"Strii'mi"" W''JWWIf 7 ADS. mmvz NEWS nIlEV Ill'SlNESS IS SLOW, Al It TISK. THAT IT PAYS IB EVI- i-VCFI) SUCCESSFUL UUSI- Jgg HOt'SKS EVERYWHERE :; GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW BY HEADING THE COOS )AY TIMKH. ALL THE NEWS ALu THE TIMB TEHSELY 10L1 t: :: :: :i :: V MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED I'llESS (&nm vouxxsi". Established In 1878 ns TIio Coast Mall. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1910 EVENING EDITION. A Coiisolidntlon'of Times, Const .Mull mid Coos Hay Advertiser. No. 62. u li SLOW f RETURNS C01E BUT CLEARLY INDICATE RESULTS:- THREATENS RES S LIFE Lrce and Rackleff Nominated For Representative and Gol den Wins For Coroner. BOWERMAN AND HAWLEY CARRY THE COUNTY. I Anderson Leads Hoy Eighteen in Twenty-Six Precincts Gettins Well Supported. , MU'UllilCAX COUNTY TICKET. Joint Representatives. 1'. I'circo Representative, CoosEd. Rackloff Reoresentntlvo for Coos.... liu. itncKicu HP. STUBBS IN 0 CONDITION : County Judge . .E. A. Anderson slicrlff , . , John Yoaknm Pfr) Jnmea WntBon Treasurer T. M. Dlmmlck Surveyor A. N. Gould a rnrnnor Dr. R. E. Golden Commissioner.. G. J. Armstrong Returns from the Coos county pri Birlei Saturday nro comlnB In slow ltd owing to the failure of many u,. tie election offlclnlB to wrlto down tit results In the various precincts on tie outside of tlio official returns, the result canont bo ascertained until th cflclil canvass begins In Comity Clerk Watson's olllco In Coqulllo to Borrow. At 3.30 this afternoon, tho returns Irom ill but three 'of tho thirty-six precincts In tho county had reached Clerk Watson, Tho precincts that tire not yet reached hlni nro Tem (leton, South SIoukIi and Missouri. Id twenty-six precincts, tho total TOteon Governor Is ns follows: Abrahams Ill Bowerman 30G Dlmlck ;....233 Holer 1-78 County Ofllct'rs. For Coroner, Dr. It. e Golden, th0 actl-atscmbly candidate, seems to live a suro thing. In 2G precincts ho lu total of 40U, whllo W. J. Dutlor, tie assembly candidate, has only 339. For Joint Representative, S. P. Wrce, tho nntl-nssombly candidate, a big lend , In 20 precincts, Pflrce's total vote Is 170, Gcorgo N. ftrrln's was 297 and Herbert Humo's HI. For County county Representative. F-1 Rackleff, tho nntl-nssombly enn Mate, has a big lend ovor Goorgo Treadgold, th0 assombly candidate In M precincts, Rnckloff has 491 and Trwdgold only 32C. The total voto In twonty-slx out of 'he thirty-six precincts gives II., G. 383 for County Judgo and E. A. Person, 401, Other Offices. , Ten precincts In Mnrshflold, North Bnd, Bandon, Bunker Hill, Cooston "d part of Coqiilllo'glve the) fbllow laj: For Congress '' I!1?' .......'....375 MBley 2S3 For Water Commissioner Cainnock " '. . . .244 General Agent of Union Pacific Says He Accidentally Shot ' Himself. I By Associated Press.) CLEVELAND, O., Sept. 20. Tho condition of Donald P. Stubbs, gen eral agent of tho Union Pacific llnll rond hero, son of J. C. Stubbs, vice president and traffic malinger of llar rlmnn lines, to-day Is grave. He clnlmn ho uccldcntly shot himself whllo cxnmlnlng n now rovolver. Tho police bcllovo ho attempted suicide. Gettins For Surveyor Gould .. Kern '.'.' .'.',' ,''.'.' ."'.'.' .".'.'! Fr County Commissioner Armstrong .... Oake Perkins ' ,397 .365, .175 .239 .177 .153 Committeemen Nnmcd. The antl-assembly committeemen In tlnV th tnreo Marahflold Pc son 1 WCre named- Duncan Fergu- in the north and P. E. Allen in e wuth precincts were both elected. r a.re both anti-assembly. C. B. r, assembly candidate for com v "eeman in the centrnl precinct, 5!!DoPMtlon and was chosen, e votes on tho committeemen "fe as follows; 'orth Marshflold precinct Duncan rBUsou, 50; D L Buck,nghaini 25. Seiby, 94 Mar8hfleld. Precinct C. B. AlfenUtihr Marsnfleld precinct F. E. "en' ; Dr, Ingram, 18. tooston