T": THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1910 EVENING EDITION a - ' 4 "MONEY TALKS""MONEY TALKS" "MONEY TALKS" "MONEY TALKS" "MONEY TALKS" "MONEY TALKS" "MONEY TALKS" "MONEY TALKS" "MONEY TALKS" "MONFYt CO l H- -LU Hub Clothin CO J l Is fc o f m Shoe to 5 UJ o CO -J t H -LU 2 I CO id -J -LU MARSHFIELD :- BANDON THE NEW FALL, 1910, CLOTHES NOW ON DISPLAY Fall Suits, Overcoats, Cravenettes and Slip-ons. Whenever you're ready to choose your Fall Clothes you'll find us ready to show you the best in the market, and help you pick out those that are best for you. We've selected from the foremost makers the choicest things the finest products of foreign and domestic looms. We want the pleasure of showing them to you before you buy any Clothes anywhere. If we do not save you trom $4.00 to $8.00 on any Suit priced from $10.00 to $30.00, buy elsewhere. You Ask Why? "CASH ONLY" ' "MONEY TALKS" o z m - r ?; w "MONEY TALKS" "MONEY TALKS" "MONEY TALKS" "MONEY TALKS" "MONEY TALKS" "MONEY TALKS" "MONEY TALKS" "MONEY TALKS" "MONEY TALKS"'"MONEY TALKS" I THE ASSEMBLY Members of Oregon Grange Will Strongly Oppose As sembly Candidates. Somctliuo since, A. Unborly, lectur er of tho Hnndon Orange, stntcd In 11 letter to Tho Times thnt the Grange -was olllclnlly and absolutely against tho Assembly. This was dented b tho secretary of tho Bnndon Grange, but now comes mo State organizer o. tho grango and tho man who organ ized thu Hundou Orange anil conllrinu Air. Unborly. lie sns that not mil,, Is tho Grntigo ugaliikt tho Assombl), but that It .was tho tlrst to go on rec ord against It. In u letter to n Port land paper, CyruB II. Walker of Al bany, who Is well known la Coob county, says: ' "I:; this anti-Assembly, Bourne Is a mere Incident." It Is also true that "tho resistance had Its beginning iu the great movement among tho Ore gun granges." lleglnnlng qtilto early last fall, grange after grnngd In dif ferent sections of Oregon passed reso lutions against tho Assembly, until In AIny tho Stato grange of Oregon, m Qrogon City, lroo tho last splko that comiilotcd tho circuit. Wo novor know when to hollow vhat tho Oregonlan glvea us editorial ly along iiolltlcal linos, and some other lines as well. Hav ing read tho Oregonlan more or loss for nearly sixty years treading tho very tlrst numbers), for joars 1 took a pride In It; now 1 nm disgusted with It. Tho nutt-Assombly tontlmont Is stronger, porhnps, In I. Inn than In any other Orugou county. For one thing, wo haw mora granges than any other county. As n rulo tho far mers regard tho grange as an expo nent of their Ideas, and whatever ac tion It takes tho farmers as a major ity fall In with, Grand l'ralrlo Grange, No. 10, near Albany, at Its last meeting, decided to hold public meetings to discuss tho different measures going upon tho ballot for November's olectlon. All tho Orogou granges will no doubt moro or loss discuss them, and wo fanners and laboring men will know ns well ns tho Assembly fellows what we are voting for, If we are not o Informed at the present It Is said that tho ostrich, when pursued and nulling Itself run down, hides Its head In the baud, Im agining It Is concealed from Its pur auors. This applies to tho present status of tho nssomblyltes. Last Tuesday was Grange day at tho Linn county fair. The remark was made and assented to thnt outsldo of tho towns, nine out of ten of tho pooplo wore ngalnst tho