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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1910)
THE COOS BAY TIMES,- MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1910-EVEMIN0mm0N- wmini,mmw,t'mmm wjww iwiiimiiBiwi"iWxjiwi u ufmmrKmmMrm m w wi ,. . - - mmmTm " $w ';& f?:m, mm' ' ' v W -v. :v J "IS MY HAT ON STRAIGHT?" Get Your Heaters Now si'MMEIt IS OVER AND THE CHILL OF THE FALL Mm...... A.M) l',l',.l.1U9 it iiiim.iiiii" i" i'iniv 1111$ .- M.t',ii iu nnnivvivn rvn Miim . DlXlVn ROOM AND SITTING ROOM A TRIFLE UNCOMF()HTAll, EST ON THE MARKET. WE HAVE SOME OF THE BE I CONTRIBUTIONS concerning ioclal happenings, Intondcd for publication In the society depart mont of The Times, must bo sub mltted to tho editor not lator than G o'clock p. m. Friday of oach week. Excoptlona will bo allowed only In cases whore ovonts occur" lator than tho time mentioned.) AN OLD SONG REJUVENATED. I cannot wear tho old hair I woro sonio months gono by. I'vo laid It on tho topmost shelf With many a weary sigh. No longer nro thoy wearing puffs, And rats aro qtilto do trop; 1 cannot wear tho old hair Oh, what a cruel blowl ' I cannot wear tho old hair For which good gold I paid. Red hnlr Is so pxponslvo whon Ono gets tho proper simile. I folt so dressed whon It was colffpd. All llttlo puffs and curls; But I can't wear tho old hair. Alas for Fashion's whirls! I cannot wear tho old hair. Four switches J must buy And wind thorn round and round my head Ab flat as thoy will Ho. My faco Is far too plump for this; My noso Is much too long; But I can't wear tho old hair, It's nltogothcr wrong. -Llpplncott's Magazine. ably has dlscovored thnt somo other woman takes moro pains to please him than his wife docs. Tho neglected huBband or wlfo will i always ilnd a ready sympathizer; you may bo very sure of that. Tho lovo that wears to a shadow Is usually lovo that has been founded by tho senses, not by the heart. Unless thore be congeniality and companionship, lovo cannot last. Many n woman loses her husband Blmply because sho haB an overde veloped idea of her maternal duties. Sho sponds so much time worry ing and fussing over her babies that sho grows away from their father. He comes home tired from his day's work and looking forward to a pleas ant evening. Dut ho Is not allowed to speak nbovo a whisper and his wire can think of nothing bift the l children. Is It any wonder that eventually ho Logins to spend his evenings else where? Tho girls who put off marrying un- i til so Into that they liavo to bo con tent with nnythlng thoy can got, nr .choosing tho shadow of lovo instead of tho Btibstauco. Such a girl refuses tho man she PERSONAL notices of visitors in tho city, or of Coob Day people who visit In other cities, together with notices of ""nclul affairs, are gladly recotved In tho social do partirietu. Telophono 13:U. No tices of club meetings will bo pub lished nnd secretaries aro kindly requested to furnish samo. enjoyed a pleasant afternoon. Tho house was decorated with Oregon grapo and Bweot peas. Tho enter tainment was In honor of Mrs. D. M Richardson, who Is horo to visit her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Eugono O'Con noll. In tho brldgo game, Mrs. J. H. Mllno'r won tho first prlzo nnd Mrs. C. E. Nicholson tho second prlzo. Ai olaborato luncheon was sorvod. Tho Invited guests woro as follows: Mos dames B. M. Richardson, William Dungan, Hugh McLaln, E. Mlngus, William Horsfall Jr., J. II. Milncr, W,. S. Turpon, C. E. Nicholson, Hutchinson, P. A Snndborg, W. F. Miller, Geo. F. Murch, M. II. Dlivon, C. R. Peck, A. E. Polloxfon, W. T. Morchnnt, P. Honnessoy, W. S. Chnndlor, R. F. Williams, R. T. Street, J. W. Bonnott, W A. Toyo, f loves bocniiBO ho Is poor, and ondsi., n, awnr .Tnim s. finkn. by marrying a man who is hotter off,1 p A nnll1on c. R. Porrv. E. K. but whom sho never can really loro. JonciJi Bugono o'Connoll, L. M. No -i couiiriovo mat man, um. pcopio b Dom. Krotzor, i S. Kaufman, would think It so queor If I mnrrold i R K gtraw D Y. Stafford, 0. M. him," I onco heard n girl say. Tho j Montgonicry; w u