Vote. ui.d uwomoou too iuio 10 luuuitnu wiiii mo omers. inuio were i out iois cum,, 2'i uepuuiicnns aim two Domourulic. Voting at Empire. At Empire uiero wus u total 01 fourteen votes cust. Of these six 01 tho votes wcro Judges anu ciorKs so thoro were only eight out- sldo of tho election board Hint voic ulthough there were iltty-iour login icrcd. Two men voted for two can didates lor tho sumo office. OiuJ Democrat did tho samo' tning aiiu .polled his vote. There wore fou. u...uCiatlc votes for Hugh McLaln. Election Notes. Someone at Bunker Hill cast a vote lor Gow Why lor Port Commis sioner. Somo of the friends of Jack Mc reon, to havo n Joko on hlni, wrote In nls name for constable The namo of M. O. Hawkins wui written In for Countly Clerk by. quite a number of tho Domocrats and It is understood that ho will accept 1. nomination and mako a raco for tin ofllco. A. H. Powors, J. II. Flanagan and J. W. Bennett each got a voto for Port Coihmlsslonor In Empire. J. W. Bonnot also got a Voto at Bunko. Hill. L. D. Klnnoy was appointed" on of tho judges in tho south prcclnc In North Bend. As ho is out of t.h city J. A, Krnnlck was appointed tt servo In his placo. Gcorgo Farrln was appointed tc servo In tho south precinct of Mnrsh flold, but ho did not qunllfy as he was a candidate. Guy Chnmber war nppolntod a clerk in that precinct. Tom Bonnott was nnmcd ns a clerk In tho control precinct but ho did not Borve. R. O. Grnvcs was appointed to fill a vacancy there. Col. William Grimes got a voto for Port Commlslsonor. Williams Has Been Ar rested and It Is Alleged That He Is Insane and Dangerous. (By Associated Press.) AUBURN, Cal., Sept. 26. On re quest of tho District Attorney's or flco of, Santa Clnrn county, H. W. Williams was arrested hero to-day on a chargo of threatening tho llfo c Governor Benson of Oregon. Gov ernor Benson Informed tho nuthorl' ties that Williams frequently threat ened his life In letters and telegrams and that he was lnsnne. Tho Oregon authorities nsscrt Williams is a dan gerous tnnnlac nnd if ho cannot b' committed to a California asylum they will obIc his return to their jur isdiction. Sheriff McAllcy Informed the Oregon authorities that Williams has acted in a rational manner slnco coming to Plncor county, and that he cannot bo examined hero for his san ity. BENSON STARTS HOME. Will Leave California To-Morrow For Oregon Capital. (By Associated Press.) SAN JOSE, Cal., Sept. 20. Gov ernor Benson of Oregon will return homo to-mororw. Ho has been un der tho caro of physicians for four months. Ho wns nominated Satur day at tho State primaries for Secre tary of Stato. IBOVEHHI ISIIDMIMEDBY REPUBLICANS FDR GOVERNOR G ROW SEVERAL PRECINCTS VOTED Tho following shows tho voto In dotnll on Republican candidates In ences whore thoro wcro contests in Marshflold, North Bend, Dunkor Hill 1 and Bandon: Offtco and Candidate. 5" 3 5 s a a p a S? a 2 S f o, o. . n COU.NT.V DI-MOCHATS. The ""i"n voie, u e'ote from Cooston was received Hnn,y Annarontly R. A. Copplo lias de feated W. A. Wood for tho Democrat- . MAr.nsn ill ft lc nomination ror itopreacMv from Coos and Curry counties. From tho returns received Thomas. Cako has defeated T. P. Hanly for County Commissioner. John F. Hall for County juagu, . W. Gage for'Sheriff and F. W. Stov ons for County Survoyor on the Dem ocrntlc ticket have no opposition. It is reported that R. E. Bedlllion of Bandon has received enough votes to nominate him on tho Democratic tlckot for Representative from Coos county. . M. O. Hawkins has been nonnnaieu for County Clerk by tho Domocrats. DEMOCRATIC TOTALS. Tbo total voto on tho Democratic HMrot In cases of contest In the pre cincts of Marshfleld. North Bend and Bunker Hill follow: For Governoi" Myers West For Railroad Commissioner McLaln Strain - For Joint Representative Copplo 1 Wood For County Commissioner Coke .......i ..29 ..61 .,91. .. 