"WNf '"SW'W1'"'' ?-. "tfflW'"1 '"T",I(!I5,T)"''"''7'T" ' "" ' W'fwpppMr,''","JRflWfpWp(BpP !PiW!f,' 'WW!?fJplWV,r Exmt ADS. NEWS iu:i'ES3 IS SLOW, Alk .S SS IT PAYS IS EVI- GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW OT READING THE COOS "JAY TIMES. ALL THE NEWS ALu TUB TIME TEItSELY TOLD i: U M ti tJ "" nrii nv successful nuai- HOt'SlS KVKIlYVlIgKB : MEMDER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS Established In 187fl MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1910 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mali 47 nnel Coos Hay Advertiser. " ' ns TIio Const Mnll. FT11' '- Qiam i7 nil LIS LOST IN FERRY SAD WRECK UN LAKb MICHIGAN l.-tnijt... ... jmm has BAD RECORD Le of Worst Disasters In His tory of Navigation on Lakes. SINKS OFF OF PORT WASHINGTON. Lther Ferry Goes to Rescue and Saves Some of Crew. i)r Associated Prws.) LBDISTOS, Mich., Sept. 9. One. cl the vorst illeastors In the. history efLako Michigan nnvlgntlon oc- nrred early today. Tho cur-ferry let Marquette. No. 18, tho flagship eTthT Hoot of six stcol car-fcrrlcB owned and opeartcd by tho Pcro Mar- .... iifiiirnnii eomnnny. saint -u a 1 n Reports Received By Marshal Carter From Salem Are Not Favorable. FOUND HAT. A hat thought to belong to Perkins was found In tho water near North Dend, It Is reported this afternoon. Accident on North Dakota Off Ocean City Causes the Death of Three and Injury of Seven. (By Associated Press.) WASHINTON, Sept. 9. Three coal pnssers aro dend and seven machin ists and firemen were Injured as tho result of nn explosion of oil In tho battleship North Dakota yesterday off Ocean City. This report was re ceived at tho navy department at 4:30 P. M. from Admiral Schrocilor, com mnndcr In chief of tho Atlantic fleet. Tho officers nro still having the bay dragged In tho hopoa of finding something of missing Hoy Perkins. XothlniO'ct has developed In tho case excepting tho Dialing of somo facts regnrdtug Garrison, tho man who Is petti Itallronu ...,, .-, suspicion. Marshal miles off o( Port Washington. There. . . nt iliiAA I fM I IMS 01 fnp(a niim, fini-rlscm nml hlrt nhoto The total loss will exceed half a I nM. fn.iilP nrniu num. o-"'" In ion aulinra. uiu ivuj ... ....... WERE DHOWNED. (Dy Awoctated PrcsO NEWPORT NEWS, Va., Sept. 9. According to men from tho battle ships tho thrco men who met death In tho North DnkoUi wero not killed by the explosion but wore drowned when tho flro In room No. 3 was flooded to prevent the spreading of tho flnmes nnd tho explosion of tho magazines located Just over tho flro, ROOSEVELT BANQUET UNLESS LORIMER IS BARRED FOUND WITH WANT ROAD COMPLETED County Commissioners Peti tioned to Finish Highway For Use This Winter. Petitions have been presented to tho County Commissioners asking that tho road from Marshllold to Ills record Is not a good Flagstaff bo completed this year. Tho NEW RECTOR IS COMING Ikered fifty men, tho forry had on ono. as will bo seen by tho facts road was started and Is nearly fln Ishcd, thero being only ono moro cut to make. That Is nt Jones Point ilia the iinvlvors. 