mvfh-miyefHV -rpr" ""U1 I (tW'WW"''r','!' 'frmtiprfipir- THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1 910 EVENING EDITION. ' ill TO REGISTER Books Close Sept. 14th For the Primaries Which Are Held on Sept. 24th. Tho registration of votcrB for tho . primaries clos0 Sopt. 14th. Tho pri maries nro to bo held Sept. 24th, but tho registration closes on tho (Into mcntlonod. After tho primaries, or on Sept. 25, tho registration opens again for tho general election. Some of tho voters complnln that tlicro Is no placo for them to register nftor 0 P. M, and stnto that they aro engaged In work up to that tlmo and cannot bo In tho business districts of tho city, niliy Smith, the barber, etntcs that ho had thrco men who wanted to register nftcr C P. M., but that ho could not 11 nd nuyona after that hour to register tho men. Provisions, however, havo been inndo for this. 13. O. Hall, nt 27C Front street, has ngrecd to keop his ofllco open nftcr 0 P. M. for tho ben efit of thoso who cannot get to tho city to register In the daytime. Men employed nt tho Smith mill can register nftor C P. M. nny eve ning with W. V. Squires In his groc ery store near tho mill. THE GMT ESSENTIAL (Continued from pago 1.) xx PERSONAL OVERFLOW. JUDGE HAMMOND of Coqulllo was In tho city to-dny on business. MRS. HENRY DAY hns returned from n few days outing nt Dul lards. MRS. 13. n. PERHAM is entertaining n numbor of friends nt her homo In West Mnrshflold this afternoon. MRS. II. J. McKEOWN and children, Mlsa Enn and Master ltnymond, nro guests of Mrs. Williams nt Co qulllo to-day. ItEV. FATHER GALLAGHER who lias been spending n few weoke on tho Day left thin morning for Portland, going via Drain. Ho Is vico-prcsldcnt nf Columbia Uni versity. During his stay hero, ho inndo many warm friends. Dr. McCnriiina Homo. Dr. JjTj McCormnc has returned, homer from Portland. Ho has been nt health re sorts ou tho Columbia lllvor and re turns somowhnt Improved. XX n ship. It will not mnko you a chrls-j tlan by going to church nny more J than going Into a stable will mnkc you a horse. Ono hns to comply with tho requirements before ho can enter tho life as Christ described It to Nlcodcmus. "Regeneration," said Mr. Lyon In summing up his discourse, on tho posltlvo sldo, " Is tho porsonal roln tlon of n porsonnl soul to a personal Christ. It Is absolutely essential for salvation nnd It Is also essential for service. You cannot bo born again unless you cut looso from sin, neither can you bo born ngnln unless you ac cept Jesus Christ." At noon yestordny about fifty workers, together with tho evangelist and his singer, wont on tho stenmer Alert to the Smith mill, whoro about ono hundred mill men gathered about tho singer nnd tho spenkor for n short service. It was probnbly tho first time that tho gospel has ever been preached In this way on Coos Dny. It was n unlquo fenltiro, too, to seo njjj steamer loaded with singing pnssen-. gcrs, who nro desirous of helping, tholr follow of (led. men Into tho kingdom, ! rAiticuxAciii: thi'tiis. x ninn In a community can do Jf timrit irntul tlinn n linillv doctor. Ami 'No ! Minn n i AIRS. A. a. AIKEN will havo her fall and winter millin ery on display en nnd nftcr SEPTEMBER 14 will hold social. Tho momboru