? ! f , THE COOS BAYTIMSS, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1910 EVENING EDITION "IS MY HAT ON STRAIGHT?" don Spoil the Sport :S DY GOING HUNTINGESPECIALLY DUCK HUNTlN'n WITH umo nn AAfMlTVITinV THAT IS t.tATlt.1.1 rvn , mmmmEtmnmrnwammmMMamummaBmmammummmmwmmummammmmmimmmammmmmKmmmmmmimmummmMammm- H ;IT -I r W.H- T,irT - -. CONTRIBUTIONS concerning nodal happening!), intended for publication In tho society depart ment of Tho Times, must be sub mitted to the editor not later than G o'clock p. in. Friday of each week. Exceptions will bo allowed only In cases whero events occur Inter than tho tlmo mentioned.) soxo ok tin: hobbled skirt. With ltneos tlmtTvoro weary and cramped, And n sigh for her nchlng feot, A mnlden limited, In a hobbled skirt, 'Mid tho throng In tho crowded street, Hop, skip, hop, O'er sldowalk nnd gutter and dlrtl Aud under her breuth, In bitter tones, Sho sang tho song of the skirt. "For tho Bake of n fad," sho groaned, "Full many a load wo bear From tho heels of our dontli-trnp shoes To our mop of Imported hnlrj Hut to nil tho faddist's freaks, That bind, and harrow, aud hurt, Thoro hau never buon ono by half so bnd As tho fad of tho hobbled sklrtl will And you out and despise you fc your cowardly deceit? Marry a man bocauso you can't llvt another minute without him, or gc single for tho rest of your life mid you shall be at least honest nnd self respecting, no mntter how poor, or obscure, or tired, or discouraged you are. Don't go to a dance with a tight slipper on. You will bo better off e homo. Mrs. C. J. MIUIs gnvo a picnic lnat Saturday hi honor of her sister, Mm. Fred Robinson of Ithncn, N. Y., who 'courses Is visiting In tho city. Tho party of ladies went up Coos Illvor on tho launch Beaver. They disembarked ut tho Goodwill place and went to Mrs. F. S Dow'h camp to spend tho day. Tho party Included tho following: Mesdnmos M. D. I'oyntz, W. F. Miller, H. T. Street, W. F. Squires, M. H. Dllvon, Fred Robinson, C H. Walter, Samuel Harper, F S. Dow, Alva Doll, L. W. Traver and Miss Frances Frnnso and Mrs. Annlit of Myrtle Point. Mrs. Frances Hazard has received n card frdfli Miss Violet Henderson, secretary of tho Chnmbcr of Com merce, who, with her uncle, Hup Drown, wont to California for a vaca tion. Miss Henderson writes that slu Is stopping at the Argonaut- Hotel. She expected to visit San Joso an. PERSONAL notices of visitors In the city, or of Coos Day people who visit In other cities, together with notices of onclal affairs, are gladly received in tho social do purtmeu.. Telephone 13:11, No tices of club meetings will be pub lished and secretaries aro kindly requested to furnish same. Hop, skip, Jump, Ah wo dodge tho automobiles! Hop, skip, Jump, As wo lleo from flio trolley's wo0'"' othor points In California as well n Tlnlii n.i.l .1 i.biiiii r.H. .....I .IahIWI ' .II II MIOIiUIIIKlil unit U VII WW Death and dlHuomfort and pain! Aud I nigh for thu day whon rufllus mid plaits San Francisco and will bo home I I I. September 2Rth. Mr. nnd Mrs. T. R. Sheridan n sou, George Sheridan, came ovor from Rosoburg in their autnmobllo Mr. and Mra, Sheridan spoilt sovornl days Shall come Into their own agalul" (KNOV n woman who Is going to mnrry ror a home. !nt tho hotel in Emnlro. and Qcorg, And I have nil I can do to Sherldnn has been with friends In thl chlldreu.ndvnutages of further educa tion. .Air. Hinsdale's oldest boii has completed tho school courso at Gnrdl- nor aud will take up advauced 4. 4. 