THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1-EVEipjDIIO!L I l COOS BAY TIMES Motored at tho postonlco at Maroti Cld Oregon, (or transmission Ifcroucii the mallfl as second class Bail tnattoi, Addioes all communications to COOS HAY UA1LV TIMES, ttoslificld :: :: :: :: Oregon 16. O. MALON'EV Editor and Pub. AN E. MALONEY News Editor MARKS of progress. DON'T bo Impatient over tho Btroots being torn up, blocked and othonvlso Impassable. If it woro not for the paving, and grad ing and the various forms of Im provement now In progress there would not bo so much money In cir culation In Mnrshflold, and money in circulation menns bettor times than would bo posslblo without these ac tivities. No doubt Bomo persons feel annoyed over tho Inconvenience and sigh for tho day when Marahflcld's etrcetB will bo nothing but smooth ness nnd gloss, but as others see It tho torn-up condition and paving could go on forever nnd never n murmur would you hear from them. Tho persons who object because of tho Inconvenience are not numcrouB. Tiny do not belong to tho progroa ulvo brlgndo. Those who favor the forward movement nro plemed with conditions thnt mean proient nnd fu turo bottcrmont of tho .city. Lot us coutluuo until Mnrshfleld has a population of fit), 000 and even then it will not stand still but con tinue to grow until tho metropolis of our d rooms takes form. Tho moro torn up and blockaded the ntreots to day tho bettor city to-morrow. Lot tho good work continue, 10 HDLD BIG I (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, Sept. 13. What Is declared to bo the largest auction salo of lands over offered at one tinio will talto place on tho Crow, Mont., nnd tho Unltn, Utah, Indian reservations on October 15th and November 1st next, respectively. About 1,500,000 acres of In ml sultnblo prlclpnlly for dry farming and grazing Is Involved. Tho lands in tho Crow reservation comprise about 800,000 acres nnd will bo Bold at Hillings, Mont., nt not less than f 2.00 an acre, ono-flfth pny nblo In cash and tho remainder in four nnnunl Installments without in terest. In tho Unltn reservation np proxlmnting 700,000 ncres, will be sold at Provo, Utah, at not less than fifty cents per aero payablo In cash. GET School Supplies NOW School opens Monday, Sept. 19th. Wo will give a ruler nnd a pencil free with each purchase. Wo have a com plcto lino Including TAWjKTS, ink, pens, pencils, ItULEItS, ERASERS, PEN HOLD. 12HS, NOTE HOOKS, PALMS, DRAWING PADS, PEN- cil hoxks, irrc. Buy hero and savo money. COOS BAY CASH STORE MRS. A. G. AIKEN will hnvo hor fall and winter millin ery on display on and aftor SEPTUM HER M Cot This Catalog npml our do orlptlonn nml note tho quality, fully guaranteed by ui. Compim the prices with inoia mm otlitrs ank for thi) aniu NOTICE AND WARNING. Notlco Is hereby given thnt nil prop erty uwnera within 100 feet of n fitreot In which there is n sower or lens thnn hnlf n block (no mntter how largo the block Is) from a sower must connect up with uewor within fifteen days from dato of this notlco. Said connection intuit bo iniulo by n II ceiiBCil plumbor. This condition Is Imposed by n city ordinnnco nnd I hnvo no option but to unforco It. Parties living near n sewer nnd whoso plncos nro not con nocicd up with it nro requested to sc. euro n copy of tho ordinnnco from City Kecordor Ilutlor nnd Inform thomsnlvcfl concerning this provision. Persons not complying with It nre subject to nrrest ttud n lino and it is my duty to sco thnt this Is enforced. llesldonts of South Mnrshllold nml Itallroad Addition nro respectfully re. qiiOHtod to look this up. O. W. Tltmni-JY, Sower Inspector. Office, 020 Central Avo. Phono 1S5-J. Sept. It tli, 1010. i -- 70mxr5Przff SAVE VLKgmkgB 4 to 73 ? SASH. , - m V Vi Anil ftttiav W'L V Mlllwotk Avv. DIRECT lv m I vonu g$ W FACTORY Yv ?A Goods in vlA J stock nunllty. 