-t fo' ""T'l"'CTiyj 7 flfr wt TV" V 7--i-"fimr t THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1910 EVENING EDITION. T- 1t IT - S Boys' :: School :: ClothesH BS 13U , JH i-Sl P-l Ytf W1 My The fall lines are in for Youths, Boys and children, and every style that is RIGHT is fully represented, AH-Wool Knickerbocker Suits with two pairs of pants-to fit, boys of 5 to 16 years .... i, i . j $5.00 Long Pants School Suits $5 to $ 10 f3 HOLEPROOF HOSE for Men, Women and Children "Mill-to-Man Clothiers" WOOLEN MILL STORE THELMA Till: QUEEN OF PERFUMES THAT PLEASES EVERYBODY, and alio a complete lino of domestic and Imported lino ot tho ,beit and sweelcst porf times in tho world, Is cnrrled by tho HUSY COltXint. Wo nlso carry tho host lino of tollot nrtlclos, nn'd tho bttt of everything to bo found In n first-class drug store iUtiiCS pJ lilBsr RfoS i E3 Marshfield itilui Oregon. :sl&fcj v.w rttHrkrr? rttVwnyVl y:iHhH:kHtK &W JK WmM irail nrnriir THE WEATHER. r LOCAL TEMPERATURE TOUT. For twenty-four hours ending nt 4.43 P. M., Sept. 8, by Mrs. MIngus, special government me teorological observer: Maximum G7 Minimum 43 At 4.43 P. M 02 Precipitation Tiaco Wind, Southwest; Clenr. dacy. Mr, Mulkoy Is woll known here, having boon one of tho nctlvo participants In tho shipper's congress at North Uend four years ago. Raised tho Peggy. Tho launch Peggy, which caught llro nnd was sunk a week or 0 ago, ha3 been rnlsed and repaired and Is now ready for uso again. HORN. Of XIEHAUS On Tucsdny, Sopt. C, at their homo In North Uend, to Mr. nnd Mrs. Otto NIohaus, a daughter. HUNTER On Friday, Soptombor 9, to Mn and Mrs. Chas. Huntor, nt their homo In South Marshflold, a son. Mr. Huntor Is ono of tho proprietors of tho O. K. barber shop and says tho "llttlo'shaver" Is n world beater. Mother and child aro gotltng along nicely. Charter Cost Less. Tho coat of tho proposed new charter of tho city of Mnrshlleld was GR0 Instead of $G2G, as has been stated. Tho threo attorneys who drafted It received only $420 Instead of $500 and tho cost of tho stonogrnphlc work done by Miss Violet Henderson In proparlng It was $125. , I 1. A. Dovers Husy. Tho Times Is In receipt of a copy of Tho Pasco Ex press, which gives nn extended wrlto up to tho Pnsco Reclamation project, of which P. A. Dovers, formerly of this city, Is genornl manager. Over $300,00 Iibb been expended to dnto, In covering 7,000 acres, nnd ns much lnoro will bo used to Irrlgnto 5,000 more. All of tho Innds around Pasco bolow tho 1,000-foot lovel nro now undor water, cvory drop of which 1b pumped from tho Snako RIvor. aaaaaaa:a:aaamaaaaaaaaaaar j Personal Notes aaaaaaaaaataaaaaaaaaaaaaaa J. W. BUTLER was a Coqulllo busi ness visitor yestorday. J. E. DELIEU of North Bond was a vlsltor In Marshflold to-day. MRS. H. W. GARDINER to Spoknno whoro sho friends. has gono will visit . W. SHELLY nnd wife, returned yesterday from Portland, whor they have boon visiting for a fovr weolcs. Put Up Flro Escnpe.n.-Tho proprie tor of tho Hotel Oregon Is equipping tho building with flro escapes to comply with tho law. Onvo Pnrty. Thursday afternoon, Mrs. R. A. Wernlch at her homo In Porter gave a reclpo party for Miss Anno Flanagan, who Is to be married soon. Closing Bonks. Qcorgo D, Mnndl go Is closing up tho books of tho Dnvls-Schulz Company. Tho remain. Ing stock on hand gues to tho Coos Bny Orocory. FOR HA LI? New live-room modern 'b'ungulow nnd lot 40x100 In south Mnrahfleld, near In. Bargain. Call at 421 Qolden Avo. or phono 147R. ion sali: at the husy corner. PHOXE 20H. Lockhart - Parsons Drug Co. tm The Busy Corner" i Marshfield, Oregon WAXTED. A competent tutor In Algebra, ono hour 'dally. Address by lottor "X. Y.'Varo Times. WANTED. Chambermaid, nt tho Lloyd Hot61. ' ' If LOST. Ladles' gray sweater. Ito turn to Times olllcd for rownrd. 