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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1910)
?S5S " wm u ' mif wpw ' " wyry ' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGOM. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15. Tglfr-EVEMIItG EDITION COOS BAY TIMhS (Entered at tno postofllco at Marsh Rtid, Oregon, for transmission tUroutd tho malU as second dais mall matter. Address nil communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES, BfeHlitlcld :: :: :: :: Oregon PDOFITS Mb EJPOUS Cranberries Gathered- Which Yield at the Rate of $5,- 000 An Acre. A yield nt the rnVu or nearly $5,000 nn ncru from cranberries la wlint la cons THE CRANBERRY QUEEN, reported from tno .win unci conn- SOUND tho tlmbrnlst Beat tho try whoro most of tho Coos Day cran tomtoms! Let tho world re- herrlea nro grown. Tho story Is lnln. for nnothor world's authentic and was brought to town U. O. MALONEY Editor and Pub. AN B. MALONKY News Editor champion has been found nnd her namo Is Coos. Sho mounts tho throno of victory In values produced from an aero of lior fortllo soil. Hood River, North Ynklma and Medford boast of tholr $1,000 and $2,000 ncro applo orchard lands. Douglas county cries aloud about its strawberries and cherries at $1,- 000 to $1,500 por acre, and vouched for by John Hopo, ono of tho woll known ranchors of that section. On tho McFarlln place, where the berries aro being picked, there wns a small patch ten by sixteen feot In alzo. From this llttlo pntch six bush els of cranberries wero guthorod. If an entlro ncro was covered by vines yielding at tho samo rato the acre would produce 1.033 bushels. Tho Nn Mmv must nil tako off their berries soil for $3 a bushel this year hats and rotlro to a rear sent whlloand this would ho a yield of $1,899. old Coos climbs upon tho throno with Sometimes a higher price Is com n crown of cranberries. mnnded. It costs about $1 n bushel Nearly $r,000 per ncro, or to bo 'or less to gather the borrles nnd fur exact $4,899 Is tllo ratio of yield from nlsh the box for packing so tho yield a pntch of crnnbonlos In Coos county, at this rato would not a clear profit Tho amount scorns startling, but it! or $3,270. That Is better than any is absolutely authontlc nnd tho value 'Hood River npplo orchards that havo nnmod Is conservative. Tho prlco at been repotted so far. which tho yield Ib figured, $3.00 perl Tho crnnborry picking season Is bushel, Is less than tho prevailing 'now nt Its holghth. All of tho crop mnrkct prlco nnd tho demnnd Is nl- will bo gnthored within another week, ways good. A hnudH tllnt cnn uo Procured aro Hond tho story In tho news columns hired during picking senBon. of Tho Times. T1" l)ntch cltotl which gnvo tho Horn Is our goldoii opportunity. enormous yield por ncro was ot course especially prolific, but practically nil of the hearing marshes aro netting as much bb $800 an ncro profit. It Lot us develop our cranberry innrshes In n way thnt will attract tho attention of tho outsldo world and then our other resources will prove costs nearly $500 an aero to proparo no less surprising. tho ground nnd sot out tho plants, but J. Albert Matson wns right In his tho llrst year In benrlng tho crop pnys cnthuslnstlc onconlum of Coos county, for tho Initial cxponst, and a good Rim In a world bcator. I pront. And Just now Bho wears a crown1 Practically all of tho marshes aro of cranborrles. Solahl WHAT WILL OUKOO.V DO? FJtOM nil over tho country comes continued reports or piogrott slvo victories. In Wisconsin Sonntor La Kollettu, original Insur gent, has been