n rip nrytfVfffftn'n)- ADS. NEWS FV nisiXKss is slow, ai " Vk THAT IT FAYS IS KVI Sn'nV SUCCESSFUL I1USI- GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW RX READING THE COOS MAT TIMES. ALL THE NEWS ALu THE TIME TERSELY 1 OLD : :: :: n :: 5 .nrsnsKVEiuiiit.K. MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRKSS - - - - - : Wux.,n- ir Established In 1878 ii h Tito Const Mnll. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1910 EVENING EDITION S POLICY TOWARD THE FPUBLIGANS IS MADE CLEAR HI Treat Regulars and Insur gents Alike in Matters of Patronage. OPIES OF LETTER FROM HIS SECRETARY. Written to An Iowa Politician Have Been Sent to Heads of Departments. (Dy Associated PrcBB.) WASHINGTON, Sept. 17. Indlca-' tit multiply that tho letter written jjClirlei D. Norton, sccretnry to tho Ptttltost, to an mummed Iowa poll- ulis, Ii an expression of tho policy cl President Taft to bo followed In I IS CHARGED WITH MURDER A Consolidation of Times, Const Mail niul Coos liny Advertiser. No. 54. RE DEFENDS NEW NAINALISITHREE INCUBATOR BAB Grand Jury Indicts Frank Gar rison and Trial Starts Monday. Murder in tho first degree is tho chnrgu which Frank Garrison must fnco in tho Circuit Court. Such was tho Indictment returned by tho Ornnd Jury nt Coqulllo Inst night after hearing tho evidence in tho case. Gar rison la charged with killing Roy I'orkiiB. Tho witnesses went back to ,l,mous departments of govern- Co'm iM morning, but they re- eft In their attitude In matters of """ "l """, 8 lu win noi uo own toward nil Republicans Wo,lcJ "' Monday, when th0 trial f ditto loinrscnls or regulars. Cop- " "" w uo "" up in tno indite letters havo been sent from ;c'rc"- Court. ISflfr'; to the executive heads of nil " Roosevelt Says It Only Means Application of New Condi tions to Old and Fundament al Moralities.' (Dy Associated Press.) SYRACUSE, N. Y., Sept. 17. Col. Roosevelt returned to the defenso of his now nntlonnllsm to-day as wns specltlcally Indicated in tho title of his address at the Stato Fair hero to day, "Tho Nqw Nationalism and the Old Morality." Tho new nationalism, ho reiterated means nothing but nn application to tho now conditions oftruo democracy." certain old and fundamental moral ities, It means nn Invitation to meet tho new problems of the present day in tho spirit in which Lincoln and tho men of his day met their now problems. To his critics ho puts this issue: "Is any party willing to take tho other side of tho propositions of which complaint Is mndo? If bo, It would bo n good thing to hnvo tho issues before the people, for in tho end tho people would most certainly deeldo in favor of the pllnclples em bodied in tho new nationalism, be cause otherwise this country could not continue to bo n true republic, a BREAKWATER i . ... iir..Llu.i.. ml. .. ( CfpirimcniB in wimmiKiiiii. nm. replis were lo bo nccompnnlcd by n i Vtttror transmlltnl directing tho do rcteent hcfld to heed tho burkos- th contained In tho letter, but worn irrrir accompanied bv a nolo tbnt ii litter had been wrl'on by tho iitlorltr of the president. TRAIli: INCREASED. ICR PUBLIC W E County Has Built Many Good Roads and Constructed New Bridges.1 Coos county has spout a largo (Dy Associated Press.) WASHINGTON. Sept. 17. Trad,, Wiwn tho United States and tho Pllllpplne Islands Increased 84 per nit during (ho years of opcrntlon of ..j ....' . t i i amount of money making public im- fcpartment of Commerco