of tho North Dead M. E. Church will glvo u "White Klo phnnt" social Friday evening nt I.og glo's hall In North Ileud. Those who attend nro requested to bring some thing that they do not want nnd have It wrnppod uj In n bundle. These bundles will bo auctioned off by A. II, Derbyshire. Refreshments will bo sorved nnd tho following program will bo glvon: Instrumental selection, Sumner or chestra. Solo, Miss draco Williams. Tumbling net, Messrs. Marlon Iteynolds and Milton Do Van!, Cornet nnd Piano Duet, Mrs. Geo. Wlnsor nnd Mrs. Worrell. Recitation, I,yslo Chuppollo. Solo, "Tho House Thnt Jack Dullt," llttlo Marguerite Reynolds. Instrumental, Sumner Orchostrn, Reading, Choosing u Minister," Mrs. Elsie McICelllps, Piano Duot, Mrs. Worroll nnd Mrs. Will Simpson. Solo, Rev, R. II. Plorson. no mnu can do more deviltry vicious, ungodly doctor." There must bo n beginning of tho splrltunl llfo ns well ns of tho physl cnl. Hnvo you ever hnd n splrltunl birthday?" The first birth Is of tho flesh, tho second Is of tho spirit." "Culture cannot tnko tho placo of conversion. No nmount of culture will change a myrtlo Into nu apple tree." "Spiritual birth Is the matter of a moment, hut splrltunl growth Is eter nity." "A' true christian will tnko to tho church ns nnturally ns a duck to tho wntor. nut Joining tho church never saved anybody. It Is Joining Jesus which snves." "It Is not n question of losing sal vation, but of getting something you did not beforo possess." "Many humnns hnvo merely n physical nnd mentnl oxlstcnco but noj splrltunl. They hnvo no moro Inter est In tho higher llfo than hogs or cattle. They don't bollovo In revivals. I low can you expect n mnn to bo In terested In something Hint ho knows nothing about?" nnmmmjmmm:unmmnisnmj:numnmmmumt XX Morshfield's Most Progressive and Most Centrally Located Shqggjng PlaceThe Home of the Best Merchandise, Best Vahies and Best Service. The People certainlyjsp, predate what we are ofr. fering tfaem. Many a customer has stopped in his shopping to Ifcell us how we are making good and how pleased he is in trading with us It is our daily endeavor to always give each cus tomer a little better for the same moiey or the 8 8 1 XX XX XX H :: XX XX :: x :: M? BiQla,Ti!iiuothes w fllfrf J Rrnt.nitnr.AnAX" VU W" V"VH VHlMtVUL same for less money. You all know why we sell for less "CASH ONLY-MONEY TALKS" HUB CLOTHING & SHOE CO. Sole Agents for Alfred Benjamin Clothing. Made in New York, j MARSHFIELD BANDON U8888888888888t888t8n8tt888t8t8ttt8t8Ut8tt88t8888888U88ltil nHBIQTPHFn RV "'-'':':"'" VIRGINIA COKE BEDS AND FALL MILLINERY opening Fill DAY nml SATURDAV nt Mr. KU HOD'S Latest Btjlo RVU nml WINTER HATS. NKIGHIIOHHOOH MEETINGS. Friday morning, from 10 to 10.30, meetings will bo hold nt tho follow ing places: Mrs, Warwick, North Second street. Mrs. John V. llnll, Commorclnl nve nuc. Mrs. Alvn Doll, South Mnrshfleld. Mrs. E. II. Nolson, South Fifth street. Mrs. Foster, South Hroadwny. Mrs. Wnlters, Fourth street. Mrs. Phlllpps, Ilunkor Hill. IIKAVY FOG ,M NIGHT. The fog Inst night nt tho Imr nnd outside wns very honvy nnd tho fog horn nt tho Arngo light station wns leapt going all night. Tho horn could ho hoard plainly In Mnrshflold. It was n honvy fog during tho