'WANTED Ry newcomer and busi ness man to biiy Inforest, with ser vices In paying business, or n posi tion. What hnvo you? Address P. O. Box 405, city. ram a-M-u-tt-a-H-a-tt- u----a--n-n-n---a---K--- Dependable laundering. Usually It Ii n very difficult matter to And n laundry that U thoroughly dopind nblo whero you can nlwnys count on everything always dono right. Our laundry performs Just that iorvloe. Family washings, flat work, dainty fabrics, shirts, collars nnd cuffs ait t-i niwnya nanaieu in me sumo wuy, uy tho cumo skilled oporctors nnd with tho same painstaking enro. It Is thl3 sure and porfect system that is win ning ub hundreds of frlonds on Coos, ft Bay. Wo may not handlo your work now, but wo suroly will soon, Why not Btart now? COOB HAY STEAM LAUXDRY. PilOXK37-J. f 1 ; 8v--a--8-a-.aon----.'n-M---::-::-tt- -a-a-a-a j HH-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-ti a-a-a-a-a-a I TOY DAY REALTY iSNAPS a a a I a 1 a 1 a 1 a 1 a 1 n t ti 1 a a a 1 xt 1 t: t :t t a 1 a t a 1 t t: ? Oorn !" Sengstacken'a Addition, 84x100 9 U75.00 , ? j5o er ,n Seugatacken's Addition, 110x100 030.00 f New ' Ch0,ce water front l n Marsh Hold, for 10,500.00 a Choi mdem bunBlow In South Marshflold U.000.00 ; B 10 , , COrner In Chandler Hotol block 5,730.00 Full w '" Ea8t Mnrshfleld. f0r 000.00 it ' " .uSIBlde. With rnmninniilni' linv vlow! on i " n.. ...0 -, ..v.., .. ' I U18 easy J, 000.00 j "ess corner on Commorrini nnH ! innvinn? iito- ' I L0t8Va,Ue 2,200.00 I ' 1. n Second street; close in; each 300.00 I oliffe Guarantee and Abstract Co. I neroi a. . -w m -- "gents EASTSIDE . Henry Songstackon, Manager. -a 1 a 1 a a 1 a 1 a a a a t a J a j a a a 1 a 1 a t s WAXTKI). One jwih-H'nger for unto trip to Rosoburg boforo Sopt. 17th. D. L. Footo. Fnrewell Sermon, Mr. R. II. Plorsou will preach his farewell ser mon Suudny ovonlug nt tho North Bend Methodist church, tho pulpit of which ho has been tilling for the past year. Flhs Charged. Deputy Gamo Warden SI. Noah hns fllod In Justlco Shustor's Court nt North Bond charges against ChrlB arohs charging him with violating tho gnmo laws. Grohs pleaded not guilty nnd tho enso will bo taken up for trial latter. Does Xot Come Often. Judgo D. L. Watson of Coos City, Iiub been making n visit to Mnrshlleld to see his friends. It Is his second visit to tho city In eight years. Ho gave up his law prcatlco about ton years ago on account or ratting oyo sigut ami has slnco boon living on a ranch. Al though not far from Marshflold his visits horo havo not been frcquont. Lemves Fop His Henltli. Bon Schuyler has resigned his plnco as nlghtwntchmnu in tho business dis trict of tho city nnd will lenvo Satur day for Portland on tho Breakwater. His health has not been tho best and i Ic going nway for tho whUor on his doctor's ndylco to nvold tho rainy season hero. Ho thinks that a chango ot cllmnto will benefit him. Mr. Schuylur Is not fully decided on his plnns yet, but ho will probably stay away all winter. Ills family will fol low him lntor. Nicholas Rolchort will temporarily fill Schuyler's placo ns nlghtwatchmnn. MISS HAZEL McGRAW, who hns been In the city visiting Mrs. E ru in u NnBburg, has loft for hor homo In Onklaud, Cal. LOUIS BOLL has roturned home from n Blx weeks' vacation which ho spent nt Portland, Los Angolcs and San Francisco. GEORGE WINCHESTER, of tha Flanngan & Bennett Bank, who 1st taking a vacation At Cnmns Vnlloyr wilt bo home soon. J. We Have No Time To write 1111 advertisement, but let these price upon It for themselves: ORAVEXSTICIX APPLES, per box, 75c to $1.50 Plums per box . W. REHFELD roturnod yesterday from an extended trip through tho Willamette Yalloy towns. Ho says Coos Bay still looks good to him. F. STAND1SH hns returned homo from San Francisco, where, wltlt. W. E. Best, he has been nrranglne for tho snlo of tho lumbor from tho North Bond Lumbor Company. AMBROSE LA ROUCHE, who recont ly resigned his position as night clerk nt tho Blanco Hotel has gone to Gardiner, where ho will bo day clerk In tho hotel thoro which was recently purchnsod by Joo Schilling. North Bend News 50cl A social will bo hold this ovonlug nt Loggle's Hall. Knowltoit Fruit Jars Quarts, regu lar price, ljtl.113 per dozens special price .85c Kiiou'ltoji Fruit