""""KfWPPWWi TT5 tfr "-- wwrjfn ' "30"TFr 'f jirnnrw" -riimwp ADS. ltvpnNBHHHPMHHHHpPPII7!l7?i0ff) ik NEWS -nsv business IS SLOW, AU ' tiM' THAT IT l'AVS IS KVI SffVllV SUCCESSFUL 1IUSI- "-fliin8i:s EVERYWHERE :: " "" Mmt MiaiBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW BY P.EAIHNG THE COWS MAY 'IIMEH. ALL THE NEWS AL. THE TIME TEHSELV lOLII ,5 :: :: n is fcxxxin Established hi 1878 ns Tho Const Mall. ML ifCOMEVflSSION PURCHASES IIR FRONT FOR PUBLIC DOCKS MAflSHFlELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1910 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall mid Coos liny Advertiser. No. 50. m i.M I hie in March. Wffff" UCInnH M neio noi ui ui oionuoiu Oil Warehouse. (EfilVE-HELPTO KENTUUKlNLfcl ttLAIY. loos Rive; Channel Is Ho Be Marcea ay now oi Piling. ,! action ok rarer. Thirteen lots on Mnrshfiold i titer front purchased for pub- lie jocks. Fort decides to assist Kciituck I M dredging project. Adopts plan for marking Coos f River channel with piling. Attorney reports regarding Halt pending Imrourt. SURVEY FOR POWER PUNT Grants Pass Men Doing Exten sive Work on South Fork of Coquiilc. Engineer Eugono .Robinson lias re turned fiom a trip to tbo south fori: of tho Coquillo Hli or, where ho went In the Interests of tho Coos Hay Trac tion Corporation. Ho wont to do sonic engineering work on tho pass over tho mountains looking for n con necting plnro ironi tho Coquillo Val ley to tho Rogue .River Valley. THORNTON, WASH., SWEPT BY FIRE ELECTION IN MAINE RESULTS The Entire Business Section Is Wiped Out, Financial Loss Is $60,000 and Whole Place Was Threatened. ' (By Associated Tress.) COLFAX, Wash., Sept. 13. Thorn. ton wqh swept by flro last night. Tho entire business section was destroyed nnd only tho strenuous work of tho FOREST FIRES UNDER CONTROL While In that neighborhood Mr. Tie commissioners of tho Port of Nobinson ranJiorosa some of tho men Coos Bay held their regulnr monthly who nro aia tho engineering work BKtmg)Cterday at the olllco of thofor n 1,ow olcctrlcnl power plant KcrcUrjr, Henry Sengstncken. AllwWch ,H i0 3) u"t u' M. J. Ander- tte members wro prosent oxcept J. iFfm nmi '' associates of Grants Pass. At the henfl or tho Bouth fork about forty miles .from Myrtlo Point surveys arro being mndo for n big power plant. Thoro-nre to bo two reservoirs which will cover .'ilbout 1,000 acres of land high nro to be built. Mr. Robinson sava thot It Is CGray. Aa ordinance providing for the Jredilng of a rlianncl or canal from tie patent completed channel of Kectsck Inlet to tho nnvlgablo wnt- en of Coos Jlny was pnsscd to lu'TtV0 Antius '100 feet int reading. It seems that the rucleri have subscribed money to n fand. to whlcli the county hns con- inflated, and with this fund n chnu jiel has been .dredged to within n'bout tiree-quartcw of a mllo of navigable titer. Tho ranchers cannot ralw mtj erjcujgh to complete tbo pro ject and .unless the Port assisted Hern, tho Imestment already madr wold te Trusted. Mr. Itaab of Ken Uca Inlet appeared before tbo board d stated thnt bo thought thai ojh further funds could bo raised M taat the Port would only bavo to urn over about 11,000. Tho boarfl i Teaming to do this, and un lets some abjection Is raised, in bird will finally pass tho Improve t orditanco at tho next regular "wtllnj, tthen bids will bo aakcd for "d contract let for tho Improvo- . Tne specifications call for a H thrta feet below low water "rt, forty feet wldo, nnd 3.72G foot m, contemplating tho removal ol WOO yards .of dredglngs. TuXtfnko Channel. Pan d specifications for the "'mg wlthHes of tho Coos nivor M1 from Marshflold to tho foot ero adopted. An