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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1910)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER IS, 1910 EVENING EDITION tmtmmm www m""-- TELLS OF CITY WORK Appears Before City Council Regarding Objection to Engineer's Plans. ED1TOII OP THE TIMES: At tho reqjest of tho City Council 1 ap peared before them last night ns a momber of tho committee that was appointed to vlow tho West Marsh fluid sower, and also as n propertj holder on Donnelly avenue, who at tho request of various other property holders filed several objections to va rious discrepancies on tho work of Donnelly avenue that tho engineer was allowing to go through. 1 discovered after I was nt t' council meeting that In reality what I was at that meeting for, was to de fend myself against repenting various reports that had come to mo relative to tho engineer and his work, most of which I had heard In tho council room. I explained to tho council that It they wanted to put mo on trial, 1 was prepared to meet them and would bring my nttorncy, but that I did not understand that I was being called boforo the council to bo tried out. However, In order to bring tho matter squarely beforo tho public and placo It where I think It belongs, 1 will stnto that various reports have como to mo and which 1 rcportod to Bovornl members of tho council that tho engineer's plans on the West Marshlleld sewer would not bo com pleted until tho job was completed. That tho plan that a good many of tho contractors llgured on orglnnlly was not the plan that Is being worked out by tho present contractor on the ground, This was stated in open meeting In tho council chamber sev eral wcoks ago, and was not denied there that night. Personally, I am of tho opinion that the contention of tho contractors that the engineer U olthor woefully Incompetent or woe fully selfish Is correct, and I bollevo 1 hail It proved to my complete sni Isfactlon last night. Geo. Ayor, ns n mombor of the viewing committee, reported that tho engineer had n vised him thut thoro would probably bo n out of 30 or 32 feet nt n certain point. Tho records show that tho contractor Is cutting 20 feet nt this jiolnt and Inst night Mr. Coko asked Mr. Morrlggoy If thoro had been n chnngo nt his plnco, nnd wns told THAT THERE HAD, thnt tho dlrch wftB.,0 feot shallow. Mr. Sondborg prlmiPk0 "l nnd nuked who gnve bo immures nnd was TOLD THAT l Brer"111 tl,u "litter was dropped. Innd lmI this wns an admission If tumlo0'80 wis slgnllled. have ml reported thnt tho sur- for dov'0 nt work " the plan li, v "ml that tho engineer c whor-w- The records Hhow that y council had adopted pin nnd spcctllcntloiiH prior to this, nt prosonted to them by the engineer, so It would appear n myMi and that thoro wore no such things In existence according to the engineer's own nn mission last night. Mr. Porhnui was nsked a question point blank last night If ho could Identify tho prolllo ns It was laid boforo him, and claim ed to be tho profile of tho Wont Marshlleld sewer. Ho said thnt to tho best of his recollection the prolllo had never appeared beforo him bo foro, but that a tracing had appeared, another pointer that would teud to show that thoro were no plans or specifications, but a tracing. Mr rerhnm also mado the statement last night that when he went to tho re corder's ofllco to get tho data from tho prolllo thnt It could not ho round, nud ns a result ho had to piu In his bid ns n whole nnd not ns a unit, This wna corobornted by Mr. Mcl.nln, Pure Ice Cream Oil is