Jiirs Pints, per doz en, ivgular price, $1.00; rrg special price ' C THE BAZAR House of Quality Phone 32 Alva Grout will leavo this week for Eugene to attend tho unlvorslty. NORTH BEND NEWS ... scs..,ocu Mrs. W. Dlngman, who hns been seriously 111 at her homo In North 'Bend for tho past two months, Is gradually Improving. Rov. Rutlodgo or Mnrshflold will occupy tho pulpit at tho North Bond Methodist Church Sunday morning. Evoryono Is Invited. FOR SALE. Iron bed, mattress, springs, sanitary couch, crib, prin cess dresaor, 4 dining chairs, lea thor rockor, library table, good heater. Inqutro 3C9 Park nvo., down stairs. Out For Sheriff. John C. Ton broolt, formerly of Emplro City, and now n resident of Fort Stovens, Ib n candidate lor SherliT of Clatsop coun ty. Ho Ib n Republican assembly can. dldato. Ho has boon a resldont of Clatsop county for several years and has boon In charge of tho trostlo work In tho construction of tho Jetty. FOR SALE. In Coos River, nlimit flvo miles from Marshflold, quarter of a mllo from tho river, 12 acres of land, 10 ncre3 marsh, two of hill. For particulars wrlto to An tony Blasca, Marshfield, or call a' tho place. New Priest Arrives. Rov, Futhor F. J. Springer, formorly of St. Luke's Church, Wood burn, Oregon, lias nr rlvod on tho bay to tako tho pastorato of tho North Bond Catholic Church. Ho will hold services In North Bond Suudny morning at 8 o'clock and In St. Monica's Catholic Church, Marsh field, Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. FOR SALI': Cheap for cash, Slv and half million feot of timber. Ad dress Box 328 5Inrshflold, Ore. WANTED. Hoarders by week; line table board. Address Times. Mulliey Coming. Word has been rocolved horo thnt Hon. B. F. Mul key of Jacksonville, who Is contest ing with Congressman Hawley for the Republican nomination for Con gress In this district, will reach Coos county shortly to mako a short tour of thl section In bohalf of his cnndl- OXLY StJOO buys n lot on Park St.; slzo of lot, 25x130, northeast corner of lot 1 In bile 1, Cnples' Addition of tho Town of Marohfleld. Address Homoseek ors' Bureau, box 181, Bishop, Calif. WANTED. Good second hand coal oil stove; must bo cheap. A. M., caro Times. I . I WANTED. Carrier boys to deliver i Tho Tlmos; must bo at least In ; four grado at school. WANTED. Experienced coal nilurrs and tlmbormon. ' Apply Beaver Hill Coal Co. luumii t.i iliiiwlfi 1 liiiiiiii iirrmTti' - THF F I OYn UihflrWi pcpn'T Family int. 1A.UIU ntf, u, (riltur6 vv anil rlean. Velvet aii'l AxmlnUter mrieu In erer room. Kour Mortis of mlM comfurt ItiUtf riUueod to: ily, 60e, 78c ami 91.00: week, I.' 00 in IA,(W. Atto a feu- Imuii'keeplQg aparl inonts ull-'em rrtne. 112.00 per innntli. I're Luiln. Take bum i depot. ilr. JlrlJgei. t'0i CtlSCTS Add Distinction to any costume. KWIMMflllW IIEPRRSIXTEI) EXCLUSIVELY 11Y US i Magnes& Watson POSTAL OARDS. I hnvo tho largest assortment of postal cards on Coos nay, Including 1 most of tho best Coos county scenes. From ono cent up. AUG. FIUZEEX, 08 Contral Ave, Marshflold, Ore. Klnnoy Sanforil, tho son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernost Sanford ot Haynes Inlet, foil off n wagon last Wodnosday and broko his arm, Ho was brought to tho homo or Henry Sanford at North Bond to receive modlcnl trea'moiit. READ THE TIMES' WANT ADS. a-a-a-t-a-:j-a-a-w-a-a-a-a-a-tt-u-a-a-p We don't boast! We have Quality n t a a 1 a 1 a a 1 a a 1 a a t a 1 a a ' 1 a 1 a 1 a 1 a 1 a 1 f a 1 a (t-tt-u-n-n-n-ti-jt-n-u-u-u-n- n-a-a-a-a-a-a-- TBCm Sperry's Best Drifted Snow Flour ir ic 1 a ? 9' a 1 a n 1 a 1 a a t a a 1 a 1 a 1 a f 1 a 1 ? a BANKRUPT SALE on ELECTRICAL TIRES CHANDELIERS, ELECTRIC FLAT IRONS, DESK LAMPS, POCKET LAMPS. I Store Window Display FIXTURES AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE COST. SIDE LIGHTS'. GLOBRS. Bl'LBS. TTNGSTEN SHELBY LAMPS ALL AT BANKRUPT PRICES TO BE SOLD SATURDAY AND MONDAY SEPTEMBER 10TII AND 12TII. AT M M 186 South Broadway Read t'ne Times Want Ads. AA w.-jfa uk. i)1iiiiltotiwr!ij; i,AlMdte.j