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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1910)
RiMSSfKsi T3flOBmK9GU$ffigZBS THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1910 EVENING EDITION T Williams, Iona HutchhTrj5' 1 Inms, Messrs, Wlllard h,,.?! nbout half nast ton. light refresh Smith, A. L. Qubser, I'ormllla Strauss, W. II. Chanpollo.i Edgar McDaniels, J. E. Stevens, C. A, Noll ner, Henry Hoeck, M. L. Grout, El mer Russell, Walter Ptitman, C. A. COOS BAY TIMES Entered at too postofllce at Marsh &ld, Oregon, for transmission ftroum tho niallB aB second qjais Bail matter. ments wero served. Every ono nte, enjoyed themselves, Joined la tho singing of "God Bo With You Till Wo Meet Again," and about oloven all went homo. Tho names of those present wero as follows: Mosdamcs Wlllard Russell, P. W. Stevens, Win. Nellson, S. C. Reynolds, S. E. Now klrk, M. E. Evoritt, D. C. Vaughan, C. A. Ackerman, Peter Miller, K. V. Kruse, J. A. Woodhull, J. 0. Kinney, L. T. Matthews, D. A. Jones, A. H. tor Putman, Prank NW.;. 'H mm Plorson, A. L. Qubser, m I ' & A. Ackerman, M. miIi.i.w'cI Ackerman, Louis Ualslgor, A. M. Lar son, 0. J. Van Zllo, C. A. McKelllps, H. J. Isaacs, Misses Hattlo Hage, An nlo Smith, Lily Pulley, Ida Huntley, Blgcr, C. A. Nollner, win J S. Taylor, P. w. 2'JS Addreis nit communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES, JshflcId :: :: :: :: Oregon Vaughan, A. H. Ktowtton, i A "VU. 111 J. P. Tate, E. E. Qurnea, Juno Young, Kranlc Ruth Matthews, Gertrude Nowklrk, Geneva Smith, Gladys Kranlc, Cnrrio M. Stevens, Dlnnche McNny, Blanche Phono I. S. Kaufman & Co. M. O. MALONKY Editor and Pub. AN K. MALONKY News Editor Hit I ji uiuur. 9i,iMl I Kit T0 WMwjM&I' sI 1 III Mm HEAIl THIS IN MIND. THE GOOD LOUD gavo Coos Bay everything concclvablo in the way of a groat and perfect harbor. Wo shall bu making mighty poor uso of it If wo fall to protect, maintain and dovolop it as an organic port under tho law! MORALS OP MEN AND PALITIES. MUNICI- AVERY HONEST CITIZEN of Mnrshfleld, and there are many of them, should and will commend and compliment Council man A. II. Powors for tho manly and courageous stand ho took at the council meeting tho other night In tho matter of tho stories of nlleged graft that arc being booted nUout tho town. It falso these scandnlous stor ies should liavo a quiotUB placed upon them by being stuffed down tho lying thronts of tho low and lonthesomo crcaturos who utter them. If truo, then lot us havo Much a searching In vestigation as will forovcr purgo us of tho moral turpitude Involved in tholr dovolopmont. No mntter upon what lovol wo find ourselves In this life It Is well to re momber tho degree below iib, It Is n saving phnsu wo are likely to appro ciato. Cities, like men, 11 ml their levels In trade and civic standards and moral attitudes; and they 11 ml tho lower, because of tholr persistent re fusal to recognize and reach for tho higher; and this makes It ossontlnl that thoy uhould remember, and shun, tho degruu below. City and man can sink to a common deph and yot live. It Is only when they ronch tho ilnnl gulf, tho last degree below, that they disappear and are forgotten. Thoro Is nu Infinite mutuality be tween cities nud their builders and maintainors; and the type, title and temperament of tho latter aro fixed, indelibly, upon the former. Nor will tho physical endowment, howsoever rich nnd lavish and beautiful, for nn Instant qualify or even pnrtnlly ob literate, tho shamoful signs and signals set up to n city's disgrace and undoing. It Ih dllllcult to dotormlno tho dif ference in tho degree of moral turpi tude betwoon tho greedy grafter and tho snoaklng scandal mongor. Both nrn liinrnl floifiniirn(mf if n tviwi Hint " --"- . Thursday ovonlng n party was given for Alva Grout at his homo In North Bond. It wns arranged by Ms friends as a farewell as ho is leaving to-day for Portland nnd will go to Eugene to attend tho State university. Tho affair was a candy pull and tlioso in attendanco enjoyed a splendid eve ning. Tho guests wero Misses Helen Monde, Marlon Hovcnor, Amy Reyn olds, Edith Alger, Ethel Motzlor and Nora Hague, and Mossrs. Jny Gray, Marion Roynolds William Wood, Ar- chlo Taylor and Ben Grout. Mayor and Mrs. L. J. Simpson of North Bond, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Roy Plko of San Francisco, havo gone to Shoro Acres, Mr. Simpson's country place, for n visit. 