Timfmr'r7y )IIIMPHMIPWIIP V. THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21. 1910-EVEMiNG EDITION. III 11 lift 9 Hi ill If COOS BAY TIMES Entered at tne postofllco at Marsh fild, Oregon, for transmission forouci tho tualle as Becond class nail matter. Addiess all communications to COOS II A V DAILY TIMES, tferahflcld :: :: :: :: Oregon fie TS to vote for and elect the candl i'a o for United States Senator from tuts State who receives tho highest iiumbor of votos nt our general elec tion." This law was passed by vote of the pooplo of the State. It was voted for by GO, CCS doctors. Only 21.1C2 voted against It. It was carried In every county In -the State. It is the law. It Is law passed, not by a few proxies In n Legislature, but nt a regular olectlon with all tho people participating. No statute could bo more binding. No statuto could better rolled tho Dedicated to the service of tho ..i.ii ,. ,... ,. i. i..nn.i JIIIVUV. llllllfUSU, Oil. D kUU A U.lltW.U people, that no good cause shall lack JournnK N(j BtamQ coilM onj . . cunmplon, and that ovli shall not fecUj. j tlQ ,0.g domBndi thrive unopposed. . . . .,.,, .... .i,.,....,,. Tho Coos Uay Times represents a nro ,,uny mcn wno nsl:o bo olectcd W. O. MALOXEV Editor and I'ub. ItfAN E. 3IALOXEV New Editor An Independent Republican news (paper published every oronlng except Uunday, and Weekly by rh Coon liny Times Publishing Co. COOS B COUNTY consolidation of tho Dally Coast Mall And Tho Coos Uay Advertiser. Tho Coast Mali was tho tlrst dally estab lished on Coos Day and Tho Coos Bay Times Is Us Immediate successor. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. DAILY. Ono year COO Por month CO When paid strictly In advnuco tho subscription prlco of tho Coos Bay Tlmos Is $5.00 per year or $2.50 for six months, WEEKLY. On yoar H.CO Ofllcinl Taper of Coos County. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE" CITY OF MAHHIIFIELI). I DIM1CK VS. BOWKRMAX. N THE KIQHT for tho Republican suo Is clean cut. It 15 a straight nomination for (lovernor tho li mit contest between men who uphold tho principle of the direct primary and tho machine politicians who nre trying to annul our prlmnry law. It Is truu tho nsioniDlyltou duolare thoy nro friendly to tho direct pri mary, lint this Is u false claim made for campaign purpose only. Aswm-1?... blylsm Is th0 very antithesis of the tuu i -r u tuc t direct primary. r uphold the Aj-I WITH T H t X sombly si-homo menus to go back ;o TOAST AND TEA J tho convention systom-to the malt- $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ lug of liomluntlou In meetings t'hat nro packod and manipulated in bo-! lis flu l.nirlalntnrn wlillr, ItmlaHnir Hint thoy nre against Oregon's direct elec tion. Pat"McArthur has bo declared hlmsolf. So huvo nil tho candidates on tho Assembly legislative ticket. They boast that they nro against Stntomont No. One. and yet State- w ment No, One is' a more agreement by tho candidate to obey the law ns tihrnsed In tho nbovn nconlc's statute. u statute created and solemnized by tho votes of GD,(jG8 Oregon citizens. Are they bigger than tho law? Are men who hold themselves to be above tho law nnd nbovo the votes of C9.CCS of thoJr fellow citizens tho proper men to send to tho Legislature? Aro men who claim to bn nbovo tho law good moen to send to Snlom to mnko laws? Aro men who thus glvo a pub lic example of defiance of n living statute tho kind of men to elevate to public ofllco? Law should bo law. Tho penplo'a will should bo nbovo any man's will. Mon who do not ngreo to that propo sition should never bo elected to of- flee. Men who insist that tho Soli ctor should bo selected by tho Legis lature should remain In private Hie, If they will not ngreo beforehand to let tho people mnke tho