnnt If ho followed tho policy of tho mnll order Iioubo Ii ndvortlslng lino. A dealer who toll tho people whom ho sooks to roach that ho hns certain goods, that they nro of tho best quality nnd nt n fair prlco, will got u bigger shnro of tho business than will tho one who falls to ndvertlso his wares. This applies to other than the r tail grocors. Tho big mail order i houses of tho country Bhould oncov ago othor owners nnd numngors to build up business with printers' Ink Thoro Is no successful mail ordo house In tho country that does not send out attractive literature In nd dltlon to using tho (lady and weeklv nowinpors- In exploiting what It hns to soil, ond showing to tho pros- jiccuvo purennsors nn ndvantngo l prices as woll as In, quality. Tho loc dealors havp ovory hit aa good, goods and can sjiU at prices, that wlli njt tho crirapUtJon a the mnll order house. Advertising la tho keynote of tho situation. finding In tho Crlpuon homo last July of tho mutilated body supposed to bo that of Crlppon's wife, known on tho stngo as Dello Elmore. GOflSTER 01 A now forco pump hns bon In stalled nt tho High School building. It fina lin.in ilnn..l I.. ,I.a .. ... tho bnsoniont, Is run by tlio electric iiutiu, mm was ueemeii neccssnry in I ordor to nfford adequate flro protec tion to tho building. Wllley and Schroodor did tho work. T9UI . ., $293,651.61 We invito your attention to tho strong shown by tho sworn sattoment, to-wit: Cash rese-vo 42 per coat oj depojlts. Resurvo required by law 15 pec ?t of deposits.' Resorvo In excess of legal requirements... .2S por coat at depjilte. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS JOHN 8. COKE, Prcsldont. JOHN F. HALL, HENRY SENGSTACKEN. STEPHEN C. ROGERS, DORSEY KREITZER, Cashier. W. S. CHANDLER, WILLIAM GRIMES. nil. C. V. TOWER, K C. HORTON, Vice Presidont nnd Manncnr. DOES A GENERAL DAXKIXO AN I) TRUST IIUSIXKS8. VOW lll'SINKSS SOLICITED. nnd Snrjcon. Olllco 208-200 C001 HuUoiij, Phones Ofilco 1G21; Hoildencll!l I V. 1JKNXDTT, IawyiT. Ofilco over Flanasan & Dennett BhI MnrBhflold, Onjtj. Try Times' Want Ads. POLITICS. fiL TRIP New Gasoline Boat Is Taken Out Over the Bar Sunday. Tho trial trip of tu new ocean go lug launch Coaster was made vaster day; afternoou. Petor Olson nnd the builder, Max Tliumorman, Invited few friends' to uinko tho trip. There were about llfteeu men aboard and thoy had u One trip. It waa foggy early In tlio mqrpUlg but by the timp the boat reached thp lowor 4iay the fog hhd-llrteU-and After a stop had been made at Etnplre the boat was taken out ov'or tho bah Trio1 bar wn smooth nnd the little boat rode boau tlfdlly over tho waves. Another heavy fog came and the boat turned hack and got Into the harbor bojote being overtnkou by tr , tofti Tho launch Is strongly built and Is cortalnly seaworthy. She Is fitted with two thirty horsepower gasoltno engines and has a mast for sailing in caso tho engines break down and I equipped with sails. Tho boat wns built for tho Curry county trade nnd will bo run between! Rogue j pnrrrrt as,. ,..... ... .... . " n I in ueiKiii nnci wui lonvo ror curry (county to-morrow. Max Tlmmermnr Goods sold on MERIT Guarantee Continued PATRONAGE The wholo sail game sooms cheap atttl sordid, nnd all Its tricks aro poor and vnlni nnd nil that's coarse In llfo Is hoarded for noisy ubo In each cam paign. Ono state'airinn bores mo, to my sorrow, with platitudes ho thinks nro wlao; nnd then another comes to- morrow nnd says tho first one simply l"m "' v ' J l-os. 1 wept quo day to sue a "rail yM "V" 1,0,rt totima wlie.0 statesmen were . think nJRhorV To-day she Is loading a Hens, thoy spent the time lu quip and sally, and theories spavined In tho1"" .-u vm,. kneB Thov ...ii,,,. f. ,.... !nutl or Elliott of this city win , . .. vu, umo, ,,. ,,,., n, . .... aw ..v... i, i. ii u,u IIIOV illll Friend Bros.' Suits Have Magnetic Properties. They brihg you back. That's wKy we sell them from $12.00 to $25.00 The Suit FIXUP I THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK" i ok rnnc nAv STllllTIA- A COMMERCIAL DAXIC. Wells Fnrgo NevniLi National Hank, San Francisco, CaL Draws lThe Un,c1 B,n,C8 vt,0Ma , Portland, On. tlrflfk T,U Nttt,onn ,ttrk ,,nnlc Now York, N. Y. uraus , ThH Corn KxcllBnKe xatfoun, ankf Chicago, HI. 00 The Dank of Scotlund, London, England. The Credit Lyonnnls, Paris. France. Personnl and commercial accounts kept subjoct to check Certlllcates of Deposits Issued Safe Deport Roxes fPr' rent. FLANAGAN 8c BENNETT BANK MARSHFIELD. OREGON. Oldest Dank In Coos County. Kseali'lshed In 1880. Paid up Capital and Surplus, WO.00O.00 Assets Over Half Million Dollars, Does a general banking business nnd dmw .fi. .u . of California, San Francisco, c!i!?JkL& ?dW V First National Dank, Porthnd, Ore.: First N'ntS n,niJ ' burg. Ore.