rouumlunted for Sona- tn the neighborhood ot North Inlet. Probably not more thnn thirteen acres aro set out in cranberries,, but there aro scores nnd scores of acres which aro available. Thoro Is ono tiact of 200 acres In ono piece which Is suitable. Tho land must ho of n pent formation such ns an old lnke bed or any placo whoro thero Is de- Tho soli mmmmmmmmmmtmwmtwtmjr I Personal Notes Kjmm:::s:mmt:::m:mm:m;::iimmj tnr l.v n four III otin voto. Ilo hn a cumpusuu vvKuuiuiu iiihuui. lead or 100,000 over his opponent. '" bo of tho spongy kind which ThiiB hus tho -olil guard" of Wis- will admit of tho wator passing cousin downed Llttlo Hob and tho through It freely. Itlch bottom land principles for which he stands. ;WlH not do. In Michigan Senator Burrows, ono1 I" addition to tho necessity of hnv. of tho most tried and trusty Sonators "B tho certain kind of soil thero must of tho Aldrlch-Cannon machine, hns o nn nbundnnco or rrosh wator under boon turnod down by tho people If h 'conditions thnt It can bo con tho Michigan Legislature obeys tho trolled. Tho plan rollowcd In this lo vlll or tho people ns expressed In tho callty is to manago tho wator by primary election UurrowH' sent will n""" ot a dam. Tho amount or wa ho illlod by a progressive ,tor no0llo tho mnrshos is rogu- Bven to conservative old Now Ens- ,fttod wn,, th0 borr,ca nro Browing, innd nus tho progressive spirit ox- After tho berries havo been picked tended. Now Haihpshlro Republicans the wntor Is turned on tho marsh and havo named U progressive candidate tho lo08 "0"les lloat and aro nil for Oovomor. gathered In and dried In tho sun be lli view of what Is going on olso- ton UI'B packed. Tho wntor Is loft whoro In tho union what may wo ex- on tho plants all wlntor In order to poet of Oregon? This U naturally a i' mum irum treezuiK. im progressive 8tate. Oregon was ono or 'cranberry Is a water plant nnd Is not tho ury llrst state to break awny damaged by bolng submerged, from tho old sytom ot nmchlno rule ' Although It has always boon re whlelt always menus rule In behalf 'K'led that the wator was a necessity of special Interests. Now thnt Ore-'' Blowing cranborrles yot It Is a fact con has come out of the damn and tlltt t"0 nro sovernl llttlo patches HENRY KINO was in Myrtlo Point jesterday on business. MRS. M. A. SWEETMAN Is In San Frnnclsco visiting her sister. RALEIGH WATSON of Marshfleld Is visiting his Bister on Isthmus Inlet. FRED WILSON returned homo from Portland whoro he went on busl nosa. M. A. SWEETMAN was In Coquillo yesterday on business nnd enmo home In nn automobile. THOMAS SMITH of RIverton, who has been visiting Coos Day friends, has returned to his home. MR. nnd MRS. A. D. KANE nnd fam ily nro here rrom Spoknno nnd ex pect to innko their homo here. MRS. DEN McMULLEN returned to her homo in Myrtlo Point yestordny after a short visit with friends here. MISS DLANCHE TELLEFSON Is spondlng n few days In Myrtlo Point as tho guest ot her friend, Mrs. Lena Allen. HARRY FUOO roturned homo to-day rrom Coquillo where he has been doing some contract work on ono of tho new buildings. MISS MAUDE DOWRON will leave this week for Portland, whoro she will bo a. student at St. Helen's Hall for tho onsulng yenr. F. S. RIEDE went to Conulllo yestor dny on business. Tho Peoples' Co operative Company Is figuring on opening nnother store there. J. T. HARRIOAN Is expected home on tho Drcnkwnter from n business trip to Portland. It is expected thnt Mrs. Hnrrlgnn who has been spond lng the siinimcr In tho East will reach Portland In tlmo to return with him. MRS. P. M. HALL-LEWIS