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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1910)
THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELP, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1910 EVENING EDITION- 8 I Home Addition to Eastside-Now on the Market This addition is situated immediately East of new Eastside Mill The lots are 100x211 and larger, about 8 ordinary lots; and prices are $150.00 up for these large tracts. This plat was filed Wednesday last, and we have only 1 5 lots remaining unsold. This in dicates that the property is interesting to purchasers, and anyone wishing to secure a lot should act promptly. Terms-one-half cash, balance equal payments 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. For particulars, see TITLE GUARANTEE AND ABSTRACT CO. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Manager. General Agents "Eastside." 8 44 $m Tw f Continued from pago 2) agan, who Is to bo innrrloil. It wat n roclpo Bhowor nntl onch guest wuh expected to bring hor fnvorlto recipe, Tho hostess presented Miss Flanngan -with n recipe book In which tliu Tcclpcs woro Inscribed mid signed by each guest. The guests brought their sowing nnd nttcr spending tho after noon enjoyed refreshments. Tliu In vited gucstsvltcd guests woro .Mrs. vltod guests woro Mrs. Thomas Hurry of Empire, Mrs. C. I-', McColluin, tho Aliases Shorldnn of Ilosoburi: Mrs. I. 8. Smith, Mrs. C. S. Wlnsor, .Mrs. (1. !nl ""Joyed i progrnin of rending! V. llcnnle, Sirs. Arthur MeKoown.l""'1 iwilcl numbers. .Mr. nnd Mrs. Mrs. Herbert I.ockhnrt, Mrs. J. w'KubsoII hnvo been nctlvo In tho church Flanngan, Mrs. J. II. Flanagan, Mrs. worlt "l Nort" d " nvo manj L. J. Simpson nnd Miss Anno Flniiti-. "ends there. tnn. Ford, I, B. Knufmnn, A. T. Unities, J. V. Smeaton, E, Mlngus, Henry Songstnckon, Francos Hnznrd, Colby 1'orry, I,. H. Noblo, IN M. Wilbur nnd M. C, Mnloncy. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wlllnrtl Russell o' North Demi woro tendered n fnrewcll reception Tuesday evening by the inemborH of tho North Hcnd Mothodlst Church. Tho nffnlr wns held in the church pnrlors. Mr. Russell nnd his wlfo nro leaving for Seattle, where thoy will make their home. About one hundred persons were present M AGNES & MATSON M A G N E S & M A TS 0 N M A G N ES & M A TS 0 N MAGIMES & MATSON o CO 03 CO UJ CD THE GREATEST htJM, LJpjLa FOR. WOME V Society O CO r- X 2 03 CO UJ CD o CO CO UJ 1 to California, and will bo Bono nuout ... . rrt two months .j. .5. 4. Mrs. Jens Hanson and children of Forndnlo, who have beon spending n fow weeks with lolntlvoB nt Gardiner' lire expected homo Monday. i John n. Smith nnd wlfo of North Hcnd wuro host nnd hostess nt n de lightful llttlo Italian dinner nt their homo In honor of Mr. nnd Mrs. Roy IMUo of San Frnnclbco, Tho Smith homo was prettily docorntod for tho occasion. Among their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Hoy IMke of Snn Fran cisco, Mr. nnd Mrs. I. J. Simpson, dipt. Kdgnr Simpson nnd Mr. Hoach. Tho wedding of Hobort F. Oebhnrdt ol North llond mid Miss Susan Marie Klekworth of Mnrshlleld took place U'..,l.,.wl.,.. .,.., .1... ,.,.,, . t.iivKiiu; uim uiu(i 111 uw nullum 1 I'hurch In this oltj. Hov. Fnthor Hal lntthor olllelnted. The ehurch wa tastefully decorated for tho occasion by tho mombors of tho Altnr Society. Tho bildo wns nttonded by Mrs. Charles Kalsor nnd wore nn Imported lingerie gown, hand embroidered nnd trimmed In lace. Tho bridal veil of white tullo was fastened with sweet peas. Sho carried n'prajer book and bouquet of sweet peas and aspaiagu CD C Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Housoworth, who Tho I.ndles' Aid Society of tli.i havo been vlsltlnir In tho cltv. left Swedish Lutheran Church held Its this week for Snn Francisco. Tho.v monthly meeting nt tho church par- sailed on tho steamer Hedondo. From lors Wednesday nftomoon. An edify- San Francisco they will go to their lug program wns carried out nnd ro-limine In Oklahoma. While In tho city parts from committees were submit- many social attaint were given In ted. Misdnmos Victor