", i K'wmww ,j'iw,w,wt!W I -. irr r " w.iWiviyi .'T-1 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1910 EVENING EDITION. iff it'Aif WmW&7 I V IJKV) A: jft Wool Blanket Wool Underwear Wool Sox Wool Shirts DIRECT FROM THE MILL Woolen Mill Store Mill-to-Man Clothiers Marshfield - - Oregon n 7ilfr(7iiH,":rf,i4: b.1 n l.U-f,A. ' mM'M COOS BAY TIDES. SEPTEMBER ' J5 .'? SSNV High water j A.M. P. M. Dato luxn. LJt.J a.m. rt. rPililr i vsffi&i iTC Jfozi mkl ''Pi fk Tliosrinv. 20i 0!3!1 Wed'd'y. 21'1:2C Thursday 221 2:15 Friday... 23! 3:10 Saturday 24 i 4:14 SUNDAY 251 5:30 S.7 S.5 S.O 7.3 C.5 G.O 1:0 l:3S 2:17 3:00 3:49 4:50 9.0 9.2 9.2 9.0 S.O S.2 SEPTEMBER Low water A. M. P. M. Date. h. in. ft. li. in. It. OH! MY HEAD-ACHES! Can be cured easily by tlio uso of L. P. HEADACHE WAJ'EHS. Tuesday. 20 Wed'd'y. .21 Thursday 22 Friday... 23 Saturday 24 SUNDAY 25 0:47 0.5 7:14 7:25 1.0 S:01 S:07 1.7 8:51 S:49 2.4 9:49 9:37 3.1 10:50 10:42 3.9 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.2 ditlon built to It. He has bought n number of new carriages and Is open ing n llcry mid feed stable there. Duo Saturday. The steamer New port Is due from Portland Saturday. Chll Ciimc On. Civil cases were on trial In the Circuit Court at Co- qulllo to-day. There nre still more criminal cases yet to be tried. Sheet FIiiMumI. The Coos Hay Construction Cumnativ will finish this evening the work of paving Hall ave nue. Bituminous rock pavement Is being laid. At Central In. V. P. Norton this week took his string of horses from Salem to Centrnlln, Wash. The'stnto Fair track nt Salem was In poor con dition ond Bellu N. was not able to ninko n good showing there". tutuvmumnut:utunmtm' i: ti n Personal Notes ts;:::!m:::m:::mnmmw,'m:mmm::m D. W. SMALL, who has been ill able to bo out ngatn.. GEORGE W ATKINS was in Coqulllo yesterday on buslnoss. O, L. IIOBSON of Bandon was in the city to-day on business. CHARLES CODDINa of Mllllngton was In the city to-day on business. W. T. HUMMERT has returned homo from a business trip to the Coqulllo Valley. -B-B-tt-B-tt-H-M-tt-B-H-B-H-M :': n b b I b LITTLE TALKS ABOUT TOWN u :: i A GHIST OF COOS BAY GOS I SIP GAT1IEHED HEHE AND V THEUH ABOUT THINGS OF Y I NT EH EST tiii: weather. , (By Associated Press.) OIIKGON Fair to-night and Thursday. ' LOCAL TEMPERATURE Hl POUT. For twenty-four hours ending liuys New l!ngliie. L. J. Cody, who wns In hte cty yestcrdny closed negotatloiiB for a new logging engine for tho logging camp of tho Cody Lumber Company. The company Is operating on a largo scale. Bettirtieil to Portland. Inspectors Edwards and Fuller, who wero on Coos Bay, nro back In Portland. On Coos Bay, tho Coqulllo Ulvcr and tho Umpqua Hlvor they inspected twon-ty-Ilve boats. MUS. T. J. MACGENN loft to-dny for San Francisco to visit her sister, Mrs. McNIcholns. Highly recommended for tho relief of Headache and Neuralgia, whether caused by overwork, Loss of Sleep, Nervousness, Indiges tion Alcoholic Excesses, Mental Worry, Excltcmont, Tobacco, Chlor al or Quinine. . PRICE, 23c. PER PACKAGE. Money refunded if not sntlsfnctory. Lockhart - Parsons Drug Co. "The Busy Corner" at 4.43 P. M., Sept. 20, by Mrs. Mlngus, special government mo- teorologlcal observor: Maximum 5S Minimum 52 At 4.43 P. M , 50 Precipitation 03 Wind, Northwest; Cloudy. ' Go FMilng. James Balnes, Harry McKeown and Henry HIgglns went up Coos River this morning on a fishing trip. Contributors to Meet. A meeting of thoso who contributed to tho sup port of tho Chamber of Commerco will meet next Monday night. The purpose of tho meeting Is to discuss ways and moans for tho continuing of tho Chamber of Commerco work In Marshfield. I 1.1 i