'' A (Ham ADS. (MJ1OT NEWS anlFV ItUSLNKSS 18 SLOW, A SlSE. TI.AT IT PAYS Is BVI ScED I1V SUCCESSFUL UUSI- GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW BY HEADING THE COOS MAY TIMES. ALL THE NEWS ALo THE TIME TEHSELYIOLD v: :: :: n n vS nOUSKS EVEBYWlimtK :: ME5IBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS Established In 1H7H as Tlio Const Mnll. vouxxxm. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1910 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll mid Coos liny Advertiser. No. 46. NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN ERKINS DISAPPEARANCE CASE Dl The Body of Missing Man Has I Not Yet Been Discovered. GARRISON IS IN COQUILLEJAIL Offer of Reward Starts Several Men to Join in the Search. Nothing now has developed In tho Her forking enso. This morning icnwino started a report that tho tab; had been fonsd, but It wnB wlth- j oat foundation. Tho search for the Wrln tho bay Is being kept tip mid tie lay U being drngged nil tho time U the hoped of lluillng something. The fact that tho county lins of fend a reward of $100 for tho re- wrerr of the body Btltnulnted some to to to tho woods nnd ninlto n search la the belief tlmt possibly Perkins lid been killed on the way In from Samner. So far, however, nothing lis hecn found of tho body. Garrison Is In tho county Jnll In Cqjllle, to which plncc he was tnkeu jMterday In nn ntitomobllo. Ac cording to reports, ho lins shown ilps of not bolng entirely balanced Etntallr. Persona who hnvo known him say that ho wnH nlwys a llttlo itnnge In his nctlnns. Ho Is n nr tire of Polk county nnd Ib tho grand Ma of a preacher. Attorney Ton Hill knew of him In Polk county nn.l uys that flarrlson nlwnys carried n tan lth blm nnd was said to hnvo alwajs slept with n gun hcsldo him. It items that ho hnd n manln for car rjltj a gun of somo kind with him it all times. It Is thought thnt If he U tulliy bo will mnko somo kind of confusion beforo long. WILL 0 PERATE IE CANNERY BUSTS NAME TICKET New Machinery and Supplies Arrive For the Plant at Empire. Tho snlmon cannery at Empire- Ib to bo opened for operation nbout tho middle of tho month. It will bo con ducted by Elljnh Smith nnd Mr. Tnl In ft of a canning company at Ab torlrt. To-day tho IJrcnkwater brought In somo now machinery nnd u supply of cans which wore unloaded nt Umpire. Everything will bo put In readiness an quickly ns possible to operate tho plant. Now snnltnry machines are bolng Installed to facllltato the work. It wlll.tuko nbout two weeks to got tho cannery In readiness, but iib the Ash will not begin until, nbout then, It v tit bo umple time. A crew of twenty-two will bo worked In tho cannery this year. The capacity will bo 400 cases por day. Tho Bchcdulo of prices for llsh this Hcncon has not been dollnltoly estab lished. It Is expected that u rate of three coats por pound for Chlnooks nnd twenty cents each for sllvorsldos will prevail, Thoro has been talk of paying Blxty-flvu cents each for Chl nooks regardless of wolght nnd fif teen cents each for nllversldcs nnd this may bo adopted. IS THE ASSEMBLY REPUBLICAN? I Judge Watkins Issues an Open Letter Challenge to the Re publican Central Committee of Coos County to Discuss Question. Tho following vigorous communi cation Is sclt-cxplnnntory: TO THE REPUBLICAN COUNTY CENTRAL COMMITTEE OP COOS COUNTY, OREGON: Gcntlomon The late Republican assembly for Coos county called by you for tho purpose of nominating candidates for tho Republican pnrty for said county, nmong others, passed and published the following resolu tion: "Wo nro In favor of open