effort -will made to havo this work don t "rnment expense, but If that tolls, -"mmi win bo markod at tho a Of tbO VlTt. Jlneer HoUmou reported that J Pwplo of North Inlet nnd Ten Z? er0 '" nJ'l of chnnnol Ira tent, and ie was directed to 2 a mi l w,th " and Z. ?D8 w,lte would meet the e locality. About iv Slli(8 the Intention of tho compnuy to gen ernto by "water power electricity to -furnish to tho Coos Day country and tn Grants 3ass. FINOS MORE BAD FRUIT Troops Arc No Longer Needed at the Yakima Indian Reservation. (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 13. A telegram to tbo Indian olllco has been receled from Superintendent Young of tbo Ynkimn Indian Heservu tlon lu Washington, saying thnt tho tiro conditions nro greatly Improved. Young' reported that tho Indian ngonts nnd forest rangers wnro nblo to take cam of tho situation and that the troops would bo roturned to their stntloriB at Vancouver barracks. citizens saved tho town. Tho finan cial loss will reach fG0,000. The ex plosion of a gnsollno stove In a res taurant was the cnuse. A high wind spread the flro rapidly and ln n short tlmo tho business section waB ln ruins. Tho citizens of Colfax to-day aro sending supplies nnd food nnd outer necessaries to tho stricken town. The work of rebuilding will be begun nt once. WILL INDICT THREE IN A DEMOCRATIC LANDSLIDE M E IS A SMALL HEAVY WEIGHT Lyon's Sermons Heavily Load edHear Him To-Night at Tabernacle. Government Is After Chicago Packers Charging Them With Illegal Monopoly. (Dy Associated Press.) CHICAGO, Sept. 13. It Is expect ed thnt two moro ment packers will bo Indicted by tho federal Grnnd Jury which yesterday charged ton Chicago packcrc of conspiracy and Illegal monopoly, and to-day tbo govornmont announced Its Intention to forco nn enrly trial of nil. Tho men nro In dicted on threo counts ench nnd nro held under n bond of $10,000 on each count. 925 REGISTER MS ELD iP- !M. .'Hall-Lewis Goes After Apples and Pears at "Worth Bend. P. M. Hall-Lewis, tbo county fruit pinspector, won In North llond to-day land branded somo of tbo fruit there an unfit for talo. Ho found nbout n dozen boxes af penrs nnd sixty boxes af tipples, whlcli woro Infected and which ho ordorad off tho market. Ho hall tl;o fruit otent back to tho grow- or. (Dy Iter. a. Leltoy IWll.) WOMEN INVJTJI). TRYING WHITE MURDER CASE On Wednesday .afternoon Mr. IO'ok invites tbo women only to his .afternoon service .at 3 o'clock. Girls under .fourteen not In- eluded. oiwra-'v n n n,.. ... . titiinV " VK reported that ' He botrV. :. V' "lv "18ir'lcon Wnvet ,7 ",0-uenno T"'8t fW Z ,1 CKCt Qt lh0 Supremo Cto Vh,U Mr' non"ott "ad ro- ,7r lOJOl h tllO llloHmi. nn,1 t,t SSS"-."-ct s Uh i Brnnil6 f tho mo t tb lv,neUly answeriry; paper; Alt " "cwion was cspecUrt lurchmejx,ts. AW A u.. l.,n' ,ms ot Ls Angeles, Utcd thVfw Cf0re the board nd t p0rt J1 hn(1 been Informed that fnfTa ,i J e P"rPOs of public Wo,,imme,1,atelynort0of tbo II IM ;TUcBe which had cost .NtuilBach.bt reason of tbo rb toi,, h1Je'he would be will- U,,.M0 n. Ben 10" o the Port .W''Jpflll ,torma of 4'000 cas1'. M,Cw::rrnoyear-flnd'3'- tat i.. MIOre two vear t a o- Ce,tPab, ae"-annually. hit v.. " Peck, attomov nt ., . H. AY"rchaeel the corner lots mJ0t ,2'000' and the tho Z. V " Wou,d be unwiso Purchase unless Mr. Peck would bo wllllnr to sell his lots. Mr. PetSc stated that .ho did not dcslro to BQUflt nil, but tlmt If It would assist tbo Port, ho wonlll put his lots lu at nn nQvanco of ten jier cent or Interest on his money. .TUo board voted to cloao tho deal with both Mr. Adams and Mc Peck, and tlio board will now havo n start for .ltc public