the only kind that has over been handled at STAFFORD'S. And it is tho only kind that over will be handled at STAFFOJWS. Almost any flavor yon de sire in bulk or by tho dish. Orders for parties a speeial- And remember our dolioi ous home made candies that also are emblems of purity. street. TWO STORES SW Front St Utt Oeutiwl Ave which goes to show further that, up to this tlmo there was no prolllo of the West Mnrshflold sewer filed with tho city recorder. Three weeks age when tho statement was made In open council meeting that tho plane and specifications wero not complotc and wore not tho same as tho con tractors had figured upon, Mr. Al brccht called for this profile, and the recorder advlBcd him that ho did not have it or had he had it, and ns a re- suit tho council had nothing to stand on that night. Mr. McLnln kindly offered to lend his prolllo to tho city council nt this time, and Mr. Albrccht took occasion to go into detail that this prolllo should bo placed on file with tho city recorder. So much for what wns brought out Inst night. Now to follow tho thing through to a finish. Every councilman thnt was thoro last night knows to n certainty that thoro is a discrepancy of 1,000 feet In tho amount of sewer that the present prolllo calls for nnd tho amount of sower that tho contractors bid on, which goes to show thnt tho engineer did not have his plnns nnd specifications complete at tho tlmo of tho opening of tho bids, or nt any tlmo until recently, when ho com pleted thorn nnd discovered thnt ho wns 1,000 feet or 20 per cent of tho entire Job short in his estimate. Now, Mr. Editor, I contend thnt with this stato of affairs that tho in vestigation ns hold by tho council Inst night wns uncalled for. Every mem ber of tho council know this condition of nffnlrs boforo the contractors were called on nnd every momber of the council know JtiBt what would bo onld there last night. Tho facts are, and I want to go on record ns saying It, that I have not heard anyone in tho town of Marshflold say, that Mr. Pow ers, Mr. Hennessey, Mr. Savage, Mr. Albrccht, Mr. Nelson or Mr. Coko hno ever dono anything crooked or underhanded whllo they woro on the town bonrd, but thoro nro qulto n number in this town who think thnt these gentlemen nro having tho wool pulled over their eyes by tho city en. glneer, nnd ns long ns tho council evi dently wanted to put mo on trlnl for repeating hearsay evidence, I am will ing to stand my ground on what 1 repeated, nnd feel thnt their own In vostlgatlon last night should prove my contention thnt thoro nover woro nny plnns nnd specifications for tho West Mnrshflold sower until tho Job was practically completed, nnd that tho work on Donnelly avenue was not dono according to plnns nnd specifica tions, with tho cnglnccr'n knowledge YourB very truly, P. S. DOW. Mnrshflold. Sept. 14, 1910. (Continued from page 1.) Uvea nnd persecutions. Wo need God's grace in times of adversity nud in times of prosperity. Ho also need It in times of temptation." afternoon mewing. Mr. l.yon spoko to a largo audi- once jestordny. Nearly four hundred ladles were present representing the best homes In tho city. MR. LYON SAID YESTERDAY AFTERNOON. "You might as well knock a boy In tho head us to nllow him to loaf a ran ml tho average pool hall." "Ono of the greatest needs of our country Is good mothers. "If I woro tho husband of somo women It would nlmost drlvo mo to drink." "No wonder somo doctors nro not Christians. It they were, they would have to quit their criminal opera tions." "The tnklng of human llfo Is mur