WPv r,,M'i wjwnwti 1fHW)itlf(H-'" 'n wp"jsf j. - ','-V'vT l-T" ictk - ' " w"nwrr V "S'TV"WT pjlfSHOTf wfwr"!"" ' "' .(P,wfl'liy1f'Wi(BPIi8ipPI H THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1910 -EVENING EDITION. ' IS ILL- LEWIS MAKES REPLY II I WILL YOU GET IS PROUD OF Mliilij-I BOAT RECORD Wf8"" M HUT n N J. C. Lininger Files Petition For (continued from PaBo u Relief of Note Endorse ment Liabilities. Answers Assertions Made Re garding His Work As Coun ty Fruit Inspector. EDITOR TIMES: Replying to the" not recognlzo sin Is becnuso their con sciences hnve boon deadened ay Its Influence. J. C. Lininger, Presbyterian minis-1 "Sin Is not sclf-cnnlng. It Is like tor lato of North 13end, hns filed In a cancer. It does not euro Itself, but arraignment of the fruit Inspection Uio united States court a petition In gots worso and worso until It deadens bankruptcy, which has been referred the- feelings and sensibilities of man. to Judgo C. A. Sehlbredo as referee, sin Is thought by somo to bo only Tho liabilities aro given ns $3G, 408 something to bo Imagined. How and nro practically nil notes duo to would you llko to pay your grocery parties In Chicago and other eastern bill thnt way? I confess I bellove I'd cities. It Is stated by tho petitioner 'llko to bo a follower of Mrs. Eddy that nearly all of tho liabilities wcro when It enmo to paying my bills. Sin brought about as an endorser or suro.s not Imaginary, for I say to you tho ty for other parties. Tho only assets j best evidence of growth In grnco Is a aro household goods valued at fill,' deeper sensitiveness to sin, and tho which nro claimed as exempt. 'best ovldcnco of bnckslldlng nnd 8. D. Lininger, wlfo of J. C. Llnln-'npostacy is a lack of sonsltlvenesa of gcr, nlso filed a petition In bnnk-'sln." ruptcy. Tho liabilities aro $16,500,1 .,,.. and tho assets household goods and SAMPLE SENTENCES FROM LAST cunning vniucu ni uu ami ciaimou vifiiir' urimnv as exempt. Tho cases nro practically MUU1 '''- tho until o ns S. H. Lininger was en dorser on somo of tho snmo notes ns ' s' "ko n oplnto deadens tho J C. Lininger. As tho only nssots In 'conscience until finally tho llfo gots either caso aro claimed as exempt '"lBt icHB-" thoro will bo nothing for tho credit-1 "Tll wn8ca of ' is 'lent", nntl ors. Tho reforco hns not yet set a't,loso wnsos havo never been tlmo for tho hearing of tho creditors. changed." Mr. Lininger rccontly ncccptcd a call I "Yo" cnu tlotermlno whothcr you to Pendleton, Oro. Ho was formerly nro KolB l or down by your In- pastor at North Ilonil. ! creasing or decreasing sonsltlvoness Will Hell Goods. I to sin." Rcforco Sehlbredo, in tho matter J "ll '" posslblo for an Individual or of tho bankruptcy of William J. ,n community to becomu so saturnted Preston, who conducted nn electrlcnl .'" 