4. 4. .j. Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Housoworth gavo a whist party Monday night for Dr. nnd Mrs. J, L. Housoworth. The prizes wero won by Mrs. Van Duyn nnd Pord. Painter. Tho guests In cluded tho following: P. M. Parsons, C. It. Peck, Eugono Crosthwnlte, E. P. Morrlsey, William Grimes, Charles Van Duyn, A. T. Halnos, W. E. War wick, and Dorsey Kreltzor, nnd their Wives, Mrs. Elllo Pnrrtngcr, Miss Maudo Pnlntor, Thnyor Grimes, Ar thur Peck, Otto Morrlsey nnd Pord. Painter. ! ! Tho social given by tho ladles of the M. E. Church at Logglo's Hall in ortn licnu inst ovciung wns a suc cess, both socially and financially. As tho result of tho "white elephant" unction nnd the sale of tho sand wiched nnd cofTee, they cleared tho sum of $ 17.20. Attorney A. II. Derbyshire as auctioneer proved n grand success and did much towards the evening's eutertalumeut. Tho numbers on tho musical program, both instrumental and vocal, wero all of exceptional merit nnd wero highly appreciated. ''Choosing a Minister," a rending by Mrs. Elsie McKelllps, showed what Is expected of n min uter. After tjio program nud unc tion there was n general social time, which nil. enjoyed till n late hour. " I.nst Tuesday, Mrs. J. R. Smith was accompanied by Miss Gurnoa. Miss Blancho Williams recited "God Bless tho Parson Who Took the Deans," n short but laughable poem. Mr. Plorson followed with tho song, "Rocked In tho Crndlo of tho Deep." Upon being recalled sang "Tho King of tho Deep Am I." Mrs. L. C. Reyn olds wns accompanist. The last num ber was a protty piano solo by Miss Gurnen. Upon request of tho pros ldcnt of tho Ladles' Aid, Messrs. Ual slgor, Davenport nnd Qubser mndo a fow remarks in appreciation of tholr work in the church nnd rcgrots of Mr. nnd Mrs. Russoll leaving us. Mrs. Russoll wns presented by Mrs. Nollson in behalf of tho Aid Society with a small hand-pnlntcd plate. At Special Bargains DON'T forget that wo still soil FRUIT JARS, ltUIUlKltS AND TOPS. Ono Knowlton Jar PREE with each $100 purchase. Trade Here and Save Money COOS BAY CASH STORE GEO. N. BOLT, Mgr. jpmmmmmmwmimmmww Front St. Marshfield drag their associates and their cities pink nud white tosch suspended over to tho degrco below. tho luncheon tnblo ndded a protty It Ib easy to understand that Pitts-1 touch to. the decorations. Tho favors Have You Tried Foster and (Wear's Fine Candy? IP YOU HAVEN'T YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE MISSED. WE HAVE MADI3 CONFECTION ERY OUR STUDY FOR YEARS. HAVING IUR OWN CHOCOLATES MADE BY A FIRST-CLASS CANDY Riivii 11 nlnk and whim liinnhiMin noni.iAKKR. "NT THEY DID NOT pllinentary to Miss Anno Plnnngnn, n K(HTAL THIS LINE. brlde-olect, nt tho beautiful Smith I WB l,AVK JUST KBCEIVED A homo In North Bond. Beautiful pink SHIPMENT OP THIS LINE INCLUD- nnd whlto roses predominated In tho i'iiauticaluy EVERYTHING llower scheme. A wedding boll of !,N u,c,n a'tADE CANDY. A.MUHJ.VT I'OIKJKT OUR HOME MADE TAFFIES,, PEANUT, ETC. PURE ICE CREAM IS OUR burg Is morally banned; that her bus iness and commerce, generally, must suffer from tho onus that lies upon her. One realizes tho Instant ho sets foot In Senttlo, Just what tho "Soattlo Spirit" stands for, the grasping, oer. riding, the got-rlch-qulck-niiy-old-wny Idea that marks her people as with a In and and Is doing her no good. The wero dainty sllppors filled with rice. It was ono of tho prettiest luncheons of tho sonson. Among her guests were .Mrs. C. P. McCollum, Mrs. T. II. Barty, Misses Minnie nnd Grace Sher idan nud Miss Flanagan. I.nst evening, n dollghtful dancing party wns tendered by tho Mllllcomn SPECIALTY. Lewis' story of San Francisco's shnuio and) Club to the members and their liulr I Mrdw''. t'n low levels to which she was forcod Confectionery 8 XX XX :: XX - :: xx Have You Some Cash? If so, do you want to invest it where it should double in a year or less ? IN ORDER TO GET SOME READY MONEY, I HAVE THROWN ELEVEN LOTS OF MARSHFIELD WATER FRONT HOLDINGS ON THE MARKET AT CONSIDERABLY LESS THAN THEY COST ME. THEY LIE AT THE NORTH END OF BROADWAY AND EXTEND FROM THE FRONT STREET ELEVATED PLANK ROADWAY TO THE