'?HW?PtII THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 191 0 EVENING EDITION. -i- Evfciimi iiiu mmtmmammammiammmammmmmmmMHu -4--. 8k Jpjv K SUITS FOR NOW ! I SfrWi Mm I Wwl rVj " 1 COPYntflHT ioio VTWM,c"AQASTCi)NtCa Vy QTR0CMC0Tr.miY W ARE READY-rcady to show an assortment of Suits and Overcoats for Fall and Winter, that will appeal to men of taste. The new models are a bit BETTER in fabrics, CHOICER in styles, and LOWER in price than can be found elsewhere. These garments strike a new note in good clothes making. Prices $10.00 to $30.00 ,.,,;nr,r, V2tVnA7f C Kli&WSl JHzJr t:mm:::::mi:m:m:::::::::m;:5m:i:::jr Personal Notes 1 fcm::m:w:::m:::m:mm:mm:::::: ed visit in Minneapolis nntl other Mlnnosotn poIntB. COOS BAY TIDES. SEPTEMBER I lHgh wnter j A. ST. p. M. I Date. h. in Friday... 10 I Saturday 17 I Saturday 17 .SUNDAY IS 10:40 li:20 Jtrjh.ni. 7.2 7.8 10:15 11:05 11:G1 September" ft. 8.2 7.S S.G S.3 4tti yiij "SSSr WOOLEN MILL STORE "ST Low water A. M. P. M. Date. "I h.in. ft.h.m. ft. Friday... 10 4:12 0.3 4:32 3.1 Saturday 17 4:C4 O.rj G:14 2.3 mm Tin: WEATHER. (By Associated Press.) OREGON Fair to-night and Saturday. - LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE- POUT. For twenty-four hours ending at 4.43 P. M Sent. 1C, hy Mrs. Mlugus, special government me- tcorologlcnl obsorver: Maximum G7 Mlulinuni 47 At 4.43 P. M 50 Wind, Northwest; Cloudy. I KnlN To-Morrow. The Blenmor Hrcnkwntcr will sail for Portland at 9 o'clock to-morrow morning. 1 (.'(me to Gardiner. 0. J. Mlllls, genornl manager of tho local Interests of tho Southern Paulllc, has gone to Qardlnor ou business. School Days! School Days! Dear old Golden Rule Days! Wo cary a complcto lino of school supplies, such as: writing tablets, composition 1iookss, drawing pads, note hooks, fountain pi:xs, ink's, ixk 8taxds, pen holders, pi:x poixts, Till: RUBY COHXKIt. i:it.si:its. pencils, pencil sharpeners, pexci liioxiis, CRAYOXS, book straps, inc., irrc. at lowest prices. PIIOXK H. Lockhart - Parsons Drug Co. "The Busy Corner" Marshfield, Oregon I VIOLATED ORDINANCE. Three Arrested For Xot CoiupIyliiK Willi Chimney I mux. Three- wero arrested to-dny for falling to comply with tho chimney ordinance. They wuro II. J. Mont gomery, "Toots" Noblo mid Geo Guey. They will have a hearing this after noon or to-morrow. Phono I. S. Kaufman & Co. your Jonl Order. 81.30 PER TON. m School Opeim .Monday. Tho EnBt sldo public school will open Monday. TJtu teachers this year nro Mrs. Sol ma Thomas nud Miss Frances Frnnso. Stole Clothing. Sonio ono itolo uomo clothing which hnd been hung on a lino in tho yard nt Al. Smith's resldenco in tho north part of the city. nw IjiId New Hdiim. Lndd & Hunt, contractors, hnvo completed It. A. Copplo' haudsomo now resldenco In West Mnrshllold and Mr. Copplo and family hnvo moved In. -l t r 1 - 'J2S25HS2SZS2SSSSZ5HSca2SESZSZ33 2SES5SHSHSSSS52iSZSBS25Z5tlSZSTlSZSZS? in STEAMER BREAKWATER Kails from Ainsuortli Dock, Por land, nt H P. M., every Tiientliiy. Kails from Coos Hay every Saturday at service of time. Heservatlous Kill not be held Inter than Friday noon, unless tickets are purchased. rj W. F. Miller, AgL. Phone Main 35-L k 5! a-a--n-n---tt---:-a- n xx-a-a-a-a-a-" n-a-a-a-a-a-a i Home Addition To Eastside f : i NOW ON THE MARKET FOUND. Oolil handling o Wodnes day at Stauff's grocory. Owner can have samo by paying for this ad and Identifying property at Tlmos office. LOST. Oh I pin liiHcrlbi'd "J. II. S '00," on streot. Itownrd for return to Times office Fill RENT. Furiiltdied iIjlit-rooiu modern house In South Mnrshfloia Apply C Time office. FOU SALE. New lite-room iiiotlern bungalow and lot 40x100 In South Mnrshllold, near In. BaTtfaln. Co at 421 Golden ave., or phono 14711. FIXE DOOM nud tablo board; near , In. Inquire Tlmos ofllce. FOR RENT. Slvroom liouso on South Fifth streot. Inquire J. C. Donne or phono 314X2. Tills nilillHnn l lt.,t.I !..,. n.l In nlv Vnai lit nnW BustsldO Mill. a The lots nro 100x211 and larger, about eight ordlnnry lots; and j-.n-a nro iou.ou up ior moso jargo irauw. This plat was filed Wednesday last, and wo havo only flfteon lots remaining unsold. This Indicates that tho property la Interest ing to purchasers, and anyone wishing to secure a lot should act Promptly. Terms ono-hnlf cash, balanco equal payments, 3, 0, 9 and 12 months. For particulars, see Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. ? ? General Agenfa EASTSIDE . Turkish Baths 210-213 Coos Building PHONE 2 14 J STL-WICK KEDOXDO WILIi SAIL "u Mlliat 18TH FOR SAN J'jANClSU). MAKE RESEItVATIOX ,0 11SSAGK AXD FllEIGIIT. Iiiter-Ocean Trnnsportntlou Co. i. P. McGEORGE, Agent, 1 'UiElturs PISH MARKET, Ed. T. Itnlcli, Prop. well Fish of Every Description. lmon arJ Deep Sea Fish In SeaBon. Tol. Market 2 64 J. Foot of Market Ammo. Henry Songstackon, Manager, t Electrical Fixtures at Less than the Manufacturer's v Prices. THINK OF A ?55.00 FIXTURE SELLING FOR $27.50. AND CHEAP- IER ONES IX PROPORTION. THIS IIS A RARE BARGAIN' IN THE ELECTRIC LINE NEVER BEFORE OFFERED IN MARSHFIELD. COME IN AND LOOK OUR LOT OVER AND BE CONVINCED. Coos Bay Wiring Co. EXPERT ELECTRICIANS. Respectfully ask your patronage. PHONE 207J. WANTED. Good dairy farm, from owner only: want possession soon nftor January; state particulars. Address Box 51, Mnrshllold, Oro. FOR SALE OR TRADE. Xluo blood, ed AngoraB. Mrs. E. E Dyer, Dan iels Creek. FOR SALE. Ono rowI farm mare, weight about 1,400 lb., works sin gle or doublo; prlco reasonable Inquire of Wm, McMulIen, Marsh field, Ore. FOR RENT. Seu'ii.room modern house; bargain; special; closo In. Apply to W. U. Douglas. Inspector Here, L. C. C. Lamson, ono of tho head Inspectors of tho Pa cific Lumber Inspection Uuroau, In hero from Tacoma on business. Ho Is looking over tho local affairs on n regular inspection trip. In California, Word has Leon ro colved hore that Coll Irolnnd, who hns beon visiting relatives nt Oljalla, Is now taking In California cities and having tho tlmo of his life. Ho will return hore about Septembor 20th. E. L. C. FARR1N went to Coqulllo to attend court to-day. L. J. CODY, of tho Cody Lumber Company, is In the city. FRED McLAIN of Myrtle Point is in tho city to-day on business. D. A. DILLMAN of Orogon City is a guest at tho Chandler Hotel. WALTER CONDRON hnu returned from a business trip to Portland. C. S. DODGE was In Coqulllo to-day. AL. SMITH of Coos River made a trip to Coqulllo to-day. DAVID ROBERTS of Empire was n visitor In Mnrshfleld to-day. J. M. UPTON returned homo from .Coqulllo on the noon train to-dny. MRS. A. J. DREWS and Annlo DroWB arrived homo to-dny from California. WILLIS KENNEDY has returned homo from a business trip to Portland. JOHN SULLIVAN of Dnndon was In tho city on business nud loft this morning. WILLIAM MURR of North Bend has gone to Roseburg, whero ho will remain this winter. MISS BESSIE COKE will lenvo to morrow for Eugene whero