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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1910)
wmmmmmmm 't.wpV"' "" "IWV""T ""(WWiiTT -Iwaiiw s""1r?wi'-- THECOOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1910 EVENING EDITION jijtwuw?wjmmm:wmmmmmmm: f"n,uJHfrv taA " . 4 w V W ins and i innm n Hi NOW DONE AT ONEER. HARDWARE COMPANY IN I I . &m&l w tsa F. &. HAGUE, Pres. I 8mmmtmtmawmjmjmm - iHM"' Have t f i w l I THi WOOLEN MILL STORE Mill-to-Man Clothiers Marshfield . Oregon imHtnmmtHH$tmmm0mmmiAn School Days! School Days! Dear old Golden Rule Days! Wo cary n comploto lino or school supplies Huch as: WRITING TABLETS, COMPOSITION' HOOKSS, DRAWING PADS, NOTi: HOOKS, FOUNTAIN PUN'S, INKS, INK STANDS, "PUN HOLDERS, PEN POINTS, tTHKllUSY CORNER. Lockhart - Parsons Drug Co. "The Busy Marshfield, steam breakwater i 'lifiomAlnsnorth Dock, Portland, t 8 P. 51., every Tuesday. BfllU from Coos Hay every Saturday at service of (line. Reservations "III wot bo hem iutcr (UUI xlduy noon, uiilecs tickets nro nuti'Iuised. J W. P. Miltoi. A in - - '""-i -k&u i Home Addition NOW ON THE MARKET tj i This addition ic Diti.on,i mmniiintniv Pnaf nf now Eastsldo 5IU1. Y ' The lots are 100x211 and larger, about eight ordinary lots; and ' ' prlces ar ?l 50.00 up for these' largo tracts. i Tols 'plat was filed Wednesday last, and we have only flfteon f i U renalnlng unsold. This indicates that tho proporty Is Interest- n "6 to purchasers, and nnyono wishing to secure n lot should net I and V rms one-half cash, balance equal payment, , , - n t, 1 12 months. For particulars, see a Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. V S General Ai -.. .. ..i,An Unnnr. V h ' buuia iiAHlfcjlUK . A Want Ad will Let a Millicoma THE BEST $3 Hat IN AMERICA Fall Styles Now Showing ERASERS. PK.VC1J.S, PENCIL SHARPENERS, PENCI LBOXES, CRAYONS, 1JOOK STRAPS, ETC., ETC. AT LOWEST PRICES. PHONE 20H. Corner" Oregon Dkn Mfiin 5I. rufjuv riui ww -r n To Eastsidef W I XX I xx m Gnnaonifon Mfltiaeer i xtcury odubphvwm( - . - sell it for you us Figure 330 FRONT STREET mmm:mmmmmmmttmmmmjmnttttmttmmmmmmmmttmmttH ELECT NEW OFFICERS. .MaiMilIeld Union V. C. T. U. Hold mi EtitliiiNliiMlle Meeting. Tho ineinbors of tho .Marshllold union of tho W. C. T. U. held an en thusiastic meeting at tho 51. E. Church. Tho retiring president, 5Irs. Fannie Wheolor, conducted dovo Uonnl exercises nnd thero was nn In vocation and singing by tho union. During n business session tho follow ing otllcors wcro elected: Prcsldont, 5Irs. Orn 5IcCnrtyj vice-president, 5Irs. Georgo Coloiunn; secrotnry, 5Irs. C II. Marsh; treasurer, Mrs. Helen Duwiics; recording secretary, Mn. Oeorgo W. Wntklns. It Is planned to send a delegate to "tho State conven tion of tho C. T. U. which will bo held at Salem on October 15th. Tnko that spare money you have laid away and buy a diamond nnd I will mako you Interest on your money. Get our plana and prices. IlED CHOSS DRUG STOItE. Phono I. S. Kaufman & Co. your Jon I Order. $ PKH TON. WANTED. Ono or two furnished or unfurnished rooms for light house keeping. Address Times offlco. FOR SALE. New live-room modern bungalow and lot 40x100 In South Mnrshflold, near In. Bargain. Cn at 421 Guidon avo or phono 14711. FINE HOOM nml table Ixmnls Jor In. Inqulro'Tlmos ofllco. WANTED. Position by utenog- raphor; hns a typewriter. Phone 1S7tL, Knno. WANTED. Ono or two furnished or unfurnished rooms for light house keeping. Address Tlmos ofllco. Foil HUNT. Six-room liouso on South Fifth streot. Inqtilro J. C Donno or phono 314X2. WANTED. Oood dairy funn, from ownor only; wnnt possession soon after January; stato particulars. Address nox Bl, 5inrBhnold, Pro. FOH SAL13 OH THADE. Nino blood ed Angoras. 