and Lnbor, Otittlci. provomoms. Tho commissioners have completed tho work of tho Soptombcr Xt Assistant. Miss Dlnncho Mc- term uud tho bills which they hnvo Ity bis been appointed assistant to nllowcd show n great amount of 1m Fwtnailer Russell nt North nond. Inrovcmcnt of various kinds. J Tho road work this year has been lax lUnch. P. Sohllorsirom of moro extensive than over boforo. The Sank Bend has leased n ranch of 18,- county mndo largo appropriations, tho H seres In tho Santa Clara Valley ucoplo assessed themsolves in many d California. Ho has leased tho cases to carry out work in their dls- SAILS TODAY Leaves For Portland This Morning Wtih Large Num ber of Passengers. Tho steamer Rronkwater loft this SINGER GOT LARGE SUMS E INCUBATOR BABIES DIE AT TRE KENTUCKY STATE FAIR e for fifteen years. wiloa la December. Ho gota pos- trlct, and somo prlvnto donations wero mndo by property owners Inter ested. Altogether there has ifcen ox- Bojs Interest. Art Rlnnchnrd has nonded in Coos county this year about tojltJas. Falconer's interest in tho' $200,000 for tho Improvement of KfiMeld Cleaning and Dyo Works, ronds. Doth of tho stngo routos to H rill continue In the employ of tho Bay Gas and Electric Comnanv fcftbetlmo Icing at least and allow Rosoburg wero Improved and thero is senrcoly a rond in tho whole county which did not reeolvo somo nttontlou. Wftner. Clins. I.nnnli whn linn In mnnv Inalnnrns Mm work Was of J Identified with tho business an exponslvo nnturo and did not "before contlnuo Its management, make na much showing as might bo ' Invimr-toil For nvnmnln. Iho work at M From Trip. pearly Luud of Brewster grade on tho Coos 13a.v Hab has returned from Coqulllo, Wagon Road was of a highly expon ''the has been visiting his sls-'slvo nnturo. A deop cut was made j'Mri. p c. True, and from Dan- and It required tho expenditure of n sfcrehehasbeen suporntending Bood deal of money, but tho im provement was or. a ncrniuncui ua ture. The work on tho Myrtlo Polnt Roseburg road was also expensive About $30,000 will havo been ex ponded between Myrtlo Point and tho county lino boforo the ond of tho yenr, but tho road has beon rcsur voyed nnd tho bad places cut out. On tho road from nandon north, one of tho big mountain grades was done away with. Tho opening of a now road from Flagstnff to Marahflold was a big Improvement nnd will give about one thousnnd residents of tho county a quicker wngon road routo to tho city. Tho commissioners say that they feel tho $200,000 which has beon spent has been well placed. Tho building of bridges is auother plecq of work which has cost tho county a largo amount. The brldgo ncross South Slough was erected at a cost of about $12,000. Tho now ateol brdgo over tho south fork of tho Coqulllo River at tho Herman place cost about $3,000. Tho extension of tho Front street bridge in Marshflold to connect with North Dond will bo nn expensive piece of work and the brldgo on tho Dunker Hill road will cost about $2,700. Thero wero some smaller bridges and somo repairing to bo done, so that the total coat of tho bridge work In the county this year will amount to about $30,000. Another big improvement made d tho county was the work done at tho court house which cost about $5, 000. A new room was provided fpr tho nTiatrnotnrs. the old hot water U,WS Store Whlln Mnnn.. Qlll In .Marshfleld on business. as In Mnrahflni.i .. i...i...n ere th nv., ', fill mmv Jllll JIUSl'B III lr'PS0 far Qg ho nnnnuttn.1 !,.,. j 'r as others hero know, but urn' e camo r"mr8 from Co JJiel a big whirl that ho cut In V while in the county seat. Dn Tins in mind. Cwl school nn ,.... . I J o( churches and even a health- "taate m nevOT amount to ,ca lor a nlnra .i.