alio will outer tho Oregon Stnto University. J. V. DENNETT and Tom Bennett went to Coqulllo this morning to look' after court business. AUGUST FRIZEEN mid II. E. Edlln of Bunker Hill returned yesterday from n few days' stay on South Slough. HERBERT HUME of Weddurburn It In the city on his way homo from Portland, where ho has been on business. MRS. J. W. MITCHELL will lenvo shortly for The Dnllea where Bhc will visit her sister and other relatives and friends. MRS. GUST. JACOBSON of Empire, who underwent a surgical opera tlon at Mercy Hospital In North Bond about ten days ago Is rapidly recovering nnd will bo nolo to re turn homo to-morrow. MISS BLANCHE FERDINE, a grnd- uato of tho University of Oregon, arrived horo yesterday, Sim Will tench the sixth mid seventh grudo pupils nt tho now high school building tho coming yenr. Brother IMcx. Robert Marsdon, Sr., received a lottor )estorday from Wlgan, England, coin eying tho snG news that Charles Barnes, n brothor of tho late Mrs. Marsdcu, died at IiIb homo there Just about tho tlmo hlr sister, Mm, Marsden, passed away hero. Mr, Barnes was engineer of a cotton mill at Wlgan and hold tho samo position for fifty years. Married Here. Wednesday night James Fostor and Miss Myrtle Coll- vor woro unitod In marrlago by th Row II. I. Rutledgo at tho M. 1 parsonngo In Mnrshfleld. Miss Jose phine Collver and John Mossorly wqr tho wltnossos. Both young pooplo ro sldo on Catching Inlet, tho bride bo Ing a dnughtor of Albert Collvor. While coming to Mnrshfleld, their launch ran onto tho mud and for r tlmo It looked as though thoy mlgir not got In until to-day. MISS DAISY RUSH, who will toach tho primary room nt tho now high Bchool building again tho coming yenr, has returned from California nnd other southorn points whoro Bho hns spont part of hor vacation. I SAM ABRAMS has taken n position as night clerk nt tho Chandler Hotel. MRS. A. R. SEARS, who has boon 111 for n couple of weeks Is now nblo to bo up and around. WARREN OOREN hns roturnod home from a vacation In Califor nia. Ho arrived on tho Rodondo to-day. C. C. GOING and J. L. Koontz will leave In Mr. Koontz's nuto in a dny or two for Portlnnd, Mount Hood and other northern points. JOHN D. BLACK, formerly postmas ter In Mnrshllold, but who Is now located at Redlauds, Calif., arrived hero to-dny to visit his fathor, Henry Blnck, and other rolatlvos In this community. This Is his first visit here In ton years nnd ho was greatly surprised at tho chango that hat) taken plnce. When ho left Redlnndu tho temperature was 110 In tho simile. HERE FROM ILLINOIS. MRS. A. Z, DQWNS m uATlitlltor, Anna, roturnod on tho ltodondo from Minneapolis, whoro thoy hnvo beon visiting for tho past four months, Mrs. Downs says that Coos Bay looks better than ovor to her, MRS. N. A. OWKNB has goho to Hugo, Oro., to visit hor nlother, Mrs. Cnrrlo Sexton, who Is 93 years old. Mrs. Owens wns Joined nt Roseburg by hor cousin, II. C. Worthman, who will accompany hor to Hugo. JAMES BOTHNER has sold his rnsl- donco propofty In South MnrB' Hold to W. C. Craig, who mnwid Into It yesterday. Mr. Bothnor has moved Into tho resldenco on South Fifth streot which wbb recontly vacnted by R. II. Wooley. II. R. Montgomery nnd Wife VLsltUig In tho City. R. It. Montgomery of Decatur, III., has arrived In tho city to visit his sou, U. J. Montgomery, uud his daughter, Mrs,, Qvilby Perry, Mrs, D, Y, BmiKml uud MUs Cora Mto Mont ttomory, Mr, Montgomery Is accom