DouB,nB( B. G man stuttorcd, nnd, simply because of, KlnnnKnn( J A LuB0 j NV IngrnIn, ;what others might think, tho girl ro-;wll ., a . L nousaworth, Hi- fused him. When n chnnco for real lovo comes your wny, tako it; don't wnlt for r. nd somotlmos, whon tho moon win shadow. V . red, Cnmo two young lovers newly, wod, 'I'm half sick of shadows,' said Lady of Shalott." Mrs. William Grimes gavo n bridge the party Tuesday afternoon nt hor home. It wob In honor of Mrs. J. L. House- , "wotli of Oklnhoma, who has boon vls- DO YOU KNOW tho story of tho Itlng In tho city. Tho Ilrst prlzo was poor, hapless Lady of Shalott, won by Mrs. M. II. Illlvon nnd tho sec who was forced to look nt life '"' prlzo by Mrs. Eugono Crosth- through tho medium of n looklnu wnlto. A special prlzo was won by glasa? I Mrs. Saroh E. Painter. After tho rnm Williams, Herbert Lcckhart, Ro becca Stump, J. A. Matson, Arthur Mc Kcown, C. W. Tower, T. S. Mlnot, Frank Hnguo, F. M. Parsons nnd E L. C Fnrrln nnd Misses Anno Flana gan and Ellznboth Kaufman , Bon Chandler, who hns been spend. lng tho summer with his pnronts. ,Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Chandlor, nt their bungalow on Coos Rlvor, loft to-day on tho steamer Droakwater for Port- 'Innd and from there will go to Eu- Sho sat with her back to a window enrd gamo, rotrcBhmonts wpro sorved. geno to rcsumo his studios nt tht llnlvnrsltv of Oroiron. Tim L'liOHtn Incliulod tho following: I . . . nnd wntchod tho world pass by In thu miIiii w i.' Miiinr t ii nilvnn ,, ' , ' . .Mesuamos w. t. .Minor, M. n. unon, W1 j ftm For,i of San Francisco nnd mirror, snys IJoatrlco Fairfax. Thoro F. M. Parsons, B. F. Morrlsoy. Eu- ,. ,,,, n.nnnnnu .,, i,i - imao otuti" wwiitiuii wv ! was n spoil on her. which decreed Kono Crosthwnlto, Dorsoy Kreltzor, that tho moment sho looked out ofC. R. Pock, J. L. Housuworth, A. L. tho window her life would end. HoiiBoworth, A. T. . Haines, W. E. Sho was contefit with hor looking Warwick, F. A. Haines, Elllo Fnrrln Klass vlow of life In all save whore Kor, Sarah E. Palntor and Charles lovo wob concernod. IVnn Duyn. When lovora pnssod, tho Lndy ofi Shalott folt faint longings for some-' Mr8 " M- Hlchardson, who has thing bettor thnn she had known; but ll00 ,n th clty visiting hor parents, Mt and cnrr,od a ihowor bouqot eho nover looked out of tho window. iM'. nd Mrs. Eugono O'Connoll, loft U08 Q th(j vn,loy Aft(jr th() co iiiun, ono uay, ttlO SliadOW Of tltO "" iHU ii"'r iur ruriiauu. boautlful Knight Sir Lancolot llndhmi Sho was accompanied by hor llttlo Into tho mirror. Alas for tho Lady of Shalott! En tranced by tho vision, sho turnod nnd iookoh out of tho window, nnd tho curso fell upon hor. Sho had boon nbio to withstand every temptation to loo): until uhi' foil In lovo. Don't bo contont with tho shadow of nnythlng If you can have the real ity. It Is nmazlug to see tho number of pooplo who nro content with the shadow of lovo. Elthor thoy Jhrvo nevor hnd roal lovo or thoy have worn It to n shadow. Nothing o quickly dulls lor m th commonplace. A woman nllow hor husband tc bio her In unnttrotive surroundings. She wears dowdy, ugly wrappers nnd screws her hnlr Into a tight, unbe coming knot. Aftor nwhllo, she be kIiib to complain that hor husband no longor loves her. Men nro very human, and ho prob- daughtor. Mayor Simpson of North Dond was tondored a birthday dinner at tht Chandler Hotol on tho evening of Septemhor 1st. Tho grill room, which wns used for tho occasion, was tastefully decoratod and n most en- Joynblo time wns had. Those present woro Mosdames Simpson, Wlusor nnd Smith nnd Messrs. Simpson, Win sor, Ronch and Smith. Mr. Simpson was tho recipient of n number of hNiuUomo remembrances. ! $ Miss J'ile Chase nnd Mls Kllzn beth Kaufniun, who have been In Cal ifornia, will be home to-morrow on the M. F. Plnnt. Mrs. K. O. Porhnni gavo a brldgt luncheon Thursday aftornoonnt her homo, 1300 Central avenue. A large number of Indies woro preent and cUu Eafcfra nf (Umui 'JBaij: I tUvlie to nnnouuee tlmt I have Just opened a line of the VIJUVJiATKST STYLUS In PATKUX AND