wnrfaro ns apposed to hushwhncklng: wo favor publicity ns "pposod to button holing." Tho wrltor la opposed to nny as sembly called for the purpose of nom inating nny candidates for any party; he Ib In fnvor of the direct primary; he believes tho calling of nny assem bly for any such purpose volntos tho spirit nnd Intent of tho direct primary law, and thnt In calling thnt assem bly you assumed nnd exercised au thority you did not possess Intend ing thereby to further your own In terests and not tho Interests of tho Republican party. Tho writer also believes In State ment No. One ns n menns to nn end. He believes In tho election of United Stntes Scnntor by direct voto of the people ns opposed to tho election thereof by tho Legislature, nnd ho nlso believes these mnttcrs are of vital importanco to tho peoplo of this Stnto at the present time. Tho writer ngrces with tho sentiments expressed In tho nbovo resolution; he, too, Ib op posed to dnrk Inntern and gum shoo methods in politics. Thercrofo, tho writer, not being a candldnto for any ofllco nnd not having any Interest to servo but tho upholding of tho prin ciples ho bclloves to bo right, respect fully Invites you over your signatures to Bclect and nuthorlzo somo person to Bpenk for you nnd to cnnvnss Coos nnd Curry counties and Jointly dis cuss with tho undorBlgncd tho ques tions nbovo mentioned nnd nil other mnttors pertaining thorcto, including the high cost of living, if you desire. In this connection tho wrltor do sires to say thnt ho Is now nnd nlwnys hns boon n Republican ho has novor been anything else. Ho has never been n Chamborlnlu Republican, nor n silver Republican, nor n Mugwump, nor n Populist, nnd he proposos to voto for tho Republicans nomlnntcd nt tho coming primaries whether momocrs of tho nssombly faction or not. QUO. WATKINS. MANY ARRIVE ON BREAKWATER Nominations Are Made By County Organization For All the Offices. C0QUILLE, Ore, Sopt. 8. Tho Coos County Socialists nt their coun J convention hero this wook put a '"1 ticket In tho Hold for tho No 'mber election. J. a. James waB """nan of tho convention nnd S. L. wrjr secretary. Tho tlckot Is ns fol- lot: for Itepresentatlvo, M, Brour, of wadon', For Joint Representative, C. F. Gil wf. of Bridge. r Sheriff, "winneld. WILL MEET N PY John Haydon, of "r Countv .Tnii t w j-t..ii. -. Ccquliie. ' w ' County Clerk, F. F. Wood, of tJerTrca8lirer, J. H. James, of Co- Jor Surveyor, L. S. Martin of Co- nooSBVULT REPLIES. Kali f Aiier to tho Statement By ".ijor or Milwaukee. ,!..' ""elated Pres-.) jJAVKBE, Wis., Sept. S.-On i , inown tho statements ma"do by Joosw hr f Mllwnwke. Colonel WpiS Prmptly sa,(1: " this PeecheTe mnd U0 nart,san political h di8,,l.a.nd ot courso 6naU not now Wr, !!uss,ne either State party mat- at i. Know my vIowb on Ballinger - Pinchot Committee Adjourns After Passing Res olution Against Secretary. (lly Associated Press.) MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Sopt. 8. At tho oxecutlvo meeting of tho Bnl-lingor-PInchot Investigating commit, too yestordny Senator Fletcher of Florida, Democrnt, Introduced a reso lution holding that tho Secrotary of tho Intorlor was an uniaituiui puunc ofllcor nnd should bo removed. Roprosontntlvo Madison, Republican Insurgont of Kansas, offered ft substi tute resolution, holding that tho charges mado by PJnchot nnd Glavls, former chief of ft field division of tho gonoral land offico, woro maintained. Ropresontntlvo James, Democrat, of Kontucky, offered an nmondment to Madison's substltuto resolution pro viding for tho removal of Bnlllngor from