night hut toward noon to-dny It was lifting soiuo. Tho Hrenkwntor crossed In safely this morning nt i o'clock. MRS. A. Q. AIKEN will have her full nnd winter millin ery on dlsplny on nnd nftor SEPTEMBER 14 JUST IN Friend Brother's Fall Suits 15 to $18 Values for $12 to $15 Seeing: is Believing FIXUP Three - Year - Old Daughter of Judge Officiates at Launch ing of the Coaster. Whon tho gnsollno bout Coaster, which wns built by Mnx Tlmmormnn f Cnpt. Olson, wns launched yestor dny afternoon sho wns christened by Virginia Coko, tho llttlo dnughtor of Judge nnd Mrs. John S. Coko, who Is but three yenrs old. Sho enjoys tho 0 ktlnctlon of bong tho youngest girl who over chrlstonod n boat on Coos liny and probnbly tho youngest por bon who over porformed that otllco on tho const. Quito n largo numbor of porsons gathered to seo tho launching, Tho protty boat slid down tho ways and Into tho wntor without n hitch. Tho Coaster makes n lino npponranco when In tho wntor. Tho Installing of the engines nnd the tlnlsblng of tho work will bo rushed niul tho launch will probably bo ready for uso in ton days. BEDDING Thirty Styles Metal Bedsteads from $3.00 to $40.00 Blankets from $1.25 to $7.50 Comforters $1.50 to $3.00 feather Pillows 85c to $1.50 Down Pillows $2.50 to $3.50 EVERYTHING IN BEDDING M 111 1 w ARRANGE TO ATTEND tho Eu gono Duslness College nnd lot us got you n good position when you gradu ate. Enter now. Send for our now catalog. H Vj West 7th st., Eugono, Oregon. Perry, Montgomery & COMPANY ---- -- j Kwldnt.aJHajblfhool lorOltUundcrCC? r raraot SUtsnntM JjhnlUi Ut i I- itmri CSullrcUtp,. Ai'iwlrinlo nnd l!oj.ivnturil ,A"'.,f 'l?.Arl, 1 lorullnn. (IjuiiiiutuniJ (IMdcnt lpiluiutlotrlearr( mu. I wjill iwooimtodrd. lh uunbet Ultn.,il f I ii'U. AiTlinlu u .hoi'.ll- i ivlair)A ri i TS'.cFnnfioP' ft Hf HtUniHii f'rt p Cr I ---. - ----- - t NOTICE. To tho Republican Voters of Coos and Curry counties: 1 havo decided to becomo n candidate for nomination nt th0 Primary Nominating Election. for Joint Roprosontntlvo for Coos nnd Curry coun-les nnd shnll submit my unmo to tho Republican voters for nomination under tho primary nomi nating election lnws. HERBERT HUME. THE 1MST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo (KQniM'Kl) WITH WIRELESS) Wll,l MAKE RECILAR TRIPS CARRYIXO PASSENGERS AX1 EREHUIT llirrWKEX COOS. HAY AXI) SAX FRANCIS 10. ALL RPiJERVATlOXS TOR PASSENGERS MADE AT ALLIANCE DOCK, MARSHPIELD AND 1NTER-OCEAX TRANSP. CO. FIFE 1JLDG., SAN FRANCISCO. 1XR 1NFOR. MATION PHONE I LJ or 285. SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO, 8EPT. 1 1TH. lNTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. al!SSc!Sa?SHSZS5S55T!SHS2!clSa5BS?5a5HSc!Fl1, SSS2S2S2SZS2S2S& STEAMER M.IF. PLANT Sails for San Prancisco every eight days. TICKI7TS RESERVED UP TO THE ARRIVAL RESERVATIONS WILL RE CANCELLED AT LESS TICKET IS ROUGHT. OF THE SHlPt TnAT TBIE VX- F. S. Dow, Agent. Marshf ield Ore ssBszsasEsasRsasasasasESEsasBsaa asaszszs'ssasHSEsa dsssissssssiSiSi --K--t:-:t-t:-u-.,a..n.j:."-,:T fszrt Pacific Monumental and Building -Works H. H. WILSON, Proprietor MARSHFIELD, ORE. All kinds of monumental work promptly and artistically exe rted. Call at our works on South nrondwnv. ------l,;1t.Ml-ll' V