- raf . THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1910 EVENING EDITION Z l2fltSWWWpktfWiwBfI; Crave tto&vty&e&to&mmss nette Hats I Best of All TTo WOOLEN MILL STORE Mill-to-Man Clothiers Marshfield . Oregon t&vWto?3&n&i&&.wwi I k MMW9"'"'w"WbWwP rBmmamLwaifBmiEiMajuammn Y Don't You Remove Your Corns? WHEN OTHEU REMEDIES HAVE FAILED, THY NVAL'S COKX REMOVER FOR CORNS AND Ilt'NIONS. MONEY RE FUNDED IF NOT SATISFACTORY. ion sale at the busy corner, phone uoh. Price, 25 Cents a Bottle Lockhart - Parsons Drug Co. ."The Busy Corner" Marshfield, Oregon ! Home Addition To Eastside j NOW ON THE MARKET , .. St Tlil. mMlilMi I olti.nln.l ItHinniHntnlv V.nut nt tutu' Knstgldo Mill, The lots are 100x211 und larger, about ulKht ordinary lots; and ,, a prices nro $150.00 up for Uiobo largo tracts. j This plat was filed Woduesdny Inst, and wo have only flftcon lots remaining unsold. This Indlcntos that tho property Is Interest- a a Ing to purchasora, and anyouo wishing to securo a lot should act K promptly. Terms ono-hnlf cash, bnlanco equal payments, 3, (J, 0 and 12 months. For particulars, seo I Title Guarantee General Agents EASTSIDE . Abstract Co.. jj Henry Songstacken, Managor. t - v tl i Have, The; i Pioneer Hardware Co -- ' " ' ' I I Connect iip your Sejyr, aIi yur ELUMBIN,Q.. : F.tHagic,Prcs. M. D.Sumner, Vice Prcs. ;; 330 Front Street I tsf i I iWi simiiM il J lJ VpN- L--J ! COOS BAY TIDES. SEPTEMBER High water Date. J A.M. fh. m. I ft. Thursday 22! Krldny... 2ll Saturday 2-1, SUNDAY 25 2:15 3:10 4:14 5:30 S.O 7.3 G.G CO "SEPTEMBER Low w.ucr A. M. I. M. Date. li. in. ft. h. in. ft. Thursday 221 8:07 Friday... 231 S:4!) Saturdny 2 9:37 SUNDAY 25jl0:42 Trout Jumping. Tho trout are Jumping In tho upper waters of North Coos Illvor and there should bo some good fly fishing there, so tho AUcgau people report. , To ltulhl Home. It. A. Church of Coos Hlver has let tho contract for a flno eight-room bungalow to bi ercctod on Dalnos street, Just south of Tom lllaln'a residence. Mr. Fulr ehllds has tho contract nnd oxpects to begin work next week. Sells IIiihIiicmh. it, I j, Plnogor has (llstHlsoil of bin rennlr IiiikIiidh tn 1 I PL in. Virtue, who will continue It. Mr. l'lnegor expects to leave shortly for Portland, whero ho expects to spend tho winter. Ospiey Here! Tho gasollno schoon er Usptoy 1b hate from Uogue Hlver. She brought forty tierces of Biilinon from Weddorbum and will return to Hoguo ltlvcr. ';::::m:t::mm::imtm: ;i ::::m:m:::j:::tr . , .. ii j Personal Notes g tv:mmtm::m$::::::::m::m:mm:m:::m ALFRED RODINE of In tho city to-day. Allegany wa I h. in 2:17 3:00 3:m 4:5Q 7Qt 0.2 0.0 S.C S.2 1.71 S:51 2.4 9:49 3.1(10:50 3.9 10.1 0.0 0.2 ..5. Tim WEATHER, ( (By Associated Press.) ' OREGON Fair to-night and Friday,. i.m.vli TEMPERATURE HE PORT. For twenty-four hours ending at 4.13 I. M., Sept. 21, by Mrs. Mltigus, Bpeclal govorumout me teorological observer: Maximum GO Minimum 52 At 4.43 P. M 57 Precipitation 02 Wind, Is'orthwcst: Cloudy. New Manager.. Mrs. Fluolla Tur nor arrived on the Drain onto nut will take charge of tho Mnrahflolr" store of A. V. Myers and Company She Is an experienced dry goods wr man from Albany. GZTZTehB mWABmi