1 W THIEVES OPERATING ....!.... I I.. lw a.tlrtiit ttnttnfa emim . i.i IMliUliU III t- m iiiiii-- "li tOird t0 WOmCIl passongon., . nrPrlnn' nnrnnt. coil to lt from Saginaw. Tho car-ferry dHctod ft hotcI nt HoHcburgi MnrB,in, Cnr Flagstaff. There has been ex .No. 17 rescued about 30 of No. 18 s wr nnnnalnt- ponded about $12,000 on tho road (tttind l on tho wny hero now ..,,,,., ,.,.,, -mn.ifnthnr and It Is sot forth that If $5,000 moro was a proachor. Tho prisoner was n be spent this year In completing tho native of Polk county. rn to Flagstaff and planking tho Record at Salem. (grades tho road will bo available this Garrison, who Is under arrest nnd winter to about ono thousand porsons suspected of having dono nwny with 'who aro affected. Jf left In Us pros Rev Perkins, has not n vory good. cut Incomploto condition tho road Is record at Salom. Tho Statesman of of no uso to anyono this winter. Tho that city says: now road makes a short cut from ' "Frank anrrlson, who Is under ar- Flagstaff to tho city, while without It rest In Marshlleld charged ai n bus- tho only route for a vehicle would bo ,,cct and with having knowledge of over mo om coumy ru.u. .. .. how Itoy Perkins camo to his doath, out 01 1110 wnj. Residents Of EaStsidC Arc ViC- l well known In Salem, having been ono of tho men who assaulted Sheriff UmS Of Chicken and Clolll- Uohn Knight In nn nttompt to mako , . .. jn Jail break In 1S95. Garrison, with Ing IhettS. Frank Rrohm nnd n man named Petty rolcrrles havo been annoy- Combes, laid In wait for Sheriff hi lome of tho peoplo of Eastsldo Knight In the corridor of tho Jail nnd Utelr, Mrs. Walter Robinson ro-'attacked him with n plftco of oak fire. peril that last Tuesday owning tho wood. They wero unsuccessful In t'cthlng on tho lino 1 hit yutJ wu3, their attempt to escapo and two of Ukea and tho dothea lino cut. tho men wero glvon 10 and 12-yonr Wednesday night someono ontored sentonces reflectively for tho assault tio chicken houso at tho Weaver res. 'upon Knight. Bev. R. E. Browning to Have Charge of Episcopal Church Here. Archdeacon Horsfall announces that Row R. 13. Drowning has been nppolntcd by Dlshop Scaddlng to tho rectorship of tho Episcopal Church here, with chargo of North Dend, Empire City nnd Gnrdlnor. Mr. Drowning expects to'nrrlvo noxt week and to olllclato In Emmanuel Church on Sunday, September 18th. Arch dencon Horsfall, who rotalns chargo of tho Coqulllo and Curry county churches and missions, will hold ser vices In tho church nt Mnrahflold on Sunday morning nnd ovonlng. Ho leaves Tuesday next for his homo In Dandon, whoro ho will hencoforth be locatod. Tho action of tho Dlshop In this division of tho district was taken by him after consultation with and nt tho urgent roquoBt of Arch deacon Horsfall. THROAT COT Capt. T. D. Blom of Tacoma Is Victim of Murderous Assault. (Dy Associated Press.) TACOMA, Wash., Sopt. 9. Captain T. D. Dlom. urominont in uhlpplng circles and hind of n codfish com-. pnny, was found In Wright's Park, In tho heart of tho city this morning with his thront cut. Ho will probably die. Ho closed a big fish deal yester day and It Is bollovcd hu was attacked by robbers. Tho attack Is supposed to havo occurred at midnight, nnd whon found this morning his condi tion was desporate. WAGE INCREASE GIVEN. Trouble With Coal Miners Settled When Agreement Ih Signed. (Dy Associated Press.) CHICAGO. Sopt. 9. Tho strlko of Makes Great Stir Among Mem bers of Hamilton Club at Chicago. COMMITTEE RECALLS SENATOR'S INVITATION. .. 