wharves nnd doiiks, owning thirteen lots pur chased, tit a price of U2.200. To-day tho papor3 aro being executed. Theso lota nro ;tventy-flvo ;fot front on tho street, nnd togother wlUi half of tho I'Xroot, l ,givo tho Por,t a frontage of threo hundred and fltty-flve feet. Tho lots at vory deop, l'olng nbout two hundred .bnd fifty feet to tho har bor 2 1 no. That Itov. M. II. Io-on Is a small heavyweight Is pronounced by all who seo him. This his sermons aro heavy with sound teaching is attested by all who hoar him. Ills train of thought, so Xar from being llko a string of empty fiat cars, rattling by, likely to jump tho track at any small provocation; Is compar- nblo rathor to tho heavily loaded train thundering nlong, Impressing ono with tho greatness of Its valuo and tho weight of its merchandise. No tricks aro used by Mr. Lyon. Ills sermons aro strong appeals to men nnd woipen to dojcldo for Jesus Christ. Ho keeps his coat on, baspot as yel Injured tho pulpit, and tbo chairs thus far havo no need of repairs. In n word, ho has proved himself a pro fessional ovangelist but void of mod ern professionalism. Work of Securing a Jury Pro gressing Slowly in Cir cuit Court. Tho Whlto murder case Is on trial in tho Circuit Court nt Coquillo. Nino Jurymen havo beon selected, but It Is likely that only flvo of theso will bo ncecptcd by both sides. Tho selection of tho Jury Is progressing slowly. Tho case Is being tried beforo Judgo Coko. C. R. narrow of Coquillo and G. T. Troadgold of Ilnndon aro tho attor neys for tho defense. Il Is understood that a plea of In sanity will bo tbo dofonso. Whlto Is a yonng mnn who lived at Bandon nnd who last wlner killed his step father at tho family homo. Ho wns angered because tho stop-father was living at tbo houso and was not working. Estimate To-Day Shows About That Number of Names on Books. Tho registration beforo tho primar ies closes to-morrow when those who havo been registering tho voters nutst forwnrd their paporB to tho County Clerk, Tho registration books open again after tho primaries nnd voters enn register for tho election. Practi cally every notary ln tho city has hnd registration blanks nnd havo register ed nt lenst Bomo voters. Eight or ton of theso woro moro convenient tlinn othorB and did most of tho register ing. A canvass of tlioso who havo been handling tho registration papers shows thnt nbout 025 voters havo reg istered In Mnrshfiold. This is nbout wbnt was expected. Of tho 025 votora who woro regis tered In Mnrsliflcld nbout twenty por cent are not voters In this city but voto In other precincts nnd registered while In Mnrshfiold. This would leave about 7 1 0 of tho total regis tered In this city who Will voto in tho threo precincts of tho city. T BALL SCORE XOTICK AM) WAlLVISfl. Notice 's hereby given that aJl prop erty owners witbln 100 feet of n streot In which there Is a sewer or less than bnlf n bIock'(no matter how largo thohlock Is) from a sower must connect up with sower within fifteen days from dato of this notice. Said connection must bo mndo by a li censed plumber. This condition Is imposed by a city ordlnaneo and I have no option but to enforce it. Parties living near a sower and whose places are not con nected up with It are requested to so. euro a copy of tbo orainanco irom City Recorder Butler and Inform themselves concerning this provision. Persons not complying with it aro subject to arrest and a fine and It is my duty to seo that this is enforced. Residents of South Marshfleld and Railroad Addition aro respectfully re quested to look this up. O. W, TRIBBEY, Sower Inspector. Office, 620 Central Ave. Phono 185-J. Sept. Htb, 