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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1910)
j- "& -l i- ' (002 Stones ADS. NEWS , niTHfVESS IS SLOW, Al flSSf 2S IX PAV8 IS EVI TE"rS'nV SUCCESSFUL HUBI GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW Br HEADING THE COOS MAY TIMES. ALL THE NEWS AL.J THE TIME TERSELY TOLD k: :: :: :: tt trss no1""" MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS Established In 1S78 ns TI10 Const Mull. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1910 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall mid Coos Day Advertiser. rot. xsxiii. No. 52. lau IB IS WICKED WHEN AN ATTEMPT IS MADE TO RAISE IT BRADLEY IS AFTER THE PR3GFS trident Occurs at Residence of Robert Harrington on Fifth Street. HREE MEN HAVE NARROW ESCAPE. Lpinning Gives Way Be fore Start on New Founda tion Is Made. TU residence of Kobort Hnrrlng- i(joarin re,;i "uo "t" i" eutlts who n attempt wns being Lie to raise tliu house for n now wiillon. No 0110 wns seriously fejrt, but several mon who woro 'txWtt 00 tho house hnd n nnrrow scipe. Tte residence Is n seven-room two- ( bouse on tho west side of Fifth iwrt ncit door to Georgo Raines' fcaltace. It had been raised up ir feet and tho workmen woro pro- ulif lo put new posts under It and uienLcw foumlntlon. Just ns they Kre about to put In tho first post fsftalng gavo way at tho back part ! tie north sldo and tho wholo cor- rtrof the houso fell In. Wirrtn Dachtel, tho houso mover, hsrje Balnes and Ernest Hnrrlng- 1 ere at work under the houso. I&rrlotton says ho felt tho houso ilag down and Jumped out from Jtr It. Ilalnes nud Bnchtol wero wilt under tho houso but thoy hnd IfMat to protect themselves. Haines rot a blow on tho sldo of tho head, Ktm not hurt much. Mrs. Robert ferrlDston was slightly Injured, by Iton tho head with n pleco of lt( glass. It Is difficult to cstlmnto tho dnm- ulIV. V.... .. .1.. ...1. -. ' 1 in iub uuueo ua 1110 wuuiu turuc- &t U badly sprunc. It looks llko It 4lJ Wn tlirniinli n.i nn.thnimlin Tn ' -. iHiuuoti uii viti luijuunv. All- & the bouso tho furnlturo was up- tiid tho floors resembled thoso of tilpitsea. Tho wallpaper In somo title rooms was twisted and ovory tor and window In tho houso wns 1 out of shnpo. Somo who' ied at tho houso said thoy thmmht could bo righted and whon put k ta placo would bo plumb again 1 other builders who looked nt It MUIII be difficult to got tho wholo Me squared again. Tho cnslug of We7 door and window Is sprung so l ie windows cannot bo opened d. An effort will bo mndo nt 'osct the houso back on n now 'WMitlon. " reported at first thnt snvnral lid been caught undor tho houso '"lured or killed and doctors l! Called, hilt fortlinntolv nn nnn '"hdlyhurt. CORRUPT! IS THE ISSUE Alleged Bribery of Legislature Brought Up at the Illi nois Primaries. iliy Associated Trees.) CHICAGO, Sopt. 15. Tho alleged corruntlon of tho Illinois Loclalaturo. which wns rovcnlcd In tho trlnl of Leo O'Nell Ilrowuc, charged with bribery In tho election of United States Sonator Lorlmer, tho Jackpot politics, nnd tho plea for "vindica tion" on tho part of tho men whoso names wero brought Into tho trial,, nro tho Issues In the primary election hero to-day. In most of the Congres slonnl districts insurgency Is the issue. Is In Northern Waters and Is Seeking to Show That Dr. Cook Really Reached