rfHUPPJWWWl THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD. OREGON. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 13. 1910-EVHHNQEpjTJOjj. f BE.4-"1" 'i iti I I' & : ,1 iS'SHOt ' L I . c t r 0 , r iHM a i u a, ; 1 JM)OS 13 AY TIMES fintorea ut tne postolllce nt Marsh' fild, Oregon, for transmission llrouta tlio malls us second clais ku&ll Biattor. GARRISON KEEPING QUIET. Addes all communications to COOS WAV DAILY TIMES, Mshileld :: :: :: :: Oregon r K. O. MA LONE V Editor and Put). AN K. MALONKV Nous Editor LAST CALL. THE GREAT QUESTION con fronting tlio people of Oregon JiiBt now Is that of registra tion. No one enn vole ut tlio primary who fnlls to reglstor boforo Septoni bor 15th. Kvory voto should be cast nt tho primary election. Kvory voter uhould bo present nt tho primary booths. Tho basin of our governmental sys tem Is participation by tho people In our elections. Our officials nro chosen and our policies decided by the pcoplo nt tho bnllot box. If pcoplo general ly should refrain from voting, our ontlro system of government would bo menaced, If not destroyed. This year wo nro called upon to tako an active part In tho primary election as well ns In tho gonornl elec tion. Tho duty of participating In tho primary Is Just as binding as that of participating In the election of No vember. Wo cannot have good gov ernment unless wo hnvo good mon nominated for olllclnf places. If tho people should neglect to go to tho prlinnrlos, tho best men could not bo nominated. Thnt Is because the evil olomonts alwiiyH look aftor those mnt toru, and thoy will talto nttynntnge of tho Indirferonco on tho part of tin' gonornl public to chooso men who will be subsorvlont to thorn. Thoro can be no possible osrapo from this concltt ulon. Its correctness Is shown by our political hlitorj during a hundred years. Whenever thero has been in dirferonco In tho matter of participat ing In elections, evil olomonts have oeiMirud tho mastery. Whonovor tho cutl -o people have aroutod thoniselves and taken part, the undelrible He inents have been submergod. It will b'e Just as dangerous to neg lect the primary a It would be to misled tho Konernl oloctlon. Tho duty of participating In tho prlmnry 1h JiiHt ns great ns that of participat ing In tho election thnt occur Inter. Wo roliorato this becnusM wo fear thero nro somo people svlio do not rcnllzo that this prlnn-y olootlon '.i Just as Important ns tho one to bo lit ..1 la Novombor. Wo will Jeopar dize good government by neglecting tho primary Just as much ns wo would Jeopardize It by neglecting to voto nt tho time whon tho olllclnls are to bo elected. N Not TcllliiR Ait thing About tlio Perkins Case. Nothing new developed to-day In tho Itoy Perkins case. Garrison Is still In Jail nt CoquMo. It Is sold thnt ho Is keeping still about the case. He wns questioned this morn ing but lins so far not given out any thing that will assist the ofllcers in lludlng any further clues, To-morrow Is tho last day for registration. Sanitary Methods provnil in our factory. tdls Sill Cujnntiu Pur Candy ratrontee the "Modern Dealer" Medirn Conlcllonry Co., Mid., PortUnd, Ort(Ci) 2!. V&RgfiWM HOTEL GARDINER, nt Gnrdlner, Oregon, has been re modelled and Improved nnd Is under now mnnagoment. Spcclnl accommo dations for stngo passengers and for pcoplo doslrlng n rost at tho seashore. "Voti'II Like the Place." J. E. SCHILLING, Proprietor. KLLEHHV'S FISH MARKET, lid. T. Ibilch, Prop. Shell Fish of Evory Description, Salmon and Deep Sea Fish In Season, Tol. Market 2C4J. Foot of Market Axnme. Turkish Baths 2 10-2 13 Coos Building PHONE 2 14 J HOW 'a Tltl We offer one It ml cil Illrt, Hew rd for an tare oft ntnnlillml cannot be clued by HMlC.rr.;r,.re.KNi.yAt.0Tf(U(lrt(O We, tlio undesigned, lime