'Sava mid dlemen's tirofltn for tlm children." Ask for Cataloe No. !(). 8nJ ue deal er's uitlmnUi or your own Hit. Ask ui about freight rated. We paok carefully, hip promptly, nnywnore. to anybody. O.B.Williams Co. "ASfT Souttlo, Wash. GEO. N. BOLT, Front St. Mgr. Marshfield Stop That Cold by wearing Seasonable Underwear It lo getting too chilly for your summer ones. Wo have n comploto stock of fnll wear. Heavy Cotton Underwear, r per garment DUC Wool Underwear, per garment, 1.00, QUIZ, 81..-.0 q. -ft and $6.01! Men's Cont Sweaters, each, - rr to $4:.UU Hoys' Coat Sweaters, each, rn(T 83c. to 1 .OU.j) THE BAZAR House of Quality Phone 32 JUST IN Friend BrotJier's Fall Suits $15 to $18 Values for $12 to $15 Seeing; is Believing FIXUP H SUSHIS MIIIIIIH It . t t lw mmm 9HJgjgy un-n--a-:i---u----k--a-o-n--a-n u-n--a-n-n-a j Home Addition To Eastside I NOW ON THE MARKET This addition is situated Immediately East of new EnsUldo Mill. :'j The lota are 100x211 and larger, nbout eight ordinary lots; and nro $150.00 up for these largo tracts. i This plat was filed Wednesday Inst, nnd we have only fifteen V 1 ts tv'unlulng unsold. This Indicates thnt tho property Is Interest- hi,- ! purchasers, and anyone wishing to secure a lot should net n proHii'M. Terms one-half cash, balauco equal paymouts, 3, C, 9 aid 12 mouths. For particulars, see V a Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. V Geueral Agents EASTS1RE . Henry Sengstackeu, Manager. ? W. S. DUNIWAYi - Direct Primary Cnmlldiuo for -4 ---- .-. S - nsninspcaszscisisszsHSssnsPsirdCBsisBsasziJr iszsaKsas.TPsaresv STATE PRINTER Aski) u second term on his record of 0 ECONOMY and EFFICIENCY, ny vutting-nut grafts tins made the print- ing department tho cheapest depart- J inont of tho Stato government. I fl tPnld Advertisement.) I -Q in H) STEAMER M. F. PLANT Sails for San Francisco every eight days. D u C C THE SHIP & RESERVATIONS WILL UK CANCELLED AT THAT TIME UN- ". tickets RESERVED UP to the arrival op HIEHVATIOXS WII.Ij HE LESS TICKET IS llOUOHT. I? 3. Turkish Baths , a p. S. Dow, Agent Marslifield Ore" 2 10-2 13 Coos Building PHONE 214 J Our Work is Our adver tisement OUH (5VAHAXTEE IS VOl'H SAT- lSPACTIOX. AIAUSHPIEIA) HANI) AND STEAM LAUNDHV. Auxey HriM., Prop, Pliouo SSOT, u-::- --::- --a-n--n- n-n-K-a-n -a-a-a-a-a-a- a-a-n Beaver Hill Coal I MOUNT DIA11LO AM) JOSSON CE.MEXT i The best Domestic and Imported brands. Plaster, Lime, nrlck, and all kinds of builders material. HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR 810 SOUTH imOADWAY PHONE 301 4 -------"----- --.. Thirty Irial sFree flomosZ WE WILL DELIVER AN ELECTRIC IRON TO YOUR HOME TO BE USED FOR 30 DAYS, FREE OF CHARGE, AND IF AT THE EXPIRATION OF 30 DAYS YOU DO NOT CARE TO KEEP IT, WE WILL TAKE IT BACK WITHOUT ANY CHARGES. TELEPHONE US AND WE WILL DELIVER THE GOODS. The Coos Bay Gas & Electric Co, TELEPHONE 178 STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF THE First Trust and Savings Bank OF COOS HAY, MARSIIFELD, OHE., SEPT. 1, 1910 RESOURCES. Loans and discounts .... $120,510.08 Overdrafts 254.80 Donds and securities .... 20,090.10 Uanklng house, furnlturo nnd fixtures GG,8iu.50 Tash on band and duo from banks 82, 90S. 51 PKOFESSIONAIj CAItDS. DH. J. W. INGHAM, llivulrliin nml Suriwon. LIAUIL1T1E3. ,.,.. Capital stock paid In. ,. . JIOO.000.00 1Mlouwomco"l021: HcldeccHU um'I'iuo aim uuuiviueu l Profits 3,995.01 Deposits ;.. 