nnd son lenvo to-day via Drain ror a threo months' visit with relatives nt Woodburn, Ore. Mr. Hnll-Lowls said ho would like to go along but he Is too busy keeping tab on the Intosted fri'l. E. P. DRILES, the woll known Ken tuck .Inlet rancher, was n Marsh- Held business visitor. Mr. Drlles Is an ardent believer In good roads nnd Intensely rogrets the action of eortnln property owners that pre vented putting through a road rrom Cnoston to tho Kontuck Inlut section. CARL WALKER of this city, win was Injured whllo working on the railroad near Drain, nnd who hn ' bcon 111 in tho hospital in Rose burg, Is still qulto sick. Ho hat typhoid fovor and Is confined to the hospital. His Bister, Mrs. Jenkins, Is with him and will bring him homo ns soon ns ho Is nblo to travel. ----- Let .t. --- ----------- -- Us Figure You i With on POWER. WITH AW ELECTRIC MOTOR INSTALLATION WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY, SPACE, TIME AND WORRY. NO MATTER WHAT YOUR LINE. IF YOU ARE USINQ-STEAM OR GASOLINE POWER, WE CAN MAKE YOU A PROPOSI TION WELL WORTH INVESTIGATING. TELEPHONE 178 AND OUR NEW BUSINESS REPRESENTA TIVE WILL CALL ON YC'J. The Coos Bay Gas & Electric Co, TELEPHONE 178 ------------ -- - -----.? STATEMENT OP CONDITION OP THE First Trust and Savings Bank OF COOS DAY. MARSHFELD, ORE., SEPT. 1, 1910. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts . . . . ?120,51C.9S Overdrafts 25L8G Uonds nnd securities .. . . 20.990.10 Banking house, furulturo nnd fixtures GC.SJi0.G0 rash on hand and duo from banks ......... S2.9GS.51 Total J293.651.01 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in. . .1100,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits 3,995.01 Deposits 180,556.40 l-UUl'Ji.aMU.'NAIi CAIIDS, t !. pvlt. J. W. INGRAM, -r lMiyMcluii nnd Surgeon. Onico UOH-aoi) Coos llulldlng. Phones OIIlco 1621; Ilcsldcnce Ktl Total 9293,551.01 Wo Invito your attention to tbo strong condition ot this btrnk as ihowr 1 tho abovo statement towlt: Cash reserve 43 por cent of deposits. Reservo required by law 15 per cent of deposits. Reserve In excess of legal requirements... ,2S per cent of deposits. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS , JOHN S. COKE, Presldont. JOHN F. HALL, HENRY SENOSTACKEN. STEPHEN C. ROGERS, DORSEY KREITZER, Cashier. W. S. CHANDLER, WILLIAM GRIMES. , DR. O. W. TOWER, M. C. HORTON. Vlco Presldont and Manager. DOES A GENERAL HANKING AN D TRUST BUSINESS. YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED. stinking hole or political corruption is it to go bnok? The nuswer will bo given on tho 24th day ot this month nnd It Is tho predict Ion ot Tho Tlmoa that when tho returns nro In from the primary election the news1 will be sad on North Slough which nro not wat ered and which bear line fruit. One of these U on tho old Ynnborgor placo. It wns never cultivated nnd not watered. The soil wns moist but the pat oh was never glvon tho ntton- Stato who are Just now more spoolll cnlly designated by the term msem bl) Ilea. roadlug ror tho loaetlonnrlos or thisl1'0" 1)f ""hers nnd still It boro well, .wnicli must be taken ns nn In dication tl'at tho locality Is espeelnlb suitable. Thero aro several other sim ilar ensas. Tho high cultivation plan, however, demands tho regulation of tho wator supply. Although all those who havo plant, od cranberry murahss and aro har vesting and growing- cranberries claim big profits, thero Is scarcely anything of the ncrcaqo planted that might be. If all or tho available land BABIES AND .U'TOMOIULKS. T'HB Kansas Stato Board ot Health In