panied by. Ills wlfo to whom h0 " mnrlrcd Inst month. Mrs. Montgom ery was formorly Miss Eva Blxby of Docatur. Tho marlrago took place at Chicago. Mr. mid Mrs. Montgomery stnrtod Wost going through Yellow stoiio Park and' stopping at Spokane nnd Portlnnd on tholr way to the const. Thoy will visit horo Bovoral weoks. Mr. Montgomery has oxtoa- Bjvp pronorty interests on Coos Bay. t ATTKNTIONI VOUXG LAlHESt" Mombora of tho W. 0. f. u( inedat contest clnss and any othora who may wish to Join, pleaso meet the contest superintendent at room 2, First Trust & Savings Dank Bulldlnir. Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. Bring No.'s 1. 2 and 3 of tho Modal Contest Rocltntlonlst rou havo. and examine tho now numbers I havo on hand from tho Stnto auporlntfludont contost work. All plans will bo ox plalnod to you nnd your training nr- rnngod for. WAXTED. A lady boarder or n school pupil; terms moderate. Ap ply Times ofllce. FOR SALE. In Coos River, about flvo miles from Mnrshfleld, quartc of a mile from the river, 12 ncroi of land, 10 ncros marsh, two of hill. For partloulars wrlto to An tony Blasca, Marshfleld, or call a tho place. ' WAXTED. i:perlejiced coal nilnrrs and tlmbermen. Apply Beavor Hill Coal Co. ml 1 flYI") MrbflM' popular tmll) MAMU nut,.). All furniture re and clean Velvet anil AxmlnlMer rarpeU In over '"' yl,t moHm of solid comfort Haoi Hiliued ti day. 60c. 75opd 11.00, week. .'CX)to5UO AIo fewliom keeping apart menu wit range. K00 per month Krr tat In. Take lu ( depot. Mr, bridge. Pjop Hay I'or Haines, Tho Redondo to- dny'biought In slxty-flvo tons of chclco liny for Haines, tho feed man. LIBRARY NOTICE. Story hour for children under ton years, Saturday morning from nlno to toil, o'clock, at tho library. .MRS. FAHIMXGHH, Teaeher of Piano. Homo Studio. South Broadway. Phono 270-J School Supplies SCHOOL DAYS ARE HERE OXCE MORETHAT MEANS YOU NEED TABLETS, PENCILS, FTC. BEFORE BUYING LOOK OUR STOCK OVER. ONLY OXi: SET OF THE $10 EX CYCLOPEDIA LEFT. IT IS YOURS FOR 80.00. Crosby & Homer, V ,114 CENTRAL AVE. MISS WOODS, who will tench tho commercial departments of tho t Mnrshfleld high school again tho coming yenr has arrived from hor homo in Oakland, whoro she Bpont tho summer. She will mnko her homo with Mr. and Mrs. a. W. Dungan tho coming yoar. MRS. KELLY and sons of Bunkor Hill have returned from an oxtond- It Is a poalttvo fact that buying a diamond nt tho right prlco ts good Intorost on your inonoy. Aro you awnro diamonds hnvo Incroasod on hundred por cont In ton years? Thoy still avorago twonty por cont a yoar Increase Tho Rod Cross Drug Storo has sonio bonutloa at right prices, Costs you nothing to look them ovor Stenmor ALERT will run a 8PE CIAL EXCURSION to ALLEGANY, SUNDAY, SEPT. 18. Leaves Marsh field at K A. M. and return about 6 P. M nrlng your lunch along, Prob ably last excursion ROl'XI) TRIP, 7fU of season. -n i 8 I n t t: t a i 8 I n 8 t 8 t 8 8 I 8 8 a i I 8 I ? 8 ? 8 .jjtj- tt-n--tv-:t-tJ---tt-8-8-n-8-8-a-u-a-a-: Can we make it stronger? We Guarantee Every Sack of SPERRY'S BEST DRIFTED SNOW to give absolute satisfaction and your grocer is authorized to refund the full purchase price if for ciny reason whatever' you are not satisfied, and no charge will be made for what you use. SPERRY FLOUR CO. By F. S. Dow ? ? K-8-8-lc-8--n-n-u-u-a-K-n- u-h-h-h-r-w-b-- i n i a t a n a - R t t V I n i t a t n a i n t a i a t t n . iatraikrii. .1 yilig .tii& IMteMai' Ittirik. ki.ll4,v.