THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1910 EVENING EDITION wumww ! mwi in ! mwiiw inlaws iwiwiiwiiiuiwiw i tt wwwMwuiMWiwiiw wm m ww M . , . COOS RAY TFMKS, " t0 ,)Ut ltS b08t IUOn aU(i 1)lua8 b" 10 T,IK KEl'l'HMOAX VOTKItS OF JJ0 Urkl AAIULO cre ti0 aissatlstlcd electorate on the I COOS COUNTY. wintered at tne postoRlce at Marsh told, Oregon, for transmlMion 4Vrouii tho malls as second class nail matter. Addtexs all communications to COOS WAV DAILY TIMES, Marahficld :: :: : ; Oregon M. O. MALONKY Editor and Pub. 9XN E. 3XALONKY News Editor i An lDdcpeadent Hepuullcan news vapor published every erenlng except Sunday, aud Weakly by tho Coos liny Times Publishing Co. Dodlcnted to tliu service or tho poople, that no good cuuse ahull lack ciiainplon, and that ovli shall not thrive unopposed. JjAW Oil ANARCHY? IN THE direct primary law which was enacted by tho votes of tho peoplo of Oregon It Is provided that political nominations ahull be mndo In open primary elections. Tho law specified that nil mon may have equal opportunities to seek nomina tions. A section of tho law is us fol lows: "Every such political party shall nomlnnto all Its candidates for ofllce undor tho provisions of this law and not In any otliur manner, and It shall not bo allowed to nomlnnto any can dldato In tho liiuimor provided by section 2701." Section 2791 of tho old Inw was tho section relating to political conven tions. Thoroforo It will bo seon that tho direct primary law places a dis tinct ban upon tho convention system. ..inn co of success; and to this will be added the further aud greater scheme of relief luheient in tho defections within tho Republican hosts, tho fast growing Insurgency that must by the electoral Tuesday In November. sweep the country and, change the whole, political front and re-establish tho Republican prerogative, or anni hilate It. There must bo sound and appreci able purging of policies within the dominant pnrty If It Is to be saved to tho People of 1912. All men admit this and all men uie pledged to the task who hao a shred of pride and purposo of Republican predilection. From tho highest clrclo to tho lowest In tho party program, tho Insistent, and consistent, revolution must so forward until the country approves and endorses the newer and cleaner claims as presented by mon who can bo trustodj tho work Is enormous and trying, but It must bo done If our party is to maintain its existence, ptherwlse.jt will pass from Biifferanco unci us spionuiu History mile ueiiinu n cloud of our own evoking. I hereby announce myself as a can dldutc to succeed myself, for the of fice, of County Surveyor, subject to tho will of the Republican voters nt the primary election to be . tember 24, 1910. I hnvo been a resident of Coos since n boy, nnd have followed sur veying and engineering tho past seven years, and nm therefore fa miliar with every section of the coun ty. Yours for better roads and n square deal to all sections. A. N. GOULD, Present County Surveyor. (Paid Advertisement.) ir. COLONEL E. HOPKR. (Prom tho Orogon City Enterprise) Ernest Hofer, of Salom, is n candl- dato for Governor. Ho Is trying to wrost tho nomination from Hon. Grant U. Dlmlck, of Clnckamns coun ty. Ills tactics are ehnmeleon-llke. Only last month the many-sided Col onel .published tho following editorial In his paper, the Salem Journal: "County Judge Dlmlck of Orogon City has come out for Governor on on tho direct primary and economy Ihhium. I Fii litis fll.wl u-ltli tlin Cr. -..