tiling Us roport on vital statistics ror 1909 makes tho startling announcement thnt thero wero 2,130 tower babies born In thnt State lust yenr thnn wero born In 190S IlOW'd tiiw? WeofferOno Hialrcil Dllr Itew rl for jnycnwnf Crrhtlit c:tm b rurttl by lltl'CUrrn urr K J. CIIK KY A CO., Tnl ilo, O. U, tliMimWilKiuM, lito kn ti y J. The jiny for the Ujin .)Cm. nmllillev him tier, tolly lini nrabta In nil bu.lin'n irsiiraelfunt ml llii.ii, lully i.iu tu i-trry out nny o liga tion, inailo by iiU tlrm. ttAiiuMi, Kiss an A Makviv, MioI nle PrUEsll,Tolwlo,0. lUll' Ctirrli Cure U ULen Iniorrmlly, net InKdliectlyuiMtuike IiUhmI ami mui'.iu. mr fiirt i tt the ntiu Tt'illmonlitU ! fieo 1 iJc? w..,'c.'." I'cr ,M,,,ll I'l I'-U driiSKhu Tnk.llaH'. Umllyl-IIUfiiru Stenmor ALEUT will run n SPE- cial cxcrnsioy to allegany, SUNDAY, SEPT. 18. Loaves Marsh field at H A. M. and return about 6 P. M. Rrlng your lunch nlong. Prob ably last excursion ot season. ROUND TRIP, 7.V. nml lnvs the liliimn In thn niilnmn bllo onuo. E. T. Fnlrchlld. who has for wnnborrloi In the North Slough Just completed tho school census stn- d,a,r,ct of tUo couy nlo,' w tlstlcs. reola verv much humiliated ,,anta l uorr,es iho yold ot this, nvnr iim ii.,tion iiii.i P.iiv.i uu county would bo something euormous mind by saying; "Thoro Is nothing bettor nnywhoro than some ot tho lino, tat babies play, lug around tho house, and thero is no more interesting happening anywhere than to watch llttlo children studying their llrst books. "While wo should tool proud that tho uverngo Kansas fanner Is pros perous enough to own an automobile, I nnd would at the rato or profit now being made on tho small patches, bring hundreds ot thousands ot dol- lars Into tho county ovory yenr. Tho high cost of starting n crnn- j berry marsh probably has something to do with tho scniolty ot the crun-J berry places. The plants themselves ' do not cost much and thoy are no more trouble to actually sot out than If you want GOOD SHOES Goto THE FIRST NATIONALBANK OF COOS BAY STRICTLY A COMMERCIAL IMNH Wells Fargo Ncvudn NUonl RnWf Ban Frnncleco, Cl, n (Tho United States National Bank, Portland, Or. n U I Tho National Park Dank, Now York, N. Y. Drafts xi,0 Corn Exchange National Dank, Chicago, 111. 0B The Dank of Scotland, London, England. Tlie Credit Lyonnnls, Paris, France. In addition wo draw drafts on all principal banking eontars In Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, China, Japan, North, Central and South America. Personal and commercial accounts kept subject to check. Cert I Dcs 1 08 ot Deposit lif jed. Bate Deposit Dozes for rent. FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MARSHFIELD, OREGON. Oldfxt flank 'In Coos County, Established In IH80, . l'nlil up Capita and Surplus. $80,000.00. Assets Over Half Million Dollars. Does a general banking business and draws drafts on the Dank of California, San Francisco, Cnl.; Hanover National Dank, N Y.; Flrt National Dank, Porthnd, Ore ; First National Dank, Rose burg, Ore.; The Loudon Joint stock Dank, Ltd., London, England Also sells exchange on all of the principal cities of Europe. Individual and corporation accounts kept subject to check Safe depoilt lock boxes for rent. OFFICER8: J. W. DENNETT, President. R. P. WILLIAMS, CnMiler. J. II. FLANAGAN. V.-Pres. GEO. E. WINCHESTER. Asut Chuil INTEREST PAID ON TIME lWwrs ' y DENNETT, Lnw)or. OIIlco over Flnnngan & Bennett Bisk Mnrslifleld, Ortrn. WM. S. TUHPEN, Architect. Ovor Chambor of Commerce. NOTICE TO THE PUIIMC. I hayo placed In public icrrlct t bus to meet nil trains nnd will sub j calls on phono ordors phono nomfcft 138-J; livory transient teed bin. 120-J; rosldonce, 49-L; mala offtc. 