4. Mrs. J. II. Flnnagitli returned this week from Empire where she visited ut the hotel for several days. $ ?.Ir. nnd Mrs. Roy Plko hnvo re turned to San Francisco. They wore at North Dend to visit Mrs. Pike's brother, Mayor "L. J. Simpson. They visited at North Dend mid also nt Shore Acres, Mr. Simpson's summer home. Mrs. Plko was formerly Miss Edith Simpson and was married re cently. Miss Dlanche Tullefson visited Miss Lena Allen at Myrtle Point this week. iliwuo u .......w ..... lv ua l)EI,'EnT. AT THE CRITICAL MOMENT. IF YOU DUY YOUR CR'Nam. MUNITION OF US YOU CAN REST ASSURED THAT YOU 'nl HAVE THAT WOEFUL EXPERIENCE. 0,VT WE CARRY EVERYTHING THE HUNTER NEEDS ANn DEST ON THE MARKET. THE DUCK SEASON IS NOW 0 iv THE SEASON'S FLIGHT WILL SOON DE AT ITS HEiaHTin ? YOU HAD DETTER DROP AROUND AND LET US FIT YOl' ntr? LOOK OVER THIS LIST AND SEE IF .THERE ISN'T Rfivl THING YOU NEED: ' U1It DECOYS. GAME STRAPS. HAGS AND LEATHER GUX casks. SHELLS, IX ANY SIZE LOAD OR MAKK. SHKL1 SHOT GUX REMINGTON PUMP C1UNS, DOUHLE ItELLED SHOT GUNS. and sixomj nin. kcop from clutching her mid scream Ing "Don't! Oh, don't!" nt tho top of my voice every time I see hor, says Wlnlfrod Dlnck. Swimming exports are always writ ing loiters to tho papors tolling you how to rescue a drowning man. Tho llrst thing to do, say most of tho exports, Is to knock tho drown ing person on tho head and mnko him unconscious When you havo dono Mrs. M. A. Sweetman is visiting in San Francisco. She went south on tho Inst trip of tho steamer M. F Plant. She will bo a guest of n sister 1.1 San Francisco mid while there w'L loo' after some business matters. .;. .J. Mrs. Frank E. Hague Is giving n largo party this afternoon at her home. It is one of tke big soclul otouts of the season. W. P. Evuus of North Dend has re turned home from Eastern Oregon I city. Tho Misses Shorldnn hnvo been ftirBi EvunB s nt Dnkur Ct. wlth tliel, visiting horo for soma tlmo past. Tho Ladles' Aid Society of North lloiul held a monthly meotlng at Mrs. John Rutin's homo last Wednesday afternoon. Resides nn Interesting program of dovotlonnl character, the annual election of olllcers was hold, resulting as follows President, Mrs. ilentta Wlttlg; vice-president, Mrs. this, you hnvo a good chanco to Buvojsolmn Anderson; secretary, Mrs. Al him. I never oeo a woman of any rollno bort Wlckluud; treasurer, Mrs. John Ronn. Dollclous rofroshmonts wore mom or sonsiuiuty on tho point of served by tho hostess Thoro was a marrying for u homo that I doii't wish I full nttondnnco nnd each ono felt a aamobody would follow tho swlm-'bonollclal afternoon had boon spout. ining expert's ndvlce, nnd save hor In spite of horsolf. Hnvo you ovor boon to a party with n pair of tight slipper on? 1 havo. Once. I had a beautiful new frock and n wrenth of forget-me-nots for my hnlr, nnd tho prettiest spangly fan In tho world, mid tho handsomest man nnd best dancer In tho sot ns my partner for tho cotillon hut my slipper was too small. ' Tho memory of thnt night makes mo uncomfortable to this day, and 1 wns, oh, so many years ago that night of ngoulzliig discomfort and embarrassment and disappointment. All tho way homo In tho carriage 1 didn't hear n word anybody said. I Mr. and Mrs R. R. Montgomery of Decatur, III., aro In tho city on a visit. They nro horo to boo Mr. Mont gomery's children, R. J. Montgomery, Mrs. D. Y. Stafford mid Mrs. Colby Perry. Miss Corn Mao Montgomery Is also here, having been visiting dur ing tho summer. - Mr nnd Mrs. II. S. Tower nnd daughter, Miss Nora, left this weel for Charles City, la. They wore called thoro on account of the Bluest of Mr. Tower's