-.. . At tho Inst session of tho Legislature tary of State his Intention to becomo uu ouon was mauo to ciiango the dl- n canuiunte ror uovernor on tho Re rect primary law ho as to provide for' publican ticket, declaring that Jio tho holding of ussomblles prior to the'p'neos himself before tho direct prl prlmnry elections. Hut tho I.eglsln-"nry for nomination, turo refused to enact such a ohnngo "' his declaration ho says ho Is In tho law. At that tlino "Jay llowor-, "PPosoiI to extravagant npproprla mnn, present Assembly cnndldnto for tloiia ns well as the creation of nddl tho Republican nomination for Gov- tlonnl berths for snlarlcd olllcers, ornor, was president of the State Son- boards nnd commissions. Ho stntes ato. Ho wns aud Is now undor oath no ,8 '" fuvor of n more uniform sys to uphold tho laws of tho State. Im of highway building and that he Hut regardless of all this Mr. Row-, wl" oppose any nttompt to destroy ormnn sought and secured a nonilna- tllc direct primary or tho Initiative tlou from tho Portlnnd Assombly, ttna referendum which wns notniiig inoro or less than O. HOY'S STATEMENT TO THE REI'URLKWN VOTERS. I am a Republican. 1 nm a cnndldato for nomination ns County Judge. I nm nu attorney and nm compe tent nnd qualified to perforin the dut ies of the olllce I seek. If elected I will mnlntnln an offlco or weekly office dnys nt tho county sent; will Insist on a fair and equal assessment of tnxes upon nil property within tho county, Including standing timber, whereby the gonornl rato of taxation will bo reduced whllo tho revenue will bo Increased; will give tho county good ronds; wul will clvo you a careful, honest business admin istration. Look for my nnme on your Repub lican ballot: II. q. HOY: "GOOD ROADS: COUNTY SKAT OFFICE; NO J PARTNER; NO FAVORITES; THE SQUARE DEAL." (Advertisement paid for by II, G. Hoy.) PEIRCE IKES STRONG PLEA CANDIDATE FOR JOINT REPRE SENTATIVE FROM COOS AND CURRY COUNTIES WRITES AN OPEN LETTER TO VOTERS. PORT ORFORD, Ore., Sept. C. TO THE VOTERS OF COOS AND CURRY COUNTIES: Helug an aspirant for tho nomina tion for Representative fiom this tils. trlct, t consider that tho voters are entitled to know how I stand on the following questions: I believe firmly in the Direct Prl- mnry Lnw, and have conic before the voters as n "Direct Primary candi date." Two of my opponents, Mr. Hunio and Mr. Farrln', ure advocates of tho "Assembly Plan." Mr. Stltcs, my other opponent, 1 do not know how he stands. I believe In tho Initiative and Referendum, nnd when that Is said, "Statement No. One." "The Recall," and other initiative mensuros nro covered. I am otiose! to tho emergency clnuso Biibtorfime. nnd believe same should be used only as Intended by our constitution. I urn a resident of tho district I deslro to represent, through choice-, nnd not through the accident of being n lega tee. Mr. Hume, ono of my opponents. Is living in this Representative dis trict for tho tlnio being by reason of being left nn Interest In the estate of the Into R. D. Hume. Tho holdings of said estate In Cirrv cunlv nm fnr NOTICE OF SALE OF IMPROVE. ". nnd Mr. Hume's wnrmost frlom! MENT RONDS. would not presume to sny that after Notlco Is hereby given that sealed 8n,,1 "stato Is sold and ho gets IiIp Hiinre, mat li0 will re-Invest It In either Curry or Coos counties, and IV KEY MI IN DIRECT PRIMARY' CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESS IS DEVELOPING . A STRONG FOLLOWING IN ALL SECTIONS OF DISTRICT. Mr. Mulkey Is tho dliect primnry candidate, is opposed to Cannon utid "Cannonlsui," nnd bollovos In direct election of United States Senators. He recognises tho Importance of Coos Hay ns a harbor, and he recognizes tk..t Jio commercial dlsentluuiliiiont of nil Western Orogon Is ultimately to conio through tho Coos Ray irate- way. The upppr WIllameMo v. ley, the Umpqua ritd tl'o Regit. !5I , Valleys, are al! alike ln'tetodtod Jr. deepening the ha ior at Coos Ha: . '' Mr. Mul key Is .:eccd to Co:isre.m his first and r. m nut aim will lo io work In conj ini'tlrn with 'the peoil f Coos comity In establishing per: innent nnd substantial Improvements, according to the wishes nnd expert knowledge ' of the people of tho Coos Ray section, who have made the subject n life-long study. Ho licllevcH thnt temporizing with dredges, when Jetties should bo built. Is to pay off tho Coos Rn.v country In useless expenditure, while hood nnd