dor, no matter what tho age." "The woman that crumps her vital organs nnd destroys her health bj tight clothing not only sins against God hut against future generations." "The most ungrateful creature Is n Godless woman, Every blessing thnt womanhood has, sho owes to Chris tianity. "Somo of tho hardest sinners are In tho smart society sot. They need salvntlou tho most and want It the least." XEIGIIIIORHOOI) MEETINGS. Meetings will bo held at tho follow ing homos on Friday morulng from HIS GRACE IS SUFFICIENT 10 to 10.30: Mrs. Streot, Wost Commercial nvo nue. Mrs. P. O, Dlrch, 603 Eleventh Mrs. Whereat, South Fifth streot, Mrs. John L. Channel). South Drondway, Mrs. Squires, Dunker Hill. Mrs. J, w. Carter, Park avonue. OS FAREWELL TO Archdeacon Horsfall Officiates For Last Time Before Go ing to Bandon. Tho closing services Sunday at the Episcopal Church concluded the pas torate of Rov. Horsfall, who In his morning sormon, read from tho Con vention Journal of tho Episcopal Church in Oregon recently published as follows: , "Asldo trom Bonio ministrations In Bummer by parochial clergy of the diocese, and, of courso, by tho Bishop, tho Coos nnd Curry counties field Is still dependent on tho labors of tho Rov. William Horsfall, who has been raised to tho dignity of nn Arch deacon by tho ecclesiastical authority, a well merited recognition of long, faithful and efficient service." Commenting on tho nbovo the Archdeacon said, In substanco: "This i part of tho report of our Uoard of Missions, of which tho Dlshop Is chairman and It Is an official expres sion of my standing ns tho senior priest in ordor of caunonlcnl resi dence nnd of tho esteem in which 1 am held by tho diocesan authority. Whether 1 desorvo It, is not for me to tiny. I found yesterday among my papers tho Convention Journal ot 1880, tho year I came to Marshlleld nud succeeded tho Rov. Win. Lund in tho chnrgo of this missionary dis trict. In tho list of parishes and missions therein given, thoro Is no mention of Coos Day, Mnrshflold o nny other place In tho county nnd Curry county for tho reason thnt In tho words of tho Into Dlshop Morris, "tho Church In these parts had, at that tlmo, 110 habitation, nclthor n nnmc." "Thero wero seventeen communi cants nil told ami, tho church proper ty consisted of n supply of prayei books and hymnnls, nn organ placed for an fo keeping In tho residence of a communicant nt Empire; a desk and n stovo In a room nt Mnrshflold; nnd n pair of saddlo bags at Dan don. To-day thoro aro two hundred communicants, eight missions, six churches, tho rectory horo nnd tho pariah house nt Dnndon, whllo tho vnluo of tho church property Is esti mated at sixteen thousand dollars and It Is nil elenr of debts or lions or incumbrance, . "Whoa Dlshop Scnddlng on his first visitation or tho district In 1907 had gone over tho entire field, ho ex pressed himself ns surprised nt tho thrifty condition of our parishes and missions, considering tho few services given nt each placo from tlmo to time on tho occasions of tho pastorlal vis its of tho one clorgymnn in chnrgo. Since then his Intention has beou, circumstances permitting, to locato two more clergymon, or at tho lens one, at Mnrshflold to assist in tho work. Tho Dlshop whllo hor0 Inst month Informed mo that ho bolloved tho wny wns nt Inst clenr for carrying CHURCH out his Intontlon nnd that ho might : tho best nnd carrying with mo n bur pos8lbIy send n clergyman very soonidensomo sense of this separation to rollovo mo or tho northern part or from you who nro tho church nnd tho district, pooplo whom I loamcil lnnp ino "The Rev. Mr. Drowning, who woh with us last Sunday, has accepted tho rectorship or this church togother with North Rend, Empire nnd Gardi ner. My notion in preparing to va cate tho rectory and to leave Coos Day this weok Is In accordance with tho understanding I hnd with the Genuine Peroxide Preparations A. 1). S. Peroxide Civam 1c Md SOc A. )). S. Peroxide Tooth Powder 3c A. )). S. Peroxide Tootli Paste '.'