cholco, thoy should bo repudiated nt the polls. a. T. Trendgold Is against State ment No. Ono nnd Rackloff Is for Statement No. Ono. Cast your voto for Rackloff. UTTER WINS Norway Creamery Captures First Prize at State Fair at Salem. J. H. McCloskey, of the Norway Creamery near Myrtlo Point, won first prlzo for creamery butter nt the Stnto Fair nt Salem. Ills butter scored OS, nnd ho wns competing wlti. some of tho best creameries In the State. Tho winning of the prlzo was quite an honor for Coos county but ter. ' Mr. McCloskey has tho distinc tion of making more buttor at his crenmory last year than any othe butter plant In Coos county. ME DEIS -- ..-------- ------w- To Increase Sales n u ALLEGATION half of certain men and certain Inter ostH. It menus (ho ro-estnbllMhmont of political hosslsm in Oregon. It will moan tho revival of tho very nbusos of which tho people- hitd be como so tired and to romedy which thoy pnssed tho direct primary law. If iissemblylsm Is upheld It will mean HOOD KVEX1XK. Do not simply good; bo good for something. Thorc.au. Tho Toast and Tea man happoned lu Just in tlmo to hear this convorsn- that Oregon U to go back Into tho tlon:. foul holo of political corruption from ( i beg your pardon; I thought this which it omorgod sovornl years ago was Mr. J. V. Mltcholl." nnd from which other Statos of tho' i nm J. W. Mltchqll!" union nro now climbing Juot as fast "Then I am glad to find thnt I was ns thoy can. I mistaken In thinking that I was mis- iii mo iigiu ior uio gUDornntorlal tnkoii." nomination there nor two distinct) candldutos In tho Held. Judge Grant I). Dlmlck Is the champion of the direct prlmnry law whllo Jay Bower- nian is tho eundidalo of the poltlcians who nro trying to cut tho heart out of that law and leave It a worthiest hulk. Aside from Judge Dlmlck thoro nro two other nntl-assombly candidates In tho Hold, Hofor and Abraham. Hut neither has any de- greo of strength nor any show of "Hoy?" "I sny when I thought I was mis taken I wns mistaken In thinking I wns mtstnkon, and, being mistaken In thinking I was mlstnkou when I wasn't mistaken, I wns glad to find I was mistaken when I thought I was inlHtnken, because I wasn't mistaken; or, rather, I was mistaken wlum I thought I was mistaken, and so I couldn't have been mistaken. Well, nt any rate. I nm glad. Looks as If CAXDIDATF. FOR .IOIXT KEPKE SEXTATIVE ANSWERS LAST STATE.MEXT OF S. P. PKIRCE STATES HIS PLATFORM. MARSHFIELD, Sept. 21, 1010. TO THE VOTEUS OF COOS AND CUItllY COUNTIES: Mr. S. P. Polrco's only recommen dation and reason why ho should bo elected Joint Representative of Coos nnd Curry countlos, ns will bo noted by his efforts, wrltton for him by others, which havo appeared In tho local papers, Is tho erroneous Idea which ho Is freely circulating nnd which is of his own manufacture, that I nm nn ndvocato of the "Assembly Plan." Ah 1 hnvo previously stated, I nm a firm believer In tho Direct Primary law and havo nover advocated the Assombly plan, and nm not recom mended by tho Assembly. A glanco nt tho ticket recommended by tho He- publican Assombly which Is now be ing clrculnted will show conclusively thnt Mr. Geo. N. Fnrrln of Coos coun ty Is tho candidate for tho ofllco of Joint Representative of Coos nnd Curry counties who has their endorse- ment. Koplylng to tho report which Mr. Polrco hns boon circulating that I havo repudiated Stntomont Numbor One, I havo to sny that I hnvo always boon In favor of Stntomont Numbor Ono, but bollovo that United States Senators should bo olectcd by a direct voto of tho peoplo. HERBERT HUME. (Paid Advortlsehiont.) Is the thought uppermost with every shopkeeper. One of the most econom ical and simple ways of doing this is by lighting your store with TUNGSTEN LAMPS Your Store wi!) then Attract the New Trade You Are After. The Coos Bay Gas & Electric Co. t I TELEPHONE 178 t--..4..4-. STATEMENT OF CONDITIOX OF I'llli first Trust and Savings Bank OF COOS HAY, MARSHFELD, ORE., SEPT. 1, 1910. RESOURCES. Loans nnd discounts .... $12C,51C.0S Ovordrnfts 254.S0 Uonds nnd securities .. . . 