r.itr.oi . -B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-U-B-B-B "Tho Dora and Brewster Valleys nro forging ahead fast," remarked Bobert Swuntou, of tho Brown Drug Company, who ro liupi'ovomeiits turned last weok Around Burn. from an outing at the M. C. Miller rnncli In Dora Valley. "I had tho finest outing I have over onjoyed. Tho B. Abernethy mill Is cutting lumber for threo fine residences nt Dora, ono for M. C. Miller, on0 for Ed. Abernethy nnd ono for F. Bnkor. Bnkor and Miller nro planning to convert their plnces into lino suninior resorts. Two lino houses nro underway at Brew ster. Novn Harry Is making good progress on tho Browstor Mountain road and Leo Mast and M. C. Miller have concluded their work on tho Cherry Hill contract. They had to stop becauso tho county ran out of funds as a result of the Southern Oreuon Comnnny. Southern Pacific' ALVA GUANBY of Catching Inlet, JConipnny and tho Smith-Powers Com- pan) rouiHuiK iu ihij inu oiiuv-iui iuu JOHN HEBRON, who submitted to a Riirgtcnl operation, Is still confined to tho house, but Is rapidly recover ing. ' P. PEIBCE, tho cnndldnto for Joint Representative, Is making n brief visit on Coos liny In tho In terest of his campaign. who recontly underwent an opera tion nt tho Homo Hoslptnl, Is re ported getting along nicely. Marshfield, Oregon THE FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo (EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS) WIIiI. .MAKE HEGUI.AU THIPS CAHHY1.NO PASSENGEHS AMI FREIGHT IIETWKHX COOS HAY AND SAN FRANCIS CO. ALL HE9EUVATION8 FOR PASSENGERS MADE AT AI.LI.lNCn DOCK, MAHSIIFIEI.D AND INTEU-OCEAN THAXSP. CO. FIFE 1ILDG., SAN FHANCISCO. FOlt INFOH MATIOX PHONE 1 l-J or 285. SAILS FBO.M SAN FHANCISCO, SEPT. 21, FOB COOS BAY. INTEU-OCEAN TUANSPOUTATION CO. 0Kiw Livery. Walter Condron has leased tho A. T. Unities building on South Broadway and Is having nn nd- PIctiireM of, Czjirlun Wreck. In tho current numbor of tho Technical Work thoro Is n plcturo of tho wreck of tho. Czarina and an artlclo regard ing li. Tho artlclo trents of tho uso of motor boats and tells of what might hnvo been done by tho llfo sav ing crow It a motor boat had boon nt couumuid to uso In tho llfo saving. A Happy Hojv Pasquln Bradfiold was a happy boy yesterday. The night before ho visited a moving pic ture show nnd In somo manner lost one of his monogrnmmed cuff but tons. It was a present and Pasquln prized it very highly. Ho was vory sad until his mother thought of n want ndvortlsumont In Tho Times. It wns Inserted and that evonlng J. B. .Montgomery rond It and remembered nlcklnc un a cult button. An exnm- tbun i u-u-a-tt-tt-u-H-tt-fc-tt-tt-u d-tt-u-8--tt-n-H-n-tt--n-8- s " f r n .,' i u Mo j iui ramcufar noubcwivca H THEBES NOTHING STHANGE nbout Olympic Flour producing tho best bread, biscuit nnd r-nstry all tho time. You follow tho sanio recipes from weok to week tho result should bo tho samo. You ofton wonder why It Is that- somo weeks your baking turns out bettor than others. You know you hnvo. tho samo stove and follow tho snnio methods. It Isn't your fault It's tlto fault of tho flr. Olympic Flour Is tho same always. It Is .rnado from selected Northwestern grown Bluestom Wheat. Tho flour In ono sack Is tho samo as that of another. Thero is no variation. That is why those house, keepers who uso it all tho ttmo, always have flno results. H. W. PAINTER Marshfield - - - Oregon B I X l II 1 1 7 8 I 3 I I 1 .a i 8 I IIUCIIIIIK III! uil uuiivn. ... - FOU SALE. Household furnitures . ,ntlton j,rovI,i0 jt to bo tho ono and (r fnnr rnnnia. EVOrVtllltlK llrSt class condition. Used four months. Jay brought it to Tho Times olllco and It was