ofllco, nnd Madison accopted It. Tho vote came upon tho substltuto of Madison ns amended by tho motion of James nnd tho roll was called. Those In voting for tho susbtituto woro Son ntor Fletchor and W, E. Purcholl of North Dakota, Democrats; Represen tative James of Illinois, Democrat; Ropresontntlvo Mndison, Republican, and Ropresontntlvo James. While this voto was bolng taken' Senator Sutherland of Utnh, a Republican, and Representative McCalla of Mas sachusetts, a Republican, loft the cduunlttoe room, Insisting that a full committee should bo present. Democratic mombors replied that they had been months considering the ovJdenco. Nelson took a voto voting present himself, then made a ruling that no quorum was on hand. LEAVES FOR SAN ERANCISCO "1 and ,Ually Called Soctosni they James mado n point of order that loa lh , hera Bet out in such n fash- momber had raised tho point of t them Mr. no no U Is impossible to mislntor- quorum and tho commltteo then look- in Vessel Arrives This Morning and Brings Freight For Empire Cannery. Tho stenmor Drenkwntor nrrlved to-day form Portland nnd will sail Saturday on her regular weekly sche dule. Sho bought In 10S pnssongors besides twolvo Chlueso who will bo employed In tho Emplro ennnory. Tho vessel crossed In this' morning nbout 7 o'clock, but stopped at Emplro to unlond freight for tho cannery and cnino to North Bond about noon. Tho pnssengorB nrrlvlng woro as follows: Miss Ovorbllzor, Fred McCormac, N. Hamilton, Miss Stnnloy, Abo Moor man, Mrs. Moorman, O. II. Moorman, A. L. Nell, Dud Knno, A. D. Knno, L. V. Knno, Dortha Knno L. Morgan, 51. Hnlok, L. C. Lamsen, J. E. 5IItch oll, N. JoiiBon, F. Lnmb, P. A. Tully, D. Gray, H. Gray Jr., 5Irs. a. 5Iorrls, rjj 5Irs. Hlnes, L. E. HInes, Roy Jones, W. 5IcCnrthy, F. 5IcCarthy, 5Irs. 51c- J uariuy, .mihs iiiuhb, .mo. iuvuui, Miss Hooflor, 5Irs. Rhones, E. Roso, J. Silver, O. Silver, A. Petersen, II. Hnllonon, A. Rood, J. Gerstel, Sam Goldsmith, A. B. Gnylor, D. II. Hom Incway. K. D. Haro. 5Irs. Haro, Louis nn t T?niimnr Mra. Turner Mrs. Gruoi, l. pnuison, 5iiss Gustofson, e. ' Sacramento and Vernon Play P. Schow, J. A. Johnston, E. 51. Ward, Steamer Redondo Sails With Freight and Full Capacity of Passengers. The steamer Rodondo sails this afternoon for San Francisco with a full pnssonger list and a largo cargo of lumber. Sho loft tho 5Inrshfleld dock at 2 P. 51. Tho following Is tho list of tho pnssongors: Dr. J. L. Housoworth nnd wlfo, Mrs. C. U. Huntor, Losllo Hunter, Mrs. E. .McCrny.'MrB. A. Richardson, Mrs. C. L. Brandonborg, Miss May Thomas, Mrs. E. J. Hansen, Miss Mnrlo Hansen, 5Irs. D. Dart, Mrs. D. L. Flynn nnd son, Hnzol Card, A. B. Snyder, W. B. Curtis, T. H. Price, J. 51. Gnylor, Miss Mnlconib, Miss O, B. Rltter, 5Irs. J. 51. Gnylor, L. 51. Wise man, J. Hnrnnfltis, Albert Hansen, D. L. Flynn and son, G. A. Ullnm. KILLED AND MANY HURT IN BURLINGTON RAILROAD W iN Ml IS DNTIGKET Gets Petition to Salem in Time to Run For Railroad Commissioner. Tho Portlnnd Orogonlnn, In n spe cial telegram from Salem, tells tho following regarding Hugh 5lcLaln be ing given n place on tho ticket: "It liriB been ascertained that Hugh McLaln, of 5Inrshflcld, cnndldnto for Stato Railroad Commissioner on tho Domocrntlc ticket, will bo given n placo on tho primary nomluntlng bal lot, furthor petitions being received from Inn nt tho ofllco of Secrotary ot State. Saturday night 5IcLnln ns short on his petitions two precincts from Ciackmns county nnd 109 signatures nt largo, When' tho mall was received by tho Secretary of Stato to-day It wns found thnt McLaln had mailed