knj.wn V.i. Che noj fnrllielnKtlftye", mid llleve lilni ir feetiy lin. onilile In nil lniliiw itanmctroiu nml lliinm Inltr e to (try out nliy o llpi tloim mnile by lit firm. ttAIMMt, KtVSAS & MAIIJIS, Mliol nt HrliKKl8t,Toliilo, 0- Hnll'o Cntnrrh rnr l taken liitcrnnlly, net ItiK illiectly iiiio i the iilmxl nml iimeoiii Mir fneis of the mutei- leHlmoiilnlj cent free I'rtee "ft ci tits per botttu. Milil by nil iiriiKRiM ThU. Willi's t unity 1'ltU for v.iiitlpiMloii. -:t--a--tt-M--J----- V For Strictly : t t: t: t r: i i t: i tt tt t i u i i tt i it i tt tt tt t I :: Fresh Butter Sterilized Cream Sterilized Milk Butter Milk Bean-Pot Cheese and Ice Coos Bay Ice & Cold Storage FHUI3 IJEIilVKItlKS 8 A. M. nnd 2 P. M. Phono Tit-J. -r:-tt-:t--::-tt-:t-K-:wt-t .-: Ouv Work is Our adver tisement OL'K GUAHAXTKi: IS VOUIt SAT ISFACTION. MAUSIIFIKLD HANI) AND STRAM LAUNDUi. :.:nti7oy Urol., Prop, Plioue 220-J. VOll TIIK QUKKN OF TIIK HAY, i:i:i: i:asthidi:. SCHOOL SPECIAL. WH IIAVM JU3T TWO SETS OF 8 VOL. EACH OF THE FAMOUS WINSTON ENCYCLOPEDIA LEFT. Jl'ST THE THING FOU SCHOOL AND HOME USE. FOItMEU PUICE $10.00; TO CLOSE OUT, $UW PF.lt SET. CltOSIIY . HOMEH, J II Cr.NTItALAVE. Pure Ice Cream is the only kind that has over been handled at STAFFOltD'S. And it is the only kind that over will bo handled at STAFF01WS. Almost any flavor yon do Biro in bulk or by tho dish. Orders Tor parties a sneoinl- ty. And remember our delici ous homo mado candies that also aro ombloms of purity. - , INOPCk JUST IN Friend Brother's Fall Suits $15 to $18 Values for $12 to $15 Seeing is Believing; FIXUP MMMMMMMMMBtat MMMW M tf-tt-tt-n-n-tt-M-a-tt-tt-tt-tt-tt-tt-a-u-tt-H-n-un--K-:t-tt-u-u C Y2 (:-vvcniuua. TWO STOUES ii:( Wont St I Id (Viiiiul Avo Home Addition To Eastside jj NOW ON THE MARKET This mldltlbn Is situated immediately East or new Ensttldo Mill. Tlio lots nro 100x211 and turgor, nuont eight ordinary lets; nnd nrlces are $150.00 up for those largo tracts. ' ThU pint wa mod Weduottday last, nnd we hnvo qnly llftoon lots remnlnlnit unsold. This Indicates thnt tho property Is Interest ing to i-.irrhner. and anyone wishing to secure n lot should net promiil. Terms one-htilf cash, balance equal payments, 3, c, and VI monthi. For pnrttculnis, seo Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. Genoral Agouts EASTSIDE . Henry Sengstacken, Mauagor. i t: i :: i tt i: t: tt i i i tt A1 n Si "' 1 Ocll rv.wt-. WI.M SSEmmSBk9RJ-i omrtr i ilK' k WE WILL DELIVER AN ELECTRIC IRON TO YOUR HOME TO BE USED FOR 30 DAYS, FREE OF CHARGE, AND IF AT THE EXPIRATION OF 30 DAYS YOU DO NOT CARE TO KEEP IT, WE WILL TAKE IT BACK WITHOUT ANY CHARGES. TELEPHONE US AND WE WILL DELIVER THE GOODS. i lie loos d H O TTW k n ay uas & Electric 10. TELEPHONE 178 STATEMENT OP CONDITION OF THE First Trust and Savings Bank OP COOS HAY, MARSHFELD, OHE., SEPT. 1, 1910. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts .... ?12G,G1C,9S Overdrafts 2S4.SG nonds ant! securities .... 20.990.10 Banking house, (urnlturo and fixtures DO.S-0.50 fash on hand and duo from banks 82, 90S. 51 Totnl J293.551.01 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In. . .(100,000.00 Surplus aud undivided Profits 3.99G.01 Deposits 1S9.5G5.-10 Ttl $293,551.01 Wo Invito your attention to tne strong condition of this bwik ai thowr Ly tho abovo statement to-wlt: Cash reserve , 43 per cent of doposlts. Reserve required by law in per cent of deposits. Reserve lu excess of legal requirements... ,2S per cent of deposits. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS JOHN S. COKE, President. JOHN F. HALL, HENRY SENCSTACKEN. STEPHEN C. ROGERS DORSEY KREITZER, Cashier. W. S. CHANDLER, WILLIAM (HUMES. DR. C. W. TOWER. M C. IIORTON. Vice President and Manager DOES A GENERAL IIANKINO AN I) TIII'ST IUSINFSS YOClt III'SINESS SOLICITED. -------- ------- -. -4.