8 .,71 .,17 ,65 ,30 CONGRESS Hawloy ',., 57 59 Mulkey '...".,....... ..34 53 GOVERNOR ,v , . , Abraham 81 4 Bowcrman ; .". 36 48 Dlmlck ;34' 48 Hofcr 15 17 SECRETARY OF STATE Benson 50 62 Wlngato 40 50 STATE TREASURER Hoyt 37 '41 Kay ..50' 74 JUSTICE SUPREME COURT (.4 yr) m ' Bean 02 75 McBrldo ' 41 63 McCaraant 26 39 JUSTICE SUPREME COURT (0 yr) Burnett ...50 71 Mooro 53 82, ATTORNEY-GENERAL Crawford ...09 87 Hart ; ,....16' 24 STATE PRINTER Clark 30 29 Dunlny ; 53' 80 LABOR COMMISSIONER Hoff 39 49 Orton 38 60 WATER COMMISSIONER Chlnnock 2S 41 Gettins 56 76 CIRCUIT JUDGE Coko 79 107 Jones '....39 50 JOINT REPRESENTATIVE Farrln 20 37 Humo 16 25 Peirce , 50 REPRESENTATIVE, Coos Co. Rackleff .- .45 .59 Trendgold ,.:.....' .'3; ' 48 COUNTY JUDGE '. ' ,. Andorson ... 4 .... .f ........ 45 47 HOy M M M M I M ' ' COUNTY SURVEYOR Gould :..'.: 65 . 81 K'orn r.' 20. .31 CORONER , . . Rutlor il' Goldon . COUNTY .COMMISSIONER ,Vrmstrong . , . ... ,.,:... . ; 3B Onkes 23 Perkins ...,,...;,.. 17 36 03 7 20 22 17 40. 32 24 46 40 OO 45 55 57 57 13 27 42 33 36 28 43 62 36 21 20 29 .39 27 . 32 33 44 20 32 41 C 25' 8 30 50 27 35 40 tm- 51 31 8 45 38 53 ,10' 21 44 35 31 29' 40 61 37 ' 11 43- 36 32 f 34 3.8 J 5 t 52 66 i', 37. -38 28,' '27''25 29 '14 15 20 '16 i2 30 32 9 17 13 24 42 17 40 47 34 15 34 44 15 10 14 44 25 31 20 35 52 32 12 14 34 ' 32 26. .1 V 24 3t 34 '23 ".'V 19 40 10 '18 14 12 11 8 7 7 3 15 10 8 10 19 11 0 14 15- 19 4 ,8 14 11 11 1G 8 18 14 10 3 10 14' 5 12 is 14 .7 14 ri 10 0 V p a a. o a 86 37 . 20 50 30 10. 91 27 03 55 72 55 45 85 GS 70 . 37 50 51 G9 30 43 09 94 53 43 19 58 09 . 53 ' 02 01 09 47 v 59 58 u" P 37 ;.'29 IS IN SESSION Irrigation Meeting at Pueblo, Colo., Opened To-Day With a Parade. (By Associated Press.) PUEBLO, Colo,, Sept. 20. Tho Ir rigation Congress was opened here to-dny with n big Industrial parade. It contnlnod many spectacular feat ures, Delegations from ninny sections of tho country woro present nnd the work to bo carried on at tho con vontion will cover a wldo range. Many Important matters in connec tion with Irrigation will bo discussed. E TTO BE VERY BUSY Many at Thirteenth Annual Congress Convening Tq Day at Los Angeles. (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, Sept. 20. Tho first of a sorles of cabinet mootlngs tha't will mark tho stay of Prosldon Tnft-in'-Wi8hlnKton-thlB--weok-wn8 hold to-day. Tho Cabinet days' wll' bo busy. Tho long programmo of subjects to bo considered hns boon mndo and each day's sitting Is expect ed to bo prolonged. In a gonoral way tho discussions are to bo on tho question of tho forthcoming Judiclnl nppolntmonts by tho Prosldont, for eign affairs, including tho rend lust- mont In tho progross In tho Nlcnrn gun reports nnd estlmntos and econ omy plnns from tho dopartmonts, tho Inauguration of tlo postal savings banks, nnd tho extension of tho civ sorvlco to Include dlstnnco postmast ers and permnnont monoy order of fices. Tho only nbsontco to-day wn Dickinson, who Is In tho far East. I wns said that politics will 1o give llttlo or no consideration at this time. Oswald West Is Nominated By the Democrats to Run Against Him. LEGISLATURE IS STATEMENT NO. 1. LAST SERVICE WITH DEMOCRATIC VOTE. The following Is the vote on Democratic candidates in this locality where" there wasa contest: ' Otflco and Candidate. a p Q to a B S" D P . 4 .11'' .18 , GOVERNOR Myers , West -i. RAILROAD COMMISSIONER McLaln , Strain ?..... JOINT REPRESENTATIVE CopplQ , f . . i..-. 'til'Yi Wood. . .... ,....,.,.' .. ' COUNTY COMMISSIONER Coko 11 T. P. Hanly 8 . . A W" ..8 . 7 19 '25 , . 2 23 15 8 f' 16 ill o u ? p c 3 5 6 0 4 ',.1 4 1 V o i c w v o M B B p- P 0 7 18 i . 