5Irs. B. E Dyer, Dan lols Creek. FOH SALE. Ono good farm mare, wolght about 1.400 lb., works sin glo or double; prlco reasonable. Inquire of Wm. MoMullon, Jlursh flold, Ore. FOH SALE. One wood sawing out- i-i- ...1.1. -lu t. nwam.nLOr tit, COmpiOlO, Willi Bl UlOli"v, minimi pinnonr Hnrdwaro Co, (juo w.n... FOH HENT. Four-room lint. 1011 Central Avo w. WANTED. A lady Inmitler or n school pupil; terms moaerato. ap , ply Times olllce. FOH SALE. In Coos Hlvcr, about five miles Irom .Morsiuiom. nunn" of a mile from the river, 1 2 acres of land, 10 acres marsh, two of hill. For particulars wrlto to An tony Blasca, 5Iarshfleld, or call a tho place. WANTED. Experienced coal nibirrs and timbermen. Apply Beaver Hill Coal Co. ml 1 fWn Marhfleld' popular Family LL.UIL j0tfj, Aj lurnlture rer an clean. Velvet and Axmlnliter caricU In everT room. Four Horle Pf H' r"fort ItalV" reduced tot day, Kc, 75o aud f l.COj week, V 00 to 5.00. AUo a tew houitkeeplng apart inent wltl' K rangei. 12.00 per inonih I'r e lathi. Take bun .1 delwl. Mm. fridge. VwV - m Your Work M? THE WEATHEH. (Ily Associated Press.) OREGON Fair to-night nnd Friday. LOCAL TEMPEHATUHE HE POUT. For twenty-four hours ending nt 4.43 P. 51., Sept. 14, by .Mrs. 5llngti8, special government me teorological obsorvor: Maximum 67 .Minimum 47 At 4.43 P. 51 CO Wind, Northwest; Clear. Stimiier School Opens. Tho school at Sumner opened last .Monday. Tho teacher In charge Is 5Ilss Annlu Over holtzor. Finds Pin. This1 morning Otto .MorrUsey, through a Times want ad., rocovored n valuablo tlo-pln which ho had lost. Harvey Smith picked It up on tho sidewalk nnd found through Tho Tim e.8 want nd. that It belonged to Mr. Morrlasey, who offored $- ro-. ward for Its return, .Move to California. O. I). Hlnsdalo of Gardiner "was In tho city on I business. Mr. Hinsdale's family will' leave this wook for California to mako their homo. Tho family Is moving from Oardlnor In order to glvo tho children oducntonal advan tages, Mr. Hinsdale's oldest sou hav ing completed the school course at Gurdluer. New Theater. Hoy Lawhorn Is painting ft' curtain nnd sconory for a now theater which is bolng started at 5IyrtIo Point. Thero Is ono moving plcturo show thero now, but another nmusemont house Is to bo started and will havo a stage and sconory nnd will bo qulto elaborate for a small thoatro. Niiiiii Smith Sail. Tho Nairn Smith sailed yesterday for Hay Point with a cargo of lumber. Just n wook ago yesterday sho loft with her provl ous load, thus making tho round trip and taking on her second cargo In soveu days. At that, sho encountered somo severo wonthor on her last trip up that dolayed her somo, but Cnpt. Olson succeeded in making up for It. Sent In Pnvrn. Those who havo boon registering voters closed their books yoatorday evening and havt forwarded tho papers to tho County Clerk who will report In a fow days as t.o. .tbp total registration. Tho books will bo sent back again to those who aro tnMng the registration and thero will bo uuother chance to .rogstor aftor tho primaries and bofore the election. HjiIm's Fine Peaches. 