citizenship, air. Mtilkey win visit r n few days, nnd will fll8h,n0,l!H ; W5 ; " ''to "." " I. II.IM '! xioues ami needs. Dim n.,- "fir will be made of his Con , Uncei' fl'nlil a.i " NOTHJ,;. To tho Remibllpn v.... nnd Curry counties: I hat5fC,e,l to become a candidate for 1. Il!l nt the Primary .VoiniB, "T for Join Representntlvn ... i Curry counties and shall Xlii nnme to the nemibl. n "tt"t' nomlnntlon under Mm ,.i ' ' tinting election inw. '""""Mbi. HEHDCnT liuiii ( Pnld Advertisement l proposals will bo recolved by tho Flnnneo Commlttco of tho Common "Ho declares ho desires to linvo tho Pmiiinll nt Hi., nit.. i i.n.i.i ibccome one nf nnp Iwiim n.i i.i. w....w. u. vi.u u.i; ui .Hill milium, j " "" "" "iu tiu&i-iin Coos County, Oregon, nt tho olllco of J,r- ""'"P. whllo he has been employ, tho City Recorder of snfd City ofi0!1 on nm' tho last two years lp Marshflold, In tho City Hull of said rcMonco among us, his family re?ld- Clty, until -i o'clock P. M. of TUES- "1B fihor In San Francisco or Port DAY, tho 27th day of September, .,nni11 1910, for tho purchaso of streot lm-1 Soc -"". IKO SO, Subdivision ' provemont bonds to tho amount of Elation Laws of Oregon, ronds Ir $iri,0r.r.27, of tho said City of fPnrt ob follows: "A person shall not Marshflold, Coos County, Orogon. " considered or hold, lo have gained All of snld Improvement bonds to " residence in any county of this State nn ol,l Uiiio .onvwiloi., t.ol.l In do 'l wrlllen .llor 1,1. ,,, ,, ' A , , "r,,'11',';'0"'01,11 "" l0 , I ,,2Z .S """"!' "',""' S'"" o7k, ,a,r ijvjssx , js.-Tr.rrr: '"; ""n" Sf SKK rz's: Izlzzx. m , Haorlu tho law. t thl. atnto ' ami ouwimkoo Ptalfrm. ,,, 0 a, , ,0 ,nul " hi. nrtloto. romrdlw ," ro . should not get a largo vote In oldl "::.."". "u "'. " u D ,uuo,u,B' .';"""."""" w,,c" "I'l'onred vim " rl& wmz i 1 KuEv -t mi y. 1 II. F. .Ml'LKEY, Kg. tiSJm 9bbbH WtT jM BBbW y jdHBBBl W. S. DUN1WAY Direct Primary Candidate for STATE PRINTER Asks a second term on lilt record oi ECONOMY and EFFICIENCY n cutting out grafts has made the print- ing department the cheapen dwirt. inent of the State government (Paid Advertisement) WWilW UMIIU ALWAYS ' PLEASED Cnndldnto For Congress Primary E'ectlon, Septi'inbei' '-Mth. Tim miiwll.tii n (1. 1., l..... 1 .1. . Should not CCt n Inrir.t voto In nlil 'i ., ..,, 11,10 liinu 13 iiiu miu - .,- ....- ... ..... Republicans of Oregon going to stniid Marlon- for this brand of anarchy? Aro they "JllllB Olnilck wns Mayor of Ore. going to give, tho gubernatorial iiomt- j Kon C1,y fm,r tt,pmg nml WHS I"'08' nation to Roworinun, the cnndldnto of it,0,,t,nl oli'ctor onco and Is serving ns tho nsseinblyltos, or will they voto In l-0,,l" '",lK0 l,ow' il. ..-I.. .. "Hrt linu liml o tho primary election for Jtidgu Grant . uimlck, who in this cnmpalgn Btnnds openly as the clinmplon of the direct primnry law ami of the pro grosslvo eloiuent within the Republi can pnrty? Judge Dlmlck stands for tho Inw; Rowormun for Ignoring It. "AS MAINE (JOES'.'" Ho has hnd a great deal of train ing nnd equipment for tho offlco o Governor, nnd besides he is n nntivo sou of Oregon, "Tho Capital Journal believes tho poople could do worso than mnko Judge Dlmlck Govomor nnd It wishes him success. SKCfRED GOOD FRONTAGE. Coni f MAINE goes, ho goes the ,. , .A country!" .Member of Port CommlsMuii This Iiiih been ono of tho nwnt l'Mm ,"l"w. troasurod political npliorUniB of tho 0l,e ot ,ho ,,,oin,,0 of tho Port land for generations, and never was Coiml88lo. "' lwiklnB of the pur It quite so slgnlllcaiit ns In tho light ,,f Ul wn,or tnm for ,,ook v"r' of tho news from thoro the other ,,.,,," tH,,U lUtoutlo ,0 'ct that day. Governor, Senate and House !" C,,'",,;f i,'opt,nn l8 w 'P"'B turned bodily over to the Democrats ,bwy ,",bU" dockl, B,ul ,,n,u th,U ,l w, with tho Roi.ubllea,, load,,.,. .t,,.ii.: ba oary to spend half n million nronn.i nmnnnt i . dollars to do It, nnd also tlniU It dlf- - " u "w u, duiu uunun, - """h, niiitii npponrCl linnn i?lvlni nnlln.. in, iini,iinnti.. 