- .i., .. "'If KnockinK On th himlnPRo wp,n,ns ot taxes nni 1ck- W?Uy' To way to make !te hi k frow ana Prosper is to lca V" the c,ty aml t0 com tten. ,alth and confidence to fcuu. ? MSi "Mrs. Elizabeth Adams of trti . . confl Matson store, haa ,eUT her home tho Pa8t WioauiB 0I pol80n oak XonTanExl)XEWSt fruiii LHm, ,ain DoyIe. a contractor Wed- 'IB Vlsllln . , 'fc ' .ortn liend. ' l5 la w uersj)n of Union ave rt.... orth Bend r.. v.: u.. UB. , --.-., ., ,,u una ukou V Portland, haa returned e Tim ea Want AdB. morning nt 0 o'clock for Portland nnd cnrrlod a largo number of pns scngors. Thoso who loft on the bont wero as follows: TIiob. Drnckcn, Marjory C. Cowan, H. A. Corliss, Miss H. A. Corliss, Mrs. A. L. Smith, Mrs. Inez Flngg, Mrs. lMna Lawrence, Mrs. Willis, Miss Lear Ullott, Mra. R. V. .Mooro, Mat. Lapp, Cordon Rnsmussen, W. R, An gel, D. II. Holmes, F. Grant, C. E. Hlckok, Mm. Hattlo Smith, II. A. Doll, Mrs. II. A. Doll, Allen Doll, D. Alexnndcr, 'E, R. Harris, Hnrry Whitchor, G. F. Fuller, E. S. Ed wards, John Souchon, Paul Gorrard, V. J. Meyers, Mrs. Meyers, J. II. Holllstor, h. G. Morgan, Mrs. A. Hutlodgo, Rev. H. I. Rutledgo, Mrs. I. S. Smith, Ruth Smith, Knthryn Smith, Hugh Smith, A. C. Trumugn, J. R. Trumugn, A. T. Trumugn, Mrs. S. J. Welck, F. J. Wolck, R. E. Doano, Mrs. R. E. Doano, D C Mrs. C. A. Carnforth, Mrs S son, Mrs. L. M. Noblo, Miss Maud Dowron, E. Homes, A. G. Amsbury, Mrs. Amsbury, A. Amsbury, Jns. Lar son, J. V. Peterson, MIbb M. David son, Miss L, Davidson, Mrs. E. Dyer, Etho'l Dyer, D. Doylo, L. Nelson, Jack Houston, J. W. Dayos, II. Hanson, M. J. Harden, Mrs. P. Hanarnhan, E. M. Eldrldgo, J. D. Myor, A. Dnrnum, M. D. Hoffstndtor, D. A. Dlllmnn, Mrs. Dlllmnn, Dosslo Coko, IC. JCauf mnn, N. D. Johnson, R. W. Moore, T. Hobblns, C. D. Anderson, G. W. Wlso, J. E. Wlso, II M. Davis, S. Ness, E. A. Vail, W. D. Kane, W. W. Meyers, S. Shumaner, E Mnlaf, J. R. Smith, F. Hasselback, J. M. Agnew. ADDITIONAL SOCIETY. One of tho largest social uvonts of tho season was a reception which was given Friday evening by tho mem- l..ru nt thn Mnflirwllst Phurch at Norm Demi, it wns a furowoii to tho Entertainment Arranged pastor, Rev. R. H. Piorson, who will leavo for tho conforonco nnd who does not expect to bo returned to North Dend. About two hundred persons called during tho evening to pay tholr respects to tho mlnlstor. They wero ontortalned with music nnd refreshments wore served by tho Indies throughout tho evening. Marriage Settlement Made By R. W. Chanler Involved Val uable Property. (Dy Associated Press.) NEW YORK, Sept. 17 Tho agree ment between Mine. Cnvallorl nnd Robert Wtnthrop Chnnlcr, tho terms ot which nro tho subject ot ninny di vergent rcportB, was Hied In tho reg ister's olllce to-day by tho counsel for tho singer. Tho agreement mndo tho Inst day of May this year in Paris botwecn Chanler nnd the singer whoso first name is given na Natitlnn, states that whereas tho mnrrlago of the two wns about to bo solemnized ami t lint doubts might nrlso na to their mutual property rights It wns agreed that tho property of each of them, both In tho present nnd futuro, I should remain