W0S0K3ZM& ViTMUM W fEfaTtKa ix-, cr?3 f r. i rr mwitK i iTS L. l'OIt SALIC. All my liotixeliold fin iiltuio und llxturus, including piano, after Oct. 1st. lmiuiro .ui W. M. Lawlor, 371 First t., North. AWT. Colli Mlckpln for gentlenmn'i tie; contains red oval stone. Ho ward for return to Lockhnrfs Grocery. KOK SALE. New lUe-rooni miiiU'Mt bungalow and lot 40x100 In South Mnrihtleld, uear In. Hnrgatn. Call at 421 Golden avo or phone 147H WANTED. Ah experienced girl oi woman for gonoral houbowork. Ap ply Lock Hox 744, Marahflold. Good wages to right party. WANTED. Hoys to learn to deliver Tho Times aftor school. Must bo at least In Fourth grade at school. Apply Times ofllce. FOU HENT. B-room cottage, West Marshflold, 110 por month: also 2 rooms In dwelling, closo in, $S per month. Apply Hall & Hall. FOU SALE. lots unil 1S2.iwin house: $a,000. Apply Hall & Hall. WANTE1. A nuui ami lfo to tnke charge of ranch near Marshfield. Mr. Bridges, Lloyd Hotel. WANTED, TWO girls. at tho .Marsh- flold Hand & Steam Laundry at onco. Pnono zsst-j. ("liangu Services. In ordor to al low tho congregation to Join In the union services in Mnrshlleld Sunday, Rev. M. H. Staines of the Coos Hive. United Brethren Church has ' an nounced that no morning services wil, bo held there Sunday. Christian En deavor services will bo held In tin evening as usual. Slurtlng New Ciiiiip. Clarence Gould Is starting a new logging camp at Allegany back of tho Prlco place. The men nro fulling timber and the camp will open soon to take out logs Last night a big scraper was taken iii on tho Alert to be used nt tlio cam. Georgo L, Gould, n brother of Clar enco Gould, canio to tho. city to-day .o look after somo new machluer which was shipped In hero on tin iironkwator. JUDGE JOHN HALL Is confined to his homo on account of Illness. F. E. HAGUE mndo a business trip to Coqulllo yesterday. HEN SMITH was down from Co s Hlver to-day. Ho says that oven the springs arc drying up as a re sult of tho long dry spell. WESLEY MILLER of Gold Benci 18 In tho city on business. ROBERT STARKEY . of Ba; City mado a visit to Mnrshlleld 'to-dnyt MRS. JOHN AlCEN of Coqulllb was a Marshdcld shopper to-day. t A. II. POWERS returned homo to-dny from Coqulllo. ' RILEY BUNCH, who with his family has been driving through the Stnto, went to Allegany last night. Ho formerly lived thoro. Ho'hnd his 'horses nnd buggy with him m took thorn up on tho Alort and will drive out over tho licw Loon Lako road. D. L. nnd W. E. FOOTE will fco to th sand hills to-night to shoot ducks. MRS. KARIr SMEDBERG of Gatch- ing Inlet Is n Marshfield visitor. A. J. MENDEL has returned homo from Bnndon, where ho went on business. MRS. II. Creek visit. B. FERGUSON of Dnnlols is in tho city to-day. on r. Powers Indicted. A. II. Powers, of tho Smith-Powers Logging Com pany, who returned from Coqulllo to day, says that tho Grand Jury hns in Jlutod him. "They have mo Indlctei'. for killing fish," said Mr. Powet-B, 'and I never caught a ilsh In my life." Tho charge. Is that .Mr. Pow ers kilted, Ilsh when tiling dynamlti In blowing up piling. There Is n question Involved as to whether Mr. Powers' fedoral license for using dy nnmlt Is sufficient