WT7"'"J"P',,f' '? .&'' yi!f s. tt - wtW"1 JfiWW''!"" 1- h v . -- r 1 . I "i . '"'TWIJRJNflPW i4 7 ,. ., Mil '" Ilk. rf . , . Ii H THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OBEGOHf. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 16. 191 0 EVENING EPITjOM. coos bay timps niTnirn rnn cm nico run IHi utorud at the poatofllco at Alar Mid, Oregon, ror transmission IbrousJ tbo malls as second claB Mall matter. Addrens all communications to COOS DAY DAILY TIMES, Mai-shllcld :: :: :: :: Oregon i M. O. MALONEY Editor nud Pub. AW K. MALONKY New. Editor An Indupoidont Hepubltcan news paper published every evening except and ay, and Wookly by -Thj Coon liny Time Publishing Co. County Clerk Watson Gives Out List of Candidates in the Field. A HIGHIY HH -1 OF FORTY STORES From Dodlcnted to the service of tho people, that no good cause shall lack champion, nnd that evli shnll not thrlvo unopposed Tho Coos Day Tlmos represents a eonsolldatlon of tho Dally Coast Mall nd Tho Cooa Day Advortlsor. The Coast Mail was tho drst dally estab lished on Coos Day and Tho Coos Day Times is Its IinmodUte suc cessor. 8UD8CHIPTION DATES. DAILY. Ono year $g.00 Tor mouth 50 When paid Htrlctly In ndvanco tho fltibscrlptlon prlco of tho Coos Day Times Is JG.00 por year or $2.50 for six months. WEEKLY. One yoar ji.go Ofllclal Paper of Coos County. OFFICIAL TAPED OF THE CITY OF MAHSHFIELD. TO LIMIT OUR FORIST FIDES. HE current Ismio of Tho Scion title Amorlcun contnlns tho Cox COQUILLE, Sept. 1C. Tho full list of candidates for nominations for Cooa county ofllcea nt tho primary September 2 1th has Just been given out by County Clerk Watson. It docs not Include tho candidates for ropro sontntllo and Jolnt-ioprcscutatlvc, which hnvo to file their nominating petitions with the Secrotary of State at Salem. Candidates for committee- mon havo flled in only a small num ber of precincts nud on tho Republi can sldo they nro nearly nil Assem bly men. The county candidates who havo filed according to law are na fol lows, the ones Indorsed by tho As sembly being so marked: REPUDLICA.V. County Jtidgo E. A. Anderson (Assembly), H. G. Hoy (antl-Assem-bly). Sheriff John Yoalcam (AJiembly). County Clerk James Watson (As sembly), County Tronsuror T. 3E, Dlra- mtck (Auhvmbly). Surveyor A. N. Could (trntl-As-pembly), E. II. Kern (Assembly). Coronor W. J. Dutfer (Assombly), Dr. It. E. Golden (antf-AssuiIibljr). Commlsiluucr Geo. J. Armstrong (Assembly), E. E. Onkea nud Frnd .V. PorkiiiB (anti-Assembly). For Commissioner of Port of Coo Day L. J. Simpson amrc. S. Wltraur. Justice of the Peace, Dlst. No. 1' A. E. Sinister. Justice of tho Pence, Dlst. No.. 2: C. L. Pennock. ConstaUli, William: BV California to Aludn and lluotiXtioiit the Inland Einplre, In All Lni-Re Cities, You'll Find An Elleis House, All or Which Aio Under One Management. Tho policy of this linmonso lnstltu. Hon has been to sell tho world's best oinnos and organs nt tho lowest possi ble cost, adopting only such methods as to lnspito absolute eouildetico and limiting every customer a Batlsflod ono. After nil the best advrtli. r " --- ment any concorn can have is the good will and Influence of ltu patrons. 1 To purchase- your piano of one of Idle many EIIom homos moans to hnvo tho servclo of experts In making It moan high qunl- ------------ ------------- Let U s Figure """"--i: With Yon! ! following Interesting editorial 011 n tlmoly topic. It may furnish 11 Biiggcstlon to thu Coos County Flro Patrol, which has rendered such ex cellent service this season nud mndo fluch a splendid record. Tho Amorl can saya: Justice of tho Penco, Dlst. Nb. 3 E. 0. D. ITolden. Justice of the Peace,. Dht. No. K E. A. Dotfso. Constable,..!. C. Brown. For County Central Commtttutniin Precinct