Assembly, There will bo somo mlgjuty sur prls tho next' morning after tuo prt mar'es nro hold on tho 24th Inst., and U" greater onos tlioinornlng of tut fh t f November. By that tlmo It v " t fiO' demonstrated that "govern inert of tho pooplo, by tho pooplo. for tho people" has not "perished from" Oregon CYRUS H. WALKER. In Oregon Natlvo Son of Nearly 72 Years. II FAR FROM l!!E KINGDOM (Continued from pago 1.) but '' did bavo much to say about this nil-Important theme, lie too tlmo to deliver wholo pnrnbles upon this subject Ilouco It must jo an Important thome. "Nearness to tho Kingdom Is not ouough. When tho ship Breakwater goes out 1 may bo only a fow feet from tho wharf but when tho boat is out I nm left ns much, when she Is a few foot us when she Is out In mid ocean. It Is something for you, my friends, to consider, how far nro you from tho Kingdom of God? Christ caino teaching tho way. Christ's teaching was radical, 1 admit. Hut Ho said ho had power on earth to for give sins. Now If Ho did, his com ing to earth Is tho greatest fact In all history, but If Ho did not have this power, ho becomes tho grcntest hum bug In all history. "Being near and not entering Into tho Kingdom makes one's Inlluenco detrimental. Tho llfo of tho mornl man Is not leaving tho right inlluenco and tho llfo of the one who Is near, but not In tho Kingdom Is moro detri mental than tho man In tho commun ity who leads n vicious llfo. Again, being near and not entering will mnito our Ileal doom tho moro bit ter. There will ho tho words: "Lost! Lost!" echoing through tho groat future" n ''' ' : Mr. Lyon closed by tolling of j tunn who'wns frozen to death In hit own doorynrd. His fnmlly woro nsleop and tho man did not know whoro ho wns. Four moro enmo forward taking stand for Christ. tt :j-::--K-K---::--::---n-n:;-a------nwil--i:-. tt-:t-::-tt-tt-tt-tt-tt-tt-tt-::tt t: i t: i a i :: tt t tt tt tt i tt u i : i t: i tt t tt i it :: i t u tt I tt t tt t tt I tt i tt i tt n i tt i tt t tt i R I J Low Prices on Furniture THAT IS THE PLAIN FACT THAT IS TOLD BY EVERY PRICE TAG ON EV ERY PIECE OF FURNITURE IN OUR HOUSE. Compare Prices Compare Qualities WE ARE RIGHT IN OUR ELEMENT WHEN IT COMES TO PROVING BE YOND QUESTION THAT WE Sell the Best and Ask Less For It ' OF COURSE OUR STORE IS CLEAN AND FRESH, AND OUR STOCK IS UP-TO-DATE, BUT THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH PRICES; YOU GET ALL THAT'S GOOD AND PAY LESS FOR IT. The Price Tag Tells COME IN AND HELP YOURSELF TO A GENEROUS COMPARISON. OUR TERMS ON EASY PAYMENTS. GET Perry, Montgomery& Co. tt t: i tt t i t: i tt tt t :t tt i u tt i x: t tt i tt t i a i tt i tt i tt tt k tt it n M i tt i tt i i tt i tt t tt i tt Our Work is Our adver tisement OUU GUARANTEE IS VOUIt SAT- ISFACTION. MARSHFIELD HAM) AXI) STKASJ LAUXDRl'. .Vaiuey llroi., Prop. Phono 0-J. NOTICE To The Public tt-tt-tt-t-tt-tt-tt-tt-K-tt-tt-K-tt-tttt-tt-tt-tt-tt-tt-tt-tt-tt-tt-tt- tt-a-a-tt-tt-tt-tt-tt-tt-tt-tf-tt-tt- Neighborhood ."Meetings. On Frldny morning at 9 o'clock the meetings will bo hold in tho fol lowing homos: Mrs. Poet, South llrondway. Mrs, Clauson.'Tonth street. Mrs. Clnrk, Hunker Hill Mrs, Zugg. Fourth streot. Mvb. lllnek, Railroad Addition. Mrs. Wesley Smith, West Mars'' Hold. THE ROYAL TONIGHT . ELKS' CONVENTION AT Detroit. Steamer Newport will Mill ScptenilH'r -1M I'nnn Port land for Coos Hay. Order your freight Milppetl on her. C F. McGEOHGE, Agent. Turkish