without n loca. llcenso. lU'ttmiH Home. HugluMcLaln ro (limed to-day via Rosvburg fron Portland nnd othor northern points He ronorts that n heavy rain made travelling difficult on tho east sld- of the Coast Range. He is high! pleased with tho prospects of his can didacy for tho Domocrntlo nomina tion for State Railroad Commls'slonor. Many of his Republican friends an planning to give him a boost by writ ing in his nnmo for Railroad Com missioner on their tlckot. This they can do, it is explained, without hurt ing tholr cnndldato, as thoro Is only ono man running for tho Republican nomination and who Is certain of the nomination. STH. ALERT will make last KX CUR.moN to tho LIFE S.VV1NO STA- TION next TUIISDAY, SUIT. 27th. Peoplo should tako advnntago of the splendid opportunity to visit tho boach. Bring along your lunch uaBk. et. FARE only Oc. round trip. Leavo Allegany C A. M., Marshflold 9, North Uond 9.20, and return at 3 P. M. WANTED. Ry nged 14 to IS, go ing to school, to work In Times of flco boforo and after school. Ap ply at ouco. C. J. MILL1S enmo homo to-day from Coqulllo whero ho went on business. MAYOR L. J. .SIMPSON of North Bend returned homo from Portland to-day on tho Breakwater. .MRS. ARCHIE KRUSE nnd baby ar rived to-day from Billiards' to visit In tho city. MISS FLORENCE ROOKE of Nortl Coos River was shopping In the city to-dny. F. A. SACCHI returned homo to-day from Coqulllo where ho hnB been doing Jury duty. CAPT. nnd MRS. D. A. BOONE of Sunnier wore Marshflold visitors yostordny. MESDAMES E. V. GUPTIL and E L. Bessoy of Coos River woro Marshflold visitors to-day. F. .1. and C. A. LAKEnrrlved ttday from Stnrbuck, Washington, to In vestigate tho prospects of Coos Bay. They expect to locato horo. MISS CHARLOTTE MURCH left to day on tho Nairn Smith for San Francisco. She Is leaving to nttond school. MRS. EDWARDS, wlfo of Cnpt. Ed- wards, of Allegany, has been In town a couplo of days calling on frlonds. Sho roturnod to-day. tho Songstacken house opposite thj' Central school building, MRS. J. 8. COKE ontertnlnod the Cluimlnndo Club at her homo la ovonliic. Tho next meeting will' bo with Mrs. J. T. Hall. "-- Choice Meat Is our specialty. ,ncV, TEXDEH STEAKS AND 0.STS, BEEF, VtiXh, MUTTON, TiAJni, PORK. lvo us n trial oilor and let us I'foio K, The People's Marke! PHONE 170. , "E LLOYD Ma"hflel'l' P"pulr Kumlly m clen v . Il0,e1, A11 'arnlture rctv ,.," eh'a:id AxmtnUlcr carpet. In "redT d MOrle ' ,olW com,orl 'ati wiih AUo a 'w I'niuekct'plng aputt " TkbuSn?ef,,12-00permon,h- Kre . .yiui. jirn. uriiisc.. rfvp BEST MENS' SUITS ON EARTH at $8.50 FIX UP , MRS. FARRINCER, Teacher of Viano. Homo Studio, South Broadway. phone 270-J. FOR SALK Cheap, 7tooiii house, at 85S Uth Btreet, South. FOU RENT. Furnished t'lght-room modern houso In South Marshflold Apply C, Times offlco. WANTED. Exiierlivicetl coal miners and tlmbermon. Apply Beaver Hill Coal Co. . - . T 1 t .v.v.l ..ll.'l.i.. ..flip, business at a sacrifice. Address rront ot. Times offlco. ' ' DID YOU KNOW That wo carry somo of tho prottlos and least expensive China and dlshoh in town? Cuds and .Saucers, each, from . ' e tn asc to., ..,.. . .