tho soparnto property nnd under tho solo control ot ench ot them, nnd tho ngrcoment then goes on to rcclto that in consideration of tho said intended mnrrlago nnd for tho McLnurln mm ol '1 threo fnrms In Red Hook, S. A Wll-I' "', nPProxln,ntlnR 3Cu acres, sub ject to n mortgago or iou.uuu, nro given to Mine. Cnvallcrl together with thirty pieces of land and buildings In Now York City nnd "nil othor ronlty forming n part of tho sharo of tho nbovo nnmed Robort Wtnthrop Chan ler ot and in tho estnto ot Mrs. Laura Dolano, subject to n mortgago of $110,000." Tho agreemont provides further that Chanlor agrees to pay yearly tho sum of $20,000 to Mmo. Cavaliorl during her life. TOM JURY Trial of Will White Charged With Murder Has Been Finished. Tho cobo of Will White, tho young man of Dnndon who has been tried for murder in tho Circuit Court this week nt Coqulllo, hns gono to tho Jury. It Is expected that a verdict will bo returned this evening. Whlto is chnrged with killing his stepfather. Tho defenso mndo wns Insanity. Police. Order the Show Closed and Charge Infants Are Neglected. CHICAGO DOCTORS ARE IN CHARGE. SUNDAY TO BE A GREAT Interesting Sermons at Taber nacle Decisions Made at Most Every Service. WILL IE BAND CONCERT For (Dy Rov. G. LoRoy Hall.) TA1IKHNACLE PHOGHAM. TO-NIGHT. 7. ID, Mr. Lyon will speak on "Tho Story of a Fathers Love." v SUNDAY. 11 A. M., union morning ser- vice, "Tho Deity of Christ." 3 p. M., meeting for men. Subject, "Sowing and Renplng." 7.30 P. M., evening sorvlce, "Heaven nnd Hell." Mooting ovory night next 4 week, tho Inst week ot tills union campaign. Mr Ifnrrla mini In Cnnliln nt ! tho close of this campaign to 4 glvo an evening's musical ro- 4 cltnl. Claims That Long Railroad Trip Was Cause of the Deaths. (Dy Associated Press.) LOUISVILLE, Ky., Sept. 17 Tho baby incubator show at tho Stato Fair was ordered cloued by tho poltco last night. This itctlon fallowed tho death of two Infants who woro brought to this city by Chlcngo phy sicians. Death Is alleged to bo duo to lack of nourishment. Tho physi cian In chnrgo stntes death was duo to tho long railroad trip and con sequent exhaustion. A third baby died to-day. Tho babies, It Is understood, woro taken from nn asylum In St. Paul. It do- volopes that tho oloctrle current which supplies tho hent for tho babies was shut off for two nights but wns kept on last night. COAST LEAGUE BALL SCORE Portland Is Still in the Lead With Oakland Danger ously Close. Sunday Afternoon at the City Park. placed with a steam heating plant, tho vaults woro onlargcd nnd other Improvements wero made. Whllo a large amount of money has been spent by tho county this year much of It has gono for permanent improvements which wero needed. During tho past yenr more real pub lic work has probably been done than during any previous year in the his tory pf tho county. 3. Tako that spare money you havo laid away and buy a diamond and it will mnko you Interest on your money Get our plans and prices. RED CROSS DRUG STORE. WHAT IS THE CENSUS OF MARSH- FIELD? Everybody Is anxiously waiting for tho figures from "Washington, but you do not have to wait for that autumn J Tho Coos Day band has arranged for a concert to be held Sunday after noon nt 2 o'clock at tho City Park in Marshfleld. Director Fenton hns ar ranged tho following program: 1. March, "Chicago Tribuno" (Cbambors). 