.'. .'.'.' ' ' U3c A. )). S. Peroxide Soup ,,....'" s!le A. 1, S. Peroxide Foot Powder ..'.'.'..'.V..' ' 2.V Theso nro tho original, genuine poroxldo preparations nud nro lor snlo In Marshlleld by us otly. BROWN DRUG CO. GRADUATE CHEMISTS. THE FAST AND Steamer (EQUIPPED WITH WILL MAKE REGULAR T1UPS MATIOX PHONE H.J tr 2H5. .x.m. i iu.ii.ut m.-TWEi:X COOS DAY AND SAN FRANCIS CO. ALL RESERVATIONS FOR PASSENGERS MADE VT ALLIANCE DOCK, MARSHFIELD .VXD lXTFR-OCEVV TRAXSP. CO. FIFE ULDG., SAX FRANCISCO. Fon ,xvA. SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO, SEPT. 10TII, AT 11 A. M. IKTER-OCEAX TRAXSPORTATIOX CO. E IS MARSH FIELD CITY COUNCIL AX Xl'LS .MAJOR KIXXEY'S PERMIT FOR STREET RAILWAY IX MARSHFIELD. Tho conditional street car fran chise granted tho Coos Day Rapid Transit Company several months ago was dcclnred forfeited Tuesday night. Mayor Straw brought tho matter up and Councilman Albrccht Introduced tho resolution. Tho action wob taken becauso tho company had not filed tho requlslto bond. Mayor Straw said that D. P. Wyatt of North Dcnd had Informed him thnt Major Kinney, who Is now running n real catnto of flco In Portland would return here ono ot these days with a barrel ol money and that If tho frnnchlso was annulled by Marshflold, Kinney would get even with them. Other Council Husliicss. Flro Chief Traver reported that the hydrants nt tho corners of Third and Highland and Fourth and Highland were In bad shnpc nnd tho water com pany wns ordered to fix them up. Tho assessment for tho proposed filling nnd pnvlng of North Front street was adopted. The assessment varies according to tho amount of ivorx mm nas to uo none in iroui i each lot. Chns. Noble wns ordered pnld $200 on his contract for putting in the Commercial avenue wharf. A rebnto to tho Tenth street prop erty owners wns dcclnred. It will run ns high ns $40 per lot. Tho question of ordering tho bnl anco of .Market avenue filled by tennis wns brought up but no action taken. It Is likely this will bo done nt the next meeting of the council. Wnrrnnts for tho collection of deficit nssessments on Centrnl avenue wro ordered issued. Wesley Smith wns nwnrded nn elec trlclnn'B llcenso for tho bnlance ol tho year for JtS.RO. W. C. Duobner wob roportcd a anxious to sottlo with the city about tho street where his lot projects Into It. Mr. Duehner originally wanted $750 and turned down the city's of fer of $350. Tho council hnvo nbout decided not to pay anything but ti nllow tho street to remain as It Is Howovcr, If tho oilier property ow-n-orB will move their buildings bnck without expenso to tho city and Mr. Duobner will settlo for n reasonable sum, tho council will try nnd straight en tho matter out. Illshop beforo his departure for Gar diner and Drain. I bespeak for tho Mr. Drowning a continuance of tho good will nnd helpful co-oporntlon you hno so free ly oxtonded to me. Ono man goeth nnd auothor cometh." I have often pondered thoso words, but 1 have nover real ized their forco as fully as I do now. Mr. Lund went nnd I came; now Mr. Drowning comes nnd I go. I go not lightly and gladly, but reverently, knowing tho chnngo Is ordered for trust and love." MARY MAXXERING BETTER. (Dy Associated Press.) NEW YORK, Sept. 15. Miss Mnry Mnnuerlng. tho nctress. who wns operated iinon Tuesdnv fnr nn. pendlcltls, Is recovering. 