20.990.10 Unnklng house, furniture nnd fixtures 5C.St0.C0 rash on hand and duo from banks S2,PGS.51 Total $293,551.01 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In. . .1100,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits 3,995.01 Deposits 189,555.40 Total J2P3.551.01 Wo Invite your attention to the strong euudltlor of this brrnl; as jhowi' L the nbovo statement to-wlt: Cash reserve 43 per cent of deposits. Reserve required by law , 15 per cent of deposits. Reserve In excess of legal requirements... .2S por cent of deposits. OFFICERS AM) DIRECTORS JOHN 8. COKE, Prosldont. JOHN F. HALL, KENRY SENOSTACKEN. STEPHEN C. ROGERS, DORSEY KRE1TZEH, Cashier. W. S. CHANDLER, WILLIAM GRIMES. DR. C. W. TOWER, M. C. HORTON. Vlco President nnd Mnnnger. DOES A GENERAL 1JAXKIXCJ AX I) TRUST UUSI.VKSS YOUR Bl'SIXESS SOLICITED. M PHOFESSIOXAL CARDS. .M ryt. j. w. ixhram, ' PhyMlcInn and Surgt'on. OlIli'O UOH-201) C(Mi Rulldlng. Phones Ofllco 102',; Hesldenco 1611 J. w. iiExxurr, Linvyer. Olllco over Flanagan & Bennett Dink Mnrshllold, Orcjoa. Read tho Times Want Ads. 5 , - in mi; jtiii-', i "in k". i.uimo o It being nominated. Their chief bnoklmr .-., i,,. iv mi ,in.,i comes from nssumbly mon nnd nB-'it" Bembly pnpors who are touting them I ' bocnuso thoy want to throw as tunny 1 .4 4 nntl-assombly votes as jiosslblo toU ORANDMOTIIER SAYS: those men. Votes that no to Hofor 'a ' ' ' ' '-' . cannot go to Judgo U "Raising children Is a great deal like making biscuits. It is as easy to raise a big batch ns ono biscuit whllo you hnvo your hands In tho dough." AA 4 or Abraham Dlmlck. As tho situation oxlsts now nnd will exist when tho prlmnry election Is hold Septomber 24th, tho light for tho Hopubllcan nomination for Gov ernor Is between Dlmlck nnd Howor nmn. notwoen those two men tho Re publicans of Oregon must choose. Judgo Dlmlck Is of tho progressive school Ho upholds tho direct pri mary law nnd Statement No. Ono. IIO Opposes tho nsseillblv. nnu-nrmnn H la tho reactionary or standpnt can- U'dnte Uo Is nn assemblylto and hns the endorsement of nn assomnlv- conventlon that was packed and man Making Pure Candy Is a -Mission Modern Siceelt A Mhtion Fulfilled ratronlit Ma "Modern Dealer" MWf C.li;.rr Co., Mln., TvWui, OnfM llHUfJaCT mxpiy f. jr. Draws Drafts oa i i THE FIRST NATIONALBANKT OF COOS BAY STRICILY A CO;iMERClAL I1AXK ! Wells Forgo Nevada NntJonM UnnJc, San Francisco. ni The United States N-tlotul Bank, Portland, Or. - ino ixnuonai rnrk Bank, Now York, N. T. The Corn Exchange National Dank. Ohlcaro. ill. The Hank of Scotland, London, Enfland. .The Credit Lronnals. Paris. Franm. .J2".' In addition V draw rirafta nn .11 -i.i . ..... .Personal and commercial accounts kept eubjuct to check Certificates of Depo.it .f jad. Hafe Deposit Boxes for 'rent. FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MAH3HF1ELD, OREGON. Oldest Rank In Coos Couftty, Kstabllslied In 18H0. Paid up Cunltiil and Sui-phis, $80,000.00. Assets Over Half Million Dollars. Does a general banking business and draws dmfi. .1 . . of California, San. Francisco, C.,.5 Hanover tlonaank'v" First N-tloual Hank, Portland. Ore.; First KatS n-wL' ' ,; burg, Ore.; The London Joint Stock Bank i,0,"1 ant' Il08e Also sells exchanue on .11 of xhVvSlxluit?' En8lttn1' Individual and corporation accoun . kept suSc? tn oK . , deposit lock boxes for rent. p "unject to check. Safe 3 . .,... OFFICERS: I . I imoTv lvtatnU U' V' WI "'"MS. Ctohler. -2WlTnM,"OT. M, s ar I 1 