- The London Joint stock Dank I td Lninl T Al sell. change on .n of tfi prS,V&,ndE0unro?eD5,au,, depots aLisrsiS" account -At?sa . . . OFFICERS: 4 f ii m , 1"., T.'. """"w. " i4i.wis, Cash er. -T - I'l'inia i, YVTM. S. TIJJPEX, VllllVVit Over Chamber of Commerce. XOTICi: TO THE I'l'BUC. I havo placed la public sertlct I bus to meet f.ll trains and will cilt calls on phono ord&rs f hont asshr 138-J,' Uvpry trnrjlent fwl tiro, 120-J; resldonco. 49-L; wla c!i, 13S-J. I do all kinds of drartMi:! hauling haul anything that Ulxn at both ends. I nlso handlo a cood cradeoteul Why pay $5.00 or Jfl.00 per toa (or coal when I will bring It to your pl 'most anywhoro for M itt toa' Look nt these figures and ico wilei lAnla Ittn l.naf li tinr.l lmAI.T.11!39. ?4.50; nut, 12.50; scroonlngj, l., L. II. HEISXKII, Livery mid SiIm StublMl Sp? Bay--csebufg StaseXirie" HOME LAND Cd 8oo us for Investment on Cotf Day. Wo guarantee owner's price bo our price. Phono 74 1 251 FrwfSu SoMtoyat O A. M. Pure, $b.Ol). vim SCHETTER, Agent, lid tlmta AV., iraHiUfleld, I'HONK tl Up leaves Ualiy uuU C. P.IJARNARb, Agent, ROSEHUlVa, 6ilt, HREAKWATER HOTEL, Front Sh. tlnrshlleld, Ore., UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. lias boon thoroughly renonte" and newly f urnlsbod. Roomi reM able, by day, weok or month. Mrs. J. II. O'DONNELI., Prop. knees perspiring, and not ono prognnnt thing wns said: and then, of all tholr racket tiring, I wont back homo and! BoaKod my head. A ilmsn Idlo statos n.en thundered; a thousand Idle loafers hoard: and ns I soaked my head I wondered why this fool world Is so absurd. Tho farmors In their nold'swerocalllng for help to save ,nV W?"P? mny and In a te,ntj tnos rrtaks woro bawling, a ind toll- A lnrgo part of tho cargo Is r consignment of goods for Woslov Miller, wh.o conducts the store nt Gold Reach. Mr. Sillier Is In tho city now nnd will uo down on tho Coaster with his frnlsht. Thoro is n largo amount of wool to bo brought out of Curry county nnd the Coaster expects to cot somo of that business. Us Tht Time's' Want Ada. NEW LIVER-Y Fancy new rigs, sood Mmon" nnri caroful drlvora are now at the dis posal of tho Coos Day public at RKASONADLE IIAT1S. j Rigs or rlg3 with drivers ready for any trip anywhere any time. Horses boarded and rigs cared for. Now hearse nnd special accommo dations provided for funeral parties rsiTST imi!iK 1V1. . PLAINT 1 Sails for San Fratitisco eVerV deBt'daft t TICKETS RESERED UP TO THE ARIlivAT n ' RrtSERVATIONS WILL BE OAVCE?f?i i 9 THE. . 8"JN T.TOQ rrtnr, . .."' UAtt.LU.I AT THAT Vlkl Vr' W. L. CONDRON'S N'EV TiiAFKU L1.VE. M. E. liairulro has started M transfer line In Marshtleld and ' raugod for prompt senice for kinds of hauling. Ho will bT,Wr stand at "The Dusy Corner" J storo or paftles ca"n reacli w tejjihonlng drders td S U3SS TICKET IS DOUGHT. CHAT TIME U.. -n-a-n-n-K-fl' or Strictiy f re j t. b. Dow, Agent. MarshfieWTO, nsvsxnnsmiM ' ' g l- t: p.p.jc.1. i 11 irli i 1 South llrcmilwny, Mnrsluieh T 4A J?(dL ' , : -r" I I HOTEL GARDINER, at Gardiner, Oregon, has been re modelled and Improved and is uuder now management.' Special accommn. datlons for Stnco nnssanfrora nn.i f. people dslrlng a rest atthe seashore. "Von'R Llko tho Place." J. E, SCHILLING. Proprietor. MOUNT DIABLO AND JOSSOv eb,5t Domestic aud Imported brands .'.ate, Lime Bricked al, kinds of builders material. HUGH McLAIN t-r r-t-fr.- . . . ruoNH aoi J i-fa-a-tt--t ' Fpr Fresh Butter Sterilized Cream Sterilized Milk Buttef Milk Bean-Pol Cheese and Ice Coos Bay Ice & Cold Storage a t n n 3 I f s J t ? 8 I ? 8 i I a i I jj I I !. ....- wTTfTTC l-'mili liiiia."- i 8 A. M. and 2 P. M- 7 Phoife 73-J. I a -a---' nriii ii iriwii :.iAi a r -ww-