promptly returned. That's Terms or cheap for cash. Inquire jWny ingauln was happy yestordny. North Bond Music Co. FOB HENT. 5-room cottage, Went Marshfield, HO per month; also i rooms In dwelling, close In, 8 per month. Apply Hall & Hall. Tho Times want nils, make orory ono hnniiy. Thoy find things that ro lost, soli things, rent houses nnd nro always usoful and produce results. LABS PETERSON, tho repairman nt Clausen's shoo store, Is visiting rel atives at Sllverton, Idaho, llo Is expected back In nbout two weeks. MR. nnd MRS. WILLIAM DUNN loft to-day on tho Btenmor M. F. Plant for San Francisco. Mr. Dunn re cently sold out his tailoring estab lishment In this city nnd with his wlfo will go to Arizona to reside. tax, tho companies now contesting It In the courts. It Is too bad theso companies can hold up such needed Improvements'. Tho forest fires burned over nn nrcn about ten mlloa long nnd n nillo wldo near Dora, but did not hurt tho good timber, being confined to tho brushy tracts. This will make a fine hunting ground next year." North Bend News Mrs. J. T. McOuIre, who has been ill, Is now Improving. Tho V. C. T. U. is meeting this afternoon nt tho Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Framo, who has been spend ing n few mouths In California, linn returned. Mrs. B. Mooro unit daughtor, An nette, of Empire, havo moved In r. resldonco on Union avenue. FOR SALE. lots and ISMimwii house; 5,000. Apply Hall & Hall. 7---. i a i v n t a i n a n t i i a i v i n i i n a i a i a a a a a WANTED. A num und wife to take charge of ranch near Marshfield. Mr. Bridges, Lloyd Hotel. FOR SALE Cheap, 7-room house, at 858 Hth street, South. FOR HENT. Furnished eight-room modern house In South MarshuolQ Apply C., Tlmos offlco WANTED. Experienced coul miners and tlmbormon. Apply Beaver Hill Coal Co. WILL HEVIVE POOTBALL. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Landenborg nnd baby, who havo boon making a short Btny In Portland, havo returned. Mrs. L. A. Woodbury, a ochool teacher, and hor son, who ImTo been visiting in California, has returned homo. "Thero hnB boon a wonderful trans formation In Marshllold since my visit hero nbout threo years ago," re marked D o n n 1 s I Pleased Flynn tho proiut- u Ith Coos liny, nont Oklahoma Re publican leader and capitalist, who Is thu guest of his old friend. Win. Grimes. "Oklahoma City has made wonderful ' advances but proportionately to its size, not any more than Marshfield. My old friend, Grimes, has cuthuaod mo ovor this section. Ho Is a wonderfully fio fal low and when ho wns In Oklahoma. luBt summer wo did out best to keep hi in thero but ho was so Imbued with Coos Bay that wo could not keep, him awnr from horoand sluco my ar rival thin tlmo I cna hotter under stand what uttrncts hlin.M Mr. Plynn served olsht terms In Congress from OUlabom and the territory, and for years ha boon thu rocogntzed loader In the- Ucpubllcnu nurty In that coun try. He was surprised to find so mam former ORJuhoinniiH horo nnd counted1 up sovontyfivo or so -who are now ob Iho Bar. Ho will upend an other irok or so- horo. Mr. nnd Mrs. Porcy Lerar and daughtor, Miss Mary Lorar, hre moved from Mnrshflold to their home Meeting to Be Held Ti-Nlght to "!; euw Pliiiw or wmoii. Tiiran whn nro interested In foot ball will hold a mooting this ovonlng on North Bond Heights nt Bob's billiard parlor for tno pur- poso of discussing plans Tor tho com ing season. Any who nro Intorestod In playing football are Invited to at tend. Marshfield had a team last year nnd won two out of threo games, with Coqulllo. It Is expected thnt both Coqulllo nnd Myrtlo Point' will havo teams this year and tho Mnrshflold boys think that thoy can got up n strong organization ns thero Is somo good matorlal horo. FOR SALE. A good paying office business at a sacrifice Auures Times olllco. