- --rrT"',i!"Mam!WI yirrrwfirw THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1910-EVEHIHG EDITION. 11 ;f ih kl. 4o '! COOS BAY TIMES Entered at the poBtofllco at Marsh field! Oregon, for transmission llrouiJ tbo mallB as second class nail Blatter, topics of the times. Addmos all communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES, UVsuflcld :: :: :: :: Oregon M. O. MALONEY Editor and Ful. AN K. MALONKV News KdJtor An Independent Republican news paper published every eronlng except Vunday, and Weekly by Th Coon Itny Times Publishing Co. Dedicated to tbo servlco of tho pooplo, that no good causo shall lack champion, and that ovl shall not thrlvo unopposed. The Coos Day Times reprosenta a onsolldatlon of tho Dally Coast Mall And Tho Coos Day Advortlser. Tho Coast Mall was tho first dally estab lished on Coos Day and Tho Coos Bay Times Is Us Immediate sue eoBsor. simsomiTioN hates. DAILY. Ono year . ... w .'..... , $6.00 Por month 50 When paid strictly In advanco tho subscription prlco of tho Coos Day Times Is JG.00 por year or $2. CO for six months, WEEKLY. On year I1.G0 Ofllclal I'aprr of Coos County. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY OF MA HSU FIELD. SPENDERS AND SPEEDERS THE AUTOMOBILE. AND MAHSHFIELD. O, Marshnoldl bright Mnrshflcld Who clasps n brighter bay I sing thy praises, fair Mashfleld In this, my roundelay. Thy mills are humming', Marshfleld They run tho- Hvo-long day; And Shingles weave to shelter 'homos, Far moro than I can say. Bravo ships are nnchoied; Marsh field, WJthln thy land-locked bny; Thoy bear thy cargoes, Marshfleld, Across tho seas, away. Rare roses bloom In Marshfleld; And lilies, bright ns day, In isplcndor, sets the summer sun Doyond tho beauteous bay. Thy spoil Is on mo, Marshflbld, Us charm works night and day, Then let mo rest In Marshfleld, I would no further stray. ANON. DID YOU KNOW? That Geo. Gllbertson, of tho Ekblad hardware, was formerly champion cigar maker of Mln- nesotn,? That David Nelson, cashier of " tho C. A. Smith Lumber Com- pnny at ono tlmo conducted n grocery store In Chicago? That Rov. Q. LeRoy Hall was Thirty Days Free ' JL 1 fell That Alva Doll studied for tho law before ho engaged in tho real estato business? STOIIY OF THE DAY. At a recont Mnrshflold wedding when tho felicitations were finished It was remarked that only ono of 'tho family, u youngor son, remained un wed. "Woll, August Is next," remarked n member of tho party. "You bet I'm next," August re plied, "that's why I am unmarried." Frnnco spends about $100,000,000 annunlly for tobacco, which Is chief ly consumed In smoking. Great caro Is taken In that country to prevent the destruction of nil kinds of prop erty by lire, but no ono thinks of do ing anything to prevent tho great wnsto which results from tbo burning of tobacco, probably because those responsible for It got more fun out of tholr expenditure than thoy would from saving their money and apply ing It to other uses. Tho four express companies got net returns of from -13 to 100 per cent on their business. Tho Govern ment, carrying the mails, scores an annual dellclt of millions. Either tho ninlls nro carried too cheaply or tho oxpress matter too dearly, though it Is clear that" tho express business might bo handled by tho Government at a price much lower than