No. 7, C. El Mnybeuj Pre clnct No. 8, J. A. Warn; Proclhcf Nb Tho resistless aweopnerosa somo of 9, D. L. Buckingham nnd Duncan Fer tile, richest forests of tho Western Btutcs of this season's conllngratlous, with tholr frightful toll of huninn llfo nnd destruction of valuable tim ber, Is appalling and altogether dis couraging. In casting about for rem. oillal or preventive measures, by which tho progrem of those Urea car giiHou; Precinct No, 10, Cltns. D. Slil- by; Precinct No. 11, F. E. Allen and J. W. Ingram; Precinct No. 10, C. A. Sohlbredor Precinct No. 19, .r. D. Hamlin; Product No. 2M, J. S'. Bar ton; Preclnrt N. 2!. Hobt. ir. Wit Hon; Precinct No. 29, D. II. Rosar Precinct No. 30, C. A. Jumleson'? Pre. rfnet No. 32, J. W. Clinton; Pwclnct bo nrrested and coutlnod within H111 Hod nrens, tho most feasible mothod No. 31, L. A. Roberts would aeom to bo thut of the provls- DEMOCRATIC, Ion of tiro nvonuoH, of the same gen eral character uu those which nro do ing such good Horvlco In tho forest covered sections of Europe 1 bi- :n:i:jj .va.ozu It Is Impossible to establish nud maintain u Bystem of forest protection as elaborate nmt otllclont iih those abroad, Tho prin cipal dinicultlcH In tho way of thli nro thu vast areas to bo covered, and tho rolntlvely high cost of labor. The European forostor makes his calltn. Ills life biiKluoss, knowing that If h glvod faithful sorvlco, there Is before him a llfo job. Ho Is clothed with considerable authority; In many cnscH ho possessor tho power of ur rout; and his position Is strengthened by tho certainty that punishment for breach of tho InwB, and particular thosci against lire, Is mvlft nnd sure. Tho pay, hose'or, Is so small that I' 1b posslblo to maintain In Europe 11 force which would be altosothor out of tho qiuwtlon In tho Uuttod Stntos. Under oxlstlng conditions, It would Bouni that tho most otToctlvo way to Bafeguard our forests would bo to cut through thorn n network of llro nvo 1UIU8, following tho European prnc tluo of making tho width of the clear ing twlco tho hotglit of tho tnlloit timber through which It Is cut. In Europo tho nvenuoa In somo forests will be found at Intervals of halt h mllo; horo they would bo opened nt intervals of from two to II vo mllos, nouordlng to tho coutlguratlon and valuo of tho forest lands. Tho cost of tho work, If It wore Judiciously laid out and proporly oeeutod, might bo covorod largely, aud In some ! oalltlos nltovother, by tho sale of tho timber. The avtnues cou'd be so loontwl with regard to the stream, nnd rlvara or tho slope of tho coun try, that tho timber might be to the strtAiua and Uoatotl out, 01 haul d out l sleds when the grourd wa. mu fi ered. If the cleared avi u lion woio segued, it would 1 pOhsllOo 10 iftt the grating prlvllegpr in lousiiti lotiou uf the owuers of the tfik kit plug down the under- grow tU. For County Judge John F. Hair For Shorirr W. W. Gago. Surveyor Frtdorlck W. Stovons. County Commissioner Coko, T. P. Hanly. your selection Ity In tho nlnno you select- It nionns a Mnding gunrantoo that Iiisuioh you ngaltaat dlBiitopolntnient In any way. Dut, best of all, it means tlut you got tho highest grade piano for tthe money thnt Is usually paid tor an rn forlor Instrument. It means tnftlng ndvnntngr of th onormo'ia savimx effected by nurchns Ing In fniiuonst quantities, paying spot cnih, shl)Dlng hy tho ipeclal "harness nystenif nnd tho employ ment of tho lutostiocononilcnl ntuuey savlng inithods ot handilng amf dis tributing, which become potixible through the BtreiJgth asd scojw of Oils gront concern. It inenni tho IndHidtut buyer ati a-tcurv n nlnGto Instnimeiir for nctital Ij le-jj thnu tho avesngo wmall ilc-nttr pryy at whotesale. II nreirns buylag-. upon terms arrangedito wift tho cotv vnlotrto of each indlvldiwr imrchnT- or: It mouiiiT. In n word,. avTISFAC-3 ilu irom eriTy-Biainrpnitrr. Ilnest TUniM liicAltxrfo.. erecting n p!nno or organ ffotii- oirr Immeniic line Is oiwy, safe mnC sitrIfaorjv From thV: lftwHt prlceuT liHtriimontH tft.it enn bcdeflnlrely andr funy ganratuwd.