a sufficient number of signatures nnd additional sheets to mnko up for tho discrepancy. Tho cnvclopo contain ing tho petitions indicated that It had been received In tho Salem postofllco Snturdny nftcrnoon at 2 o'clock. Realizing that McLaln had probbly dono everything In his power ns con tcmplntod under tho net, Chief Clork II. II. Corey decided to allow him n placo on the ballot. R. A. Copplo of Mnrshfleld will also bo given a plnco, his petitions nrrlv lng In tho malls Saturday. Ho Ib a Domocrntlc candldnto for RoprosontiT tlvo from tho Sixth District nnd his homo Is In Mnrshfleld. Accident Occurred Yesterday on Great Northern Tracks Near Coram Mountains. FIFTEEN PERSONS BADLY INJURED. TIE GREAT ES BALL SCORE One Hundred Mill Men Hear Lyon and Harris Yester day Noon. (By Rev. G. LoRoy Hall.) 4 TABERNACLE PROGRAM. And Twenty Others Are More or Less Hurt in the Collision. triy Associated Press.) , KALISPELL, Mont., Sopt. 8. In a wreck of n Burlington train on tho Grcnt Northom nt Cornm, twonty miles cast of hero yesterday, two wero killed nnd fifteen Bcrlously in jured, sovcrnl perhaps fntnlly hurt and twonty others moro or loss In jured. Tho wreck was enusotl by tho truckB of tho smoker Jumping n switch. Most of the Injured was In tho smoker. Tho dend nro ChaB. Money, of Cor nm, 5lont.; Wllllnm Smith, of Whlto flsli, Mont. Perhaps fatally Injured: Ed. Dub key, of WhlteflBh; Jnmes Hnrnlous, Canton, Ohio. Sorlously Injured: A. L. Chancy, of Unlondnlo, Iown; E. C. Plowman, of Brooklyn; Wllllnm Guorber, ot Onkwood, Wis.; Joseph Kphlln, of Spokane; Robert Williams, of Ra clno, Wis.; J. L, Hnggerty, of Hnvro, Mont.; Ed. Coolor, of Spoknno; Geo. Arearos, of Spokane; Albert Dawson, of Forkdale, Tonn.; James Pattus, of 3pokano;'W. W, Simmons, n train porter. LA FOLLETTE WINS. (By Associated FrosB.) .MILWAUKEE. Wis.. Hont. 7. United 8tntoB Senator La Follotto car ried Wisconsin in the prlmnry ovor Samuel A. Cook by an ovorwholmlng majority estimated by somo at llvo to ono. Complete roturns nro not In yet. CHEERS FOR PINCHOT. Eleven InningsBefore the Game Is Finished. HOW THEY STAND. Won. Lost Portland 81 Oakland 87 CI 71 73 SO 81 97 P. C. .570 .551 .532 .490 .490 .371 5Irs. Ward, G. J. Lomnnskl, T. H. Doylo, G. W. Cnrr, 5Irs. Carr, J. T. JlcCormac, 51rs. R. D. Hume, 5Irs. Tfnnnnilo. O. PeflTSOll. E. LlIIUl. W. Konnodo, W. Footo, Jnd Ynrdmlston,, W. Taurnlor, B. Reed, A. Carlson, O. ( Olson, A. Carland, S. Cnrland, F.( 5Ienlt, Wm. Hnglund, V. Palona, A. Atnii nnv Gonon. Rov. Surlnger. W. J Harden, John Gunst, Mrs. Gunst,' San Francisco.. S3 F. A. TIedgon, 5Irs. Tlodgen, JIIss Vernon 77 uiilman, J. H. Holllster, J, R. Rob- Lob Angeles... 78 ertson, Wm. Winter, J. E. Smith, Sacramento ...59 ini,n Qmiinv. M. Gorhnm: II. Gunst, Y. Gunst, C. Gunst, John Nelson, Mrs. j Hammond, 51rs. Ellerbach, 51aster (TJy. Assoctated Prcs3.) Ellerbach, E. Thompson, 51. Gllsey. p0RTLAND Or0 Sont s.Sacra. R. Atkinson, Mrs. Flogs. Q. W. Bhel. montQ an(J yQ m e,oven. ley. Mrs. Shelley, Henry Hoeck, N. B. Jnn portjBnd WQn aga(n Mitchell, E. Cox, W. Foster, and 18, g sUU ln tfce lead Qf the lm Chlnamon. .Yesterday's scores follow: WIRES ABE DOWN. AT OAKLAND R. 'Oakland 1 Tho Western Union wires nro down Portland 3 again 1o-day. There Is a break some-1 AT SACRAMENTO- P. whero along the line nnd men have Sacramento C been sent out to repair It. Vronon 5 (Elevon Innings.) TO-NIOHT. 7.45, sorvlco of song, 8.00 P. 51., "Tho Wages of Sin." FRIDAY. 51., morning prayer 10 A. meetings. 3 P. 5L, boys and girls' meeting. 