8ln tlint t ,n8t It liocomea totally supply houso In Mnrshflold, has given 'Indifferent to salvation." an order empowering Arthur K. Peck "Tno Prime- ronson so many turn ns trustco to Bell tho nssotH which ftWny fr01 Christ Is becnuso thoy lovo which consist of goods on hnnd. Tho ;Hln n"'1 nro t willing to forsnko It." liabilities In tho caso aro nbout $1 I "Yo" ennnot cover your sin so 100 nnd tho nssots will probably not ,,cl but God will discover It. Ho bring moro thnn enough to pny tho.81""0 yolir '" will find you out." expenses of tho case, so there will I "Snlvatlon Is n gift. Accept It ns likely bo nothing for tho creditors, p011 would nny other gift. Wo nro The lYcy Cine. , saved not by whnt wo do for God, but Another atop hns been taken In tho , l' whnt h 'ma lono for us." caso of L. A. Frcy. Mr. Froy iniulo " nn nssignmont and after this wns dono Attorney John D. Goss, repre senting n number of tho creditors, filed a petition for nn Involuntary bankruptcy. Judgo Sehlbredo re ceived n tologrnm this morning from tho clorlc of tho United Stntos court stntlng that Poter Loggto had boon Appointed temporary trusteo and snvo bond In tho Bum of $10,000. x.rfjrsr.'sr.SiWi k m pns tho adjudication, when tho creditors. a SCflCS of Meetings in ih evivui n innuve. HQIIw SHANNON IN ! WASHINGTON PIONEER CITIZEN IIJUI), Arlington, Wash. A recent press dispatch from Ar- ' llngton, WiiBhlngton, tells of tho com- A. Wlllnnl RIch ut HIh Homo Near monconient of nn ovnngollcal enm- ProKper. palgn by Dan Shannon, who conduct- COQUILLE, Ore., Sopt. 0. Al. 0d w aeries of meetings hero liiHt wln "Wlllnrd, who died at his homo near tor. Tho dispatch says:: Prosper, wns a woll known pioneer "The big tubornncle, beaming with citizen. Tho funernl wns hold Kt Tungsten lights nnd brllllnnt Wednesdny morning from tho Moth-, with handsome decorations, nllvo odlst Church In Coqulllo mid thoWth n largo nudlonco and npprecla burlal wns at tho .Masonic Cemetery. tlvo chorus singing, wbh dedicated to Mr. Wlllard wns born In Sliunnn-1 tliu worship of God by tho Itcv. Dr. hon, Illinois, on October 23, 1S70, ! Myron W. Ilaynes, of Chicago, whoao nnd wns 39 years, 11 months nnd 22 irniiiomt pastorates with tho Engle- scrvlco, printed In your Issue of tho 5th Inst., I hnvo this to say: That tho Inspector Is acting entire ly within his Instructions In making his headquarters In Mnrshflold, tho majority of tho fruit markoted pass ing through this port. That tho fruit growers of tho Co qulllo Valley wcro duly notified of tho enforcement of tho horticultural laws, at tho opening of the senson, through tho Coqulllo Valley Fruit Growers' Association. Thnt tho nssertlon that three- fourths of tho fruit sold In Mnrsh flold from tho locnl ranches would not pnss inspection Is false. That tho aBsortlon that Mnrshflold Is being mndo tho "gont" In tho mat ter of fruit Inspection Is nlso fnlse. That tho purposo of the Stnto Hoard of Horticulture Is lo upbuild the fruit raising Industry by keeping at) fnr as possble, Infested fruit out of tho State by causing owners of orchards to erndlcato tho peats therefrom: by making tho growing of DISEASED fruit unprofitable, and such fruit II ablo to seizure, Thnt tho Inference la plnln that "Mr. Kicker" would llko tho county Inspector to remove his hendquartors from Mnrshflold, for reasons best known to "Mr. Klckor," but also sur mised by tho Inspector. Thnt tho Identity of "Mr. Kicker" Is clear to tho county Inspector. Thnt tho Inspector Is subject to tho ordors of tho Stnto Hoard nnd not to thoso of "Mr. Kicker." Thnt the hnrdshlps crontod, If any oxlst, nro entirely tho result of tho neglect on tho part of tho