1 ...t fnlil tlint lin vj...u..v.w, ww,... ... uo n giiesi 111111 o mm i...... - tho Illinois coal minors, which lasted 1 woul(li How nbollt senator Lorrl- twnntv.nly weeks, ended by tllO SlBll-' 011 i. nui.n.i "Qonntni. l.nrrlnmr ..,..,, -- , - - .IIIMI-I I1U 4IDIVVU. J.J Hw... Ing of an ngrooment giving tho inon jB ft monluor 0f tho club," ho was told, u gonoral lncrcaso of threo cents n ho hnn ncC0I)tcil nn invitation to tho POISON BOUGHT And As Result Resignation of Lorimer's Friends From Club Is Threatened. (Dy AsBOclntod Press.) FREEPORT, 111., Sept. 8 (Dolnyoil In Transmission). Colonel Roosovolt rofusod flatly to-day to nttond tho banquet to bo given to-night by tho Hamilton Club In Chicago unless Son ntor Lorrlmor was excluded. Ho do mnnded that n telegrnm to that effect bo sent to tho Sonntor. A commlttoo of sixteen from tho Hamilton camo hero to mako flnnl nrrnngomonts for to-nlcht's dlnnor nt Chlcngo. Rooso volt naked If Spenker Cannon would guest nnd ton throtiKhout tho Stato, an Increase of flvo contB In tho northorn fields and six cents In Franklin and Williamson countloB. Shot flrorB will bo paid by tho oporators and not by minors, ns horetoforo. .linnnr " "Then I must dccllno to go," snld tho Colonel. Ho added ho would fool tho sanio nbout tho prcs enco of Sonntor Lorlmer ns If tho mombors of tho Illinois LoRlslnturo who wero Indicted In tho grnft Inves tigation should bo present at tho dln nor. Tho commitico nns rccnuuu mo PROMINENT MAN DEAD. ITtv Aaannlnlml Hrl'HS. I nosTON. Mnss.. Sent. 9. Solicitor Invltntlon to Lorlmer. n. ,-..! 1 lm.,1 W Itnwnrn died tills. T.7v(nniilvn nronarntloilfl for tllO on morning of complication following an tortalnmont of Mr. Roosovolt upon hla BT CRIPPEN Hence and stole sixteen fowls. The people aro now on tho watch for tho thlerei. BROWNE NOT GUILTl". tUy Associated Press.) HEARS RAILROAD RU.MOR. Joo Schilling Told That Contract For Drain Line Is Let. Joo Schilling tells somo rnthor on- ....,i..l.... rnllrnml nnWS. Ho BflVB i"; nnoucmicu rrcm.j uuiiMibiih riltninn r..... r, w - ..! .1.-1 1..-. tnltrn.1 M-ttlt II tlinil WllO lltUl vmvnuu, aepi. y. L.CO UWII l"v i... " Browne, tbo minority leador of tho mot Contractor Sweeney who Is bulld "Unoli legislature, charged with ling tho lino to Tillamook and that ribery In connection with tho oloc- Sweeney snld that ho had n contract Uon of Senator Lorlmer to tho United I for building forty miles of tho Dra in tales tenate, was found not guilty lino to Coos Day and that ho would .ItHm. 1.. .1 . .i.. I.tnvt ln wnrlf nn It ns BOOIJ US 110 had -.- in uiv vidiiiiiiii tuuri luuu. iBiuii "-- - -- finished tho TiuamooK imu. Mr. Schilling camo down ycstertia from Gnrdiner, whoro ho and Mrs. Schilling nro running tho Gardiner Hotel, on business. Ho reports ovev. thing flourishing at Gnrdiner. Damaging Testimony Intro duced in Famous Case of Alleged Wife-Murder. r 1 1 n f w--f HIV Vitillllllll iwuil vumi;i Thij li the sreond trial. Tho Jury dis- wa ai mo first trial. Ml AGIST HE NEGROES COAST NEGRO 1ST BE DEEIN D The Supreme Court of United States May Be Asked to Decide. ' (Dy Associated Pross.) WASHINGTON. Sent. 9. Just what constitutes n negro in tho Uni ted States may bo a question which tho United States Supremo Court will bo asked to sottlo In tho noar future. Ono-slxteonth negro blood In nn ln- attack of bronchitis. WHAT WAGES (Dy Associated Press.) .LONDON, Sept. 9. When tho trial ofDr. Crlppon for tho alleged murdor of Dollo Elmroo wnB resumed to-day witnesses Identified portloss of tho hair and clothing similar to thoso ..... i.,. rinll- TCImnrn. nml nlsn test!