-4 ' D TRY MY VACITM CLEANER. n u't make a diudgo of yourself b bv atlng runs and cnrpt3 when you can havo it done more cheaply and better with my vacuum cleanor. Mono 2U5-J. R E PINEOOR, Hliop In Rear of Owl I'mnltiire Store. STEAMER M. F. PLANT Sails for San Francisco every eight days. TICKETS RESERVED UP TO THE ARRIVAL OF THE SHIP, RESERVATIONS WILL HE CANCELLED AT THAT TIME UN. LESS TICKET IS IlOUflllT. u i IT (r C & r." C" Ci THE FIRST NATIONALBANK OF COOS DAY STRICTLY A COMMERCIAL HANK (Wells Fargo NevaiLi Nation! Hank. San Francisco 01 The United States National Rank, Portland, Or Tho National Park Hank. New York. N. J. UrailS The Corn Exchange National nank, Chicago, HI. 01! . J The Hank of Scotland, London, England Tiie Credit Lyonnals, Paris, Franco. In addition we draw drafts on all principal banking centsri In th eAmeBrlc'aAfr,Ca' AU'traU"' Ch,n' Jnpftn' NU? OartS". ia Personal and commercial accounts kept subject to check Certificates of DepoBli lined. Safe Docoslt Boxes for rent. F. S. Dow, Agent. Marshf ield Ore p -j I VVSZSSSSSSaSn&VGBSSSSSSCSK G, W.Dungan Undertaker Maishtlold, Oivkoii, Parlors, ISO South Hd St., Telephone, Day or Night, 1IW.J. tWnWHMWWtHWHMI leaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIAHLO ANJ) JOSSON CEMENT The best Domestic nnd Imported brands. Plaster, Lltno, Brick, and all kinds of builders material. HUGH McLAIN ---- GENERAL CONTRACTOR 810 SOUTH BROADWAY PHONE 201 ---4 --------- FLANAGAN S-. BENNETT BANK MARSHFIELD, OREGON. Oldest Hunk In Cooa Cousiy. Estubllslied in 180 P.ild up Capita! and Surplus $N(),llon.O(). Assets Over Half .Million Dollars. Docs a general banking business aud draws dn nn ,u n , of California, San Francisco, C.I.; iK Natlo"! Bank Y ' First National Bank. PortHnd, Ore: First Natlonni S ! burg. Ore : The London Joint St0ck Bank, SUnSSS Also sells exchange on a l of the prlr.cl, ,I cities of Eurone Individual and corporation accounts kept subject to choek R-,f deposit lock boxes for rent. ji m cnocK. Bafe OFFICERS: i n ' rrTO. 1,"M- 1- V' WILLIAMS, Cashier. o. it. ii..N.0.N, V.-Pres. GEO. E. WIriirJTi.Mi . r, . INTEREST PAH, Q.y TIME DEPOSITS? "' A"U CUS,U PROFESSIONAL CARDS. . 44.44 DR. .7. W. INORAM, Pliysiclaii and Surgeon. Olllco OH-IIOI) Coos Building. Phones Oillco 1021; Residence 1HI J W. HE.NNUrr, 1 llll'l'ltl 1 t Ofllco over Flanngan & Bennett Dint .Mnrahllold, Oregon. WM. S. TUHPEN, Architect. Over Chamber of Commerce. NOTICE TO TIIK i'lBLIC. I hnvo placed in public service i bus to meet nil trains and will nials calls on phono ordors phono number 138-J; livery transient feed l" 120-J; resldonco, -19-Li mala office. 138-J. I do all kinds of drnylng and hauling hnul anything that U Kw at both ends. I nlso hnndlo a good grade of coal. Why pay $5.00 or ?0.00 per toa for coal whon I will bring It to your ple 'most anywhere for $4.50 per ton Look at theso figures and see vfblcn looks tho best in hard times Lump. 1.50; nut, $2.50; screenings, ItM L. II. HEISNER, Livery mid Sales Stables. HOME LAND Co Seo us for luvestmentp oa Coo Bay. Wo guariutce owner's price to bo our price. Phono MI 20 J Front St. Coos BayR.osebrg Stage Line. OTlX SCHETTEH, Agent, 120 MAHICET AV., Marehfleld. PHONE 11 O. P. HARNARD, Agent, ROSEHUHa, OHR. HHEAKWATEH HOTEL, Front St., iMnrsIillcId. Ore., UNDER NEW MANAOEMENT. Has been thoroughly renovate! and newly furnished. Rooms reason able, by day, week or month. Mrs. J. H. O'DONNELL, Prop. NEW TRANSFER LLNE. M. E. Mngulre has started a ne transfer lino in Marshflold and ar ranged for prompt service for kind? of hauling. Ho will havo w stand nt "Tho Busy Corner" dtu store for parties can reach iU" telephoning orders to 29S. ! i fima-