1.. Ill tlln Orni?nnlnn nn.i ..... .... " " - "1 imuiimiiun III " uim 1. no l(U ox- n nowspnper of gonornl circulation jtonslvoly copied by tho locnl press, nrlntOll mill llllllllalinil In rnni.nt., .Will filiniV Ma .n..l.r...,t .... -.. ... ,uniwiin),i - ...iiiilii 0r g pOO- Oregon, such notlco to bo publlshod ,l),8' nullity to pass on nny subject, not less than twlco during the month Among other things In snld article iirccuuuig sucii semi-annual period at "" Hn8: "o majority Is not sutll whlch such propnyment thereof will clontly enlightened to voto Intelll bo mnde. The right Is oxprossly ro.,Btly, ns hns been demonstrated," served to reject any nnd all bids nnd ,op wnU to thnt effect. I hnvo notn upon nil or nnv of suoh Iilils nr nm. ropy of snld nrrinin nt i,.,i , . , . ,,.- .. ,., ,.v ,IUIIM miu u.H. posnls, bolng rejected, If thoro should i"ot nuoto vorbntlm. remnin nny bonds unsold, tho snld ' nm n farmer and lnboror nnd !' bonds tuny bo thorenftor sold at prl- .reason thoreof will naturally, If olect- od, work acnlnst nny legislation thn mny bo detrimental to. tho welfare- o' vato salo by said Common Council of snld Cltv of Marshflold nrm-m,- i,.. In no event to bo sold at lean limn tho nroduclntr ninso (i. ,,.!.... .. par nnd accrued Interest. Said bonds .Stato. Labor cannot expect nny nro nnthorlzed by the lnwa nf ihn frioiidlv cnnsldnrntinn m i. i .. Stato of Oregon nnd ordinances of tho f Mr. Hume, n man whoso onlv I Common Council of tho said Cltv of torest and concern, ropn.iin ii. Mnrsthflold, Oregon. :ls contered on cottlmr Inhor n.. Assessed valuation of snld City of (Iowost rnto. Not more fhnn six weeks depriving them of what they rcnulru nnd what they nsk for. Mr. Mulkey will be rememborod ns having dollvorod addresses at the Farmers' and Shippers' ConnroHa hold hero four years ago. He made many friends In Coos county nt that Cou- gross. Mr. Mulkey does not wish tn tin elected to Congress under covor, but ho wants ovorybody to know turn imu.. ho Btnnds. He has repeatedly Invited wongressmnn Haw ov to doimtn m,,. Issues with him. nnd Mr. Hnwley has ns often declined. Mr. Mnibov if elected, Wll h'OtO for a nrmrrosil Sneaker of tho nntlonal Hoiuo. Ho i helloves tho progressives represont tho best Impulses of the Republican J pnrty, and tho nwnkene.1 onnaomnnJ of tho American neoplo. Ho thinks! thnt Rivers and Harbors ntuiroprla tlons In the next Concroa nm i,.i bo Rotten by working with men who, l I 1 v M aaA !l That's the verdict of thaw who patronize OUR GROCERY Our Stock Is Complete Our Clerks Are Courteous Our Prices Are Low Mnrshflold, Oregon, Is $1,701,549. nonded Indebtedness Is $54,000. Population Estimated nt 5,000. ngo, he had troublo with tho fisher men working for tho Hume estnto on nccount of trying to make them work nround accounting for the revulsion 1 , "' nna al8 ,,,ul3 U dlf"lot n,nount of bid, or proposal must working month is 20 days througliou on the Moro of dissensions within tho ' " " "eouro " wntor (roi,t ot nny ncc0I"Inny each bid to bo forfeitod i the civilized world, and tho wages c on the hcoro of dissensions within tho '0Jk,"ti liiujur (IIIIIJ Ul IIIO aiXIO, rr.1 . ... It does not look good. It has J , "T"' "M Purehnscl prophetic tnB to It that la ni)y.l':"ort was the only tract of land thing but agreeable to the Rep ubl can Uh '"T T'lf "'"' C0U,d l sentiment of th ..nnmrv ; '. ... a" Pfocuroil on this side of the bay. , . 