HARBOR LINE, 25 FOOT FRONTAGE. THEY ARE IMMEDIATELY NORTH OF THE STANDARD OIL WAREHOUSE AND ARE LOTS NO. 3 TO 13, INCLUSIVE, BLOCK 65, BENNETT'S ADDITION. WILL SELL ONE OR MORE LOTS AT EITHER END, BUT WILL NOT SEPARATE THEM. THESE LOTS ARE FOR SALE AT $1,050 EACH. TERMS ONE-HALF CASH AND BALANCE IN THREE YEARS AT SIX PER CENT INTEREST. THIS OFFER IS GOOD FOR ONLY A FEW DAYS AS I EX PECT TO LEAVE TUESDAY FOR LOS ANGELES AND IT WILL BE WITHDRAWN THEN. APPfy to A. A. ADAMS Chandler Hotel ::::ttt Mni'NhuYM. I Is too frosh and fouUomo to be re pented hero. Mnrshllold linn upruuic up nud for ward In the pant fow years, to bettori levels nud points than sho aspired to for years anil she U making good, Hlowly porhnps, but nuking good nil tho HHinc. Tharo art tho who l .111 lit Ml I'll at liu liunb ti tli.i - - " "" " "" lnl, friends. Between thirty nud forty ! ofliiploft ware In attendance. Tho olub wna prettily decorated for the occasion. It Is planned to give n number of dnnclng nnd card parties there during the full and winter montliB. 4. 4. . Miss Hattlo llnguo, Mlts Catherine Mwntlt), MiM Ida II. Mitchell nnd Hen- Keep Your Feet Dry- And Make Life's Walk j EASY mmmm:mm:m:mm:tmmmmmm:mn!l below and ktwu htr there, but wery Monde have gono to Miss MltoheU's oplno their tnsk Is harder and more 'home near Allegany for an outing, thunklots as tlma goes on. Tho time I is past when nny sop or story may b A large number of the mombers of I thrown to this people for their spot (the church nnd friends of Mr. nnd swallowing. Sho Is coguliant of the, Mrs. Russoll attended the reception level below nnd tho level above, until Kit on by tho Ladles' Aid Society of her trend nnd hope are upward. Make 'North Bond Tuesday evening nt eight i n noto of this. o'clock. For an hour they enjoyed i . themselves In conversation. At nine, ' CRANBERRY RANCHES. a brief but very Interesting pro-' o have them for s:ik cheap. They gramme was given. The first nuui aro money junkers. Let us tell you ber was n piano solo by Miss Kranlc. about them and show you what we Miss draco Williams then sang n have. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. very pretty song, -Tatters." She mmamitdmm bitawl-mrtwMgimffiOTrn..B.BMH fl ASIC THP MAM FOB Sunset Vanilla AM) YOl'LL GUI' THK BIST TURKU IS AND THE MOST FOB V)l It MONKY. IP YOlIt GUOCEU WILL NOT SFIU'LY VOL' Co MB TO I'S. BROWN iLwn iw tt im ti DRUG CO. MANl'FACTrRING CHEMISTS remtKigirsta At last I have securod eoniethliu that every man In Coos cattnty hns been desirous of securing a water proof, cushion soled shoe. They nre guaranteed by the mnkor nnd by me. They nre tho famous l'NKOIATIC SOLED SHOES, and aro mndo by Sharood Shoe Cor porntlon of St. Paul. They Just a rived on the last boat, n compVu lino of nil sizes and several stylor They are a little bit the finest thing have over had to offer, and nr some thing thnt Coos Bay men should re Jolco nt bolng able to sectre. Th price M the same as you would Hve to pay If you bought In St. Pan', v maker stumping it fti the sole o; .each shoe. And while wo nre talking abou shoes, I wish you would drop In nn 1 see the many other good ones that ' .carry In stock dross shoes, eery !lay shoes and loggers' shoes. I Itemember this when you or any of your family noed shoo recalling, becnuso by patronUltig Lund you are not only savins money but you are ei'cournglng a good Industry for Coos Bay. O. O. LUND, "The man Mho does things right." No. titn South Broadway, Murshilold. Myers Marshfield Store Don't Delay in. seeing our beautiful Fall Wearing Apparel for Women. Among this week's arrivals are Long Covert Coats in light and medium shades. Black Broadcloth Coats, Capes, Suits, Voile and Serge Skirts, Silk and Wool Dresses, Corsets. Mus lin Underwear, Dress Trimmings, including braids, buttons, nets, etc. Hair Goods, Sweaters, Scarfs, etc., and many other lines. You can't afford to stay away from the Myors Storo now if you are an admirer o beautiful clothes. And you can't afford to stay away if you appreciate the worth of your money. All we ask is a fair comparison of our ooods and prices. Better val ues this season than ever and our prices have always led. Look for oar Ful! Page Fall Opening Announcement in next, Tuesday's issue of The Times. 8 EQfci Ok .mi'i