-to' tlir-mttrt olnbor atu nnd costly "nrt cninlonj" of the foremost mafcrs Irt th- worfd, there Ik a rango of Bvlcctlonsmi r.irfil nm cniprehusfnj that ozy prcfiTvncoj la tone, quatfty, Btylo- trad finish I . curtain of satisfaction' Hero- you'll find tho mirfd'a mos-.j fnmoui plnno nnd imir forty othorn besides tho Cnlekerlng..t?ifjlinier, Haz elton. Ivlmball, Docker- Sons,, ot' jrecogntzed superiority Hobart M. Cnblo, U-ster, S'ory S- ! Clark. Hnllet & DhuSr. Schumann. ok POWER. WITH AN ELECTRIC MOTOR INSTALLATION WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY, SPACE, TIME AND WORRY. NO MATTER WHAT YOUR LINE, IF YOU ARE USING STEAM OR GASOLINE POWER, WE CAN MAKE YOU A'PROPOSI TI0N WELL WORTH INVESTIGATING. TELEPHONE 178 AND OUR NEW SUSIK2SS REPRESENTA TIVE WILL CALL ON YCU. The Coos Bay Gas & Electric Co, TELEPHONE 178 .....-. ----.-. ! PDOFESSloSWli CAIID3. STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF THE first Trust and Savings Bank OP COOS DAY, MAIlSHffELD, ORE., SEPT. 1, 1910. RESOURCES. I LIABILITIES. LoniiB and-dlscouuu ....?12'c,r.lG.98' Capital stock paid In. . .$100,000.00 Orerdrnfts 254. SO- Surplus and undlTlded Bonds and' securities .. . . 20,990.10 Banking house, turnlturo and" fixtures CC.SiU.50 fash on hand and duo from banks 82.9CS.51 Total $293,551.01 prol!ts 3,995,01 Deposlti 189,555.10 Total .....$293,551.01 Wo Invito your attention to tho wrong condition ot this bank as howr L the abovo statement towlt: Caih reserve ..43 ptr cont of deposits. Reserre required by law 15 prr cont of deposits. Reserve in exews of legal requirements... ,2S percent of doposltsi OFFICERS AMI DIRECTOItS JOHN 3. COKE, President. JOH F. IULL, HENRY SENGSTACKE'. STEPHEN C. ROGURS, DORSET KREITZER, Cashlor, W. S. CHANDLER, WILLIAM GRIMES. DR. C. W. TOWER, M. C. HORTON, Vlco President and Mdnagor. DOES A GKXKRAI, DANKINO. AMl TRUST DU8INKH8. YOt'D IIUSINESS ROMCITED. rl. J. W. INGRAM, I'IijnIcIiiii andSBrgron, OHIro yOH-01) Cimm IloIItllnjc. Phones Olllcu 1G21; Itovidcnce ID! J. w. DE.vxErr, Daw j or. Olllco over Flanagan & Bennett Bi:l Mnrshfleld, 0:tct DIED AT COQUir.LE. ThomiH''rf, Ellers' Orchwtrnl, Clnren--7 uon, .Miiniiinti & womnrti, nnd Smltlir, & Dnrncs, and many others equally tt meritorious. ttt Every Instrument Ibwild at strlctlMn Miss Delia Webb PiiHses Away After o prlco and that gnaranteod tlu- a l.ong IH1U-.S. ,iunt-i Hiiunn nnywiiwro eiinor ror Miss Delia Wobb, aged 27 years, cash or on easy weolify. monthly or died nt her lionii. In Coqulllo after a annual payments. Etery liistrnmoat long Illness of typhoid fovor. She sold ' accompanied by our famous wns a cousin of Miss Gertrude Mlllor Kimranteo which sara "money bnclf of Mnrshllold. Miss Wobb'B mother. " not exactly as represented. Mrs. Charles Webb, died seven weeks CALL AT Ol'H MARSH FIELD ago. DRA.VCH, 1.1H FRONT STRIirr. JUST IN Friend Brother's Fall Suits $15 to $18 Values for $12 to $15 Seeing' is Believing- IXUP f THE FIR.ST NATIONAL BANK I OF COOS BAY f PTRICTLY A COZIMRIICIAL IMNK Wells Fargo Nevada National Dank, San Fraaetsco, CL ' Tho Valtcd Slatca NatloaaMUnk, Portland, Or. Tho National Park Dank, Now Tork, N. Y. Tho Com Exchange National Dank, Chicago, 111. The Bank of Scotland, London, Englaad. The Credit Lyouunls, Paris, France. -ddiMi0" 7? .drW dr.a( onJ." DrincPB' banking centars in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, China, Japan, North. Central and Bo-Bin America. Personal and commercial account kept subj to check. Certificates of Doposlt Isfiadi 8afo Deposit Doxes for rent Draws Drafts Tjnr.I. S. TL'DPEN, Archltrct. Over Chamber of Commwct xoncE to Tin; pliiuc. I hnvo placed In public tenia i ,bus to meet nil trains and wISbA calls on phono orders phone ml 13S-J; livery trnnslent tert. bA II20-J; residence, 49-L; ma!a!i IUS-J. I do nil kinds of draji:irJ hauling haul anything that is I? at both ends. I also handle a good' grade of cm! Why pay $5.00 or $0.00 per toil e'en! whe-n I will brlngltto)ufp! 