growors of their own proportyj nnd, finally, Tlint "Mr. Kicker" would show hot ter tasto If ho used his Influence nnd ! nrguinont In support of n movement office. of great Importance to tho hortlcul- turnl interests of this county instend of assuming tho nttltudo of n knocker and charlatan, casting nbout for menus to ovndo lnwa, tho onforco mont of which Interferes nnd fn n mensuro curtails tho profits which ho hns boon wont to glean out of traffle In diseased, Infected nnd othorwiso contraband fruits. P. M. IIALL-LEWIS, Coos Co. Fruit Inspector. Mnrshflcld, Sopt. Ctli. Captain of Breakwater Says Boat Has Been Doing Great Ocean Traveling. Tho stenmor Drcakwatcr has made n flno record while on the Ave dny Bchedulo between Portland and Coos liny. Tho following under n big hendllner nppeared In tho Oregonlnn: "When tho Btcnmer Drcakwatcr swung into her dock yesterday after noon, arriving from Coos Bay, sho completed n record which Cnpt. Mac gonn proudly declares has not, In his knowledge, been equaled by any ves bcI afloat. Tho staunch little steamer hns for nearly flvo nlonths mnlntnlncd n five day schedulo from this port to Coos Dny, making COO nautical miles each round trip, and in that time, her cap tain dcclnrcs, has not been off her schedulo nn hour at nny tlmo. "Regardless of fog, wind or bar conditions, tho vessel hns swung back nnd forth with tho regularity of n pcndlum, crossing in nnd out when I tho bnr was forbidding to other craft, carrying largo loads of freight and thousands of pnsscngcrs. In nil 20 trips were made on tho flvo-dny schedule, aggregating 15, C00 mles of travel. Tho schedulo was abandoned becnuso tho tin III c condi tions did not warrant so frequent n service. Hereafter tho Breakwater will mako n trip every week, begin ning Tuesdny nnd having two Inyovor days each trip nt this end. "During this tlmo Captain Mac genu, tho llternry Bklppor of tho Drenkwater hns found plenty of tlmo to work on his grent tragic poem, which Is promised to tho public bo foro long. "Tho Drenkwater met heavy north west winds during nor pnssago up tho coast and Uio sea was rough. She carried 100 passengers nnd n general cargo." A roofing guarantee is worth no more than the quality of the roofing. If the roofing is not made to make good, the maker never will. Buy Malthoid Roofing lay it carefully you'll never have occasion to request us to protect our guarantee. Malthoid will render you a roof service so good so long so satisfactory you'll forget the guarantee. Twenty-six years of practical experience m making the original roofing which always makes good Malthoid. Hade by The Paraffine Paint Co. C. E. NICHOLSON, Sun FwnfKfn and rvrrwh"f Marsh field, Orcg o It's free tni lot It. A Mi ind ilu,k, bk oi "Cheerful Homei," Tfcllknoklft llluitniti txtt el tl not ttlfil bnnk,., footbrrt Cilllortlt. Afookcrrry borne billfer 111 prltc. ItM Irre. I 1 GET YOUR SUNDAY ROAST HEIIE IK YOU WANT SOMETHING CHOICE IP YOU ARE GOING CAMPINO Oil IF YOU WANT A LITTLE SOMETHING EXTRA NICE FOIl DltEAKFAST, GET SOME OP OUR HOME SMOKED I1ACON. IT'S FINE. FOIt THAT PICNIC DINNEIt, OUR WEINIES AltE FINE FULL LINE OF NICE, JUICY, TENDEU FItESH MEATS. Union Meat Market PHONE 58. Hnvo your LKTTEK HEADS nnd HILL HEADS