7.45 P. 51., evening sorvlco. "Tho Great Fight," for mon, 4 at tho Tabernaclo Sunday after 4 noon nt 3 o'clock, ANNOUNCEMENT. You are Invited to call and view tho correct creations In ladles' rnlllln nrv for fall. 1910. This initial show- ... oJinc will Include all modes sanctlonedROD'S UlUiUb, "".. ..!.. -i..l ..-.I mill iWlVTrn TIAT5J auu ..... t . . . -m II. 1 7 II 14 12 1 FALL MILLI.VEIIX opening FRI DAY and SATURDAY at 5Irn. EI- Latest style FALL and "..iu.uorsianatnem.ln a recess unui "" ...-. o.-- ... . , Hi0r ::; " art,cle8 to which the which time reports in Keeping wm. - dscrlminatlng tastes. H h 6r8 nd advl them to the resolution of Senator Fletchor Please all d,nf "e ' Hat k ,rUcles thetn6elves and not the amendment thereto offered by CLARKE MILUNEKY, Ut the Mayor says ot them." Madison will bo submitted. , Corner Broadway and Central Ave, FOR TnE QUEEN OF THE BAY, CEE EAST8IDE, At tho mooting last night In tho Tabernaclo 51r. Lyon proved whoro ho stands with roferonco to tho grcnt essontlnl of salvation. His sermon wbb prefaced by a EQng, "Yo 51ust Bo Born Again," rendered with deop feeling by Mr. Harris. "Regenera tion", said 51r. Lyon, "la something thnt cannot bo explained; It must bo experienced." Tho speaker wont on to show that It Is not a mattor of bo lng good or better, but that It Is a matter ot life or death. Ho taught his hearers by putting the negatlvo sldo ot tho topic first, stating thnt rogonerntlon wns not re formation. 5Iany havo tried this and have failed to havo tho llfo from above of which Jesus spoke to Nlco domus. Nolther Is It culture. Tho farmer does not ralso his crop sim ply by cultivation of tho soil. Thero must bo llfo. Even though tho Blblo says, 'Work out your own salvation,' It also says In this samo passage In BiibBtanco, 'Work out wht God works In.' It la not culture, Regoneratlon Is not simply being religious. It Is not church member- (Continued on pa 4.) In Given n Grwit Ovation on Appear miru nt St. Paul. (By Associated Press.) ST. PAUL, Minn., Sopt. 8. Tho two Ideas of conversing natural re sources mot squaroly when Sonator Bovorldgo ln nn oloquont Bpcech yos torday declared for nntlonal control, whllo Jnmes J. Hill nrguod tho con trary, aifford Pinchot wns givon a wild ovation when ho nppenred and tears streamed down his fnco as tho spectators stood In tholr floats cheer ing for him. Bovorldgo attempted to say something complimentary of Pinchot, but tho first mention ot his iinmo brought forth a storm of cheers which drownod his remarks for tho tlmo, and cries of "Pinchot, Pinchot," rang through tho auditorium. Ho was dragged forward and ln n voice that shook with omotlon as ho thnnk- od tho nudlonco, said: "It Is magnlfl cent to hear the sound policies of con servation acclaimed ns has beon dono horo to-day. Conservation has won out. I thank you." SUPERINTENDENT HERE. of Man Who Will Havo Cliurco Mnrshlold School Arrives, F. A. TIedgon nnd wlfo arrived horo on tho Breakwater, 5Ir. Tlod gen Is tho new superintendent of tho Mnrshfleld public schools and comes to tnko charge of tho work. CARD OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT. Wo doslro to glvo this expression of our appreciation to tho Indies of tho Altar Socloty of St. Monica's Catholic Church for tholr kindness and cour tesy In decorating tho church so boau tlfully on tho occasion ot our wed ding. 5IR. and MRS. R. F. GEBHARDT. SPECIAL DELIVERY. Besides our special city dellvorloa, our own dollvory wagons will mnko regular trips from tho North Bond and Marshflold stores to Eastslde, Bunkor Hill nnd to all reasonable distances. PEOPLES' CO.OPERATIVH CO. 7 iaM