138-J. I do all kinds ot drains nl hauling haul nnythlng that li Iocm nt both ends, I also hnndlo a good grade ot eoiL Why pay 5.00 or 16.00 per ton lor coal whou I will bring It to your put most nnywhoro for 4.50 per toJ Look at theBo figures nnd seo fcW looks tho host In hard tlmci-LW. m.50; nut, $2.50: screonlngi, fl.H. , L. H. HEISNEH, Livery mid Sales Stable, .' - HPME L-ANJ) Pp. See us for investment on'Cea Day. Wo guarinteo owner' prk M bo our prlco. Phone 74L. 2J1 Froaf & Coos Bay--R.oseburg Stage. Liue. Sunday' "TZXZ " fWW OTTO SCHKTTEK, Agent, 0. P. IIARNARD. 120 MARKET AV., Marshlleld. Agent, ROSEDURG ORS. PHONE 11 ' szsasasBsasaszsasasaszsaseMsasasrdi STEAMER M. F. PLANT IIHEAKWATER IIOTKU Front St., Mnrslifleld, Ore., UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Hns been thoroughly renoritd and newly furnished. Rooms reiion able, by ay, week or montb. Mrs. J. II. O'DONNRLI., Pro?. 0 Sails for San Francisco every eight days. S TICK17TS RESERVED UP TO THE ARRIVAL OF THE SHIP RESERVATIONS WILL RE CANCELLED AT THAT THIF ilv LESS TICKET IS 110UG11T. V B". It la doplornblo thnt with tho advont ",,MBo llnta. ut tho ground must or tho bubble uaeou the births should bo ipeclully prepared. Tho top must bogln railing off." i uo l'00'0'! orf n,ul the ground mndo If autolng Is' going to carry t- nhsolutely level and sanded. Tho motherhood or the nation away rrom flrat work nu,8t uo Properly douo nud tho diitlus of matornltv and dostroN ' u,o cst it Is claimed Is nil tho way tho real foundation of tho American from so t0 SQ0 nu ncro lo start 'X. 213 South llroadwny, Mnrshtield. Iinnin It will hornniii fi ifront inonnnrt u ,,l,,,Bl, O. O. LUND, The man Mho does things right." to clvjltzatlou. Statistics in other States whoro autolng has become a CRANDERRY RANCHES. Wo havo them for sale cheap. They crazo should servo to domonatrate aro money niakors. Let us toll you whether or not Falrchlld has rightly nbout thorn and show you what we diagnosed tho situation. ihave. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. Repairing a Specialty F. S. Dow, Agent. MarsMield Ore arasasEsawjrasawsBsasRsasaPj aaKwswjssiasaaszsaszsaS oeaver run Joal t MOUNT DIADLO AND JOSSON CEMENT f The best Domestic and Imported brands Plaster. Lime. Drlck, and all kinds ot builders material. HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR 816 SOUTH BROADWAY Vaomt 9o '-T-r.--t....4. NEW TRANSFER W.V1 M. E. Magulro has started transfer lino in Marshfleld and 'j ranged tor prompt service for kinds of hauling. Ho will b D" stand at "Tho Dusy Corner' store or parties can reach Ma telephoning orders to 29R.S. FORT ST. .IAMES, ON lakk sit ART, 11RITISII COLVM1U' This Is destined to bo the Portld ot Drltlsh Columbia, on a naj'g"' river and deep water Jake, wlU lT trains running in next fall. Letters pour into our office all 'J with applications for lots. T0 tB who cannot come in we ould aoo utmost to make n good selection. Prlco, $100 and ?200 each. t ?25, balauce U0 a mouth. A' 40-acre farms, Joining Fort st-Ja" j townslte and Lake Stuart, $ and 1 10 a month. ... ea You need not bo a Canadian eiu to hold this. You need not imPr It, nor you need not reside on It. this land Is on or near the rail"""'" Grand Trunk Pacific, Alaska vs ' and Canadian Northern rallroa". . Rich farm lands. 8.50 per J J 3 cash and balance U P" acre ' year until paid. T,nj Apply Canadian N""0"" wl4 Company, 304, 305 and 306 Building, Portland, Orecon. vtj