Baths 2 10-2 13 Coos Building PHONE 2 14 J THK F.sr '"")"colilTois'"""'' ' r"g 1 J- v;. i.v .Movixt; pirmuw at thu HOVAI, TO-XKIHT. DOX'T MISS IT. Steamer Redondo WIMj KXIilRMTKX PKOlM.i:. Admission, Adults 10c, Children 5c I Mls vnmi SAX v I (KQIIPPKI) WITH WHtKLFSSi WII.I MAKK KKfiULAK Tint's riiiv'iv ... AX1, F,tF,5T mmvuj; CO. AM, ItKSKUVATIOXS FOU ! ssFVr . ' AI.MAXCK mine, MAHSHF,,:, Axn ,h 'Sr." .AI THAXSP. CO. VIVE 11LI)(J., SAX FHAXCISCO rm, 11-. " MATIOX 1MIOXI5 1 l-J o 85 "lAUht0- 'OIt 1XFOH- lUllluger Say Ho Will Tell n Few Things. (Uy Associated Press.) DBXVKK, Colo., Sept. 22. In his nddiyssiuro Secretary llalllnger said, "When 1 get foot loose from public oftlco 1 intend to dovoto part of my tlmo to, giving to the American people somo Idea of thgipurlty of tho motives of my traducors. The public Is en titled to tho hidden springs of In spiration which gush forth in torrents of "uplift" patriotism from these self- apnolutod moralists, and I shall heartily onjoy using tho searchlight whon tho proper tlmo comes." Tin Secrotnry said tho offleloncy of the In terior Department novor was greater than It Is to-day. Bi t ft f 1 ft D p O W f JSP A MtV ) ffl $gk i MISS FAYH HHIDOICS, teacher of PIAXOIXlUTH, wishes to announce i tno opening of her Fall class. Studio, 1 Lloyd Hotel. Get Thib Catalog Read our de scriptions ami note the quality, fully guaranteed by us. Compare the prices with tnoee mat others nsk for trie same quality. 'Save mid dlemon's Droflte for tho chllUren." Aik for Catalnor o. tO. Send us denl. or" ostlmates or your own list. wjsk ua about freight ! ratee. We paok carefully, hip promptly, anywhere, to anybody. SAVE l Kt0 On SASH, DOORS And Other Millwoik BUY DIRECT FROM FACTORY Goods In Stock Tho HLAXCO DlNlXa ItOOM and grill was rc-opened under now man- agemcut September 21st First-class meals at all hours from 25 CENTS UP Wo nro catorors to tho trado and only employ White Help HOTKL GAHDIXF.it, at Gnrdlnor, Oregon, lias been re mod oiled nnd Improved and U under now managomeut. Special accommo dations for stngo passengers nnd for pcoplo deslting n rest at the seashore. "You'll IJko tho Place." J. B. SCHILLING, Proprietor. Fit AXt'ISl'OlSKPT.ai,1.0Ur00SII.v IXXKU.QCKAX TIUXBiWlimv C0 m&r rauilt '"onumental Z, and Building Works fewL& .. t H. H. WILSOX, Proprietor MARSHFIELD, ORE. AH kinds of monnmnntni .,. ,. .... ...,, Burs nrnnint h. .i r ,. , -f.. utiu w.... at our works on South Broadway. cutcd. artistically cxe- O.B. Williams Co. "iysr Seattle, Wash. s A " 5tLraSH5ESaSiSaSH5a5HSZa Ln u-a-n-n-n-tt-rt.a.j, 8sa?asK25?ir3tr3wc3ncT, , "--tt-tt-t:-x- cacatoilSHaPWwtramMr- . -i&aMoeatlHSHSPCl C3Mt-mcn STEAMER BREAKWATER M., Sails from Ai.isuortl, Dock, Portland. H Ln W. P. Millar A- "" Phone Main 35-L MfM40 FLASHliS PROM Til 13 WH:I t A book of Sormons by Il.W RHAVXOX. Price, Fifty Cents. Address Vlsnlla, Calif. Have that Roof Fixed Now See CORTHELL PHONB 100-L. Electrical Fixtures at Less than the Manufacturer's Prices. THIXK OF A $55.00 FIXTURE SELLING FOR $27.50, AND CHEAP ER ONES IN PROPORTION. THIS IS A RARE BARGAIN IN T1 ELECTRIC LINE NEVER BEFORE OFFERED IN MARSHFIELD. COME IN AND LOOK OUR LOT OVER AND BE CONVINCED. . Coos Bay Wiring Co. EXPERT ELECTRICIANS. Respectfully ask your patronage. PnOXE 237-J. 78 Broadway, Xorth. MRS. M. R. SMITH agent for CHARLES A. STEVEXS vw- ,l,,MB,lllwwBJ AXD SUIT HOUSE, of Chicago. - t -. 'i. rtiiin)i. .