5Irs. W. G Stonecypher of is showing somo unusunlly flno peaches raised nt hor homo thoro. Tho wonder of It Is thnt tho peaches wero raised from n seedling that was plantod Just foui yoars ago. Tnero were auout sou nne ones on the treo this yonr. She doesn't know tho variety other than It Is a "freestone" planted from a peach sho bought In tho market hero. Wero Playing n Joke. E. R. Poter. son and Duncan Hendry, who wore reported to havo been In a boat when it capsized on tho North Fork of Coos River and rescued by some lady friends, have written Tho Times re garding the story. They say that they wero not rescued but that tho whole thing was a Joke and that tho D. SUMNER, ydung lady were friends nnd not them tho ones who got tho solves ducking. Answer lly Phone. During tho past few days, some of tho most at tractive offerings In Tho Times wnnt columns have brought scores of ro piles. In several Instances, they have boon snapped up by parties answering them by phone. Unless tho party us ing tho wnnt columns specifics to linvo tho replies sent direct to them, they nro handlod through Tho Times ofllco and somo days keep tho phono pretty busy. Slimy Converted. Rov. II. C. Shaf fer of Portland has been holding ser vices in tho United Ilrothron Church on South Coos lllvor for tho past wock. Sunday nftornoou ho hold baptismal services, thirteen In nil be ing baptised. Tho church was crowd od nt nearly vory service., Itov, Shaffer Is tho presiding older of tho United Hrothrcn Church for this dls- trint 1nmnv nvnnlnif lin nrnnnhml ' In tho church on Cntchlng Inlet. Ho - i B I n a t a n a i ? B I n i tx i a i a K -M--U---tx-xx-tt-xj-o-a Pippin A Pure Cidar Vinega No Acid but n n Your grocer lias it at 11,0 ad.- ' i tx tx t tx t n yance i u 'I a ii tx I tj-n -8-xx-n-xx-n-n-xx-ix-Bn-n- Ducks! Ducks! Ducks! Duck season opons to-day nnd wo of supplies, Including DUCK CALLS, ING COATS, SHELL VESTS, IIATS.CAPS, ETC. Wo bavo Loaded Shells Galore . .1 ii . i In all sizes of shgt. Our shells aro tho host that money can buy, Try , KEME5IHEH, this lino Is a specialty with us, aud we handlo only thoso goods that wo havo personally found to bo tho bes,t after years of ex porlonco In tho Hold. THE GUNNERY Guns to Rent Vice Pres. Is a Bplendld speaker and quickly won tho good will and nttontlon of nil. After Autolsts. 5Inyor Strnw sug gested nt tho Inst council meeting' thnt Councilman Nelson bo provided with n Btop watch so thnt ho could get evidence against tho nuto scorch ers. Tho Mayor thinks that Dr. Dlx nnd Clnudo Nasburg should bo fined for brenklng tho spcod record., but Councilman Nelson says thoy go too fast for him to tlmo thorn with aa ordinary watch. No action was takes on tho mnttor. Probably Meant 5IIcliIef. Marshal Cartor nnd Night Pollcomnn Shoup were notllled Inst night that two bus. plcloiiB characters wore- loafing on Hrondway and It was suspected that thoy wero trying to bronk Into a houso. Tho officers wont to tho plnco Indicated. Two inon wero hiding be. hind n billboard near tho dopot but somoouo Beared thorn away boforo tho pollco got thoro. Thoy probably did not mean any good .ns thoy loft bo hlnd their blankets whon thoy Hod. --lX-tt-tX-XX-XX-U-lX-U-XX-M-XX-tf if Vinegar -io ond Just Riffht in price xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-a-xx-- nro propared for It with a full lluo DECOYS, GUNS, GUN OASES, HUNT a specially loaded to our order and aro cur special IpadB ther get the gumo. M I XX I XX xs i M. t H t M Ujm .v i&&Ll