1S9.555.-J0 T ! Total J293.551.01 1 Total 1293,551.01 We Invito your attention to tho strong condition of this bank at howp 1 tho abovo statement to-wlt: Cash rcservo 13 per cent of deposits. Reserve required by law in ,l9r cont of aeposlts, Reserve in excess of legal requirements... .28 par cent of deposits. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS JOHN S. COKE, President. JOHN F. HALL HENRY SENdSTACKEN. STEPHEN C. ROOERS DORSEY KREITZER, Cashier. IV. S. CHANDLER, WILLIAM GRIMES. DR. C. W. TOWER. M. C. IIORTQN. Vlco President and ManacHr DOES A GENERAL HANKING AND TRUST M'SIXPAEk YOUR HUSINESS SOLICITED. W. DENNETT, iMwyer, Olllco over Flanagan & Bennett Bui Mnrshflold. 0P- W M. S. TUHPEN, Architect Ovor Chamber of Commerce. NOTICE TO THE Pl'WJC. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY STRICTLY A COMMERCIAL HANK Wells Furtio Nevada National Hank, 8an Francisco CaL Draws I Th0 Vnl,'d S,ntefl N(,ona- Hnk, Portland, Or n 1 lTho Nntlonnl Purk llank. New York, N. Y. UraitS Tll0 Corn KXCimS0 XatJoual Hank, Chicago, HI. On J The Hank of Scotland, London, England. The Credit Lyonnals, Paris, Franco. In addition wo draw drattB on all principal banktnir rnntor. in &PeAme!?caAfr,Ca' AwUM QhlJ J " CeSY'ana Personal and commercial accounts kept subjoct to check Certificates ot Daposlt IsMed. Safe Deposit Doxes for 'rent. I FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK " MARSHFIELD. OREGON Oltl.M Hunk In Coos County, Establish iu i80 Paid up Capital mid Surpln. ..S0,0l)O.OO Acscts Over Half Million, Does a general bauklcg business nnd draw iirnf .i . of California. San Francisco, Cal.; Hanover VatloS n." iUv"aJk First Notional Rank, Porthnd. Ore First Vatlona n n Y,! burg. Ore.; The London Joint Stock Bank 1 : td lSh? n 1?Se" Also sells exchange ou all of tfflf? Individual and corporat on accounts kon i,ViL . . .' deposit lock boxes for rent. BCCOUnt8 ktpt 8Ubct to check. Safe , , . OFFICERS: J I ' pffSv V$itut- 1' P' WILLIAMS, Cashlor. J. ll. MwlNAGAN, V.-Prvs. GKO. E ivivmn?ai-in . INTEREST PAID ON Ti ir np1'C,IMUn' 'Ust- C. iiiii, Coos Bay Roseburc Rtacra i ,v Dallv stnuo ltvoi-ii ltow. i. ...... . . Sunday a, O A. M. Farv. 00. mr"- S'" l. dally ,, rVTlT CnillVtwnn 120 MARKET AV., Marshlleld. A "' t " p, "l PHONE 11 "oaiJTRG, ORE, I hnvo placed in public service Iiiib tn moot nil trains and will Bit cnlls ou phono ordersphone nonW 138-J; livery transient fa b""1 120-J; rosldonco, 49-Lj main of 138..T. r iin nil kinds of drayUt w hauling haul nnythlng that U I I at both ends. . T nlon linnill n trnnil erade Of t011 Why pay ?5.00 or ?C.0Q pertoa' coal when I will bring It to your v 'most anywhere for ?1.50 per tot. iLook at these figures and see ' I ... - T nTBB. I looks tho best In hard times - ?4.50; nut, $2.50: screening!, ' I,. II. HEISXER, Livery mid Sab's Stables. HOME LAND Co See us for Investment oa C Day. Wo guarantee owner's pn be our price. Phono 7-1 1.. 201 Front S- HHEAKWATEH HOTKL. -. . i l.n. .ill. Orf-i iToni ni., wiw - UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Has been thoroughly renor and newly furnished. Rooms fw able, by day, week or month. t PrOO. Mrs. J. II. 0'Dn.N.Nt.w. NEW TRANSFER USB M. E. Magulro has started , ,i i xtnrahfield ana ., ,. ,mr service for '"U1"u 4U4 vr- ... h.Tel"'. kinds of hauling. "'" : drj. stand at "Tho uusy """", storn or nartles can reacU , telephoning orders to i, KJZKSi -,.t.i afrfa-