Kuduess nnd their honor. Dr. Houseworth Is n Vlc'or O?ron served tho refreshments twin brother of Dr. A. L. Ilouaoworth"'"" to tho full nttondnnrn nrnHmit. Tim of lliln cllv. " next meeting will bo.hold tho first p Wednesday in Octobor. I mis. e. s. llnrgelt and Mrs. J. A. Mntson lenvo Tuesdny for Mod ford, A Jolly party of young folk nldod , where they will visit Mrs. H. T. Vnn. Miss Mnrlo Wheeler celebrnto her docar. From Medford they will go lonricenia uirinany yestordny. wns In tho nnturo of n lnunch pnrty nnd Included n plcnlo nt tho Sand Hills. Tho wonther was dollghtful nU n more pleasant ovoiit hns sol Mom beon onjoyed. Among those In tho pnrty were Mrs. Mnuzey, Mabel Mnuxey, Einiim Hoar, llnttle Wheel er, Mnrlo Wheoler, Eva Hnnson, Georgo Hnnson, Deva Wheeler, Fran, ces I.nng, Dnlo Mnuzoy, Alice Muu stey, Edgnr Mauzey. 8overal soclnlly prominent people nro expected on the Hay shortly from Snn rrnnclsco who will visit Mr. and Mrs Sla'pson nt North llond and Thee Veres. During Mr. nnd Mr I'lke's stay, a number of pleasant af fairs nro being planned. One of tho plensnnt nttto trips of tho sonxon wns onJood last Sundnj by a double qunrtetto of Mnrshlleld Itos. Judgo Coko nnd wlfo nnd W. T Merchant nnd wife In Judgo Coko's nuto, nnd Dr. 11. E. Sehooninaker nnd wife nnd Tom Harvoj and wife In the SehoPiimnkor ear. They went fiom Mnrshlleld to Dora vln Sumner, thenco to Coqulllo and Myitlo Point, returning homo nbout 10 P. M., tliod but hnppj ns n result of their dn' outing 'MM m, Wl B rossftoe I jjossstoe TKADEiURC B C TKADE.MARK T'M rTT. O CO r- CO UJ CD S 0f KjV Compllmontary to Mr. nnd Mrs. p, fastened with n streamer of Jtoy M Pike of Snn Francisco, whotulle" Ctiarloa Kalsor nttonded tin nro MsP'ng Mnur nnd Mrs. Simpson .Booni as best mnn. Tho nuptials of Nor U llond, n dollghtful dinner PUM" witnessed only by near relatles vns tilwn them on the Ith Inst. The,01 Ul I'outraetlng pnrtles. Following 2 j Tho Red Cross Tanning Process Thi oiiloitr lot li 2" lionul a lit wctki; ;ld, i la haur lbs O linolnt piicb tnilfcum the Uiihcr. Thl la CO wbroiJInirr ihoi led i tot tiiii hir, hr r iUr driw oi (mi, .. Th R,4 Clou toll i Unstd bj ilxfW ,.. SOU Ihtl tlttl III moatbi"-you cm biaj lldoubli when BW, 3 LoosrosTOicnupiiLuc You want style. You want comfort Get both in the Red Cross Shoe but of regular thick ncss, The Red Cross Shoe has a flexible sole, not thin. It bends with vnnr tnct m It gives it perfect protection nnd support and relieves all the strain inc. burning and drawing caused by stiff sole shoes tl,cst'n We carry the Red Cross Shoe in the latest and most popular stvir, I'sssar stylc you ,ike and wcar ftrf-J?5&ffi Come in and let us show them to you. Oxford, $3.50 and $4.00. High Shoe. $4.00 and $5.00 Old Town house was beautifully dec orated for the affair. A wealth of flowers fiom Shoro Aores transformed tho beautiful Simpson homo Into n orltnblo bowor. Tlios.o enjoying Mrs Simpson's hospltnllty with the recipients were Mr. and Mrs. John 11 Smith iud Mr. Itonch, .j. .j. .;, Mrs J. T. McCormnc gave a card party Tuesday nftomoon nt hor home. Tho guests plnyod bridge after which rofreshnionts were toned. The llrst prlte was won by Mrs. Hugouo O'Con. ncll and tho second prlzo by Mrs. J. V, Bmeaton. Tho guosts included losdanies Eugeno O'Counoll, William ' O CO the son Icos at tho ehurch, n delicious breakfast was served at tho home of tho brldo's parents, Mr. and Mrs. K A. Klekwoith, In South Mnrshlleld. for tho wedding pnrty, Tho bride Is well known ln1r Mnrshlleld nnd Is ospeolnlly ndnilrod for hor talent as n plnnlste. Tho, groom formerly lived In California I 3 nut came to Coos Hay just aftor the earthquake. Ho Is a well known bus-1 1 11 ess man of North llond. Mr. and Mrs. Oobhardt will go north op their wedding tour nnd oxpect to return 1 to Coos Hay to mako their home. 1 I an MAGNES CO Ul MAT Exclusive Dealers SON MARSHFIELD wm (,.1MAGNES & MATSON MAGNES & MATSON MAGNES & MATSON OREGON S o a m M 2 H V) O z 2 CO 2 m (A 9? 2 H () O z Q 2 m CO H ( O 2 O z m H CO o z 2 5 O l TuiiViU 1 , 1 XrfV' ! & S o z m s H a 7Z MAGNES & MATSON Cy