11 i 13 1 w c p w a i a 2 0 7 1 7 1 0 1 Messrs. Lyon and Harris to Conduct Their Farewell Service To-Night. '(By Rev. G. LoRby Hall.) Tho services at the Tabernado yes- tor'day woro well attonded. Tho crowd In the ovnlng nearly filled tho groat building. Mr. Harris sang by request at tho morning Bervlco "Tho Iioly City" with Bplondld voice. Several mado decisions for Christ during tho day. At tho nftornoon meeting a mandolin duet was rendered by tho Isaacson brothers. These boys truly are young artists with promising skill. Tho time which Mr. Lyon has beon here has been shorter than tho usual length of period for evangelistic meetings, and hub passed very rapid ly. During his stay tho mlnlsfor nnd his singer have plainly endeared themselves to tho people of Marsh flold. Each has provon himself n christian gentloman of character above reproach. Tho farewell sorvlco will bo hold this evening. "THE EGG MAKER" wll mAko your bens lav. COOK'S GROCERY", Phone I, S. Kaufman & Co. your 3oal Order. ? 4.BO rER TO?J. W. C. Hawley Gets Republican Nomination For Congress man For First District. (Special to Tho Tlmos.) PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 20. Tho results of tho primaries held In Ore gon Snturday are as follows: Governor, Jny Uowermnn, nssoin- bly. Congressman First District, W. C. Hnwley, assembly. Congressman Second District, A. W. Lafferty, Insurgent. Judges Supromo Court, four-year-term, H. J. Bean ,antl-as8ombly; T. A. McBrldo. Judgos Supremo Court, slx-yoar term, G. H. Burnett, assembly; F. A. Mooro. Secretary of State, F. W. Bonson, assembly. Stato Treasurer, Thomas B, Kay, antl-nssombly. Atotrney-Gonornl, A. M. Crawford. antl-nssombly. School Superintendent, L, It. Al- dormnn, nssombly; ;no; opposition. Stato Printer, W. S. Dunlwny, antl nssombly. '"Commissioner of Labor, unsettled. Railroad Commissioner, Frank 7. Miller, assombly; no opposition. State Englnoor, John II. Lewis, as. BCmbly; no oposltlbn' ' Democratic Ticket. Tho domocrntlo tlckot nominated was as follows: Governor, Oswnld West. CongrcsB, Socond District, closo'ue tweon John Mnnnlng nnd tho former Mayor of Portland, Hnrry Lane. First District, Robort Smith. Statement No. 1. Tho Loglslnturo has n Statomont No. 1 mnjorlty. According to returns up to noon to-dny, A. W. Lafferty, tho antl-as sombly cnndldnto has dofooted W. It. Ellis, tho assembly candidate, for tho Congressional nomination In tho Soc ond District of Oregon. In tho First District, tho roturns Indicate that Congressman Hawley will bo renominated over U. F. Mul key by about 2,000. For Supremo Court Justlco, it seema that Henry J. Bean of Poudlo- ton, nu Independent candidate, has dofeatod Wallace McCammant, tho as. sombly selection. Tho other JubUcob nominated, according to returns, aro Moore, Burnett and McBrldo. Attornoy-Gonornl Crawford, an nntl-nssombly candidate, Is apparent ly easily renominated over J. N. Hart of Baker City, tho nssombly candidate It is also bolloved that W. S. Dun- Iway, tho ftiitl-nssembly candidate for Stato Printer, has won over W. J. fclnrko, tho assembly choice. ! Returns uro slow In coming In and tho finals will not bo known for an- othor day or two. CUHKY COUNTY. Tho only returns that nro obtain able from Gold Beach, tho county Bent of Curry county to-dny nro that Pelrco has carried Curry county. which assures his nomination as Joint Representative of Coos and Curry county. MARRIED IN PORTLAND. Jasper Mauzey, Formerly at This City, Weds Koseburg Girl. Jasper Mauzoy, formerly of thla city, haa wrltton to friends horo that ho was married throe weeks ago to Miss Roso Embree, Of Roseburg, The young lady formerly was employed In tho Coos Bay Steam Laundry In thla city, Mr. Mauzoy also lived hero but wont away two years ago. Ho now has a good position in tho laundry at Vancouver, Wash. The news received here by friends was the first that Mr. Mauzey'B brothers leuow of tho mar riage. J ! " i l v.