it is and leave enough surplus to make up the dellclt now created in tho PostoWco Department. formerly n traveling salesman? That Chas. Powers was for- morly a crcameryman nnd.but- tormakcr beforo ho engaged In tho grocery business In MarBh- field? br. ' MRS. A. Q. AIKEN will liavo hor fall and winter millin ery on display on and after SEPTEMBER 14 YES FIIUIT JARS, JAK HUHHEItS and JEL LY GLASSES; nlso PAHAFFINE WAX. COOK'S CROCERY PHONE 180. A Drltlsh paper, commenting on tho fact that tho motrlc system has been made obligatory In Denmark, Gormnny, Argentina, Austria - Hun gnry, Bolglum, Bulgaria, Chllo, Co lombia, Ecuador, Qroeco, Italy, Mexi co, tho Netherlands, Norway, Poru, Portugal, Rouinnnla, Servla, Spain, Switzerland, and Prance, says tbo,t It Is "pormlsslvo" In the United States and Oreat Britain. Tho word por mlsslvo Implies the possibility of its voluntary adoption by tho two coun tries mentioned, but nny ono who fancies that Amorlcnns or Ilrltons will mnko n chnngo of nny kind which niorely promises Improvement without being forced to do so Is seri ously mistaken. Wo plumo oursolvos on our progressive tendencies, but It Is hard to Induce us to "get a move on" when the dolnc so involves the abandonment of old usages. THY MY VACUUM CLEANER. Don't make a drudgo of yourself by beating rugs and enrpota when you can liavo It dono moro cheaply and hotter with my vacuum cloanor. PI ono 2'JC-J. H. E. PINEGOR, Shop In Hear of Owl Furniture Store. ti--n-tt-tt-M-tt-n---tt-8-tt- nri HERE is it growing disposition II bile. Business men sny that it to And fault with tho uutomo- lina brought extravagance and that tho Investments In motor enrs nro responsible in Inrgo mensuro for tho cIobo limes of tho present. People who walk or drlvo horsos declare that tho advent of tho automobile has mndo tho highways positively unsafe. And so tho criticism goes on. Tho truth Is, however, that thore Is no monnco In tho moro use of tho uutomobllo, but only In Its abuse. Spenders and speeders are respon sible for whatever dlsroputo attnchuh to It. Tho automobile Itself stands for progress; It Is n modern con von lonco; It has fully justlllud Itself and it will continue with us In some form or other. Hut lis abutios deserve criticism. For Instnnco: When n young man of not much moro than $100 n month Income takes the little money he hnd saved to mnko first payment on n homo and uses it for tho first payment on nu automobile, tho auto mobile is a detrlmont to him nnd to tho community In which ho lives. Ho has become a spender, and spend ora nro linrmful. When a business man puts a mortgage on his store to got a touring, car nnd begins devot ing moro time to Joy riding than to business, his uutomobllo In a detrl mont to both him and his commun ity, for ho becomes a spender. These Instances nro not llotitlous. Thoy nro ronl, and thoy can bo mul tiplied many tluuw, horo In Oregon and evorywhoro, When Irresponsible speeders chnse up and down streets and highways without rognrd to life nnd limb of pedestrians nnd occupanla of horso IMwihlw Plans Doing Made For Ore- cnrrlKos, tho uutomobllo Is abused,! Bn State Fair. not used. And this Is dono, horo nnd PORTLAND, Oro., Sopt. 0. TJio ovcrvhoro, many times ovory day, Orogun Stnto Fair, Salem, Septombor i Salmon nnd Deop Sea Fish in Season