1 -.c ... ...m.h. mriii wurii A CCrt I tied Check for 5 nor rnnlnni tlllrtv davs fnr nn. mnnti. .... . . " ' " ' ..j,,, Winn. J' of amount of bid, or proposal must working month is 20 days throughout eontlmout of the country. And yet it Is not altogether unanticlputod. Thoro Is n momentous iiuonsluess through out tho nation that makes for Just such radical demonstrations and the blame lies Just wheru the Maine Re publicans hnvo put It. It Is ono of the apt lessons of the hour and should warehouses sorvo to wold tho RepubllcHu Inter-1 There ar0 thirteen twenty-five foot lots which glvo a frontage of 325 feet and nn additional sixty-foot street along which a dock could bo built. ThU will glvo the Port a continuous 3S5 feet for a dock when It become necessary to erect public docks and Try Wnlkor Studio for photo oods, devoloplug and printing. CANDIDATE FOR COl'NTY COMMISSIONER. osts of the country very solidly upou the saving base of the Insurgouoy nfoot within that party and whloh Is but another expression of tho lovolt In the pivotal State. Tiiors is not a Stato lu tit L'olou Uu I. torn with turmoil 0VW ltoj , hMby aauounce w ,f s onn. polUtenl sliuatlou us It lm upoudldat- for tha ogles of County Com the standarda of commerce. Industry nilsslouor. subject to the will of the and Individual freedom; u-vr was K.publlpaM voters of Coos ooimtv at ... ,.-...... , .., vuuiurj o cms tn nr maty e ectlon on Stmt. 4tn to the mau as now; the coarse and hard exploitation of the people hits boeu carried to suoh lengths aud with such ubandonod temerity as to arouse the widest aud most determined oppo sition nnd desire for ohnngo, and It U to bo wrought through nny agency at hand, a condition whloh appeals strongly to the Democracy aud urges 1010. 1 have beou a resident of Coos county since 1S9S, nud am willing to be Judged by my past record ns n uittsen. Yours for tho Improvement of Coos county. E. E. OAKES. Randou, Ore., Sept. 12th, 1910. (Paid Advertisement.) to said City of Marshflold In enso bid .the Rokiio River ,.. i Is accepted nnd bidder falls to accept wnys been calculated on thnt basis and mnko payment for snld bond or .until Mr. Herbert Hume took charge' bonds, covered theroby, within ton At no Unto since Mr. Humo hap days fiom date of acceptance of said had chnrge of hli uncle's estnto Ir bld op bllU Icrry county has ho mingled socially Ench bid or proposal submitted to vlth the people of tho county. Not designate the denominations of said ""Ing a lesldent ho has paid no'tnxes bond or bonds desired. ,My candidacy was requested by some nids or proposals received for nnv of mv frlemi in Hit n...... ..... nmount of said bonds; small bidders district, whllo by Mr. Hume's own .ubiiik bi'w preierence of purchase, 'admission he was requested to be Proposals, or bids, with certlnod como n candidate by parties fn Port checks. tO bO OllplnSOll In innln.l ..l.l.. Inn.l T..,1nn ir n n . . ,, - " hiuiii ""b .u. t, vit-orge i remember envelopes without distinguishing being one of tho pnrtles be named marks or writing thereon, except tho I In closing l wish to snv that I be words "Rids for Improvement Ronds l!ov0 in the Income Tax Amendment of the City of Marshflold, Oregon." as proposed, ami tliat I do not desire Dated this 9th day of Sentomher. to sit nstrlifo tim fn.,n.. .. ... 1t1n " , - ' '"vp hj sue- ,, . . . ..v .u.v.1. i me nauus o' P. HENNESSEY, jauy orgauliatloa. requiring only r A. II. POWERS, (fair deal and an equal show, and It "n .U'MKKCHT. So dowu at the polls, not be'levins Unnnce Committee of Common Conn. ' In tho principle of "rule or ruin." .. i iw vu, ui .Mnrsiiiioiu. Oro- hereby promlee to do nil In my powe 0MI Let Us Please You, Too "' -"IK mm men wno, i wh lo asking for substantial aid. nro An na f , firnCerV. Riving their voire ., vntoa for the "" LoSn virOLCr, RROADWAV, MARSRFli:i.I). i Tonics and Foods i Condition Powder t ! 4 FI.ASHHS FROM TDK WIRK! A book of Sormons by DAN SHANNON. Price, Fifty Cents. Address Vlsalla. Calif. -T -" to secure the eleotlon of my success- I Jul opponent. Very respoctfully, S. P. PIKRCK. i (Pnld Advertisement.) I Stock Food TV i W orm Powder Colic Cure and all other Medicines for Stock and Chickens. I In 25c, 50c and S ! .00 Packages I i m"m- a ' Take your SUNDAY D1NNUR at .Tho CHAXDLRR. Special menu and OROHKSTRA. RKSERVE tables for PARTIES by PHONE. Poultry and Stock Foods in large pails, at THE RED CROSS DRUG STORE T J- Jt "tlS&i HA&'.1 --. -