- nuiii "i ....-.-, 1 fled she had .car on uo ur ,.--l , , cn88,fle8 hm a negr0 ln tho. tlon of her body similar to that found , rnllIinbln. ncCordlnK to v on toJM"n at Justice Daniel T. Wright, man. The ch eml w bo ololm. t taw mo Court , Ul0 sold hyoscln a deadly no son to CrllH olBht.year.old girl barred pen, testified and produced a book L Bchool T ? ,!Vl ,: " icaso w... bo appenled to tho District IU1BUII lUbloivt uuu.., ...-.w 1 --- WILLYOU GET "Death the Wage of Sin, But Life a Free Gift," Says Mr. Lyon. (Dy Rov. Q. LoRoy Hall.) arrival at Chlcngo linvo been made. From tho tlmo of his nrrlvnl until hlu dopnrturo tho formor President will be tho centnl llguo In n aorios of local nffnlrs manngod by tho mombors of th0 Hamilton Club. Tho main ovont will bo tho banquet of 1,100 dlnora. TAHKRNACLE PROGRAM. LEAGUE Lower House of Texas Legisla ture Would Take Franchise From the Blacks. 'By Associated Press.) JUSTIN, Tex., Sopt. 9. Tho lower ue of tho Texas Legislature by a ot 51 to 34 instructed tho Sena- and Congressmen to work for n of n, l the fo"rteentlm mendment federal constitution conferring " irancWio on negroes. TB AVIIE.IT .MARKET. T Dy Associated Press.) item j A" Sept 9 Mlllne. Dlue- Foid sc ! Chlb' S5c,; ExPrt' Forty .. " .: Club, SGc.; Rod Russian, p Oaklnnd ' tw . KD Sopt- ' Track prices 'Portland 3 .. v-iuD. ssc(?BRfii Tiinpstpm. (K even innuiBD.., ' 69jc; Red nusslan. 83c.: Valley. AT SACRAMENTO- GALL SCORE Oakland Wins From Portland After Playing Eleven In ning Game. (Dy Associated Press.) TORTLAND, Ore., Sopt. 9. Oak land defeated Portland yesterday In nn eleven-inning gamo. Tho scores of yesterdays' games follow H. H. Crlppon." AT OAKLAND- FIRST GAME. Oakland Portland R. H. SECOND GAME. c; f T 1 "u"'ttul ,j VUWCJ, CHICAGO, Sopt. 0,-Whe. Sacramento heat market Vornon CL1 the closo t0-day: Soptem-. AT LOS ANGELES- c.j December. Sl.Olit: May. Los Angeles R. , 2 . 4 R. . 1 . 3 G 7 10 H. 7 7 H. S s (Dy Associated Press.) PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 9. J. M. Munyon stated that all preparations used undor his nomo wero prepared in Philadelphia, that hyoscln docs not enter Into any of bis homeopathic preparations, and that Crlppon had not been employed by him slnco Do comber, 1909. ," HAVE YOU REGISTERED? 4. From tho nppearnnco 01 ww registration uooks u is appur- .. . v.o ha tnnt thnt every mnn - cut mm ... ..- -- -w must register ln order to par- tlclpate In tlio primaries is nui generally known. Only a very Bmall number of voters havo roclstored thus far. The regls- tratlon closes for the primaries September Hth, and any man a whoso name does not appear In tho registration books will not bo niinwod to vote In tho primary ...! CWnmlinr 24th. The eiuuuuii uvj.w... . ---- i... i .ttrM nnd iinf not nermlt 4 lan i. i.e. an elector to swear ln his vote at tho primaries, as Is dono at tho general election, u you ou not register you cannot vote at the primaries. This Is a privilege that you should hardly pass by. T?eclster. Do not delay, dut, Court of Appeals, nnd In tho ovont thnt court nfllrms Wright's decision, i an effort will Immediately bo made to havo tho Unltod States Supremo Court pass on tho question. MAKES NKW RECORD. ' TO-NIGHT. 7.45, Lyon speak m "Jwlas Iscnrlot." 4 SATURDAY. 7.30 P. M., open nlr meeting. 