TAI LORUO HATS, wutimWitK nil the Full mul Winter show lugs In the Uasteiu mlllliu'iy contois. Tlioy nro now ready for your Inspection nt the LAD1KS' r..lPOmUM. AIo st)llh hntx mado from your own materials. Jrnurlrtur Sunday evening at 7 o'clock nt tho homo of tho brldo's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Eugono O'Connoll nt Klttyvlllo. Tho ceremony was performed by Rov. Fnthor Qallnghor. Only tho relatives woro presont. Tho brldo woro an olaborato gown of Irish crochet and veil with ornngo blossoms In a coro- of coro- mony thoro was a dlnnor and tho bridal cako was cut. Mr. and Mrs. Ford loft on tho stenmor M. F. Plant for San Frnnclsco. For two weoks thoy will bo nt tho Hotol Manx ii that city beforo going to housekoep lng. At hor homo In Portor Thursday afternoon, Mrs. R. A. Wornlch gnvt n party In honor of Miss Anne Flan- KKVI311 MINI) THE HAT BUT GET YOUR SCISSORS AND CUT THIS OUT. FREEI VllKHU FREE!!! TO THE MAN, WOJLVN OR CHILD PRESENTING THE LARGEST NUM. ItKU OF THESE ADS. ON OR BE FORE OCTOBER 1, 1D10, HAINES WILL GIYE ONE LARGE SACK OF HIS FAMOUS FLOUR ABSOLUTE LY FREE. THIS AD. WILL RUN EACH SAT URDAY IN SEPTEMBER, SO EV ERYBODY HAS AN EQUAL SHOW. ALSO REMEMBER THAT HAINES IS SELLING HIS BEST WHEAT FOR $1.00. HAJNES GIVE HIM A TRIAL ORDER. NICE . CRJSP GOODS THE KIND THAT TICKLES YOUR PALATE. BUY YOUR SUPPLIES OF PASTRY AND BREAD FROM The COOS BAY BAKERY PHONE 111-L. "THE HOUSE OF GOOD THINGS." tfNVtfSArtWSWSrfWWWtfWNWSS (Continued on Pao S.) CA For Fastidious Folks Y tuttttmjroKnrmtmatmmnaattrotK" 1 Great Furniture 1 Values FOR j Coos Bay Homes MAY BE FOUND HERE AT ALL TIMES. SATISFACTION IN PRICES AND GOODS. C. A. Johnson S Oldest Established Fmultiiie Store Ou Coos Bay. u wtmmmnmtKmHm::t::n:t::m:n: Our toothsome home-made candles nro a revelation to tho candy lover. Thoy aro so rich, so temptingly good, and so delicately flavored that once eaten thoy are never forgotten. Thoy are absolutely pure; there fore good for little rolks as well 03 big folks. "Stafford's" chocolates are tho purest and best of chocolate coated confections. They have NOT just nrrlvod from San Frnclsco or any other town, but nro nndo frosh dally in our own llttlo candy shop by export cnudy makers, Thoy know how. Lots of now drinks nnd dishes at our fountain. You Can Lower the High Cost of Living By Buying Your Meats taf0ndi TWO STORFfi 230 Front St 140 Central Avo ti-tt-8---M-w-M-n-H-n-n-K- i n i a t :: i j: t: i a t :: i tt I i t t t r t r AT THE NTfRPRiSE MUJ MARKET TRY IT AND SEE GOOD MEATS AT Reasonable Prices PHONE 32.J Geo. W. King PROPRIETOR GOW WHY BUILDING, HHSIIFIELD LOOK OVER THIS LIST OAK HOME, JR., COAL AND WOOD BURNERS. OPEN FIRE FRONT COAL AND WOOD HEATERS. AIRTIGHT COAL AND WOOD HEATERS. BOX WOOD BURNERS. PERFECTION OIL BURNERS FOR THE BATHROOM OH DEI). ROOM. WE PUT THEM UP AND ALL STOVES ARE GUARANTEED, m p See Our Windows FOR THE LATEST NOVELTIES CHILDREN. FOR MEN, WOMK.V AND This week it is Pocket Knives No larger or liner selection In tho city, nnd the prices art eiiunlly pIcnMng. We are Killing them nt From 10c to $3.00 DohVfor the Girls We carry the llmt line on COOS BAY. RUHIIER 1)01.15, CHINA DOLLS, CELLULOID DOLUS, KID DOLLS, UNIIKCAK. AHLE DOLLS. TEDDY REARS ALL SIZES AND PRICES. See Our Windows for The Very Latest THE NORTON & HANSEN STATIONERY COMPANY OLDEST AND LARGEST STATIONERY COMPANY IN COOS COUNTY. FRONT STREET,' MAKBHFIELD, OREGON. BARGAIN In Small Farm Tract DESCRIPTION. 7 At RES, a MILES FRO.M MAI SHFIELD. AP.OIT ONE-HALF BOTTOM 1 AND. GOOD, NEW l-ROOM HOUSE. GOOD WATER. BENCH LAM), LEVEL. SPLENDID GARDEN AND FRUIT LAND. IDEAL CHICKEN FARM. ON COUNTY ROAD. VrJiiijJJ.. Price, Only $1800 THESE SM LL TRACTS ARE VERY SCARCE AND HARD TO GET. WE RECOMMEND THIS ONE AS A FIRST-CLASS INVESTMENT. S. KAUFMAN (Mb CO. -t-::-::-:j-n-H-a -::--::--. . n-n-u-K-::--8-w-K-" w"w8 8-tt-tt-ttrn-tt-tt-tt-tt-H-H-B-jt:: Pacific Monumental and Building Works Zj&c II. H. WILSON, Proprietor MARSHFIELD, ORE. All kinds of monumental work promptly and artistically ex j mito. Lau at our wdrks on South Broadway. Ij u M'H