mother, MIM Marie Thomnson of South Mnrshflold has returned home from the home of E. R. Hodson on Coos kopt loosening tho heel of that slip- j River, whero sho has been n guest. per with tho too of tho othor ono and wishing for home. Tho mmi who took mo to that dance told mo afterward thnt ho thought Bonio nwful tragedy hud como Into my llfo, or that I was sick of vanity nnd had made up my mind to look my Inst upon It that night ami then, take tho vol. Think of being married to n man you don't lovo. Why, you oouldu't forgot him for a nilnuto You'd go out In the country somowhero to got tlmo to hnto him nnd thoro he'd romtj nfter you, or iwud a lottor or n u'eurnm or souiothlnjt. The tl'oimht of htm would poison ivory mouthful yon ute. and WHk nverv d 1 in Mm drunk hateful to you. Ho ml ht b the kindest, tbo no) h u Mi hundsomeet man In the W 1 'i mm didn't love him you'd h't't in ft 11 ihi more for being too good fur uu. Nn, nn, nit dear friend: scrub lloore f ir a Hvln. stand on a windy street hu-hm in midwinter and peddle iioWspa.i.'i; trudge from door to door mid try to mil cheap eoametiet do anything, auythlug in the world but mnrry for a homo. Desldos, what huelnoae bttve you cheat 11 mau out of hi cuauee of Ua; plllOSB In llfo? Do you suppose that mui oan make r man happy whon yon don't lov lilmT Tho stupidest man in tho world from Mrs, M, P. Peudergnst aud daugh ter left this week for San Francisco, whero they will visit. Mrs Harvey Smith has returned from Slsson, Cal., whero sho was called by the serious Illness of her brother, who Is now better. He" cousin, Miss Lucy Kent, of Modford, nccoiupanlod Mrs. Smith to Coos liny nnd will teach sehool hero during the coming sonson. .j. . . Tho now olllcers of the Mnrshfleld W. C. T. U. who have been elected nro as follows: President. Mrs. Ora MoCnrty; vioo-pveldut, Mrs. George Colemau; secretary, Mrs. C 1! Marsh; treasurer. Mrs. Helen Downes; recordlug secretary. Mr George W. Watklna. A delegate Is tc be teat to tke State gathering of tit union but a yet the delegate has not been ohoeji. 4- Mies Maude Ilowrou has goue to Portland whoro she will attend St. Helen's Hall. -5 JJrs. P. M. Hall-Lewis, aeoompanled Ly ber eou. bag left for Woodburu. Oro., to visit frleuds. Tho family of 0 U. Hinsdale of Gar- dinor will lonvo soon for California to mnko their home. They aro moving Gardluor in, order to give tho son, Eldon Evans, who has boon qult 111 but who Is now better. Miss Nettle Denttlo, who was mar ried to J. W. Ross at San Frauclsc Inst month, Is a former Coos Ua girl. She Is a sister of Mrs. R. A. Church of South Coos River. W. J. Conrad and Harry Winkler spout a few days this week at the Herbert Rogers ranch on Coos Rivet fr H. S. Wledor, formerly of this city, mid now of California, has returned homo after n visit in tho city with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Wledor, of South Marshlleld. Miss Helen Doble, who has boon visiting .Mr. nnu .Mrs. v. s. unanuier at their Coos River bungalow for sosio tlmo past, will leave Monday for hor home In Portland. : Tho mombors of tho Chamluade Club hold their first meeting of tho season Wednesday night at the homo of the president, Mrs. Charles StauiT. They talked over tho plans for this season. Tho club hopes to do more than over before In the way of ad vancing tho music Interests. The membership of tho club will be en larged aud concerts will be given throughout the season. It Is also ex. pected to bring several musical an Ists of high standing to the city dur ing the season. This has heretofor