printed nt THE TIMES IS HANNEIt YIELD. days old at death. Mr. Wlllard lived many years nt the old homo In tho Hoy iettlemeut. Ho lonves a wlfo, formerly Miss Mc- wood ami Hulden nveuue llaptlst churches, have given him n national reputation ns a pulpit orator ami euurcn uouienior. no spoke on Cuo, nnd two sons, cloven nnd twolvo , "The .Mtutery of the Situation," with years old, besldo his mother, Mrs. 0.,,,,, eloquence and Intellectual bright It. Wlllard, two brothors, Cnpt. O. U.0M nnd originality thnt groatly Inl and Frank Wlllard, and n Bister, Mrs. i prtWW, nnd delighted Arlington, nnd .espeolnlly convinced a promising A O, Miller. Delayed Shipment -; young man to surrender his heart tntnn$innnS$HIS$$$it( clirlt,t- '''ll0 l't Judges consid er the doctors dUcourso In the lino jof Kien(uos nnd power, ns easily placing him among the foremost Has lust arrived of noniilnr CiinvrlKlit l,rophor" "r '" " TM niJnilr- llookH. For the next week we will "l,I "'lo'0 nonlce splendidly K.,n ihM. imnk nt n .i.Hm.i.,iv inw i VVMm tho way for tho five weeks' ri. ti. munwhiL. r., .1 f.,w .,f . "imlgu of Dan SImnnoii, the ey- i.. iih.m clone ovnugelUt, whose mnrveloua Weavers, Jnno Oilile, ItnmliiT Near Koro.t Grove Hns Dig Wluiit Ciitp. PORTLAND, Oro., Sopt. 9. Whnt Is thought to bo tho bonnor yield of oats gathered anywhere In tho Stnto during tho present hnrvest has Just been threshed In Scogglns Vnllov. nonr Forest Grove, Oro. T. W. Sain got 117 bushels of onts per ncro from n flold of 37 acres. He says tho grain grow on practically raw land along creek bottoms. THE ROYAL TONIGHT "HUMAN HEARTS," The Great Emotional Driinm Known From Const Jo Coast. (KSara5?.5ES2S252S25a5ESHSnsa521SWa STEAMER M.SF. PLANT l Sails for San Francisco every eight days, g TICKETS RESERVED UP TO THE ARRIVAL OF THE BIHP, 8 ri:si:rvations will he cancelled at that time u.v. LESS TICKET IS I10UGHT. i F. S. Dow, Agent. Marshfield Ore 1X)R THE QUEEN OF THE RAY, CEE E.VSTSIDE. I'liile Wllllniu, rocor,,a '" Oregon nnd Washington God's Good Man. bid fair to b0 reproduced hore. Rest Man, l'l'lMiiiem of Cliimro, ScjitH of the Mighty, Klieplienl of the III1N, ICiiiptio UulldfiK, Into the Primitive, Awakening of Helen Ritchie, Myii, lli-ncs Row I, The Kcloml Viigiilioiul, ni-tO or Fight, The Shannon party, consisting of Younger Set, "l)an" nml h,a Klfta wlfo' of 1,rof' Vniii't- Hali I '"'" "" "", i" iiuiuii biiiki'IH, r Call of the llloiul, Col, Givntlieait, llnii'ler, The Fair Moon of Until, Spoiler, Roll Sou of Rjittle, Kndlim, Morals of Marcus Onlyne, King Spruce, Printers of Udells, ClutKrou, Gnuton . Co., P.luslve 1mi1hI, My Lady tif Olewe, The Lady of the Mount, Traitor, The CorU'in Love, ShernxU. 50c Crosby & Homer, 1 1 1 CENTRAL AVE, , Use Th Times' Want Ads. , rived from New York and Michigan, full of enthusiasm nnd optimism, be ing In due fettle after weeks of vnca- I tlon and rustication In the east. Dan al........... i.. ........... i.. i.i. .. ..i . Loaded Dice -"""""" ,a ''i iuiuie, aim iM.iaii'i iui (.villus, iiiii.'iiiiii(; .Ullil' U llio humblest and highest, to the sin ner and saint, and especially gripping the men folks to his heart with honks of stool. Those who live hoard "Hilly" Sunday at his best, and also havo