North Pole. ,(Dy Associated Press.) COPENHAGEN, Sept. 16. Tho Danish stenmer Hnnseged arrived hero to-day with the news that John It. Bradley, financial backer of Dr. Cook's North Polo expedition was o his way to'Etnh to secure tho mud talked of records and instruments which Cook has said he left at that Eskimo settlement, northeast of Greenland. Tho captain of tho stenm er thinks Cook Is with Bradley, but gives no particular reason for that uollof. The HansKodo. which Is r vessel on which tho explorer travelled to civilization, fell In with a yacht ni Godhavcn, a Danish settlement on tho south coast of Disco Island, Greenland, and In courso of ex changes the mnstcr learned thnt Bradley was abonrd tho other craft. Tho polar hunt promoter admitted his Identity and explained ho was bound for Etah to recover whatever had been left there by Dr. Cook. He re fused, however, to either deny or con. firm tho report ha wns accompanied by tho explorer. A government ves sel also brings tho Information thnt two missionaries who wero working nmong tho Eskimos who accompanied Dr. Cook on this exposition say these Eskimos Insist thnt Dr. Cook reached tho North Polo, ns ho claimed, prior to its discovery by Commnndor Peary. DIFFERENCES IN REPUBLICAN RANKS NOT TO BE RECOGNIZED l.'SWVVSyN I A. Vlli J BREAKWATER PERKINS' BODY . HAS ARRIVED IS BURIED FITZGERALD . ISJN JAIL Charged With Stealing $175, 000 From U. S. Sub-Treasury Three Years Ago. FURNISHES $.10,000 HAIL. (By Associated Press.) CHICAGO, Sept. 15. Fits- gornld furnished sureties for a tr.n.nnn lmii thin nftomoou. "",--- --- T LEAGUE : BALL SCORE Pwand Wins a Game and I- Keeps Position With Small Margin. fnv ........ . ' pobtT "MO;iiea iJress.) 2 St:IDf f?1- .."Portland tit (., iKda m tllfi standing of ,es, but only by a small mnr- esterdav t.m...i Wrt. Sacrame'o. whllo Oak- Cs'of l0St t0 Los AnSM. Tho AT RinlSterday's sanies follow: Jortlin 1 AT rav "' "'. ...,. 4 Tfri0n C ATTno'.V' 5 re C Hl'Jj 3 MEATSIARKET. CHlCArr,ASlC,at0d Pre83- Ift toj.. w' Pl. 15. No nmrkot nLVitil in 1 9. Pt' 15 Milling: k j,' 7c: dub, 84c; Russlon, FSusjUn c.Dluestora' 92c93c; TUVn I' ort'-fo'l, 88c. HD. Sept. 15. Wheat un. l (By Associated Press.) CHICAGO. Sopt. IE. Efforts to so- euro a reduction of tho ball of Geo. W. FlUgorald, who was arrested here yesterday charged with stealing S17G.U00 from tho Sub-Treasury threo years ago, wero mndo to-day In tho United States District Court. Judge Landls fixed tho bail last night at $G0,000 nnd FlUgornld being un ablo to furnish it spent tho night in Jail. Tho prisoner stoutly denies tho charges but tho pleas for a bail reduc tion was unsuccessful. ntzgernm wna former nssortliiK toller. Detec tives havo been watching Fitzgerald ovor slnco tho robbery and In Fobru nrv nf this vonr ho wns indicted but tho arrest wns not mndo pending fur ther work of tho dotectlves. binco tho robbery Fltzgornld has becomo In terested in sovornl largo financial un dertakings nnd from n mouest nai movod into a ten thousand dollar houso and paid for it. Ho has enter ,ni,.o.i invlshlv Ho explained his changed financial condition by show- Ing winning speculations in corn iu.u other markets. t.M,omiii told tho reporters mm whllo -ho did not tako tho money he had suspicion as to who was tho guil ty porson. "I am willing to give the name to Judge Landls," said he. lie