EXPECT DIG CROWDS. For Strictly Fresh Butter Sterilized Cream Sterilized Milk Butter Milk Bean-Pot Cheese and Ice Coos Bay Ice & Cold Storage FREE DELIVERIES H A. M. and a P. M. Phono 7J1-J, i 8 t 8 t 8 t 8 8 I 8 I V 8 8 t U I n JUL 0- WE WILL DELIVER AN ELECTRIC IRON TO YOUR HOME TO BE USED FOR 30 DAYS, FREE OF CHARGE, AND IF AT THE EXPIRATION OF 30 DAYS YOU DO NOT CARE TO KEEP IT, WE WILL TAKE IT ' BACK WITHOUT ANY CHARGES. TELEPHONE US AND W E WILL DELIVER THE GOODS. WCSOTEKTWJRK ZJTZETOSEI The Coos B av u as a TELEPHONE 178 lCI ectric Co, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Hit. J. W. INGRAM, -' I'll) Milan mid Surgeon. Olllco S0M-SOD Coo Building. Phones Olllco 1021; Resldonco 1G22 I STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF THE First Trust and Savings Bank OF CCOS BAY, MARSIIFELD, ORE., SEPT. 1, 1910, J- W. HE.N.VI7TT, Ijuvror. i Olllco over Flanagan & Bonnett Bank Mnrshflold, Orogon. TVTM. S. TURPEN, Architect. Over Chambor of Commerce. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts . . . . 91S0.51C.0S Overdrafts 254. SO Bonds and securities .... 2G.9D0.1C Banking house, furulturo and fixtures GG.S20.D0 Tash on hand and due from banks S2.9CS.51 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In. . .$100,0091 Surplus and undivided profits 3,991(1 Deposits 159,555.11 Totnl 29S,551.I1 OIL SUPPLIES 8 ELLERUV'S FISH MARKET, Ed. T. Raich, Prop. Sholl Fish of Every Description. nnd nlKht. The number of serious M-'h to 17th, promises to hnvo tho most succosirui session in Its history. Features never beforo Incorporated will bo seen this year by State Fair visitors and thoso aro genornlly of a high odor. Tlioro liavo been many linprnvoments mado to tho grounds and buildings, a now water system Installed, with now barns for stock nnd added accommodations for rac ing hosos. Tho string of hortsos listed for this nr will probably be ahead of tho racers heretofore ap pearing on the fair grounds. Tho at. teuduuee, too, promises to surpass crowds of previous yonrs. accidents duo to reckless motor car driving Una Incronsod rapidly In the past yonr and ovory Issuo of a news paper has Us stories of doath nnd dlsastor chargeable to speeders. Tho uutomobllo Itself Is nil light, but spenders and spoedurs nro all wrong nnd thoy bring disrepute to cur thing thoy touoh. SVVS THEY'RE BLUFFING. i From tho ISuaoue Guard.) Because of tho aotlvit of the Hill intor.'ste la the Rogue River Valley, tbo Southern Pnclllo Company has nnnouueed that It will build a rall t ill front Grunts Paw to Cieeceut t t. California. No.t wo opeci, be cause of tho movements made by tho Oieg.iii Eleetriu nnd Uno Couuty As set Company, that the samu road will unnotuite a Hue from Junction City to t'u Sluslnw. But tlie Drain-Coos Bay fiasco Is too frosh in tho minds of the people to give thorn much confidence in tho aunnunoomout of now tines by the Southoru Paolllo Company. Tol. Market 2C4J. Foot of Market Aoihh. Tho Coos Bay Oil and Sunnlv I Ifrmntinni nn4ai ii.a ......... f . ,.v muuv, ,us uiuuuscilieiu Oil j. . iMunagan win continue to nan dlo the Union Oil Company's gaso line, distillate, benzine and coal oil at their oil house across the Bay t which place they have moved their office. Phonn 302. To'nl 3j293.GGl.01 We Invite your attontlon to tno strong condition of this bk showp by tho nbovo statement to-wit: Cash reserve ,. . .43 per cent of dcpealti Roservo required by law ' . . 