'most anywhoro for $1.50 per lot' Look at the8o figures and seoU looks tho host In Hard tlme-tW $1.50; nut, $2.50; screening, ItW L, ii. ircisN'int, lihery iukI' Sales StaMrt. F inr 1' tli'nttk I" IB i 1 1 i kKM. Ii hl WulunLW l,i ill IN Ir n I liliftHtiR lilf mw c HJ FLANAGAN &. BENNETT BANK , MARSHFIELD, OREGON. Oldest Dank In Cooa County, IMahKhhed In 1881). Paid up Capital nud Surplnx, 980,0M).tM). AsietH 0er Half .Million DollUrt. Does a general banking business and draws drafts on the Dank of California, San Francisco, C.: Hanover National Dank N Y First National Dank, PortHnd, Ore.: First Nntinnm nn 'A.ll burg, Ore.; The London Joint stock Dank, Ltd., London. England. 1 Also sells exchange ou all of.' the principal cities of Europe. J juumuwui buu wtuiiu accOUWB Kept Subject to ch(Vtl Rfn deposit lock boxes for rent. J l l0 cnec' Bare , OFFICERS: J. . DENM7TT, Presldt nt. K. F. WILLIAMS, Cashier. J. II. ILANAGAN, V.-Pres, GKO F ll'lvnii.'RTi.'i -.. o IN'TPiii.-ST it ii, nv ....." i.viii'.hii'.ii. Ami. Cash. 1imI'.SI 1'AIH ON time DFPOSTTS . KJSisizTBssssamnsinctts&zasmnvxtxss 'i hi: i sr ami tini.MOUiDis Taku that spare uiouey you have laid away and buy n diamond and 1 will mako ou luterost on your monoy. Got our plans nnd prlcos. RED CROSS DRUG STORE. Steamer eaosia (EQiippr.D wnn wirelis) WILL MAKE HEUFLAR TRIPS CADHYINU PASSENGERS AND rilEHiHT DKTWEIN IXIOS DAY AND S X FDANCKs CO. ALL DESintYATIONS FOU IWSSEXGl.DS MADE AT ALLIANCE DOCK, MARSHFIELD AND 1NTER-OCEAN TRANSP. CO. FIFE DLDG., SAN FRANCISCO. FOR INFOR MATION PHONE i t-J or 285. SAIW FOR SAN F1UNCISCO, SEPT. 10TH, AT 11 A, M. 1NTER-OOEAN THANSPORTATlO.N CO. Coos Bay---Roselnjrg StageLiM. Dally Huge bchm'ii Ro-burg. uml MahtU'ld. Stage lnuu-s ilnllv m.d Sunday at O A. M. Faiv, i?(lu)0. " ttl,U OTTO SCHETTHR, Agout, C. P DARN D1) 120 MAU,CK'f.IiVo'NEMur8,,flB,d- HOsSdgI'oUK. STEAMER M. F. PLANT V Sails for San Francisco every eight days. TICKITTS DESEKVED UP TO THE ARRIVAL OF THr R.un ? Sf "Y-Vr,0XS w' R CANCELLED AT THAT THIE Uv 9 LESS TlCKirr IS DOl'OHT. "IL VS' F. S. Dow, Agent. Marshfield Ore I eaver Hull Coal HOME LAND Co Boo us for Investment oa 0 Day. We guarantee owner's prke bo our prlco. Phono 74L. 5M1 Pro' DREAKWATEIC HOTEL Front St., MnwWlcU. 0r, iiN'npn NEW MANAOEMINT- Has boen thoroughly rH nnd nowl furnished, noonu re able, by day, week or montn. Mrs. J. H. O'DONNELI, PrW- v-i.'u' rrit iVSVIMt IJXE. M. E. Slagulro has started ", trnnsfer lino in MarsUlleld a , ,n, KorvlCfl tot ixugvu ior i'ii"i" - drH klads of hauling. He w" " MOUNT DIADLO AND JOSSON CEMENT The best Domestic and Imported brands Plaster. Lime, Drlck, and all kinds of builders material HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR 816 SOUTH DROADWAY pvl ... . ,.n,t. .... rnrner Rtnrn or nnrtles C3U read ItehphonlnB orders to 29s ii-n-n-o-a-n-ii-a-H-'1'8 For Strictly Fresh Butter Sterilized Cream . Sterilized Milk Butter Milk Bean-Pot Cheese and , ice Coos Bay Ice & Cold Storage FREE DELIVERIES 8 A. M. ol 2 r M' FOU THE QUEEN OF THE IA 8Hk EASTS1DE. Phono 73-J. - "' vx -f-. .. .. ...-!' ---n-x5-n--M - """""iW"WPPWWSBMHlBMBHBB 1 m M m. AmAM a .. - . .. - - - --- VVVf ' ' 'i 1 j -; ' . . - w w w-v t-th m m a