declared ho made all tho money ho has by legitimate business methods. WILT WED TO-NIGHT. bold, B. Clarke, Mrs. Troy' W. E Branson F. C. Blllups, Fred Cnrmn- hnn, R. English, Mrs. English, W. English, J C. Hunter, E. H. Quny, J. Wutroy, C. RIobon, W. Hnmmort, C. Crouch. Mrs. Moulton, John ennt- mnu, C. A. Petersen, Mrs. Ohman, Leo Doak, G Casey, Mrs. llutchins, u. Hutching. Mrs. Cnsnor. Win. Moor- son. P. Pntchett. Mrs. Pntchett, Miss Pntchott, Edith Hawkmnn, Ednn Hnwkman, Elsie Hawkman, w. Bur rows. E. Elldrige. G. E. Rhodes. W. II. Kennedy, E. Black, Herbert Hume, Miss Klske, Miss Esola, S. Carllng, V. Petersen. 0. Brand. N. Jorgensen, C Spreckor, II. Schroedor, C, Ingram, P. Englo, G. Thomas, Jns Geo, Mil Shark. Leo Sin. Sud Jack' J. Blolart, . - . ...! Chas. Kay. L. Braund, John Lonhoid, Geo Calios and oignt-uninamon. in North Bend. Only members of the family will be in attendanco , anrvlvnrt llV a Wife. ThO bOd' B9 brought to this city and taken to the Wllsoij undertaking rooms. Tho fu neral will bo held to-morrow. Tho Red Cross Drug Company store has Just received a consignment of extra fine loose diamonds. Wo, are prepared to give you tho benefit of tho best prices- over offered in Coos county. Call and Inspect tliem. She Reaches Coos Bay This Afternoon With Passen- i gers From Portland. ) The steamer Breakwater arrived I this nftcrnoon from Portland. The following wero tho passengers: Geo. D. E. Lnahnctt, Cnpt. Wheel er, Mrs Stephens, Luis Vinos, Mrs. Vinos, W. Mulkcy, Miss Black, R. It. Montgomery, Mrs. Montgomery, G. Vniii'linn 1.' Ilnrnn. II. Mnlnwnrlnif. , ....0. ...... ... .-- , - j rink Mnvitn. Mr. C Johnson. John throuch tho body. Soma nnncrs woro -'--'..:."'... I w ' l Emery, May Johnstone, A. w. .Nuuor, f0U,d on tho body nnd thoro Is Mm V.. Anilnrann. fi. Ivlnc. Mr8. . . ......... ......... .. .. " ' ' onougn 10 posmvoiy juuniny 11 uo-i King, Inn King, Geo. King, R. Abcr- yond B dQlhu Tho ovdonco ngnlnst ..nmliln Mm Almrrrnmhln. MIhs . . . ... . . . w. ....., ...... .-- . irnnu uarnson is sumciont 10 snow, Auororomuio, .Mrs. iorvoi., .uio. v...b, U0J.on(j any joubt- that ho killed II. B; Donnhoy, Joo Wilson, G. Wain- PorkIn8i nndt In fncti tho omcorB imvo (Garrison's own admission that ho killed Perkins. No Inquest to Be Held As Evi dence Goes Before Grand Jury. Tho body of Roy Perkins, which wns found In tho bay yesterday wns burled last night. An examination was mado of tho body and It roenlcd that Perkins had bcon shot through tho heart, tho bullet going elenr FARMER'S WIFE IS;iRDERED Killed By Farm Hand Who Ends Tragedy By Shooting Himself. (By Associated Press.) OSHKOSH, Wash., Sept. 15. Mrs. Teresa Edwards, wlfo of Irn Edwnrds, n farmer, was murdered In her homoi. Into Tuesday night by Georgo Kucu zel, n farm hand, who followed up tho crlmo by blowing out his brains. No cnuso for the tragedy Is known. Taft Will Treat Both Sides Alike in Matter of Federal Support. VIEWS ARE GIVEN BY SECRETARY NORTON.