15 nor cont of deposit. Reserve In excess of legal requirements... .28 por cont of deposit!. OFFICERS AND IMIIKCTOIIS JOHN S. COKE, President. JOHN F, HALL, U SENGSTACKEN. STEPHEN C. ROGERS, DORSEY KREITZER, Cashier. Vf. S. CHANDLER, WIUuIAM GRIMES. DR C, w, T0WER, M C. HORTO.V, Vice President and Manager. POIJ? A (5ENERA1. RANKING AN 1 THU8T BUSINESS. OUR Bl'SINESS SOLICITED. Have that Roof Fixed Now See CORTHELL PlIO.NK HULL. 178 UttMdwny, Nortli. AIRS. Al. R. SAllTH a gout tor CHARMiS A. STEVENS CLOAK AND SUIT HOUSE, of Chicago. Our Work is ,. Our adver- . tisenient STEAMER HEDONDO WILL SAIL AT t2 P. SI., SEPT. 8. FOR SAN FRANCISCO. MAKE HESERVATION FOK PASSAGE AND FItEIGHT. Iuter-Ocrau Transportation Co. C. F. McGEORGH, Agent. a i 8 8 8 I 8 I 8 I 8 Phono I. S. Knufmnn & Co, Joal Order. $I.!H) PER TON. your Read tho Times Want Ads. tEEStSEewzsmxssamHtsmm&n G. W. Dungan I Undertaker Miu-slillt'ld, Oivgon. Parlors., t8t) South 1W St Tolephone, Day or Night, li)5T. OUR GUARANTEE IS YOUH SATISFACTION. MARSHFIELD HAND AND STEAM LAUNDIU. '.'auzey Divs., Prop. Phono 220-J. Turkish Baths 210-213 Coos Buildins PHONE 2 J 4. 1 HOME LAND Co 1 see us tor investment on Coos Bay. We guarantee owner's price to bo our price. Phone 74 L. or, Front St. THE FIRST NATIONALBANK OF COOS BAY STRICTLY A COMMERCIAL DANK W ells Fnrgo Nevada National Hank, San Francisco, Cil Draws I!,e VnltCi3 8lute9 N0 nk, Portland, Ore. Drafts Ntlnl Park Hank. New York, N. Y. n, ",um"sB .national uank, Chicago, HI. ltie Bank of Scotland, London, England. liie Credit l.Tonn,.iu u.i w Eurone ABh? 7? ,draw. draft3 on a Principal banking eentsn in BourAnerica Au,tra,' Cn"". . North, Central and Personal and commercial accounts kept aubject to check. -o.i.iu.uies 01 Deposit iflfjed. Safe DoDoalt Boxes for rent. 0Q HREAKWATER HOTEL, Front St., Mnrsdiflcld, Oiv., UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Has been thoroughly reuovated aud newly furnished. Rooms reason able, by day, weok or month. Mrs. J. H. O'DONNELL, Prop. r I i ll FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OJl..o n , . "AKoHPIBLD. OREGON. I i.i.1,, .?'". C08 C'onM KWUIiQd In 1880 IUI iii la.ilial and SurpI, !S8t),000.00. Assets Ovi'i Hair mii.... 1...J...... ' ' of CaHfnrn?! tfal lM,tB bu,!" and draws drafts on the Hank Fliit tln;i n" ra"p,T' Ca!'' Hanover National Bank, N W u bar? o. "?' B!inl:- l'ori'"l. Ore ; First National Bank, Rom- H Try Times' Want Ads. NEW TRANSFER LINE. M. E. Mngulro has started a now transfer lino in Marshfleld and ar ranged for prompt servlco for all kluds of hauling. He will have his stand at "Tho Busy Corner" drug storo or parties can reach him by telqphonlng orders to 29S. Durr. Ore.: The London .l.iin o..J. ".. . Vi . "' Poland i,, ,,., .. . - siuuii uanit, i.ia., uouuuu, ""o- 1. Mvli ,i l iaBSe " a!1 0t th8 1'rtaolpa! cities of Europe. depots boorsit" 8ccounta kept 8ubject to check- OFFICERS: cut. K. F. WILLIAMS, Cashier. . GEO. E. WINCHESTER. Asst. Casn. ON TIME DEPOSITS. I ,iv.NA,Wx V..Pres. INTERKST PAID oy Coos BayR.osej)l!rg Stage yne. Sunday 2 oTZ TS lXUa Mm- SUXe ,W,VCS da"y "Dd laoSl:.' ' ar.HAUNAHD, "'... lneliL ....,, nnavnnna. ORE. PHONE U ..B..., ..wU.... ,