8.00, P. M., Tnbornnclo sor- vlco. SUNDAY. 11 A. M., Union morning sor ! vice. 3 P. M., men's meeting. 7.30 P. M., mass meoung. I MUCH WROUGHT UP. (Dy Assoclalod Press.) CHICAGO, Sopt. 9. Tho Hamilton Club, which has prided Itsolt na bo Inc tho hnnnor Ropubllcan club of tho nation, Ib grently wrought up to- dny following tho Roosovolt-Lorlmer Iticldont. ' Lorlmor has a host of frlonds In tho membership nnd thoro nro rumblings of rovolt. Thoy said they wero anxlouB to robuko Presi dent Patten for accepting Roosovolt's ultimatum rogardlng tho bnnquot. K I.orimor reflluns his momborshlp his frlonds say thoy will do likewise So 4fnr Lorlmor rofusea to tnlk on tho Biibjcct. Monoplnuo t Purls 0e Higher Tlmn All Others. .(Dy Assoclnted Pross.) nsnia RAnf 9 Georco Chavez mado n now world's record for nltl- tude by rising In n monoplane 8,79- feet. AWFUL DEATH OK GALLOWS , a register to-day. ' NO QUORUM PRESENT. Republican Members Refiiso to At tend Investigation uimiimiec (Dy Associated Press.) MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Sept. 9. nut six mombera of tho Dalllnger- tiii,. l..atlmHnn pnmmlttee. 0110 I I'liiviiui mioii" - I less than a quorum, wi i""""' whon tho session 0PenO(1 to-day. All thq Republicans rofused to attend. ANNOUNCEMENT. Yon nro Invited to call and view tho correct creations in ladles' mlllln . tn fnii 1910. This Initial show ing will Include all modes sanctioned by tho very latest Btyio ana win please all discriminating tastes. CLARKE MILLINERY. Corner Droadway and Central Ave. Threo groat topics woro ably dis cussed last evening In ono addrosa at tho Tabornaclo. Tho aermon by tho ovangollst was n heart searching mes sage Mr. Lyon took aB Ills topic, "Tho Wages of Sin," based upon tho toxt in Romans, "For tho wages of Bin la death, but tho gift of God. is eternal llfo through our Lord Jesus Christ." Tho speaker dwelt on threo groat topics, "Tho Universality of Sin," "Tho Result of Sin" and "Tho Cure of Sin," Tho speaker gavo threo or four biblical definitions of sin: "Trans gression of tho law," tlila la John'a doflnltlon. James says, "To him tnai knnweth to do good ana uooin 11 not, to htm It is Bin," Paul says, "What soever Is not of faith Js sin, and Jesus Christ said: "Whoever looketh upon sin has committed It already ln his heart." "Sin," said Mr. Lyon, "Is destruc tive to conscience. Tho man who was In tho penitentiary for murdor of sovernl porsono, stood up and saici. 'I'm not such a bad man, thoro aro wa nt men worso than I am. Tho i : . i . .1 Jugular Vein Burst As Murderer Struggles at End of Rope. my Associated Press.) SALEM. Ore. Sept. 9. Isaac Har- roll, convicted of tho murdor of Wal- tor Nowell, and who also killed Her bert Newoll, his brothor, in tho Kla math Falls country, early In Juno, met a torrlblo death on tho gallowB at tho penltontiary hero today. Whon hu droppod tho strain was too great on tho Jugular vein, which buralod. sending a stream of blood over tho struggling body and prcsontlng a sickening sight. Ho was doad la 3 Ms minutes. HANGED FOR WIFK MURDER. (Dy Associated Press.) SALEM. Ore. Sept. 9. John Rosolair. convlctod of wlfe-murdor In Washington county, was hnngod yos- terday afternoon. Ho died In nina nmi nno.hnlf mlnutcB. Ho said tho murdor wns not premeditated but was tho result of an accldont. 1 W W WW (Continue on W ) Read The TlmeB Want Ads. Ilfl... "VH San Francisco J 4.