1910. LYON HOT SHOTS. "If tho churches and Christian peo plo woro tnkon out of Marshflold, tho blackest hearted infidel would sell his proporty for twenty cents on tho dol lar. It is the gospel of Christ that makes any community worth living in." "I havo more respect for tho sa loonkeeper who acknowledges ho is serving tbo devil and expects to go to hell than I havo for a church mem ber who rents his building for that daranablo purpose. "Can anything bo moro contempt! bio than the coward who is afraid to take a stand for the right for fear ho will lose the trade of the vicious ele ment?" "Did you ever know of a town try ing to build up by advertising its largo number ot booze Joints and dis orderly houses?" "The high toned club that tempts men to drjnk is just as much an agent of tho devil as tbo low down saloon. What right has tbo one to deal out booze without a license any moro than tho other?" WILL THY TLAGG CASK. North Bend Dlvorvo mid Criminal Ac tion Will Both Coiuo Up. Tho d Ivor co suit of Inez Flngg against Oron Flagg Is to como up at this term of tho Circuit Court. Tho defendant Is tho young man who was arrested whllo leaving tho country In company with his slstor-in-lnw, Cleo Covey. It was charged by tho wife that ho was running awny with tho younger girl, Miss Covey, nnd Flagg was arrested and brought bnck and bound ovor to await the action of tho Grand Jury. In tho divorce bill this Is charged and nlso cruelty is alleged. It Is said thnt there will be no defense prosonted by tho defendant In tho divorce suit. FJngg claims that ho was not guilty of anything wrong whon nrrested in company with his sister-in-law. Ho claims, his attorney stntes, that tho girl was going away to find work and that as ho was also going away thoy loft together. Both tho criminal caso against Flagg nnd tho divorco case will como up at this term of court. Portland Loses Game Played Yesterday With the Oak land Team. (By Associated Press.) PORTLAND, Sopt. 13. Portland lost a gamo to Onkland yostcrday. Tho Bcorea of yesterday wero us follows: AT OAKLAND R. Oakland 2 Portland o AT LOS ANGELES K. Los Angeles 0 San Francisco 3 T. W. Plaistcd Chosen Gover nor Over Republicans By . Big Majority. TWO DEMOCRATIC CONGRESSMEN ELECTED. Republicans Lose Majority in Both the State Senate and Lower House. (By Associated Press.) , PORTLAND, Me., Sopt. 13. Tho Democrnts of Mnino hnd no difficulty to-dny In contemplating tho magni tude of their victory yestordny ln tho strugglo with tbo Republicans. With two Bcorcs of small obscuro forest towns nnd Islnnd plantations to bent from tho returns glvo Colonol Fred W. Plaistcd, Domocrnt, 72,711 votes for Governor, nnd Governor Bert M. Fernnld, Republican, 43,090. Two Domocrnllc Congressmen woro also electod. Tbo mnke-up of tho Legisla ture carries great interest, as tho suc cess of tho Democrats may moan tho resubmission to tho people of tho vexed prohibitory liquor law nnd n cholco for local option in the snlo of Intoxicating liquors. LeglNlatiuv Also. Coniploto returns on tho voto on Stnto Senators show that tho Demo crats have 21 out of tho 31 ucntii. Tho last Stnto Sonata was mndo up ot 9ft T?nnitli1lfnna nml tlirtift rintnrAn t a With but four representative dis tricts to bo completed, tho Domocrnts have elected 8-1 Representatives and tho Republicans 03. DEMOCRATS NO PRESN T THE WHEAT MARKET. (By Associated Press.) CHICAGO, Sept. 13. The wheat market to-dny closed as follows: Sep tember, .95c; December, 99c; May, Jl.05. Phone I. S. Kaufman & Co. Joal Order. $4.50 TEH TON. your MRS. A. Q. AIKEN will have her fall and -winter millin ery on display on and after SEPTEMBER 