m w M. S. TURPEX, Architect. Over" Chn-.tiber of Commerce. NOTICE TO Till. PLI1MC. I hnvo placed In public service t bus to meet all trains and will make calls on phone orders phono number 13S-J; livery transient feed lam, 120-J; rosldeuco, 49-L; main office, 13S-J. I do nil kinds of drnjing and hauling haul anything that Is looio at both ends. I also handlo a good grade of coal. Why pay $5.00 or J0.00 nor ton for coal when I will bring it to your place 'most anywhere for SI.S0 ner ton! Look at theso figures and seo which looks the best In hard times Lump, $4. CO; nut, $2. CO; screenings S1.09. L. U. MEISXER, Livery ami Sales Stables. HOME LAND Co Soo us fpr Investments on Cooe Bay. Wo guarunteo owner's price to T Plutti.i "IT nn 4 Hn4 fli huhu sij u rfuui om WOULD XOT PUT UP. .Johnson Insists Tliut Lnugford First Show Money. (By Associated Press.) BOSTON, Sent. 21. Jack Johnson champion heavy weight nnd con- quorqr of Jamos J. Jeffries, refused to-day to put up $20,000 for n flgi for tho tltlo with Sam J.aiiKford t. ..,...- ...,....,-.,(,,- lllu imi U.HIH- c n.r nis nonant ami ror tho Boston, tho colored middle weigh V..V.I. in mo iniorosis uacu or his hOXor. until tho latter had made jcaiKl'Jnry hlrli man do you favor. Mr. Ro- iQubllcnn Votor? I VW SHOULD BE UW. IS THE LAW a joke? A statuto was enacted by the people of Or- -mn in ine nut general election. It Is four-d in I'hnpter 2. page 15, ses sion laws of 1909. and Is as follows? "Section 1 That w0 tho neoole of Iho State of Oregon hereby Instruct ur representatives and sountors In fur legislative assombly as such of- flrst deposit. Johnson says ns chain plon ho hns tho right to dictate ho the monoy should bo put up. He says 1-e will give Lnngford twenty-four hours to put up his $20,000 and wl' then rover tho amount G. W.DungaTi Undsrtaker Maiblillcltl, Oivgon. Parlor, 1 80 South ild St.. Telephone, Day or Xlght, 105-J. BEST MENS' SUITS ON EARTH at $8.50 FIX UP When You go hunting you want arms and ammunition that won't fall at tho critical' moment. Poor nrms and ammunition not oniv mar the pleasure but sometime t,. dangor the luntor. Our nrms and ammunition, nnd, in fact, everything we sell can alwav h- depended upon. The Gunnery i.?ttte;-JSFage Liner Sunday t O A. M. Fare, $o.OO. wmleld. Stagv leaves ,LUly and BREAKWATER HOTEL, Front St., Mursliflehl, Ore., UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Hns boon thoroughly renovated and newly furnished. Hoom3 reason able by day, week or month, Mrs. J. H. O'DONNELL, Prop. OTTO SCIIETTEIt A..m. 120 MARKET AVt, Jlarshtleld. PHOXE 11 C. P. BARNARD, Agent, ROSEIilTHG, ORK. NEW TRAXSFER LINE. M. E. Magulre has started a new transfer lino in Marshflold and ai"- ranged for prompt service for all. 'kinds nt hnnllnir Tin will have till 'SS2ScasiSHSzsM7ffiior3nc-I--. 8lnnd ttt "The Busy Corner" dr'U Sf o,r- 5KSans,lSH?j2SHS2s? 8,ore or parties can reach Aim U rS I H A IVI h kV Ai T? T1 turnn a Wphonlns orders to MR. Sails for San Francisco every eieht dav I H TWKiyra nrciM...,,.. rC 9 RIMKRT .L BE oIvcVLLli .P TK 11P, fl LESS Tifiinw ic L. "AfcKD AT THAT Timp - ...., ,a miiuill', AT THAT TIME Ux' 3 53 fl j F. S. Dow, Agent. MarshfiU! n 2S5?CPCPCTJe3Cac3rnL-5! n ,.-, J H -o?ji E5ZSHSBKSWi asan t - . """-----it-o-a leaver Hill Coal MOUXT l),.u,LO AXI) JOSSOX CF.Mrvr ..,., , , k d k,d! of J mM HUGH McLAIN vj-iniikal CONTRACTOR SOUTH BROAmiMv UK 818 SOUTH BROADWAY h . . I For Strictly Fresh Butter Sterilized Cream Sterilized Milk Butter Milk Bean-Pot Cheese and Ice Coos Bay Ice & Cold Storage FREE DELIVERIES 8 A. SL nnd 2 P. M. Phono 73-J. n t u 1 a 1 n 1 8 I a 1 1 8 1 8 1 8 t 8 I 8 I 8 1 a u 1 8 a 1 a 8 8 I 8 8 8 8 I 8 f ? 8 8 8 8 1 SPORTSMEX'S IIEABQUARTEIl?." PBOXE 301 "--. 8 1 n 8 Kill 11 i ihi ,. dteuHsBaNMH !U y