'THE QUALITY STORE." COMMODIOUS Redondo WIRELESS) CARRYING l'ASSKflri!4 FRANCHIS FDRFETED """ " ll I T JUST IN Friend Brother's Fall Suits $15 to $18 Values for $12 to $15 Seeing is Believing F1XUP - tf - - tt - tt - tt - tt - M - M - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 a i a i a t u B t U t u a i t: u i 'tXA Darifir Mnmimnnf-nl l&S&lr&i tmd All kinds of monumental work promptly and artistically exe cuted. Call at our works on South Drondway. B - :: - j: - - n - tt - : - a - n - K - x: - - THE ROYAL TONIGHT "WINTER HATH1NG IX THE WEST INDIES." "THE OVERLAND COACH 1101). RERY." "THE MESSENGER ROY." . "MAGICIANS." AXD OTHER GOOD OXES. ADMISSION', 10c. ELLERRY'S FISH MARKET, Eil. T. Raich, rrop. Shell Fish or Every Description. Salmon nnd Deep Sea Fish In Season. Tol. Market 2C4J. Foot of Market Avenue. HOTEL GARDINER, nt Gardiner, Oregon, has been re modelled nnd Improved nnd Is under now mnnagoment. Special accommo dations for stngo passengers nnd for pooplo desiring n rest nt tho senshoro. "You'll Llko the Place." J. E. SCHILLING, Proprietor. 178 RriNulniiy, North. AIRS. JYl. R. SMITH agent for CHARLES A. STEVENS CLOAK AND SLIT HOUSE, of Oilcngo. Our Work is Our adver tisement OUR GUARANTEE IS YOUR SAT. 1SFACTIOX. MARSHFIELD HANI) AXD STEAM LAUXRHY, .'i.'aiuey ltros., Prop. .. m-. I ,"", 5U-. OIL SUPPLIES The Coos Day Oil and Supply Company under tho mannt?pm0n J. W. Flanagan will continue to nan- h V, .... U Co,nany'a gnso line, distillate, benzine nnd coal oil at their oil house across the Day to which place they have moved their ofllce. Phono 302 Fin Chickens For Sunday Dinner, and full ln0 ,, The People's Market THOXE 170. i not eXNSSSin ' III ' nSfnVTOtffkl ; flBunSlll ' illlllii : AYiuuiAl WhWMi m m iJhH - tt - n - tt - n - B - - U - U - u. n tJ-tMl. and Building Works i i u II. II. WILSON, Proprietor MARSHFIELD, ORE. rM - w - u - w - :: - n - K - - :: - - tt - Mni. u-n-tt-a-u-u-xt-n-tj-it-M-a.fl. For Strictly Fresh Butter Sterilized Cream Sterilized Milk Butter Milk t Bean-Pot Cheese ? nnd Ice l.nnc Rir Tr XJUULl JUV Xt tit- j & Cold Storage i TREE DELIVERIES 8 A. M. nnd 2 P. M. Phono 7JJ-J. ft I i tr. -----t:--K--n--K8n. iHave that Roof Fixei Now See CORTHELL PHONE JOO-li. HEAL ESTATE. I havo somo of tho best buj oa tho liny. Cnn nrrnngo easy termi- Hotises nnd buildings for ront, AUGUST FRIZKHX, G8 Contra) Ave. Marshflcld, Ore- Turkish Baths 2 10-2 13 Coos Building. PHONE 2 14 J STEAMER 11EDOXDO WILL SAIL SEPTEMHKR 18TH FOR b. FIIAXCISCO. MAKE RESERVATION. FOR PASSAGE AXD FREIGHT. Inter-Ocean Transportation Co. O. V. McGEORGE, Agent. !' Having bought tho bankrupt ik of J. w. Preston, wo will havo things nrrangod on Tuesday nftornoon to glvo you bargnins on Dxtures cheaper a Minn Mn li linnrMit nt ninniilaciuru "? v a , .prices. COME KAMA' AXD GET Tlli REST 11ARGAIXS EVER 0)TKUK1 IX MARSHFIELD. This .material must go at onco regnrdless of cost. TERMS CASH. Coos Bay Wiring Co. EXPERT ELECTRICIAN'S. Respectfully ask your patronage. PHONE 837-J. "LET PINEGOR DO IT." , Let nm n fhnf Rtnve. kltchenware- or vessel, lock, door, window, rurnl- Jturo or anything you have. Rates re . Bonable and work guaranteed. R. E. PINEGOR. G. W.Dungan Undertaker Marshflcld, Oregon. Parlors. 180 South 3d St, Telephone, Day or Night, l05jr' J: ; j lk I'd L mmim'i&rlmmiia JAlrU- -J)k0t. r.i'JMMh. nuHUm