witnessed Dan Shnnnon's top notch inovomontB, freely say that In many respects "Dan" Is the mightier evangelist." AIRS. A. Q. AIKEN will have her fall and winter millin ery on display on and nftor SEPTEMBER 14 Read Tho Times' want ads. Just Arrived On BREAKWATER FRESH Oregon lVult nml Vegetables for Ollivant & Weaver Our list for Satuitlay will be Rlnclc, Miwut, Tokay and Seodles t. rapes, Peaches, Pears, Apples, Da- .imuni., Oranges, Lemons, HlucRnuisou Plums, .MiiMkuichms, Watermelons, CnutnlouiH's, Tonmtoen, Sweet Potn- tHs, Cnliilower, Com, Peas, Reams, Hell Peppers, Rlnilmrli, Celery, Cub. bage, Turnips, Rutabagas, Reets, Car rots, 1'arMilps, encumbers, Radishes, Onions and Lettuce, The best of fruits. ;uul Vegetables. Phone us your order. OLLIVANT & WEAVER The Pure Food Grocers, 2,000 FEET OTHER PICTURES, Including two good comedies never befme (.ecu in Martdillcld: .MORE OF HETTY'S PRANKS and PETE HAS A GOOD TIME. Wo will ropoat, for tho benefit of thoso who did not seo It last Tuesday, "CORPORAL TRUMAN'S WAR STORY." it's a sotry of an empty Bloove. Every school child should bco this great picture Every G. A. It. etoron will ngroo to Its marvelous truthfulness. ADMISSION 10c. SOME Cornir Third .nj Central Phone 27S Klugan Ilncon, Ham and Laid. An nbsolule guarantee of quality. Don't forget to look nt our window for other fancy groceries we nro now displaying. We have local Tomatoes, Carrots, Reets, Cabbage, Celery, String Heans, GretMi Peas, HutnlMgas. Also Pepper', Garlic, etc. Grnvcustelu Apples by the bov. CHAS. STAUFF "Good Things to Eat." ti 1T--K -,-- iieaver Hill Coal .MOUNT DIARLO AND JOSSON CE.MENT Tho belt Domestic nnd Importod brands. Plaster, Lime, Drlck, nnd all kinds of builders mntorlal. HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR niO SOUTH RROADWAY riJONE 201 S a STEAMER BREAKWATER Sails from Alnswortlt Dock, Portlaiul, ut 8 P. M every Tucsiby. Sails from Coos Ray every Saturday nt servlco of time. Reservation! Mill not be held Inter than Friday noon, unless tickets are nurcliascd. g W. F. MUler, Agt. Phone Main 35-L 2i"EZSnraSBSE5SS2?2S2S2jrJSSSHS?J2a!Sc3ZSZS2SlSHSHSa5 w Tin: tm-BRHBBBHBflBN-- AND COMMODIOUS FAST Steamer Redondo (EQUIPPED WITH AV1RELESS) WILL MAKE REGULAR TRIPS CARRYING PASSEXCKlW AND FREIGHT RETWE.'.N COOS RAY AND SAX FRANCIS CO. ALL RESERVATIONS FOR PASSENGERS MADE AT ALLIANCE DOCIC, MARSHFIELD AND INTER-OCEAX TRANSP. CO. FIFE HLDG., SAN FRANCISCO. FOR INFOR MATION PRONE 11-J or 283. SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO, SEPT. 14TH. IXTER.OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. A full lino of TUXGSTkv o TANTALV.M LAMPS i.t ,M,..-.. - i-m;U, "aaHsas!itj!Si5h2ri Get In your orders for renewals for need'hem. "" Er0W 8hrt Coos Bay Wiring Co. EXPERT ELECTRICIANS. Respectfully ask your patronage. PHONE 237-J. WE HAVE PLACED IN POIlUO SERVICE A Bus to Meet All Trains Will also -make calls on telepto8 orders. Phono 120J. l''oue ,J A baggage wagon bos also added that will call for and le trunks, baggage and light el6rr, Also run private back to Roseburs- L. ft HEISNER Livery and Feed Stable, tnmfiMiiaKfc. , .jMljjjjgjyjAitttJ3liM.w , jtlitt jMitoatiLanfcijA aiimAiHttttl ..--.. .8'.. 'jJl!5 4 ir'" '. -.jftU