been tho policy of the club. The members through their efforts have been able to glvo the public tho op portunity of hearing some exception "HIT MY HAT DOESN'T llOTIIKU ME HALF AS Ml til AS MY FEED, AND THAT DOESN'T MOTHER ANY IF IT IS IIOUC.HT FROM HALVES." IF A HORSE COULD ONLY TALK HE WOULD TELL IT .11 ST AS CON CISELY AS THE AllOVE; SO USE "HORSE SENSE" AND MY YOUR FLOUU AND FEED OF HAINLS. JUST NOW HE HAS SOME FINE OIL CAKE MEAL, GOOD COUNTRY SHORTS, AND SOME EXCELLENT, ALFALFA HAY RECEIVED THIS WEEK. HE IS SELLING WHEAT AT 91.00 PER HUNDRED. . ORDER SOME OF HIS NOTED, 1ILUESTF.M FLOUlt THE XEXT TIME YOU DUY. FLOUlt FREE. TO THE MAX, WOMAN OR CHILD PRESENTING THE LARGEST XU.M HER OF THESE APS. OX OR HE-, FORE OCTOIJER J, 11)10, HALVES I WILL GIVE OXE LARGE SACK OF j HIS FAMOUS FLOUR ADSOLUTE LY FREE. l . J Pj. frYv W IS m J&S i 1 -siiii WAREj Jfui& cu aoo(L'howfittb)M) gwt -fax JmMkwQMiet do- JiMfrJaM& tmK I . . .A 11 & . I Lttoua&-mai(t' NICE FURNITURE 1 ierarv A, T. I m , . , c ??i J GIVE HIM A TRI L ORDER. OjC L - lOw .tVi 1 I tn:m::m::::::KK:t:a:m:tJtl t: Great Furniture Values FOR Coos Bay Homes .MAY 1JE FOUND HERE AT ALL TIMES. SATISFACTION IX PRICES A.VD GOODS. C. A. Johnson Oldest Established Furniture Store Ou Coos Hay. Msmm::::::t:tt::::j::::::njamR:: rftiJ mJh liilli ?d - 3&-&c)k -. - m -s a t. t ( Continued on Pnne S.i Pure Ice Cream is the only kind that has over been handled at STAFFORD'S. And U is the only kind that ever will be handled at STAFFORD'S. Almost any flavor yon do sire in bulk or by tho dish. Orders for parties a speeial- xy. And remember our delici ous home made candies that also are emblems of purity. You Can Lower Hie High Cost of Living By Buying Your Meats AT THE -n--n------t:-- -- 1 it 1 u 1 u I I n 1 R 1 1 1 :j 1 :: 1 :: t t 1 1 n t n 1 :i 1 n 1 a t V I ENTERPRISE MEAT MARKET TRY IT .VXD SEE GOOD MEATS AT Reasonable Prices PHOXE 52-J Geo. W. King aQR"fc -nth. fatontzt'0L&: ifoa eomz fiomz and &a aiu4tjt down -So tfat jubnltute $toz and hkk oat atiijtHhtitf ifov want. "" than anf men oho not veky bah,UeuCah) M women ae and when mhS. httt Coveh's neifhfiofys eome In she rtouti Cike joh, them to See heh home tookbif Clke she was ftUud oi it. we wouCd fie yCad to Have vou- wfa ijoahs Piudfo GOING &. HARVEY Coitspfete House Furnishers !!?aSHS2nsmsasiJ52525HScSe32 STEAMER RRFAKWATFRl KMT M U m 9 M H W W H. Sbm - J! I n PROPR1E10R GOW WHY RUILDIXG, MARSHFIELD r:-::-rj-n--:;-;:-::-:t--:j; , K Llectncal Fixtures at, Less'g B i'Si K Sails from AlnsMoitli )Ck .0l.,i..mi ... M ,, ,, ... Tuesdar' S Sails fitiiii Coos Day every Saturday ut service of time. Reservation' will not be held later than Friday noon, unless tlrkets nro nurclsL 1 -f ... ,--.-. Fhone Main 35-L (j 0nclk than the Manufacturer's Prices. THINK OP A $33.00 FIXTURE SELLING FOR $27.30. AN'D CHEAP. ER ONES IN PROPORTION. THIS, IS A RARE BARGAIN IN THE ELECTRIC LINE NEVER BEFORE ; OFFERED IN MARSHFIELD. COME IN AND LOOK OUR LOT OVER AND ! 'IE CONVINCED. I '" 'KWtSi5srrr I sfrfrrcr agaaaeaEBMpgxaan iHE I ST A.VD COMMODIOUS Steamer Redoodo TWO STORES C30 From St 140 Central Ave Coos Bay Wiring Co. EXPERT ELECTRICIANS. Respectfully ask your patronage TIIOXE 237-J. (KQniP,:,) wlTlr WIRELESS) ILL MAKE REGULAR TRIPS CARRYIXG PASSEVGI'"S AXD 1'REIGHT IlETWELX COOS MAY AXD SAX I'll AXS CO. ALL RESERVATIONS FOR UASSEXGERS MADE AT ALLIANCE DOCi;, MARSHKIELD .WD 1XTER-0CIU' TRAXSP. CO. FIFE IJLDG., SAX KRAXCISCO. FOR INFO'' MATIOX PHOXE U-J , 285. SAU5 FOR SAX FRAXC1SCO, SEPT. 10TII, AT 11 A. M IMER-OOEAN TKANSPORTATIOX CO. tmtx