--. t-." Sala'd Sots, $1.30 to SH.30 Salad Bowls, 73c. to $1.30 Cako Plates from 75c. to sju.-n Spit nr.d Poppers, from lOe. to..Ie Br".u and Butter Sots, from J51.21 to. . $1.00 Pfo J';.ite Sets. $l.BOto $3;oo STORfe TW,.'' GEOfN.,BOLT, MRS. ANDERS STRANG of North Bend wont up Catching Inlot yes tordny to visit a few days at th home of her dnughtor, Mrs. Arthur Matson. came to th0 city to-dny. Miss Lan ilrlt.li will leave on tho stage In tho morning for Corvnllls, whero sao will attend the agricultural college. MRS. M. E. FINLETTER, mother of J. R. Flnlcttor, who has boon stopping with his wlfo nt Tho Chandler nrrlvod to-dny from Seat tlo and will accompany hor son and wlfo on their return to tholr homo In Arlzonn. Mr. Flnlettcr roturnod last evening on tho Osprey from his hunting trip to Curry county. ARRANGE FOR FOOT BULL Those Interested Hold Meeting and Elect Officers Foi Local Team. Thoso who nro Intorestod in foot ball hold a meeting last night and started nn organization for this Boa Bon. They expect to form a strong team to represent Marshflpld and play with tho tennis which may In formed In. tho othor cities of tho county. The following olllcers wero elected: Captain, Ernost Hnrrlng- ton: malinger, John Ferguson. Prolesuor Hewitt and probably R O. Gravos will be tho coaches. Somo of those who played In tho Marshflold team last year nnd who will llkoiy play tills yoar are: Harrington, Stuts man, Sydney nnd Chauncey Clark, yalter Jensen, Eric Bolt and John son. Othoru who woro prosoni ni tho meeting nnd who may tako part oi tho team this year nro Larson, Berry, Dudgo and Del Hennessey. STARTS BRANCH STORE. lit eople's Co-0H?rwtlvo Organize Coqulllo and Will 0kmi Soom. i? c iri.iiiK imu roturnud homo from Coqulllo whero ho wont to organlzo a branch of tho Peoplo's Co-Oporntlvo Comnany. A meeting was hold at tho Henzolott Theator Tuosday night niui tho nronosltlon for starting la G. II. MYERS and family have moved Coqulllo n branch grocory store was from their Coos Klvor ranch Into Bet form. A biock siiuscrumou Is being circulated and It Is expeetod to huvo tho store la Coqulllo startoil about October 1st. LYNCHED ITALIANS. REV. MR. BROWNING," tho new rec tor of tho Marshflold Episcopal Church, and his hrldo arrived here to-day on tho Breakwater. Th will bo ontortalnod at tho J. W. Bounott homo for awhile. Mica ni.AvniiR I.AN'DHITH and hor mother of North Coos River to-nlgtrt.' Mah at Tampa, Florida, Breaks into Jail. (By Associated Press.) TAMPA. Fla Sopt. 22. Officer aro searching for clues of tho idontl- ty of six men who composed an armed mob which forcibly took from tho or flcors two Italians and lynched thorn, Tho otllcors bollovod it was a Blaok Hand plot, but anothor theory that It Is tho outcome of tho clgar makors' strlko here. MARSHFIELD KLK8 should see the bli: Elk's Convention in Detroit In MOVINO PICTURES at tho Royal Mgr. Marshfield Bali Mask In Knights of Finland Hall,: Satwddy Eve, Oct, 1, '10 Tickets - - 5p$ejit,siEa.ch We Have Reduced H it 3 t a i 3 I ? a i f f ?: . i. i ? i a I a i n Sperry's Best Family Flour Nov Retails & V Sherry Flour Co. By F. S. DOW ? I ? 3 l.L'i-a-tt---n--n--'-- w-H--tt-n8-- it Ac i I u i 3 I n i V n I ttT Times' Want Ads.