- In a Letter to Republican Lead er Whose Name Is Withheld. RIS GRACE IS SUFFICIENT HAS A ItlltTHDAV. (By Associated Press.) BEVERLY, Mass., Sept. 1G. President Tuft wna flfty-thrco years old to-dny. Many congrat- 4 ulatory letters and telegrams havo been received by him. (By Associated Press.) BEVERLY, Mass., Sopt. IB. No dlfforcnco between tho so-cnllcd pro gressives nnd regulars will bo roc ognlzcd by President Taft hereafter. , but all pnrty leaders will bo trcatod 'nllko as Republicans In the matter of Four Hundred Ladies Hear Mr. fedorai support. The prcsidont-a Lyon Yesterday Afternoon .viowa to this effect nro given in n Snnintv Snrmnn Tn Rr letter from Secretary Norton to a . . . InA.iilill.Mn lAnrtn. t Titn nitiniA ilUIUUIIl.UH IVIIWUI Ul iwn. iihwbm Thero will probnbly bo no Inquest hero by the Coronor ns tho Grand Jury Is now in session nnd can take, up tno caso at once, it is pianncu now for all of tho witnesses who can ( tell nnythlng of tho caso to go toi " - - ---. liuqilliio lu-iiiuuuw iiiuiiiiuh u j'- head, 11. wucner, . v, ''u"'penr boforo tho Grand Jury. Mrs. Chlldors, 0. Wilson, Mrs. Wll-j Given This Evening. (By Rov. G. LoRoy Hall.) TABERNACLE PROGRAM. TO-NIGHT. 7.45, "Tho Doad Lino in Amusomonts." 4 FRIDAY. 0 A. M business men's meet-. ing. 10 A. M., neighborhood meet- ings. 3 Subjoct foring." 7.4G P. M., evening meeting. Sunday afternoon Mr. Lyon 4 will glvo another special address to men. namo Is not disclosed. In tho lottor. Secretary Norton stntcd that whllo Important Republican loglslntlon ponding In Congress was opposed by certain Republican lenders tho Presi dent folt his duty required him to withhold federal pntronngo from Sen ators and Ropresoutntlves who scorn ed to occupy n position hostllo to tho efforts to fulfill tho pled go of tho party platform. This attltudo on tho nnrt of tho President ended howovor P. M., nftcrnoon sorvlce. WRh tho moro recent primary oloc ct, "Why God PormltB Suf- ,tons nnd nomination conventions In BALLOON BLOWN UP. .Motor Explodes ami Injures" Three of Crew. my Associated Press.) BADEN BADEN, Sopt. 14. Dlrlgl- blo Balloon Zeppelin No. 41, whllo entering hor shed to-day wns blown up by the explosion of n motor in tho rear of tho gondola. Three of the crow woro seriously Injured. DUCK SEASON DECIDE SMITH DPENSITODAY LAND CASES Marshfield Hunters Waste No Time in Starting Out After Game. Tho duck hunting season in Coos county opened to-day and quite a number of tho enthusiastic hunters did not waste any time in taking ad vantage of the open' season. They Mm-rlngo of Miss Anno FInnngaii ami parted out early this morning. Ducks Harry Moffat to Occur. c uo j(nied from now until aiarsn s. Tho marriage of Miss Anno Flann- indCatlons this year are that gan ana Harry wouuv t o- "-- , t oI duck8and It Is ?JS"JT J-SS.'SX li- ti, fer wm ,.ua , luuujr ..... --.. , .A , nliin,c (n nnv of thn Old Catholic chapel at Nor , -..u .- - " i hlTl. will be a pop- rU n, m Z Mrs C F Mccollum ular place this year for duck hunting, homoof Mr. and Mrs. u f..M"w ..,, wftn, th sand aurcini jm..vo .. .- - -. hills this morning. Among the hunt m wpre Jav Tower. R. C Cordes, ers wero u) .iv, Wih nt North llend. F. P. John- nobert K- Booth, Frank Lalse, J. A son, aged 54 years, died of bowel MatBon, xels Rasmussen, O. A. Ben trouble yesterday at North Bend. Ho neU and Arthr McKeown. They are scattered about in different parts of the sand hills. iinnv Wells and Lee Edwards started out early this morning and are shooting on the east side of tho bay. Brought Hack Thirty. t a. Matson and Frank Lalse re turned at noon to-day from the Sand Hills Judge Bean Renders a Decision in Favor of the Gov ernment. In regard to tho C. A. Smith land cases, tho Portland Journal prints tho following: "Tho government's two cases against C. A. Smith, tho millionaire lumberman of Minneapolis, Minn., to recover $500,000 worth of Orogon timber land alloged to have beon ob tained by fraud, woro decided to-day by Judgo R. S. Bean of tho United Stntes Circuit Court. Ho found In favor of the Unltod States; Involving 37 valuablo timber clnlms In Linn nnd Lane counties and fought more than n year by former G ivernor John Ltnd of Minnesota and Jid'rfe A Leland of Minneapolis, the two cases were tho most Important of all the Oregon land fraud actions. Forty- seven claims were Involved in tho first three suits brought, but ono action was dropped. United States District Attorney John McCourt prosecuted the case. The caso will bo appealed. thirty ducks and say that the shoot lne was fine. They report tnat tno others who are shooting (n tho Sand Hills wero all getting birds and tho prospects seem to be good, lor ducK They got between them about hunting this yaer. sssSBf r.'K'-1 JHHPSE A c pSSSSSPSSBHBSH y SSSSSSSSSSSBDSJBipSM which tho pcoplo havo declnrod them selves. Tho President now looks on progressives nud regulars nllko as Republicans and ns such ontltlod. lu bis support and tho support of thn party, and tho fall elections, Nor ton's lettor says, must sottlo tho ques tion whothor tho differences of tho last session of Congress shall bo por palliated or forgotten. MAY ABANDON TRIP. PolltlcH May Keep Taft From Going to Panama. (By Assoclntod Press.) BEVERLY, Mass., Sopt. 1G. Tho political situation In this country may result In Presldont Taft abandoning .his trip to tho Panama Canal In No vember. Republican lendors have urged him to stny. RESULT IS IN D LYON ALWAYS "MAKICS GOOD." That Evangelist Lyon who Is con ducting meetings In Marshfield overy night Is n strong blblo student and an efilclont teacher Is evidenced by all who hear him. He speaks to tho thinking people. His sormon last week on Peter's Denial was an effort which rivaled closo tho masterpieces of other great ovangellsts such as Chapman and Gypsy Smith. Last evening tho subject was "Grace." He dealt with tho subject, using tho text, "My Grace is sufficient for Thee." The quantity, tho quality and tho direction of graco. "Grace," said Mr. Lyon, "Is valuable, yet It cannot bo purchased. His graco Is sufficient In spite of man's inflrrn- (ConUnoed on pas 4.) Chances Favorable For W. E. Humphrey For Congress in Washington. (By Associated Press.) SEATTLE, Wash., Sopt. 15. Tho result of tho Republican prlmady in the first Congressional district la still In doubt, with tho chances favorable for William E. Humphrey, tho regu lar. Ho has a substantial plurality hut tho law provides that unless a candi date receives forty per cent of tho total vote, tho second cholco votes shall bo counted. At present ho lacks nearly ono hundred of attaining tho forty per cent. If tho second cholco provision becomes operatlvo Hum-, phroy wll be overwhelmingly boaton. Thomas P. Revello, insurgent, claim the election and says that precincts yet to report will help him. It Is a posltlvo fact that buying a diamond at tho right prlco is good Interest on your money. Aro you aware diamonds havo Increased one hundred per cent in ton yearsT Thoy still averago twonty per cent a year Increase. The Red Cross Drug Store has some beauties at right prices. Costs you nothing to look them over.