2. Overture, "Poet and Peasant (Suppo). Reverie, "When tho Lights Aro Low" (Engleman). Clarinet Solo, "Somnarabula" (Thornton). Selection, "Lucrczla Dorgla" (Donizetti). "Celebrated Menuet" (Pado rowskl). Selection, "Old Town" (Lu dcrs). Characteristic, "Daddy's De light" (Losey). "Star Spangled Dannor" (Key). C. 7, 8. 9. ALUMINUM AVARE nt MILKER'S. Haines sells flno fertilizer. lino of neckwear at Goodrum's. clal at 50c. Spe- Art metal crafters' supplies Selby and Peters Shotgun Shells at Mllner's. That Mr. Lyon Is working for tho pormanont good of tho city and tho religious uplift of tho pooplo Is evi denced by nil who henr him from night to night. Ho delivered n splen did sormon Inst night upon tho toxt, "I am not ashamed of tho gospol of Christ, for It Is tho power of God un to salvation unto everyono that bo lloveth." It was in Itself n messngo of powor nnd of love. Sunday will bo a great day. Mr. Lyon will speak upon tho deity of Christ. This will bo a sermon In which ho will ondenvor to clear up many cloudy Ideals of Christ nnd point out tho real Christ. HOW THEY STAND. Won. LoBt LYONCJRAPHS. "Tho moth of worldllness has eaten holes In many Christian garments, nnd tho ungodly are ridiculing tholr rnggodness." "Shun a man tbnt tells a dirty story as you would holl Itself." "Condemnation Is not merely for doing wrong but for rojcctlng Jesus Christ. "If you aro not going toward Christ you nro going from him. Tho farther you go the faster you go, and tho harder it Is to turn." "If somo young fellows woro to call upon my daughter I would want to hnvo a shotgun trained on them from tho celling." "If you reject Christ and go down to death unsaved, really you commit spiritual sulcldo." "Thero is no such a thing ns n secrot Christian. If your belief Is false, give it up, but If it Is truo propagato It. Don't bo a coward." "When you lntorfero with a man's schomes for financial profit, watch out for his opposition." Portland 85 4 Oakland 04 San Francisco.. 80 Vernon 83 4 Los Angeles. . .84 Sacramonto . . .50 ' C7 70 78 84 SG 102 P.O. .GEO .CC3 .C33 .497 .494 .373 (Dy Associated Press.) PORTLAND, Sopt. 17. Portland did not piny yesterday on account of tho gnmo being postponed, but tho team Is still In tho lend, with Onk land a vory closo second and San Francisco In third placo. Tho scores of yesterday's gnmes follow: AT LOS ANGELES R. H. Lob Angeles C 7 Oakland G 7 AT SAN FRANCISCO R. II. San Frnncsco , 2 4 Vernon 3 2 AT SACRAMENTO Sncramento-Portlnnd gamo post poned on account ot tho death ot tho secretary's son. NOTES. At tho Sundny morning service, Mr. Lyon will toll tho story of his conversion from Unltarlanlsm to Christianity. Ho went to collego an heating plant was taken out and re- Walker Studio. CHAS. STAUFF GROCERY' WILL unbellover. at RAVE FIFTY" ROXES OF ITALIAN No man can afford to miss ) PRUNES MONDAY, great meeting Sunday afternoon. tho . THE WEATHER. (Dy Associated Press.) OREGON Fair to-night nnd Sunday, excopt ' showors In northwostj southorly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE- PORT. For twenty-four houra ending at 4.43 P. M., Sept. 1G, by Mrs. Mlngus, special government mo- teorologlcal observer: Maximum G7 4 Minimum SO At 4.43 P. M GO Precipitation Trace Wind, Southwest; Cloudy. Haines soils flno fortlllzor. DECOY DUCKS nt MILNER'S. CHAS. STAUFF GROCERY WILL HAVE FIFTY ROXES OF ITALIAN PRUNES MONDAV. Take your SUNDAY DINNER at Tho CHANDLER. Special menu and ORCHESTRA. RESERVE tables for PARTIES by PHONE.