14 IIIG POLITICIAN HERE. Donnls Flynn, prominent politician of Oklahoma City, Okla., arrived in tho city last night on tho Roseburg stago and Is the guest of Col. William Grimes. Mr, Flynn has beon enter taining Vice-President Sherman at his home just before departing for Coos Bay., During tho territorial days, Mr. Flynn -was a Congressman from Oklahoma and now Is one of the most prominent Republicans and cap- Mtalists of tbe State. II. 1 3 II. 3 5 PERSONAL .HENTION. SHERIFF GAGE Is horo to-day from Coquillo. F. A. SACCHI was at Sumner yester day on a visit, DR. J. W. INGRAM went to North Bend this morning. GEOnGE W, W ATKINS was In Co quillo to-day on business. ERIC BOLT has gono to Golden FnllB for a few days' recreation. JOHN HENDRICKS of North Coos Rlvor was In tbo city to-day. ATTORNEY O. A. Solby will go to Coquillo to-morrow on business. TOM BENNETT was in Coquillo To day to look after business in court. M. J. McKENNA of tho Cody Lumber Company of Bandon Is in tho city to-day. MISS LUCY IIORTON loft yesterday for Seattlo wbero sho will attend tho University of Washington. MISS JESSIE CHASE, who Is to be ono of tho teachers ln tho Marsh flold schools, arrived ln tho city on tho steamer M. F. Plant. MRS. MORRIS, an elderly lady of Co- quillo, was brought horo to-day and taken to Mercy Hospital. Sho Is In poor health duo to old ago. II. S. WIEDER, who has been In tho oity visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. It, M. Wlodor, will leavo to day on tho steamer M. F. Plant for San Francisco. DISTRICT-ATTORNEY GEORGE M. BROWN left for Marshfleld and Coquillo Saturday, where ho will attend tho regular term of court for Coos county. Rosoburg News. JOE JOSEPHSON has resigned his position In Foote's pantntorlum and has taken a place with the Marsh fleld Cleaning Works. W. E. Footo has taken Josepheon's place in tho Footo shop. MRS. II. S, TOWER and daughter, Miss Nora Tower, accompanied Mr. Tower who left yesterday for Failed to Attend Meeting of Re publicans of Ballinger- nncnot committee. (By Associated Press.) CHICAGO, Sopt. 13. A mooting of tho Republican mombors ot tho Bnlllnger-Plnchot Investigating com mltteo Is being bold to-day. As was expected tho Democratic momborn nnd Madison, tho Insurgont Republi can, who on Friday mndo publlo thoir findings which condomned tho official acts of Dalllnger, failed to attond to day's session. All tho Republican mombors oxcopt Flint, who Is abroad, aro In nttondance. His nbsenco will result In no quorum. It Is reported, however, that Cbalrmnn Nelson has a lottor from Flint authorizing him to cast his voto with tho majority of tho Republicans. THREE NEGROES LYNCH Are Executed Under Mob Law Rule Near Tiptonville, Tenn. (By Associated Press.) NASHVILLE, Tenn.. Sept. 13. Will Sharp nnd both tbo Bruco no groes woro lynched near Tlptonvlllo, Tenn., last night, They attempted to assault two little girls. Charles City, la., whoro ho waa called on account of tbe illness of his mother. HARRY WINKLER, of tho Busy Corner, and W. J. Conrad, aro spending a fow days at the Herbert Rogers place on Coos Rlvor, nnd putting in their tlmo fishing and hunting a good tlmo. CAPT. HARRIS is here from Sumner, paving como down yesterday to at. tend tho meeting of tho Port Com mission. Capt. Harris hns sold his dairy business at Sumnor, but still rotalns his rosldonce there. II. W. PAINTER will BUY your APPLES. Phono 241. MRS. A. G. AJKEN will have her fall and winter millin ery on display on and after SEPTEMBER 14 il ?, -, & i mmmmwmam Ut. Btjij,t-r'--'-.iii. f jllfrfrtrV'i.- fc-Ej-W i-i ).J,UULj. -jUMihJgSjft pppMISBJSMyij i , MBSapSSBSJyPlSSJSMMSSlBMI