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. Mrs: Holllstor enmo In yestenlay from 'Sun Francisco on tho steamer M. F. Plnnt nnd will bo tho guest of her son, Dr. Holllstor on Union avo- nuo. Mrs. C. M. Bylor, Horace Dyter and Misses Dorothy nnd Altco Byler mill tuoir gueniB, mr, mm .uib. uuuihu Langford of Stockton, nnd Capt. Kd- gar Simpson, Mrs. L. J. Simpson nnd Mr, and Mrs. Mlnot Tlrroll spent Sun day on Coos Rivor. WANTED. Two girls at tho Marsh-, nold Hand & Steam Launury ui. once. Phono 229-J. ! ! ttnnnnt:-wrana WANTED. Boy aged 11 to 18, go ing to school, to work In Times oi . .forn nnd after school. AP' ply at once. FOR SM.E. New five-room nnderii ,...'ninw and lot 40x100 In South at 421 Golden nvo., or phono 147R. Marshfleld.'near in. Bargain. Co Tho 8econd.lti,8,tallmont of taxes for tho voar of 1908 Is duo"and payauio on.or.betoro Octobor 3d, 1910. and If f i ItftfjAt 1.l .v 'that SUCll lllSlUlllliuuk .o im. f,v- i -' ' ... ,.-.. ..-111 1m Steamer Newport will sail September 2d from Port "'iiZUJ. ' .. ... ., kiiiiiiul on her. added'froni April n v. . p. Mf1H0I0E ABentf Sheriff and'Tat Collector. "-tt-tt.n-n.a.JJ.a.n.Jjnt:.a-.n.aiU.n-n-a-in-a-tt-a-a--tJ 7 1 Home Addition To Eastside j NOW ON THE MARKET 1 Tils addition is situated immediately East of new Eastside Mill. Tke loiaare mnvon o,i inrtror niimit elcht ordinary lots; anil I Pr.ces ere ?150.00 up for those lnrgo tracts. i This plat was filed Wednesday last, and wo havo only Alteon i ts remaining unsold. This indicates that tho property is interesi 7 lns to purchasers, and anyone wishing to secure a lot should act t Pmptiy. Terms one-half cash, balance equal payments, 8, o, J a ad 12 months. For particulars, see Title Guarantee and Abstract Cd. - 0eral Agents EASTSIDE . Henry Sengstacken, Manager. FOR SALE. Nice home In F.ustsldo; slzo 75x100 feof, good liouso uim barn, good woll of wnter; opposite Nann Smith landing. Apply to O. p. Noah, Eastside. HEAL ESTATE. I havo somo of tho best buys on the Bay. Can arrange easy terms. Houses nnd buildings for ront. AUGUST FHIZEEN, 08 Central Ave. Marshfield, Ore. LLUIU notel All fun.ituro rciv and clean. Velvet ami Afr "H1!' erT room Four iorii. w. .-.. . - lutes redu. d to ir. 0t-. 78c a; llfo. k. ti OU to 5.00. AUo few J.o.u keeping aj-drt- CttBfUTS Every pair guaranteed. The MCII'IK MIXTUCVS SPKOIAIi INTROUUOTOHV OFFEU. The PncIQi: Monthly,, of Portland, Ortgon, Is a; bonutltully illuBtratod mwithly magnzluo which gives vory fun Infornmtlon ubaut tho resourceu and opporoinltlcs of tho country ly ing West 9 tho Rocklos. It tollB all jbout th. Govorument Reclamation Projects free aorernment land and tolls nbuut tho districts, adapted to fruit rotalng, dairying, poultry rais ing, otci. It lm splondld stories by Jack London and other noted author. Tho price to 1.C0 a year, but to introduce It wo will send sU months forrtttty conts. This offer must no ac cepted on or boforo February i, iatt. Bond your namo and address nceompanted by fifty cents lp stamps nad" learn alt nbout Orogpn, wasu tnitton, Idaho and California, Address The racltlo Monthly,. Port land, Oregon. .M.tt-tj- w---t-----------tt-o-M-,,:; REPRESENTED EXCLVSIVELV BV US Magnfes& Matson J ; V B a t ? a i i n i u t a a i a n n n i a t f ? a t ? 9 I Sperry's Best Drifted Snow Every Sack Warranteed MONEY BACK v If not perfectly satisfactory ? . i ltt-----n-B-R---n-n-n- H-w-B-H-n-K-t-- n. x i n i a v i nr i n: i a? t xx I n i B" I V t B I a t n t B B I B ( B' I n i B I B I -